...woman’s first adult encounter with the health care system (Ferguson, 2008). Pregnant women need to have the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude to best interact with the complex health care system. Outcomes such as low birth weight, premature delivery and breastfeeding rates have significant influence on a child’s health as well as increased cost to the system. The medical cost of a preterm birth is approximately three times more than a term birth. In 2005, the estimated cost associated with preterm birth was $26.2 billion when accounting for medical, educational and lost productivity costs (Institute of Medicine,...
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...Caraga State University Ampayon, Butuan City ADDICTION OF CIGARETTES SMOKING INSIDE THE CSU CAMPUS Mucram, Jamael C. 09070123796 Jhon Mark C. Gomez, Anchie G. Ruperto,Bompat Tagupa, Eunilyn R. Villafañe, Junalyn G. Cuevas, Kate Ariane A. I. Introduction a. Definition Nicotine is one of more than 4,000 chemicals found in the smoke from tobaccoproducts;it is the primary component that acts on the brain. Smokeless tobacco products(for example,snuffand chewing tobacco) also contain many toxins as well as high levelsof nicotine. Nicotine is anaturally occurring colorless liquid that turns brown whenburned and takes on the odor of tobaccowhen exposed to air. There are many species of tobacco plants the tabacum species serving as themajor source of today's tobacco products. Extensive study shows it to have a number of complex andsometimes unpredictable effects on the brain andt he body. As any smoker can tell you, nicotine is a remarkably addictive drug; only aboutsevenpercent who try to quit smoking on their own last at least one year. Nicotine is amongthe mostheavily used addictive drugs in the country, in spite of the long-known facts regardingsmoking'spotential to cause lung cancer and many other health problems. b. Psychological Disturbance Many smoke as a way to cope with stress, according to the Cleveland Clinic website. Psychologically speaking, this may be true to some extent since nicotine can temporarily alter moods and make feelings...
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...Smoking Bans Name School Smoking Ban Smoking refers to the tasting or inhaling smoke from tobacco products after burning them. Smoking is a practice that is common among all races and ethnic groups from all over the world(Brannon & Feist, 2010). Often, the phenomenon is practiced as a ritual in other regions of the world. Recently, it has been established that many young people in their teens and early adulthood smoke in an increasing trend. The most common form of smoking is through cigarettes(Brannon & Feist, 2010). However, there are other forms which include the use of bidis, hookas, pipes and shisha (Brannon & Feist, 2010). Tobacco products contain a stimulating substance called nicotine, which when inhaled or tasted leads to adverse health and other related consequences. It has been found out that smoking is an addictive activity which is hard to contain. Smoking normal cigarettes can be a foundation for more dangerous substances that include smoking weed and inhaling cocaine. Health institutions have come up with the possible effects of smoking both to passive and active smokers. Breathing problems, socioeconomic effects as well as chronic diseases like cancers are some of the dangerous outcomes of smoking. Several alternatives have been established to deal with the problem (Hyde & Setaro, 2006). Designation of smoking zones is one of the options that most nations globally have embraced with the aim of bringing down the negative...
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...Qualitative Research Article Critique June Cleaver, RN NUR410: Research in Nursing Boston December 12, 2011 Title of Paper In order to obtain the greatest benefit from research, it is necessary to interpret results accurately. The development and application of critical thinking skills is paramount when reading and evaluating research articles, rather than to take the research as fact. The following paper is a critique of a qualitative research article published in 2007 by Journal of Critical Nursing, titled “The Effects of Different Maternal Positions on Non-Stress Test: An Experimental Study”. Title and Introduction The title “The Effects of Different Maternal Positions on Non-Stress Test: An Experimental Study” (Alus, Okumus, Mete, Guclu, 2007) accurately reflected the content of the article and research study. The abstract remained concise as well as provided more detail to the article. The objectives, background, study design, means of data collection and analysis, results; conclusion, and relevance to clinical practice were all mentioned in a brief paragraph. The importance of the study was clearly stated, obtaining erroneous results from non-stress tests, when, indeed, the fetus is healthy and well oxygenated. The authors further described the supine position showed the least fetal activity, increased maternal back pain as well as maternal shortness of breath. (Alus, Okumus, Mete, & Serkan, 2007). The introduction was informative and included additional...
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...families or is triggered by various external factors in an individual’s environment has influenced and inspired an abundance of both criminological and psychological research. Many replicable studies have been conducted in an attempt to establish the core source of deviant and/or criminal actions , and whether such actions are to be attributed to genetics, or to one’s environment , nature or nurture. This paper shall seek to establish, where possible , the route to criminal behaviour and evaluate potential factors that could influence an individual to become delinquent . Gottfredson & Hirschi (1990) set forth a general theory of crime that identified low self-control as the main causal factor. Their theory also proposed the notion that parents play the decisive role in either nurturing or thwarting the development of self-control – dependant on the parent’s ability to monitor and supervise a child’s behaviour and respond appropriately to anti-social behaviour. They claim that parents are the sole contributors to the cause of low self-control and therefore they reject potential genetic contributions in their theory . Their theory illustrates that criminal behaviour is simply caused by one’s parental socialization and upbringing, not by inherent genes . This concept is seemingly simplistic given that various other research suggests that there is empirical evidence for inherited genes having a pivotal role in determining an individual’s behaviour. Wright & Beaver (2005) conducted...
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...Smoking Cigarettes DRUGS & SOCIETY FINAL PROJECT Introduction Tobacco use remains a global epidemic with the US being among the affected nations. A century ago, smoking cigarettes was not prime cause of ailment or death in America, and lung cancer instigated by cigarette smoking was fiction in the past 100 years. It is now among the principal cause of deaths in the US. Statistics shows that smoking is responsible for approximately 443,000 deaths in America and with about 50,000 being secondary smokers. About 45 million Americans are smokers, an estimated 3,800 youths are introduced to tobacco use daily. America spends about $96 billion in smoking-related ailments and $97 billion on productivity, which shows tragic impact to the economy. Smoking is addictive, and its effects is not limited to individual, but to finances and further poses a challenge to the state. Accordingly, there is a need for people to work towards quitting smoking. This paper discusses the effects of tobacco use, the available methods for regulating tobacco, and other new methods that addicts can use to quit cigarette smoking. How Smoking Becomes Addicting and its Effects on Human Health Cigarette smoke contains a concoction of about 400 chemicals. Most of the chemicals lack profound research by experts. The more these chemicals are understood, the more it will become easier to control tobacco use and its effects. Nicotine is among tobacco chemicals that is...
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...Health People 2020 Objectives Health People 2020 Objectives In today’s society it has never been more pressing for society to take serious its health and health practices and make changes to better themselves. Using Health People 2020 as a foundation this paper will serve to identify objectives and identify how biological risk (including age-related risk), environmental risk (including economic risk), and behavioral risk contribute to family health risks for those objectives noted by Health People 2020. The two objectives that will be discussed include smoking, to include health related problems that result in this behavior, and respiratory illnesses, including Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Within the paper, prevention of exacerbation will also be noted as it relates to each illness. Tobacco Use Scientific knowledge about the health effects of tobacco use has increased greatly since the first Surgeon General’s report on tobacco was released in 1964. The most successful interventions of many clinical trials incorporated elements of social or organizational change to modify individual behavioral risk factors, such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, diet, and physical activity. Most behaviors are not randomly distributed in the population, but rather are socially patterned and often cluster with one another. Thus, many people who drink also smoke cigarettes, and those who follow health-promoting...
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...` Public Smoking Bans Maria Robbins Ivy Tech Community College ENGL 111-JOF-Research Paper Cooper-3830 November 4, 2013 Abstract The smoking ban has caused smokers to adjust their smoking behavior. Public places have banned the smokers from smoking inside their businesses. The smoking ban has caused smokers to make choices. This has decreased their smoking and some have been able to quit completely. Still there are people who have smoked their whole life and have chosen not to stop smoking. Smokers do not have the freedom to smoke in public places that they once had. The public smoking ban has been the center of debates, because smokers feel it is their right to smoke when and where they want. The non-smokers want to be able to go out and enjoy a smoke-free environment. Public Smoking Bans Public smoking has been a right the smoker has had for years. Only in recent years has the public smoking ban law been put in affect. It took many years of debating over the fact if smoking in public should be ban. Smoking is an individual choice, and it is an activity that is absolutely legal. However, some states have passed laws to prohibit the activity in public and in workplaces. This legislation has been the focus of many debates in statehouses and city-county councils throughout the country. The smoking bans forces a smoker to not be welcome to smoke freely in public. For years the non-smoker had to deal with going out to...
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...[Date] Possible Health Concerns for Children Born To Overeating Mothers Executive Summary Increased using up of new energy-intense, nutrient-poor foodstuffs with very high sugar and saturated fats level, merged with reduced exercises, have led to corpulence rates that have increased three-times or more since 1980 in North America, Eastern Europe, the UK, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East, Australasia and China, as said by the UN-backed World Health Organization (WHO). A recent research reveals that Obesity in pregnancy causes a tremendous danger to the wellbeing of the unborn infant. Infants of overweight mothers are born as pre-diabetics or with severe birth imperfections that can cause kidney or heart disease, besides other troubles. These issues much strengthens in the age group 1year to 10 years. Overeating in pregnancy can have significant and numerous precarious health impacts on an unborn infant.[1] In this research paper, I have analyzed several factors of obesity in pregnant mothers that lead to health issues for their unborn infants and it will affect them through their lives. I have conducted a comprehensive interview with Executive Director of “The Consumer Wellness Center”, Mike Adams, who in detail describes the dangers associated with obesity in mothers and its effects on their children. Further a latest about the issue has been analyzed with a recommendation to mothers on how they can avoid this increasingly spread health concern followed by a comprehensive...
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...Writer’s Memo Through doing the research about dreams I have learned a vast about of important information from how to write an annotated bibliography, how to use VCU’s library system online, how to critically dissect as well as review my paper and the most important what different people believe a dream means to them. Once again my knowledge of VCU’s online library research system came in handy. Because I knew the correct ways to search of information through this data base it helped eliminate unneeded information. The writing workshops gave me and in depth look and how to read a paper from the readers point of view versus just the writer’s voice. It also gave me a chance to see how other people would create such a paper and gave me tips on where I was lacking strength. Having someone else read and criticized your work humbles you as well as gives you room to grow as a writer. Along with the workshop having you look over my paper and giving me your feedback helped be discover ways I could elaborate and fix my claim. Since this is the second time I have written and read research on the topic of dreams I feel like I have a stronger understanding of how beneficial dreams are to your lives. If I have dream that frightens me I know have a idea of where it came from and how it relates to my day to day life because I have read so many different views and opinions on dream analysis. Learning about the different ways people view the ‘meaning’ of a dream really...
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...Smoking can be dangerous not only for the smoker, but also for those around the smoker. Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death (after active smoking and alcohol), according to the Manitoba Medical Association. They also say that the smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, 50 of which are known to be cancer-related. Secondhand smoke has been linked to heart and respiratory disease; lung, breast, cervical, and nasal sinus cancers; strokes and miscarriages. In children, dangers include sudden infant death syndrome, fetal growth impairment, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and middle-ear disease. People who smoke subject themselves to deadly diseases, as well as long- and short-term health problems. Non-smokers should not have to live with the consequences of smokers' actions. http://www.publishyourarticles.net/knowledge-hub/essay/an-essay-on-should-smoking-be-banned-in-public-places.html Many surveys, studies and scientific research has proved that smoking is injurious to health. Smoke is unhealthy and suffocating. It pollutes the environment. There are two types of smokers - active and passive. The person who smokes is active and other who are near to him and inhale the smoke are passive smokers. Both are equally affected by the ill effects of smoking. Smokers and non-smokers meet at many places like offices, buses, hotels, etc. So, considering the bad effects of smoking on individual's health, environment as well as individual rights, it should be banned...
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...Other Heart Disease………………………………………………………….. C. Effects in Respiratory System…………………………………………………….. 1. Asthma………………………………………………………………………... 2. Irritation of Respiratory Tract………………………………………………… D. Effects in Neurological System……………………………………………………. 1. Dementia………………………………………………………………………. E. Effects During Pregnancy…………………………………………………………. F. Effects to Children…………………………………………………………………. 1. Respiratory Health…………………………………………………………….. 2. Middle Ear Disease……………………………………………………………. 3. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)………………………………………… VI. PREVENTING THE DANGERS OF SECONDHAND SMOKE……………………………. A. Use of Electronic Cigarette……………………………………………………………….. B. Production of Smoking Cessation Aids………………………………………………….. C. Total Smoking...
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...Research Paper: Victory Over Depression Abstract: In today’s society depression can be seen as taboo and something that is not socially acceptable. However, it is the ongoing reality for many women. The struggle with depression in the life of women is more common than not, whether it is undiagnosed or diagnosis it is prevalent regardless of ones socioeconomically background. The paper will explore depression onset, treatment and explore how individuals can have work towards having complete victory over depression. Class session 9 – “Fox Meadows Assisted Living”, page 177-178, Sweeney-Feld and Oetjen textbook. The case study questions that you must respond to are found on page 178. The review of each team case should not exceed 12 double spaced pages, not including your APA cover page and a reference page. All type must be Times Roman 12 point pica. Use the APA style for citing all sources The team management paper (e.g., case analysis) accounts for 25 points, or 25 percent of your grade Background: The black box of depression can potentially have an unpredictable impact on the life of an individual. Those who struggle with this diagnosis on a day to day basis at times cannot predict the outcome of the situation if left untreated. That National Alliance of Mental Illness reports nearly 15 million Americans averaging one and ten adults experience some form of depression annually. The statistics amongst women are considerably startling because one...
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...Running head: Post-9/11 Veterans with PTSD: A battle with smoking Proposal Paper for Post-9/11 Veterans with PTSD: A battle with smoking Morgan Mathews and Brenda Pizana The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing In partial fulfillment of the requirements of N5366 Principles of Research in Nursing Dr. Michelle Hampton, PhD, RN-CCRN, Clinical Faculty July 31, 2015 Pinch table Author/yr Design Sample Size Interventions Outcomes Notes Use of Learning Collaborative to Support Implementation of Integrated Care for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Use of Learning Collaborative to Support Implementation of Integrated Care for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 2014 Longitudinal, Time series Quasi- experimental study. Methodological Research Collaborative change framework using the learning collaborative model 70 staff members from 12 VA PTSD Clinics After training and development of a expert panel team, questionnaires evaluated how feasible and effective integrative care for smoking cessation using the Learning Collaborative Model. The LC model would be useful to implement integrated care to patients without interfering with treatment. The staff found it useful but difficult to communicate and meet with teams to train Unique challenges: different clinics...
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...Keneth B. Taburnal Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements In Research II Apas National High School Apas, Cebu City August 2012 Mrs. Jannis May V. Antolijao Research Adviser Abstract A cigarette filter is used to strain the dangerous ingredients of the cigarette. Most Filipinos are smokers or cigarette users which is part of their fashion, but sad to say that they just throw their waste anywhere and because of this habit we are challenged to help our beloved country on its campaign against improper disposal of garbage. The aim of this research is to find a cheaper and readily available alternative for glue, because glue is useful product especially to us students. The researchers utilized the T-test method. Fifteen...
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