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Donnie Reese Monologue

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“Yeah, it was back when we were all freshmen. We used to all hang out together. I was a part of their group or clique. Donnie Reese used to want to fuck me sooo bad too, but I was never going to let him. I would just tease him a little which used to piss him off to no ends.” “Wait!” I shouted while putting up my hand. “Are you telling me that you used to go out with Donnie?” I had asked her this as I tried to suss the situation in my head. “Oh, my God,” I then said to her as I began to crack up at the thought. “You little slut, you,” “Alright, alright, get it all out now and get it over.” Katelyn then said to me as she began to laugh a little at herself or maybe she was just laughing because I was laughing so hard. “Katelyn, …show more content…
“Go on, please. Please, go on.” “Well, like I said. It was autumn, and we were all in the ninth grade together. Of course, we had all heard of the stories about Abellona Abbott and the curse that she had put on the village way-back-when. Everybody had, but at the time none of us believed in that shit. I’m mean, who would? “Then that fall about half the school had acutely come down with a mysterious illness that doctors couldn’t diagnose. It had swept through the whole student body in less than a week. I mean it hit like lightning, sending kids to the E.R. in less than a day. So, naturally everyone became worried about just how bad and for how long this particular sickness was going to last for. You might or might not have heard, but this village has had a long, dark history of having a plethora of different exotic illnesses passing through it. Each one taking out a number of kids before it’s finished. Not just stuff like influenza or a case of the runs either. I mean, like weird shit that people just don’t get anymore—Measles, Dysentery, Typhoid, and Scarlet Fever are just a few off the top of my head that I can remember having paid a visit to Mt. Harrison that I’ve been alive

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