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Human Trafficking Inequality

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The presence of socio-economic inequality in the world creates a system where those in power very easily dominate and take advantage of those people without power. One of the most serious contemporary effects of inequalities between and within nations is the phenomenon of global sex trade or human trafficking for the purposes of sex. Deriving from unequal power relations, human trafficking is a serious global crime that involves the exploitation of many, but mostly females and children (Barner, Okech, and Camp 2014).
Human trafficking is a global practice that involves the abduction or recruitment of a person for the purpose of exploitation. Trafficking does not necessarily require transportation …show more content…
Sex trafficking and prostitution, however, are not issues confined to countries such as Cambodia, or India. Human trafficking migration patterns tend to flow from East to West, but women may be trafficked from any country to another country at any given time and trafficking victims exist everywhere. Traffickers are also a presence in the United States, from New York City to more rural areas. No matter where you are, it’s close to home. Modern slavery affects people in the world's richest and poorest countries; within borders and across borders. Slavery can trap thousands in one place, like mines and factories, or happen at a small scale, where a single girl is trapped in a stranger’s home and forced to work without …show more content…
Sex trafficking, along with its many related elements: kidnapping, rape, prostitution and physical abuse is illegal in nearly every country in the world. However, widespread corruption and greed make it possible for sex trafficking to quickly and easily proliferate” (What is Human Trafficking, 2010). Though national and international institutions may attempt to regulate and enforce anti-trafficking legislation, local governments and police forces may in fact be participating in sex trafficking rings, according to the Department of Homeland

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