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African American Family Case Study

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I want to start my paper off with a statement from the author McDermott (2008) that solidifies why African Americans use translation to express their family history. “ The transmission of cultural values through the oral transition has been an essential component of African American families’ lives and has served to build a sense of continuity, belonging, ethnicity, confirmation of self-worth, and documentation of the state and resiliency” (p. 104). This was the method that James Comer used to capture Maggie Comer . Maggie from a very young age inspired to be someone greater than her parents would ever be. Before Maggie’s father was struck by lightning he provided love and a pretty structured life for his family. He instilled values …show more content…
When Maggie met her husband twelve years her senior, it reminded me of her parent’s age difference. Though Maggie and her mother act nothing alike they shared a trait of feeling protected by a man that was older. As stated by McDermott (2008) a father provides love, security, and comfort for his daughter (p. 27) that, in some ways connected them to wanting that father like figure around. And some ways Maggie may have felt abandoned slightly because of her father’s sudden death that lead to her choosing an older man. When Maggie married Mr. Comer they talked a lot about their vision for starting a family and the strong shared values of education, money and religion. Her biological father planted many of these values Maggie held in her. He valued education and was pretty well educated for an African American in those days. Though Maggie along with her siblings were denied education growing up by their stepfather, Maggie got an opportunity to be tutored by a poor white girl while working for a lawyer. The continual personal commitment to educate herself was transferred into the support she gave her children to achieve the education that she didn’t have an opportunity to achieve. . While working for various elite white people she educated herself by listen and paying close attention to conversations that took place in their homes. I thought Maggie did an exceptional job with raising her children and

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