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Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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Donald Trump has a very romantic brand, and I do not mean this in a love and passionate way, but rather in an ideal and persuasive manner which has been proven by his lead in most of the Republican primaries and caucuses, leading to his possible GOP presidential nomination. The brand that Trump has adopted for himself has created him a lot of enemies that do not think positively of some of the promises he has made to the American people, but then there is also all the voters who have come out and supported him in the last year. Trump’s personal brand, then, has little consideration for the opposition and is primarily geared to appeal to the people that have demonstrated that they believe in what he can do for them. According to class lecture on branding, a brand can be a combination of signs, symbols, names, term, or design that identifies an individual, or a product. Last summer, when Trump announced that he was going to run for president of the United …show more content…
He says that he has the intellectual ability to be president because he is a businessman and not a politician like the rest, and people are falling in love with this idea of having someone who they can relate to because he has not been corrupted by the system.
In spite of all this, the fact that “Donald Trump” was a recognizable name among the population, helped his brand really take off. People already knew him because of his flamboyant personality and egotistical attitude from his years in the show business. This relates to what we discussed in class about people supporting the idea of celebrities running for office.Since he is appealing to low information voters, they re relying solely on the symbols that they associate with him, provided by his

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