Premium Essay

Moses In Peydograha

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There is a prophecy in a book from The Testament of Moses in pseydograha ; it talks about a book that was given by Moses before his death to Joshua ,the son of Nun . In this book , Moses told Joshua about the havoc the would prevail in the following ages , it talks bout the first havoc that would be inflicted on them at the hands of a king from the East , he will burn their great temple and captivate them, then God will bring them back to the promised land at the hands of a kind king who would rebuild the temple and that God will increase their number. The Jews will come back again to disobey God and that will bring them the wrath of God for the second time at the hands of a king from the west , he will burn Jerusalem and a part of the temple and this one is more devastating than the previous one then some events will come to pass and then the expected …show more content…
what is really wonderful is that Torah gave the Babylonian invader the designation " the servant of Allah ,those who were the triumphant peoples in the first time ,God says in the Holy Quran what means " we sent against you our servants " , the prophet Jeremiah, most strangely , asked the Jews not to resist(2) those invaders as the those Babylonian invaders were sent by God .This might be counter evidence to the Moslem team who say that the phrase " our servant " refers to the Moslems as the first time triumphants; the phrase " the servants of Allah or Rhaman ( one of the fine names of Allah) are those who are submitted themselves to God 's obedience. This word is mentioned in the Holy Quran to designate the unbelievers on the day of Recompense as nothing there on that day but in the complete submission . What is wrong if we say that Naboukhaz Naser was sent to chastise the Jews by God's order , so the designation is correct if given to the members of his

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