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Submitted By hushpush
Words 5489
Pages 22



* Acknowledgement

* Executive Summary

* Objective of the Study

* Quick Service restaurant in India

* Key drivers in Indian quick service restaurants

* History

* Introduction

* Strategies taken by Domino’s

* Service Blueprint of Domino’s

* 7P’s of Domino’s

* Flower of Services of Domino’s

* Service marketing triangle of Domino’s

* Methodology of conducting Primary survey

* Analysis of the Survey

* Suggestions & Conclusion

* Appendix: Questionnaire


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the name of the people whose constant guidance and encouragement has crowned all our efforts with success.

As the students of the IILM-GSM, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Mrs. Tripti Ghosh, who helped and guided us to structure the project.


This report is based on services offered by dominos and also to test the quality of service dimensions of Domino’s. India's quick service restaurant market worth $13 billion is growing 25-30 percent a year on the back of changing and busy lifestyle, fast emerging middle class population and surging disposable income, the industry will continue to grow at a pace in coming years. It now accounts for roughly half of all restaurant revenues in the developed countries and continues to expand there and in many other industrial countries in the coming years. But some of the most rapid growth is occurring in the developing world; where it's radically changing the way people eat. Domino's Pizza India Ltd. has proceeded to become one of the largest and fastest growing international food chains in South Asia. The first

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