Premium Essay

Addiction of Cigarette Smoking


Submitted By jamae
Words 2790
Pages 12
Caraga State University
Ampayon, Butuan City


Mucram, Jamael C.

Jhon Mark C.
Gomez, Anchie G.
Tagupa, Eunilyn R.
Villafañe, Junalyn G.
Cuevas, Kate Ariane A.

I. Introduction

a. Definition Nicotine is one of more than 4,000 chemicals found in the smoke from tobaccoproducts;it is the primary component that acts on the brain. Smokeless tobacco products(for example,snuffand chewing tobacco) also contain many toxins as well as high levelsof nicotine. Nicotine is anaturally occurring colorless liquid that turns brown whenburned and takes on the odor of tobaccowhen exposed to air. There are many species of tobacco plants the tabacum species serving as themajor source of today's tobacco products. Extensive study shows it to have a number of complex andsometimes unpredictable effects on the brain andt he body. As any smoker can tell you, nicotine is a remarkably addictive drug; only aboutsevenpercent who try to quit smoking on their own last at least one year. Nicotine is amongthe mostheavily used addictive drugs in the country, in spite of the long-known facts regardingsmoking'spotential to cause lung cancer and many other health problems.

b. Psychological Disturbance Many smoke as a way to cope with stress, according to the Cleveland Clinic website.
Psychologically speaking, this may be true to some extent since nicotine can temporarily alter moods and make feelings of frustration, anger and anxiety seem less severe.However, while the mind might feel some temporary stress relief, the Cleveland Clinic points out that the body is experiencing the exact opposite. This is because nicotine causes blood pressure and heart rate to rise, tenses muscles, constricts blood vessels, and reduces the amount of oxygen that can get to the brain. In short, these

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