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Don T Gilson Descriptive Writing

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Her hating me and me just wanting to be close then her wanting to be close to me never completely forgiving her. Funny how things change or how little they actually really don’t.
Growing up I thought sisters were supposed to have some magical bond that automatically forced you to have everything in common and get along, but we were completely different as kids and now that we are both adults it remains the same.
She would come home from school in her Nike tennis shoes and Levi’s jeans that had holes in them which were bought that way which she would pair it with one of her school basketball T-shirts that would have Gilson written across the back even though her last name wasn’t Gilson. Her hair was brown and curly not because she curled it just because her hair was naturally curly. She would also have on makeup but not an excessive amount. Then she would start talking about the drama that occurred over the day. Even though no one in my family really cared to listen about it. Throughout the night she would eventually find something to argue with me about but I tried to be nice. I wouldn’t normally argue back I just let her basically yell at me. I didn’t want to fight back because I just wanted to spend time with her, …show more content…
But I resent her for not being a close sister to me when I tried to be one for her now she tries to be close with me and I just can’t I remember all the fights and arguments we had. Just after she a couple of months after she turned 18 we got into a big fight when no one was home over nothing she started it of course but for some reason I ended up throwing a hair brush at her and she came over to where I was at and pinned me up to the wall and started yelling at me “you little bitch” her face was red and her blue eyes felt like they were piercing through my soul with rage she seemed as if she was going to hit

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