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Q & A Case Study: Bee Highway

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Bee Highway


Due to an increase of pesticides and urban sprawl bee populations have be decreasing in recent years. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey beekeepers have recorded winter loses of 26-48% and 17-40% in PA and NJ between 2006 and 2009 (SITE xerces)

Solution & Goal

The idea for the bee highway is to help maintain and increase the current bee population in Philadelphia. Through the use of vacant or abandoned lots throughout the city, recycling wood scraps from building sites and integrating green storm water infrastructure along with planting favored native plants for the bees, an educational and sustainable garden can be created to both educate the public and help the bees.

Bee Species

With over 4000 native species in North American and over 300 different species in Pennsylvania, bees provide an invaluable workforce for the world that is often over looked. (SITE) It is estimated that the local bee population in PA and NJ facilitate the reproduction and seed improvement of the top fruit and vegetable farms, accounting for a pollination service range from $6-263 million yearly. While not …show more content…
Indian Hemp (Apocynum Cannabinum)
3. Common Milkweed (Asclepias Syriaca)
4. Swamp Verbena (Verbene Hastata)
5. Palespike Lobelia (Lobelia Spicata)
6. Narrowleaf Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum Tenuifolium)
7. Anisescented Goldenrod (Solidago Odora)
8. Norwegian Cinquefoil (Potentilla Norvegica)
9. Spotted Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium Maculatum)
10. Broadleaf Ironweed (Vernonia Noveboracensis)

In the center of each garden bed will be a feature tree piece of either logs, stumps, or fallen trees to act as a nest for bees that prefer wood nests. Along with this DIY bee hotels are located on the site from recycled building materials for other bees to live in. Lastly, part of the site remained untouched to allow for bees who prefer ground nests to build homes. In total three different types of nests will be available on site for the bees to utilize.

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