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Religion In Gridiron

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If I continuously have a positive attitude towards everything life would be so much better. Although being positive in every situation doesn't help, I still try to maintain positive.
From this film I have learned to care for others despite the hate towards each other. In the film the two main characters William Rogers and Kelvin Owens hated each other because they were from rival gangs. The most influential scene from the film is when Kelvin Owens saves William Rogers from one of Kelvins gang members who tries to shoot William. Kelvin overcame the fact that they were rivals and took a bullet. He did it even though he knew his own gang would hunt him down and kill him. Overcoming differences in life has been the most influential from this film. Weather we are different race, culture, or religion we must overcome diversity and treat each other with kindness. …show more content…
If this is the case then the film Gridiron Gang would be classifies as art according to Tolstoy. When Kelvin saves William is unifying each other despite differences. Tolstoy thinks art is a change of view that has shaped western culture. This film has certainly changed my view on culture. I try not to judge others based on religion, culture, or race. If it can learn from this film not to be prejudice, then thats art. Tolstoy rejected the definition of beauty when it comes to art. This is because beauty cannot be measured, and is different in everyone's eyes. Art in my opinion is also not based on beauty. Rather its art to me when it has significance in someone's life. It's art when it changes your perspective and makes you rethink everything. Tolstoy defines art as having a function, or the transmission of feeling. All art makes people feel some type of way. That's why we are attached to a specific piece of

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