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How Did France Build The Panama Canal

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The Panama Canal was one of the United States of America’s biggest projects ever built and is known by some people as one of the 7 great wonders of the world. This structure was built in 1901 and spreads over 50 miles of land. The Panama Canal was said to be impossible to build, as so many countries helped to create it. The French were the first to begin the project, but due to financial obstacles, they stopped the process. Not just this but the French did not have the technology to go any further. Further down the timeline, an American company began to build the canal, and the project was on again. One by one, 50 countries helped build this canal, going through Panama connecting the two greatest oceans together, the Pacific ocean and the Atlantic ocean. …show more content…
By having a greater access to Asia, we create more allies and trades. Before the canal was built, Asia was hard to reach from America, posing as an obstacle. Considering an upcoming war, it gave better control of the 2 oceans as said by Ovidio Diaz-Espino, “The US for the first time was going to be able to gain control of both oceans. That was critical in times of war. There was no air power, so the way you fought an enemy was through the sea.” To continue, flying was not an option as said above so the USA had to gain control of the oceans around them. Furthermore, he also says, “World power was consistent with maritime power.” which shows even more how important this was to the United

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