...chooses the Isaacs family to do the assessment on. Annette is 47 years old. She is a nurse practitioner, she is 5ft 5inches and weighs 290lbs. Howard is 46 years old. He is an over the road tractor trailer driver. He is 6ft tall and weighs 220 lbs. Jermaine is 18 years old and he is a student. He is 6ft 2 inches tall and weighs 330lbs. Jordan is 10 years old. He is a student as well he I 5ft 6 inches tall and weighs 140 lbs. The student started her assessment with the family’s health perception. Annette and Howard both have type 2 diabetes and Jermaine was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the past 30 days. Jordan was diagnosed with ADHD within the last month and was placed on medication. Annette is a nurse and knows she has to make lifestyle changes to get her family back to optimal health. A. Isaacs (personal communication, March 27, 2012) stated” I have been cooking healthier less fried foods and more baked foods. I also have been trying to get the boys to eat more vegetables which is not easy”. She also stated a desire to walk more. The student inquired about the families eating habits and was informed that Jermaine drinks a lot of diet soda more than 2 liters a day. Jordan drinks sugar free Hawaiian punch more than 4 cups per day. Annette drinks crystal light and Howard drinks water. The family is in agreement that their portion sizes are too large. and they rarely eat dinner together as a family. Howard is gone...
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...health consequences for having a sedentary lifestyle. Consequences include the increased likelihood of developing heart diseases, obesity, osteoporosis as well as having high blood pressure which all links itself towards an increased mortality rate. It has also been noted that those who live sedentary lifestyles are more likely to feel anxiety and have depression like symptoms. The study found that those who consider themselves as “moderately” to “very fidgety” do not have a higher risk of mortality compared to women who are more active. The article also compares fidgeting with breaks in sitting time which are known to improve physical health benchmarks such as one’s BMI score and the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. Fidgeting in society generally has negative associations. People who fidget a lot are often viewed as rude or someone who lacks concentration and focus. Unfortunately, fidgeting can be a distraction to those around you, either by the creation of noise or simply from the small movements which can catch the eyes of others. I have often been asked to stop fidgeting when I am studying with friends which I oblige. Have they known that fidgeting may be beneficial to one’s health perhaps they would start fidgeting themselves. I hope that one day it will be more socially acceptable to fidget and that everyone will do it. I do consider myself a person who fidgets a lot. Ever since I was young I have always lived a very active lifestyle and so I detest sitting in...
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...automatic garage doors openers, power screwdrivers, bread machines, electric pencil sharpeners, etc. We live in a time-saving, energy-saving, convenient society, It’s a wonderful life. Isn’t it? B. Reason to Listen: While today’s luxuries have been welcomed by the masses, they have also been accused of turning us into passive, lethargic couch potatoes. So, it is important for us to take this huge steps from our daily unhealthy lifestyles to healthier lifestyles with walking. C. Thesis Statement: Everyone should choose to walk on a regular basis to improve both mental and physical health. D. Credibility Statement: 1. As a reformed couch potato myself, I know how easy it can be to slip into an inactive lifestyle. I also know how sluggish and apathetic such a lifestyle can make me feel. I’ve spent numerous weeks researching this exact topic. E. Preview: Today I want to urge you to move off that couch and get your body moving. I want to persuade you to start walking. We will discuss the...
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...Equipment Needed:PowerPoint equipment, handouts, pamphlets, fitness facility.All participants must bring proof of medical clearance to participate in physical activity. | Estimated Cost:$500.00. Monies raised by donations and volunteers. | Community and Target Aggregate:The underserved and low-income aggregate of Houston, Texas. | Topic:The Importance of Aerobic Physical Activity and Good Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle. | Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (statistics related to topic): Houston, Texas is a community characterized by unhealthy options of its residents when it comes to physical activity and nutrition. Houston ranks high nationally in both obesity and inactivity. Persons in low income and targeted areas are key contributors to poor exercise habits, poor diet and lack of accessible fruit and vegetables. Nursing Diagnosis: High risk for more than the body requirements related to lack of nutritional knowledge and sedentary lifestyles as evidenced by high rates of obesity and little access to physical activities and health related lifestyles. Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn. There is a...
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...continued during pregnancy, and childhood. A woman who is at a healthy weight before pregnancy is less likely to have serious complications during pregnancy and her baby is also less likely to be born, preterm, have birth defects or face childhood obesity. (www.marchofdimes.com) Often, parents have limited knowledge about proper nutrition. They may not recognize the consequences of child obesities. Parents should be taught that obesity could lead to hypertension heart disease, diabetes, and many more related diseases. Preventing child obesities requires family involvement. If Parents make poor nutritional choices and have sedentary life styles, their children will mimic them (www.jfponline.com). It is the nurses’ professional responsibility to educate families and assist them with formulating a strategy of proper nutritional, active, and healthy lifestyle. Nurses can teach parents about the right portion size and come up with strategies to encourage children to increase activity and decrease their TV and game time. Nurses can make a difference by raising awareness for childhood obesities, at national and local government levels, through lobbing and being involved in national organizations and community or local healthcare forces. (Maville, &Huerta, p.56) Nurses are very powerful and trusted by the public; they can fight childhood obesity through their creativity and dedicated time. Nurses have the opportunity to teach in a variety of settings and be personally involved...
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...breakfast, eating processed or fast food without fruits and vegetables and disordered diets. For example, in most offices, staffs have 2 hours of break time so the fast food can be the best choice for lunch. Besides, currently under the enormous social pressure, some people release themselves by gluttony and drinking alcohol which all contain a lot of calories. Lack of sleep is another factor contributed to overweight. The experts claim that getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night can directly lead to changes in harmonies that increase ones appetite. As a consequent, people are tending to eat more in the days. On the other hand, today’s ‘obesogenic’ environment with its sufficiency of high caloric diet, mechanized transportation and sedentary lifestyles play a crucial part in put on weight. Recent years, fast food rapidly extends to the world owing to its convenience and deliciousness. It seems obvious that the growing number of fast food restaurants directly promotes the possibilities of people choosing fast food thus they will inevitably take in great quantity of calories from these food. Moreover, the age of new technology brings people huge benefits like more and more convenient transport. People begin to be reliable heavily on...
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...positive aspects, it ensures the adequate development of bones and muscles, it regulates the metabolism, promotes socialization and, if practiced properly, is a very pleasant and enjoyable way for children to have fun while staying healthy. “Sport can affect a child’s development of self-esteem and self-worth. It is also within sport that peer status and peer acceptance is established and developed.” Dr. Robert (Children and Sport: An Introduction ) . From an early age, our children lead a sedentary life, they spend many hours in bed, then they go to kindergarten or school most of the time getting a ride from mom's car or using public transportation, where they remain for seven to eight hours a day, if not more. Then back home, so they can do their homework and after that if not earlier they watch television, have dinner and go to bed. The result is a real small amount of body activities during the day. This such sedentary lifestyle can lead to the overweight problem and even worst if is been associated with an improper diet as we know how easy is to overindulge in snacks and meals while sitting in front of the television, and that can cause the risk if not stopped in time that there can be an increase on the cholesterol values and an elevation in blood pressure, that can lead to cardiovascular problems in adulthood. There are many motor skills that can be acquired from an early age by playing sports that will be valuable...
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...Windshield Survey Summary and Reflection I have lived in the neighborhood of Fruitridge Manor in Sacramento for the past three years. Being able to enjoy the proximity to downtown and Tahoe Park has been a perk, because the housing in this area is affordable. When I decided to interview one of my neighbors for this project, I came to the realization that I have not taken the time to enjoy what we have around us. By conducting this windshield survey, I was able to understand why most of the neighbors that live in this area have stayed through the years. Some of the areas that would be covered in this document are the family’s community and their environment, as well as the diversity in community. I will also be defining the following terms; community, community health, community as client, and partnerships. Family’s Community and Environment A community can be defined as the interaction of individuals in a social network, usually focused in a defined territory according to our textbook (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p.190). When interviewing the Doe’s family, it was evident the closeness of their community. Mr. Doe was able to point out each neighbor in the street he lives on and how long they have been living in the community. The pride of ownership is apparent by how the streets are free of clutter, trash and the maintenance of a their front yards. Although the neighborhood has changed through the years, the most visible changed one can see is the aging of members...
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...Purdue University | Sitting Kills… | A brief overview of sedentary lifestyle behaviors and their health outcomes | McCombs, Brandon William 11/14/2013 | Introduction Sedentary behavior and leisure time sitting have increased over the last few decades. As a result negative health outcomes such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases have exponentially increased. Sedentary activities consist of, but are not limited to, commuting to and from work, watching TV, reading, and sitting at work. Over the last half century the transition from manual labor to a more occupational sitting has led to increased sedentary behavior. This coupled with increased home and leisure time activities due to technological advances, such as TV and computer usage, has drastically increased time spent sitting for adults inside and outside of the workplace. Data has been collected and used for research over several decades to combat this growing issue of poor health amongst adults. Previous research has shown a direct correlation between sedentary behavior and obesity along with other negative health concerns. With these results a need to increase awareness on the subject has risen with proactive solutions being introduced in today’s social institutions. Research Design & Methods Data was commonly collected through in-home interviews, questionnaires, surveys sent through the mail, and other larger databases. These surveys and questionnaires consisted of...
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...A Sedentary Lifestyle Becomes Risk Of Obesity Bracky D. Wyckoff DeVry University A Sedentary Lifestyle Becomes Risk Of Obesity Obesity is a recent health epidemic that has dire consequences for America’s health, especially for its children. Humans are made to be physically active and not indolent, which is known to have a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle with inadequate or infrequent physical activities. The primary reason why Americans are obese includes, lack of exercise, and low self-esteem. Which can be prevented with frequent exercise and healthy diet. Many have blamed the rise in obesity on a more sedentary lifestyle, including the move to suburbs, where people drive instead of walk, and increased viewing of television. One study of children watching television found a significant drop in the average metabolic rate during viewing. There is little doubt that children who exercise less tend to weigh more, but the couch potato argument does not explain why the enormous weight gains have occurred over the past twenty-five years. The move to the suburbs and the widespread viewing of television began in the 1950’s. Furthermore, the couch potato argument neglects the extraordinary rise of female participation in athletics. The number of young women playing a sport in high school has risen almost tenfold, yet girls, like boys, have gained weight. A distinct reason for obesity is low self-esteem. People with sedentary lifestyles...
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...was used to calculate how many hours participants spent in sedentary behavior each day. In every 16-hours waking day, a total of 12.3 hours were spent by the participants sitting down. The average time spent by each...
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...University of Phoenix Material Jenifer Hoang March 30, 2015 Lifestyle Analysis Consider the following questions concerning sedentary and physically active persons. Answer each question in 75 to 125 words each in the space provided. |Questions for both lifestyles |Sedentary person |Physically active person | |What are this person’s nutrition needs? |Requires less calories and protein in their daily|Unlike a sedentary person a physically active | | |diet but still need to have proper nutrician as |person needs a lot more calories and protein to | | |not to gain weight and prevent malnutrician. |fuel their body and help sustain that active | | |Depending on if it is male or female on how much |person’s life. Exercise requires energy | | |calories or protein the person needs. Women |(calories) to fuel and repair the muscles they | | |require lesss than men do. This also pertains to |would get this by comsuming the correct foods at| | |if the person is younger or older as an older |the right amounts to feed their body. Most | | |person does not need as many calories as a ...
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...Childhood Obesity Name: Institution: Introduction Modifiable factors like sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity are to blame for the high rates of childhood obesity. Adding to this, other non-modifiable factors which occur in conjunction with the modifiable factors contribute to childhood obesity. This paper will analyze these two factors, with specific emphasis on the modifiable factors, and the appropriate prevention strategies that can be employed to reduce its prevalence in the population aged below 16 years old. Childhood obesity is a major public health problem that has reached epidemic proportions in both developed and developing countries. A significant amount of both financial and human resources have been allocated to analyze its causes, prevention strategies and management schedules. Knowing the causes of childhood obesity and the appropriate prevention strategies helps the public heath sector and any other relevant authority to re-evaluate and incorporate prevention strategies into its programmes. Understanding Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a disease of caloric imbalance that occurs after excessive intake of calories above the required consumption levels resulting in excess body fat that negatively affects the child’s health and wellbeing. Diagnosis of obesity is based on two commonly used measurement methods. The first is Anthropometric measurements of which...
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...University of Phoenix Material Lifestyle Analysis Consider the following questions concerning sedentary and physically active persons. Answer each question in 75 to 125 words each in the space provided. |Questions for both lifestyles |Sedentary person |Physically active person | |What are this person’s nutrition needs? |People who live a sedentary lifesytel will need |A physically active person’s nutritional needs | | |to eat fewer calories and protein than compared |are not too much different than a person who is | | |to other active people. |less active. Both need to have a variety of | | | |nutrients but the main difference is protein and| | |People who live a sedentary lifestyle still need |carbohydrates, an active person needs more | | |to eat well and will also require good nutrition |protein and carbs. | | |to be and stay healthy. In order to avoid | | | |malnutrition and not gain too much excess body |Carbs are the body’s biggest...
Words: 1364 - Pages: 6
...University of Phoenix Material Lifestyle Analysis Consider the following questions concerning sedentary and physically active persons. Answer each question in 75 to 125 words each in the space provided. |Questions for both lifestyles |Sedentary person |Physically active person | |What are this person’s nutrition needs? |The daily calorie requirement for people with | Most nutritional needs of physically active | | |sedentary lives depends on their body frame, |individuals can be achieved by increased | | |weight, gender, and height. Sedentary women |consumption of energy from a variety of foods. | | |should consume between 2,000- 1,800 calories |Active people should ensure that they meet the | | |daily. Men usually burn more calories, and so the|Dietary Reference Intakes to achieve maximal | | |daily allowed calories for men is usually between|health benefits. Regularly physically active | | |2,400 and 2,200 calories. Just like any other |people should have a somewhat higher daily | | |healthy diet, Sedentary people's nutritional |caloric intake, which should...
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