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Does Music Make You Smarter

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The Benefit of Music

Music can make someone feel sad, happy, angry, and other types emotions. Not only can music effect someone’s mood, but it can also be very beneficial to early brain development, autobiographical memory of Alzheimer patients, and language development. To provide you with more facts about music and its beneficial impact on the human brain, I found five sources that provided more facts and studies that prove the benefits of using music in everyday life and for educational purpose. I found research on the impact of music on brain development by using the scholarly writing found in Mohave Community College’s database. The purpose for this paper is to educate my readers on the positive effects music can have on …show more content…
There are some improvements in intelligence in certain aspects of children that are introduced to music. (El Haj, Postal, & Allaine, 2012) Shows studies based around the autobiographical memory increase on adults with Alzheimer disease (AD). The study is based on the theory that emotional memories are easier to access than non-emotional memories. Music that is chosen and music be Four Seasons is proved to recollect lost emotional memories.
(Paquette & Rieg, 2008) and (Legg, 2009) discuss the fundamentals of using music to learn languages more easily. From using basic nursery rhymes, children can learn how words and letters are supposed to sound.
The research I did was needed to provide more insight and facts on the matter of having music incorporated in the lives of young children and adults. Music is beneficial to early brain development, autobiographical memory of Alzheimer patients, and language development
Arguments in support of …show more content…
The study performed by (El Haj, Postal, & Allaine, 2012) was a controlled experiment where they selected 12 AD participants and 12 “healthy” participants of the same age range. The experiment was used to statistically judge the recall of emotional memory based on Four Season music, music that was chosen, and no music. The result showed that of the 3 categories, chosen music had the most success, followed by Four Seasons music, and silence had the least success. Not only did they find that the group with chosen music count account for more emotional memories, the memories they did remember were more

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