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Driverless Vehicle Research

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“A driverless car is a robotic vehicle that is designed to travel between destinations without a human operator” (, 2011, September). Plenty of research has been done to explain the benefits of autonomous vehicles. The research covers a wide variety of benefits; however, this paper will bring focus on three major benefits of autonomous vehicles. These benefits will include a reduction in traffic jams, reduced crashes, and increased mobility amongst the disabled.
Current theories and research on autonomous vehicles indicate that self-driving cars will reduce congestion. Self-driving cars are adjusted to operate at a particular speed. These cars preserve a regular distance from other automobiles and do much less lane adjustments. According to Bose and Loannou (2003), “if 10% of all vehicles on a given freeway segment are AVs, there will likely be an AV in every lane at regular spacing during congested times, which could smooth traffic for all travelers” (As Cited in Fagnant & Kockelman, 2015). Thus, it has been shown that AVs have the potential to reduce congestion. …show more content…
Driver mistakes cause many road accidents e.g. drinking and driving, drugged etc. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2008), “Driver error is believed to be the main reason behind over 90% of all crashes” (As cited in Fagnant & Kockelman, 2015). AVs have the capability to lessen crashes because of human errors. AVs are programmed in a manner that they are able to become aware of their surroundings using tools and software and are able to respond according to their surroundings. In a word, AVs are able to decrease crashes on the road and increased safety in

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