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Victims Of Sex Trafficking In The United States

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Every day, young children are being taken and becoming victims of sex trafficking. From that point on, their lives are forever changed. Some are able to readjust to life but some aren't. It isn't their fault they can't acclimate into the real world. My position on this issue is that victims of sex trafficking should receive government assistance. Human trafficking is defined as the buying and selling of human beings for sexual or labor related services. Human trafficking is one the fastest growing businesses in the world. According to the United States Department of Justice, it is the second largest international criminal industry, second only to the drug trade. Victims of sex trafficking are humiliated and harassed everyday they go …show more content…
The least that the government can do is give them a place to stay, food to eat, and some type of job training. Sometimes these types of things may seem too big to handle, but there can be help. There are some rehabilitation centers in the US, but there aren't enough. Not only in the US but in my very hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is one of the largest human trafficking hubs in the entire country. Sex trafficking is a complex and widespread crime. In Georgia, there are approximately 200-300 girls that are trafficked each month in our city. Most victims come from broken homes and are easily persuaded. Some causes of human trafficking are: Poverty, high unemployment rate, domestic violence, childhood abuse, discrimination against women, war or terrorism that cause people to look for an escape, and the desire for a better life for themselves and their …show more content…
Until there is a widespread in public awareness about sex trafficking, the need for resources won't go up. Another part of this is to get all parties that are involved to work together. Involved parties include law enforcement, prosecutors, and people willing to give. Yates said "we can't prosecute our way out of sex trafficking." Each year, human trafficking produces $7-$10 Billion worldwide. There are always other sides to every argument. Under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the sole Federal agency authorized to certify foreign adult victims of human trafficking so that they are eligible for federal and State benefits and services to the same extent as refugees admitted to the United States. Similarly, it is the sole Federal agency authorized to determine the eligibility of foreign minor victims of trafficking for the benefits and services available to refugees. Certification and Eligibility Letters are issued by the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement. U.S. citizen and Lawful Permanent Resident victims do not need to be certified or receive a letter of eligibility to be eligible for similar benefits and services. So as you can see some victims are receiving certain services to help them better acclimate back to life. Organizations and governments around the world are fighting to put an end to

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