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PAMF: Not-For-Profit Healthcare Organizations

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Q4. Is the current focus on continuous improvement with a concentrated effort to bring daily engagement into the organization’s specialty care areas, the right focus? What is your opinion? The current focus on continuous improvement with a concentrated effort to bring daily engagement into the organization’s specialty care areas is a right focus. In my opinion, PAMF when it’s focusing on care area especially it’s a not-for-profit healthcare organization, its support the providers and patients in their efforts to get to better care. Lean leaders within the organization partners with departments improving innovation and value in healthcare. That quality alliance steering committee, a multi-stakeholder group of employees, insurers, providers, …show more content…
For lean principles to take root, leaders must first start to create an organizational culture that is receptive to lean thinking. The commitment to lean must start at the very top of the organization, and all staff should be involved in helping to redesign technique to improve flow and reduce waste. This is what CEO Lauderdale did. Within a short time, the physicians use of A3 thinking. That helps the physicians to diagnose the process. On the other side, gives them the benefit of coaching the frontline and using A3 problem solve almost immediately. PAMF has hosts site visits and helps other healthcare administrators and clinical staff learn about lean healthcare transformation. This side connects PAMF with others and state its achievements and offers fresh for continuous improvement. In fact, a lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. This concept of continuous improvement for a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in processes to improve efficiency and …show more content…
If you were CEO, what might you have done differently based on your knowledge and experience than the PAMF’s CEO? Today we have so many building blocks are taking a place for the healthcare system to manage performance, quality, and financial risk for defined populations. That what makes me as a CEO require further development of analytical tools, clinical management approaches more collaboration between providers and payer organization to manage diseases and health effectively and efficiently, and require embracing patients as consumers not just as patients. I will create sessions that lead by the group of panelists. These panelists not only shared their own stories but guided the conversation with an active and well-informed audience. The sessions will be about:
- Disruptive approaches to population healthcare management.
- The total cost of healthcare organization during the year.
- Measuring and delivering value.
- Developing and managing healthcare

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