...wide range of concepts in that it also entails numerous definitions that are randomly applied given the type of terrorist attack, the intended target, and the overall goals of the terrorist group. This generalization also allows for the term terrorism to be associated with a number of political and civil rights movements that are inconsistent with the social norms or political goals of the government bodies. Such associations can frequently cause confusion between progression and terrorism. This is especially true in cases of domestic terrorism as these occurrences continue to rise and the media spins various connections between the actions and the message that the attacker is attempting to send or promote. This...
Words: 1263 - Pages: 6
...terrorism which is when individuals or groups/organizations use illicit force/violence or the threat of force/violence in an attempt to progress their personal or organization’s objectives with the government. There are multiple forms of terrorism including international and domestic. The author will analyze domestic terrorism, why in recent years there has been an increase in domestic terrorism, and how domestic terrorism has impacted the criminal justice system in America. Domestic and Foreign Terrorist...
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...National Intelligence Strategy discusses strategic threats confronting the U.S. national security environment in which nation states, highly capable non-state actors, and other transnational forces will continue to compete with and challenge U.S. national interests. Of the threats/issues listed under the "Strategic Environment," identify (and elaborate on) the three you feel represent the greatest challenge for U.S. national security. I feel that China, North Korea and violent extremist groups pose the greatest threats to United States national security. China has an interest in the stability of East Asia, but its strategic intentions are unclear and its military modernization is of great concern to the U.S. A quarter century after beginning...
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...– 2010 Terrorism Is No Longer A Threat To The U.S. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, many experts claimed that it only proves the vulnerability of the United States to big and devastating terrorists attacks. This means that even the United States is considered as the most powerful country in the world not only in terms of economic sustainability but also in military and intelligence capabilities, terrorists still can able to do terrorism acts to the country (Scheppler, 2005). Despite of this factor, it leads to the conclusion during those times that terrorism becomes a big threat to the peace and order, and security of the people of the United States. Generally, the even wanted to show that terrorism is a big threat that needs to be addressed by every country in the world. Today, due to the different efforts and actions made by the United States government since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it was been claimed that terrorism is no longer a threat for the country. The different laws, programs, and the way the laws were implemented was claimed an effective effort to proactively avoid and eliminate the risk to once again attacked by any terrorists groups. This study will discussed and give points about the different efforts made the United States government in order to eliminate any threat of terrorists attacks in the country. Different points will be discussed and how it contributes to the conclusion that terrorism is no longer a threat to the country. The different laws...
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...institution in his own right. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is an operation that strives to protect the United States on a daily basis. Their mission statement is, “to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats and to enforce the criminal laws of the United States.” The FBI continues to investigate not only domestic terrorism but foreign terrorism as well. The September 11 terrorist attacks on US soil opened the eyes within the Homeland Security department to possible domestic terrorist threats. Domestic meaning those who commit terrorist crimes from within the United States and receive inspiration or ideas from U.S. based extremists movements and ideologies. During the last 30 years most deadly terror attacks that have occurred are because of domestic extremists (FBI, 2000). One domestic terrorist organization is “white supremacist extremism” or WSE which are those people or groups who commit criminal acts in the name of white supremacist ideology. White supremacist ideology fully believes that the white race is above all other races. WSE will draw on the constitutionally protected actions of hate oriented groups within the United States ranging from groups like the Ku Klux Klan and racist skinheads. Most of the groups have a very fine detailed organized structure which includes media outlets and membership dues. Surprisingly, a large number of white supremacists divides not only the Country (United States) but the world between...
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...My grandfather used to tell me about the Cold War and how the constant threat of nuclear war was extremely stressful. In modern times, we live under the threat of terrorist acts, mainly from extremist Islamic groups in the Middle East. There are many similarities. The fact that both generations have lived under the threat of attack is the ultimate similarity. It is also possible that both generations’ fears weren’t quite as real as they might have imagined. 9/11 was an unbelievably cruel act, but since then we have not experienced any major domestic acts of terrorism from Islamic groups. The Cold War was predicated on propaganda and fear. Certain acts heightened these fears, like the Cuban Missile crisis, but the overwhelming fear of nuclear annihilation proved to be partly overblown. One major difference between the two threats is that the threat from terrorist groups has actually proven to be a viable threat to our national security. The attacks on 9/11 have forever embedded themselves into the national perspective on world views and their safety on domestic soil. Even without ever experiencing an attack on foreign soil throughout the Cold War, the fear was probably even more ripe during that period of time because the threat of nuclear war devastating the entire world was such a pandemic problem. At the root of that comparison is that you fear lots of small scale attacks from independent terrorist groups today, but during the Cold War you had the second most powerful nation...
Words: 339 - Pages: 2
...Americans Don’t Understand Their Heritage Is Itself a Threat Over the past few years a new threat has been encountered by the United States. This threat does not come from away, but from within. It is known as domestic terrorism. This has been seen over the past decade in the form of violence and terrorism across the United States. This has become a threat to American security and the American people in general. To battle against this issue, Congress has upheld the Anti-Terrorism Act in 1996. One of the best examples on examining these acts of uproar can be viewed, seen and understood by studying the case of the Oklahoma bombing which occurred in 1996. Major newspaper headlines have also described the World Trade Center bombing, the Unabomber’s arrest and Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta as other major cases. All this demonstrates how sinister1 terrorism is in American society. This paper will explain background data on anarchy/terrorism, case studies including the Oklahoma bombing, government’s reaction toward terrorism. In addition terrorism now and the years coming. A number of terrorist attacks in the 1990s have brought the fear to the public, giving rise to vulnerability2 between many Americans. Most terrorist incidents in the United States have been bombing attacks, involving detonated and undetonated explosive devices, tear gas and pipe and fire bombs. The effects of terrorism can cause loss of life and injuries to property damage and disruptions in services such...
Words: 1673 - Pages: 7
...weapons, and cyber viruses and identify existing countermeasures in the State of Florida. Being a highly susceptible region for illegal immigration coming across the border, Florida has a close watch for terroristic threats. The following pages will review the threats and measures taken in the State of Florida. Domestic Terrorism Domestic terrorism can be defined as a threatened use, or unlawful use, of violence or force by an individual or group that is operating without any foreign direction within the country and as an act that is violent and dangerous to human life and also against the jurisdiction of the country (Terrorism, 2005). Explosives, weapons, and chemicals are common means of violence in terrorist attacks. As the appendix lists, there are several types of terroristic attacks that must be watched for such as bombings, sniper attacks, biological weapons, and cyber viruses and counter action and safety measures must be planned. Victims can are defined as society. This includes civilians, government workers, the military, first responders, or any stakeholder within the region being terrorized. While reasons for attacks can vary, political motivations along with religious differences and social ideas are the main culprits. When terrorists are planning attacks they may obtain materials such as weapons, vehicles, and security keys, or map out routes, observe particular places and people, time traffic lights and response times, and even receive training...
Words: 2135 - Pages: 9
...loving people. Therefore, these issues become the prime concerns for whole world especially after unexpected happening in 9\11, while after starting of war on terror by the United States of America and her allies. It is a method of employing violence in the quest of an ideology. The people of South Asia are constantly threatened by the varieties of terrorist activity. The convergence of limited institutional capacities in governments and law-enforcement agencies with grievances about widespread corruption, underdevelopment, socioeconomic marginalization, and the sometimes problematic role of the state, make South Asia an attractive operating base for terrorist groups. The recent horrific acts of terrorism, such as the November 2008 attacks in Mumbai, underscore the regional nature of the terrorist threat in South Asia, and they highlight the need for greater cooperation within the region to address it. There are no quick-fix solutions when it comes to combating terrorism. The aim of the paper to place the nature of terrorism in South Asia from Bangladesh perspective by analyzing the ways to counter terrorism and how can the threat of the phenomenon be reduced. 2. Terrorism in South Asia Every nation in South Asia is currently a victim of the debilitating brutality of terrorism. In South Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and the Maldives, are presently affected by terrorism and extremist violence on their soil. In this region, terrorism has long...
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...Domestic Terrorism Domestic Terrorism Domestic terrorism has continued to reemerge throughout history. From the late the birth of America to the present day 20th century, the threat of terrorism continues to be a fact of everyday life for millions of people. From the unsuccessful assassination attempt on President Truman to the topping of the Twin Towers in New York, the United States continues the war on terrorism, except this war isn’t abroad, but here at home. Armed with the latest technology, intelligence, manpower, and unrelenting intestinal fortitude, the most powerful nation in the world, continues to do what they can to eliminate terrorism (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2011). Terrorism is the use of violence to instill fear in a person or a group of people for ideological, religious or political reasons. Terrorist usually target public places or public officials. Their targets are something or someone who would get the attention of the people so that it could strike fear into the masses of people. Some of the public entities could be famous people, government buildings or monuments, or military members. This type of military tactics is known as guerrilla warfare strategy. Many experts agree that one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter. Experts also agree that random violence against civilians (non-combatants) is the type of actions taken by terrorists for achieving a political goal, on a scale smaller than full scale warfare. Political...
Words: 1720 - Pages: 7
...Recommendations Contrasting of conventional warfare, where a nation is at war with another nation, this battle doesn’t involve a specific location, or nation. The U.S. along with other nations are in a fight with a radical interpretation of Islam. There are many factors appealing to individuals to join these terrorist groups, and carry out attacks on their behalf. ISIS has been the most efficacious in recruiting foreign fighters. Several Americans have traveled successful and joined this group, while others were caught before they could join. While citizens have carried out domestic terrorist attacks on behalf of these organizations. To combat the terrorist threat, it’ll have to incorporate numerous foreign and domestic actions. A continuation...
Words: 316 - Pages: 2
...threatens the United States. Terrorism; A word to often used and displayed in our modern day society. Terroristic acts are seen all over every media source today. Over and over new reports seem to play about what threats we as American citizens such watch out for, but very little is known to why such heinous acts of selfishness terrorism are continuously being committed. What motivates so much hate, anger, and lack of value on other human lives? Is it race, religion, or money? One thing for sure is the common denominator and that is death. “A better understanding of the motivation of terrorists and their reasons for selecting certain modes and targets of attack can help improve the decisions to allocate resources in the fight against terrorism (Richardson, 2006 p1).” Racism; One greatly proclaimed motivational reasons for terroristic acts in the United States, but to truly have better understanding of terroristic evolution it is always best to start from the beginning. As far back as the record shows in United States history acts of terrorism is nothing uncommon. From the lynching throughout the entire South to the little talked about 1921 race riot attack on Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma. During that horrible racial fueled attack by the Ku Klux Klan (aka KKK terrorist group) and members of the Oklahoma National Guard, more than 300 African American lives were lost within sixteen hours of attack (Simons, 2011 p1). Although racist acts could be seen though out history even to today...
Words: 1315 - Pages: 6
...Introduction There are many reasons that motivate me to analyze the development of policies and procedures to diminish threats to the United States. There have been multiple terrorist attacks that have hit the United States for decades. Over time they have gotten more complex and have produced more and more mass casualties. The aspect of terror has changed throughout the centuries. The ever changing development of technology has given new opportunities for terrorist groups to communicate among each other and recruit new members (Mayor, 2016, para 1). They do this mainly through cyberspace. Due to these technology advancements, the terrorist threat as a whole requires a cultural shift of attitudes and approaches in law enforcement agencies across the country. Once the policies and procedures used by law enforcement to protect the Homeland are analyzed, officials can begin to make...
Words: 1896 - Pages: 8
...Do you believe that the establishment of terrorism as a crime that can be committed domestically has changed policing? How? Why? Provide examples. Yes, I believe so. How- by the passing of patriotic act by the congress Why in order to respond to terrorist attacks the act allowed federal officials to trace and intercept communication that might be useful in prevention of terrorist attack. In addition, the powers to reorganization of counter terrorism policing and increase of police powers. Another reason as to why it has brought change is by bringing about the restructuring of local police and the federal state agencies, and new refocusing of resources (Riley & Hoffman, 1995). Moreover, by the standardization of methods of enacting new laws and use of electronic gadget to trace terrorism activities, the reason being to respond to domestic terrorism. Lastly is by creation of the homeland security by the United State congress. Why or the reason for the creation of this department is to integrate all existing agencies, and ensure the United State nation security (online Source:http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/structure/) Example more focus has been concentrated on domestic terrorism, the FBI for example, assigned out of its 27000 agents, 4000 agents to counter terrorism activities. Another example is the Naturalization service and immigration, which reorganizes in order to expand enforcement duties. Have the number of victims of racial profiling increased over the last decade...
Words: 1209 - Pages: 5
...Terrorism has deep historical roots as a threat to peaceful existence of nations and common citizens. Terrorism, as opposed to other forms of violence, is the system¬atically applied threat or use of illegitimate force with the designed intent of achieving a goal by means of such a method as coercion. It is violence used as a policy; it is fear or terror engendered on an organized basis. Terrorism is defined as (1) “intended to inflict death or seriously bodily harm upon civilians or other persons (presumably military personnel) not taking part in hostilities and (2) its purpose is to intimidate a population or persuade a government or international organization to adopt a certain policy” (Weiss, 2002, p.25). Terrorism has many applications, including purely criminal purposes; it is politically motivated terrorism, however, which is of major concern in the modem context. Motivational basis, therefore, is examined first in assessing the nature of the threat presented by the phenomenon of terrorism. Included within the context is brief reference to the contemporary historical development of terrorist activity, because in many cases the two aspects are rooted together. Following Oliverio, “The process by which the definition of terrorism is shaped and enforced involves a theoretical approach that recognizes “terrorism" as a historically and contextually produced discourse, and understood in contemporary U.S. society is the by-product of an androcentric discourse in which relationsod...
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