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Driverless Vehicles Research Paper

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The age we live in is rapidly developing, we must adapt and utilize the new technology we are developing to the best of our ability in order to better daily life and our world. We may be fearful of the new technology as it is very different from what we are used to but we must set aside our fears and find the truth. The revolutionary development of driverless vehicles holds unutilized benefits. Driverless vehicles are the future of the US; driverless vehicles will make driving safer, faster, and more fuel efficient. In addition Driverless Vehicles would also increase quality of life. The removal of human error which is the main cause of accidents make them much safer. These vehicles require no driver which will allow everyone to still travel. …show more content…
The ability to coordinate traffic and move together let them work together at higher speeds. The added speed of the vehicles allow them to burn fuel hotter therefore giving them higher efficiency. If Driverless Vehicles are implemented "Improve public transportation services and decrease auto ownership by enabling more efficient, user-friendly, and low-cost on-demand transportation services, even in low-demand areas” ( will help with reducing environmental impact. In addition "autonomous vehicles can be more fuel and space efficient by “platooning.” That’s where they can bunch together in a neat line, which reduces aerodynamic drag, similar to how racers draft each other” ( The “platooning” technique used by Driverless Vehicles allow to better coordinate which can also lead to less traffic and is one of the reasons they can operate at higher speeds. The communication between Driverless Vehicles " they would eliminate the need for traffic signals. By driving at a slower rate but with less stops, better coordinated traffic would lead to less congestion"( therefore speeding up travel and lessening traffic. The "Sensors in the autonomous cars allow vehicles to ride closer together, therefore allowing more cars on the road with actually less traffic"( These Driverless Vehicles can also be used in place of other public transportation Vehicles like …show more content…
The possible issue terrorist attacks and hackers are just speculation at this point, there is no evidence to support these claims. If you are too scared to drive a Driverless Vehicle because of terrorist attacks or hackers the same could be said about having information online or driving a normal car. We still have terrorist attacks today and we will in the future so we must fight and put a stop to it, we can't hide and be fearful because weather or not we implement Driverless Vehicles or not terrorist attacks will continue to be a issue. There have been issues in the past with Driverless Vehicles but those very prototypes and not the finished product. The Driverless Vehicles today are much safer and more reliable than those in the past. This product must be implemented and we cannot let ourselves be fearful of false rumors and propaganda. We have to look at the evidence and decide for ourselves. This new technology is revolutionary and must utilize it the best we

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