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Dr in Mba


Submitted By japanliaoli
Words 1033
Pages 5
DEVELOPING A MARKETING PLAN: A Template for Analysis and Strategy

This template is designed for the analysis and planning phases of global marketing strategy development. Students must conduct “real” research for completing a substantial and coherent marketing plan. First, you will develop a comprehensive customer, competitor, organizational and environmental analysis. This entails the next stage for an effective marketing mix strategy followed by implementation and control. The marketing plan should be fully justified, which means students must explain why a particular method, tactic, or strategy is chosen in comparison to many other alternatives. Cross-cultural analyses and discussions of global consumer culture are required components of the final marketing plan.

DEVELOPING A MARKETING PLAN: A Template for Analysis and Strategy

Executive Summary (done last – two page summary of entire project; use persuasive language to “sell” ideas to the reader) Internal and External Environmental Analysis SWOT Analysis Marketing Goals and Objectives Marketing Strategy Marketing Implementation

Evaluation and Control

* Conclusion


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