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Driverless Trucks

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Driverless Trucks and the Future

Hit 80’s comedy-sci-Fi movie ‘Back to the Future’ has so far been pretty accurate about all its predictions- invention of tablets, personal drones, mobile payment technology, biometric devices but most importantly artificial intelligence. Big MNC’s like google, Facebook, etc. are investing millions of dollars in artificial intelligence research which has the potential to have a colossal impact on various industries, especially the automobile industry. In august 2016, Uber launched its first set of driverless cars. Many vehicles today are partially automatic but it has been predicted that between 2020 and 2025 fully automatic vehicles can be seen on the road. Google, Uber, Mercedes and others are working …show more content…
Trucks being bigger and heavier could cause more nervousness among the public. Chris spear, president of the American Trucking Associations, said that driverless trucks won’t be arriving anytime soon and believes that the driver will still be in the seat and play a significant role especially when driving in a city. He also adds that this new world will still have a “key role for drivers”. During an informal meeting at the House Highways and Transit Subcommittee, Spears stressed on the positives of self driven trucks stating that “This could be, perhaps, a solution to the chronic driver shortage down the road”. "The possibilities for our nation's surface transportation system are endless over the next decade," Subcommittee Chairman Sam Graves (R-Mo.) said. "Autonomous vehicle technology — and the opportunity it presents to make roads safer and highway travel more efficient — is a huge part of that. But policymakers and legislatures across the country must be ready to deal with the regulatory implications of these …show more content…
Some individuals are concerned about the opportunity for a computer built into the self-driving car to collect personal data.
Self driving trucks would eliminate many jobs in the transportation sector which could have a negative impact on the unemployment rate and intern the economy.

Despite these concerns and drawbacks, self driven trucks could revolutionize transportation of goods. Some pros include:
They can stay on the roads for longer periods of time.
Trucking is a $700 billion industry, in which a third of costs go to compensating drivers. Companies will be saving a lot of money.
Computers calculate operation of the vehicle safely, driving time could be reduced by faster speeds allowed on the road.
Self driven trucks will show a 400% price-performance upswing in ground transportation. For decades we have been discussing the possibility of self driven automobiles. This can also create a large number of jobs and the integration of human and artificial labor will greatly improve production. Despite ethical and legal set backs, the pros of having self driving trucks definitely outweigh the cons. People have to adjust to this new economic reality because the future is

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