...Short-term effects The short-term effects of exercise is an increase in your heart rate. In real life, you heart rate will begin to rise before you even start to exercise because your brain realises you are going to work out and releases adrenalin to speed up your heart in preparation for the upcoming exertion. This is called "the anticipatore response." Heart rate will continue to rise in direct proportion to the intensity of exercise until maximum heart rate is achieved. Stroke volume--the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle by each beat--increases by up to 80 millilitres per beat. Cardiac output--the volume of blood the heart pumps in a period of one minute--increases from the typical 5 litres per minute, to up to 40 litres per minute, during strenuous exercise. Short-term changes in blood flow. At rest, the muscles require only about 15 to 20 per cent of the total amount of blood circulating through the body. During exercise the hardworking muscles demand more oxygen from the cardiovascular system, up to 80 per cent. In response, blood is shunted away from the digestive organs, kidney and liver and redirected to the skeletal muscles. Blood flow to the skin also increases. The blood vessels serving the skin dilate to allow more blood to the surface of the body. This helps to cool the body down during exercise.Your body uses by-products of carbon dioxide to buffer the hydrogen ions in your bloodstream. Hydrogen ions are electrically charged particles in your body...
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...Functions and powers of the FRC (s. 225 of ASIC Act )---Provide broad oversight of the process for setting accounting standards//Appoint members of the AASB//Approve and monitor the AASB’s priorities, business plan, budget and staffing//Give the AASB directions, advice or feedback on matters of general policy//No power to direct AASB regarding development of particular standards//No power to veto a standard//Powers expanded in 2003 to include overseeing the activities of AUASB (ASIC) is responsible for administering The Corporations Act. The Corporations Act (enforced by ASIC):--Outlines the responsibilities of company directors in relation to various activities, including the nature of their conduct, and preparation, lodgment and distribution of financial statement///Requires preparation of ‘true and fair’ financial statements by public companies, large proprietary companies, organizations with securities listed on the ASX, and some small proprietary companies. Functions of AASB--developing a conceptual framework making accounting standards that have force of law under s. 334 of the Corporations Act//formulate accounting standards for other purposes such as for entities not governed by The Corporations Law//participate in and contribute to the development of a single set of accounting standards for worldwide use ROLE OF ASX:-- 1. Reviewing applications by companies to be listed on ASX. This includes reviewing the company’s history and finances. Each company must agree to obey...
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...Mobning Der er for mange folk der bliver mobbet, grundlæggende er det et problem i indskolingen, der er det hele 52 % der er blevet drillet af nogen fra deres egen klasse, så de er blevet kede af det. I de større klasser er tallet faldet til 17 %, hvilket betyder at der er sket fremskridt. Kommunerne har ansvaret for en ungdomsskole og har ansvaret for borgerene i kommunen. Vi ønsker derfor at ungdomsskolerne skal tilbyde et ”Anti-mobbeteam”. Anti-moobeteamet skal være sammensat af pædagoger og tidligere mobbeofre, så den rette forståelse af følelse og psyke som den mobbede oplever, bliver guidet og hjulpet den rigtige vej. Ved at indsætte pædagoger, sørger man for at den unge får den rigtige forståelse og bliver taget seriøs, ved at pædagogen har en autoritet. Dette skal give den unge en følelse af, at der kan gøres en forskel, og pædagogen, vil også være i stand til at tage fat i skolen, og ved nødvendighed tage fat i socialrådgiver, og informere om situationen. Der bliver altså taget fat i sagens kerne. Der skal inddrages tidligere mobbeofre i samtalerne, så den unge ikke føler sig alene i situationen, og uforstået. Personen skal også være med for at være sparingspartner for pædagogen. Ungdomsskolen, skal have et hold som henvender sig direkte til mobbeofre på nuværende tidspunkt. Sammensætningen af et hold med 5-10 mobbeofre i omkring samme alder, så ingen konflikter opstår, der skal tage udgangspunkt i at de unge får delt episoder, som har påvirket og fyldt meget...
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...Holiday Destination London London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom It is the most populous city in the United Kingdom. London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport. Length of stay: 1 week Flight cost (4 people): AED 2522.11 Accommodation | AED 575.10 | Food | AED 174.66 | Water | AED 25.74 | Local Transportation | AED 200.30 | Entertainment | AED 500.66 | Communication | AED 75.06 | Tips and Handouts | AED 15.52 | Average Daily Travel Cost | AED 902.82 | Total Cost = 4991.97 Forgo eating in restaurants and prepare meals instead. If traveling with family, this is a very cost efficient way to do so. You can prepare many types of food without a stove or oven. Chances are that there will be a refrigerator in the hotel or motel room. It can easily store perishables there. Fly on the holiday. Many people want to arrive to their destination early. If this is not a possibility, consider flying on the holiday. Many people report that it’s one of the most economical ways to travel. The plane will be less crowded and airlines are more flexible because they want to fill seats. Watch for sales and use coupons when allowed. Most airlines have blackout dates but some do offer specials during the holidays as a way to fill seats. Keep your eyes open for the bargains...
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...employer how they can operate in enterprising ways, develop working relationships and meet their rights and responsibilities. Task 1: Enterprising employees Suggest two ways to a Bombay Stores employee of what they can do to be enterprising: |Suggestion |Explanation | |Have suggestion schemes |If you have a suggestion scheme the employees can put their ideas forward and| | |the employees will be more motivated, because their voices will be heard. | |Have a Flexible workforce |If they have a flexible work force the employees will know what to do in the | | |different departments e.g. stacking the shelves, working in the office. | (4 marks) |Increased sales |If Bombay stores are enterprising they will have more innovative products and services. More customers | | |will shop there which will mean an increase in sales. | |Good reputation |If they have a unique product then the customers will tell people around them about their product which | | |will increase their reputation. | |Increased market share...
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...Reading and Comprehension What was the main point of the written piece? The main point of the reading is 8 simple points to create a knockout business presentation. What did each section deal with? Well each section has their own special to creating an effective business presentation. There is dig deep where you try to keep the people on their feet during the presentation. There is avoid info overload where you try not to overload the audience during the presentation because you shut down the dialogue that's an important part of decision-making. There is also practice delivery is where you practice your presentation over and over until you remove the distractions including nervous tics and uncomfortable pauses. There is also forget jokes which means to leave your jokes at home. It's ok to throw in a few natural off the cuff laughs but don't overdo it. There is also pick powerful props where you pick a few simple props to demonstrate a point can be memorable in the minds of your target audience. There is also minimize you where you write Write a script for your presentation that makes the audience the protagonist, or the main character, who faces a problem that you will help them to solve. There is also speak your language is where you might be tempting to throw in a few big words but are you alienating your audience? Always explain terms and acronyms. There is also simple slides where you use slides in your knockout presentation to highlight and emphasize key points...
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...Class Contract | HIS 101.05a | T/TH | 8:30-9:45 | S124 | Last Name, First Name | Course & Section # | Days | Times | Room | Hello Everyone, Welcome to History 101! I love teaching and learning about history. I will do my best to make this an interesting and productive semester for you. Learning is a two way street. In order to be successful in college you need to be prepared to learn every day. You also need to take responsibility for your own actions. The course syllabus guidelines and expectations are based on my experiences in teaching and reflect practices that will help you to be successful in this class. Class attendance, appropriate behavior in class and academic honesty and hard work are some of the key factors in your success. This contract is a way to encourage you to pay attention to class policies and have you acknowledge your role in your own success. I _______________________________________ have read and had the Print your first and last name opportunity to ask for any clarification of any of the information and policies in the syllabus and the PPCC Connect course shell. I fully understand all of the requirements including the course calendar, scheduled dates for assignment and papers including the consequences for late papers, plagiarism, and inappropriate behaviors that may result in a variety of disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion from the college and reporting to the appropriate legal authorities. ___________________ ...
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...DESIGUALDAD DE GÉNERO Virginia Teresa Solis Medina 20162000805 Sección: 1401 Como otras cosas, un problema social que se expandió por América y el mundo es la desigualdad de género. Es un problema que ha tenido un gran impacto negativo en todas las sociedades. La desigualdad puede encontrarse en muchos sub-sistemas como; la familia, el trabaja, la escuela, etc. A mi parecer la desigualdad hacia la mujer debió quedarse en los tiempos primitivos. Estamos en el presente y estamos mucho más avanzado, sin embargo, en las sub-sistemas nos siguen diciendo como un hombre y una mujer deben ser tratados. La desigualdad de genero explica porque a la mujer se le asignan roles que le conceden menores oportunidades y privilegios. En la sociedad latinoamericana persisten con fuerza dos grandes principios: * El ámbito cultural, se refiere desvalorización de la mujer en cuanto al hombre en el mundo social. * El ámbito económico, este se refiere sexual del trabajo, como el hombre tiene el rol de proveer el dinero a su familia, como la mujer debe quedarse en casa y emplear los quehaceres del hogar. Sin embargo hoy en día este parámetro se ha ido rompiendo poco a poco, podemos ver como mujeres empiezan a emplear roles que antes eran considerados solo para hombres. Ej.: Ingenieras, guardias, agrónomas, etc. Llegando la mujer a tener más independencia En cuanto a niveles de ingreso entre el hombre y la mujer los ingresos de la mujer son mucho más bajos que los del hombre – incluso...
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...report with your final assignment. (i) Which scores were purported in this report? (ii) What type of background information was used in this report (e.g., developmental history, significant historical events that impacted the ability to develop/learn)? (iii) What accommodations/modifications were proposed for teachers? (iv) What other information was important/informative in this report in terms of instructional, behavior, and/or social implications? (c) Use standard essay format in APA style, including an introduction, conclusion, and title page. An abstract is not required. Cite in-text and in the References section. (2) Case Study 2: Student in the Process of Transitioning (a) After obtaining permission from the student’s parent(s), attend a transition assessment of this student (who is having a transition plan done). Answer the following questions in your case study: (i) Which assessment was given? (ii) What is the purpose of this assessment? (iii) What are the reliability and validity percentages of this assessment? (iv) How do the results of this assessment determine/influence decisions with regard to transition? (v) What are some of the protocol rules you observed (e.g., Can the assessor offer cues? Is the assessment timed?). (b) After obtaining permission from the student’s parent(s), attend the transition meeting for this student, and answer the following questions in your case study: (i) Who attended the meeting? (ii) What was the purpose of the meeting...
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...MEMBER ACHIEVEMENT RECORD Member Achievement Record for: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME Use this form to track your progress in Toastmasters’ educational programs. By recording manual completions and other activities, you can monitor progress toward the CC, ACB, ACS, ACG, CL, ALB, ALS and DTM awards. My club has assigned a mentor to help me. My mentor is: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LAST NAME FIRST NAME EMAIL ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER (DAY) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE/PROVINCE ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER (EVENING) TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND LEADERSHIP TRACKS The Toastmasters educational program consists of two tracks: a communication track and a lead rship track. You can participate e in both tracks at the same time or choose just one to start. Both tracks provide recognition for specific accomplishments. The diagram below shows the award rogression in each track. Following pages provide more detail. p LEADERSHIP TRACK Competent Leader AND Competent Communicator Advanced Leader Bronze Advanced Leader Silver New Member DTM Competent Communicator ...
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...1. ECPI is an accredited institution. Who is the accrediting body, and what does this mean for you as a student? - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) to award the associate's, baccalaureate, and master's degrees and diplomas. 2. What are the 4 main academic programs or courses of study that ECPI offers? Computer & Information Science, Computer Electronics Technology, Criminal Justice, and Business 3. Who are the department heads for each program? (hint: for days and nights it’s the same) - this relates to question #2 Dr. Mark Pardue, Dr. Wael Ibrahim, Stuart Innes, and Stuart Innes 4. Who is the original founder of ECPI? Alfred Dreyfus 5. Who is the Campus Director of Academic Affairs (CDAA) for the main campus? William Salice 6. When was ECPI originally founded? 1966 7. (A) Who is the Night Manager Monday through Thursday evenings? – Tracy Jewett (B) who is the manager for Friday night and Saturday morning?- Loren Tracey 8. Where is the Career Services office located? 1st floor How does this office help students? Employment, college work study, career fairs and Resume development 9. Where is the library located? Main Deck Who is the head librarian? Rebecca Tabakin Who is the evening librarian? Jennifer Galeota When is the library opened on Friday and Saturday? 0830-2000 10. How many computers are available in the library lab for student use? 20 How many in the lab in Room 415? 11. Where...
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...Chaudhary Charan Singh University ,Meerut. (DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE) PROJECT ON GERMANY AUTOMOBILE INDUTRY CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN GERMAN LANGUAGE SUBMITTED TO: DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE SUBMITTED BY: SHIVANK KAUSHIK ROLL NO. - 111754 INTERNAL EXAMINER EXTERNAL EXAMINER INDEX 1.GERMANY 2.GERMAN GEOGRAPHY 3.AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY HISTORY 4.PRESENT DAY 5.CURRENT MANUFACTURERS(MAJOR/ MINOR) 6.REFRENCE/SOURCES GERMANY Germany officially the Federal Republic of Germany is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate. With 81.8 million inhabitants, it is the most populous member state and the largest economy in the European Union. It is one of the major political powers of the European continent and a technological leader in many fields...
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...Thank you for using the “Download PDF file” feature, to download a correct PDF file, please
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...PHIL 484/584 Global Business Ethics Dr. Michael J. Shaffer Office: CH365N Office Hours: TTH 9:30-11 (in office), TTH 3:30-4:30 (by appt), W 8-12 (email/Skype) and by appt. Contact Information: (email) mjshaffer@stcloudstate.edu Introduction This course is an advanced consideration of ethical issues and ethical theory in the context of economics. Students will learn essential skills in ethical theory including understanding of ethical concepts, the aims of moral theory, the role of ethical theory in decision-making, etc., and then employ them in the context of specific problems of ethical interest in business and economics. More specifically, students will understand what makes for a good ethical theory and demonstrate competence in making theoretically well-grounded evaluations of ethical situations that arise in economics in terms of ethical egoism, emotivism, utilitarianism and Kantian ethics. Most crucially, the course will involve significant consideration of market policy from these ethical perspectives. Furthermore, students will discuss and evaluate the details of specific topics including (but not limited to) employee rights, employer responsibilities, sustainable business practices and consumer safety. Required Texts and Other Materials The following texts are required. They are available in the bookstore: 1) [DM] J. DesJardins and J. McCall (2014). Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics, 6th ed. Wadsworth. 2) [T] M. Timmons (2012). Conduct...
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...[pic][pic]Preparation for AS / IB French [pic] [pic] At AS/A2 and IB level you will be exploring topics in greater detail and moving to wider issues concerning society and the world around you. Some are very broad, for example, environmental issues, world disasters and the rise of new political powers. Other topics will remain personal in nature, such as healthy living, marriage, relationships and young people’s attitudes. How will your work be different? You will be expected to work more independently and take responsibility for your own learning. This will require you to research topics, form your own opinions and develop a much wider vocabulary. Skills Required Below are some of the skills that are needed to be successful at A Level and IB. You may already be competent in some of these, whilst your sixth-form course will help you to develop others further. • To be well-informed • To be able to express opinions and reactions and to provide well-researched information • To be able to prepare a topic in detail • To respond fully when prompted, basing responses on factual knowledge • To be able to present a logical argument coherently and clearly • To be able to use abstract language • To show initiative and imagination • To use the target language spontaneously and with increasing fluency • To use formal as well as informal language • To use accurate pronunciation and appropriate intonation • To show knowledge...
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