...For the self lighting tour Rachel and I went to the Lighting Specialist in Midvale, UT. The gentleman who we talked to upon arriving was very helpful. He reviewed the difference of colors based on the Kelvin scale. He answered questions about the designer discount and how it is better to buy through them versus online because they are able to get a better discount even for the everyday customer. We talked about how quickly lights could be ordered and how with the nature of lighting being one of the last things to go in a house and how they help to get things done efficiently and smoothly. One of their feature walls displayed Adorne collection by Legrand. The collection featured wall outlets that could pop out of the wall and be hidden when not in use. It also featured many different switches and dimmers. These were contemporary and sleek. They come with a variety of wall plate covers to match your unique need so they blend into the wall with ease. They also featured modular tracks for a kitchen which would easily service all yours needs down to Ipad cradles. This look I didn’t love as much because I felt like the actual track looked cheap in comparison to the price. The idea is great though and I hope they are able to improve the look soon. The gentleman helping us also gave us a lot of lighting catalogs to take home. They were: Maxim Sonneman Feiss Dolan Designs Craftmade WAC Lighting Quoizel He invited us to come back any time and he would be more than willing...
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...Astronomy Web Quest Task #1: 1) - You will begin your web quest by learning how to identify stars by their magnitude, color, and temperature, and spectral class. Go to Stars: Lights in The Sky (http://www.seasky.org/celestial-objects/stars.html) and write out the answers to the following questions. --Name the brightest star in the known universe. --What is its magnitude? --Are the brightest stars low magnitude or high magnitude? --How much does the brightness of a star change with each change in magnitude of one? 2) - Do a search on the Internet for "brightest stars" and make a top 10 list of the names of the 10 brightest stars in the known universe and their magnitude. [List on back of paper] 3) - Finally, design a colored diagram that displays the colors of the hottest stars on the left to the coolest stars on the right. Stars are grouped into spectral classes based on a range of temperatures they fall into. Label the spectral classes (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) appropriately under each star color in your diagram. To complete Task #1, Come up with a clever sentence or phrase (the first letter of each word in your phrase is one spectral class letter) to help you remember the order of the spectral classes and write it under your diagram on your paper. Answer the following few more questions. - What color is the brightest star? - What color is the coolest star? -What color is our sun? -What spectral class of stars is the hottest? -What spectral...
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...Figure 2: Stress- strain graph The stress strain relation dependent on time and time-depending behavior of materials is known as visco-elasticity. This term derived in two expressions: Viscosity and Elasticity, Elasticity is about solid whereas Viscosity resistance to flow in fluids. Therefore, this type of material is a combination of fluid and solid properties which presents a following relation (1) where is stress tensor, is visco-elastic coefficient and is strain rate. In my thesis research problems we have choose Kelvin Voigt model. Since Kelvin gives Voigt model for visco-elastic solids. This...
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...2009) YOUR TASK In a 1500-2000 word essay outline 2-3 aspects of creativity and critically analyse how these aspects of creativity have been applied in a specific occupation or profession of your choice. Use real world examples to support your analysis. DETAILS: You must write a draft of your essay to hand in during your tutorial in week 8. You need to make two copies of your draft to bring to your tutorial in week 9 to use in peer review with one of your colleagues from your tutorial group. Week 8: Essay Draft (Formative/ Summative) DUE: Week 8: Hand your draft to your tutor in your Week 8 tutorial. Week 11: Essay (Summative) DUE: Thursday May 14, 2015 at Assignment Minder KG, R Block, Level 2 of the Library at Kelvin Grove Campus. Include the following in your folder when you submit 1. Your Essay with 1.5 spacing between the lines 2. Your reference list (a) in alphabetical order (b) single spacing for each entry 3. Your Essay Draft (from Week 8) with your tutor’s comments page. 4. The QCD111 Essay Criteria Sheet As well as submitting the hard copy to Assignment Minder, you will need to upload your final essay digitally to the matching software tool called Turn-it-in on BB before the due date. NB: QUT Policy on Late Submission of Assessment Item. From Semester 1, 2014 if you don’t hand in your assignment by the due date, it won't be marked and you'll receive a grade of 1 or 0%. If special circumstances prevent you...
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...and planets; and his Handbook, published in 1838, told the grand story of a solar system travelling through endless space. Among his other achievements he had named some 250 minor planets, and classified 5,000 clusters of little stars. SIR JOHN HERSCHEL. | While developments were taking place in the telescope and spectroscope, the discovery of photography brought these observations into the realm of fact. By means of this new art the heavens could be photographed, and true pictures of the relative sizes of sun, moon, and stars were presented to the world at large. The discoveries of Professor Tyndall on the subject of radiant heat became known in 1863, when one of the foremost men of science, Sir William Thomson (afterwards Lord Kelvin), was using his experiments in electricity for practical ends. PROFESSOR TYNDALL. | One December night in 1858 the first electric light flashed over the troubled waters from the South Foreland lighthouse, though private houses were not lit with it till 1878. By this time the great work of Lord Kelvin's life was done, and he had been the means of laying the deep submarine cable, first from Dover to Calais in 1851, then from Ireland to Newfoundland in 1866, until every foreign...
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...specifikke varmekapacitet, eller varmefylde, er den mængde energi, der skal til, for at varme et kg af et stof, én grad Celcius (eller Kelvin). Den specifikke varmekapacitet for vand er: 4182Jkg∙K Formlen for, hvor meget energi der skal bruges til at opvarme vand er: E=m∙c∙ΔT m er masse i kg c er den specifikke varmekapacitet i Jkg∙K ΔT=(Tslut-Tstart) er temperaturforskel i Kelvin eller grader Celcius. Så for at regne ud, hvor meget energi der skal til for at opvarme 250 mL vand fra 250C til 1000C: E=0,25 kg∙4.182Jkg∙K∙1000C-250C=78.412,5 J=78,41 kJ Varmekapaciteten (for et system) Varmekapaciteten gælder for hele systemet, f.eks. vand og kedel, eller for 2 liter vand. Hvis vi har 2 liter vand, så er varmekapaciteten (enhed JK) den mængde energi der skal til, for at opvarme 2 kg vand én grad: E=m∙c∙ΔT=2 kg∙4.182Jkg∙K∙1 K=8.364 J eller Varmekapaciteten C=m∙c=2 kg∙4.182Jkg∙K=8.364JK Hvis vandet er i en gryde, og vi vil gerne have varmekapaciteten af systemet, bliver det: Cvand+gryde=mvand∙cvand+mgryde∙cgryden Cvand+gryde=Cvand+Cgryde Gryden kan f.eks. være lavet af aluminium. Varmefylde for forskellige stoffer (tabel s. 48). Stof | Jkg∙K | Vand | 4.180 | Sprit | 2.430 | Messing | 390 | Bly | 130 | Jern | 452 | Nikkel | 444 | Aluminium | 896 | Pyrexglas | 780 | Beton | 840 | Granit | 800 | Temperatur i Kelvin 0 K=-2730C Det absolutte nulpunkt. TK=t(0C)+273 og t(0C)=TK-273 200C svarer til 200C+273=293 K 300 K svarer til 300...
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...Aggressive Behavior and the Effect it has on Peer Relations in Toddlers and Preschoolers Satveka Ilango PSYCH 10 8/18/15 Aggressive Behavior and the Effect it has on Peer Relations in Toddlers and Preschoolers Stereotypically, boys are perceived to be more aggressive and harder to talk to than girls and girls are perceived to be more gentle and easier to get along with. Some individuals are more aggressive as children and then grow out of that phase, whereas, other children become aggressive over time and are that way as adults. Today, we will explore the idea of how aggressive behaviors differ between different age groups and how these behaviors affect the relationships that children have with their peers. This is an important topic to because many people don’t realize that aggressive behaviors are a normal part of child development and that they don’t always lead to bad social skills and relationships. A study was done by Deynoot-Schaub and Riksen-Walraven (2006) that consisted of the observation of seventy 15-month-olds in their day care centers in order to try to explain the relationship between how they communicated with each other and their temperaments, along with other correlations. Seventy children were randomly chosen from different child care centers that agreed to participate in the study in the Netherlands and they were assessed for peer-peer interactions and peer-caregiver interactions by visitations to the child care centers made by the researchers and...
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...Employment is lower in Kelvin Grove. $17000 for Palmerston North and Nice Suburban social economic, less crime, more opportunity, access to buses. Opportunity to raise grandkids. Low crime, stable, safe community. Opportunity to make money on property. YEAR 2013 Kelvin Grove is 8.5% of Palmerston Norths population Males 3336 38394 Female 3438 41688 Total 6771 80079 1,929 people, or 39.8 percent, since the 2006 Census. Median income is $35,000 $27,000 for Palmerston North Ethnicity Ethnic group(1) Kelvin Grove (percent) European 79.9 Māori 17.0 Pacific peoples 4.0 Asian 9.5 Middle Eastern, Latin American, African 1.6 Other ethnicity 2.2 16.6 % born overseas 84.3% speak English Common birthplace Asia. Recreation Physical Environment Palmerston North City(percent) 78.9 16.5 4.5 9.7 1.3 2.1 19.2% 82.9% Educaton 79.3% 15 years and over have a formal qualification 80.25% 20.9% 18.3% have a Bachelor degree Safety and Transportation 15.6% have access to vehicles Politics and Government 13.1% Health and Social Services Communication Economics Unemployment rate 5.1% 15 years and over 7.6% Business demographics Business demographic data for the year ended February 2013 showed that: • There were 347 business locations (geographic units) in Kelvin Grove compared with 7,513 for all of Palmerston North City. This is an increase of 28.5 percent from the year ended February 2006 for Kelvin Grove. • There were 2...
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...If I continuously have a positive attitude towards everything life would be so much better. Although being positive in every situation doesn't help, I still try to maintain positive. From this film I have learned to care for others despite the hate towards each other. In the film the two main characters William Rogers and Kelvin Owens hated each other because they were from rival gangs. The most influential scene from the film is when Kelvin Owens saves William Rogers from one of Kelvins gang members who tries to shoot William. Kelvin overcame the fact that they were rivals and took a bullet. He did it even though he knew his own gang would hunt him down and kill him. Overcoming differences in life has been the most influential from this film. Weather we are different race, culture, or religion we must overcome diversity and treat each other with kindness....
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...Introduction In this project questions relating to Thermal Physics and Kinetic theory will be discussed and also diagrams to further explain them will be attached. Section B of the Physics syllabus will be completed by the end of this project. Bibliography https://www.google.com/search?q=Laboratory+thermometer&rlz=1C1CHWA_enLC632LC632&oq=Laboratory+thermometer&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59j69i60&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=explain+the+design+of+a+laboratory+thermometer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicate_glass#Silicate_glass http://www.livescience.com/39994-kelvin.html 1. Thermal energy transfer by: * Conduction is the flow of heat energy through materials and substances in direct contact with each other. A conductor is a material that permits heat energy to flow freely within it. The better the conductor the more rapidly heat will be transferred. Conduction takes place when heat is supplied to a substance, the particles in that substance gain more energy and vibrate more. These particles then bump into neighboring particles and some of their energy is transferred to them. This process continues and energy is eventually transferred from the hotter end to the colder end of the object. * Thermal convection is transferred from hot places to cold places by convection. Convection occurs when warmer areas of gas or liquid rises to cooler areas of that gas or liquid. The cooler gas or liquid replaces the warmer areas that...
Words: 1957 - Pages: 8
... 38. 41. 42. 44. y=gx=secx+5 45. 46. y=hx=--x 47. 48. y=fx=x+5 49. 51. y=hx=8-xx(x+5) 52. 53. y=gx=-x-3 54. 55. y=hx=-7x2+2x-9 56. 57. B. Convert the following data using converters and other web calculators. 1. 176 centimeter = 69.291 338 583 inch 2.153 meter = 0.095 069 792 412 mile 3. 176 kilometer = 577 427.821 52 feet 4. 2 387 kilometer = 1 483.213 035 9 mile 5. 35 degree Celsius = 95 degree Fahrenheit 6. -40 degree Celsius = -40 degree Fahrenheit 7. 35 degree Fahrenheit = 1.6666667 degree Celsius 8. 135 inch = 3.429 meter 9. 35 yard = 32.004 meter 10. 35 degree Celsius = 308.15 kelvin 11. -40 degree Celsius = 233.15 kelvin 12. 35 degree Fahrenheit = 274.8166667 kelvin 13. 135 kelvin = -216.67 degree Fahrenheit 14. 200 kelvin = -73.15 degree Celsius 15. 25 mile/hour (mph) = 11.176 meter/second 16. 10 025 mile/hour (mph) = 4 481.576 meter/second 58. 17. 100 123 456 mile/second = 580 079 099 420 000 meter/hour 18. P657= $15.7111 19.$10,345 = P430,254 20.$ 12, 345 = euro 10,059.2 21.What day of the week is September 9,1999?= Thursday 22.What day of the week is September 29,1950?= Friday 23.What of the week is April 22,1982?= Thursday 24.What day of the week is October 10,1980?= Friday 25.What day of the week was the 9-11 terrorist attack?= Tuesday 26.Roman numeral of 1975= MCMLXXV 27. 5 years old= 0.48 dog years 28. 9 month dog = 7.88 years old 29.2 years old...
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...Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Measuring Service Quality SURVEYING CUSTOMERS Kelvin Kirkman wheeled his shiny blue BMW couple into his driveway, put the gearshift into park, set the parking brake and got out to check his mail box as he did every day when he returned home. As he flipped through the deluge of catalogs and credit card offers, he noticed a letter from Enterprise Rent-A-Car. He wondered why Enterprise would be writing him. THE WRECK Then he remembered. Early that month, Kelvin had been involved in a wreck. A he was driving to work one rainy morning, another car had been unable to stop on the slick pavement and had plowed into his car as he waited at a stoplight. Thankfully, neither he nor the other driver was hurt, but both cars had sustained considerable damage. In fact, he was not able to drive his car. Kelvin had used his cell phone to call the police, and while he was waiting for the offices to come, he had called his auto insurance agent. The agent had assured Kelvin that his policy included coverage to pay for a rental car while he was having his car repaired. He told Kelvin to have the car towed to a nearby auto repair shop and gave him the telephone number for the Enterprise Rent-A-Car office that served his area. The agent noted that his company recommended using Enterprise for replacement rentals and that Kelvin’s policy would cover up to $20 per day of the rental fee. Once Kelvin had checked his car in at the shop and made the necessary arrangements...
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...and Java FORTRAN used in scientific programming. C is used in system programming. Java supports web programming and programming Android applications. 9. Ram is volatile and it temporarily stores programs while their being executed, delete when computer is turned off, Rom is not volatile the data stored there will not disappear when the computer is turned off. 2. Write an algorithm in pseudo-code to solve the following problem: Input a temperature in Fahrenheit, and output the temperature in Celsius and Kelvin. Formulas needed are: C = ( 59 ) (F – 32). K= ( 59 ) (F – 32) + 273.15 Algorithm: Fahrenheit to Celsius and Kelvin conversion. 1. Start 2. Output “Enter Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit” 3. Put in number 4. Put in Celsius = ( 59 ) (number in F – 32) 5. Output “Temperature in Celsius” , Celsius 6. Put in Kelvin = ( 59 ) (number in F – 32) + 273.15 7. Output “Temperature in Kelvin, Kelvin 8. Stop 3. Write an algorithm...
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...COMBINED GAS LAW SUMMARY The combined gas law is a gas law which combines Charles's law, Boyle's law, and Gay-Lussac's law. This law states: “The ratio between the pressure-volume product divided by the temperature of a system remains constant.” This can be stated mathematically as:  Where: p is the pressure, V is the volume, T is the temperature measured in kelvins, and k is a constant (with units of energy divided by temperature). Reminder: 1atm= 760 torr = 101.3 kPa & Celsius to Kelvin= add 273 and Kelvin to Celsius= subtract 273 For comparing the same substance under two different sets of conditions, the law can be written as:  If the problem does not state which unit to give the result in, then make sure that temperature is converted into Kelvin and for the Pressure and Volume just make sure you stay constant and use the same unit on both sides of the equation. Combination of 3 Laws: Boyle's Law states that the pressure-volume product is constant:  In other words as external pressure on a gas increases the volume decreases, and vice versa. Charles's Law shows that the volume is proportional to absolute temperature:  In other words as temperature increases the volume increases, and vice versa. Gay-Lussac's Law says that the pressure is proportional to the absolute temperature:  In other words as temperature increases the pressure increases, and vice versa. Where P is the pressure, V the volume and T the absolute temperature and of an ideal gas. ...
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...Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry: States of Matter and Gas Laws States of Matter: |State |Properties |Example | |Solid |Definite shape and volume | | | |Virtually incompressible | | | |Do not flow easily | | |Liquid |Liquids assume the shape of a container, but have a definite volume | | | |Are virtually incompressible | | | |Flow readily | | |Gas |Gasses assume the shape and volume of the container | | | |Are highly compressible | | | |Flow readily ...
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