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Harsh Sentencing Summary

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The article ‘Harsh Sentencing’, by Human Rights Watch, is about official corruption and criminal injustice. This article stood out to me because I hadn’t seen official documentation of the unfair trials within and of the United States justice system besides my vague posts and few others’ rants online. As a result of reading this article, I chose it because I thoroughly enjoyed how the author, from Human Rights Watch online, really summarized these events. HRW and I share the same opinion on this topic, in that we don’t believe the laws and the enforcers of such laws “couldn't be subjected to criticism as they're just doing their job”, but instead are indeed too undesirably cruel and bigoted in their ways of “justice”. ‘Harsh Sentencing’ talks …show more content…
The repressive US response to a surge in unauthorized migrants crossing the border from Mexico and Central America highlights the urgent need for US immigration policy reform.” Contrasting how police and the judicial system in America treat people of color versus white people is appalling. Additionally, inside of this article, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and murdered by a white police officer. On the flip side, white, armed Derrick Daniel Thomas had broken into seven strangers' home, robbed it, and threatened the police officers and construction workers. In defiance of the numerous threats to the police's, and other citizens' safety occupying the space, Thomas was eventually taken into custody alive and without a single bullet hole to the …show more content…
This is still an awful amount of time for someone who's innocent, but it's a 21 year difference between his time and Bryant's. Moreover, Northrop's imprisonment story inspired a law change to compensate the wrongly incarcerated, while Bryant's wasn't considered. Given the institutionalized racism that reeks throughout the societal system of the United States, this sort of treatment isn't a surprise, nor has it been for a long time. However, we, as a nation and community, need to do more to stop it. I recommend to help the police officers stop preforming random searches on the street/in public, the certifications needed should not be “suspicious looking”, but instead the officers should be required to cite their sources of who thinks suspicious behavior is going on. And even before they preform the search, the words of the sources need to be valid; I.e not “I think he's going to do something”, and instead should be “I saw him do this thing at this time, and he's hanging around the same place/a similar place so I think he might do it

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