...The Donner Party was a group of individuals trying to create an improved existence for their selves. The leaders were two prosperous brothers Jacob and George Donner. Their group was traveling out west like many others looking to start a new life with new opportunities but things turned out to be much worse than they expected. The party had to face challenges along the way that left them struggling to stay alive and well. The Donner party left Springfield, Illinois on April 16, 1846 with about ninety migrants and one wagon per every three individuals. Their plan was to reach San Francisco, California a place full of new and prosperous opportunities. They left almost two weeks after another group with the same intentions, and were the last wagon group to depart for the year from Springfield. People in Springfield had said that even the previous party of wagons had left to late to beat the harsh California winter. The trip was supposed to take four months but then things turned much worse for the Donner Party. The Reeds and Donners were given a letter from one of Hasting’s solicitors warning them to expect trouble from Mexican authorities and Native Americans in California. He advised them to stay...
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...environment that we live in as well. They also failed to think that we would ever run out and now that our society is built around the use of fossil fuels, we need to come together to devise a plan that will keep our engines running, and the lights on for our children and our grandchildren. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource that can take millions of years to form, and the reserves are being used faster than new ones are having time to formulate. Fossil fuels that we mainly rely on would include; coal, natural gas, and most importantly, petroleum. With that said, this paper is going to talk about how our society would be able to transfer from fossil fuels to cleaner resource energies which are beneficial to our earth, and our existence. “Our food industry is a major factor into the usage of fossil fuels. We use a tremendous amount of fossil fuels each year contributing to 10% of the energy used.” (Donner & Rodriquez, 2011) For the amount of energy used, we do not get very much back....
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...the environment that we live in. What was also not thought about was what happens if we run out of these fuels? At this time a plan should be advised that will keep our engines going and other power working for our future. A little information about fossil fuels is that they are a non-renewable resource that can take millions of years to form. Currently what is happening is the assets are being used faster than expected and we are unable to produce new fuel fast enough. The fossil fuels that we depend on the most include; coal, natural gas, and petroleum. Throughout this paper we are going to discuss how our society would benefit from moving away from fossil fuels into cleaner resource energies which are beneficial to our earth, and our being. “Our food industry is a major factor into the usage of fossil fuels. We use a tremendous amount of fossil fuels each year contributing to 10% of the energy used.” (Donner & Rodriquez, 2011) The amount of energy we use, not much is given back. The main cause for energy usage would be the transporting of foods, fueling machinery, and chemicals. Pesticides and artificial fertilizers are manufactured from atmospheric natural gas, and...
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...Global Social Policy http://gsp.sagepub.com/ 'Trade policy, not morals or health policy': The US Trade Representative, tobacco companies and market liberalization in Thailand Ross MacKenzie and Jeff Collin Global Social Policy 2012 12: 149 DOI: 10.1177/1468018112443686 The online version of this article can be found at: http://gsp.sagepub.com/content/12/2/149 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com Additional services and information for Global Social Policy can be found at: Email Alerts: http://gsp.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://gsp.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://gsp.sagepub.com/content/12/2/149.refs.html >> Version of Record - Aug 16, 2012 What is This? Downloaded from gsp.sagepub.com at Taylor's University on November 5, 2012 Article gsp Global Social Policy 12(2) 149–172 © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permission: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1468018112443686 gsp.sagepub.com ‘Trade policy, not morals or health policy’:The US Trade Representative, tobacco companies and market liberalization in Thailand Ross MacKenzie Jeff Collin Macquarie University, Australia University of Edinburgh, UK Abstract The enforced opening of Thailand’s cigarette market to imports in 1990 has become a cause celebre in debates about the social and health impacts of trade agreements. At the instigation...
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...List” Addendum is at the end of this document Quarter #1 August 23 to October 22 Essential Questions: 1. How do writers and artists organize or construct text to convey meaning? 2. What does it mean to be a stranger in the village? Unit Goals 1. To understand the relationship between perspective and critical theory. 2. To apply critical theories to various texts studied and created. 3. To control and manipulate textual elements in writing to clearly and effectively convey a controlling idea or thesis. Student Published Portfolios: For each of the first three quarters, students are required to complete three to four published writing portfolio products. Quarter 4 is devoted to completion of the Laureate Research Project. . Pacing: This map is one suggestion for pacing. Springboard pacing guides precede each unit in the “About the Unit” sections and offers pacing on a 45-minute class period length. Prentice Hall Literature – Use selections from Prentice Hall throughout the quarter to reinforce the standards being taught as well as the embedded assessments within the SpringBoard curriculum. QUARTER #1 SpringBoard Curriculum Pacing Guide August 23 – October 22 Standards and Benchmarks | Unit Pacing Guide | SpringBoard Unit/Activities | Assessments | SpringBoard Unit 1Literature * The students will analyze and compare significant works of literature and id relationships among major genres * Analyze the literary devices unique to...
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...has increasingly broadened faster around the globe reminiscent of the mobile payment systems. Mobile payment systems are being embraced in many countries but its growth remains slow in most African countries. According to [9], this is mainly due to the lack of legal frameworks, inefficient banking and telecommunication systems, absence of security instruments and high illiteracy levels. Mobile payment systems level the playing field, presenting the opportunity for developing countries to compete equally with developed countries [5]. Hence, there exists a potential impact on socio-economic development if developing countries can harness this technology. However, there is a scarcity of research on the factors that influence mobile phones adoption and usage among micro-enterprises. This research seeks to address this gap by investigating the factors that influence mobile payment systems adoption and usage among in the Ghanaian society. The theoretical model based on the technology acceptance model is used to analyse survey of the adoption and the use of these payment systems. The findings suggest that, first, individual businesses or day-to-day transactions with mobile payment systems, people are adopting this system in order to get their transaction done within a minimum time and also due to their perceived benefits obtained by these mobile payment systems. Second, the amount of benefits obtained tends to be partly prejudiced by the extent of mobile...
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...Pattabiraman Abstract The past decade has witnessed a huge shift in the development of mobile technology which has led to privacy issues, murmurings of which started surfacing only in recent years. A lot of research has been carried out by academicians on mobile technology and its impact on society. There have also been comparative studies on how privacy has changed for people over the years with the boom of social networking sites and smart phones. But, there has not been a substantial study or analysis conducted on how people's privacy has been directly affected by the ever-increasing population boom of mobile-phone users. This comparative study analyzes the concept of privacy with respect to mobile surveillance and draws upon prior work in the field of mobile surveillance, ranging from popular press on government surveillance in India and USA and case studies in these two countries related to people’s view on privacy, to the works of ACLU (American Civil Liberty Union) in USA and Stop CMS (Central Monitoring System) in India. The study is built around the analysis and comparison of the issue of mobile surveillance in both the countries, how people dealt with this, and the role of culture in determining people’s view on privacy. It also proposes suggestions for how future research can be carried out in the field of mobile surveillance. Keywords Privacy, surveillance, culture, mobile technology, society, ACLU, CMS Introduction The widespread use of mobile phones in the past decades...
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...Issues in Business Management and Economics Vol.1 (3), pp. 047-060, July 2013 Available online at http://www.journalissues.org/journals-home.php?id=2 © 2013 Journal Issues Original Research Paper The adoption of mobile phone: How has it changed us socially? Accepted 7 July , 2013 Augustine Addo Institute of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Kumasi polytechnic, P. O. Box 845, Kumasi, Ghana. Author Email: augustine_addo@yahoo.co.uk Tel: +233263928024 Mobile phone use has changed from a percieved item of luxury to an every day necessity for many people. This study therefore examined how the adoption of mobile phones has impacted in changing the behaviour and attitude of users. Kumasi Polytechnic was used as the study area. A total of 250 respondents were randomly selected for this study. Using indepedent sample t-test and a descriptive case study in which a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to analyze the data, the study finds positive evidence of positive influence in mobile adoption in enhancing communication is significant. Mobile phone has changed the way people communicate and live by influencing peoples’ life in a wide scope predicated to change society in a larger and deeper way more than its intended use as communication tool. The adoption of mobile phones have some negative effects such as enhancing crime, diversion of attention, increased social anxiety and capturing obscene audio-visuals...
Words: 9421 - Pages: 38
...Raison et Sensibilité, by Jane Austen 1 Raison et Sensibilité, by Jane Austen The Project Gutenberg EBook of Raison et Sensibilité, by Jane Austen This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Raison et Sensibilité ou les deux manières d'aimer Author: Jane Austen Translator: Isabelle de Montolieu Release Date: August 9, 2010 [EBook #33388] Language: French Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK RAISON ET SENSIBILITÉ *** Produced by Claudine Corbasson, eutectique and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF/Gallica) at http://gallica.bnf.fr) Note de transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont été corrigées. La référence à l'auteur et à l'oeuvre originale a été ajoutée (publié de façon anonyme). Raison et Sensibilité, by Jane Austen RAISON ET SENSIBILITÉ. DE L'IMPRIMERIE DE D'HAUTEL, rue de la Harpe, no. 80. RAISON ET SENSIBILITÉ, OU LES DEUX MANIÈRES D'AIMER. D'APRÈS L'OEUVRE ORIGINALE SENSE AND SENSIBILITY DE Mme JANE AUSTEN TRADUIT LIBREMENT DE L'ANGLAIS, PAR Mme ISABELLE DE MONTOLIEU. TOME PREMIER. A PARIS, CHEZ ARTHUS-BERTRAND, LIBRAIRE, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, No. 23. 1815. RAISON...
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...Bibliography for Social Network Sites related thesis Aaltonen, S,, Kakderi, C,, Hausmann, V, and Heinze, A. (2013). Social media in Europe: Lessons from an online survey. In proceedings of the 18th UKAIS Annual Conference: Social Information Systems. (pp. Availalable online). USIR. , and 2013, , in: , 19-20 March 2013, Worcester College, Oxford, UK. (conference paper) Acquisti, Alessandro, and Gross, Ralph. (2006). Imagined Communities: Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook.In Golle, P. and Danezis, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies. (pp. 36--58).Cambridge, U.K. Robinson College. June 28-30. (conference paper) Acquisti, Alessandro, and Gross, Ralph. (2009). Predicting Social Security numbers from public data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (27), 10975-10980. (journal article) Adamic, Lada, Buyukkokten,Orkut, and Eytan Adar. (2003). A social network caught in the Web. First Monday, 8 (6). (journal article) Adrien Guille, Hakim Hacid, Cécile Favre, and Djamel A. Zighed. (2013). Information diffusion in online social networks: a survey. SIGMOD Record, 42 (2). (journal article) Agarwal, S., and Mital, M.. (2009). Focus on Business Practices: An Exploratory Study of Indian University Students' Use of Social Networking Web Sites: Implications for the Workplace. Business Communication Quarterly. (journal article) Ahmed OH, Sullivan SJ, Schneiders AG, and McCrory P. (2010). iSupport:...
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...The Role and Measurement of Quality in Competition Analysis 2013 The OECD Competition Committee discussed the role and measurement of quality in competition analysis in June 2013. This document contains an executive summary of that debate and the documents from the meeting: an analytical note by the OECD staff and written submissions: Australia, Canada, Chile, the European Union, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ukraine, United States and BIAC. A note by Theodore Voorhees Jr. as well as a detailed summary of the discussion are also included. Competition policy is just as concerned with quality as it is with prices. While the importance of quality is undisputed and issues about quality are mentioned pervasively in competition agency guidelines and court decisions, there is no widely-agreed framework for analysing it which often renders its treatment superficial. There are a number of reasons why in practice, courts and competition authorities rarely analyse quality effects as rigorously as they analyse price effects. First, quality is a subjective concept and therefore much harder to define and measure than prices. In addition, microeconomic theory offers little help in predicting how changes in the level of competition in a market will affect quality and it is usually up to empirical analysis to determine how quality will change in response to varying degrees of competition in the context of particular markets. Given difficulties in terms of the evaluation...
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...Remerciements Au terme de ces années de recherche, mes premiers remerciements s’adressent au professeur Abderrezak Benhabib, mon directeur de thèse qui m’a apporté un précieux soutien dans ce travail, en s’avérant toujours disponible et exigeant pour l’achèvement de ce travail. A vrai dire, le choix de ce thème lui revient en toute sincérité vu l’intérêt qu’il portait à l’enrichissement de la thématique celle de la pauvreté. Je remercie Mr Benhabib aussi pour son soutien et ses conseils, la confiance qu’il m’a accordée et la grande liberté qu’il m’a laissée dans la réalisation de ce travail. Certes, nous avons appris beaucoup de Mr Benhabib, en lui attestant le sens de la communication, de la comprehension, de l’orientation, de l’analyse, et donner le plus d’information dans les domaines qui suscitent l’intérêt de beaucoup d’enseignants chercheurs. Je remercie Monsieur le Professeur Bendi Abdesslem, Doyen de la Faculté, pour avoir accepté de presider le present jury et sa precieuse contribution à l’évaluation de...
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...should prevail. There are some advantages that strongly support CEO’s huge salaries, including the following: * Provides incentives and motivates the CEO to obtain or surpass corporate objectives * Retains key-value leaders for the long-term, resulting in consistent corporate success * Creates a strong CEO confidence for him/her to reinvest in the corporation (bonds) Our overall research indicates that CEO compensation does not reflect actual performance in most cases. Many CEO’s are grossly over compensated (including stock options, bonuses, hedge funds, and other benefits). The “Golden Parachute” guarantee adds insult to injury. Based on our research, conducted from the UNLV Library periodicals database and online sources, we recommend the following: * Require corporations to adhere to sections 951, 953, 955 and 956 of the Dodd-Frank Bill * Maintain a collective (“Esprit de corps”) work force environment for all employees * Consult third party professional payroll agencies that evaluate and determine appropriate salaries The goal of our research is to reveal the best solutions to optimize corporate payroll risk management that will promote steady growth for corporations, their leaders and work force. Sincerely, Ray Mirkosky Report Director Encl.: Report The Rich...
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...Titre de l’édition originale STEVE JOBS : A BIOGRAPHY publiée par Simon & Schuster, Inc. Maquette de couverture : Bleu T Photo de couverture : Albert Watson © 2011 by Walter Isaacson Tous droits réservés. © 2011, éditions Jean-Claude Lattès pour la traduction française. Première édition novembre 2011. ISBN : 978-2-7096-3882-1 « Seuls ceux qui sont assez fous pour penser qu’ils peuvent changer le monde y parviennent. » Publicité Apple « Think Different », 1997 Table des matières Les personnages Introduction : La genèse de ce livre 1- L’enfance : abandonné puis choisi 2- Un couple improbable : les deux Steve 3- Tout lâcher : harmonie, ouverture, détachement… 4- Atari et l’Inde : du zen et de l’art de concevoir des jeux 5- L’Apple I : allumage, démarrage, connexion 6- L’Apple II : l’aube d’une ère nouvelle 7- Chrisann et Lisa : celui qui a abandonné… 8- Xerox et Lisa : les interfaces graphiques 9- Passer en Bourse : vers la gloire et la fortune… 10- Le Mac est né : vous vouliez une révolution 11- Le champ de distorsion de la réalité : imposer ses propres règles du jeu 12- Le design : les vrais artistes simplifient 13- Fabriquer le Mac : le voyage est la récompense 14- Entrée en scène de Sculley : le défi Pepsi 15- Le lancement : changer le monde 16- Gates et Jobs : quand deux orbites se croisent 17- Icare : à monter trop haut… 18- NeXT : Prométhée délivré 19- Pixar : quand la technologie rencontre l’art 20- Un homme comme les autres...
Words: 233799 - Pages: 936
...University of Roehampton Referencing Style Guide Harvard Version 2012 Learning Services Supporting innovation in teaching, learning and learner development The Green Room, Library rm 217 www.roehampton.ac.uk/Learningservices Contents INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1 DISCLAIMER ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE ........................................................................................................................................... 1 WHAT IS REFERENCING, AND WHY SHOULD I DO IT? .................................................................................... 1 PARAPHRASING ................................................................................................................................................. 2 QUOTING ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 CITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 . BIBLIOGRAPHIES OR CITED WORKS/REFERENCE LIST ..........................................................................
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