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Dorothea Dix Research Paper

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Dorothea Lynde Dix, a social reformer, was born in Hampden, Maine on April 4, 1802 and grew up in Worcester, Massachusetts. At age 14, Dorothea Dix began teaching. Later in 1819 she established an all girls’ school called Dix Mansion as well as a charity school for unfortunate girls. In the year 1841, Dorothea Dix started teaching at East Cambridge Jail, a prison only for women. Teaching Sunday school at East Cambridge Jail took a turn for Dorothea’s life. During her time teaching there, she realized that the handling of prisoners were horrifying, especially the handling of prisoners who were mentally ill.
In result Dorothea Dix spent most of her life devoting to the welfare of the mentally ill. She began traveling around the country to investigate the environment and conditions of prisons and documented all the conditions. One case that was documented was about an old man she had visited. The old man became mentally ill after the death of his only son. Jail was the only place this man could go to be cared for. The old man was found lying on a small bed in a dark basement room deprived of necessary comfort. All documentation of the prison’s environment, such as the case of the old man was presented to the Massachusetts legislature. Not only did Dorothea investigate and document the conditions of prisons around the …show more content…
Fortunately both houses of congress approved Dorothea’s request; however, President Franklin Pierce rejected it in 1854. Although Dorothea’s request being rejected was an impediment, she still managed to benefit the mentally ill. Dorothea met Pope Pius IX in Europe and clarified to him what has happened with her request; the pope demanded construction of new hospitals for the mentally ill after hearing what had happened. Dorothea Dix returned to the United States in

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