Premium Essay

Personal Statement: A Career As A Career

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Recently I have been using to gather more information about myself. Also what career I would be the best at and the careers I wouldn’t do so well in. gave me multiple choices to choose from. So I went through some choices like Finance and Law and public safety because those were my top two career clusters. I finally choose to do Law and public safety as a career. Based on my results told me that I shouldn’t do anything with agriculture, food and natural resources. But if Law and public safety doesn’t work then I should try finance. I have many options to choose from. I took a basic skills survey to see what skills I need to improve on and what skills I am the best at. Learning strategies is my highest skill. With reading comprehension coming in as a close second. My lowest result is monitoring and active learning. I now know which skills need improvement thanks to the basic skills survey. …show more content…
What I will hopefully do is maintain order and enforce laws. Not only that but I could patrol areas that are assigned in a motorized vehicle. Also I could investigate accidents to determine the causes. I will hopefully get to work outside. But I would be fine working with a inside job also. I think this job is important always because there are people always doing the wrong thing in this world that need to be stopped. The average salary is 40,940 dollars a year in the state of North Carolina. Meanwhile hourly is only 19 dollars and 68 cents. But if I were to move to Virginia I would make 50 thousand dollars a year and $24.48

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