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Dream Act Research Paper

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Immigration Policy
In this paper, I will be basing my thoughts on Dream Act. First of all, Dream Act is said to be a bipartisan legislation that will enable a high achieving young people. These are the people or immigrants who have been raised in America, worked hard in school and are pursuing higher education. They are highly straining to achieve America Dream (Olivas, Michael page50). Actually, the Dream Act is important for the US Armed Forces. It will increase the pool of highly qualified recruits who have completed high school. In a statistical analysis, it is estimated that approximately 800, 000 young people will benefit from the Dream Act (Olivas, …show more content…
The Dream Act recommended the 2010 Strategy Plan for the Defense Department’s office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personal and Readiness in helping the military. As David Chu, who was the secretary in the Bush Administration in Department (Olivas, Michael page 50) of Defense said, many of these young people may wish to join the military and have the attributes needed. That is, education, aptitude, fitness and moral qualification. Since actually, many of them are high school diploma graduates and may have fluent language skills. That is both in English and their native language. Hence, Dream Act would provide these young people with abundant opportunity of serving the United States in uniform. With an American strategic analysis, it is evident that there is strong tradition of military service in immigrant families. However, lack of immigration status has prevented many wish in serving from enlisting. According to assertion by Margaret Stock who is a Lieutenant Colonel, Military Police Corps, Us Army Reserve and Associate Professor of Law, (Olivas, Michael page 50) the Dream Act is such effective …show more content…
This is because, the Dream Act will be providing its beneficiaries access to higher levels of education, which would result in access to better jobs and thus more taxable income. Since the education is one of key factor of development, Dream Act will be one of the primary (Batalova, Jeanne page67) engines that will be a driver and determiner of whether dreamers will be allowed to stay in the country. Moreover, the requirement of two-year college attendance will be allowing the beneficiaries of the Dream Act to becoming active members of the US economy. This is because, according to a study from Arizona State University, a person with a bachelor degree earns approximately $7500000 more over the course of their lifetime than a person with a high school degree. Hence, the earning or income of the Dreamers over the course of their lives will be amounting around $400 per week. Subsequently, workers who have bachelor degree earn around $900 per every week according to the United States Department of Labor. (Batalova, Jeanne page

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