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Human Trafficking Girl

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year for trafficking females. But if we continue to deny the problem, then stories like the stories to follow shall continue. There are some that are survivors of human trafficking and told through human trafficking stories.
One example is in a story titled Preying on the vulnerable.
At a Halloween party in Oxon Hill, Md., the trafficker met a 12-year-old runaway who asked for his help in finding a place to stay. Instead, the trafficker – a long-time member of the notorious MS-13 gang – forced the young girl into the commercial sex trade the next day. (dhs)
The idea of a twelve-year-old obliged to have sex frightens me. So, my daughter is twelve years old and naïve. The thought of someone hurting her is all the reason why children, caregivers, …show more content…
Sometimes human trafficking may happen in plain sight. A human trafficker could be someone right in a person’s community.
The trafficker, a former resident of Georgia and a citizen of Nigeria, traveled to her home country in 2001 and enticed a 17-year old girl to come to the U.S. to work as her nanny. Once here, she abused the girl, beating her for not cleaning well, for not responding fast enough to her crying child, and for talking back to her. (DHS)
The story is one I can connect girls and women that have the ambition to excel out of their circumstances may take on domestic jobs. Cleaning is a common occupation for females to find economic stability. However, if someone is beaten and abused inside of the home, it is nearly impossible to detect without testimony from the victim.
Acting on human trafficking
Additionally, human trafficking has gone under extensive investigation through the FBI. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collaborates and networks with organizations, at the state, national, and tribal within the United States. Since the year 2000, Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), law enforcement gained the ability to protect foreign victims of human trafficking through several forms of immigration relief, including Continued Presence and the T visa. Often, investigations involving human trafficking come to the attention of field offices and task forces …show more content…
As collaborative networking and partnerships happen between nations. The organizations will benefit those suffering as human traffickers with education. Knowledge is the key to the door of opportunity and development. Human traffickers will benefit from receiving a formal education to learn a skill or trade. When a person has more work opportunities, they conclude quality working conditions. Human traffickers will not be able to pull the wool over their eyes any longer. As Trump shared human trafficking is a pandemic that no longer remains neglected. The time is now that Americans raise the bar and take a stand against human trafficking. It is surprising the United States boasts about capital gain and technological advancement. However, America is in severe moral and ethical deficit. The idea that enslaving a person for profit around events like the Super Bowl is acceptable. We cannot change what we do not acknowledge. Once we name the problem, we can attack this cancer and become on the road to recovery and freedom of choice. American needs to stand by their motto the land of the free the home of the brave. We do not want to degrees as a culture to accept and legalize slavery. Similar the “thirteen British colonies that legalized slavery that soon became the United States”

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