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Type 2 Diabetes Case Study Essay

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Clinical presentations

Diabetes Mellitus and in our case type 2 diabetes often presents itself less dramatically in patients than many other conditions . This characteristic of the disease often results in patients overlooking their symptoms as they tend to develop gradually. Patients affected with diabetes mellitus type 2 may often exhibit the classic signs and symptoms for a longer duration as well as those with most commonly associated with hyperglycemia such as polyuria ,polydipsia and weight loss - which is more often seen in type 1 diabetics. Whilst type 2 diabetics less often experience vague manifestations of their condition such fatigue, weight gain and frequent vaginal yeast infections. Further development of the DMT2 often results in changes that influence both the visual and sensational systems within the body.

We were able to detect our patient Mrs. X's clinical presentations after subjecting her to a general examination and special investigations which included taking a blood …show more content…
Patients with type 2 diabetes as well as nephropathy, retinopathy or cerebrovascular disease need to have a Bp of 130/80 mmHg. Our patient Mrs. X doesn't present with any of the above however upon examination had a very high Bp of 145 /92mmHg while lying in her right arm and 140/ 89 mmHg sitting in her right arm. Ideally, her Bp should be below 140/80 mmHg.Hypertension in diabetic patients often results in the development of further complications and manifestations of headaches, nose bleeds and difficulty breathing.

Slow healing Blisters on feet
Develops as a result of diabetic neuropathy and the subsequent hardening and narrowing of the arteries in patients such as Mrs. X. Thus promotes a reduction in blood flow and consequently slows down the healing and response of the peripheral nerves leading to the development of painful blisters and ulcers on the limbs for long periods of time.

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