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1100 Words You Need to Know Fourth Edition Murray Bromberg Principal Emeritus Andrew Jackson High School, Queens, New York Melvin Gordon Reading Specialist New York City Schools . . . Invest fifteen minutes a day for forty-six weeks in order to master 920 new words and almost 200 useful idioms

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© Copyright 2000 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. Prior edition © Copyright 1993, 1987, 1971 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner. All inquiries should be addressed to: Barron's Educational Series, Inc. 250 Wireless Boulevard Hauppauge, NY 11788 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 00-030344 International Standard Book Number 0-7641-1365-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bromberg, Murray. 1100 words you need to know / Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-7641-1365-8 1. Vocabulary. I. Title: Eleven hundred words you need to know. II. Gordon, Melvin. III. Title. PE1449.B643 2000 428.1dc21 00-030344 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 987654321

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Full Pronunciation Key Weeks 146 Buried Words Words in Context Analogy Review Answers Final Review Test The Panorama of Words Index

iv 1 299 303 304 305 322 329 377

Introduction More than a half-million readers have already been exposed to the controlled vocabulary in 1100 Words You Need to Know and the techniques that we devised to help them learn how to use those important words. We have received grateful letters from across the country and abroad, praising us for the timeliness of our selectionwords appearing in newspapers and books, on standardized exams, and in business correspondence. That response is very gratifying. We realize that possessing a rich treasury of words brings material gains as well as confidence in one's ability to communicate and to be accepted as a mature person. As you spend the time to master the 1100 words and idiomseven 15 to 20 minutes dailyyou will discover the pleasure of recognition and understanding when you come across these challenging words in your listening, reading, and conversing. For the Second Edition, published in 1987, we added word games that enhanced the learning process and analogies that were useful for those who were preparing for college entrance tests. In the Third Edition, we took into account the newly revised SAT format by creating words-in-context segments called WORDSEARCHES, one for each of the 46 weeks. Now, in this Fourth Edition, we have updated all of the material and added a major component, "The Panorama of Words," where you will find a valuable sentence reference for each of the words you have learned. The material presented is consistent with our successful blueprint of interest, variety, relevance, and repetition. Regard it as a dividend on your investment. MURRAY BROMBERG MELVIN GORDON

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Full Pronunciation Key*


hat, cap


jam, enjoy


cup, butter

age, face ä father, far

k l m

kind, seek land, coal me, am no, in long, bring v w y ü

full, put rule, move

b ch d

bad, rob child, much did, red

n ng

very, save will, woman young, yet zero, breeze measure, seizure

o e let, best equal, be er term, learn ô oi ou f g h fat, if go, bag he, how p r s i it, pin ice, five sh t th

hot, rock open, go order, all oil, voice house, out

z zh

represents: a in about e in taken

paper, cup run, try say, yes she, rush tell, it thin, both then, smooth

i in April o in lemon u in circus

*From Scott Foresman Advanced Dictionary by E. L. Thorndike and Clarence L. Barnhart. Copyright © 1983, 1979, 1974, 1973 by Scott, Foresman and Company. Reprinted by permission.

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1st Week 1st Day

New Words voracious indiscriminate eminent steeped replete

Reading Wisely The youngster who reads voraciously, though indiscriminately, does not necessarily gain in wisdom over the teenager who is more selective in his reading choices. A young man who has read the life story of every eminent athlete of the twentieth century, or a coed who has steeped herself in every social-protest novel she can get her hands on, may very well be learning all there is to know in a very limited area. But books are replete with so many wonders that it is often discouraging to see bright young people limit their own experiences. Sample Sentences On the basis of the above paragraph, try to use your new words in the following sentences. Occasionally it may be necessary to change the ending of a word; e.g., indiscriminately to indiscriminate. 1. The football game was __________ with excitement and great plays. 2. The __________ author received the Nobel Prize for literature. 3. My cousin is so __________ in schoolwork that his friends call him a bookworm. 4. After skiing, I find that I have a __________ appetite. 5. Modern warfare often results in the __________ killing of combatants and innocent civilians alike. Definitions Now that you have seen and used the new words in sentences, and have the definitions "on the tip of your tongue," try to pair the words with their meanings.

6. voracious 7. indiscriminate 8. eminent 9. steeped 10. replete

____ a. of high reputation, outstanding ____ b. completely filled or supplied with ____ c. choosing at random without careful selection ____ d. desiring or consuming great quantities ____ e. soaked, drenched, saturated

Today's Idiom to eat humble pieto admit your error and apologize After his candidate had lost the election, the boastful campaign manager had to eat humble pie.

Answers are on Page 305

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2nd Day

New Words abound technology prognosticate automaton matron

Solving the Servant Problem The worlds of science-fiction abound with wonders. Yet modern technology progresses so rapidly that what may be today's wild dream may be next year's kitchen appliance. A British scientist has prognosticated that within ten years every suburban matron will have her own robot servant. One task this domesticated automaton will not have to contend with will be scouring the oven because even today the newest ranges can be "programed" to reduce their own baked-on grime to easily disposed of ashes. Sample Sentences Now that you've seen the words used in context, andhopefullyhave an idea of their meanings, try to use them in the following sentences. Remember that a word-ending may have to be changed. 1. The mayor refused to __________ as to his margin of victory in the election. 2. The time is approaching when human workers may be replaced by __________. 3. A clever salesman will always ask a __________ if her mother is at home. 4. The western plains used to __________ with bison before those animals were slaughtered by settlers. 5. Man may be freed from backbreaking labor by the products of scientific __________. Definitions Test yourself now by matching the new words with the definitions. If you are not sure of yourself, cover the top half of this page before you begin.

6. abound 7. technology

____ a. an older married woman

____ b. branch of knowledge dealing with engineering, applied science, etc. ____ c. a robot; a mechanical "person" ____ d. to exist in great numbers ____ e. to predict or foretell a future event

8. prognosticate 9. automaton 10. matron

Today's Idiom a pig in a pokean item you purchase without having seen; a disappointment The mail order bicycle that my nephew bought turned out to be a pig in a poke, and he is now trying to get his money back. Answers are on Page 305

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3rd Day

New Words paradox realm annals compound tinge


kom pound′


It's a Man's World How paradoxical that the world's greatest chefs have all been men! Cooking would clearly seem to be a field that lies exclusively within women's realm, yet the annals of cookery are replete* with masculine names: Brillat Savarin, Ritz, Diat, Larousse. To compound the puzzle, there has rarely been a tinge of rumor or scandal casting doubts on the masculinity of these heroes of cuisine. (*repleteif you've forgotten the meaning, see page 1) Sample Sentences Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences: 1. His gloom was now __________ by the failing mark on his geometry test. 2. The __________ of sports are replete* with the names of great black athletes. 3. One of the great __________ of American life is that though minority groups have suffered injustices, nowhere in the world have so many varied groups lived together so harmoniously. 4. A __________ of garlic is all that's necessary in most recipes. 5. The cruel king would not allow the prince to enter his __________, restricting him to the forest, which abounded* with wild animals. (*aboundedstudied previously, see page 2) Definitions If you are having trouble in picking the right definitions, it may be best not to do them in the order given, but to do the ones you are surest of first.

6. paradox 7. realm

____ a. a trace, smattering, or slight degree

____ b. a statement that at first seems to be absurd or self-contradictory but which may in fact turn out to be true ____ c. to increase or add to

8. annals

9. compound (v.) ____ d. historical records 10. tinge (n.) ____ e. special field of something or someone; kingdom

Today's Idiom a flash in the panpromising at the start but then disappointing The rookie hit many home runs in spring training, but once the season began he proved to be a flash in the pan.

Answers are on Page 305

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4th Day

New Words badger implore drudgery interminable perceive

im plôr′

How Not to Get Your Way It is difficult to change someone's opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to "get off his back" when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical* that neither is able to perceive that no one likes being nagged. (*paradoxicalstudied previously, see page 3) Sample Sentences Getting the hang of it? Now go on to use the five new words in the following sentencesremember, past tenses may be required. 1. She does her homework on Fridays to save herself from the __________ of having to do it during the weekend. 2. The teacher continually __________ the pupil for the missing assignments. 3. The eminent scientist __________ difficulties in putting the invention into practice. 4. The sick child's mother __________ the doctor to come immediately. 5. I listened to the boring lecture for what seemed an __________ fifty minutes. Definitions Pick the letter of the definition that matches your new word and write it in the answer space.

6. badger (v.) 7. implore 8. drudgery 9. interminable 10. perceive

____ a. unpleasant, dull, or hard work ____ b. unending ____ c. to plead urgently for aid or mercy ____ d. to understand, know, become aware of ____ e. to pester, nag, annoy persistently

Today's Idiom to pour oil on troubled watersto make peace, to calm someone down When I tried to pour oil on troubled waters, both the angry husband and his wife stopped their quarrel and began to attack me. Answers are on Page 305

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5th Day Review You have accomplished something worthwhile this week. In learning twenty useful words and four idioms, you have taken a step toward a greater mastery of our language. As a result of today's lesson, you will become aware of those words that require greater study on your part for complete success in these first lessons. Take the following quiz by matching the best possible definition with the word you have studied. Write the letter that stands for that definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. abound ____ 2. annals ____ 3. automaton ____ 4. badger ____ 5. compound ____ 6. drudgery ____ 7. eminent ____ 8. implore ____ 9. indiscriminate ____ 10. interminable ____ 11. matron ____ 12. paradox ____ 13. perceive ____ 14. prognosticate ____ 15. realm ____ 16. replete ____ 17. steeped ____ 18. technology

Definitions a. to be completely soaked in something b. to be able to tell what will happen in the future c. someone's special field d. to continually nag e. carelessly chosen f. related to science of engineering g. to add to h. beg for assistance i. of outstanding reputation j. a mature woman k. small amount of l. dull, difficult work m. desiring huge amount n. existing in great number o. historical records p. to come to have an understanding of q. completely filled with r. machine that behaves like a person

____ 19. tinge ____ 20. voracious

s. seemingly self-contradictory situation t. unending

Idioms ____ 21. to eat humble pie ____ 22. a pig in a poke ____ 23. a flash in the pan ____ 24. to pour oil on troubled waters u. a blind item; poor purchase v. admit to defeat w. a star today, a flop tomorrow x. to try to make peace

Now check your answers on page 305. Make a record of those words you missed. You can learn them successfully by studying them and by using them in your own original sentences. If you neglect them, then the effort you have put into your vocabulary building campaign up to this point will have been wasted.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Sensible Sentences? (From Week 1) Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below. 1. The huge football player had a (voracious, replete) appetite. 2. After a seemingly (interminable, indiscriminate) wait, the surgeon came to give us the news. 3. Without a (paradox, tinge) of evidence, the coroner could not solve the murder. 4. In the (realm, annals) of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. 5. We invited the (eminent, steeped) engineer to address our club. 6. In the Catskill Mountains, the woods (abound, implore) with deer. 7. I cannot (perceive, prognosticate) why people voted for the corrupt senator. 8. Night and day my kid brother (badgers, compounds) me for money. 9. Science fiction movies usually feature (annals, automatons). 10. With his expertise in (drudgery, technology), my uncle is able to earn a good salary. Do these sentences make sense? Explain why. 11. The rookie was amazing in spring training but he turned out to be a flash in the pan. 12. I complained to the salesperson because he had sold me a pig in a poke. 13. When I tried to pour oil on troubled waters, I only made matters worse. 14. After the election, when my candidate conceded his loss, I had to eat humble pie. Answers are on Page 305

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Wordsearch 1 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Reggie the Con Man In the __________ of crime, there are few scoundrels who could match the exploits of Reggie Hayes, who also used the names of Reginald Haven, Ricardo Hermosa, Father Harris, and dozens of other aliases. Reggie's police record, principally in Chicago and Baltimore, is people. Generally, his favorite target was a __________ with scams that he perpetrated upon gullible __________ who should have known better.

Dressed as a priest (''Father Harris"), he was most convincing, however. His method of operation was to "find" a wallet stuffed with hundred dollar bills outside a supermarket and then __________ an unsuspecting woman to share his good fortune, since there was no identification in the wallet. But first, to establish her credibility, his victim had to put up a sum of money as a testimonial to her good faith. Mrs. Emma Schultz, age 72, tearfully told the police that she had withdrawn $14,000 from her bank and placed it in a shopping bag supplied by the helpful priest. He told her to hold onto the bag while he went next door to a lawyer's office to make the sharing of their good fortune legal. After a seemingly __________ wait, Mrs. Schultz discovered to her chagrin that the heartless thief had skipped out the back way, leaving her "holding the bag"a switched bag containing shredded newspaperwhile he made his getaway with her life savings. Clues 3rd Day 1st Day 2nd Day 4th Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 305

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2nd Week 1st Day

New Words laconic throng intrepid accost reticent


in trep′ id

To the Point Calvin Coolidge, our thirtieth president, was named "Silent Cal" by reporters because of his laconic speech. One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable* sermon, a throng of newsmen gathered around him. An intrepid reporter accosted the Chief Executive: "Mr. President, we know that the sermon was on the topic of sin. What did the minister say?" "He was against it," the reticent Coolidge replied. (*interminablesee page 4. Each review word will be followed by an asteriskyou will find the first use of the word by consulting the Index at the back of the book.) Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences: 1. His speech was usually rambling, but this time I found it brief and __________. 2. If a surly panhandler should __________ you, keep on walking. 3. Even under repeated questioning, the witness remained __________. 4. A howling __________ of teenage girls surrounded the rap artists. 5. The corporal received the Silver Star for his __________ deeds in combat. Definitions Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.

6. laconic 7. throng 8. intrepid 9. accost 10. reticent

____ a. expressing much in few words ____ b. brave ____ c. to approach and speak to ____ d. crowd ____ e. silent

Today's Idiom the sword of Damoclesany imminent danger (a king seated one of his subjects underneath a sword that was hanging by a hair, in order to teach him the dangers a king faces)

Although the president of the company seemed quite secure, he always complained that there was a sword of Damocles hanging over his head. Answers are on Page 305

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2nd Day

New Words furtive felon plethora hapless irate

hap′ lis


If I Had the Wings of an Angel Casting a furtive glance over his shoulder, the felon slipped out the main prison gate to be swallowed up in the British fog. A plethora of escapes from supposedly secure prisons embarrassed the hapless wardens. To compound* their problems, the officials were badgered* by irate citizens who accused the guards of accepting bribes from convicts whose motto was: "Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." (*compoundsee page 3; *badgeredsee page 4) Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The __________ contest winner was unable to locate the lucky ticket. 2. My uncle was __________ when the drunken driver swerved in front of us. 3. In a __________ manner she removed her shoes and tiptoed up to her room. 4. When the teacher asked why the homework had not been done, he was greeted by a __________ of incredible alibis. 5. Since the boss learned that Bob associated with a known __________, he fired him. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. furtive 7. felon 8. plethora 9. hapless 10. irate

____ a. angry, incensed ____ b. a person guilty of a major crime ____ c. unfortunate ____ d. excess ____ e. secret, stealthy

Today's Idiom Pyrrhic victorya too costly victory (King Pyrrhus defeated the Romans but his losses were extremely heavy) In heavy fighting the troops managed to recapture the hill, but it could only be considered a Pyrrhic victory. Answers are on Page 305

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3rd Day

New Words pretext fabricate adroit gesticulate vigilant

Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? Under the pretext of being a surgeon he gained entry to the hospital. When interviewed by the director, he had to fabricate a tale of his medical experience, but he was so adroit at lying that he got away with it. It was not until the phony "doctor" began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel, that a vigilant nurse was able to detect the fraud. In the annals* of medical history there have been a number of such cases. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The shootings at Columbine High School made educators much more __________, 2. My nephew is quite __________ at making model airplanes. 3. Most fisherman can __________ a story about the size of the one that got away. 4. Her __________ of being tired did not fool us for an instant. 5. I often marvel as I watch the traffic officer __________ at the onrushing cars. Definitions Pick the letter of the definition that matches your new word and write it in the answer space.

6. pretext 7. fabricate 8. adroit 9. gesticulate 10. vigilant

____ a. to lie; to construct ____ b. skillful ____ c. an excuse ____ d. watchful ____ e. move the arms energetically

Today's Idiom a wet blanketone who spoils the fun Everyone wanted the party to go on, but Ronnie, the wet blanket, decided to go home to bed. Answers are on Page 305

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4th Day

New Words avid cajole rudimentary enhance nuance

av′ id

in hans′

nü äns′

You've Got To Be a Football Expert As an avid football fan, I try to see every game the Jets play. Whenever I can cajole my father into accompanying me, I try to do so. He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the game, and since I am steeped* in it, I enjoy explaining its intricate details to him. It certainly does enhance your appreciation of football when you are aware of every nuance of the sport. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. You may have to change the ending of a word. 1. Since my grasp of algebra is __________, I cannot solve the problem. 2. The parakeet refused to be __________ into entering her cage. 3. It will __________ your enjoyment of an opera if you know what the plot is about in advance. 4. In reading the satires of Jonathan Swift, one must be vigilant* in order to catch each __________. 5. Bill Clinton is an __________ reader of mystery stories. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. avid 7. cajole 8. rudimentary 9. enhance 10. nuance

____ a. eager ____ b. slight variation in meaning, tone, etc. ____ c. coax ____ d. intensify, heighten ____ e. elementary

Today's Idiom to beard the lion in his dento visit and oppose a person on his own grounds Having decided to beard the lion, I stormed into the manager's office to ask for a raise. Answers are on Page 305

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5th Day Review Keep adding to your vocabulary, as it is one of the most useful tools a student can possess. Let's go over the twenty new words and four idioms you studied during this week. In the following quiz, match the best possible definition with the word you have studied. Write the letter that stands for that definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. acost ____ 2. adroit ____ 3. avid ____ 4. cajole ____ 5. enhance ____ 6. fabricate ____ 7. felon ____ 8. furtive ____ 9. gesticulate ____ 10. hapless ____ 11. intrepid ____ 12. irate ____ 13. laconic ____ 14. nuance ____ 15. plethora ____ 16. pretext ____ 17. reticent

Definitions a. uncommunicative b. enthusiastic c. alert d. overabundance e. courageous f. to greet first g. an excuse h. unlucky i. angry j. criminal k. basic, elementary l. clever m. to make up a lie n. great number of people o. concise, pithy p. to use lively gestures q. shade of difference

____ 18. rudimentary ____ 19. throng ____ 20. vigilant

r. sly s. coax, wheedle t. to make greater

Idioms ____ 21. the sword of Damocles ____ 22. Pyrrhic victory ____ 23. a wet blanket ____ 24. to beard the lion u. an expensive conquest v. spoilsport w. defy an opponent in his home x. any threatening danger

Now check your answers on page 305. Make a record of those words you missed. You can learn them successfully by studying them and using them in your own original sentences. If you neglect them, then the effort you have expended in building up your vocabulary may be wasted.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 2 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. The Best Laid Plans Gloria Rogers overslept and then had to sprint to catch the same Greyhound Bus that she boarded on the last Thursday of every month. After a three-hour uneventful ride, she finally arrived at the bus terminal where a courtesy van was ready to transport bus passengers to Visitors Day at the State Penitentiary. Although Gloria tried to act casual, she was more than a little nervous. Her boyfriend, Art, a convicted __________, had managed to gain admittance to the prison's hospital on the __________ of having a gall bladder attack. Under her own slacks and bulky sweater, Gloria was wearing a set of clothes that she removed in the hospital bathroom and passed on to Art. He planned to use them after making his escape in the back of the prison ambulance that was parked outside his ward. Art had spelled out his escape plan during Gloria's last visit, spending an hour trying to __________ her into

being his accomplice. All that she had to do was appear to have a seizure. Then she would __________ a story about her epilepsy while Art, with the smuggled clothes concealed under his prison bathrobe, would slip out of the __________ hospital guard spotted Art climbing ward during the excitement. Unfortunately for the schemers, a into the rear of the ambulance and quickly foiled the escape attempt. The result was that Art had three years added to his sentence and Gloria was imprisoned for her role in the misadventure. Clues 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 3rd Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 305

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3rd Week 1st Day

New Words loathe reprimand lackluster caustic wrest

kô′ stik


The Pep Talk "If there's one thing I loathe," the coach said, "it's a quitter." He had good reason to reprimand us at half-time, because the scoreboard revealed that we were losing, 4520. Our lackluster performance indicated to him that we had forgotten the rudimentary* aspects of basketball. His caustic remarks fired us up, however, and we dashed out, determined to wrest control of the game from our rivals. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. With the help of his brothers he was able to __________ the leadership of the company from his partner. 2. Speaking in a monotone, the politician was booed for his __________ address. 3. In a __________ article, the drama critic slaughtered the hapless* actors. 4. I __________ spinach but I love other green vegetables. 5. When Ed arrived late, he knew that the grocer would __________ him. Definitions Match the new words with their dictionary definitions.

6. loathe 7. reprimand (v.) 8. lackluster 9. caustic 10. wrest

____ a. dull ____ b. to hate ____ c. sarcastic, biting ____ d. take by force ____ e. to show sharp disapproval

Today's Idiom crocodile tearsinsincere tears (crocodiles were said to cry while eating their prey) When the football player broke his leg, his substitute wept crocodile tears. Answers are on Page 306

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2nd Day

New Words infamous jostle dupe incipient inadvertent


The Handcuff Is Quicker Than the Eye Slippery Eddie, the infamous pickpocket, was back at work, and every detective had to be especially vigilant.* Eddie's technique was to jostle a victim toward a confederate who would then slip the man's wallet out of his back pocket while Eddie was stammering an apology to the confused dupe. Within a week the incipient crimewave came to an end when Slippery Eddie inadvertently chose the chief of police for his victim. Although Eddie loathes* Sing Sing, it's his permanent address now. Sample Sentences Can you put the new words in the right sentences? 1. By telling the truth, we stopped the __________ rumor from spreading. 2. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was referred to as an __________ deed. 3. The wealthy __________ consented to buy the often-sold Brooklyn Bridge. 4. When he attempted to __________ the old lady, she struck him with her umbrella. 5. Through an __________ error, the guided missile sped out of control. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. infamous 7. jostle 8. dupe (n.) 9. incipient 10. inadvertent

____ a. having a bad reputation ____ b. just beginning to exist ____ c. to shove hard ____ d. a person easily tricked ____ e. heedless, not attentive

Today's Idiom to carry the dayto win the approval of the majority The secretary's motion that we adjourn for lunch carried the day, and we headed for the restaurant. Answers are on Page 306

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3rd Day

New Words ominous tremulous repudiate cessation bristle

Courtroom Drama There was an ominous silence when the jittery defendant rose in court. He explained in a tremulous voice what had led him to repudiate his confession made at the police station on the night of the crime. The audience began to buzz excitedly until the judge demanded a cessation of the noise. Although the district attorney bristled with anger, the defendant kept insisting that his rights had been violated because he had not been told that he could see a lawyer before confessing. Sample Sentences Fit the new words into the blanks. 1. After the weatherman had seen the __________ clouds, he prognosticated* rain. 2. The general attempted to __________ the testimony of the lieutenant, claiming that the young officer was not an authority on low level bombing. 3. Upon seeing the snake, the cat began to __________ with fear. 4. The widow's __________ hands revealed her nervousness. 5. The __________ of the bombing in Yugoslavia was urged by the Pope. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. ominous 7. tremulous 8. repudiate 9. cessation 10. bristle (v.)

____ a. a stopping ____ b. to reject, decline ____ c. stiffen with fear or anger ____ d. threatening ____ e. quivering

Today's Idiom Skid Rowdisreputable part of town, inhabited by derelicts and people "on the skid" The presence of so many bars has turned our neighborhood into another Skid Row. Answers are on Page 306

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4th Day

New Words euphemism mundane incongruous condolence stipulate

Call Me By My Right Name My cousin refers to himself as a ''sanitary engineer"a euphemism for garbage collector. There are any number of people who try to find more respectable or glamorous titles for the mundane jobs they hold. It may seem incongruous to call an undertaker a "condolence counselor," or to refer to a taxi driver as a "transportation expediter," but some prefer those titles. As a matter of fact, our butcher has stipulated that from now on he wants to be known as a "meat coordinator." He became irate* when I inadvertently* called him "Butch." Sample Sentences In which blanks do the new words belong? 1. We repudiated* the contract because it did not __________ a cost of living bonus. 2. The word "expired" is a __________ for "died." 3. When my neighbor's dog was run over, we sent a __________ card. 4. The philosopher dealt with spiritual things, ignorning the __________ ones. 5. The play was so __________ that it seemed to be the work of several authors. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. euphemism 7. mundane 8. incongruous 9. condolence 10. stipulate

____ a. worldly ____ b. a less offensive term ____ c. to specify a condition ____ d. inappropriate ____ e. pity

Today's Idiom to go up in smoketo come to no practical result (kindling smokes but it will not light a fire) The mayor's plans to get the gubernatorial nomination went up in smoke when he couldn't end the costly strike. Answers are on Page 306

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5th Day Review The word "review" means "to view again" and that is the purpose of our weekly review. You will have noticed, of course, that many of the words that appear as new words are repeated in subsequent lessons. Sometimes they are in the paragraph, sometimes in the sample sentences, and occasionally in the idioms or directions. This continued emphasis on "viewing again" will help you to become familiar with the vocabulary. In the following quiz, match the best possible definition with the word you have studied. Write the letter that stands for that definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review words ____ 1. bristle ____ 2. caustic ____ 3. cessation ____ 4. condolence ____ 5. dupe ____ 6. euphemism ____ 7. inadvertent ____ 8. incipient ____ 9. incongruous ____ 10. infamous ____ 11. jostle ____ 12. lackluster ____ 13. loathe ____ 14. mundane ____ 15. ominous ____ 16. reprimand ____ 17. repudiate

Definitions a. despise b. menacing c. evil d. a pause e. just starting f. trembling g. to have one's hair stand up h. stinging i. earthly j. due to an oversight, negligent k. make a specific demand l. to push, to elbow m. an easily fooled person n. expression of sympathy o. to scold severely p. seize q. having inconsistent elements

____ 18. stipulate ____ 19. tremulous ____ 20. wrest

r. disown, refuse to accept s. lacking brightness t. saying something in a less direct way

Idioms ____ 21. crocodile tears ____ 22. to carry the day ____ 23. Skid Row ____ 24. to go up in smoke u. run down district v. hypocritical sympathy w. to win the honors x. end fruitlessly

Now check your answers on page 306. Make a record of those words you missed. You can learn them successfully by studying them and using them regularly in speech and in your writing.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 3 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Desert Storm Decision In the 1991 Persian Gulf War, where the United Nations forces, led by Americans, ousted the invading Iraqi army from Kuwait's soil, the __________ of combat took place in short order after the Allies were able to __________ Saddam Hussein's air force. __________ when asked by the media

__________ control of the skies from the

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the U.S. field commander, tended to why he hadn't pursued the enemy all the way to Baghdad, saying:

"It would have been foolhardy for us to try to occupy that capital city and pile up American casualties from sniper attacks by Iraq's guerillas. That may be hard for you Monday morning quarterbacks to understand but I thoroughly agreed with the president who was convinced that such an action would have sent a bad message to the Arab world and would have splintered the Allied partnership." Schwarzkopf reiterated that it was his mission to hurl back the invaders with a minimum of bloodshed but not, he added in a __________ tone, "to splatter Saddam over the desert sands. That dictator's days are numbered," the general concluded, "but I expect his end is likely to come at the hands of his own people." Clues 3rd Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 306

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4th Week 1st Day

New Words alacrity disdain belligerent intimidate feint

Mullins a K.O. Victim When the bell sounded, K.O. Mullins responded with alacrity. He sprang from his stool and charged across the ring, showing disdain for the champion's strength. Although this belligerent attitude impressed the referee, it failed to intimidate the champ. That intrepid* battler laid the hapless* Mullins low with an adroit* feint and an uppercut. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Y2K concerns of the January 1, 2000 problems with computers failed to __________ our company. 2. The Germans were duped* by the Allies' __________ toward the south, leaving the way open for the Normandy invasion. 3. The waiter moved with __________ because he perceived* they were big tippers. 4. His __________ manner caused him to lose one friend after another. 5. When the curtain came down, the critic's face registered the __________ she felt for the lackluster* play. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. alacrity 7. disdain (n.) 8. belligerent 9. intimidate 10. feint

____ a. contempt ____b. a false attack ____c. warlike ____d. to overawe ____e. briskness, lively action

Today's Idiom to throw down the gauntletto challenge someone (when the gauntlet, or medieval glove, was thrown down, the challenger was required to pick it up) The principal of our rival school threw down the gauntlet, and we had no choice but to accept the challenge. Answers are on Page 306

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2nd Day

New Words pugnacious promulgate brash scoff belittle



bi lit′ l

Mullins Throws Down the Gauntlet* The pugnacious K.O. Mullins demanded a rematch. He took a full-page newspaper advertisement to promulgate his challenge. When the champ's manager saw the brash announcement, he accosted* Mullins, who was surrounded by a throng* of newsmen. The manager openly scoffed at Mullins and belittled his fighting ability. Mullins then lost his temper and fearlessly punched the manager, knocking him from his wheelchair. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. We implored* the faculty advisor to __________ the requirements for the presidency of the club. 2. My mother liked the salesman's __________ personality, but he irritated most people. 3. I don't understand modern art, but I neither loathe* nor __________ at it. 4. Since everyone can outpunch my cousin, he cannot afford to be __________. 5. Although Ralph can't play, he doesn't hesitate to __________ the efforts of our football team. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. pugnacious 7. promulgate 8. brash 9. scoff 10. belittle

____ a. quarrelsome ____ b. to make seem less important ____ c. to sneer at ____ d. impudent ____ e. to make known officially

Today's Idiom feeling no paindrunk Although the party had just begun, after his first drink he was feeling no pain. Answers are on Page 306

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3rd Day

New Words tangible laceration castigate sordid octogenarian

sôr′ did

Mullins Forced to Eat Humble Pie* The irate* 80-year-old manager pressed charges against K.O. Mullins, suing him for assault. As tangible evidence of the attack, he pointed to a deep laceration over his eyebrow that had required ten stitches. When the case was brought before the court, the judge castigated Mullins for the sordid incident. In addition to a costly financial settlement, Mullins was required to make a public apology to the octogenarian. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The medic reached into his kit to find a bandage for the ugly __________. 2. Mr. Dixon belittled* our request for __________ proof of his loyalty. 3. The kindly foreman was too reticent* to openly __________ the clumsy new worker. 4. When the teenager announced her engagement to the __________, the public suspected it to be a publicity stunt. 5. Stories of their __________ youth poured forth from the unhappy felons.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. tangible 7. laceration 8. castigate 9. sordid 10. octogenarian

____ a. having actual form ____ b. to correct by punishing ____ c. jagged wound ____ d. dirty, base ____ e. person in his or her eighties

Today's Idiom Hobson's choiceto have no choice at all (Mr. Hobson owned a livery stable but he did not allow the customers to pick their own horses) Despite all the talk about democracy in my family, my father usually gives the rest of us Hobson's choice. Answers are on Page 306

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4th Day

New Words solace aspirant dregs frenzy scurrilous

sol′ is


The Decline of Mullins Mullins sought solace in whiskey. Once a highly respected aspirant for the lightweight crown, he now found himself associating with the dregs of Skid Row.* He would work himself into an alcoholic frenzy in which he would trumpet scurrilous attacks on the champ, the old manager, and the judge. One avid* fight fan attributed Mullins' absence from the ring to sickness, saying that he was "recovering from a bad case ofSCOTCH." Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Vigilant* censors protect the public from listening to __________ language on television. 2. The publisher scoffed* at the reports that he was an __________ for the job of Secretary of State. 3. In a __________, the teenager overturned every drawer while searching for the car keys. 4. At the bottom of the beautiful wine bottle, only the __________ remained. 5. In trying to offer __________ to the pilot's wife, the reporter inadvertently* made the situation worse. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. solace 7. aspirant 8. dregs 9. frenzy 10. scurrilous

____ a. most worthless part ____ b. coarse ____ c. easing of grief ____ d. wild fit ____ e. candidate for high position

Today's Idiom to rule the roostto be in charge, to be master (a roost is a perch where domestic birds can sleep) Although he is a lowly private in the army, at home he rules the roost. Answers are on Page 306

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5th Day Review Let's see how many of the new words studied during the course of this week you remember. Incidentally, try to keep a record of the many times you find your new words in magazines, newspapers, and books. Before you knew the meanings of those words you probably skipped right over them. In the following quiz, match the best possible definition with the word you have studied. Write the correct letter in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. alacrity ____ 2. aspirant ____ 3. belligerent ____ 4. belittle ____ 5. brash ____ 6. castigate ____ 7. disdain ____ 8. dregs ____ 9. feint ____ 10. frenzy ____ 11. intimidate ____ 12. laceration ____ 13. octogenarian ____ 14. promulgate ____ 15. pugnacious ____ 16. scoff ____ 17. scurrilous

Definitions a. scorn b. to make afraid c. frantic outburst d. person of eighty e. to mock f. make public, proclaim g. pretense, sham h. combative i. candidate for better job j. seeking war, hostile k. speak of as unimportant l. vulgar, using indecent language m. insolent n. punish, chastise o. comfort p. most worthless part q. able to be touched

____ 18. solace ____ 19. sordid ____ 20. tangible

r. rough cut s. filthy, ignoble t. quick willingness

Idioms ____ 21. to throw down the gauntlet ____ 22. feeling no pain ____ 23. Hobson's choice ____ 24. to rule the roost u. be the boss, lay down the laws v. under the influence of alcohol w. to offer a challenge x. to have no say in a matter

Check your answers on page 306. Make a record of those words you missed. You can master them with additional review.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Sensible Sentences? (From Week 4) Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below. 1. We were impressed with the new maid because she cleaned the house with (alacrity, solace). 2. All (aspirants, lacerations) for the basketball team must come to practice today. 3. Once he was a millionaire, but today he can be found among the (dregs, octogenarians) of society. 4. The newspaper specialized in printing the (sordid, brash) details of crime in the city. 5. After finding the (pugnacious, tangible) evidence in his drawer, Roger took it to the police. 6. The normally (scurrilous, belligerent) police dog was unusually quiet this morning. 7. Bobby, who was extremely modest, always (belittled, castigated) his own achievements. 8. Treated with (frenzy, disdain) by his stepfather, Artie grew closer to his natural father. 9. When the results of the bar exam were (intimidated, promulgated) Adele saw that she had passed handsomely. 10. I used to (scoff, feint) at Hank's stories of the fish he had caught, but he made a believer out of me. Answers are on Page 306

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Wordsearch 4 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Want to Run for Office? In recent years, we have seen the phenomenon of incumbent politicians retiring in record numbers. When interviewed, many of them admitted that they had lost their taste for the job because of the abuse to which an __________ for office is subjected. "My last campaign was a __________ affair in which my opponents did everything to __________ my

record and air __________ charges about my private life," said one congressman. "I don't have to stand still for such treatment," he added, "which was terribly embarrassing to me and my entire family." Citizen groups, appalled by the candidates' mudslinging, have sought to do something about the situation. Committees have been formed in a number of states to study ways to elevate the tone of the process, reduce the emotionalism, and eliminate the __________ of name calling that is generated as election day draws near.

"Unless we clean up this mess," said the chairman of an Illinois caucus, "we will lose the best and the brightest from the political arena. After all, who but a masochist wants to be a punching bag, the subject of daily vilification in the media, and a target for every malcontent in town?" Clues 4th Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 4th Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 306

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5th Week 1st Day

New Words rampant inane ethics concur clandestine

eth′ iks

Cheating During my first weeks at the new school I observed that cheating was rampant. I had always considered it rather inane to cheat on a test because of my code of ethics, and because so much was at stake. Apparently the other students didn't concur. In fact, even the presence of a proctor did not intimidate* them. Far from being a clandestine activity, the cheating was open and obvious. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. When the plague was __________ on the island, Dr. Arrowsmith's wife died. 2. The spies thought their meeting was a __________ one, but a throng* of F.B.I. agents gathered outside the building. 3. A special management committee was asked to investigate business __________. 4. Orville Wright was criticized for his __________ desire to fly. 5. If I can get my parents to __________, I'll join the Peace Corps. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. rampant 7. inane 8. ethics 9. concur 10. clandestine

____ a. secret, undercover ____ b. code of principles ____ c. foolish ____ d. agree ____ e. going unchecked, widespread

Today's Idiom stock in tradethe goods, tools, and other requisites of a profession A quick wit and a warm smile were the salesman's stock in trade. Answers are on Page 306

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2nd Day

New Words flagrant admonish duress culprit inexorable

ad mon′ ish

kul′ prit

Cracking Down Mr. Dorsey, our new principal, determined to do something about the flagrant cheating at our high school. He issued bulletins and began to admonish those teachers who did not proctor alertly. Under duress, the faculty reported the names of the culprits. Several crib sheets were turned in as tangible* evidence of the cheating. Mr. Dorsey's inexorable campaign against the wrong-doers seemed to be paying off. Sample Sentences Into which sentences do the new words fit best? 1. The __________ was caught with his fingers in the cookie jar. 2. Television sleuths are __________ in their pursuit of lawbreakers. 3. The confession was signed under __________, the attorney claimed. 4. I suspect that my father will __________ me for coming home late. 5. Parking in front of a hydrant is a __________ violation of the city's law. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. flagrant 7. admonish 8. duress 9. culprit 10. inexorable

____ a. inflexible, unrelenting ____ b. compulsion, force ____ c. outrageous, glaringly bad ____ d. the guilty person ____ e. to warn, to reprove

Today's Idiom to take down a pegto take the conceit out of a braggart (ship's colors used to be raised or lowered by pegsthe higher the colors, the greater the honor) The alumni thought they had a great basketball team, but our varsity took them down a peg. Answers are on Page 306

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3rd Day

New Words egregious distraught duplicity acrimonious paucity

dis trôt′

Star Player Is Caught The cheating scandal came to a head when Art Krause, our football captain, made the egregious mistake of getting caught cheating on a midterm exam. If Art were suspended for his part in that sordid* affair, our chances for winning the city championship would go up in smoke.* The distraught coach asked the principal to overlook Art's duplicity, but Mr. Dorsey replied in an acrimonious fashion that the players had been given ''a plethora" of athletic instruction but a paucity of moral guidance." Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The bank teller's __________ error was difficult to correct. 2. We tried to ignore her __________ comments, but that took considerable restraint. 3. __________ is the stock in trade of all adroit* counterspies. 4. Although it was a creative writing class, the teacher complained about the __________ of talent there. 5. The soldiers were __________ to learn that their furloughs had been canceled. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. egregious 7. distraught 8. duplicity 9. acrimonious 10. paucity

____ a. scarcity ____ b. cunning, trickery ____ c. mentally confused, crazed ____ d. remarkably bad ____ e. bitter

Today's Idiom to pass the buckto evade responsibility (the "buck" may have been a piece of buckshot passed from one poker player to another to keep track of whose turn it was to deal) He always gives me a straight answer and never tries to pass the buck. Answers are on Page 306

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4th Day

New Words elicit pernicious tolerate construe impunity

i lis′ it

Our Pyrrhic Victory* Mr. Dorsey summoned a representative group of teachers and student leaders to his office in order to elicit their reactions to the suspension of the football captain. He told them that cheating was a pernicious disease that could not be tolerated at our school. He loathed* having to discipline Art Krause so severely, but unless strict measures were taken, the student body would construe the incident as an open invitation to cheat with impunity. "We may lose a football game," the principal said, "but we can salvage our selfrespect." Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The border guards allowed the doctor to cross the frontier with __________. 2. It isn't easy to __________ answers from a sleepy class on Monday morning. 3. Dentists appreciate patients who can __________ pain. 4. She hoped that we would not __________ her decision to run for office as a thirst for power. 5. The dictator's __________ rules failed to intimidate* the leaders of the underground. Definitions Place the letter of the correct definition in the blank next to the new vocabulary word.

6. elicit 7. pernicious 8. tolerate 9. construe 10. impunity

____ a. freedom from punishment ____ b. to make a deduction, to infer ____ c. to put up with, to bear ____ d. to draw forth ____ e. harmful, causing injury

Today's Idiom to lionize a personto make a big fuss over someone (the lions at the Tower of London were considered its main attraction) When the famous poet Dylan Thomas visited the United States, he was lionized wherever he lectured. Answers are on Page 306

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5th Day Review Congratulations! You have covered the first one hundred words in the book. With the same diligence you should be able to tackle the remaining work and to master most of the challenging words. Take the following quiz by matching the best possible definition with the word you have studied. Write the letter that stands for that definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. acrimonious ____ 2. admonish ____ 3. clandestine ____ 4. concur ____ 5. construe ____ 6. culprit ____ 7. distraught ____ 8. duplicity ____ 9. duress ____ 10. egregious ____ 11. elicit ____ 12. ethics ____ 13. flagrant ____ 14. impunity ____ 15. inane ____ 16. inexorable ____ 17. paucity

Definitions a. double-dealing b. cannot be moved by persuasion, inflexible c. silly d. flourishing e. to scold, warn f. harassed g. to permit, to put up with h. extract i. damaging, harmful j. outstanding for undesirable quality k. notorious l. force, coercion m. exemption n. moral philosophy o. agree p. hidden, secret q. to interpret

____ 18. pernicious ____ 19. rampant ____ 20. tolerate

r. one who commits a crime s. shortage t. caustic, bitter

Idioms ____ 21. stock in trade ____ 22. to take down a peg ____ 23. pass the buck ____ 24. to lionize person u. to idolize v. to humiliate w. the necessary equipment x. to refuse to take responsibility

Now check your answers on page 306. Make a record of those words you missed. You can learn them successfully by studying them and by using them in original sentences. Use a word three times and it is yours forever, a wise man once said.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 15) You have completed the first five weeks of vocabulary study. You should now be ready for the first Analogy Review. The following exercise includes thirty words you have mastered. In order to test yourself, look at the first pair of words in each group. They are related either as synonyms or antonyms. When you have decided on the relationship, look at the third word, which has the same relationship to one of the four following words (ad). When you make the correct match, you will have completed an analogyrelating two words of a second pair in the same way as the first pair. Place the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. ____ 1. FURTIVE:STEALTHY::HAPLESS: a. generous b. wise c. unfortunate d. cheerless ____ 2. DISDAIN:RESPECT::SCOFF: a. praise b. amaze c. understand d. amuse ____ 3. PAUCITY:PLENTY::DUPLICITY: a. uniqueness b. laziness c. fear d. honesty ____ 4. CULPRIT:VILLAIN::ANNALS: a. stories b. plants c. records d. hopes ____ 5. TANGIBLE:IMAGINARY::CASTIGATE: a. build b. compliment c. shut d. improve ____ 6. ELICIT:EXTRACT::REPUDIATE: a. begin b. accept c. deny d. lose ____ 7. INTERMINABLE:UNENDING::INDISCRIMINATE: a. wasteful b. final c. daring d. unselective ____ 8. BELITTLE:SCOFF::CONSTRUE: a. solve b. deduce c. destroy d. falsify ____ 9. SOLACE:COMFORT::CONDOLENCE: a. wit b. curiosity c. pity d. envy ____ 10. ADROIT:SKILLFUL::AVID: a. strong b. eager c. bored d. worthless ____ 11. RETICENT:TALKATIVE::INTREPID: a. brave b. unending c. desirous d. fearful ____ 12. MUNDANE:WORLDLY::INCONGRUOUS: a. unknown b. hidden c. inappropriate d. wasteful ____ 13. FLAGRANT:OUTRAGEOUS::INEXORABLE: a. unrelenting b. unimportant c. unworkable d. unfinished ____ 14. CAUSTIC:SOOTHING::SORDID: a. ignoble b. alike c. changeable d. lofty ____ 15. INADVERTENT:HEEDLESS::ACRIMONIOUS: a. loud b. bitter c. false d. disunited Answers are on Page 306

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Wordsearch 5 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Driving While Drunk Throughout literature we find recurring tales of forthright people who are outspoken in condemning illegal practices only to be brought low themselves when they, or members of their families, commit such acts. Since literature reflects life, we can expect to find similar instances in which a person's falls prey to the __________ evil that he had publicly denounced. __________ are compromised, and he

Take the story of Barry Vernon (not his real name), an aggressive Ohio district attorney. Vernon could be counted upon to make __________ remarks about anyone who was driving while intoxicated. On numerous speaking __________ who was found behind the

engagements, he railed against drunkenness and swore that any such wheel of a car would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

As fate would have it, Vernon's own son smashed into several cars, injuring four people seriously, and then failed a sobriety test. Following that __________ violation of the law, Vernon resigned from office, saying that as a private citizen he would continue his crusade against those who drive under the influence of alcohol. Meanwhile, he wished to spend more time with his son to try to understand the young man's behavior. Clues 1st Day 4th Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 306

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6th Week 1st Day

New Words affluent feasible discern sally consternation


The Newspaper Umbrella Our neighbor is an affluent inventor whose latest brainstorm, a feasible umbrella substitute, has been featured in many magazines. As simply as the eye can discern, it is a hard plastic strip, about the size of a ruler, which fits comfortably into a woman's handbag or a man's suit jacket. If a person is caught in a sudden rainstorm, he swings the plastic open in the shape of a cross. Attached to each arm is a cliplike device. Next, he takes the newspaper he is carrying and slides it under each of the four clips. Now, equipped with a rigid head covering he can sally forth to face the elements. To the consternation of the umbrella manufacturers, it has been enjoying a brisk sale, especially among commuters. If it continues to do well, it could have a pernicious* effect upon the umbrella industry. Sample Sentences Fit the new words into the proper blanks. 1. Some prisoners planned a disturbance while others would __________ toward the gate. 2. Under duress* from the tax officer, the beggar admitted that he was truly __________. 3. To the __________ of the sergeant, there was a paucity* of volunteers for the dangerous mission. 4. It's __________ to build an electric auto, but wouldn't you need a terribly long extension cord? 5. When we could __________ the city lights, we knew we were safe at last. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. affluent 7. feasible 8. discern 9. sally (v.) 10. consternation

____ a. suddenly rush forth ____ b. possible ____ c. dismay ____ d. rich ____ e. perceive*

Today's Idiom I'm from Missouria skeptic, one who is not easily convinced You might swallow his promises, but I'm from Missouri. Answers are on Page 307

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2nd Day

New Words precocious perfunctory chagrin perverse deride

Patent Pending My buddy Verne, a precocious automotive wizard, and I were inspired to do some inventing on our own. We thought it might be feasible* to park a car parallel to a space on the street. Then, by pressing a button, we could raise the four tires off the ground slightly, while dropping two special wheels perpendicular to the curb. It would then be child's play to roll into the narrowest of parking spaces. We took the idea to Ed Greene who runs the Ford agency in order to elicit* his reaction. After a perfunctory glance at our plans, to our chagrin Ed snorted that our idea was inane,* but we decided that he was just jealous of our brilliance. Tomorrow we are going to start on a computer that will enable us to measure the intelligence of perverse automobile dealers who like to deride the efforts of junior geniuses. Sample Sentences Use the clues above to help find the proper words. 1. The children in Shakespeare's plays are so __________ that they all sound like grandparents. 2. Edith gave only __________ attention to the new millennium, skipping our New Year's Eve party. 3. The Wright brothers didn't become distraught* when a skeptic would __________ their work. 4. When I correct my kid brother's math errors, he is __________ enough to insist that he is right. 5. To the __________ of many taxpayers, some citizens seem to cheat the government with impunity.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. precocious 7. perfunctory 8. chagrin 9. perverse 10. deride

____ a. done without care, superficial ____ b. reaching maturity early ____ c. feeling of disappointment, humiliation ____ d. contrary, persisting in error ____ e. to ridicule, scoff* at

Today's Idiom red-letter dayday of happiness, time for rejoicing (holidays are red-letter days on our calendars) My red-letter day came when I was chosen as senior class president. Answers are on Page 307

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3rd Day

New Words disparage laudable fiasco masticate eschew

dis par′ ij

es chü′

Hold That Nobel Prize! Speaking of inventions and discoveries, I just learned that an eminent* scientist in Ohio has developed a pill that contains all the nutritive value of three complete meals. In addition to providing us with the vitamins and minerals we need daily, this pill also gives a feeling of fullness. According to its sponsors, the pill will nourish and satisfy. I hate to disparage such a laudable achievement, but to me it seems like a most objectionable discovery. Rather than a scientific triumph, I'd be inclined to label it as an egregious* blunder, a scientific disaster, a laboratory fiasco. Is there anyone in his right mind who thinks that a pill can replace the pleasures of devouring hot corn bread, masticating on a thick steak, biting into crisp french fries, or attacking a chocolate sundae? I'm afraid that this is one pill I'll have to eschew from chewing. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in the following sentences. 1. The paradox* is that Javert's inexorable* pursuit of Jean Valjean was both __________ and despicable. 2. The affluent* storeowner __________ the efforts of his small competitor, saying that he could always tolerate* that kind of rivalry. 3. To aid in digestion, you must __________ each piece of meat one dozen times. 4. In an acrimonious* letter, her father described the project as a complete __________. 5. Once he sought the limelight, but now he __________ all interviews. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. disparage 7. laudable 8. fiasco 9. masticate 10. eschew

____ a. to discredit, belittle* ____ b. avoid ____ c. to chew up ____ d. praiseworthy ____ e. complete failure

Today's Idiom to let sleeping dogs lieto let well enough alone, to avoid stirring up old hostilities The lawyer wanted to open up the old case, but his partner advised him to let sleeping dogs lie. Answers are on Page 307

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4th Day

New Words quell voluble confidant(e) obsolescence dubious


Perfect Products I guess we'll never be able to quell those persistent rumors about the invention of auto tires that will never wear out, stockings that cannot tear, and pens that won't run dry. A voluble economist informed me that such products will never be marketed. "Can you imagine," he asked, "a manufacturer cutting his own throat? Why would he sell you an item that you will never have to replace? No," my confidant whispered, "it's part of their scheme of planned obsolescence to sell you merchandise with a limited life span in order to keep you coming back for more." I am dubious about the existence of those perfect products, but then I'm from Missouri.* Sample Sentences Use the new words in the proper blanks. 1. When the duplicity* was revealed, the jury became __________ about Ed's innocence. 2. In order to __________ the riot, the police sallied* forth with tear gas. 3. A teenage boy's father should be his true __________. 4. The __________ built into many products could be regarded as a flagrant* insult toward the duped* consumer. 5. I could not doze in the chair because of the __________ barber. Definitions Play the familiar matching game.

6. quell 7. voluble 8. confidant(e) 9. obsolescence 10. dubious

____ a. one to whom you confide your secrets ____ b. talkative ____ c. process of wearing out ____ d. put an end to ____ e. doubtful

Today's Idiom thumb's downsignal of rejection (Roman emperors could condemn a gladiator who fought poorly by turning their thumbs down) My father turned thumbs down on our plan to hitchhike to Florida during Easter. Answers are on Page 307

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5th Day Review After reading about these new ideas, you should be inventive enough to handle this review. If there is a necessity for it, you may turn back to the original lesson to check on the meaning of a word. As someone once remarked, "Necessity is the mother of invention." Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. affluent ____ 2. chagrin ____ 3. confidant(e) ____ 4. consternation ____ 5. deride ____ 6. discern ____ 7. disparage ____ 8. dubious ____ 9. eschew ____ 10. feasible ____ 11. fiasco ____ 12. laudable ____ 13. masticate ____ 14. obsolescence ____ 15. perfunctory ____ 16. perverse ____ 17. precocious

Definitions a. careless b. dread, dismay c. to chew d. complete failure e. reaching maturity early f. talkative g. practicable h. to make fun of i. contrary j. wealthy k. keep away from l. recognize m. crush, stop n. to discredit o. person you tell your secrets to p. disappointment q. uncertain

____ 18. quell ____ 19. sally ____ 20. voluble

r. commendable s. sudden rushing forth t. process of wearing out

Idioms ____ 21. I'm from Missouri ____ 22. red-letter day ____ 23. let sleeping dogs lie ____ 24. thumbs down u. occasion for rejoicing v. I have to be convinced w. don't rake up old grievances x. to signal rejection

Now check your answers on page 307. Make a record of those words you missed. Study them, work on them, use them in original sentences. Amaze your friends at parties!

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 6 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Trouble at Truman High It was a quiet morning at Harry S Truman High School. ''Too quiet," Principal Edna Suarez remarked to her secretary. "It's just when things are this serene that I start to get an uneasy feeling." Mrs. Suarez's sensitivity to life among 3,000 teenagers quickly proved to be accurate. The first evidence of trouble came with a phone call from the teacher in charge of the cafeteria who needed help to disturbance. When Mrs. Suarez arrived on the scene, much to her tables, throwing food on the lunchroom floor, and making a complete the principal only a moment to __________ a

__________, students were pounding on their __________ of school regulations. It took

__________ who the two ringleaders were and to summon them to her office.

Vincent, 16, and Elena, 15, admitted to having stirred up the protest. They gave as their reasons the poor quality of food served and the dirty environment. "It's like a pigsty down there," Elena declared, "and the food is fit only for animals!" What they had done, Mrs. Suarez told them, was inexcusable, and she ticked off a list of reasons that made their conduct dangerous and subject to school discipline. "What you were trying to do," Mrs. Suarez explained, "might be considered __________ by some but you could have come to me, alone or with a committee, to register your complaints. I would have investigated and, if there was merit to your charges, would have taken the necessary action. Now I'll have to ask you to bring your parents to see me on Monday and to stay home until then." Vincent and Elena seemed to be chastened by Mrs. Suarez's lecture. However, on leaving her office, Elena told an assistant principal that in a similar incident on a television show she learned that direct, dramatic action usually gets quicker results than lengthy debate. He advised her to bring that question up in her social studies class when she returned from suspension. Clues 4th Day 1st Day 3rd Day 1st Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 307

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7th Week 1st Day

New Words implacable paroxysm reprehensible jurisdiction skirmish

sker′ mish

Much Ado About a Haircut Perhaps you read about our school in the newspapers? We were one of the first to have a showdown on the topic of long hair for boys. Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester, were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of nonconformists, who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall. At first it seemed like a simple case. The school would reprimand* the boys for their reprehensible appearance and order them to cut their hair or be suspended. But the boys' parents decided that the school had overstepped its jurisdiction; they took their case to the newspapers. What had started as a local skirmish now began to take on the appearance of a full-scale war. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The detective was __________ in his search for the murder weapon. 2. Saying that it was beyond his __________, Judge Klein refused to rule on the case. 3. In a __________ of rage, the tenant stormed out of the landlord's office. 4. The precocious* boy enjoyed an intellectual __________ with his elders. 5. The brash* student was forced to apologize for her __________ conduct. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. implacable 7. paroxysm 8. reprehensible 9. jurisdiction 10 skirmish

____ a. a fit, sudden outburst ____ b. cannot be pacified, inexorable* ____ c. small fight, brief encounter ____ d. worthy of blame ____ e. power, range of authority

Today's Idiom cause célèbrea famous law case or controversy It was a minor dispute, but the ambitious lawyer sought to turn it into a cause célèbre. Answers are on Page 307

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2nd Day

New Words harass monolithic arbitrary indigent fray


mon′ l ith′ ik

The Tempest Spills out of the Teapot Once the newspapers got the story, the case of the longhairs became a cause célèbre.* Ron and Len were interviewed, seen on TV, and regarded by their fellow students as heroes. "These are not delinquents or hoods," one reporter wrote, "but clean-cut American boys who are being harassed by a monolithic school system." A caustic* editorial referred to the school's decision as arbitrary and inane.* A false story even circulated about the boys being rock-'n-roll performers whose indigent families needed their salaries. Finally, the Civil Liberties Union jumped into the fray with a court order stipulating* that the principal be required to show cause why the boys should not be allowed to return to class. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. After the __________, the feuding families agreed to patch up their differences. 2. The __________ client was surprised when she was accosted* by her social worker in the elegant restaurant. 3. To my mind the decision was unreasonable and __________. 4. George Orwell's 1984 depicts a frightening, __________ government. 5. If anonymous telephone callers __________ you, the phone company will give you an unlisted number. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. harass 7. monolithic 8. indigent 9. arbitrary 10. fray

____ a. based on whim, dictatorial ____ b. poor, needy ____ c. massively solid ____ d. a fight ____ e. to trouble, torment

Today's Idiom one swallow does not make a summerdon't jump to conclusions based on incomplete evidence "Sure, the Yankees won their opening game, but one swallow does not make a summer." Answers are on Page 307

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3rd Day

New Words stymie effigy flout cognizant turbulent


Haircut Dilemma The school authorities were stymied. Public opinion had been marshaled against them. No longer was it a simple case of disciplining two wayward lads. Suddenly it had taken on the appearance of a nightmare in which the principal was either hanged in effigy or pictured in cartoons making a villainous swipe at the two innocent Samsons. But the officials could not allow Ron and Len to flout their authority with impunity.* Members of the school board concurred* with the principal's action but they were cognizant of the popular support for the boys. Clearly a compromise was called for to resolve the turbulent situation. Sample Sentences In which of the following newspaper headlines do the new words belong? 1. "COACH OF LOSING TEAM HANGED IN __________" 2. "CAUSE OF CANCER CONTINUES TO __________ DOCTORS" 3. "F.B.I. __________ OF CLANDESTINE* GANGLAND MEETING" 4. "MANY MOTORISTS __________ TRAFFIC LAWS, STUDY REVEALS" 5. "__________ ATMOSPHERE IN ANGRY SENATE CHAMBER" Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. stymie 7. effigy 8. flout 9. cognizant 10. turbulent

____ a. unruly, agitated ____ b. to hinder, impede ____ c. show contempt, scoff* ____ d. aware ____ e. a likeness (usually of a hated person)

Today's Idiom a bitter pill to swallowa humiliating defeat It was a bitter pill to swallow for the famous billiard player to be overwhelmed by the 12-year-old girl. Answers are on Page 307

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4th Day

New Words terminate forthwith exacerbate revert oust

fôrth′ with′


Happy Ending? Following an executive session, the school board ordered the principal to terminate the suspension and to send the boys back to class forthwith. Unless it could be shown that their presence disrupted the learning process, there was no reason to bar the boys. It was a bitter pill to swallow* for the principal whose irritation was exacerbated by the ruling. But some of the sting was taken out of the victory when the boys appeared in school the next day with their hair clipped to a respectable length. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Just as things were about to revert to normalcy, however, the same French teacher then demanded that a girl be ousted from school for wearing a mini skirt. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. It seemed incongruous* to __________ his employment just when he was so successful. 2. Upon seeing the show, he called the TV studio __________ to protest. 3. The ushers moved with alacrity* to __________ the disorderly patrons. 4. After taking the drug, she began to __________ to the days of her childhood. 5. The arrest of the spy did much to __________ relations between the two countries. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. terminate 7. forthwith 8. exacerbate 9. revert 10. oust

____ a. to drive out, eject ____ b. return ____ c. to end ____ d. immediately ____ e. to irritate, make worse

Today's Idiom an ax to grindhaving a selfish motive in the background I am always dubious* about the motives of a man who tells me that he has no ax to grind. Answers are on Page 307

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5th Day Review Pupils want to be individuals these days, and many of them refuse to conform to regulations unless there are good reasons for such rules. In the area of vocabulary study, however, the only rule that makes sense to all is that true mastery derives from continuous practice. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer spaces. (Which two review words are almost synonymous?)

Review Words ____ 1. arbitrary ____ 2. cognizant ____ 3. effigy ____ 4. exacerbate ____ 5. flout ____ 6. forthwith ____ 7. fray ____ 8. harass ____ 9. implacable ____ 10. indigent ____ 11. jurisdiction ____ 12. monolithic ____ 13. oust ____ 14. paroxysm ____ 15. reprehensible ____ 16. revert ____ 17. skirmish

Definitions a. having a massive structure b. to hinder c. a conflict, fight d. relentless, unappeasable e. immediately f. blameworthy g. range of authority h. to show contempt i. poverty-stricken j. to irritate k. violent outburst l. to end m. a likeness n. go back o. to torment p. riotous q. eject

____ 18. stymie ____ 19. terminate ____ 20. turbulent

r. small battle s. aware t. based on whim

Idioms ____ 21. cause célèbre ____ 22. one swallow doesn't make a summer ____ 23. bitter pill to swallow ____ 24. an ax to grind u. having a selfish motive v. a humiliating defeat w. don't jump to conclusions x. famous law case

Now check your answers on page 307. Make a record of those words you missed. Note: Fray and skirmish are almost synonymous.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 7 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. The Reading of the Will One full week after the funeral, the immediate family of millionaire Charles Hudson was gathered in a law office to hear the reading of the deceased's will. Mr. Hudson's wife, thirty years his junior, was prepared for a bitter __________ with his former wife and her son. The lawyer, Don Rollins, anticipated a because he was the only one who was drawn up six months prior to his death. __________ session

__________ of the contents of the revised will that Hudson had ordered

The current Mrs. Hudson, attired in her smart widow's weeds, expected that she would receive the lion's share of the estate. The former Mrs. Hudson felt that she was entitled to most of the estate since she was practically __________ at the present time, despite her substantial alimony payments. Lawyer Rollins cleared his throat and began to read: "To my present spouse I leave my town house where she can continue to store the jewels, shoes, dresses, and furs she accumulated in two years of shopping and marriage. "To my son, who has put off finding a career until my estate would enrich him, I leave the sum of ten dollars for cab fare to the unemployment office. "To my former wife whose __________ behavior I tolerated for three decades, I leave my beach house where she can continue to work on her tan, something that she prized above our happiness. "To the Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals I leave the remainder of my entire estate, knowing they will put it to better use than anyone in this room." The lawyer was wrong. No outcries. Silence, supreme silence, reigned among the shocked audience. Clues 1st Day 3rd Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 307

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8th Week 1st Day

New Words emaciated surge tranquil sanctuary ascend

sangk′ chü er′ i

Enter Dr. Thomas A. Dooley In 1956, Look Magazine named Thomas Dooley as one of the year's ten most outstanding men. Just under thirty years of age at the time, Dr. Dooley had already distinguished himself by caring for a half-million sick and emaciated Vietnamese refugees. When fighting broke out in the divided country of Viet Nam, the northern Communist Viet Minh forces surged southward, scattering thousands of refugees before them. At the time, Dr. Dooley was a lieutenant, assigned to a tranquil naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan. Forthwith* he volunteered for duty on a navy ship that had been chosen to transport the refugees to sanctuary in Saigon. The curtain was beginning to ascend on Dooley's real career. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The __________ residents of the Warsaw Ghetto managed to win several skirmishes* from the Nazis. 2. A firecracker terminated* the __________ climate of the neighborhood. 3. When Richard III violated the __________ of the church to seize the princes, he exceeded his jurisdiction.* 4. Chicago put its heaviest players up front, but they were helpless as the Giants' line __________ toward them. 5. Inexorably* the determined climber began to __________ the Himalayan peak. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. emaciated 7. surge 8. tranquil 9. sanctuary 10. ascend

____ a. to rush suddenly ____ b. shelter ____ c. quiet ____ d. abnormally thin, wasted away ____ e. to rise

Today's Idiom sour grapesto disparage* something that you cannot have (from Aesop's fable about the fox who called the grapes sour because he could not reach them) Marcia said that she didn't want to be on the Principal's Honor Roll anyway, but we knew that it was just sour grapes on her part. Answers are on Page 307

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2nd Day

New Words malnutrition afflict besiege privation sinister

Dooley's Mission Aboard the refugee ship, Dooley's destiny took shape. He became painfully cognizant* of the malnutrition, disease, ignorance, and fear that afflicted the natives. In addition, he discerned* how active the Communists had been in spreading their anti-American propaganda. Tom Dooley pitched in to build shelters in Haiphong, and to comfort the poor Vietnamese there before that besieged city fell to the powerful Viet Minh forces. He was seemingly unconcerned by the many privations he had to endure. For his services, Dooley received the U.S. Navy's Legion of Merit. He told the story of this exciting experience in Deliver Us from Evil, a best seller that alerted America to the plight of the Vietnamese as well as to the sinister menace of communism. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The stool pigeon, the detective's confidant,* told him about the __________ plot. 2. By running up a white flag, the __________ troops indicated their desire to withdraw from the fray.* 3. Citizens of several Kentucky mountain communities are __________ by the worst poverty in the nation. 4. The emaciated* prisoners were obviously suffering from advanced __________. 5. Albert Schweitzer endured considerable __________ as a jungle doctor. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. malnutrition 7. afflict 8. besiege 9. privation 10. sinister

____ a. lack of necessities ____ b. faulty or inadequate diet ____ c. evil, ominous ____ d. to surround, hem in ____ e. to trouble greatly, to distress

Today's Idiom

to swap horses in midstreamto vote against a candidate running for reelection, to change one's mind The mayor asked for our support, pointing out how foolish it would be to swap horses in midstream. Answers are on Page 307

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3rd Day

New Words ubiquitous remote thwart harbinger malignant


Stymied* by Personal Sickness After an extensive lecture tour in 1956, Dr. Dooley returned to Laos to set up a mobile medical unit. Because the Geneva Agreement barred the entrance of military personnel to the country, he resigned from the Navy and went to work as a civilian. That story is told in The Edge of Tomorrow. Next year, despite a growing illness, the ubiquitous Dooley turned up in the remote village of Muong Sing, attempting to thwart his traditional enemiesdisease, dirt, ignorance, starvationand hoping to quell* the spread of communism. But his trained medical eye soon told him that the pain in his chest and back was a harbinger of a malignant cancer. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Sprinting all over the court, the __________ referee called one foul after another. 2. Ben's reprehensible* table manners led his fraternity brothers to seat him in a __________ corner of the dining room. 3. The excellent soup was a __________ of the delicious meal to follow. 4. In an attempt to __________ the voracious* ants, he surrounded his house with a moat of burning oil. 5. The surgeon finally located the __________ tumor that had afflicted* his patient for many months. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. ubiquitous 7. remote 8. thwart 9. harbinger 10. malignant

____ a. distant, hidden away ____ b. being everywhere at the same time ____ c. likely to cause death ____ d. to hinder, defeat ____ e. a forerunner, advance notice

Today's Idiom

to cool one's heelsto be kept waiting The shrewd mayor made the angry delegates cool their heels in his outer office. Answers are on Page 307

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4th Day

New Words excruciating respite reverberating fretful succumb

res′ pit

''Promises to Keep" From August, 1959 until his death in January, 1961, Dooley suffered almost continuous, excruciating pain. His normal weight of 180 was cut in half, and even the pain-killing drugs could no longer bring relief. Knowing that he did not have long to live, Dr. Dooley worked without respite on behalf of MEDICO, the organization he had founded to bring medical aid and hope to the world's sick and needy. The lines of Robert Frost kept reverberating in his mind during those fretful days: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep/ But I have promises to keep/ And miles to go before I sleep." When he finally succumbed, millions throughout the world were stunned and grief-stricken by the tragedy. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. With __________ slowness, the minute hand inched its way around the clock. 2. The rescue team heard the miner's voice __________ through the caves. 3. Around income tax time __________ faces are ubiquitous.* 4. The voluble* insurance salesman gave my father no __________. 5. Besieged* by debts, the corporation finally had to __________ to bankruptcy. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. excruciating 7. respite 8. reverberating 9. fretful 10. succumb

____ a. an interval of relief, delay ____ b. worrisome, irritable ____ c. reechoing, resounding ____ d. agonizing, torturing ____ e. to give way, yield

Today's Idiom

a red herringsomething that diverts attention from the main issue (a red herring drawn across a fox's path destroys the scent) We felt that the introduction of his war record was a red herring to keep us from inquiring into his graft. Answers are on Page 307

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5th Day Review Shortly before his death, Dr. Dooley was selected by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as one of America's ten most outstanding young men. There may be no connection between success of that type and an expanded vocabularybut one never knows. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. afflict ____ 2. ascend ____ 3. besiege ____ 4. emaciated ____ 5. excruciating ____ 6. fretful ____ 7. harbinger ____ 8. malignant ____ 9. malnutrition ____ 10. privation ____ 11. remote ____ 12. respite ____ 13. reverberating ____ 14. sanctuary ____ 15. sinister ____ 16. succumb ____ 17. surge ____ 18. thwart

Definitions a. lack of necessities b. inadequate diet c. being everywhere at once d. to trouble greatly e. agonizing f. wasted away g. distant h. evil i. to rush suddenly j. place of protection k. forerunner l. to rise m. to hinder n. yield o. postponement p. to surround q. becoming progressively worse r. .reechoing

____ 19. tranquil ____ 20. ubiquitous

s. worrisome t. peaceful

Idioms ____ 21. sour grapes ____ 22. swap horses in midstream ____ 23. to cool one's heels ____ 24. a red herring u. a diversion v. to be kept waiting w. to change one's mind x. claiming to despise what you cannot have

Now check your answers on page 307. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Sensible Sentences? (From Week 8) Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below. 1. Eric was (afflicted, besieged) with an inoperable ailment. 2. The octogenarian refused to (succumb, surge) to pneumonia. 3. The (remote, ubiquitous) mayor was photographed in four different parts of the city yesterday. 4. We were worried lest the hostages be suffering from (sanctuary, malnutrition). 5. The (tranquil, sinister) tone of the spring morning was suddenly broken by the loud explosion. 6. I heard his voice (excruciating, reverberating) through the corridors. 7. The senator's bid for a second term was (thwarted, respited) by the electorate. 8. After the king's death, his son (ascended, succumbed) to the throne in the normal order of succession. 9. The (privations, harbingers) that the poor people endured in their ghetto apartments were reprehensible. 10. The children were (emaciated, fretful) when awakened from their nap. 11. We were asked to (swap horses in midstream, cool our heels) while waiting for the bus. Answers are on Page 307

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Parts of Speech (From Weeks 28) Choose the noun, verb, or adjective that answers each of the questions and write the corresponding letter in the appropriate answer space. a. affluent b. arbitrary c. avid d. cajole e. elicit f. euphemism g. fray h. harbinger i. indigent j. precocious k. pugnacious l. reprimand m. skirmish n. sour grapes o. wrest ____ 1. Which noun tells you that something is on the way? ____ 2. Which verb means to extract, to get something out of? ____ 3. Which adjective describes an action that is based on a whim? ____ 4. Which adjective tells you about children who are very bright for their age? ____ 5. If a wealthy family moved into your neighborhood, which adjective would be suitable for them? ____ 6. Which adjective can be substituted for enthusiastic? ____ 7. If you had to coax someone into doing something, which verb would be appropriate? ____ 8. When we call a garbage collector a sanitary engineer, which noun comes to mind? ____ 9. In seizing control, which verb is appropriate? ____ 10. Which adjective describes a combative, quarrelsome person? ____ 11. Which verb is a good synonym for scold?

____ 12. What do you indulge in when you belittle that which you cannot possess? ____ 13. Which adjective describes a poverty-stricken person? ____ 14. Which two nouns are almost synonymous? Answers are on Page 307

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Wordsearch 8 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Aftermath of an Earthquake The Egyptian earthquake in October 1992 killed 600 residents of Cairo and hospitalized thousands of others, many of whom were expected to __________ as a result of their injuries. Especially hard hit were the people who __________ in those government buildings, schools, and factories

inhabited the city's slums, who had to seek that remained standing.

Muslim fundamentalists were active in providing relief to the survivors in the form of food, water, blankets, and tents to house the more than 300 families made homeless by the disaster. In the midst of a rubble-strewn street, a large tent was set up, bearing the banner, "Islam is the Solution." Believers took the opportunity to spread the message that the earthquake was a follow God's laws if they expected to __________ of worse things to come, and that a wayward population must __________ to heaven.

Throughout history, following volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tidal waves, and other calamities that periodically __________ mankind, religious leaders have used such occurrences to bring the people back to their faith. "Unless we return to Allah," said a priest, "we can expect more divine punishment." Since many Egyptians had expressed unhappiness about their government prior to the earthquake, there was a good chance for Muslim fundamentalists to seize the opportunity to win new converts by showing that the answer to recovery was not through man's efforts but through God's. Clues 4th Day 1st Day 3rd Day 1st Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 307

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9th Week 1st Day

New Words impresario extortion adverse asset bigot

as′ et

Just Spell the Name Correctly P. T. Barnum, the great circus impresario, was once accosted* by a woman who showed him a scurrilous* manuscript about himself, and said that unless he paid her, she would have the book printed. Barnum rejected the extortion attempt. "Say what you please," he replied, "but make sure that you mention me in some way. Then come to me and I will estimate the value of your services as a publicity agent." Barnum obviously felt that adverse criticism was an asset for a public figure. A man who seeks the limelight should not care what is written about him but should be concerned only when they stop writing about him. Barnum's philosophy suggests that we might do well to review the plethora* of publicity given to rabble-rousers and bigots. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. When the business manager was accused of __________, his colleagues sought to oust* him from the firm. 2. The eminent* __________ brought many cultural spectacles to our shores. 3. Attacked by the irate* crowd, the __________ asked the police for sanctuary.* 4. President Clinton hoped to be an __________ in his wife's campaign for the U.S. Senate position. 5. It was excruciatingly* painful for the actors to read the __________ reviews that their performances had received. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. impresario 7. extortion 8. adverse 9. asset 10. bigot

____ a. a narrow-minded, prejudiced person ____ b. unfavorable, harmful ____ c. one who presents cultural series, organizer ____ d. a valuable thing to have ____ e. getting money by threats

Today's Idiom to spill the beansto give away a secret Although he was naturally reticent,* when the felon* was intimidated* by the members of the rival gang, he spilled the beans. Answers are on Page 308

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2nd Day

New Words blatant entourage virulent venom spew

än′ tü räzh


Bigots* Get Publicity Today, the blatant bigot, the leader of a lunatic fringe, and the hate-monger, each with his tiny entourage, find it relatively easy to attract publicity. Newspapers give space to the virulent activities of those agitators on the grounds that they are newsworthy. TV producers and radio executives, seeking for sensationalism, often extend a welcome to such controversial characters. "Yes," said the host of one such program, "we invite bigots, but it is only for the purpose of making them look ridiculous by displaying their inane* policies to the public." Some civic-minded organizations have answered, however, that the hosts are not always equipped to demolish those guests, and even if they were, the audience would still be exposed to the venom they spew forth. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The visiting dictator's ubiquitous* __________ of bodyguards disturbed our tranquil* city. 2. Europe's population was afflicted* by a __________ plague known as the Black Death. 3. From each candidate's headquarters acrimonious* charges would __________ forth daily. 4. Clym Yeobright's mother succumbed* to the __________ of a snake bite. 5. With __________ discourtesy the reporters continued to harass* the bereaved family. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. blatant 7. entourage 8. virulent 9. venom 10. spew

____ a. group of attendants ____ b. disagreeably loud, very showy ____ c. poison, spite, malice ____ d. throw up, vomit, eject ____ e. full of hate, harmful

Today's Idiom

to keep a stiff upper lipto be courageous in the face of trouble It was admirable to see how the British managed to keep a stiff upper lip in spite of the German bombing. Answers are on Page 308

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3rd Day

New Words loath solicit astute advocate ineffectual


Coping with Bigots* Suppose a bigot wished to organize a meeting in your neighborhood. Since we cherish freedom of speech, we are loath to deny the request, even if he preaches hatred. As a result, hate-mongers are given the opportunity to rent halls, conduct meetings, publish abusive literature, and solicit contributions. What can be done about them? One astute observer, Prof. S. Andhil Fineberg, advocates the "quarantine method." His plan is to give such groups no publicity and to ignore them completely. Without the warmth of the spotlight, he feels that the bigot will freeze and become ineffectual. Debating with such warped minds is not feasible* and only tends to exacerbate* the situation. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Since we felt that the ruling was arbitrary,* we were __________ to obey it. 2. Daily the volunteers went out to __________ funds for the indigent* families. 3. My neighbor was __________ enough to discern* the adverse* features of the mortgage. 4. The general was sure to __________ that we give the enemy no respite* from the bombings. 5. The play was so blatantly* bad that the impresario* fired its __________ director. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. loath 7. solicit 8. astute 9. advocate (v.) 10. ineffectual

____ a. keen, shrewd ____ b. to be in favor of, to support ____ c. not effective ____ d. unwilling, reluctant ____ e. to beg, seek earnestly

Today's Idiom to have cold feetto hesitate because of fear or uncertainty My cousin was all set to join the paratroops, but at the last moment he got cold feet. Answers are on Page 308

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4th Day

New Words scrutinize nefarious amicable vexatious malady

More than Silence The quarantine method for handling bigots implies more than giving them the silent treatment. Prof. Fineberg urges community-relations organizations to scrutinize the nefarious activities of hate-mongers and to be prepared to furnish information about them to amicable inquirers. When a rabble-rouser is coming, those organizations should privately expose him to opinion-molders. In addition, constructive efforts should be taken to induce people to involve themselves in projects for improving intergroup relations. Bigger than the vexatious immediate problem is the need to find out the cause for such bigotry and to counteract this sinister* malady that afflicts a segment of our society. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The __________ buzzing of the mosquitoes as they surged* about our heads nearly drove us insane. 2. Our __________ relations with Latin America are an asset* to hemispheric trade. 3. Once the virulent* __________ had run its course, my temperature dropped. 4. We were distraught* upon hearing the venom* spewed* forth by the __________ bigot.* 5. No sooner did the lawyer __________ the extortion* note than she called the police. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. scrutinize 7. nefarious 8. amicable 9. vexatious 10. malady

____ a. annoying ____ b. villainous, vicious ____ c. examine closely ____ d. disease ____ e. friendly, peaceful

Today's Idiom

to look a gift horse in the mouthto be critical of a present (from the practice of judging a horse's age by his teeth) Although I didn't have much use for Uncle Roy's present, I took it with a big smile since I have been taught never to look a gift horse in the mouth. Answers are on Page 308

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5th Day Review There is an excellent book entitled How to Argue with a Conservative that gives the reader the tools necessary for success in argumentation. At times you may have to engage in a verbal skirmish* with a bigot.* It would be to your advantage if you had the proper words at your fingertips. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. adverse ____ 2. advocate ____ 3. amicable ____ 4. asset ____ 5. astute ____ 6. bigot ____ 7. blatant ____ 8. entourage ____ 9. extortion ____ 10. impresario ____ 11. ineffectual ____ 12. loath ____ 13. malady ____ 14. nefarious ____ 15. scrutinize ____ 16. solicit ____ 17. spew

Definitions a. to support b. keen, shrewd c. something of value d. villainous e. seek earnestly f. organizer g. annoying h. followers i. disagreeably loud j. examine closely k. poison l. harmful m. not effective n. prejudiced person o. unfavorable p. friendly q. unwilling

____ 18. venom ____ 19. vexatious ____ 20. virulent

r. vomit s. disease t. getting money by threats

Idioms ____ 21. to spill the beans ____ 22. stiff upper lip ____ 23. cold feet ____ 24. look a gift horse in the mouth u. to be critical of a present v. hesitation because of fear w. courage in the face of trouble x. give away a secret

Now check your answers on page 308. Make a record of those words you missed. Once again, use those words in original sentences.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 9 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. This Century's Deadliest Disease When the American public started to hear about the AIDS virus in the 1980s, there was a measure of concern but no real alarm. After all, some said, it was a problem solely for a small group of intravenous drug users who shared dirty needles, and for the homosexual community. But as the numbers of afflicted people grew during the 1980s and 1990s, we began to __________ the tragic news stories more closely. The deaths of young people like Ryan White and Kimberly Bergalis, not members of the at-risk groups referred to above, convinced us that what was at first regarded merely as a was actually a __________ threat to the general community. __________ illness

__________ medical researchers were optimistic that a vaccine for AIDS would be found in In the mid-1980s, short order. Those predictions proved to be inaccurate. In October 1992, former Surgeon-General C. Everett Koop said that he doubted we would ever find a cure for the disease. With over 200,000 Americans already having __________ killer, and another 300,000 who were HIV-positive and could contract a fullsuccumbed to the blown form of AIDS, Koop's statement sent chills throughout the country. A prominent AIDS expert, however, took issue with Koop. ''The fight will be difficult," said Dr. Harley Smith, "but we will find an answer before the end of the 20th century." Clues 4th Day 4th Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 308

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10th Week 1st Day

New Words inclement peruse premonition desist recoil

di zist′

ri koil′

Jerry Hart's Sixth Sense An uneasy feeling had made Jerry Hart miserable all day long. It was difficult to explain, but the similar sensations in the past had been accuratetrouble was on the way. Just as some people can predict the onset of inclement weather because of an aching in their bones, so could Jerry detect incipient* disaster. He sat at his desk, trying to peruse a company report but his efforts were ineffectual.* The gnawing at his insides, the tinge* of uneasiness, the premonition of calamity that besieged* him would not desist. When the phone rang, he recoiled with fearit was his wife and she was hysterical. Their son had been bitten by a mad dog! Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. After being admonished* by his father, he began to __________ the want ads daily. 2. When the black cat crossed her path, Ellen had a __________ of disaster. 3. The pickets promulgated* a warning that they would not __________ in their efforts to enhance* their standard of living. 4. As the snake prepared to strike, the girls __________ in horror. 5. She blamed her absence from the game on the __________ weather, but we knew that was sour grapes.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. inclement 7. peruse 8. premonition 9. desist 10. recoil

____ a. unfavorable, stormy ____ b. to read carefully ____ c. cease ____ d. forewarning ____ e. draw back

Today's Idiom to pay the piperto bear the consequences (from the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin) The cruel leader was doing well at the present time, but he knew that one day he might have to pay the piper. Answers are on Page 308

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2nd Day

New Words pertinent mastiff obsess doleful wan

mas′ tif


Crisis! As soon as Jerry Hart could get the pertinent facts from his wife, he dashed out of the office on his way home. He jostled* people in the hallway, implored* the elevator operator to hurry, and with flagrant* disregard for an elderly gentleman jumped into the cab he had hailed. The twenty-minute taxi ride seemed interminable* and all the while horrible thoughts occurred to Jerry. Visions of an ugly mastiff with foaming jaws obsessed him. A crowd of people had gathered in front of his house so that Jerry had to force his way through them. Little Bobby was on his bed, surrounded by a doctor, a policeman, Jerry's doleful wife, his two daughters, and a half-dozen wan neighbors. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The stockbroker was __________ with the idea of becoming a painter. 2. My nervous neighbor bought a pugnacious* __________ to frighten burglars. 3. __________ expressions abounded* throughout headquarters on the night of the election. 4. During the trial the astute* lawyer was able to elicit* the __________ information from the key witness. 5. After the tension, his normally ruddy face was __________ and tired. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. pertinent 7. mastiff 8. obsess 9. doleful 10. wan

____ a. sad, melancholy ____ b. to the point ____ c. sickly pale ____ d. to haunt, preoccupy ____ e. large dog

Today's Idiom on the carpetbeing scolded

Because of her repeated lateness, Betty's boss called her on the carpet. Answers are on Page 308

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3rd Day

New Words histrionics elusive frustrate symptomatic interject

i lü′ siv

A Time for Decision The doctor explained the situation calmly, avoiding histrionics. First of all, they didn't know whether the dog had rabies. Secondly, the elusive dog had frustrated all attempts to find him so far. Finally, the decision would have to be made whether Bobby was to undergo the painful vaccination administered daily for two weeks. Mrs. Hart said that a neighbor who had seen the dog claimed that it had been foaming at the mouth, barking, and growling constantlyall symptomatic of rabies. But the policeman interjected that there hadn't been a case of a mad dog in the county in over twenty years; he repudiated* the neighbor's report, advocating* that they do nothing for at least another day. Mr. and Mrs. Hart sat down to think about their next step. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The warden __________ the prisoners' attempt to escape by adding more guards. 2. Most viewers hate it when a commercial is __________ into a suspense drama. 3. Saying that he would not tolerate* her __________, the director fired the temperamental actress. 4. All his life he found happiness __________, but wealth easy to come by. 5. The sordid* rioting was __________ of the problems facing the large cities. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. histrionics 7. elusive 8. frustrate 9. symptomatic 10. interject

____ a. having to do with signs or symptoms, indicative ____ b. hard to grasp ____ c. insert, interrupt ____ d. display of emotions ____ e. counteract, foil, thwart*

Today's Idiom to show one's handto reveal one's intentions

When someone joined in bidding for the antique, the dealer was forced to show his hand. Answers are on Page 308

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4th Day

New Words inert salient imminent squeamish engrossed

The Pertinent* Facts about Rabies "Give me some of the rudimentary* information about the disease, Doc," said Jerry, glancing toward the inert figure of his son. "Well, as you know, the malady* used to be called 'hydrophobia' (fear of water) because one of the symptoms is an inability to swallow liquids. Actually, it is caused by a live virus from the saliva of an infected animal. If saliva gets into a bite wound, the victim may get rabies. The virus travels along the nerves to the spine and brain. Once the salient characteristics appear (ten days to six months) then death is imminent." ''What are the symptoms?" asked Mrs. Hart. "Pain and numbness. difficulty in swallowing, headaches and nervousness. Also, muscle spasms and convulsions." The squeamish neighbors who were engrossed in the doctor's remarks gasped. "I think we should go ahead with the injections," the distraught* Mrs. Hart said. "I've heard enough." Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The senator loathed* it when people said that an atomic war was __________. 2. When his __________ partner complained about a lack of ethics,* the businessman laughed at his innocence. 3. __________ in his crossword puzzle, he failed to notice the paucity* of customers in the restaurant. 4. One of the __________ features of her poetry is a dependence upon euphemisms.* 5. Seeing the __________ player, the manager dashed out onto the field. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. inert 7. salient 8. imminent 9. squeamish 10. engrossed

____ a. outstanding, prominent ____ b. without power to move ____ c. likely to happen, threatening ____ d. absorbed ____ e. easily shocked, over sensitive

Today's Idiom

to tilt at windmillsto fight imaginary enemies (from Don Quixote) The vice president told the committee, "We're really on your side, and if you fight us you'll be tilting at windmills." Answers are on Page 308

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5th Day Review At the end of this week's study, you will have covered 200 words and 40 idioms. In addition, you will have seen many of those words used several times in subsequent lessons. If you have been operating at only 75% efficiency, you have, nevertheless, added substantially to your arsenal of words. Here's a thought: wouldn't it be wonderful if through genuine attention to the daily dosage you could move up to 80% or even 90%? Start by matching the 20 words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space. Did somebody say 100%?

Review Words ____ 1. desist ____ 2. doleful ____ 3. elusive ____ 4. engrossed ____ 5. frustrate ____ 6. histrionics ____ 7. imminent ____ 8. inclement ____ 9. inert ____ 10. interject ____ 11. mastiff ____ 12. obsess ____ 13. pertinent ____ 14. peruse ____ 15. premonition ____ 16. recoil

Definitions a. sad b. draw back c. foil d. cease e. interrupt f. stormy, harsh g. indicative h. appropriate i. powerless to move j. large dog k. outstanding l. read carefully m. preoccupy n. easily shocked o. forewarning p. about to happen

____ 17. salient ____ 18. squeamish ____ 19. symptomatic ____ 20. wan

q. hard to grasp r. pale s. absorbed t. display of emotions

Idioms ____ 21. to pay the piper ____ 22. on the carpet ____ 23. to show one's hand ____ 24. to tilt at windmills u. to reveal one's emotions v. being scolded w. fight imaginary enemies x. to bear the consequences

Now check your answers on page 308. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 610) Here is your second review through the use of analogies. These analogies test your ability to match words that mean nearly the same or to select words that are opposite. Place the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. ____ 1. SOLICIT:REJECT::DESIST: a. reasonable b. dangerous c. continue d. friendly ____ 2. IMPLACABLE:UNFORGIVING::REPREHENSIBLE: a. innocent b. fearful c. blameworthy d. confusing ____ 3. NEFARIOUS:KIND HEARTED::AMICABLE: a. pleasant b. daring c. workable d. threatening ____ 4. FEASIBLE:POSSIBLE::PRECOCIOUS: a. backward b. cautious c. young d. advanced ____ 5. SALIENT:UNIMPORTANT::SQUEAMISH: a. thick-skinned b. nervous c. frightening d. worthwhile ____ 6. UBIQUITOUS:RARE::INCLEMENT: a. conclude b. stop c. return d. pleasant ____ 7. EXACERBATE:EASE::REVERT: a. improve b. continue c. cease d. confirm ____ 8. RECOIL:DRAW BACK::PERUSE: a. study b. robust c. sad d. graceful ____ 9. ESCHEW:AVOID::MASTICATE: a. swallow b. chew c. inspect d. ease ____ 10. INTERJECT:INSERT::FRUSTRATE: a. permit b. impose c. foil d. unleash ____ 11. DISCERN:OVERLOOK::DERIDE: a. praise b. insult c. escape d. deprive ____ 12. INDIGENT:WEALTHY::COGNIZANT: a. relative b. loose c. vague d. unaware ____ 13. PERTINENT:UNIMPORTANT::DOLEFUL: a. depressed b. cheerful c. wealthy d. intelligent ____ 14. BLATANT:SHOWY::VIRULENT: a. tragic b. harmful c. newly formed d. obvious ____ 15. TRANQUIL:QUIET::SINISTER: a. related b. ancient c. trivial d. evil Answers are on Page 308

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Wordsearch 10 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. The Potato that Strangled Idaho People who are __________ about the sight of blood or __________ in horror from most forms of violence would do well to avoid some of the movies now being shown at their local cinemas. Producers have learned that films that scare the patrons out of their seats, ironically, put millions of fans into those seats, keeping them __________ in the goose pimple-inducing spectacles that flash across the screen. Of course, each movie carries with it a rating that indicates its suitability for certain age groups, either because of its subject matter, language, presentation, or level of violence. Pictures with a "G" rating are approved for all audiences, while, at the other end of the scale, those that are given an "X" rating are for adults only with no children allowed under any circumstance. Getting an ''R" rating indicates that the movie is restricted (no one under 18 admitted without an adult) but some Hollywood moguls consider the "R" to be the magnet that insures box office success. And we can be sure that as long as shock films ring up a merry tune on the cash registers, producers will not __________ from making them. A director who specializes in making gory films involving monsters, vampires, and brutal serial killers boasted in a college lecture that his work was in good taste. One student who disasgreed was provoked to __________ that in his opinion the diet of "shock-schlock" movies was in worse taste than those pictures that contained vulgar language and nudity. "At least they're honest," he declared. Clues 4th Day 1st Day 4th Day 1st Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 308

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11th Week 1st Day

New Words poignant inundate fruitless garbled sanguine

früt′ lis

The Search for the Dog (Continued) Meanwhile, the Harts had notified the local radio stations to broadcast a poignant appeal for the dog's owner to come forward. The station was inundated with phone calls but all leads were fruitless. From what Bobby had told them, a huge dog had leaped out from a red station wagon in the supermarket's parking lot. After biting Bobby it vanished. The six-year-old was too concerned with the bites he had received to see where the dog disappeared to. The boy's story was garbled, but he did remember that the animal was gray and had a collar. There was little tangible* evidence to go on, but the police remained sanguine. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The sermon was __________ enough to bring tears to the brash* delinquent's eyes. 2. Although the message was __________, its salient* points were clear enough. 3. After a __________ attempt to wrest* control of the government, the traitors were incarcerated.* 4. Even though his boat was almost __________, the skipper was loath* to radio for help. 5. Because the malignancy* had gone unchecked, the surgeons were not __________ about the patient's chances. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. inundate 7. fruitless 8. poignant 9. garbled 10. sanguine

____ a. useless ____ b. confused, mixed up ____ c. optimistic ____ d. to flood ____ e. moving, painful to the feelings

Today's Idiom to feather one's nestgrow rich by taking advantage of circumstances While working as the tax collector, he adroitly* feathered his own nest. Answers are on Page 308

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2nd Day

New Words phlegmatic corroborate comprehensive zealous coerce

fleg mat′ ik

kom′ pri hen′ siv

No Relief The normally phlegmatic Jerry Hart was deeply upset. Twenty-four hours had passed without result, and even if the rabies could not be corroborated, Jerry was determined to see that his son received the vaccine. At the suggestion of some friends, he organized a comprehensive search party, zealously fanning out in circles around the supermarket. They knocked on every door, inspected every dog, and came back empty-handed. Although the Harts were sick with worry (they had to be coerced into going to sleep), little Bobby seemed to be in great spirits. The excruciating* vigil continued. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Harriet's egregious* error disturbed even her __________ employer. 2. The fund raiser was so __________ that he solicited* money from a Salvation Army Santa Claus. 3. In order to get the job, you had to go through the drudgery* of filling out a ten-page __________ questionnaire. 4. The elusive* fugitive was __________ by his attorney into surrendering. 5. Even the swindler's nefarious* accomplice refused to __________ his alibi. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. phlegmatic 7. corroborate 8. comprehensive 9. zealous 10. coerce

____ a. enthusiastic ____ b. calm, hard to rouse to action ____ c. confirm, support ____ d. thorough ____ e. to force

Today's Idiom fair-weather friendsunreliable, they fail one in time of distress

The general was chagrined* to learn that so many of his supposed supporters were actually fair-weather friends. Answers are on Page 308

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3rd Day

New Words elapse meticulous domicile lax sporadic

i laps′


The Police Find the Dog Forty hours had elapsed before the police work and the publicity paid off. By meticulously checking the registrations of every red station wagon in the neighborhood and then cross-checking dog licenses, the police narrowed the search to four owners. After a few telephone calls, the apologetic owner was located and directed to bring her muzzled German shepherd to the Hart domicile. Bobby identified the dog, and the animal was taken to a veterinary's clinic to have the necessary tests performed. The lax owner, Mrs. McGraw, admitted that the dog had a sporadic mean streak, but she scoffed* at the idea of rabies. Jerry Hart noticed for the first time in two days that his uneasy feeling had departed. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Inadvertently,* Emma had allowed two months to __________ before paying her rent. 2. The lackluster* battle was punctuated by __________ mortar fire. 3. A man's __________ is his castle. 4. Because the watchman was __________, thievery was rampant* at the warehouse. 5. The __________ musician had nothing but disdain* for his disorganized friends. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. elapse 7. meticulous 8. domicile 9. lax 10. sporadic

____ a. careless, negligent ____ b. to slip by ____ c. occasional ____ d. home ____ e. careful

Today's Idiom

to sow one's wild oatsto lead a wild, carefree life During his teen years, the millionaire avidly* sowed his wild oats. Answers are on Page 308

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4th Day

New Words rash conjecture obviate lurid quip



All's Well That Ends Well The Harts were greatly relieved to learn that the rash conjecture about the dog was not true. Because the German shepherd was not rabid, the necessity for the painful treatment was obviated. The police gave the dog's owner a summons for allowing the animal to go unmuzzled. Little Bobby was treated to an ice cream sundae and a Walt Disney double feature. The neighbors searched for other lurid happenings, and Jerry Hart went back to his office. "What kind of dog was that?" his secretary asked. "Oh, his bark was worse than his bite," quipped Jerry. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. It was sheer __________ on the detective's part but it led to the arrest of the vexatious* counterfeiters. 2. The newspaper switched from mundane* coverage to __________ reporting. 3. It was exceedingly __________ of the lightweight to insult the belligerent* longshoreman. 4. The necessity for preparing sandwiches was __________ when the picnic was postponed. 5. Hamlet remembered that Yorick was always ready with a lusty __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. rash (adj.) 7. conjecture 8. obviate 9. lurid 10. quip

____ a. do away with, eliminate ____ b. joke ____ c. guess ____ d. sensational ____ e. too hasty, reckless

Today's Idiom windfallunexpected financial gain

When the bankrupt company struck oil, the surprised investor received a windfall of $20,000. Answers are on Page 308

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5th Day Review Many teachers have jested about their students who confused rabies with rabbis, Jewish clergymen. We know that those who get the message of this book, true vocabulary mastery, will make few such errors. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. coerce ____ 2. comprehensive ____ 3. conjecture ____ 4. corroborate ____ 5. domicile ____ 6. elapse ____ 7. fruitless ____ 8. garbled ____ 9. inundate ____ 10. lax ____ 11. lurid ____ 12. meticulous ____ 13. obviate ____ 14. phlegmatic ____ 15. poignant ____ 16. quip ____ 17. rash ____ 18. sanguine

Definitions a. to flood, to swamp b. home c. painful to the feelings, moving d. useless e. reckless f. confirm g. calm, sluggish h. sensational i. hopeful j. do away with k. confused, mixed up l. guess m. to pass by n. careless o. occasional p. thorough q. careful r. to force

____ 19. sporadic ____ 20. zealous

s. enthusiastic t. to joke

Idioms ____ 21. to feather one's nest ____ 22. fair-weather friends ____ 23. to sow wild oats ____ 24. windfall u. to lead a wild life v. unexpected financial gain w. unreliable acquaintances x. provide for oneself at the expense of others

Now check your answers on page 308. Make a record of those words you missed. If you were able to get them all right, use the five spaces to create antonyms for numbers 7, 8, 10, 17, and 19.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 11 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Assuming Blunders "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for Richard Sands." "Deliver us from evil. Lead us not into Penn Station." Teachers who train students to memorize and then do rote recitations sometimes find that the youngsters have a __________ interpretation of the actual words. Eliza Berman, an educator who is __________ about her own use of language, invited colleagues to send her examples of confusion in students' writings. Little did she realize that they would quickly able to compile a fairly __________ her letterbox with their pet mistakes. As a result, Ms. Berman was

__________ list of howlers that include the following:

"The inhabitants of ancient Egypt were called Mummies. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled by Camelot." "Homer wrote The Oddity in which Penelope was the first hardship Ulysses endured on his journey." "Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock." "King Alfred conquered the Dames." "Indian squabs carried porpoises on their backs." "Under the Constitution, the people enjoy the right to keep bare arms." "In the Olympic Games, the Greeks ran, jumped, hurled the bisquits and threw the java." "Lincoln was America's greatest Precedent." Ms. Berman is not too advice: enjoy! Clues 1st Day 3rd Day 1st Day 2nd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 308 __________ about eliminating such errors from pupils' compositions and test papers. Her

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12th Week 1st Day

New Words diatribe inhibition fortuitous incoherent ilk



Off Broadway When Monte Ziltch told his boss, Mr. Foy, that he was quitting as an accountant to become an actor, the man was convulsed with laughter. After Mr. Foy realized that Monte was obsessed* with the idea, he became quite serious, launching into a diatribe on the importance of responsibility in the younger generation. Monte confessed that he had been developing ulcers as an accountant, and when his psychiatrist suggested that the sickness was a result of inhibitions, Monte agreed. Now a fortuitous opportunity to get into show business required Monte to make an immediate decision. Mr. Foy stormed out of the office, muttering incoherently about hippies, beatniks, and others of that ilk. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. When a large expenditure is imminent,* my father goes into a long __________ on the need for economy. 2. It is often fruitless* to argue with racists, bigots*, and others of that __________. 3. Since the patient's speech was garbled* and __________, we could only conjecture* as to his message. 4. The meeting was a __________ one, but the jealous husband construed* it as prearranged and clandestine.* 5. After two drinks the usually phlegmatic* dentist lost all his __________. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. diatribe 7. inhibition 8. fortuitous 9. incoherent 10. ilk

____ a. kind, sort ____ b. disjointed ____ c. accidental ____ d. bitter criticism ____ e. restraint

Today's Idiom to wear one's heart on one's sleeveto make one's feelings evident People who wear their hearts on their sleeves frequently suffer emotional upsets.

Answers are on Page 309

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2nd Day

New Words prestigious placard integral remuneration nominal

plak′ ärd

An All-Round Man The need for a decision came about when Monte was invited to join a prestigious summer stock company, starting in mid-June. As a mature "apprentice," he would be required to take tickets, paint scenery, prepare placards, assist with lighting, costumes, and props, and carry an occasional spear in a walk-on role. Since the company would stage five major plays during the summer, as well as a half-dozen shows for children, there was a chance that Monte might actually get a part before too many weeks had elapsed.* In addition, he would be attending the drama classes that were an integral part of the summer theater. The remuneration would be nominal but at last Monte Ziltch would be fulfilling a life-long ambition. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The police posted a __________ asking all citizens to desist* from looting. 2. A salient* feature of the __________ company's success was its fair treatment of employees. 3. Derek Jeter's __________ from the New York Yankees made him a millionaire many times over. 4. For allowing his ferocious mastiff* to appear on a commercial, the trainer was paid a __________ sum. 5. She seemed to be an unimportant member of the president's entourage* but actually she played an __________ role in White House affairs. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. prestigious 7. placard 8. integral 9. remuneration 10. nominal

____ a. essential ____ b. poster ____ c. slight ____ d. reward, pay ____ e. illustrious

Today's Idiom

to wash dirty linen in publicto openly discuss private affairs "Let's talk about it privately," his uncle said, "rather than wash our dirty linen in public." Answers are on Page 309

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3rd Day

New Words expunge flamboyant anathema schism utopia

ek spunj′

From Ledgers to Scripts During the first weeks of the summer, Monte Ziltch didn't even have time to consider whether he had made an egregious* mistake. He was too engrossed* with his work, performing a thousand and one odd jobs around the theater. First there was the opening production of A Chorus Line, then two weeks of The Fantasticks, followed by a poignant* Diary of Anne Frank, which did excellent business. All through those weeks, Monte painted, carried, nailed, collected, ran, studied, and perspired. He had expunged all traces of debits and credits from his mind, burying himself in the more flamboyant world of the theater. Accounting became anathema to him as the schism between his present utopia and his former drudgery* widened. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. In Lost Horizon a character recoiled* at the idea of living in a __________. 2. A pernicious* __________ developed between the two sisters. 3. The traitor's name was __________ in his father's domicile.* 4. Our theatrical pages were inundated* with press releases from the __________ producer. 5. After having made the rash* statements, the senator wished that he could __________ them from the record. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. expunge 7. flamboyant 8. anathema 9. schism 10. utopia

____ a. split ____ b. something greatly detested ____ c. place of perfection ____ d. erase ____ e. showy, colorful

Today's Idiom

to save faceto avoid disgrace Instead of firing the corrupt executive, they allowed him to retire in order that he might save face. Answers are on Page 309

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4th Day

New Words timorous truncated jaunty fractious ostentatious

Irony for Merryweather At last, Monte's chance to perform came. He had played the timorous Lion in a truncated version of ''The Wizard of Oz," which the apprentices had staged. But now there was an open audition to cast the final show of the season. It was to be a jaunty original comedy, given a summer tryout prior to a Broadway opening. Monte, who by now had adopted the stage name of Monte Merryweather, read for the producers, hoping to get the part of the hero's fractious landlord. Unfortunately, the competition was too roughbut the director assigned Monte to a less ostentatious part. And so for the first two weeks in September the stagestruck accountant had a two-minute, two-line part. What was his role? The hero's accountant! Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. It is frustrating* to have one's lengthy remarks printed in __________ form. 2. With his cap set at a __________ angle, the amicable* sailor strutted down the street. 3. In an __________ display of histrionics* the star refused to perform. 4. Under duress* the normally __________ husband was coerced* into demanding a raise. 5. Roger's __________ behavior compounded* the bad relationship he had already had with his partner. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. timorous 7. truncated 8. jaunty 9. fractious 10. ostentatious

____ a. fearful ____ b. cut short ____ c. sprightly, gay ____ d. showy ____ e. quarrelsome

Today's Idiom

Indian summerwarm autumn weather Parts of the country were deep in snow, but the East was enjoying an Indian summer. Answers are on Page 309

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5th Day Review How many of the new words have now become a part of your "working vocabulary"? At first, their use may be conscious, even studied. However, the squeaks will soon disappear. Try a few this weekend. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space. (Note the resemblance between flamboyant and ostentatious).

Review Words ____ 1. anathema ____ 2. diatribe ____ 3. expunge ____ 4. flamboyant ____ 5. fortuitous ____ 6. fractious ____ 7. ilk ____ 8. incoherent ____ 9. inhibition ____ 10. integral ____ 11. jaunty ____ 12. nominal ____ 13. ostentatious ____ 14. placard ____ 15. prestigious ____ 16. remuneration ____ 17. schism

Definitions a. well-known b. quarrelsome c. kind, sort d. poster e. disjointed f. sprightly g. accidental h. in name only, slight i. restraint j. reward k. a curse l. bitter criticism m. erase n. colorful o. cut short p. essential q. fearful

____ 18. timorous ____ 19. truncated ____ 20. utopia

r. showy s. split t. place of perfection

Idioms ____ 21. wear one's heart on one's sleeve ____ 22. wash dirty linen in public ____ 23. save face ____ 24. Indian summer u. make one's feelings evident v. warm autumn weather w. to avoid disgrace x. openly discuss private affairs

Now check your answers on page 309. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Sensible Sentences? (From Week 12) Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below. 1. The senator went into a lengthy (diatribe, remuneration) about government waste in the military budget. 2. Most reformers are seeking to create a (schism, utopia). 3. Lorraine was criticized sharply for the (ostentatious, nominal) way in which she furnished her apartment. 4. Anyone so (ilk, timorous) should not have been selected to guard the castle. 5. My brother was promoted to a (prestigious, flamboyant) job in his company. 6. Although his speech was (anathema, jaunty) we were able to sense its underlying seriousness. 7. The failing grade was (expunged, truncated) from her record when she submitted the excellent term paper. 8. I got my job as a result of a (fractious, fortuitous) meeting with the director of personnel. 9. The bookkeeper is such as (integral, incoherent) part of our organization that we pay her a very high salary. 10. We marched in front of the embassy with (placards, inhibitions) held high. 11. Don't (save face, wash your dirty linen in public) if you plan to run for office. Answers are on Page 309

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Wordsearch 12 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Regis, Oprah, Sally Jessy, et. al. The television talk shows of our era, featuring such __________ public figures as Regis Philbin, Oprah Winfrey, and Sally Jessy Raphael, attract millions of daytime viewers and constitute a powerful influence on the American scene. When the media can hold the attention of so sizable a chunk of couch potatoes, it pays to scrutinize it closely. A student at Stanford University, doing her doctoral thesis on the unusual popularity of the afternoon talk shows, noted the fierce competition among those programs for guests who are off the beaten track. According to her: "Almost every irregular, __________ life-style you can think of has already been featured on one of the shows

and probably on all of them, when you add Montel Williams, Jerry Springer, and others of that __________ who serve as network hosts. They have shown teenagers who marry people in their sixties, daughters and mothers who date the same man, men who have gone through a marriage ceremony with other men, women with prominent tattoos, and other people who are totally free of __________."

" __________ for our guests is so small," said a producer, "that these shows are inexpensive to put on. And say what you want about good taste, millions watch us every day, and as long as the ratings are that healthy, sponsors will pay good money to be identified with us." Clues 2nd Day 3rd Day 1st Day 1st Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 309

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13th Week 1st Day

New Words importune incontrovertible surreptitious haven subjugate

im′ pör tün′

A Visit to the President In the winter of 1941, Enrico Fermi and a number of other distinguished scientists importuned President Franklin Roosevelt for authorization to begin an all-out effort in atomic energy research. The scientists were alarmed by incontrovertible evidence of surreptitious German experiments, and they asked for speedy approval. Italian-born Enrico Fermi was the ideal man to lead the atomic research. Already in 1938 he had won the Nobel Prize for work with radioactive elements and neutron bombardment. Fermi had found a haven from the Fascists (his wife was Jewish) and he knew that if the Germans were the first to develop an atomic bomb it would mean that Hitler could subjugate the entire world. The international race for atomic supremacy was on. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Although Eddie was not sanguine* about his chances, he continued to __________ his boss for a winter vacation. 2. In inclement* weather our barn is a __________ for many animals. 3. The dictator used duplicity* in order to __________ his rivals. 4. With a __________ movement, the meticulous* bookkeeper emptied the ash tray. 5. The expert's __________ testimony corroborated* the police report. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. importune 7. incontrovertible 8. surreptitious 9. haven 10. subjugate

____ a. undeniable ____ b. ask urgently ____ c. conquer ____ d. place of safety ____ e. stealthy, accomplished by secret

Today's Idiom

to take the bull by the hornsto face a problem directly After several days of delay, the minister decided to take the bull by the horns, and so he sent for the vandals. Answers are on Page 309

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2nd Day

New Words ultimate eventuate emit subterranean viable

i mit′

The Ultimate Weapon Takes Shape Enrico Fermi designed a device that could eventuate in a chain reaction. It consisted of layers of graphite, alternated with chunks of uranium. The uranium emitted neutrons, and the graphite slowed them down. Holes were left for long cadmium safety rods. By withdrawing those control rods Fermi could speed up the production of neutrons, thus increasing the number of uranium atoms that would be split (fission). When the rods were withdrawn to a critical point, then the neutrons would be produced so fast that the graphite and cadmium could not absorb them. In that manner a chain reaction would result. Slowly, Fermi's first atomic pile began to grow in a subterranean room at Columbia University. The big question remainedwas it viable? Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. A thorough investigation __________ in a comprehensive* report. 2. After two years of confinement in a __________ dungeon, the prisoner was thin and wan.* 3. The mayor issued a diatribe* against companies whose smokestacks __________ poisonous fumes. 4. Gaining better housing for all was the __________ goal of the zealous* reformer. 5. When the schism* in the company was healed, a __________ arrangement was worked out. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. ultimate 7. eventuate 8. emit 9. subterranean 10. viable

____ a. underground ____ b. final ____ c. practicable, workable ____ d. to give off ____ e. to result finally

Today's Idiom

the lion's sharethe major portion Because the salesman was essential to the business, he demanded the lion's share of the profits. Answers are on Page 309

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3rd Day

New Words premise jeopardize incredulous permeate propitious

prem′ is

The Squash Court Experiment As the pile grew, so did the entire project. Fermi moved his materials to an abandoned squash court under a football stadium at the University of Chicago. His pace accelerated because they were proceeding on the premise that the Germans were close to atomic success. Six weeks after the pile had been started, its critical size was reached. Three brave young men jeopardized their lives by ascending* the pile, ready to cover it with liquid cadmium if anything went wrong. Almost fifty scientists and several incredulous observers mounted a balcony to watch. One physicist remained on the floor; it was his job to extract the final cadmium control rod. Unbearable tension permeated the atmosphere. Fermi completed his calculations, waited for a propitious moment, and then gave the signal. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Acting on the __________ that there were no burglars around, the police became quite lax.* 2. After I had perused* the Yankee lineup, I was __________ about their chances of winning. 3. The trapeze artist was squeamish* about having to __________ his life. 4. A terrible odor that was impossible to expunge* __________ the skunk handler's clothing. 5. At a __________ moment the flamboyant* movie star made her grand entrance. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. premise 7. jeopardize 8. incredulous 9. permeate 10. propitious

____ a. favorable ____ b. endanger ____ c. to spread through ____ d. skeptical ____ e. grounds for a conclusion

Today's Idiom

out of the frying pan into the fireto go from a difficult situation to a worse one I thought I had escaped, but actually I went out of the frying pan into the fire. Answers are on Page 309

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4th Day

New Words surmise curtail repress cryptic inchoate

ri pres′

krip′ tik

The Italian Navigator Lands The chain reaction took place precisely as Enrico Fermi had surmised. After twenty-eight minutes he curtailed the experiment, giving the signal to replace the control rod. The normally reserved scientists, unable to repress their excitement, let out a tremendous cheer and gathered around Fermi to shake his hand. Although it was time to celebrate, some of the men remarked soberly that "the world would never be the same again." On December 2, 1942, the news of Fermi's achievement was relayed in a cryptic telephone message: "The Italian Navigator has reached the New World." "And how did he find the natives?" "Very friendly." The Atomic Age was inchoatebut truly here! Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Publication of the lurid* magazine was __________ by the district attorney. 2. Although his remarks appeared __________ at first, we began to see how really pertinent* they were. 3. I had to __________ my desire to interject* my criticism during the debate. 4. Edna had __________ that she would be charged a nominal* sum and so she was outraged when she got the bill. 5. The young couple was disappointed to see the __________ state of their new house. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. surmise 7. curtail 8. repress 9. cryptic 10. inchoate

____ a. puzzling ____ b. guess ____ c. to put down ____ d. to cut short ____ e. in an early stage

Today's Idiom to keep the pot boilingto see that interest doesn't die down Dickens kept the pot boiling by ending each chapter on a note of uncertainty and suspense. Answers are on Page 309

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5th Day Review No matter what the theme, no matter what the source, we can expect that important concepts will require a mature vocabulary. This week's topic, scientific and biographical in nature, serves as a vehicle for teaching you twenty worthwhile words. You now have the chance to see whether you remember their definitions. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. cryptic ____ 2. curtail ____ 3. emit ____ 4. eventuate ____ 5. haven ____ 6. importune ____ 7. inchoate ____ 8. incontrovertible ____ 9. incredulous ____ 10. jeopardize ____ 11. permeate ____ 12. premise ____ 13. propitious ____ 14. repress ____ 15. subjugate ____ 16. subterranean ____ 17. surmise

Definitions a. ask urgently b. undeniable c. guess d. accomplished by secret e. to put down f. favorable g. cut short h. workable i. underground j. final k. to result finally l. to spread through m. conquer n. place of safety o. endanger p. a proposition for argument q. skeptical

____ 18. surreptitious ____ 19. ultimate ____ 20. viable

r. in an early stage s. puzzling t. to give off

Idioms ____ 21. take the bull by the horns ____ 22. the lion's share ____ 23. out of the frying pan into the fire ____ 24. keep the pot boiling u. to maintain interest v. from bad to worse w. the major portion x. to face a problem directly

Now check your answers on page 309. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 13 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Drug Smugglers Beware The __________ message came to Officer Matt Jagusak: "Drug search tomorrowbring pig."

__________ Jagusak, with the Union County New Jersey Sheriff's Department Search and Rescue Unit, had to his superiors to put Ferris E. Lucas, a super sniffer, to work. Lucas is a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig with a fantastic olfactory sense that is one million times greater than a human's and could be our breaking up the drug trade. __________ weapon in

A canine trainer offered the pig to Union City, suggesting that its intelligence and unique skill will make Lucas a __________ fighter against illegal narcotics. Jagusak has already taught his 55-pound porker-detective how to __________ at first, they find cocaine, hashish, and marijuana. While some law enforcement officials were quickly became believers when they saw the Sherlock Holmes of the sty locate underground drug scents that had eluded trained dogs. "I don't care if it's a dog, a pig, or an elephant," Jagusak's boss said. "If it benefits the department and our community, we'll try it." Clues 4th Day 1st Day 2nd Day 2nd Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 309

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14th Week 1st Day

New Words aspire inveigh nettle overt relegate


Sunday Morning at Pearl Harbor At breakfast time on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Dorie Miller was serving coffee aboard the battleship West Virginia. Dorie was black, and the highest job to which he could then aspire in the U.S. Navy was that of messman. While Dorie was technically a member of a great fighting fleet, he was not expected to fight. Most Army and Navy officers inveighed against blacks as fighting men. Although blacks were nettled by such overt prejudice, Dorie Miller apparently accepted being relegated to the role of a messhall servant. Now, as he poured the coffee, Dorie was wondering why the airplanes above were making so much noise on a peaceful Sunday morning. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the proper blanks. 1. Although the comic's quips* seemed to be mild, they began to __________ the nightclub's owner. 2. I had a premonition* that Eli would __________ to the position of captain. 3. The pickets agreed to __________ against the law that curtailed* their freedom. 4. __________ acts of violence by the prisoner jeopardized* his parole. 5. When they tried to __________ the star to a minor role she was furious. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. aspire 7. inveigh 8. nettle 9. overt 10. relegate

____ a. irritate ____ b. open ____ c. assign to an inferior position ____ d. to strive for ____ e. attack verbally

Today's Idiom to bury the hatchetto make peace After not speaking to each other for a year, they decided to bury the hatchet. Answers are on Page 309

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2nd Day

New Words supine mammoth repulse havoc raze

ri puls′

The Infamous* Attack The coffee cups suddenly went spinning as an explosion knocked Dorie Miller flat on his back. Jumping up from his supine position, the powerfully built messman from Waco, Texas, headed for the deck. Everywhere that Dorie looked he saw smoke and mammoth warships lying on their sides. Overhead dozens of Japanese dive bombers controlled the skies without a U.S. plane to repulse their attack. The havoc was enormous. Without hesitating, Dorie joined a team that was feeding ammunition to a machine gunner who was making an ineffectual* attempt to protect their battleship from being razed by the torpedo planes. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the proper blanks. 1. From a __________ position, the hunter emitted* the animal's mating call. 2. Following the revolution, the people __________ the subterranean* dungeons of the dictator. 3. Management is sure to __________ any request for increased remuneration.* 4. __________ placards* announced the opening of the new movie. 5. The virulent* plague caused __________ among the populace. Definitions Match the new words with their meaning.

6. supine 7. mammoth 8. repulse 9. havoc 10. raze

____ a. ruin ____ b. drive back ____ c. huge ____ d. lying on the back ____ e. destroy

Today's Idiom Philadelphia lawyera lawyer of outstanding ability

His case is so hopeless that it would take a Philadelphia lawyer to set him free. Answers are on Page 309

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3rd Day

New Words lethal scurry incisive precipitate stereotype

The Heroism of Dorie Miller Men all around Miller were succumbing* to the lethal spray of Japanese bullets. He dragged his captain to safety and turned back to see that the machine-gunner had been killed. Dorie took the big gun and trained it on the incoming bombers. Within the space of ten minutes he was credited with destroying four bombers while dodging the bullets of their fighter escorts. The enemy scurried away, having struck the incisive blow that precipitated U.S. entrance into World War II. Amidst the dead bodies and the ruined fleet were the heroes such as Dorie Miller. The Navy had told him that he did not have to fight but he hadn't listened. The Navy had attempted to stereotype him, but Dorie changed all that. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the proper blanks. 1. Our editor castigated* the proposal with his __________ commentary. 2. Poe's hero watched the rats __________ across his inert* body. 3. The jockey received a __________ kick from the fractious* horse. 4. A quarrel was __________ among the relatives after they heard the terms of the reprehensible* will. 5. The laconic* Clint Eastwood is a __________ of the strong, silent Western hero. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. lethal 7. scurry 8. incisive 9. precipitate 10. stereotype

____ a. acute ____ b. run hastily ____ c. unvarying pattern ____ d. deadly ____ e. hasten

Today's Idiom

to gild the lilyto praise extravagantly There was no need for the announcer to gild the lily because we could see how beautiful the model was. Answers are on Page 309

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4th Day

New Words stentorian singular valor bias sinecure

''For Distinguished Devotion to Duty" Some months later Dorie Miller was serving on an aircraft carrier when Admiral Chester Nimitz, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, came aboard to preside over a special awards ceremony. In stentorian tones the Admiral presented Miller with the prestigious* Navy Cross, commending him for a singular act of valor and "disregard for his own personal safety." Miller's heroism helped to shatter the bias against African-Americans in the armed forces. Although he could have accepted a sinecure at a U.S. naval base, Dorie chose to remain in the combat zone where he was killed in action in December, 1943. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the proper blanks. 1. The director was ousted* from his __________ when he angered the mayor. 2. In his customary __________ tones, the sergeant reprimanded* those who thought the army was a haven* for incompetents. 3. The word "surrender" is anathema* to people of __________. 4. A viable* peace was brought about as a result of the diplomat's __________ contribution. 5. The bigot's* __________ precipitated* a fistfight. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. stentorian 7. singular 8. valor 9. bias 10. sinecure

____ a. prejudice ____ b. soft job ____ c. courage ____ d. extraordinary ____ e. loud

Today's Idiom to steal one's thunderto weaken one's position by stating the argument before that person does I had planned to be the first to resign from the club, but my cousin stole my thunder. Answers are on Page 309

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5th Day Review Many people agree that a lawyer should be skillful with words. A Philadelphia lawyer,* it goes without saying, must have an extensive vocabulary in order to help him or her present a case. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. aspire ____ 2. bias ____ 3. havoc ____ 4. incisive ____ 5. inveigh ____ 6. lethal ____ 7. mammoth ____ 8. nettle ____ 9. overt ____ 10. precipitate ____ 11. raze ____ 12. relegate ____ 13. repulse ____ 14. scurry ____ 15. sinecure ____ 16. singular ____ 17. stentorian

Definitions a. huge b. evident, open c. courage d. to strive for e. banish, assign to inferior position f. deadly g. soft job h. prejudice i. keen, acute j. run quickly k. hasten l. remarkable, uncommon m. attack verbally n. drive back o. lying on the back p. destroy q. conventional custom

____ 18. stereotype ____ 19. supine ____ 20. valor

r. irritate s. ruin t. loud

Idioms ____ 21. bury the hatchet ____ 22. Philadelphia lawyer ____ 23. gild the lily ____ 24. steal one's thunder u. to praise extravagantly v. outstandingly able w. to beat someone to the punch x. make peace

Now check your answers on page 309. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 14 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice Teen Talk Barbie, the best-selling $50 model, has gone a step too far in the opinion of the American Association of University Women. Representatives of that group were doll is programmed to utter is, "Math class is tough." __________ to hear that one of the four phases that the

For years the university professors, as well as members of feminist organizations have

__________ against the

__________ that portrays girls as weak math and science students. "Because that brainwashing message is conveyed to girls at an early age, they come to accept what we consider to be a blatant __________ ," said Dr. Ellen Kaner, a Dallas chemist. "We are just beginning to make progress in our campaign to recruit women for challenging, well-paying careers in math and science," she added, "and were shocked to learn that Barbie is spreading such harmful nonsense." Executives of the company that manufactures Teen Talk Barbie had to __________ to set matters right. They admitted that the phrase in question, one of 270 selected by computer chips, was a mistake. In a press release, their president said, "We didn't fully consider the potentially negative implications of this phrase. Not only will we remove it immediately but will swap with anyone who bought the offending doll." We wonder how Ken feels about the matter. Clues 1st Day 1st Day 3rd Day 4th Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 309

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15th Week 1st Day

New Words complicity liquidation accomplice recant culpable

ri kant′

Danny Escobedo Goes to Jail In 1960, a young Chicagoan, Danny Escobedo, was given a 20-year jail sentence for first-degree murder. Danny had confessed to complicity in the killing of his brother-in-law after the police had refused to allow him to see his lawyer. Actually, Danny was tricked into blaming a friend for the liquidation of his sister's husband, thereby establishing himself as an accomplice. Despite the fact that Danny later recanted his confession, he was found culpable and jailed. Danny had been stereotyped* as a hoodlum and nobody raised an eyebrow over the hapless* felon's* troubles. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Proceeding on the premise* that the broker was guilty of __________ in the swindle, the detective followed him surreptitiously.* 2. After the __________ of the gang leader, a mammoth* conflict arose among his ambitious lieutenants who aspired* to be boss. 3. Once the incontrovertible* evidence was offered, the servant was held __________ in the theft of the jewels. 4. When the clergyman refused to __________, his superiors were so nettled* that they relegated* him to an isolated parish in Alaska. 5. Although he was judged as a minor __________, the driver had actually played an integral* part in planning the crime. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings. Two of the words are very close in meaning.

6. complicity 7. liquidation 8. accomplice 9. recant 10. culpable

____ a. deserving blame ____ b. partnership in wrongdoing ____ c. an associate in crime ____ d. disposal of, killing ____ e. withdraw previous statements

Today's Idiom woolgatheringabsentmindedness or daydreaming When the young genius should have been doing his homework, he was frequently engaged in woolgathering. Answers are on Page 310

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2nd Day

New Words abrogate alleged access invalidate preclude

ak′ ses

pri klüd′

Escobedo's Lawyer Appeals Barry Kroll, a Chicago lawyer, took an interest in Danny Escobedo's case. Kroll felt that his client's rights under the Constitution had been abrogated. Since the alleged accomplice,* Escobedo, had been denied access to an attorney, Kroll asked the courts to invalidate the conviction. He proposed that lawyers be entitled to sit in when the police question a suspect but the Illinois courts rejected that on the grounds that it would effectively preclude all questioning by legal authorities. If such a law were upheld, the police felt that it would play havoc* with all criminal investigations. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The manager was distraught* when he realized that the slugger's sickness would __________ a World Series victory. 2. It is symptomatic* of some newspapers that an __________ criminal is regarded in print as guilty. 3. The wealthy uncle decided to __________ his inane* nephew's sinecure.* 4. The general was sure to __________ the court-martial's decision once he learned of the flagrant* bias* of the presiding officer. 5. Once the druggist had been duped* into opening the store, the addict gained __________ to the pep pills. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. abrogate 7. alleged 8. access 9. invalidate 10. preclude

____ a. admittance ____ b. reported, supposed ____ c. to deprive of legal force, to nullify ____ d. prevent ____ e. abolish

Today's Idiom to whitewashto conceal defects, to give a falsely virtuous appearance to something Although a committee was appointed to investigate the corruption, many citizens felt that their report would be a whitewash of the culprits.* Answers are on Page 310

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3rd Day

New Words persevere landmark extrinsic declaim fetter

land′ märk′

ek strin′ sik

An Historic Supreme Court Ruling Lawyer Kroll persevered in his defense of Danny Escobedo. The case was argued before the Supreme Court, and in 1964, in a landmark decision, the Court reversed Danny's conviction. Legal aid, said the judges, must be instantly available to a suspect. "A system of law enforcement that comes to depend on the confession," one Justice declared, "will, in the long run, be less reliable than a system that depends on extrinsic evidence independently secured through skillful investigation." A Justice who declaimed against the decision said, however, "I think the rule is ill-conceived and that it seriously fetters perfectly legitimate methods of criminal enforcement." Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Collectors avidly* sought the rare coin for its __________ value. 2. If we __________, we can overcome many of our inhibitions.* 3. The Battle of Midway was a __________ victory in the U.S. campaign for ultimate* victory over the Japanese in World War II. 4. I knew that my father would __________ against Mother's choice of ostentatious* fabrics. 5. The senator inveighed* against the policy because he felt it would __________ our Air Force. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. persevere 7. landmark (adj.) 8. extrinsic 9. declaim 10. fetter (v.)

____ a. to hamper ____ b. foreign, coming from outside ____ c. speak loudly ____ d. persist ____ e. historic, turning point of a period

Today's Idiom to break the iceto make a start by overcoming initial difficulties The auto salesman had a poor week, but he finally broke the ice by selling a fully equipped Cadillac. Answers are on Page 310

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4th Day

New Words paragon nomadic asperity epithet controversial

The Effects of the Escobedo Decision After Danny Escobedo's release from prison, hundreds of inmates began suits for their freedom on the grounds that their rights had been violated, too. Each case was heard on its merits, and in numerous instances people who had been convicted of serious offenses were freed because of the new standards established in the Escobedo case. After getting out, Danny was not a paragon of virtue, according to the police. He led a nomadic existence, drifting from job to job, and was arrested frequently. With asperity, and a few choice epithets, Danny referred to police harassment.* Although the Escobedo case was a controversial one, most agree that it inspired better police training, better law enforcement procedures, and improved scientific crime detection. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. In the desert, __________ tribes wander back and forth, enduring much privation.* 2. The town planners looked upon their utopia* as a __________ for other communities. 3. Some school principals attempt to repress* the publication of __________ editorials. 4. We were amazed at the display of __________ from our normally phlegmatic* neighbor. 5. A bitter quarrel was precipitated* when both politicians hurled vile __________ at each other. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. paragon 7. nomadic 8. asperity 9. epithet 10. controversial

____ a. harshness of temper ____ b. model of excellence ____ c. wandering ____ d. debatable ____ e. descriptive name

Today's Idiom the grapevinea secret means of spreading information The grapevine has it that Ernie will be elected president of the school's student council. Answers are on Page 310

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5th Day Review Police who have resorted to wire-tapping have been able to get evidence that was useful in gaining convictions. In a sense, everyone who listens to you is wire-tapping your conversation. Are the "detectives" impressed with the extent of your vocabulary? By the end of this week you will have gained a greater familiarity with 300 words and 60 idiomsenough to educate a conscientious wire-tapper. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space. (Numbers 1 and 13 are close in meaning.)

Review Words ____ 1. abrogate ____ 2. access ____ 3. accomplice ____ 4. alleged ____ 5. asperity ____ 6. complicity ____ 7. controversial ____ 8. culpable ____ 9. declaim ____ 10. epithet ____ 11. extrinsic ____ 12. fetter (v.) ____ 13. invalidate ____ 14. landmark (adj.) ____ 15. liquidation ____ 16. nomadic

Definitions a. descriptive name b. coming from outside, foreign c. supposed, reported d. deserving blame e. destruction, disposal of f. an associate in crime g. model of excellence h. bitterness of temper i. persist j. repeal by law k. prevent l. speak loudly m. partnership in wrongdoing n. to deprive of legal force, cancel o. renounce previous statements p. to hamper, to chain

____ 17. paragon ____ 18. persevere ____ 19. preclude ____ 20. recant

q. admittance r. wandering s. historic t. debatable

Idioms ____ 21. woolgathering ____ 22. to whitewash ____ 23. break the ice ____ 24. the grapevine u. a means of spreading information v. absentmindedness w. to conceal defects x. make a start

Now check your answers on page 310. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words For Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 1115) By now you may have realized that the antonyms of the words you have studied often present problems. First you have to know the synonyms and then figure out what the opposite meanings are. This provides a good test of your mastery of new words. Place the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. When you have checked your answers, immediately refer to the word or words you have missed. Instant review of words that you have not completely mastered will bring good results. ____ 1. NOMADIC:WANDERING::FORTUITOUS: a. accidental b. planned c. regrettable d. divisive ____ 2. VIABLE:USELESS::PROPITIOUS: a. unfavorable b. proper c. imaginable d. fortunate ____ 3. POIGNANT:MOVING::SANGUINE: a. tragic b. optimistic c. regretful d. bloody ____ 4. LETHAL:HARMLESS::OVERT: a. obvious b. hidden c. opposite d. weird ____ 5. METICULOUS:CAREFUL::LAX: a. legal b. graceful c. firm d. negligent ____ 6. ASPERITY:EVEN-TEMPEREDNESS::ALLEGED: a. sworn b. proven c. complete d. secret ____ 7. CULPABLE:BLAMEWORTHY::ABROGATE: a. advise b. confirm c. abolish d. advance ____ 8. IMPORTUNE:BEG::SUBJUGATE: a. escape b. delay c. understand d. conquer ____ 9. PHLEGMATIC:ENTHUSIASTIC::ZEALOUS: a. inferior b. uninterested c. involved d. aged ____10. SINGULAR:COMMON::FLAMBOYANT: a. tasteful b. dangerous c. dull d. insincere ____11. INCISIVE:VAGUE::SINGULAR: a. alone b. voiceless c. rare d. ordinary ____12. RAZE:BUILD UP::OBVIATE: a. remove b. clear c. include d. improve ____13. FRACTIOUS:AGREEABLE::TIMOROUS: a. involved b. brave c. shy d. unimportant ____14. PERMEATE:SPREAD::EVENTUATE: a. starve b. insult c. report d. compliment ____15. ASPIRE:SURRENDER::INVEIGH: a. starve b. insult c. report d. compliment Answers are on Page 310

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Wordsearch 15 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Questionable Advertisements The Nostalgia Factory, a Boston art gallery, staged an exhibit of advertisements that had outraged various segments of the community. For example, one of the fast food chains ran a TV commercial that showed unattractive school cafeteria workers in hairnets, making that experience less tasty than a visit to Roy Rogers. Another ad that drew criticism from psychiatrists and groups such as the Alliance for the Mentally Ill suggested to readers that, if they had paid $100 for a dress shirt, they were fit candidates for a straitjacket. Similar sensitivity had restricted ad writers from using terms such as "nuts" or "crazy." Why such protests and where do they come from? Who is asking companies to __________ contracts with those

agencies that are __________ in creating racist types of commercial messages? Parents who took exception to the Burger King spot that announced, "Sometimes You Gotta Break the Rules," said no to it because it gave the wrong message to their children. And when a potato chip maker's ad featured a "bandito," angry MexicanAmericans used some choice __________ in denouncing such a stereotype.

The conclusion to be reached is that segments of the population have become increasingly vocal about "insensitive" ads, demanding that corporations __________ and never again commission advertisements that are clearly

_________ , provocative, and harmful to good human relationships. Clues 2nd Day 1st Day 4th Day 1st Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 310

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16th Week 1st Day

New Words indigenous gregarious habitat cursory interloper

Meet the Bees One of the most interesting inhabitants of our world is the bee, an insect that is indigenous to all parts of the globe except the polar regions. The honeybee is a gregarious insect whose habitat is a colony that he shares with as many as 80,000 bees. Although the individual bees live for only a few days, their colony can be operative for several years. A cursory study of the activities of these insects reveals an orderliness and a social structure that is truly amazing. For example, bees in a particular hive have a distinct odor; therefore, when an interloper seeks access* they can identify him quickly and repulse* his invasion. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Sherlock Holmes took a __________ glance at the cryptic* message and decoded it instantly. 2. The forest was replete* with the kind of wildlife that is __________ to Africa. 3. Electric eyes, watchdogs, and other nuances* were there to keep out an __________. 4. The alcoholic was found supine* in his favorite __________Ryan's Bar. 5. At the party, the __________ hostess scurried* from group to group, making friends and influencing people. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. indigenous 7. gregarious 8. habitat 9. cursory 10. interloper

____ a. hasty, not thorough ____ b. native ____ c. natural environment ____ d. sociable ____ e. an unauthorized person

Today's Idiom in a bee linetaking the straightest, shortest route (that's the way a bee flies back to the hive after he has gathered food) When the couple left, the babysitter made a bee line for the refrigerator. Answers are on Page 310

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2nd Day

New Words prolific bulwark sedentary frugal antithesis

Queens, Workers, Drones Each colony of honeybees consists of three classes: a) the queen who is a prolific layer of eggs; b) the worker who is the bulwark of the colony; and c) the sedentary drone whose only function is to mate with a young queen. The queen lays the eggs that hatch into thousands of female workers; some queens live as long as five years and lay up to one million eggs. The frugal worker builds and maintains the nest, collects and stores the honey, and is the antithesis of the lazy drone, or male honeybee, who does not work and has no sting. When the drone is no longer needed, the workers, in effect, liquidate* him by letting him starve to death. It's a cruel, cruel world! Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The usually __________ novelist was frustrated* by her failure to come up with a good plot. 2. Len, the gregarious* twin, was the __________ of Lon, the reticent one. 3. The typist shook off the fetters* of her __________ life and joined a mountain climbing expedition. 4. __________ shoppers occasionally badger* supermarket managers for bargains. 5. Some feel that the United States should be a __________ to the inchoate* democracies around the world. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. prolific 7. bulwark 8. sedentary 9. frugal 10. antithesis

____ a. producing abundantly ____ b. thrifty ____ c. protection ____ d. exact opposite ____ e. largely inactive, accustomed to sitting

Today's Idiom the world, the flesh, and the deviltemptations that cause man to sin By entering the monastery he sought to avoid the world, the flesh, and the devil. Answers are on Page 310

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3rd Day

New Words altruistic embellish cache coterie cupidity

al′ trü is′ tik

em bel′ ish


Spotlight on the Worker Let us examine the activities of the altruistic workers in greater detail. After the workers have constructed a hive of waterproof honeycomb (made from beeswax), the queen begins to lay eggs in the first cells. While some workers embellish the hive, others fly out in search of nectar and pollen. With their long tongues they gather nectar and use their hind legs to carry the pollen from the flowers. They fly directly back to the hive and then dance around the honeycomb, their movements indicating the direction of the flowers. Meanwhile, other workers have been cleaning cells, caring for the young, and guarding the precious cache of nectar. Another special coterie is entrusted with heating or cooling the hive. Dedicated to the welfare of the queen and the entire insect community, all of these workers display a complete absence of cupidity. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Through a fortuitous* remark, the __________ of the art thieves was discovered. 2. We warned him that his reprehensible* __________ would eventuate* in a loss of all his friends. 3. The good-hearted doctor went into the jungle purely for __________ reasons. 4. A __________ of bridge players made our clubroom their permanent habitat.* 5. Everytime the irate* motorist told about the accident he had a tendency to __________ the story. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. altruistic 7. embellish 8. cache 9. coterie 10. cupidity

____ a. secret hiding place ____ b. unselfish ____ c. small group having something in common ____ d. adorn, touch up ____ e. greed

Today's Idiom to make bricks without strawto attempt to do something without having the necessary materials (In the Bible we read that the Egyptians commanded the Israelites to do so) My uncle's business schemes always fail because he tries to make bricks without straw. Answers are on Page 310

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4th Day

New Words virtuosity temerity amorous progeny saturate

The Saga of the Queen Bee Although the virtuosity of the workers is remarkable, the queen bee is really the main story. Workers choose a few larvae to be queens, feeding them royal jelly, a substance rich in proteins and vitamins. While the queen is changing from a larva to a pupa, a team of workers builds a special cell for her. Soon the young queen hatches, eats the prepared honey, and grows strong. After she kills any rivals who have the temerity to challenge her, an amorous note is injected. She flies from the hive and mates with one or more drones on her first flight. Then the process of egg laying begins. When her progeny saturate the hive, scouts are dispatched to find a new location, and the bees swarm after their leader to begin the amazing cycle again. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences; remember, past tenses may be required. 1. A landmark* in the history of __________ drama is Romeo and Juliet. 2. The eminent* artist, famous for his __________, was admired by classicists and beatniks alike. 3. The Bantu chief and all his __________ were noted for their valor.* 4. For having the __________ to declaim* against the majority leader, the freshman senator was given the worst committee assignments. 5. Television in the new century was __________ with the rebirth of the old quiz shows. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. virtuosity 7. temerity 8. amorous 9. progeny 10. saturate

____ a. descendants ____ b. full of love ____ c. soak, fill up completely ____ d. foolish boldness ____ e. great technical skill

Today's Idiom to have the upper handto gain control I had him at my mercy, but now he has the upper hand. Answers are on Page 310

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5th Day Review Even if you are as busy as the proverbial bee, you can always manage the fifteen to twenty minutes that are required for these daily vocabulary sessions. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. altruistic ____ 2. amorous ____ 3. antithesis ____ 4. bulwark ____ 5. cache ____ 6. coterie ____ 7. cupidity ____ 8. cursory ____ 9. embellish ____ 10. frugal ____ 11. gregarious ____ 12. habitat ____ 13. indigenous ____ 14. interloper ____ 15. progeny ____ 16. prolific ____ 17. saturate ____ 18. sedentary ____ 19. temerity ____ 20. virtuosity

Definitions a. secret hiding place b. thrifty c. enjoying the company of others d. exact opposite e. adorn f. unselfish g. small exclusive group h. greed i. not thorough, hasty j. descendants k. an unauthorized person l. native m. largely inactive n. natural environment o. foolish boldness p. fill up completely q. protection r. full of love s. great technical skill t. fertile

Idioms ____ 21. in a bee line ____ 22. the world, the flesh, and the devil ____ 23. make bricks without straw u. directly v. gain control

w. attempt something without necessary materials x. temptations

____ 24. have the upper hand

Now check your answers on page 310. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 16 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Cheating a Cheater ''Our neighborhood was so tough," the comedian joked, "that two guys held up a bank and were mugged as they ran to their getaway car." Later that evening, as Roy and Timmy were discussing the comic's routine, Roy was reminded of a true (he said) story that went like this: Mr. D., the gang kingpin in our community, loved money. Like Silas Marner, the __________ weaver of George

Eliot's novel, he enjoyed counting his treasure each Friday night. Mr. D's __________ was concealed in a wall safe behind a painting in his office. The $50 and $100 bills made his hands dirty as he counted them but Mr. D didn't mind. The filth of the lucre did not disturb him at all. __________ had the __________ to try to steal the ill-gotten One Friday evening, Roy continued, a brash gains. Having bought the combination from a relative who had installed Mr. D's safe, he stuffed his loot into a laundry bag and was halfway out the door when he spied a $10 bill on the floor. His back for that small change, and in that moment, Mr. D. arrived on the scene. __________ made him go

The quick-thinking thief blurted out, "I'll have the shirts back on Friday." Hoisting the laundry bag over his shoulder, he was out the door before the confused mobster could figure out what had happened. Timmy, who had listened patiently, said, "I don't believe a word of that story because it would take a guy with a great deal of starch to pull it off!" Clues 2nd Day 3rd Day 1st Day 4th Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 310

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17th Week 1st Day

New Words perpetrate consummate subterfuge concoct fallacious

kon kokt′

A Plan to Fool the Nazis One of the truly remarkable stories of World War II concerns a ruse* that was perpetrated with such consummate skill that it saved the lives of many Allied troops and helped to shorten the war. The simple, bold, and ingenious subterfuge which British officers concocted is the subject of Ewen Montagu's classic, The Man Who Never Was. In short, the idea was to plant fallacious documents concerning the Allied invasion of Europe upon a dead officer, have his body recovered by agents who would transmit the false information to Germany, and then observe the effects of the plan. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Because the inspector had given only cursory* attention to the reports, I surmised* that his conclusion would be __________. 2. Johnny Cochrane, the famous and controversial* lawyer, gave __________ attention to the preparation of every case. 3. It was necessary for the interloper* to __________ a convincing story in order to gain access* to the exhibit. 4. In order to __________ the swindle, the jaunty* confidence man adopted an amorous* approach toward the wealthy widow. 5. The experienced teacher realized that Ricky's stomachache was merely a __________ to keep him from taking the French test. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. perpetrate 7. consummate 8. subterfuge 9. concoct 10. fallacious

____ a. devise ____ b. complete, of the highest degree ____ c. commit ____ d. ruse,* trick ____ e. misleading

Today's Idiom to draw in one's hornsto check one's anger, to restrain oneself The performer drew in his horns when he saw that his critic was an eight-year-old boy. Answers are on Page 310

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2nd Day

New Words manifold assiduous impeccable fraught resourceful


"Major Martin" Goes to War After Commander Montagu and his colleagues had been given official approval for their dangerous escapade, they encountered manifold problems. First, they conducted an assiduous search for a body that looked as though it had recently been killed in an airplane disaster. Then, a detailed history of the man had to be invented that would be so impeccable that the enemy would accept its authenticity. This meant documents, love letters, personal effects, keys, photographs, etc. Each step was fraught with difficulty, but the schemers were unbelievably resourceful. As a result, in the late spring of 1942, "Major Martin" was prepared to do his part for his country. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Burdened by her __________ responsibilities, the young executive was precluded* from enjoying her new wealth. 2. Fear permeated* the crippled airplane as the passengers realized that their situation was __________ with danger. 3. Although basically frugal,* his taste in clothing is __________. 4. The store owner was __________ enough to run a sale the day after his building had been razed* by the flames. 5. Florence Nightingale was a paragon* of mercy in her __________ care for the wounded soldiers. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. manifold 7. assiduous 8. impeccable 9. fraught 10. resourceful

____ a. able to meet any situation ____ b. faultless ____ c. complex, many ____ d. devoted, attentive ____ e. filled

Today's Idiom to put the cart before the horseto reverse the proper order, do things backwards My assistant was so eager to get the job done that he often put the cart before the horse. Answers are on Page 310

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3rd Day

New Words murky component hoax labyrinth evaluate

The Plot Thickens A submarine took the body out to sea. Then, "Major Martin," the man who never was, was slid into the murky Atlantic waters off the coast of Huelva, Spain. Attached to this courier's coat was a briefcase that contained the components of the hoax. Shortly thereafter, the Spanish Embassy notified the British that the body had been recovered. But Commander Montagu learned that the important documents had already been scrutinized* and later resealed so that the British would not be suspicious. The secret information was transmitted to the German High Command, through a labyrinth of underground networks, to be evaluated. Now the true test of the months of assiduous* planning would comethe question remained, would the Germans swallow the bait? Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The practical joker had the temerity* to perpetrate* a __________ upon the Dean of Boys. 2. A good motion picture producer should be skilled in all the manifold* __________ of film-making. 3. After wandering through the __________, the young hero came face to face with the dragon who was indigenous* to the caves. 4. When I asked the English teacher to __________ my plan for the term paper, her incisive* comments were very helpful. 5. The __________ quality of the artist's latest painting is the antithesis* of her former style. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. murky 7. component 8. hoax 9. labyrinth 10. evaluate

____ a. dark, obscure ____ b. element ____ c. deception ____ d. arrangement of winding passages ____ e. appraise, find the value of

Today's Idiom to turn the tablesto turn a situation to one's own advantage The wrestler thought that he could pin me to the mat, but I quickly turned the tables on him. Answers are on Page 310

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4th Day

New Words exult attest gullible deploy enigma

eg zult′

di ploi′

A Puzzle for His Majesty The conspirators had reason to exult, for all evidence attested to the fact that the German High Command was gullible about "Major Martin." Their defense troops were moved away from the true invasion sites and deployed to areas that were inconsequential. Subsequently, when the actual attack took place, Allied casualties were minimized. After the war, Commander Montagu received a medal from the king of England. At the presentation ceremony, the king politely inquired where the young officer had earned his citation. "At the Admiralty," Montagu replied, presenting the king with a genuine enigma. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Explaining that the bookkeeper was merely a __________ dupe,* the judge freed him from complicity* in the crime. 2. As the audience watched the master __________ his chess pieces, they applauded his virtuosity.* 3. An expert was summoned to __________ to the authenticity of the Rembrandts found in the Nazi cache* of stolen masterpieces. 4. When the College Board scores were promulgated,* my sister had good cause to __________. 5. I could not solve the __________ of why an altruistic* person should exhibit such cupidity.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. exult 7. attest 8. gullible 9. deploy 10. enigma

____ a. to certify ____ b. easily cheated or fooled ____ c. to position forces according to a plan ____ d. riddle ____ e. rejoice greatly

Today's Idiom a chip off the old blocka son who is like his father (from the same block of wood) When we saw the alcoholic's son enter the liquor store, we assumed that he was a chip off the old block. Answers are on Page 310

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5th Day Review Major Martin, if he had lived, would have used the word "bonnet" to refer to the hood of his auto, and he might have referred to a truck as a "lorry." As you can see, there are differences between American and British English. But Major Martin, undoubtedly, would have known all the words belowdo you? Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space. (Note the similarity between numbers 13 and 20.)

Review Words ____ 1. assiduous ____ 2. attest ____ 3. component ____ 4. concoct ____ 5. consummate ____ 6. deploy ____ 7. enigma ____ 8. evaluate ____ 9. exult ____ 10. fallacious ____ 11. fraught ____ 12. gullible ____ 13. hoax ____ 14. impeccable ____ 15. labyrinth ____ 16. manifold ____ 17. murky ____ 18. perpetrate ____ 19. resourceful

Definitions a. spread out in battle formation b. a trick c. busy, attentive d. confirm as accurate, vouch for e. devise f. a riddle, puzzle g. element, part h. able to meet any situation i. perfect, complete j. filled k. misleading, false l. rejoice greatly m. faultless n. easily fooled o. winding passages p. find the value of, review q. many r. deception s. commit

____ 20. subterfuge

t. dark, obscure

Idioms ____ 21. draw in one's horns ____ 22. put the cart before the horse ____ 23. turn the tables ____ 24. chip off the old block u. restrain oneself w. turn a situation to one's own advantage w. do things backwards x. son who is like his father

Now check your answers on page 310. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 17 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in an __________ review of Social Security disability

payments, focused on Jack Benson, a __________ Seattle panhandler. Mr. Benson had claimed that whatever money he collects on the street can be compared to the funds raised by legitimate charities, and, therefore, he is entitled to a federal deduction. Government officials regard his analogy as __________ and disagree. It is their contention that, since Benson's income is unearned, it should be subtracted from his disability payments. Mr. Benson may not be highly regarded as a street beggar but that didn't stop him from going into the Federal District Court in Oregon to plead that his appeals for cash are an art form, thereby making him eligible for most of the $472 a month that he had been receiving. Not so, declared the government, quoting from a 1990 ruling that found that "money received through begging is better classified as 'gifts' rather than as 'wages' or 'net earnings from self-employment.'" __________, has not given up. She countered that, if Jack merely Mr. Benson's lawyer, plunging into the legal sat on a street corner with his hand out, the government had a good case. However, in her words, "Jack Benson is a __________ professional who has elevated begging to a respectable level because of his skill in actively seeking contributions." It may take all of Benson's talent as a salesman to get the government to put some money in his collection basket. Clues 2nd Day 2nd Day 1st Day 3rd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 310

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18th Week 1st Day

New Words abortive modify accommodate spontaneous innate

Teaching Chimpanzees to Talk Two resourceful* psychologists at the University of Nevada have made splendid progress in vocabulary development in chimpanzees. Following a number of abortive attempts to teach French, German, or English to chimps, the researchers persevered* until they hit upon the American Sign Language system that is often used by deaf persons. They have had to modify the language somewhat in order to accommodate the animals' spontaneous gestures. With a mixture of innate movements and learned ones, some laboratory chimps now have an extensive vocabulary. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. His __________ cunning allowed him to see through the spy's subterfuge.* 2. The divers made an __________ attempt to rescue the dog from the murky* waters. 3. Because Phil refused to __________ his philosophy, the directors were forced to invalidate* his appointment. 4. My English teacher admonished* me: "I realize that the speech was to be __________, but it was not supposed to be incoherent* or fraught* with fallacious* statements." 5. A quarrel was precipitated* when the dietician refused to __________ the patient's special needs. Definitions If vocabulary is getting to be your stock in trade,* you should have no trouble in matching the new words with their meanings.

6. abortive 7. modify 8. accommodate 9. spontaneous 10. innate

____ a. fruitless,* useless, failing ____ b. to make fit, adjust to ____ c. natural ____ d. without preparation, unrehearsed ____ e. to change

Today's Idiom under the wirejust in time Hank hesitated about his term paper for two months and finally submitted it just under the wire. Answers are on Page 311

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2nd Day

New Words veneer myriad urbane crave irrelevant

Chimpanzees Are Surprisingly Smart Washoe, the chimpanzee, has more than a veneer of intelligence; she can signal her desire to eat, go in or out, be covered, or brush her teeth. In addition, she can make signs for "I'm sorry," "I hurt," "Hurry," ''Give me," and a myriad of other terms that are familiar to young children. This urbane animal can indicate that she craves more dessert by putting her fingers together ("more") and then placing her index and second fingers on top of her tongue ("sweet"). It is irrelevant that Washoe cannot actually talk. What is important, however, is the consummate* ease with which she has mastered her daily assignments. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Why did Silas Marner __________ wealth and practice cupidity*? 2. Once the hoax had been concocted*, a __________ of problems arose. 3. The defendant was alleged* to have been an army deserter, but the judge said that was __________ to the case. 4. By embellishing* her work with __________ humor, the sophisticated playwright succeeded on Broadway. 5. The lieutenant confessed to a __________ of ignorance in order to properly evaluate* his corporal's resourcefulness.* Definitions Take the bull by the horns* and match the new words with their meanings.

6. veneer 7. myriad 8. urbane 9. crave 10. irrelevant

____ a. to desire ____ b. countless number ____ c. polished, witty ____ d. thin covering ____ e. not related to the subject

Today's Idiom to be at largenot confined or in jail Since the dangerous criminal was at large, all the townspeople began to buy dogs for protection. Answers are on Page 311

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3rd Day

New Words deem inherent buff romp latent



Easy to Train The chimpanzees are deemed by scientists to be the closest to man of all the living apes; consequently, they are fairly easy to train. Several years ago, two married researchers embarked on an interesting project: they reared and trained a chimp in almost the same manner as they would have raised a child. The animal did beautifully, convincing the couple of the inherent ability of the chimpanzee. Cinema buffs who have seen Tarzan's clever monkey romp through the jungle also recognize the latent intelligence of those animals. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Whom do you __________ to be the bulwark* of the Republican party? 2. The firemen did not have to cajole* the enthusiastic __________ into helping them extinguish the blaze. 3. When the intercity competition began, our team was supposed to __________ over our hapless* rivals. 4. At the age of 42, the artist first became cognizant* of his __________ genius. 5. Certain mice have an __________ alertness that enables them to conquer the researchers' labyrinths.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. deem 7. inherent 8. buff (n.) 9. romp 10. latent

____ a. lying hidden ____ b. to move in a lively manner ____ c. inborn ____ d. a fan, follower ____ e. believe, to judge

Today's Idiom to go against the grainto irritate My uncle is in favor of some protests, but certain demonstrations go against the grain. Answers are on Page 311

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4th Day

New Words tortuous itinerant peregrination conjugal barometer

More Facts About Chimps Chimps in the laboratory have demonstrated their ability to find their way out of the most tortuous maze. They can press buttons, manipulate levers, avoid shocks, etc. When food is placed out of reach, the animals can prepare a ladder of boxes to reach it. In his natural habitat* the chimpanzee is something of an itinerant. He goes his nomadic* way through the jungle, living on fruit, insects, and vegetables. With the aid of his long, powerful hands he can swing rapidly from tree to tree and cover considerable ground in his peregrinations. Chimps are loyal in their conjugal relationships, taking only one mate at a time. That may be another barometer of these animals' superior intelligence. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The other drivers were nettled* about the ease with which our car ascended* the __________ road. 2. Arguments over money have often led to __________ havoc.* 3. The sedentary* twin was content to follow his brother's __________ on a map. 4. Signs were posted in the lobby to prevent __________ beggars and others of that ilk* from entering. 5. The warmth of Mr. Smythe's greeting each morning may be construed* as an excellent __________ of his health. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. tortuous 7. itinerant 8. peregrination 9. conjugal 10. barometer

____ a. wandering ____ b. winding ____ c. travel ____ d. relating to marriage ____ e. instrument for measuring change

Today's Idiom to wink atto pretend not to see There was a plethora* of evidence to show that the border guards would wink at illegal shipments if they were paid in advance. Answers are on Page 311

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5th Day Review While it is true that scientists have had remarkable success in teaching chimpanzees to communicate, we can be certain that even super-monkeys would have difficulty with any of the words below. However, higher animals who apply themselves can master all of them. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space. (Note the similarity between numbers 8 and 9.)

Review Words ____ 1. abortive ____ 2. accommodate ____ 3. barometer ____ 4. buff (n.) ____ 5. conjugal ____ 6. crave ____ 7. deem ____ 8. inherent ____ 9. innate ____ 10. irrelevant ____ 11. itinerant ____ 12. latent ____ 13. modify ____ 14. myriad ____ 15. peregrination ____ 16. romp ____ 17. spontaneous

Definitions a. not related to the subject b. thin covering c. fruitless, failing d. natural e. polished, civilized f. to make fit, adjust to g. on the spur of the moment h. move in a lively manner i. to desire j. instrument for measuring change k. winding l. inborn m. believe, to judge n. going from place to place o. a fan, follower, enthusiast p. travel (n.) q. relating to marriage, connubial*

____ 18. tortuous ____ 19. urbane ____ 20. veneer

r. countless number s. to change t. lying hidden

Idioms ____ 21. under the wire ____ 22. to be at large ____ 23. go against the grain ____ 24. wink at u. pretend not to see v. just in time w. to irritate x. not confined or in jail

Now check your answers on page 311. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 18 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. A Shameful Situation The plight of the migrant farm worker continues to frustrate the U.S. Labor Department, court officials, legislators, religious groups, and community agencies. Men, women, and children toil six and seven days a week to earn as little as $5 to $10 a week after being overcharged for their food, medicine, and basic living needs. They are housed in ramshackle dormitories, often with non-functioning toiletsa __________ of their employers' contempt for them; they lack hot water and showers, and are given food that is barely fit for human consumption. __________, and unemployed men and Unscrupulous contractors scour the countryside in search of homeless, women, offering to put them to work at good jobs picking fruits and vegetables. The U.S. Labor Department investigates the __________ of complaints of abused workers, issues fines, and revokes the licenses of __________ to be operating expenses)

contractors. But many such shady employers pay the fines (which they

__________ and continue to run company stores that cheat the workers, subjugate them with drugs and alcohol, them with advances on their paltry wages at high interest, and use violence against those whom they regard as troublemakers. Fred Jones, a typical migratory worker from South Carolina, claims to have worked for $6 cash out of his $158 check. His story is repeated by hundreds of others who have been treated shabbily by corrupt contractors. Until sufficient funds are allocated by state and federal agencies, and until there is the proper public response, these abuses will continue. Clues 4th Day 4th Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 311

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19th Week 1st Day

New Words megalomania profligate strife legion coup

Trouble in Ruritania King Andre of Ruritania was afflicted* with megalomania, and the people of his country suffered, as a result. After ten years of his profligate rule, the treasury was bankrupt, unemployment was rampant*, domestic strife was mounting, and the number of the king's opponents who were incarcerated* were legion. Following a bloodless coup, his nephew, Prince Schubert, took command of the poor nation. Sample Sentences Based upon your understanding of the new words, as discovered from the context, place them in the spaced provided. 1. With a singular* disregard for his family, the __________ husband spent his salary on alcohol. 2. Each spouse said that the other was culpable* for their conjugal* __________. 3. "The number of my followers is __________," said the flamboyant* politician. 4. The necessity for executing the leaders of the abortive* __________ was obviated* when they committed suicide. 5. Hitler's __________ was a veneer* for his insecurity and feelings of inferiority. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. megalomania 7. profligate 8. strife 9. legion 10. coup

____ a. discord, disagreement ____ b. revolution ____ c. wasteful ____ d. a large number ____ e. abnormal desire for wealth and power

Today's Idiom to play possumto try to fool someone; to make believe one is asleep or dead Sensing that his life was in jeopardy*, the hunter played possum until the voracious* lion disappeared. Answers are on Page 311

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2nd Day

New Words amnesty expatriate exonerate fiat mendacious

Prince Schubert in Action Prince Schubert's first move was to declare an amnesty for political prisoners and to invite home all Ruritanian expatriates. Those who had been jailed on false charges were exonerated by special tribunals. The young leader announced that he would abrogate* all of the oppressive fiats that his predecessor had promulgated.* Things began to look up temporarily for the citizens who perceived in Prince Schubert the sincerity, idealism, and honesty that had been lacking in the mendacious King Andre. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The publisher's __________ claims led to a myriad* of law suits. 2. When the jury began to deliberate, they were prepared to __________ the culprit.* 3. The itinerant* poet, living abroad for twenty years, was a voluntary __________. 4. One cannot govern by __________, the sedentary* mayor quickly learned; it is necessary to get out and meet the citizens if you want their cooperation. 5. We recognized the dictator's __________ as an obvious feint* that would be withdrawn after Christmas. Definitions It will be a red letter day* for you if you can match the new words with their meanings.

6. amnesty 7. expatriate 8. exonerate 9. fiat 10. mendacious

____ a. an exile ____ b. lying, untrue ____ c. a general pardon ____ d. to free from guilt ____ e. an official order, a decree

Today's Idiom it's an ill wind that blows nobody goodsomeone usually benefits from another person's misfortune When the star quarterback broke his leg, the coach gave the rookie his big chance and the youngster made good; the coach mumbled, "It's an ill wind." Answers are on Page 311

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3rd Day

New Words parsimonious pecuniary dismantle sumptuous underwrite

dis man′ tl

Reform Movement In order to improve Ruritania's financial position, an astute* but parsimonious treasurer was installed and given wide pecuniary powers. He tried to get the little country back on its feet by slashing all waste from its budget, dismantling King Andre's sumptuous palaces, and firing all incompetents. In addition, Prince Schubert was able to get the United States to underwrite a substantial loan that would enable him to start a program of public works. Even so, Ruritania was still in desperate trouble. Sample Sentences Prove that you are not a flash in the pan* by using the new words correctly in the following sentences. 1. I plan to __________ the stereo set and clean all the components.* 2. The __________ feast was prepared with impeccable* care. 3. Unless my boss modifies* his __________ attitude, a fractious* picket line is going to be erected. 4. Clarence Day deemed* that __________ matters are best handled by men. 5. When our rivals agreed to __________ the cost of our trip, a myriad* of suspicions began to form in my mind. Definitions If you made mistakes above, you can now save face* by matching the new words correctly with their meanings.

6. parsimonious 7. pecuniary 8. dismantle 9. sumptuous 10. underwrite

____ a. agree to finance ____ b. financial ____ c. to strip of covering, take apart ____ d. miserly ____ e. lavish

Today's Idiom to know the ropesto be fully acquainted with the procedures The president of the senior class knew the ropes and quickly taught me my duties. Answers are on Page 311

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4th Day

New Words restrictive balk blunt nostalgia rife

ri strik′ tiv



Disappointment and Dedication When Prince Schubert asked for additional restrictive measures, the people began to balk. Speaking on radio, the young reformer explained the reasons for higher taxes and food rationing; he was blunt when he stated the need for personal sacrifices. Nevertheless, the resistance to reform was great, and nostalgia for the "good old days" of King Andre began to grow. The people admitted that graft and corruption had been rife under Andre, but at least "everybody got his slice of the pie." Although Prince Schubert was tempted to quit, he determined that he would help the people in spite of themselves. Sample Sentences Don't pass the buck*! Use the new words in the following sentences yourself. 1. The rebel's innate* hatred of __________ decrees led him to crave* freedom all the more. 2. A string of caustic* epithets* was directed at the recruit by his __________ sergeant. 3. Although the former farm girl pretended to be urbane*, a feeling of __________ always came over her when she heard country music. 4. Criticism of the author was __________ among the coterie* of intellectuals who used to praise him. 5. Jimmy was a lawbreaker, but he would __________ at the idea of carrying a lethal* weapon. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. restrictive 7. balk (v.) 8. blunt 9. nostalgia 10. rife

____ a. widespread ____ b. plain spoken ____ c. to refuse to move ____ d. yearning for the past ____ e. harsh, confining

Today's Idiom behind the eight ballin trouble Susan found herself behind the eight ball in chemistry when she failed to do the term project. Answers are on Page 311

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5th Day Review Ruritania is a mythical kingdom, impossible to find on a map and difficult to find in a dictionary. The words that you are about to review, however, are all legitimate, acceptable dictionary words. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. amnesty ____ 2. balk ____ 3. blunt ____ 4. coup ____ 5. dismantle ____ 6. exonerate ____ 7. expatriate ____ 8. fiat ____ 9. legion ____ 10. mendacious ____ 11. megalomania ____ 12. nostalgia ____ 13. parsimonious ____ 14. pecuniary ____ 15. profligate ____ 16. restrictive ____ 17. rife ____ 18. strife ____ 19. sumptuous ____ 20. underwrite

Definitions a. revolution, overthrow b. unrest, discord c. take apart, disassemble d. lavish e. to free from guilt f. agree to finance g. false, lying h. an exile i. abnormal desire for power j. plain spoken k. harsh, confining l. to refuse to move m. wasteful n. an official order, a decree o. widespread p. large number q. financial r. a general pardon s. miserly t. yearning for the past

Idioms ____ 21. to play possum ____ 22. an ill wind ____ 23. know the ropes ____ 24. behind the eight ball u. someone profits from another's misfortune v. be fully acquainted with procedures w. in trouble x. try to fool someone

Now check your answers on page 311. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 19 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Ogopogo Accounts of supersized creatures such as the Loch Ness Monster and the Abominable Snowman are __________ . Despite the lack of hard evidence, some people continue to believe that the depths of our lakes and isolated mountain caves remain the dwelling places of fantasy figures. __________ a search for Now, a new star for the credulous has surfaced. Japanese television was asked to Ogopogo, a long-necked reptilian creature said to inhabit Lake Okanagan in the mountains of south-central British Columbia. Ogopogo stories are __________ in that area as people produce photos of rippling water and shadows resembling an enormous serpent with flippers, gliding slowly in large circles. Those who __________ at what they regard as nonsense and pagan superstition are quite __________ in belittling Ogopogo fans. Nevertheless, the legends, which have a life of their own, happily, have brought thousands of tourists and business to the Okanagan Valley. Recognition of the creature now exists in British Columbia's environmental law which provides protection for Ogopogo. The official description reads, ''An animal in Okanagan Lake, other than a sturgeon, that is more than three meters in length, and the mates or offspring of that animal." Been wondering about the creature's name? Ogopogo comes from an English music hall song: "His mother was an earwig; his father was a whale; a little bit of head and hardly any tailand Ogopogo was his name." Clues 1st Day 3rd Day 4th Day 4th Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 311

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20th Week 1st Day

New Words reviled derogatory indict nebulous pesky

La Cucaracha-the Cockroach The poor cockroach has been called the "most reviled creature on the face of the earth." Nobody loves himexcept, perhaps, another cockroach. Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are replete* with derogatory references to these ubiquitous* bugs. Public health officials are quick to indict the insects as carriers of viruses that cause yellow fever and polio. Although past evidence has been somewhat nebulous, recent studies also show that an allergy to roaches may contribute significantly to asthma. Little wonder, therefore, that the pesky cockroach is under attack. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Because the contract offer was a __________ one, the union leaders balked* at it. 2. Ezra Pound, the expatriate* poet, was __________ for his pro-Fascist remarks. 3. When the grand jury refused to __________ him, the mobster was exonerated.* 4. Every time his accountant called with __________ pecuniary* problems, Ben was very blunt* with him. 5. The columnist was ordered to recant* her __________ statements. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. reviled 7. derogatory 8. indict 9. nebulous 10. pesky

____ a. annoying ____ b. belittling*, disparaging* ____ c. unclear, vague ____ d. scolded ____ e. accuse

Today's Idiom left holding the bagto be left to suffer the blame The profligate* businessman left his distraught* partner holding the bag. Answers are on Page 311

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2nd Day

New Words redolent repose omnivorous disparate abstemious

Waiter, Please Take this Bowl of Soup Back to the Kitchen In addition to menacing our health, cockroaches are smelly, filthy, and ugly. Upon entering a cellar that is redolent with their aroma, you are not likely to forget the odor. And when you spy the foul culprits* creating havoc* in your sugar bowl or in repose atop your chocolate cake, your disposition may be exacerbated.* Roaches are omnivorous and will feast upon such disparate items as wallpaper, upholstery, nylon stockings, and beer. No one can accuse the hungry and thirsty bugs of being abstemious. Sample Sentences The words above fit into the blanks below. 1. While the palace guards were in __________, the rebels' coup* began in earnest. 2. Coach Fischer issued a fiat* that required that his players be __________. 3. The __________ scent that came from the bakery created in Eloise a sense of nostalgia* for her grandmother's bread. 4. __________ eaters find the dietary laws in some hotels to be too restrictive.* 5. Regardless of how __________ their crimes were, all the prisoners were freed by the general amnesty.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. redolent 7. repose (n.) 8. omnivorous 9. disparate 10. abstemious

____ a. different ____ b. fragrant ____ c. moderate in eating or drinking ____ d. eating any kind of food ____ e. state of rest

Today's Idiom a lick and a promiseto do something in a hasty and superficial manner The meticulous* housewife was in so much of a hurry that she could only give the apartment a lick and a promise. Answers are on Page 311

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3rd Day

New Words extant vicissitudes edifice sultry trenchant

or ek stant′

The Roach Lives On Cockroaches are the oldest extant winged insects, having been traced back over 350 million years. They have endured the vicissitudes of weather, natural disasters, war, and planned liquidation.* They reside comfortably in caves in South America, in transcontinental airplanes, on mountain tops, in Park Avenue edifices, and in television sets. The climate may be sultry or frigid but roaches persevere.* In the words of one writer, "The miraculous survival of the roach is explained by its inherent* adaptability." In fact, a trenchant analysis made the point that any forthcoming nuclear war will be won by roaches, not Russians, Chinese, or Americans. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Hundreds of __________ copies of Shakespeare's signature came from the same prolific* forger. 2. The __________ of life in the Medical Corps are not for the squeamish.* 3. We originally planned on a skyscraper but had to settle for a truncated* __________. 4. When he learned that the movie was to be replete* with __________ scenes, the cautious banker refused to underwrite* its cost. 5. General Fox submitted a __________ report on the enemy's latent* strength. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. extant 7. vicissitudes 8. edifice 9. sultry 10. trenchant

____ a. keen, incisive* ____ b. difficulties ____ c. extremely hot and moist, torrid ____ d. still existing ____ e. a building

Today's Idiom tongue in cheekinsincerely Speaking with his tongue in his cheek, the parsimonious* employer promised to double everyone's wages. Answers are on Page 311

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4th Day

New Words puissant unabated maudlin levity lugubrious

or pyü is′ nt

Tongue in Cheek*? The U.S. Public Health Service admits to frustration* in its attempts to destroy the cockroach. As soon as the scientists devise a puissant chemical, some bugs succumb.* But the hardy ones survive and breed a resistant strain. Since the average female produces close to three hundred descendants, little hope is held out for a final solution to the roach problem. Nevertheless, extermination campaigns continue unabated. Surprisingly, some sentimental souls become maudlin as they consider the persecution of the insects. A writer noted for his levity made a lugubrious plea for a crash program of aid for the cockroach, calling him "a victim of his slum environment." Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. She advocated* __________ music as appropriate background for the funeral scene. 2. Although the debater's rebuttal was __________, it was totally irrelevant.* 3. The plague continued __________, and the hapless* Friar John was unable to deliver the note to Romeo. 4. A good barometer* of the reunion's success was the number of __________ songs that the alumni sang. 5. Dean Flanigan admonished* us for our __________ at the graduation exercises. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. puissant 7. unabated 8. maudlin 9. levity 10. lugubrious

____ a. sentimental ____ b. very sad ____ c. lightness of disposition ____ d. without subsiding ____ e. powerful

Today's Idiom to take the wind out of one's sailsto remove someone's advantage Although Edna was bristling* with anger when she stormed in, I took the wind out of her sails by voicing my own displeasure at the way she had been treated. Answers are on Page 311

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5th Day Review There are many choice epithets* for cockroaches, and over the centuries man has been most resourceful* in concocting* adjectives to describe the insects. Whether you are going to get excited over a roach, write a poem, take a College Board examination, or compose a letter to a loved one, it helps to have a rich vocabulary. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. abstemious ____ 2. derogatory ____ 3. disparate ____ 4. edifice ____ 5. extant ____ 6. indict ____ 7. levity ____ 8. lugubrious ____ 9. maudlin ____ 10. nebulous ____ 11. omnivorous ____ 12. pesky ____ 13. puissant ____ 14. redolent ____ 15. repose ____ 16. reviled ____ 17. sultry ____ 18. trenchant ____ 19. unabated

Definitions a. different b. sentimental c. building d. very sad e. humor, lightness of disposition f. vague, not clear g. expressing a low opinion h. eating any kind of food i. accuse j. state of rest k. still existing l. powerful m. annoying n. fragrant o. moderate in eating or drinking p. keen, sharp, biting q. torrid r. difficulties s. without subsiding

____ 20. vicissitudes

t. scolded

Idioms ____ 21. left holding the bag ____ 22. a lick and a promise ____ 23. tongue in cheek ____ 24. take the wind out of one's sails u. insincerely v. left to suffer the blame w. do something in a cursory* manner x. remove someone's advantage

Now check your answers on page 311. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Hapless Headlines (From Week 20) Restore meaning to the headlines below by inserting the word that the careless typesetter omitted. a. Pesky b. Maudlin c. Repose d. Abstemious e. Sultry f. Vicissitudes g. Redolent h. Levity i. Derogatory j. Unabated k. Reviled l. Puissant m. Nebulous n. Trenchant o. Lugubrious p. Disparate q. Indict r. Extant s. Omnivorous t. Edifice 1. Rioting Continues __________ in Men's Correctional Facility 2. Torch Singer's __________ Songs Raise Temperature in Night Club 3. __________ Life-Style Results in Huge Weight Loss for Actor 4. Architect Celebrated for New All-Glass __________ 5. Serious Judge Will Tolerate No __________ in His Courtroom 6. Grand Jury Set to __________ Bookkeeper in Million Dollar Fraud

7. Baseball Manager to Apologize for __________ Remarks about Umpire 8. Only Three Copies of Shakespeare's Handwriting __________, Says Elizabethan Scholar 9. Handicapped Climbers Overcome Many __________ to Scale Mt. Everest 10. Dictator __________ by South American Patriots Answers are on Page 311

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 1620) The richness of the English language is apparent when one examines the many meanings that can be derived from individual words, as well as the many different words that have approximately the same meaning. These review exercises offer an opportunity to apply the synonyms available for some of the words you have studied. Place the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. ____ 1. MENDACIOUS:UNTRUE::PARSIMONIOUS: a. favorable b. wealthy c. rare d. miserly ____ 2. NEBULOUS:VAGUE::DEROGATORY: a. distant b. disparaging c. lengthy d. dull ____ 3. SEDENTARY:INACTIVE::GREGARIOUS: a. glamorous b. obvious c. rough d. sociable ____ 4. INNATE:UNNATURAL::SPONTANEOUS: a. rehearsed b. new c. dangerous d. friendly ____ 5. EXTANT:MISSING::TRENCHANT: a. deep b. vague c. approachable d. resistant ____ 6. PERPETRATE:COMMIT::CONCOCT: a. dispose b. use c. devise d. shorten ____ 7. INDIGENOUS:FOREIGN::CURSORY: a. brief b. insulting c. watchful d. thorough ____ 8. BALK:COOPERATE::REVILED: a. changed b. studied c. praised d. confused ____ 9. MYRIAD:COUNTLESS::URBANE: a. rural b. polished c. secret d. ill ____ 10. CUPIDITY:GENEROSITY::PROGENY: a. ancestors b. skill c. children d. relatives ____ 11. ITINERANT:FIXED::LATENT: a. obvious b. shared c. valuable d. prompt ____ 12. MANIFOLD:SIMPLE::ASSIDUOUS: a. regrettable b. careless c. charming d. dangerous ____ 13. RIFE:RARE::PROFLIGATE: a. knowledgeable b. important c. miserly d. certify ____ 14. EXULT:REJOICE::ATTEST: a. oppose b. perform c. disturb d. certify ____ 15. DEEM:JUDGE::PEREGRINATE: a. travel b. lie c. disappear d. judge Answers are on Page 311

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Wordsearch 20 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Chlorine Compounds on Trial The chances are that the water supply where you live is disinfected by chlorine, one of the elements on the periodic table. Yet, __________ complaints about chlorine continue environmental risk. __________, identifying it as a health and

__________ chlorinated organic elements, Greenpeace, the environmental activist group, stands ready to alleging that they are toxic. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency is reexamining the health hazards that are prevalent when materials containing chlorine are processed at high temperatures. And, worldwide, nations are banning chlorine compounds that destroy the earth's protective ozone layer. Harsh treatment, it would seem, for one of nature's basic elements, a component of the table salt we use. When we enter a pool that is __________ with the aroma of chlorine, we don't associate it with the

__________ element now being blamed for tumors, reproductive problems, arrested development, destruction of wildlife, and sundry other ills that plague our planet. A scientist with the Environmental Defense Fund thinks that chlorinated chemicals should be phased out. "We know they will be persistent if they get into the environment," she said. "They are soluble, so they will build up in the fat of fish, birds, and people." Clues 1st Day 4th Day 1st Day 2nd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 311

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21st Week 1st Day

New Words scion indoctrinate opulence obsequious fulsome

Locked in an Ivory Edifice* Prince Siddhartha Gautama was the scion of a family of warrior-kings in northern India. He was being indoctrinated for the time when he would assume his father's throne. Growing up in an atmosphere of opulence, the young prince was constantly shielded from the cruel realities of the world. An army of obsequious servants and tutors catered to his every desire, providing Siddhartha with instruction in riding, fencing, dancing, and paintingwhile lavishing fulsome praise upon him. It wasn't until the prince was thirty that he took the first step that led to his becoming the Buddha, one of the world's greatest spiritual leaders. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. (Which two words are almost synonymous?) 1. It was not until the wreckers began to dismantle* the old edifice* that they discovered its real __________. 2. As the __________ of a family of wealthy bankers, Rothschild never had to face the vicissitudes* of life. 3. Uriah Heep's __________ manner nettled* all but the most gullible.* 4. In order to __________ the captive, his jailers repeatedly reviled* capitalism while praising communism. 5. The actress received __________ compliments from her friends but trenchant* criticism from the reviewers. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. scion 7. indoctrinate 8. opulence 9. obsequious 10. fulsome

____ a. seeking favor, fawning ____ b. child, descendant ____ c. wealth, riches ____ d. excessive, insincere ____ e. to teach certain principles

Today's Idiom two strings to one's bowtwo means of achieving one's aim The salesman had two strings to his bowif a phone call didn't get results, he would appear in person. Answers are on Page 312

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2nd Day

New Words lush destitution ponder supplication decadence


Siddhartha's Eyes Are Opened One day, Prince Siddhartha expressed the desire to leave his lush surroundings and ride out among his people. He was profoundly shaken by the misery, destitution, disease, and excruciating* pain with which his people were constantly afflicted.* Retiring to his room to ponder over what he had seen, he remained there for several days, deaf to the supplication of those who pleaded with him to come forth. It seemed to Siddhartha that his life had been redolent* with decadence, and he was determined to make amends. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The __________ stage setting drew applause from the theater buffs.* 2. In the hospital, the alcoholic had time to __________ over the need to be abstemious.* 3. As the traveler followed the tortuous* path up the Kentucky mountain, he was sickened by the __________ which he saw. 4. Through __________, the fraternity head hoped to end the strife* among the members. 5. Rumors of Rome's __________ were rife* among the barbarian tribes. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. lush 7. destitution 8. ponder 9. supplication 10. decadence

____ a. decay ____ b. extreme poverty ____ c. to consider carefully ____ d. earnest prayer ____ e. luxurious, elaborate

Today's Idiom on tenter hooksin a state of anxiety (cloth used to be stretched or ''tentered" on hooks) The indicted* clerk was kept on tenter hooks by the district attorney. Answers are on Page 312

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3rd Day

New Words penance ascetic desultory disciple metamorphosis

The Enlightened One Siddhartha exchanged his sumptuous* garments for a monk's yellow robe and went out into the world to do penance for what he considered to be his previous life of sin. First he would cleanse himself by becoming an ascetic; then he would study Hindu wisdom in order to be prepared to help his suffering people. After six years of desultory wandering and attracting only a handful of disciples, Siddhartha came to a huge tree near the Indian city of Gaya. For seven weeks he sat beneath its branches, seeking an answer for his personal torment. Finally, it is said, he underwent a metamorphosis, becoming the Enlightened Onethe Buddha. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Billy the Vampire is the only extant* __________ of Count Dracula. 2. In a remarkable __________, her lugubrious* mood changed to one of levity.* 3. Following a lengthy diatribe* against mendacity*, the priest imposed __________ upon the sinner. 4. The cave of the __________ lacked the opulence* and lush* decoration of his former mansion. 5. Larry's compositions proceed in a __________ manner despite the supplication* of his English teacher. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. penance 7. ascetic (n.) 8. desultory 9. disciple 10. metamorphosis

____ a. change ____ b. atonement for sin ____ c. occurring by chance, disconnected ____ d. one who practices self-denial and devotion ____ e. follower

Today's Idiom the fat is in the firethe mischief is done

We implored* him to desist* but he said that the fat was already in the fire. Answers are on Page 312

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4th Day

New Words bona fide salvation materialism nurture nirvana

Love Over Hatred, Goodness Over Evil Buddha outlined the three paths that men might travel: worldly pleasure, self-torment, and the middle path. Only through the middle path could man achieve bona fide peace and salvation. One had to repudiate* materialism, keep his self-control, restrict speech, be open-minded, never lie or steal, reject selfish drives, nurture goodness, etc. Buddha continued to preach until the age of eighty, spreading the philosophy that man has the power to shape his own destiny. Through good deeds and pure thoughts man may reach nirvana. Interestingly enough, the man who objected to traditional religious worship was to become idolized by millions throughout the world. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. In order to __________ good will, the management will do anything to accommodate* its guests' special needs. 2. When we saw the hundreds of __________ petitions, we realized that the number of people who supported the candidate was legion.* 3. The megalomaniac* believed that he alone had the answer to mankind's __________. 4. Rosalie found solace* in the conviction that one day mankind would reach Shangri-la, Utopia,* __________. 5. Disciples* of __________ may know the price of everything but the value of nothing. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. bona fide 7. salvation 8. materialism 9. nurture 10. nirvana

____ a. to nourish, support ____ b. attention to worldly things and neglect of spiritual needs ____ c. freedom from care and pain, Buddhist heaven ____ d. genuine ____ e. deliverance from ruin

Today's Idiom like Caesar's wifeabove suspicion Mrs. Drake would have to be like Caesar's wife so that no tinge* of scandal would embarrass her husband, our new mayor. Answers are on Page 312

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5th Day Review For the past twenty weeks, each of these review exercises has contained a bit of propaganda to point up the need for you to expand your vocabulary. This week is no exception. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. ascetic ____ 2. bona fide ____ 3. decadence ____ 4. destitution ____ 5. desultory ____ 6. disciple ____ 7. fulsome ____ 8. indoctrinate ____ 9. lush ____ 10. materialism ____ 11. metamorphosis ____ 12. nirvana ____ 13. nurture ____ 14. obsequious ____ 15. opulence ____ 16. penance ____ 17. ponder

Definitions a. one who practices self-denial b. wealth c. concern with possessions d. luxurious e. decay f. disconnected, random g. deliverance from ruin h. extreme poverty i. to teach certain principles j. excessive k. nourish l. heavenly place m. descendant n. earnest prayer o. consider carefully p. follower q. atonement for sin

____ 18. salvation ____ 19. scion ____ 20. supplication

r. seeking favor s. change t. genuine

Idioms ____ 21. two strings to one's bow ____ 22. on tenter hooks ____ 23. fat is in the fire ____ 24. like Caesar's wife u. in a state of anxiety v. two means to achieve one's aim w. above suspicion x. the mischief is done

Now check your answers on page 312. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 21 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. History's Most Extraordinary Person? In a celebrated essay about Joan of Arc, Mark Twain wrote movingly of her brief moment in the spotlighttwo short years in which she made an indelible mark on world history. At age 16 she was illiterate, had never strayed from her sleepy little village, knew nothing of military combat, or courts of law. But at age 17, in a complete __________ she was named Commander-in-Chief of the French army, vowing to restore her king to his throne. Joan attracted many fervent followers, and a __________ called her "France's __________ ."

__________ heroine was brought low by treachery at the French court and After much gallantry in battle, this captured by the enemy. Joan defended herself brilliantly at a court trial, although she could neither read nor write. She was able to forecast future events with remarkable accuracy, correctly predicting her own martyrdom. Mark Twain understood how geniuses such as Napoleon, Edison, and Wagner could develop but one could __________ the facts for a lifetime without being able to explain how this humble peasant girl could display the qualities of a mature statesman, a learned jurist, and a military wizard. He concluded: "Taking into account her origin, youth, sex, illiteracy, early environment, and the obstructing conditions under which she exploited her high gifts and made her conquests in the field and before the courts that tried her for her lifeshe is easily and by far the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced." Clues 3rd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 4th Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 312

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22nd Week 1st Day

New Words juxtapose plight covert cope incompatibility

Female Alcoholics When we juxtapose the words "woman" and "alcoholic" many readers are surprised. However, the plight of America's several million female alcoholics is rapidly increasing in intensity. But the statistics are inexact because it is estimated that there are nine covert alcoholics for every one under treatment. Women drink to help themselves to cope with life's vicissitudes.* They drink because of financial pressures, incompatibility, frustration,* and related reasons. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. If we were to __________ our philosophies, your materialism* would conflict with my idealism. 2. Judge Felder commented with asperity* upon the wife's charge of __________. 3. Just how our club's president is able to __________ with so many disparate* personalities is something I'll never understand. 4. The __________ of the refugees who wandered about in a desultory* fashion moved us to tears. 5. Woodrow Wilson stated that he found __________ agreements to be reprehensible.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. juxtapose 7. plight 8. covert 9. cope 10. incompatibility

____ a. quality of being mismated, lack of harmony ____ b. to place side by side ____ c. predicament, dangerous situation ____ d. secret, hidden ____ e. to be a match for, to be able to handle

Today's Idiom plea bargainto agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge so as to avoid trial for a more serious offense. The defendant finally took his lawyer's advice and agreed to a plea bargain of third-degree assault. Answers are on Page 312

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2nd Day

New Words incapacitated fabricate connubial demur appellation

A Profile of the Woman Who Drinks to Excess The typical alcoholic woman is above average in intelligence, in her forties, married, with two children. She started drinking socially in high school or college. Although frequently incapacitated, she can fabricate a story skillfully and thus conceal her true physical condition. She often attributes her alcoholism to connubial stress, boredom, or depression. A large percentage of the women give family histories of alcoholism. Most female drinkers would demur at the appellation of "alcoholic"and that makes their treatment all the more difficult. Important Note: How good a detective are you? Did you spot one of the new words that had been introduced earlier? (fabricate) It should be part of your vocabulary now. From time to time in the lessons that follow, your alertness will be tested as a previously learned word is reintroduced. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Dave's metamorphosis* from an honest person to one who could __________ an alibi so adroitly* was amazing. 2. The widow grew maudlin* as she reminisced about her former __________ bliss. 3. I will have to __________ even if I receive a bona fide* invitation to run for the G.O. council. 4. Because he was the scion* of the richest family on our block, Lenny was given the __________ of "Rockefeller." 5. He was ashamed to admit that a pesky* skin rash __________ him for weeks at a time. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. incapacitated 7. fabricate 8. connubial 9. demur 10. appellation

____ a. to object ____ b. a name ____ c. to lie, concoct* ____ d. related to marriage ____ e. disabled, made unfit

Today's Idiom

in apple pie orderin neat order, good condition The house was in dreadful condition when Mrs. Maslow arrived, but when she left it was in apple pie order. Answers are on Page 312

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3rd Day

New Words escalation indifference potential cumulative recondite

Nefarious* Effects of Alcohol Aside from the reasons offered earlier, doctors have other interesting reasons for the escalation in female drinking. They also indict* social acceptance and indifference to alcohol's potential danger as contributory factors. If women realized the harmful extent of the cumulative effect of alcohol, they might taper off in their public and recondite drinking. Forty-three percent of the female alcoholics in a survey showed evidence of liver damage, and a quarter of the whole group had a high white-blood-cell count. Almost five percent of the patients died shortly after their release from the hospital. Sample Sentences If you can still see clearly after all the references to liquor, use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Many derogatory* statements were heard from those who were opposed to further __________ of the conflict. 2. With complete __________ toward his personal safety, Lt. Regan openly challenged the puissant* forces of the enemy. 3. When destitution* grips an area, there is excellent __________ for trouble. 4. The __________ effect of the summer's sultry* weather was to shorten everyone's temper. 5. The poet's __________ language precluded* any understanding of her theme. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. escalation 7. indifference 8. potential (adj.) 9. cumulative 10. recondite

____ a. possible ____ b. accumulated ____ c. secret, hidden, obscure ____ d. an increase, intensification ____ e. lack of concern

Today's Idiom apple polishingtrying to gain favor by gifts or flattery If the way to advancement in this company is through apple polishing, I quit! Answers are on Page 312

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4th Day

New Words palliate delude prelude chimerical acknowledge

di lüd′

prel′ yüd

ak nol′ ij

Danger Signals A potential* female alcoholic should be cognizant* of certain danger signals: a. Using alcohol in an attempt to palliate her problems. b. Deluding herself about the extent of her drinking habits. c. Drinking at regular time periods, both day and night. d. Reliance upon alcohol as a prelude to a major social obligation. e. Making unrealistic promises about terminating* her drinking. f. Using alcohol as a medication for real or chimerical illnesses. If in evaluating* her drinking, a woman acknowledged that several of the danger signals applied to her, she should see a physician. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Monte refused to __________ the extrinsic* pressures that were causing him to do poorly in his sophomore year. 2. We must not allow fulsome* praise to __________ us about our actual abilities. 3. The drugs could only __________ the symptoms, not provide the cure. 4. As a __________ to his performance, the bullfighter vowed to do penance* for his sins. 5. The scheme sounded __________, but we were indoctrinated* to believe that it could work. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. palliate 7. delude 8. prelude 9. chimerical 10. acknowledge

____ a. visionary, imaginary, fantastic ____ b. alleviate, relieve without curing ____ c. introduction ____ d. to fool ____ e. admit

Today's Idiom the Draconian Codea very severe set of rules (Draco, an Athenian lawmaker of the 7th century B.C., prescribed the death penalty for almost every violation.) The head counselor ran our camp according to his own Draconian Code. Answers are on Page 312

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5th Day Review If you're driving, don't drink! Alcohol does not mix with gasoline! We have seen those slogans on many billboards. Here's a new one: "If you use words, use good ones!" Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. acknowledge ____ 2. appellation ____ 3. chimerical ____ 4. connubial ____ 5. cope ____ 6. covert ____ 7. cumulative ____ 8. delude ____ 9. demur ____ 10. escalation ____ 11. fabricate ____ 12. incapacitated ____ 13. incompatibility ____ 14. indifference ____ 15. juxtapose ____ 16. palliate ____ 17. plight

Definitions a. accumulated b. admit c. relieve without curing d. to lie e. to fool f. a name g. predicament h. secret i. intensification j. to be a match for k. obscure, hidden l. imaginary, fantastic m. related to marriage n. possible o. to place side by side p. to object q. introduction

____ 18. potential (adj.) ____ 19. prelude ____ 20. recondite

r. lack of concern s. lack of harmony t. disabled

Idioms ____ 21. plea bargain ____ 22. in apple pie order ____ 23. apple polishing ____ 24. Draconian Code u. trying to gain favor v. severe set of rules w. admit guilt on a lesser charge x. in good condition

Now check your answers on page 312. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 22 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Hair Today, . . . The fact that a hair salon might charge $40 for a woman's shampoo and haircut but only $20 for the same services for a man is a matter of __________ to most citizens. Not so to New York City's Commission on Human Rights, which claimed that such a disparity is discriminatory. Commissioner Dennis De Leon has targeted ''gender-based" pricing as a violation of city law. __________ of the salon owners. They __________ the price difference, explaining that it Consider the takes much longer to cut a woman's hair and requires the use of additional products. But a spokesperson for the Department of Consumer Affairs said that beauty parlors will have to __________ with the situation honestly, just as dry cleaners and used-car dealers did when they were apprised of the law. "I know that women are fighting for equality," said the owner of a chain of unisex hair salons, "but this is ridiculous. We cut a man's hair in no time but we have to get more money from our female customers because their styling and cutting takes so much longer." The argument might be the __________ to an important court case. A city-proposed settlement, however, is to have those salons that are cited for violations of the law offer free haircuts to women for a period of three months before having to pay a stiff fine for repeated offenses. "It's easier to comply," shrugged one owner (bald, himself). Clues 3rd Day 1st Day 4th Day 1st Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 312

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1st Day

New Words heterogeneous gamut perspicacious analogous maladjusted

From A to Z Ellis Sloane, a teacher of science at a large metropolitan high school, first paid little attention to the fact that his two biology classes were so disparate* in their performance. In most schools the classes are alphabetically heterogeneous, with youngsters' names running the gamut from Adams to Zilch. But Biology 121 had only A's and B's, whereas Biology 128 had T's, V's, W's, Y's, and Z's. Mr. Sloane, a perspicacious teacher, began to perceive* differences between the two groups: while their reading scores and I.Q.'s were roughly analogous, it was apparent that Biology 128 was replete* with maladjusted students, while Biology 121 had the normal ones. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The Bureau of Child Guidance has been the salvation* for some __________ children. 2. Our algebra class is a __________ one in which bright students are juxtaposed* with slower ones. 3. Senator Thorpe was __________ enough to realize that the scurrilous* charge would have little effect upon the voters. 4. Although the lawyer acknowledged* that the two cases were hardly __________, he still felt that he had a good precedent on his side. 5. The actress ran the __________ of emotions in a poignant* performance that thrilled the audience. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. heterogeneous 7. gamut 8. perspicacious 9. analogous 10. maladjusted

____ a. range ____ b. acutely perceptive, shrewd ____ c. poorly adjusted, disturbed ____ d. comparable, similar ____ e. dissimilar

Today's Idiom the distaff sidewomen (distaff was a staff used in spinning) The men had brandy on the porch, while the distaff side gathered to gossip in the kitchen. Answers are on Page 312

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2nd Day

New Words phenomenon mortality decade susceptible neurotic

What's In a Name? As Mr. Sloane pursued his investigation of the phenomenon, he discovered that a Dr. Trevor Weston of the British Medical Association had corroborated* his findings. Dr. Weston had studied British mortality rates over a decade, finding that people whose names began with letters ranging from "S" to "Z" had a life expectancy that averaged twelve years fewer than the rest of the population. Furthermore, those at the bottom of the alphabet tended to contract more ulcers, were more susceptible to heart attacks, and were more likely to be neurotic than those at the top of the alphabet. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Irritability is one of the salient* features of a __________ personality. 2. After a __________ of connubial* acrimony,* the couple decided to consult with a marriage counselor. 3. If a miner were to ponder* over the high __________ rate in his occupation, he might want to quit. 4. Ethan Frome soon learned that his querulous* wife was __________ to a variety of ailments. 5. There was no paucity* of witnesses to describe the __________ of the flying saucer. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. phenomenon 7. mortality 8. decade 9. susceptible 10. neurotic

____ a. death ____ b. suffering from a nervous disorder ____ c. ten years ____ d. unusual occurrence ____ e. easily affected, unusually liable

Today's Idiom on the qui viveon the alert

My mother is always on the qui vive for bargains. Answers are on Page 312

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3rd Day

New Words pedagogue enunciate inordinate irascible introspective

in ôrd′ n it

The Perils of the Alphabet Dr. Weston is convinced that the pedagogue is the culprit.* Since teachers seat their pupils in alphabetical order, the "S" to "Z" child is usually the last to receive his test marks, the last to eat lunch, the last to be dismissed, and so on. As they are the last to recite, these youngsters feel frustrated* because what they had to say had usually been enunciated earlier. The inordinate amount of waiting that this group has to do causes them to become irascible and jittery. "S" to "Z" people also become quite introspective, convinced that they are inferior to those at the top of the alphabet. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Reporters were expecting the candidate to __________ his policy on the escalation* of the war. 2. His profligate* son made the parsimonious* old crank even more __________. 3. Since Alice is so gregarious* it surprised me to learn that she is also an __________ girl. 4. Mr. Ford is proud to be called a teacher, but he demurs* at the title of __________. 5. In an attempt to show how assiduous* he was, the executive spent an __________ amount of time on his report. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. pedagogue 7. enunciate 8. inordinate 9. irascible 10. introspective

____ a. irritable ____ b. excessive ____ c. to utter, proclaim ____ d. looking into one's own feelings ____ e. teacher

Today's Idiom to get one's back upto become angry

Every time his mother mentioned getting a haircut, the young guitarist got his back up. Answers are on Page 312

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4th Day

New Words perpetuate mandate compensatory neutralize catastrophic

In the Nature of Educational Reform Mr. Sloane did not want to perpetuate the disorders that stemmed from the alphabetical arrangement. Not only did he reverse the seating in his other classes, but he began to badger* the school's administration for a mandate to bring about such changes throughout the building. He called it a compensatory factor to neutralize the catastrophic effects of the traditional policy. Soon, Mr. Sloane earned the appellation* of "Mr. Backwards." Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Don Ricardo hoped that his son would __________ the family business, but Manuel was too involved with chimerical* schemes to want to run a restaurant. 2. If the draconian* regulations are to continue unabated,* they will have __________ results. 3. Dr. Meyers prescribed medication to __________ the acid condition that had incapacitated* my uncle. 4. As a prelude* to his victory speech, the mayor announced that he considered the large vote to be a __________ from the people. 5. __________ education may help minority groups to cope* with their plight.* Definitions Match the new words with their meanings.

6. perpetuate 7. mandate 8. compensatory 9. neutralize 10. catastrophic

____ a. serving to pay back ____ b. an authoritative order or command ____ c. to counteract ____ d. to cause to continue ____ e. disastrous

Today's Idiom to bring home the baconto earn a living, to succeed The man's inability to bring home the bacon was the actual reason for the couple's incompatibility.* Answers are on Page 312

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5th Day Review You may not know the alphabet from aardvark to zymurgy, but you can certainly cope* with analogous to susceptible. Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. analogous ____ 2. catastrophic ____ 3. compensatory ____ 4. decade ____ 5. enunciate ____ 6. gamut ____ 7. heterogeneous ____ 8. inordinate ____ 9. introspective ____ 10. irascible ____ 11. maladjusted ____ 12. mandate ____ 13. mortality ____ 14. neurotic ____ 15. neutralize ____ 16. pedagogue ____ 17. perpetuate

Definitions a. disastrous b. irritable c. teacher d. disturbed e. to cause to continue f. comparable, similar g. shrewd h. authoritative command i. dissimilar j. range k. counteract l. having a nervous disorder m. excessive n. looking into one's own feelings o. unusual occurrence p. death q. easily affected

____ 18. perspicacious ____ 19. phenomenon ____ 20. susceptible

r. serving to pay back s. ten years t. to utter, proclaim

Idioms ____ 21. the distaff side ____ 22. on the qui vive ____ 23. to get one's back up ____ 24. bring home the bacon u. women v. on the alert w. become angry x. earn a living

Now check your answers on page 312. Make a record of those words you missed.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________


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Wordsearch 23 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Microsociety-An Antidote for School Boredom Money, taxes, employment, legislationthese are topics that we associate with the adult world. George Richmond, a Yale graduate who became a __________ in the New York City school system, felt that elementary school youngsters could also be interested, even excited, about such issues. He experimented in his own classes with the Microsociety in which basic instruction takes place and is reinforced as pupils operate their own businesses, pass laws, live within the parameters of a constitution that they drafted, seek redress within their own judicial system, buy and sell real estate, and so on. Richmond's book on the Microsociety came to the attention of the school board in Lowell, Massachusetts, and their members decided to give it a try in 1981. In much less than a __________ the results were quite remarkable: students exceeded the norm in reading and math; 8th graders passed college level exams; school attendance went up to 96%; and the dropout rate took a nosedive in Lowell. In Microsociety's __________ classes, mornings are given over to the traditional curriculum. In the afternoon,

the students apply what they learned in activities that run the __________ from keeping double entry books, doing financial audits, running a bank, and conducting court sessions to engaging in light manufacture that leads to retail and wholesale commerce. Other __________ school systems have since adopted George Richmond's innovative ideas. "Microsociety," said a Yonkers, New York principal, "gets kids to role-play life!" A Time Magazine reporter was much impressed with Microsociety's results: "Such an approach would go a long way toward making U.S. public schools a cradle of national renewal." Clues 3rd Day 2nd Day 1st Day 1st Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 312

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24th Week 1st Day

New Words anthropologist bizarre inanimate fetish artifact

fet′ ish

Primitive Magic In the course of their studies of other cultures, anthropologists have reported numerous customs and practices that seem bizarre to the average American. Many primitive people believe that certain inanimate objects have a will of their own and possess some magical powers. These fetishes may be simple things like a particular feather of a bird or a unique pebble. The fetish might have derived its power, according to members of some tribes, from a god who lives within the object and has changed it into a thing of magic. Fetishes need not only be natural objects, however. An artifact such as a sculpture or carving is also believed to possess supernatural powers. Sample Sentences Now use your new words in the following sentences. 1. Stones are __________ objects that have no life of their own. 2. It has been suggested that the man who builds a better mousetrap will find the world beating a path to his door to possess this __________. 3. The explorers saw the golden statue and thought of how much money it would bring them. But their lives would be in danger if they moved it because it was a powerful __________ to the natives. 4. Margaret Mead, the famous __________, fascinated thousands of readers with her studies of South Seas islanders. 5. It would be rather __________ for a young man to come to school wearing a dress. Definitions If you have studied the reading selection and the sample sentences, now try your hand at matching your new words with their definitions.

6. anthropologist

____ a. an object made by hand, rather than a thing as it occurs in nature ____ b. lifeless ____ c. an object that is thought to have magic powers

7. artifact 8. bizarre 9. fetish

____ d. an expert in the study of the races, beliefs, customs, etc. of mankind ____ e. odd, peculiar, strange, weird

10. inanimate

Today's Idiom to get down off a high horseto act like an ordinary person When Susan discovered that the young man who was trying to make conversation with her was the son of a millionaire, she immediately got down off her high horse. Answers are on Page 313

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2nd Day

New Words taboo imprudent prohibition imperative taint

im prüd′ nt

Forbidden An outgrowth of the idea of a fetish* is the closely related practice of taboo. Whereas the gods or supernatural powers merely inhabit an object that is a fetish and lend it magic, they will punish the imprudent native who violates their prohibition of an act or use of an object or word that has become taboo. If a taboo has been broken, it becomes imperative for the offender to be punished. In many cases, however, the taint on the community may be removed after the priests have performed a special ceremony. Often, the violator of the taboo will be punished or die merely through his own fears of the terrible thing he has done. Sample Sentences Has the context in which your new words appear given you clues to their meaning? Try now to use them in these sample sentences. 1. Unsanitary conditions in the bottling factory caused hundreds of cases of soda to be __________ by dirt and foreign objects. The health department refused to allow the soda to be sold. 2. Although a New Jersey high school principal placed a __________ on boys wearing their hair long, one student fought in the courts and won his case. 3. It is considered __________ to give your computer code word to anyone not fully known to you. 4. It is __________ for certain South Seas islanders to eat some foods before they marry. 5. In the nuclear age it has become __________ for the nations of the world to learn to live in peace. Definitions Now is your chance to test your knowledge of your new words by matching them with their definitions.

6. imperative 7. imprudent 8. prohibition 9. taboo 10. taint (n.)

____ a. contamination, undesirable substance that spoils something ____ b. the act of forbidding certain behavior ____ c. urgent, necessary, compulsory ____ d. forbidden by custom or religious practice ____ e. unwise, not careful

Today's Idiom the first waterof the best quality, the greatest Michael Jordan is obviously a basketball player of the first water who would be of enormous value to any team.

Answers are on Page 313

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3rd Day

New Words universal contemptuous absurd bigot abhor

ab hôr′

An Absurdity Although it is probably universal human behavior to be contemptuous of the bizarre* superstitions practiced by inhabitants of unfamiliar cultures, it seems to be somewhat imprudent* to laugh at others before one takes a good, hard look at the absurd taboos* and fetishes* one accepts as part of one's everyday life. Isn't it somewhat absurd when the "dyed-in-the-wool" bigot, who illogically fears the taint* of close association with blacks (behavior that resembles fear of a taboo), spends most of the summer lying in the sun trying to acquire the color he claims to abhor? Since doctors tell us that excessive sun-tanning may be a cause of skin cancer, our strange yearning for sun-darkened skin has all the qualities of a fetish.* Sample Sentences Did the starred review words seem familiar to you? Yet, how many were totally foreign several days ago? Keep up the good work now by using your new words in the following sentences. 1. Bob felt __________ of his best friend after he saw him cheating during an exam. 2. The teacher felt like laughing after he heard Sally's __________ excuse for not having done her homework. 3. One politician, a notorious __________, hopes to get support as a presidential candidate on the basis of his prejudices and intolerance. 4. I __________ some one who is constantly changing channels with a remote while I'm trying to read in the same room. 5. Would relations between countries be simpler if a __________ language were spoken rather than hundreds of separate ones? Definitions Match your new words with their definitions.

6. abhor 7. absurd 8. bigot 9. contemptuous 10. universal

____ a. ridiculous ____ b. present everywhere ____ c. expressing a feeling that something is worthless ____ d. a person who is intolerant of other people or ideas ____ e. to detest, to despise

Today's Idiom dyed-in-the-woolset in one's ways He was a dyed-in-the-wool Republican who would not consider voting for a Democrat. Answers are on Page 313

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4th Day

New Words vulnerable entreaty tradition originate inviolable

Gesundheit! During the Middle Ages most people believed that the devil could enter our bodies when we sneezed, because at that propitious* moment we left our bodies vulnerable. However, this catastrophic* event could be avoided if another person immediately made an entreaty to God. This was how the practice began of saying ''God bless you" after someone sneezes. Although the tradition continues today, few people are aware of its history. A superstition originates in ignorancewhen people are unsure of the causes of events. But it continues inviolable over the years because it usually represents our deepest fears. Sample Sentences Use these new words in the following sentences. 1. Some bad habits __________ in adolescence and continue throughout a person's life. 2. The murderer made a(n) __________ to the governor for a pardon. 3. Despite the inexorable* torture, 007 kept the __________ secret of the labyrinth* leading to the underground headquarters. 4. It appears that many computers are __________ to "viruses" that can cause great damage. 5. Eskimos have a(n) __________ of rubbing noses to show affection. Definitions

6. vulnerable 7. entreaty 8. tradition 9. originate 10. inviolable

____ a. begin, arise ____ b. capable of being injured ____ c. custom that has been handed down ____ d. appeal, plea ____ e. safe (from destruction, etc.)

Today's Idiom blue chipa highly valuable asset, stock, or property In poker, the blue chips are those with the highest value.

My father's broker recommended that for safety we invest in blue chip stocks only. Answers are on Page 313

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5th Day Review And today it's time to strengthen your word knowledge again. You've noticed, of course, that the matching definitions are not always the definitions you may have been familiar with. This is the way language works. It is impossible to provide a one-word synonym or simple definition for a word that you will always be able to substitute for it. Therefore, in our weekly review we hope not only to check your learning, but also to teach you closely related meanings. Match the best possible definition with the word you studied. Write the letter that stands for that definition in the appropriate answer space.

Review Words ____ 1. abhor ____ 2. absurd ____ 3. anthropologist ____ 4. artifact ____ 5. bigot ____ 6. bizarre ____ 7. contemptuous ____ 8. entreaty ____ 9. fetish ____ 10. imperative ____ 11. imprudent ____ 12. inanimate ____ 13. inviolable ____ 14. originate ____ 15. prohibition ____ 16. taboo

Definitions a. a hand-made object b. unwise c. one who is not tolerant of others' ideas d. completely protected e. a magical object f. widespread g. begin, arise h. person who studies mankind's customs i. forbidden j. long-standing practice k. weird l. able to be hurt m. looking down on someone or something n. to utterly hate o. without life p. forbidding of certain actions

____ 17. taint ____ 18. tradition ____ 19. universal ____ 20. vulnerable

q. necessary r. ridiculous s. plea, appeal t. contaminate

Idioms ____ 21. to get off one's high horse ____ 22. of the first water ____ 23. dyed-in-the-wool ____ 24. blue chip u. the greatest v. a highly valued asset w. to act like an ordinary person x. set in one's ways

Check your answers on page 313. Record your errors and their correct meanings. These words must be studied independently if you want to master them. Use them in original sentences. Also, study the several different definitions a good dictionary provides for each of these problem words.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Adjective Leaders and Noun Followers (From Weeks 2124) a. fulsome b. covert c. bona fide d. lush e. bizarre f. susceptible g. inviolable h. taboo i. catastrophic j. inanimate k. imprudent l. maladjusted m. connubial n. heterogeneous o. inordinate Directions Write the letter corresponding to the vocabulary word (above) in the space provided opposite the noun (below) that it is most likely to precede. ____ 1. bliss ____ 2. diamond ____ 3. praise ____ 4. amount ____ 5. incident ____ 6. purchase ____ 7. meeting ____ 8. object ____ 9. earthquake ____ 10. law

Answers are on Page 313

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Wordsearch 24 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Map Makers at Work We are all caught up in the events that change history and the shape of the countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Each time a country changes its name or its borders, there are some people who have their work cut out for them. They are the map makersthe cartographers. These skilled artists know it is year's borders will remain fixed. Has there ever been an __________ border? __________ of an ever-changing __________ to believe that this

Looking through an atlas of just a few years back, we realize it is simply an world. If there is one thing for map makers to do, it is to realize how of world events.

__________ it is for them to keep abreast

The study of world history is replete with exciting events that have shaken the economic and political past. Geography is the physical rendering of these events. As history moves and changes our lives, it is up to the cartographer to take the Clues 2nd Day 4th Day 1st Day 2nd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 313 __________ lines of a map and shape the picture of this world in motion.

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25th Week 1st Day

New Words awesome eruption puny debris dispersed

The Explosion of Krakatoa There are few sights that are more impressive and awesome than the eruption of an active volcano. There are few natural events that so singularly* dwarf man's puny attempts to control his environment. Perhaps the greatest volcanic eruption of modern times took place in 1883 when the island of Krakatoa in Indonesia blew up as the result of a volcanic explosion. An enormous tidal wave resulted that proved catastrophic* to the nearby coasts of Java and Sumatra. New islands were formed by the lava that poured out, and debris was scattered across the Indian Ocean for hundreds of miles. Volcanic material, dispersed seventeen miles into the atmosphere, created startlingly beautiful sunsets for years afterwards. Sample Sentences Relying on the contextual clues in the paragraph above, use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Fred had been known for his gentle ways, so his friends were stunned by the __________ of angry words that issued from him. 2. We were surprised by the __________ resistance put up by the voracious* tiger to its capture. 3. After her house had burned to the ground, Mrs. Wiley searched through the __________ for her valuable jewelry. 4. Many of those who witnessed the first atomic explosion reported that it was an __________ sight. 5. The fluffy seeds of the milkweed are __________ by the wind. Definitions Now take the final step in learning the new words.

6. awesome 7. debris 8. dispersed 9. eruption 10. puny

____ a. scattered, spread, broken up ____ b. weak, unimportant ____ c. inspiring terror, weird ____ d. ruins, fragments ____ e. bursting out

Today's Idiom as broad as it is longit makes very little difference Since both jobs pay $5.15 an hour and are equally boring, it is about as broad as it is long whether I take one or the other. Answers are on Page 313

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2nd Day

New Words obliterate deplorable initiate conflagration rue

A Universal* Danger Man's ability to obliterate life on this planet has increased at a rapid rate. We are now faced with the deplorable prospect of new weapons that can cause destruction of life and property on a scale far beyond our imagination. No matter who takes the first step to initiate a conflict, the possibility exists that the conflagration will spread and envelop the world. Much thought has been given to ways and means of preventing this catastrophe.* Some consider it mandatory* that the nuclear powers seek agreement on methods of limiting and controlling these weapons, for in the absence of such an agreement, we may rue the day atomic energy was made practical. Sample Sentences Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks. 1. Who could imagine a more bizarre* story than the one having to do with a cow causing the __________ in Chicago? 2. No matter how one tries to delete material from a computer, it is almost impossible to __________ it. 3. You will __________ that display of histrionics* when I asked you to help. 4. She could not imagine how she was going to get him to __________ a conversation about marriage. 5. The hometown fans thought the umpire's decision was __________. Definitions Let's put the new words together with their meanings.

6. obliterate 7. deplorable 8. initiate 9. conflagration 10. rue

____ a. regret ____ b. sad, pitiable ____ c. erase, wipe out ____ d. start, set going ____ e. great fire

Today's Idiom

blow hot and coldswing for and against something I told Charlie to give up his summer job and come cross-country biking with us. He's blowing hot and cold on the deal at this point. Answers are on Page 313

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3rd Day

New Words congenial hoard sage aegis detriment

Taken for Granted The presence of an ever-flowing supply of fresh, clean water is taken for granted. Unfortunately, this congenial condition is fast disappearing. As our population increases, as industry consumes more water each year, the level of our underground water supply sinks measurably. There is no way to hoard water; there are many ways to conserve it. During a particularly dry spell, New York City found its reservoirs going dry. Only then did the residents begin to heed the sage advice to limit the wasteful uses of water. Under the aegis of the Water Commissioner, citizens were encouraged to develop habits that would save water. The continued imprudent* waste by each of us of this most basic resource will work to the detriment of all. Sample Sentences Here's your opportunity to use your new words. 1. Isn't it a pity we can't __________ the ideal days of autumn? 2. A man may be a __________ everywhere, but at home he's called a "square" by his youngsters. 3. The tree in front of my house has the dubious* honor of being the spot voted the most __________ by the dogs of the neighborhood. 4. It was fortuitous* that at the last moment the mayor offered the __________ of his office in finding a solution to the problem. 5. A settlement that causes __________ to neither side is imperative.* Definitions Remember, words may have many synonyms.

6. congenial 7. hoard (v.) 8. sage 9. aegis 10. detriment

____ a. injury, damage, hurt ____ b. sympathetic, agreeable ____ c. shield, protection, sponsorship ____ d. hide, store, accumulate ____ e. wise man, philosopher

Today's Idiom in the doldrumsin a bored or depressed state Mary has been in the doldrums since her best friend moved away. Answers are on Page 313

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4th Day

New Words longevity imbibe virile senile doddering

An Ageless Story Every so often we can read about a man or woman who has reached an age far beyond the limits we ordinarily expect. Reports of a man in Chile or a woman in Turkey who has celebrated the 105th or 110th birthday occur regularly. The natural question is, to what do these people owe their longevity? Frequently, the answer concerns the fact that the ancient one liked to imbibe regularly of some hard liquor. The photograph will show an apparently virile man or robust woman. Somehow, people who reach this advanced age seem to remain eternally sturdy. There are no signs that they have become senile. Smoking a pipe, or sewing on some garment, these rare specimens of hardy humanity are far from the doddering folk we expect to see. Sample Sentences Use the new words in these sentences. 1. Far from being __________, the old woman was considered the sage* of the neighborhood. 2. Scientists have placed the __________ of the planet earth unbelievably into the future. 3. It was deplorable* for us to see her __________ around the house with the aid of a cane. 4. If you __________, don't drive! 5. The boys struck __________ poses to attract the girls on the beach. Definitions Here's your chance to match the new words with their meaning.

6. longevity 7. imbibe 8. virile 9. senile 10. doddering

____ a. long duration of life ____ b. masterful, manly ____ c. drink ____ d. infirm, weak from old age ____ e. trembling, shaking

Today's Idiom

burn the midnight oilstudy or work late into the night If I'm going to pass the test tomorrow, I will have to burn the midnight oil tonight. Answers are on Page 313

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5th Day Review Week by week your word-power is being built. It's like putting money in the bank. Remember, in our language there may be many synonyms and related meanings for each word. Knowing one synonym is good, but you will reap greater benefits from knowing several. Below is the matching review for this week.

Review Words ____ 1. aegis ____ 2. awesome ____ 3. conflagration ____ 4. congenial ____ 5. debris ____ 6. deplorable ____ 7. detriment ____ 8. dispersed ____ 9. doddering ____ 10. eruption ____ 11. hoard ____ 12. imbibe ____ 13. initiate ____ 14. longevity ____ 15. obliterate ____ 16. puny ____ 17. rue ____ 18. sage

Definitions a. trembling, shaking with old age b. regret c. bursting out d. infirm, weak as a result of old age e. wise man, philosopher f. ruins, fragments g. weak, unimportant h. protection, sponsorship, shield j. agreeable, sympathetic k. broken up, scattered, spread l. sad, pitiable m. hurt, damage, injury n. drink o. great fire p. manly, masterful r. inspiring terror, weird s. set going, start t. accumulate, save, store up

____ 19. senile ____ 20. virile

u. long duration of life v. wipe out, erase

Idioms ____ 21. as broad as it is long ____ 22. blow hot and cold ____ 23. in the doldrums ____ 24. burn the midnight oil w. in a bored or depressed state x. makes very little difference y. swing for and against something z. work late into the night

Check your answers on page 313. Don't neglect words you fail to answer correctly. These problem words can be mastered quickly if you write them down, look up their meanings, and practice using them.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 2125) You are now past the half-way mark. Your language has been enriched as you make each day's new words part of your vocabulary. This is an additional review to help you cement the words into your vocabulary. Write the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. When you find words that you have been unable to match up within the analogies, review them promptly. ____ 1. AWESOME:BORING::IRASCIBLE: a. powerful b. immovable c. calm d. tragic ____ 2. DESULTORY:DISCONNECTED::DESTITUTE: a. poor b. distant c. rich d. ugly ____ 3. SENILE:VIGOROUS::VIRILE: a. dangerous b. powerful c. normal d. weak ____ 4. MANDATE:COMMAND::TAINT: a. color b. contaminate c. repair d. dispute ____ 5. PALLIATE:INTENSIFY::DEMUR: a. falsify b. accept c. clothe d. reject ____ 6. PROHIBITION:APPROVAL::SCION: a. parent b. indication c. offspring d. son ____ 7. MALADJUSTED:DISTURBED::PERSPICACIOUS: a. careful b. weary c. shrewd d. bothersome ____ 8. DETRIMENT:DAMAGE::AEGIS: a. protection b. area c. threat d. consequence ____ 9. FETISH:MAGICAL OBJECT::ARTIFACT: a. valuable object b. lost object c. broken object d. handmade object ____10. LUSH:PLAIN::RECONDITE: a. obvious b. secret c. sensitive d. stubborn ____11. INVIOLABLE:SAFE::PUNY: a. virile b. weak c. strange d. timid ____12. PONDER:IGNORE::COPE: a. fumble b. hide c. decide d. fail ____13. IMPERATIVE:UNNECESSARY::IMPRUDENT: a. foolish b. wasteful c. prompt d. wise ____14. PUNY:MUSCULAR::CONGENIAL: a. content b. disagreeable c. unhappy d. fearful ____15. DODDERING:STEADY::VULNERABLE: a. advanced b. open c. well protected d. well known Answers are on Page 313

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Wordsearch 25 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Save the Whales, at Least Have we all become tired of the much used word ''environment"? How often we hear or read about the __________ state of the world's rivers, forests, air, and earth. When we lose sight of the fact that countless numbers of creatures have become extinct because their environment could no longer sustain them, then we ignore the possibility that these same changes could __________ many species that we take for granted.

Our life-style, and that of the billions of others on this earth, puts waste into the air and water. We may __________ this careless behavior. While there may still be enough clean water and air for us, the loss of animals and plants can only be a __________ to a good life for the generations that follow.

No one suggests that the solutions to our environmental problems are easy. The nations and people of the world are in competition for the limited riches of this planet. It will take the sagest and most dedicated leaders, under whose __________ educated and concerned citizens will live and work, to protect the environment. Clues 2nd Day 2nd Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 313

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26th Week 1st Day

New Words lethargic prevalent paramount remiss hostile

ri mis′

hos′ tl

Informing the Public Public opinion has an important place in a democracy. The public, often lethargic, is susceptible* to a wide variety of influences. The most prevalent of these is the mass media. These communications mediathe press, radio, and televisionhave a paramount position in initiating,* influencing, and shaping public opinion. Bearing this responsibility, the mass media are often accused of being remiss in their duty to inform the public. There has been a great deal of hostile comment leveled against these opinion molders. Sample Sentences Based upon your understanding of the new words as discovered from the context, place them in the spaces provided. 1. The audience became extremely __________ when the bigot* began to attack minority groups. 2. Long hair among boys is so __________ today, there is no longer a prohibition against it in most schools. 3. We are all susceptible* to a __________ feeling after a heavy meal. 4. A good politician seeks the __________ issue in his community. 5. We would be __________ if we overlooked the importance of the Internet to the interchange of ideas and information. Definitions Matching words and definitions will prove you've learned them.

6. lethargic 7. prevalent 8. paramount 9. remiss 10. hostile

____ a. prevailing, common, general ____ b. lazy, indifferent ____ c. antagonistic, angry ____ d. supreme, foremost ____ e. careless, negligent

Today's Idiom to split hairsto make fine distinctions The mother and child spent a great deal of time arguing about the hair-splitting question of whether "going to bed" meant lights out or not. Answers are on Page 313

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2nd Day

New Words rebuke aversion evince vogue superficial

ri byük′

i vins′

The Lack of Foreign News The critics rebuke the press for the fact that most newspapers devote somewhat less than 10 percent of their news space to foreign items. In many hundreds of papers this falls below two percent. Why is there this aversion to foreign news? Newsmen claim that readers evince no interest in foreign affairs. In order to increase reader interest in foreign news, the vogue among editors is to sensationalize it to the point of distortion. Many other papers do only the most superficial kind of reporting in this area. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The female __________ to mice is considered absurd* by boys. 2. After a __________ examination of the injured motorist, the doctor said that hospitalization was imperative.* 3. Many a husband has been given a __________ for having imbibed* too fully at an office party. 4. Youngsters often do not __________ any curiosity about the lives of their parents or grandparents. 5. Good manners are always in __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. rebuke (v.) 7. aversion 8. evince 9. vogue 10. superficial

____ a. on the surface, slight ____ b. criticize, reproach, reprimand ____ c. strong dislike, opposition ____ d. fashion ____ e. show plainly, exhibit

Today's Idiom to strike while the iron is hotto take an action at the right moment

As soon as John heard that his father had won in the lottery, he struck while the iron was hot and asked for an increase in his allowance. Answers are on Page 313

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3rd Day

New Words jettison inevitable lucrative tussle intrinsic in trin′ sik

Playing It Safe The average newspaper office receives many times the amount of foreign news than it has space to print. The editor must include or jettison items as he sees fit. It is inevitable that his ideas of what the reader want to know, or should know, are decisive. Because the newspaper owners do not want to endanger a lucrative business, there is the constant tussle between personal opinion and the desire not to offend too many readers or advertisers. It is intrinsic to the operation of all mass media that they avoid being extremist in their news coverage or editorials. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Our conscience must always __________ against our yearning* for what we know is taboo.* 2. Man sets the price of gold; it has no __________ value. 3. The pilot decided it would be imprudent* to __________ his fuel over the populated area. 4. It is __________ that children question what their elders accept as tradition.* 5. Each year the contracts offered to star sports figures become more __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. jettison 7. inevitable 8. lucrative 9. tussle (n.) 10. intrinsic

____ a. sure, certain, unavoidable ____ b. essential, natural, inborn ____ c. a rough struggle ____ d. profitable ____ e. throw overboard, discard

Today's Idiom once in a blue moonon a very rare occasion

His wife complained that they go out to dinner and a show once in a blue moon. Answers are on Page 313

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4th Day

New Words acute gist transient terse cogent


A Favorite News Source The electronic mediatelevision and radiohave more acute problems than does the press when it comes to news reporting. A normal broadcast can cover only a small part of a news day. The object is to transmit the gist of a story without supplying its background. Another difficulty of electronic news broadcasting is its transient nature; the viewers or listeners may miss an important story if their attention wanders. On the other hand, because radio and television present news in a more terse and exciting way, they are accepted as the most cogent presentation of news and are preferred and believed above newspapers by most people. Sample Sentences A slow and thorough study is needed today. 1. After the catastrophe,* there was an __________ need for emergency housing. 2. The young lover was susceptible* to __________ feelings of jealousy when he saw his sweetheart dancing with his best friend. 3. She tried to get the __________ of her message into a 25-word telegram. 4. The mayor made a __________ statement in which he rebuked* his election opponent for making a contemptuous* accusation. 5. The best debator makes the most __________ presentation. Definitions This day's work requires careful study.

6. acute 7. gist 8. transient 9. terse 10. cogent

____ a. forceful, convincing, persuasive ____ b. concise, brief, compact ____ c. essence, main point ____ d. passing, short-lived, fleeting ____ e. sharp, keen, severe

Today's Idiom

sleep on itpostpone a decision while giving it some thought He didn't want to show his hand* immediately, so he agreed to sleep on it for a few more days. Answers are on Page 313

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5th Day Review If you've ever watched or played baseball, you know how important a base hit is to each batter. Before the game players spend as much time as possible taking their batting practice. During the game the batter concentrates on every pitch. In the same way, each day you are getting in your "batting practice," and the weekly review is your chance to build up your "batting average." Collect new words with the same concentration that baseball players collect base hits.

Review Words ____ 1. acute ____ 2. aversion ____ 3. cogent ____ 4. evince ____ 5. gist ____ 6. hostile ____ 7. inevitable ____ 8. intrinsic ____ 9. jettison ____ 10. lucrative ____ 11. paramount ____ 12. prevalent ____ 13. rebuke ____ 14. remiss ____ 15. superficial ____ 16. lethargic ____ 17. terse

Definitions a. show plainly, exhibit b. fleeting, passing, short-lived c. throw overboard, discard d. forceful, convincing, persuasive e. on the surface, slight f. a rough struggle g. compact, brief, concise h. reprimand, reproach, criticize i. inborn, natural, essential j. fashion k. main point, essence l. severe, keen, sharp m. lazy, indifferent n. negligent, careless o. unavoidable, certain, sure p. opposition, strong dislike q. foremost, supreme

____ 18. transient ____ 19. tussle ____ 20. vogue

r. general, common, prevailing s. angry, antagonistic t. profitable

Idioms ____ 21. to strike while the iron is hot ____ 22. to split hairs ____ 23. sleep on it ____ 24. once in a blue moon u. on a very rare occasion v. postpone a decision w. take action at the right moment x. to make a fine distinction

Check your answers on page 313. Take that extra moment now to review and study the words you got wrong.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 26 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. The Wild West History tells us that, in a showdown in 1881, a notorious outlaw, Billy the Kid, was killed. At least that is the __________ belief. The real Billy the Kid, William Bonney, is believed to have escaped and lived for many years in Texas. In fact, a man named Brushy Bill Roberts claimed to be the grown-up Billy the Kid. When Roberts died in 1950, there was the __________ question about his true identity. As a result, a computer

was brought in to test whether there was anything other than a __________ resemblance between the two men. A photo of the Kid and a photo of Roberts were compared on the computer. In a __________ report from the computer technician, the identity of Roberts was proved to be different from __________ the idea that Billy the Kid

that of the real Billy the Kid. Thus, computer analysis allows us to survived the famous gun duel. Clues 1st Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 4th Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 313

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27th Week 1st Day

New Words pinnacle array obscure ardent culminate

ärd′ nt

A Musical World Music reached its pinnacle in the nineteenth century. Every leading nation produced its share of great composers. There was a bewildering array of national schools and musical styles as the once obscure musician came into his own. Music became a widespread and democratic art. The ardent music lover turned to Vienna as the music center at the beginning of the nineteenth century. However, Paris was not far behind, especially in the field of operatic music. As the century progressed, the Germans became paramount* in orchestral and symphonic music. The growth of German music can be said to have culminated with Ludwig van Beethoven. Sample Sentences Take command of the new words in these sentences. 1. The president faced an imposing __________ of reporters. 2. The party will __________ with the award for the most original costume. 3. The __________ of fame and success is often a transient* stage. 4. The __________ baseball fan went to every home game. 5. Space telescopes are making our __________ planets ever clearer. Definitions Match-up time for new words and definitions.

6. pinnacle 7. array 8. obscure (adj.) 9. ardent 10. culminate

____ a. passionate, eager ____ b. summit, peak, top, crown ____ c. arrangement, system ____ d. unknown, lowly, unclear ____ e. reach the highest point

Today's Idiom to break the iceto make a beginning, to overcome stiffness between strangers All after-dinner speakers break the ice by telling a story or joke at the start of their speeches. Answers are on Page 314

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2nd Day

New Words constrict prodigy bereft falter exultation

bi reft′

A Giant Composer Beethoven was able to free music from the traditions* that had tended to constrict it. He was a child prodigy who held an important musical post at the age of 14. He was a successful concert pianist, but when his health began to fail he turned to composing. Even though bereft of hearing at the age of 49, he did not falter in his work. Some of his later compositions reflect his sadness with his physical condition, but they also evince* an exultation about man and life. Sample Sentences Place the new words in these sentences. 1. The catastrophe* left him __________ of all his possessions. 2. She was filled with __________ when she learned her SAT score was near the maximum. 3. It is imprudent* for a youngster to __________ her circle of friends so that there is no opportunity to meet new people. 4. There is universal* wonder when some __________ appears on the stage to perform at the age of 4 or 5. 5. Though he knew well the danger involved, the knight did not __________ as he entered the dragon's cave. Definitions Your personal test follows through matching.

6. constrict 7. prodigy 8. bereft 9. falter 10. exultation

____ a. triumphant joy ____ b. stumble, hesitate, waver ____ c. deprived of ____ d. limit, bind, squeeze ____ e. marvel, phenomenon

Today's Idiom loaded for bearto be well prepared

When the enemy finally attacked the positions, the defenders were loaded for bear. Answers are on Page 314

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3rd Day

New Words vitriolic invective besmirch voluminous retrospect

in vek′ tiv

A Worthy Successor A successor to Beethoven was Johannes Brahms. Also a prodigy,* he was the object of vitriolic attacks by other composers because of the individuality of his work. They heaped invective upon him for the intensely emotional quality and Germanic style of his writings. However, it was impossible to besmirch his talents for long, and he was soon one of the most popular composers in Europe. He produced voluminous varieties of compositions. Today, in retrospect, his originality is appreciated, and he is placed among the top romantic composers. Sample Sentences Complete the following sentences with the new words. 1. It is difficult to keep __________ out of our discussion about the enemy. 2. One has to be amazed at the __________ amount of information that can be stored on a computer chip. 3. The candidate tried to __________ his opponent's record. 4. In the future we will, in __________, regard today's bizarre* behavior as quite ordinary. 5. The __________ language used by critics of the new play tended to obliterate* its good qualities. Definitions Study the paragraph and sample sentences for the meanings.

6. vitriolic 7. invective 8. besmirch 9. voluminous 10. retrospect

____ a. insulting, abusive speech ____ b. bulky, large ____ c. soil, stain, dim the reputation ____ d. biting, burning ____ e. looking backward

Today's Idiom to bring down the houseto cause great enthusiasm

Popular entertainers can be counted on to bring down the house at every public performance. Answers are on Page 314

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4th Day

New Words egotist humility pungent inveterate adamant

Gruff but Likeable In his private life Brahms was considered by his friends as an egotist. He had an extremely lofty opinion of himself and his talents. He was not noted for his humility. Along with this quality, Brahms was known for his pungent sense of humor. While his closest friends could accept his biting jokes, others found him difficult to warm up to. Brahms was an inveterate stay-at-home. Cambridge University conferred an honorary degree upon him, but he was adamant about staying at home and did not go to receive the honor. Despite the ardent* and romantic nature of his music, Brahms never found the right girl and remained single throughout his life. Sample Sentences Use the new words in these sentences. 1. Doctors agree that it is imperative* that __________ smokers give up that imprudent* habit. 2. The __________ odor of burning leaves marks the autumn season. 3. The umpire was __________ about his decision to call the runner out. 4. We all expect __________ from the actors and actresses who win the Academy Awards. 5. However, we should not be surprised that an award winner is an __________ about his or her performance. Definitions Make the new words yours through the match-ups.

6. egotist 7. humility 8. pungent 9. inveterate 10. adamant

____ a. humbleness, modesty, meekness ____ b. a vain, conceited person ____ c. unyielding, inflexible ____ d. sharply stimulating, biting ____ e. habitual, firmly established

Today's Idiom to pull one's weightto do a fair share of the work

Everyone in a pioneer family had to pull his or her own weight. Answers are on Page 314

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5th Day Review Another week to build your vocabulary. Words stand for ''things." The more "things" you can recognize, the better able you are to deal with the complicated and changing world. New and unusual situations are more easily handled by those who can utilize the largest number of "things" we call words.

Review Words ____ 1. adamant ____ 2. ardent ____ 3. array ____ 4. bereft ____ 5. besmirch ____ 6. constrict ____ 7. culminate ____ 8. egotist ____ 9. exultation ____ 10. falter ____ 11. humility ____ 12. invective ____ 13. inveterate ____ 14. obscure ____ 15. pinnacle ____ 16. prodigy ____ 17. pungent ____ 18. retrospect

Definitions a. reach the highest point b. inflexible, unyielding c. triumphant joy d. looking backward e. peak, crown, summit f. a conceited, vain person g. bind, limit, squeeze h. biting, burning i. insulting, abusive speech j. system, arrangement k. modesty, meekness, humbleness l. phenomenon, marvel m. stain, soil, dim the reputation n. sharply stimulating o. deprived of p. bulky, large q. hesitate, waver, stumble r. eager, passionate

____ 19. vitriolic ____ 20. voluminous

s. firmly established, habitual t. unclear, unknown, lowly

Idioms ____ 21. to break the ice ____ 22. to pull one's own weight ____ 23. to bring down the house ____ 24. loaded for bear u. to be well prepared v. to cause great enthusiasm w. to make a beginning x. to do a fair share of the work

Check your answers on page 314. A word missed can now be made part of your vocabulary quite easily. Review the paragraph, sample sentence, definition, and then write your own sentence using the word.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 27 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Hot Enough For You? In __________ the year 1990 was a year of record high temperatures across the United States. The cause of this problem is complex. There are many proposed explanations, from an increase of population to the greenhouse effect. If, in fact, temperatures are continuing to rise as a result of human activity, there should be an search for the causes and the cures. Scientists are looking into even the most __________

__________ aspects of modern society to determine what might be the __________ in a program to change the

long-range effects of our activities. They hope that investigations will harmful ways we contribute to a dangerous trend.

A small increase in the earth's temperature will lead to major difficulties for everyone. We should not __________ in our efforts to avoid such disasters. Clues 3rd Day 1st Day 1st Day 1st Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 314

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28th Week 1st Day

New Words vulnerable bedlam cacophony exploit propinquity

eks′ ploit

A Dangerous Sport Racing car drivers are vulnerable to dangers that other sportsmen seldom face. Drivers agree that controlling a car at top speeds on a winding course is a singularly* awesome* experience. There is the bedlam caused by the roaring motors that move the car from a standing start to 100 miles an hour in eight seconds. One is shaken by the cacophony of the brakes, larger than the wheels and producing during the course of a 350-mile race enough heat to warm an eight-room house through a hard winter. The driver needs to be on the alert to exploit any mistake by an opponent, and he must be constantly aware of the propinquity of sudden death. All of this makes car racing one of the most demanding games of all. How was your recall today? Did you spot vulnerable as a reintroduced word? Sample Sentences Insert the new words in the sentences. 1. Astronauts are alert to the __________ of sudden accidents. 2. The egotist* is __________ to slights and insults. 3. Electronic music is considered nothing more or less than __________ by many. 4. Advertisers spend large sums to __________ the lucrative* teenage market. 5. The winning team's dressing room was a scene of __________. Definitions Match your new words to their definitions.

6. vulnerable 7. bedlam 8. cacophony 9. exploit (v.) 10. propinquity

____ a. discord, harsh sound, dissonance ____ b. open to attack, susceptible ____ c. profit by, utilize ____ d. nearness in time or place ____ e. confusion, uproar

Today's Idiom a white elephanta costly and useless possession When he discovered the 30-volume encyclopedia, dated 1895, in his attic, he knew he had a white elephant on his hands. Answers are on Page 314

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2nd Day

New Words disgruntled infallible panacea eradicate impede

The Mystery of Creativity In order to create, it is said that a man must be disgruntled. The creative individual is usually one who is dissatisfied with things as they are; he wants to bring something new into the worldto make it a different place. There is no infallible way to identify a potentially creative person. The speed-up in the sciences has forced schools and industry to seek a panacea for the shortages that they face. The need to discover and develop the creative person has been the source of much study. The paramount* objectives of the studies are to eradicate anything that will impede the discovery of creative talent and to exploit* this talent to the limit. Sample Sentences Place the new words in these sentences. 1. It is the prevalent* mood for youngsters to be __________ with the world situation. 2. Many people hoped that the United Nations would be the __________ for the problems of our time. 3. The criminal tried to __________ all of the witnesses to the bizarre* murder. 4. An __________ sign of spring is the blooming of the crocus. 5. Nothing could __________ the bigot* from his vitriolic* verbal attack. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. disgruntled 7. infallible 8. panacea 9. eradicate 10. impede

____ a. exempt from error, right ____ b. unhappy, displeased ____ c. wipe out ____ d. cure-all ____ e. interfere, block, hinder

Today's Idiom lock, stock, and barrelentirely, completely

The company moved its operations to another state lock, stock, and barrel. Answers are on Page 314

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3rd Day

New Words sedate equanimity compatible serenity revere

ri vir′

The Dutch The first impression one gets of Holland is that it is a calm, sedate, and simple land. The slow rhythm of life is even seen in the barges on the canals and the bicycles on the roads. One gradually discovers this equanimity of daily existence is not in accord with the intrinsic* nature of the Dutch. These people are moved by strong feelings that are not compatible with the serenity of the world around them. There is a conflict between the rigid, traditional* social rules and the desire for liberty and independence, both of which the Dutch revere. Sample Sentences Pay attention to the fine differences in meaning. 1. There is something absurd* about a well-dressed, __________ man throwing snowballs. 2. The __________ of the countryside was shattered by the explosion. 3. The speaker lost his __________ and began to use invective* when the audience started to laugh. 4. The boy and girl discovered they had many __________ interests. 5. There are not many people in this world whom one can __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. sedate 7. equanimity 8. compatible 9. serenity 10. revere

____ a. peaceful repose ____ b. quiet, still, undisturbed, sober ____ c. evenness of mind, composure ____ d. honor, respect, admire ____ e. harmonious, well-matched

Today's Idiom a feather in one's capsomething to be proud of If she could get the movie star's autograph, she knew it would be a feather in her cap.

Answers are on Page 314

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4th Day

New Words irrational avarice insatiable nadir moribund

Tulip Fever The tulip reached Holland in 1593 and was, at first, looked upon as a curiosity. There soon developed an irrational demand for new species. Specimens were sold at awesomely* high prices. In their avarice, speculators bought and sold the same tulip ten times in one day. Thé entire Dutch population suffered from the craze. There was an insatiable desire for each new color or shape. At one point a man purchased a house for three bulbs! Before long the inevitable* crash came and the demand for bulbs quickly reached its nadir. A $1,500 bulb could be bought for $1.50. With the moribund tulip market came financial disaster to thousands of people. Sample Sentences Fill in the blank spaces with the new words. 1. Who is not vulnerable* to some measure of __________? 2. The American consumer appears to have an __________ need for new products. 3. He looked upon the last-place finish of his team with equanimity;* from this __________ the only place to go was up. 4. We ought to expect some __________ behavior from a senile* person. 5. With the expansion of the supermarket, the small, local grocery store is in a __________ state. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. irrational 7. avarice 8. insatiable 9. nadir 10. moribund

____ a. lowest point ____ b. dying, at the point of death ____ c. unreasonable, absurd ____ d. greed, passion for riches ____ e. cannot be satisfied

Today's Idiom out on a limbin a dangerous or exposed position He went out on a limb and predicted he would win the election by a wide margin. Answers are on Page 314

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5th Day Review You have been learning how to use many new words by seeing them in a natural situation. Each day's story is the setting in which you meet the new words. The weekly review enables you to isolate the word and its many meanings. In this way you can reinforce your understanding and word power. At this point you have learned almost 600 words. Keep up the good work.

Review Words ____ 1. avarice ____ 2. bedlam ____ 3. cacophony ____ 4. compatible ____ 5. disgruntled ____ 6. equanimity ____ 7. eradicate ____ 8. exploit ____ 9. impede ____ 10. infallible ____ 11. insatiable ____ 12. irrational ____ 13. moribund ____ 14. nadir ____ 15. panacea ____ 16. propinquity ____ 17. revere

Definitions a. susceptible, open to attack b. exempt from error, right c. well-matched, harmonious d. lowest point e. at the point of death, dying f. peaceful repose g. cure-all h. uproar, confusion i. harsh sound, discord, dissonance j. wipe out k. sober, still, quiet, undisturbed l. nearness in time and place m. displeased, unhappy n. absurd, unreasonable o. cannot be satisfied p. utilize, profit by q. composure, evenness of mind

____ 18. sedate ____ 19. serenity ____ 20. vulnerable

r. passion for riches, greed s. hinder, interfere, block t. admire, respect, honor

Idioms ____ 21. lock, stock, and barrel ____ 22. out on a limb ____ 23. a feather in one's cap ____ 24. a white elephant u. a costly and useless possession v. entirely, completely w. in a dangerous or exposed position x. something to be proud of

The answers can be found on page 314. Consistent study and use of difficult words will work quickly to bring them into your daily vocabulary.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Doing Double Duty (From Weeks 2528) Select seven of the twelve words below that can be used as more than one part of speech (for example: noun and verb, noun and adjective). Then compose sentences using each word both ways. 1. hoard 2. revere 3. transient 4. pungent 5. falter 6. sedate 7. sage 8. rebuke 9. paramount 10. obscure 11. exploit 12. senile ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________

__________ ____________________________________________________________


Answers are on Page 314

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Wordsearch 28 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Read My Lips For many years it has been the goal of computer specialists to perfect a machine that would understand human speech. The problem is that the speaker has to be alone and in a quiet room. Noise will computer's ability. In the __________ of a special room, the computer works well. __________. __________ the

Now, math wizards are trying to develop a computer that will read lips despite any surrounding

While some of us think it __________ to believe that a computer can read lips, the experiments go on. And there has been some success. Progress in all aspects of computer science has been so remarkable that we hesitate to rule out any possibility. There is one __________ rule about the world of computers: the seemingly impossible gets done more quickly than we ever imagined. Clues 2nd Day 3rd Day 1st Day 4th Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 314

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29th Week 1st Day

New Words lithe obese adherent bliss pathetic


A Sport for Everyone Of the many highly popular sports in the United States, football must be rated around the top. This sport allows the speedy and lithe athlete to join with the slower and obsese one in a team effort. The skills and strengths of many men are welded together so that one team may work as a unit to gain mastery over its opponent. The knowledgeable adherent of a team can follow action covering many parts of the playing field at the same time. He is in a state of bliss when his team executes a movement to perfection. However, there is no one more pathetic than the same fan when the opposition functions to equal perfection. Sample Sentences Use the new words in these sentences. 1. The disgruntled* __________ switched his loyalty to the opposition party. 2. It was a pleasure to watch the __________ body of the ballet dancer as she performed the most difficult steps. 3. There is something __________ about a great athlete who continues to compete long after he has been bereft* of his talents. 4. His insatiable* hunger for sweets soon made him __________. 5. Oh, what __________ could be seen in the eyes of the ardent* couple as they announced their engagement! Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. lithe 7. obese 8. adherent 9. bliss 10. pathetic

____ a. backer, supporter ____ b. very fat ____ c. sad, pitiful, distressing ____ d. graceful ____ e. happiness, pleasure

Today's Idiom on the spur of the momenton impulse, without thinking On the spur of the moment he turned thumbs down* on the new job. Answers are on Page 314

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2nd Day

New Words exhort apathy fracas inebriated adversary

eg zôrt′

Rah! Rah! Rah! The spectators at a football game play more than a superficial* role. A spirited cheer from the stands often gives the player on the field a reason to try even harder. Cheer leaders exhort the fans, who may be in a state of apathy because their team is losing, to spur on the team. In particularly close games between rivals of long standing, feelings begin to run high, and from time to time a fracas may break out in the stands. While the teams compete below, the fan who is a bit inebriated may seek out a personal adversary. On the whole the enthusiasm of the spectators is usually constricted* to cheering and shouting for their favorite teams. Sample Sentences Complete the sentences with the new words. 1. The feeling of __________ was so prevalent* during the election campaign that the candidates hardly bothered to make speeches. 2. Doctors __________ obese* individuals to go on diets. 3. He was usually sedate,* but when __________ he became hostile.* 4. The __________ started when he besmirched* my good name. 5. My __________ became disgruntled* because my arguments were so cogent.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. exhort 7. apathy 8. fracas 9. inebriated 10. adversary

____ a. opponent, enemy, foe ____ b. drunk, intoxicated ____ c. lack of interest, unconcern ____ d. urge strongly, advise ____ e. noisy fight, brawl

Today's Idiom

a fly in the ointmentsome small thing that spoils or lessens the enjoyment He was offered a lucrative* position with the firm, but the fly in the ointment was that he would have to work on Saturday and Sunday. Answers are on Page 314

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3rd Day

New Words indolent gusto garrulous banal platitude

The 23-Inch Football Field The football fan who cannot attend a contest in person may watch any number of games on television. This has the great advantage of permitting an indolent fan to sit in the comfort of his living room and watch two teams play in the most inclement* weather. However, some of the spirit, the gusto, is missing when one watches a game on a small screen away from the actual scene of the contest. Also, the viewer is constantly exposed to a garrulous group of announcers who continue to chatter in an endless way throughout the afternoon. Should the game be a dull one, the announcers discuss the most banal bits of information. Even in the poorest game there is constant chatter involving one platitude after another about the laudable* performances of each and every player. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in the sentences. 1. He began to eat the food served at the sumptuous feast with __________. 2. Men believe that women's conversation is filled with __________ comments concerning clothing or food. 3. During the most sultry* days of summer, one often hears the __________, ''Is it hot enough for you?" 4. The __________ person goes to great lengths to eschew* work. 5. She was usually so __________, we considered anything under a five minute speech as a cryptic* remark. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. indolent 7. gusto 8. garrulous 9. banal 10. platitude

____ a. enthusiasm, enjoyment, zest ____ b. commonplace or trite saying ____ c. lazy ____ d. talkative, wordy ____ e. trivial, meaningless from overuse

Today's Idiom

to take French leaveto go away without permission The star player was fined $100 when he took French leave from the training camp. Answers are on Page 314

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4th Day

New Words pique dilettante atypical nondescript wane

What's On? One day each week is set aside for college football, and another for the professional brand. Most fans enjoy both varieties. Nothing can put an avid* viewer into a pique more quickly than missing an important contest. It is the dilettante who eschews* the amateur variety and watches only the professional games. The atypical fan will watch only his home team play; however, enthusiasts will continue to view the most nondescript contests involving teams that have no connection with their own town or school. Some intrepid* fans have been known to watch high school games when that was all that was offered. Public interest in football grows each year, while interest in other sports may be on the wane. Sample Sentences Complete these sentences with the new words. 1. The __________ will scoff* at those who admit that they know very little about modern art. 2. It is the __________ fisherman who does not embellish* the story about the fish that got away. 3. The detective had little to go on because of the __________ nature of the criminal. 4. Many virulent* diseases are now on the __________. 5. He showed his __________ by slamming the door. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. pique 7. dilettante 8. atypical 9. nondescript 10. wane (n.)

____ a. decrease, decline ____ b. fit of resentment ____ c. one who has great interest, but little knowledge ____ d. nonconforming ____ e. undistinguished, difficult to describe

Today's Idiom

in the arms of Morpheusasleep The day's activities were so enervating,* he was soon in the arms of Morpheus. Answers are on Page 314

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5th Day Review The regular, consistent study of these daily stories is the salient* clue to your success. Sporadic* study tends to disrupt the learning process. Don't give in to the temptation to put your work aside and then rush to "catch up."

Review Words ____ 1. adherent ____ 2. adversary ____ 3. apathy ____ 4. atypical ____ 5. banal ____ 6. bliss ____ 7. dilettante ____ 8. exhort ____ 9. fracas ____ 10. garrulous ____ 11. gusto ____ 12. indolent ____ 13. inebriated ____ 14. lithe ____ 15. nondescript ____ 16. obese ____ 17. pathetic ____ 18. pique ____ 19. platitude ____ 20. wane

Definitions a. urge strongly, advise b. enemy, foe, opponent c. graceful d. pitiful, sad, distressing e. lazy f. meaningless from overuse, trivial g. fit of resentment h. difficult to describe, undistinguished i. unconcern, lack of interest j. intoxicated, drunk k. very fat l. pleasure, happiness m. zest, enjoyment, enthusiasm n. trite saying o. one with little knowledge and great interest p. nonconforming q. brawl, noisy fight r. supporter, backer s. wordy, talkative t. decline, decrease

Idioms ____ 21. on the spur of the moment ____ 22. in the arms of Morpheus ____ 23. to take French leave ____ 24. a fly in the ointment u. asleep v. something that spoils or lessens the enjoyment w. to go away without permission x. without thinking, on impulse

Check your answers on page 314. Quick reinforcement of words you do not yet know will help you retain them. Right now . . . put down the words and meanings. Then, write a sentence using the word correctly.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 29 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Each Citizen's Obligation Of all the democracies in the world, the United States has the most lackluster record when it comes to citizen participation in elections. Every four years the experts try to analyze the reasons for voter __________. Often the eligible voter turnout at election time falls below 50%. This, after months of political campaigning, including televised debates, is a __________ situation.

No matter how hard the candidates woo the voters, the end results are often disappointing. Are the voters so __________ that they would rather stay home watching television than cast a ballot? Does the voter feel that the candidates are stating one __________ after another and is therefore turned off?

The right to vote is so precious that revolutions have taken place where it has been denied. The civil rights struggles of the past were sparked by those who had been denied this right. The greatest country is said to be the failure of citizen participation in the election process. Clues 2nd Day 1st Day 3rd Day 3rd Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 314 __________ of democracy in this

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30th Week 1st Day

New Words extinct idyllic galvanize encumbrance gaudy

ek stingkt′

In Days Gone By The man who best described the now extinct life aboard a steamer on the Mississippi River is Mark Twain. Having actually worked aboard the river boats, his writing captures the tranquil* or turbulent* events of those days. In his book about life on the Mississippi, Twain recalls the idyllic times when man was not in such a great rush to get from one place to another. One chapter deals with the races conducted between the swiftest of the boats. When a race was set, the excitement would galvanize activity along the river. Politics and the weather were forgotten, and people talked with gusto* only of the coming race. The two steamers "stripped" and got ready; every encumbrance that might slow the passage was removed. Captains went to extremes to lighten their boats. Twain writes of one captain who scraped the paint from the gaudy figure that hung between the chimneys of his steamer. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Today, the trend* is to more and more __________ dress. 2. It is amazing how lithe* football players can be, despite the __________ of the safety features of their uniforms. 3. The dinosaur is an __________ species. 4. City dwellers often yearn for the __________ life in the country. 5. A dictator will use any pretext* to __________ his people into aggressive actions. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. extinct 7. idyllic 8. galvanize 9. encumbrance 10. gaudy

____ a. burden, handicap, load ____ b. showy, flashy ____ c. simple, peaceful ____ d. excite or arouse to activity ____ e. no longer existing

Today's Idiom forty winksa short nap During the night before the big test, he studied continuously, catching forty winks now and then. Answers are on Page 315

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2nd Day

New Words condescend candor mortify jocose malign

kon′ di send′

The John J. Roe Mark Twain's boat was so slow no other steamer would condescend to race with it. With the utmost candor, Twain comments that his boat moved at such a pathetic* pace, they used to forget in what year it was they left port. Nothing would mortify Twain more than the fact that ferryboats, waiting to cross the river, would lose valuable trips because their passengers grew senile* and died waiting for his boat, the John J. Roe, to pass. Mark Twain wrote in a jocose manner about the races his steamer had with islands and rafts. With quiet humor he continued to malign the riverboat, but his book is replete* with love for this sort of life. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He had such disdain* for us, he would not __________ to speak before our group. 2. It is most common to __________ the wealthy for their avarice.* 3. It is difficult to be __________ in the presence of so many doleful* people. 4. When we cannot speak with __________, we utilize euphemisms.* 5. Good sportsmanship requires that one not __________ a defeated adversary.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. condescend 7. candor 8. mortify 9. jocose 10. malign

____ a. humorous, merry ____ b. abuse, slander ____ c. stoop, lower oneself ____ d. frankness, honesty ____ e. embarrass, humiliate

Today's Idiom from pillar to postfrom one place to another

The company was so large and spread out, he was sent from pillar to post before he found the proper official. Answers are on Page 315

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3rd Day

New Words omnipotent zenith fledgling peremptory precedent

flej′ ling

The Riverboat Pilot The riverboat pilot was a man considered omnipotent by all. Mark Twain once held that high position. He writes that he felt at the zenith of his life at that time. Starting out as a fledgling pilot's apprentice, he could not abjure* dreams of the time he would become, "the only unfettered and entirely independent human being that lived in the earth." Kings, parliaments, and newspaper editors, Twain comments, are hampered and restricted. The river pilot issued peremptory commands as absolute monarch. The captain was powerless to interfere. Even though the pilot was much younger than the captain, and the steamer seemed to be in imminent* danger, the older man was helpless. The captain had to behave impeccably,* for any criticism of the pilot would establish a pernicious* precedent that would have undermined the pilot's limitless authority. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Under the aegis* of an adroit* master, he reached the __________ of his career. 2. We would scoff* at anyone calling himself __________. 3. There is no __________ for voting when there is no quorum.* 4. The __________ poet lived a frugal* life. 5. No one had the temerity* to disobey the officer's __________ order. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. omnipotent 7. zenith 8. fledgling 9. peremptory 10. precedent

____ a. summit, top, prime ____ b. little known, newly developed ____ c. absolute, compulsory, binding ____ d. custom, model ____ e. almighty, unlimited in power or authority

Today's Idiom in the lap of the godsout of one's own hands

I handed in my application for the job, and now it is in the lap of the gods. Answers are on Page 315

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4th Day

New Words wheedle rustic jubilant decorum charlatan

rus′ tik

The Double Cross Many incidents that took place aboard his ship are re-told by Twain. One has to do with a wealthy cattle man who was approached by three gamblers. The cattle farmer had let it be known that he had a great deal of money, and the gamblers were trying to wheedle him into a card game. He protested that he knew nothing about cards. His rustic appearance confirmed that fact. On the last night before landing the three gamblers got him drunk. When the first hand was dealt, a jubilant expression came over his face. The betting became furious. All of the proper decorum was put aside, and ten thousand dollars soon lay on the table. With the last wager one of the gamblers showed a hand of four kings. His partner was to have dealt the sucker a hand of four queens. At this point the victim, the charlatan, removed the veneer* of respectability, and showed a hand of four aces! One of the three professional gamblers was a clandestine* confederate of the "rich cattle farmer." They had been planning this duplicity* for many weeks. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The child tried to __________ from her mother the place where the cookies had been cached.* 2. They could discern* that the faith healer was a __________. 3. The __________ life is supposed to be a tranquil* one. 4. Repress* your uncouth* manners and act with __________ at the party. 5. We were __________ when our indolent* cousin got a job. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. wheedle 7. rustic 8. jubilant 9. decorum 10. charlatan

____ a. coax, persuade, cajole* ____ b. joyful, in high spirits ____ c. politeness, correct behavior ____ d. pretender, fraud ____ e. countrified, unpolished

Today's Idiom Achilles heelweak spot He wanted to lead an ascetic* life, but his obsession with liquor was his Achilles heel. Answers are on Page 315

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5th Day Review Because you are learning these new words in context, they will stay with you. It is the natural method for seeing new words. Your ability to master words as they appear in normal situations should carry over to your learning many other words as you read.

Review Words ____ 1. candor ____ 2. charlatan ____ 3. condescend ____ 4. decorum ____ 5. encumbrance ____ 6. extinct ____ 7. fledgling ____ 8. galvanize ____ 9. gaudy ____ 10. idyllic ____ 11. jocose ____ 12. jubilant ____ 13. malign ____ 14. mortify ____ 15. omnipotent ____ 16. peremptory ____ 17. precedent ____ 18. rustic

Definitions a. arouse or excite to activity b. humiliate, embarrass c. little known, newly developed d. in high spirits, joyful e. peaceful, simple f. honesty, frankness g. unpolished, countrified h. top, prime, summit i. load, handicap, burden j. merry, humorous k. correct behavior, politeness l. unlimited in power or authority, almighty m. no longer existing n. lower oneself, stoop o. persuade, coax, cajole* p. binding, compulsory, absolute q. showy, flashy r. slander, abuse

____ 19. wheedle ____ 20. zenith

s. fraud, pretender t. custom, model

Idioms ____ 21. Achilles heel ____ 22. forty winks ____ 23. in the lap of the gods ____ 24. from pillar to post u. a short nap v. weak spot w. from one place to another x. out of one's own hands

Check your answers on page 315. Go right to it. Learn the words you have missed. Make them as much a part of your vocabulary as the other words you knew correctly.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 2630) Analogies are important in our everyday lives. We often recognize one situation by relating it to a situation we have known for some time. When we think or say, "That's like. . ." we are making an analogy. Relating one thing to another utilizes our reasoning ability. Write the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. ____ 1. ZENITH:SUMMIT::NADIR: a. lowest point b. farthest point c. beginning point d. highest point ____ 2. COGENT: CONVINCING::TERSE: a. concise b. tight c. regretful d. average ____ 3. DECORUM:MISBEHAVIOR::PIQUE: a. good feelings b. anger c. stress d. desire ____ 4. LITHE:AWKWARD::PATHETIC: a. joyful b. dangerous c. wise d. lasting ____ 5. LETHARGIC:ENERGETIC::PREVALENT: a. open b. common c. rare d. victorious ____ 6. PEREMPTORY:ABSOLUTE::PROPINQUITY: a. cleverness b. wisdom c. closeness d. visibility ____ 7. INVETERATE:HABITUAL::OMNIPOTENT: a. famous b. all-powerful c. wise d. dangerous ____ 8. EVINCE:HIDE::JETTISON: a. apply b. purchase c. grow d. save ____ 9. PRODIGY:VETERAN::DILETTANTE: a. scientist b. sage c. day dreamer d. soldier ____ 10. ARDENT:RESERVED::VITRIOLIC: a. soothing b. angry c. biting d. foreign ____ 11. BANAL:SIGNIFICANT::INDOLENT: a. insulting b. lazy c. lawless d. active ____ 12. REMISS:NEGLIGENT::PARAMOUNT: a. largest b. most colorful c. foremost d. fastest growing ____ 13. MORIBUND:DYING::JUBILANT: a. careful b. happy c. wealthy d. dangerous ____ 14. JOCOSE:DEPRESSED::ARDENT: a. alert b. weary c. lazy d. uninterested ____ 15. ENCUMBRANCE:BURDEN::ADHERENT: a. enemy b. partner c. supporter d. friend Answers are on Page 315

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Wordsearch 30 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. The Environmental Society A great deal of controversy surrounds the efforts of environmentalists to protect rare species of animals and birds from becoming __________. In order to save these creatures from destruction stemming from a loss of forests or __________ large numbers of people to pressure politicians into __________ laws are thought to be a burden

water pollution, environmentalists try to

passing conservation legislation. Often, however, these proposed placed upon business, resulting in a loss of employment.

As the world enters the 21st century, the energy and food requirements of an increasing population are at odds with those who would set aside land for birds or animals. There is a great temptation to environmental advocates. It will take people of good will and lie ahead. Clues 1st Day 1st Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 315 __________ the motives of

__________ to resolve the many difficulties that

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31st Week 1st Day

New Words heresy prudent ostensible fervid spurious

prüd′ nt

Choose Sagely* Today, the paramount* influence in the forming of public opinion is propaganda. It is not a heresy to our democratic beliefs to state that pressure groups play an important part in our lives. Propaganda makes one vulnerable* to the influences of others. The prudent person will choose between cogent* and specious* propaganda efforts. While propaganda has the ostensible purpose of informing the public, the most fervid propagandists use methods that must be examined by the thoughtful citizen. The ability to distinguish the spurious from the true facts requires more than a perfunctory* examination of prevalent* propaganda efforts. Sample Sentences Use care. The words have many meanings. 1. His __________ appeal for action threw his adherents* into a frenzy*. 2. He accused the leader of the opposition of political __________, and the mob was exhorted* to burn his effigy*. 3. In the bedlam* that followed it was not __________ to appear too apathetic*. 4. While the __________ enemy was the opposition leader, the main purpose of this rash* behavior was the eradication* of all opponents. 5. In the conflagration* that followed, no one questioned whether the original charge had been __________. Definitions Study the fine differences. Be sure how to use them.

6. heresy 7. prudent 8. ostensible 9. fervid 10. spurious

____ a. intense, enthusiastic, passionate ____ b. false, counterfeit, specious* ____ c. unbelief, dissent, lack of faith ____ d. wise, cautious ____ e. outward, pretended, seeming

Today's Idiom cold shoulderto disregard or ignore She was so piqued* at his uncouth* behavior, she gave him the cold shoulder for over a week. Answers are on Page 315

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2nd Day

New Words propagate anomaly innocuous surfeit milieu

A Free Society In a free society it is intrinsic* that individuals and groups have the inherent* right to propagate ideas and try to win converts. We do not look upon an idea different from ours as an anomaly that should be precluded*. Nor do we permit only innocuous or congenial* beliefs and forbid those that we believe are dubious* or spurious*. In a country of competing pressures we are accosted* by a surfeit of propaganda that tends to overwhelm us. Thus, we live in a milieu of ubiquitous* bombardment from countless, and often unrecognized, propagandists. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. I must inveigh* against your attempt to __________ the belief that your political system will result in a panacea* for all problems. 2. It is incongruous* to find an abstemious* person in a __________ of avarice* and affluence*. 3. Siamese twins are considered a birth __________. 4. There appears to be no such thing as an __________ heresy*. 5. When can we expect a respite* from the __________ of TV commercials? Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. propagate 7. anomaly 8. innocuous 9. surfeit 10. milieu

____ a. excess, superabundance ____ b. environment, setting ____ c. irregularity, abnormality ____ d. produce, multiply, spread ____ e. harmless, mild, innocent

Today's Idiom without rhyme or reasonmaking no sense

Without rhyme or reason the pennant-winning baseball team decided to jettison* its manager. Answers are on Page 315

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3rd Day

New Words strident concomitant lassitude deleterious efficacy

Who Listens? As the quantity of propaganda becomes greater, ideas are presented in more strident tones in order to overcome the increased competition. Those who are the targets of the propaganda find it more difficult to discern* between or analyze the new and expanded pressures. The concomitant situation that develops with the stepped-up propaganda is one in which the individual retreats into a state of lassitude. He has an aversion* to all attempts to influence him. So we can see the intrinsic* weakness inherent* in an increased level of propaganda. It has the deleterious result of reducing its efficacy upon the individuals or groups who were its objective. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. There are many __________ dangers to obesity.* 2. Her __________ voice added to the bedlam.* 3. After the frenzy* that accompanied the burning of the effigy,* they were all acutely* aware of a feeling of __________. 4. The gist* of the report was that smoking will have a __________ effect on health. 5. The __________ of new drugs cannot be determined without a plethora* of evidence. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. strident 7. concomitant 8. lassitude 9. deleterious 10. efficacy

____ a. power to produce an effect ____ b. bad, harmful ____ c. accompanying, attending ____ d. weariness, fatigue ____ e. shrill, harsh, rough

Today's Idiom swan songfinal or last (swans are said to sing before they die) The ex-champion said that if he lost this fight it would be his swan song. Answers are on Page 315

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4th Day

New Words dissent ferment attenuated arbiter incumbent

di sent′

The People Decide The place of propaganda in a milieu* that is not free differs from its place in an open society. In a dictatorship there is no competing propaganda. Those who dissent from the official line may do so only in a clandestine* manner. Where there is no open ferment of ideas, the possibility of discerning* the true from the spurious* is attenuated. In a democracy, the inevitable* arbiter of what propaganda is to be permitted is the people. It is incumbent upon each citizen to choose between competing propagandas while remaining cognizant* of the value for a democracy in the existence of all points of view. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. It is __________ on us to be zealous* in combatting the deleterious* effects of drugs. 2. With each generation it becomes the vogue* for the youth to be in a state of __________. 3. The gist* of his ominous* suggestion was that we __________ from the majority opinion. 4. The strength of her appeal was __________ by the flamboyant* embellishments* for which many had a strong aversion.* 5. The Supreme Court is our ultimate* __________ of legality. Definitions Always be cognizant* of the fact that words are used in the paragraphs and sentences with only one meaning. They often have many others. Look up the word incumbent for a good example.

6. dissent (v.) 7. ferment 8. attenuated 9. arbiter 10. incumbent (adj.)

____ a. morally required ____ b. weakened, thinned, decreased ____ c. differ, disagree, protest ____ d. uproar, agitation, turmoil ____ e. judge

Today's Idiom to get the sackto be discharged or fired

Despite the fact that he was so obsequious* toward the boss, he got the sack because he was lethargic* about doing his job. Answers are on Page 315

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5th Day Review Once more it is time to review this week's words. Always keep in mind that the use of the word, its context, determines its meaning. Used as a noun, a word has a different meaning than when it is used as an adjective or a verb. First, master the words as they appear in the daily stories. Next, look up other meanings in your dictionary. Try writing sentences with the additional meanings.

Review Words ____ 1. anomaly ____ 2. arbiter ____ 3. attenuated ____ 4. concomitant ____ 5. deleterious ____ 6. dissent ____ 7. efficacy ____ 8. ferment ____ 9. fervid ____ 10. heresy ____ 11. incumbent ____ 12. innocuous ____ 13. lassitude ____ 14. milieu ____ 15. ostensible ____ 16. propagate ____ 17. prudent

Definitions a. agitation, turmoil, uproar b. attending, accompanying c. abnormality, irregularity d. cautious, wise e. protest, differ, disagree f. rough, harsh, shrill g. multiply, spread, produce h. lack of faith, dissent, unbelief i. morally required j. power to produce an effect k. setting, environment l. counterfeit, false, specious* m. judge n. harmful, bad o. superabundance, excess p. enthusiastic, passionate, intense q. decreased, weakened, thinned

____ 18. spurious ____ 19. strident ____ 20. surfeit

r. mild, innocent, harmless s. fatigue, weariness t. seeming, pretended, outward

Idioms ____ 21. cold shoulder ____ 22. swan song ____ 23. to get the sack ____ 24. without rhyme or reason u. to be discharged or fired v. making no sense w. final or last x. to disregard or ignore

Check your answers on page 315. Get to work learning the words that gave you trouble.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 31 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Cross My Palm with Silver People are fascinated by those who say they can predict the future. Fortune tellers continue to attract gullible customers, and horoscopes are examined daily to see if there is something __________ to worry about in the day ahead. One specialist who seems to have found a way to predict something of our future is the palm reader. It is her belief that a long ''life line" in the hand means the customer will enjoy longevity. While this appears to be a __________ way to predict long life, a study done in England measured "life lines" of

100 corpses and came up with __________ support for the claim: the length of life matched the length of line. The longer the line, the older the person lived to be. However, there are scientists who __________ with believers in this apparent connection. The "life line" of __________

older people is longer only because the hand becomes more wrinkled with age. Length of line is a of length of life, not the reverse, say scientists. Clues 3rd Day 1st Day 1st Day 4th Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 315

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32nd Week 1st Day

New Words profound alleviate prodigious expedite celerity

The Library Machine As automation permeates* many new ideas of life, its effect upon us becomes concomitantly* more profound. Information processing and communications machines are finding their way into libraries. Here they alleviate the burden of storing and bringing out to the reader the accumulation of information that is becoming more prodigious in this era of specialization and threatening to inundate* our already encumbered* library system. As a way to expedite the selection of pertinent* information for the reader, the machine scans 5,000 words per minute. It is the celerity of machine reading that makes automation in the library so valuable. Sample Sentences Insert your new words below. 1. We hoped that the arbiter* would __________ the solution to the fracas* that had been so elusive* for a long time. 2. He accepted the lucrative* position with __________. 3. It is easy to construe* a superficial* remark to be a __________ one. 4. If we cannot __________ the harmful effects entirely, at least we can attenuate* them. 5. The enemy made a __________ effort to repress* the uprising. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. profound 7. alleviate 8. prodigious 9. expedite 10. celerity

____ a. carry out promptly ____ b. speed, rapidity ____ c. make easier, lighten ____ d. deep, intense ____ e. extraordinary, enormous

Today's Idiom ivory towerisolated from life; not in touch with life's problems Many artists have been said to be living in an ivory tower. Answers are on Page 315

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2nd Day

New Words usurp paltry condone trivial bizarre

The Language Machine Those who see the spread of automated machines as a nefarious* force out to usurp the proper functions of mankind have corroboration* for their belief in the language machine. The paltry handful of expert translators with a profound* knowledge of many foreign languages leaves a wide gap in our sources of vital information. With important technological and scientific work being done abroad, it is difficult to condone the situation. A machine may be set to treat a foreign language as a coded message that it can analyze and put into English. Perhaps it will not do an impeccable* job, but it will permit the translation of even the most trivial foreign reports and writings. As bizarre as it might seem, machines are taking over as translators in ever increasing numbers. Don't look back at the "new words." Did you spot bizarre as a reintroduced word? Sample Sentences (note the similarity of trivial and paltry) 1. Most of us scoff* at and belittle* __________ behavior. 2. The exacerbate* a __________ difference of opinion into a prodigious* conflict. 3. It is during a period of ferment* that a dictator can __________ power. 4. Do you expect me to __________ that reprehensible* act with such celerity?* 5. The most __________ defects may have a deleterious* effect upon the efficacy* of that new process. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. usurp 7. paltry 8. condone 9. trivial 10. bizarre

____ a. petty, worthless ____ b. excuse, pardon ____ c. seize, annex, grab ____ d. of little importance, insignificant ____ e. fantastic, odd

Today's Idiom to feather one's nestto enrich oneself on the sly or at every opportunity He played up to his senile* aunt in the hope of feathering his nest when she made out her will. Answers are on Page 315

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3rd Day

New Words menial venerable extraneous ambiguous succinct

A Predicting Machine While a machine may usurp* many menial taskstyping of letters, making out paychecksit can also work in less mundane* ways. One such example was the use of a computer to predict the results of a football game. All the information about the two teams: speed of the backs, weight of the linemen, past performances of the teams, even the years served by the venerable coaches was fed into the machine. Extraneous material was avoided. The astute* computer printed the figure "one" for each team. While this may seem ambiguous to the average person, it represented in the succinct language of the computer the actual score of one touchdown for each side: 7-7. Sample Sentences Complete the sentences with the new words. 1. The prodigy* revered* the __________ master. 2. To those who could understand every nuance* of the cryptic* message, there was nothing __________ about it. 3. He could say the most vitriolic* things in a __________ way. 4. Although she did not find it congenial,* we cajoled* our daughter into doing some of the __________ tasks around the house. 5. The astute* voter is not susceptible* to the many __________ shibboleths* that saturate* a politician's speech. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. menial 7. venerable 8. extraneous 9. ambiguous 10. succinct

____ a. vague, undefined, not specific ____ b. humble, degrading ____ c. respected, worshiped ____ d. foreign, not belonging ____ e. brief, concise

Today's Idiom the writing on the wallan incident or event that shows what will happen in the future In retrospect* he should have seen the writing on the wall when his girlfriend gave him only a cursory* greeting on his birthday. Answers are on Page 315

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4th Day

New Words archaic emulate facetious rabid salubrious

rab′ id

A Painting Machine There is even now a computer machine that may make other art forms archaic. Using computer methods, this machine can originate paintings and photographs. A machine that can emulate an artist is not as facetious as it may appear. Automation is inundating,* some say with deleterious* effects, all areas of self-expressionfrom music to literature. The most rabid adherents* of our technological progress look upon these events as singularly* favorable. They see these as harbingers* of a time when machines will do all of the labor, and man will reap the salubrious benefits. Sample Sentences Use the new words in these sentences. 1. Some maintain that the ascetic* leads a __________ life. 2. With all candor,* I cannot wish for a return to the __________ times when a moribund* society provided an opulent* existence for some, but a loathesome* life for the majority. 3. There is something __________ about an egotist* who has the temerity* to begin a speech with, "In all humility* . . . ." 4. It is not prudent* to malign* or castigate,* or be derogatory* in any way toward a __________ political adherent.* 5. The wish to __________ a great person is laudable.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. archaic 7. emulate 8. facetious 9. rabid 10. salubrious

____ a. healthful, wholesome ____ b. out of date ____ c. rival, strive to equal ____ d. comical, humorous, witty ____ e. fanatical, furious, mad

Today's Idiom

on the bandwagonjoining with the majority; going along with the trend Most advertisements showing many people using a product hope to convince the viewer to get on the bandwagon and buy the item. Answers are on Page 315

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5th Day Review When you can analyze a sentence and determine from the context the meaning of a previously unknown word, you are functioning at the best level. These words will become a permanent part of your ever-growing vocabulary.

Review Words ____ 1. alleviate ____ 2. ambiguous ____ 3. archaic ____ 4. bizarre ____ 5. celerity ____ 6. condone ____ 7. emulate ____ 8. expedite ____ 9. extraneous ____ 10. facetious ____ 11. menial ____ 12. paltry ____ 13. prodigious ____ 14. profound ____ 15. rabid ____ 16. salubrious ____ 17. succinct ____ 18. trivial

Definitions a. out of date b. concise, brief c. intense, deep d. annex, grab, seize e. wholesome, healthful f. degrading, humble g. rapidity, speed h. fantastic, odd i. humorous, comical, witty j. not belonging, foreign k. enormous, extraordinary l. pardon, excuse m. furious, mad, fanatical n. undefined, vague, not specific o. carry out promptly p. lighten, make easier q. respected, worshiped r. strive to equal, rival

____ 19. usurp ____ 20. venerable

s. of little importance t. petty, worthless

Idioms ____ 21. to feather one's nest ____ 22. ivory tower ____ 23. the writing on the wall ____ 24. on the bandwagon u. joining with the majority v. an event that predicts the future w. out of touch with life x. to enrich oneself at every opportunity

Check your answers on page 315. Take that extra moment now to review and study the words you got wrong.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Selecting Antonyms (From Weeks 2932) Here are fifteen words taken from the last four weeks of study. Select and underline the correct antonym for each. 1. adversary (partner, foe) 2. dilettante (amateur, professional) 3. indolent (lazy, active) 4. inebriated (drunk, sober) 5. candor (falsehood, honesty) 6. gaudy (conservative, showy) 7. zenith (acme, nadir) 8. prodigious (huge, tiny) 9. condone (condemn, approve) 10. ambiguous (clear, confusing) 11. spurious (authentic, false) 12. innocuous (harmful, harmless) 13. deleterious (harmful, helpful) 14. succinct (concise, wordy) 15. rustic (rural, urbane) Answers are on Page 315

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Wordsearch 32 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. A Formidable Opponent One of the most interesting tests of a computer's ability to "think" occurred in 1992. The world's chess champion, a man of __________ mental ability in this sport, was challenged to compete against the most powerful computer __________ a human's place as the best chess

programmed to play chess. The question was, could a machine player in the world?

The match took place before hundreds of chess enthusiasts and was recorded on film. While the computer lacked the champion's experience and emotional capacity, it worked with such __________ that it could search ahead for many thousands of choices, well beyond what any human could envision. In fact, the computer had already defeated many __________ chess masters in preparation for the contest.

The result of this test match was __________ as far as human self-esteem was concerned. The champion won fairly easily. However, there is almost total agreement that it is only a matter of time before we have an electronic chess champion, one incapable of making a blunder. At that point it will be checkmate for all of us. Clues 1st Day 2nd Day 1st Day 3rd Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 315

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33rd Week 1st Day

New Words complacent somber debilitate impetuous occult

At a Loss With the trivial* sum of five dollars in his pockets, Robert Lacy was feeling far from complacent about the future. In fact, it was his somber estimate that no matter how frugal* he was, his money would run out before the next day. He owed $3.50 in debts to friends; with the remainder he would have to eat enough to maintain his strength. Hunger would debilitate him to the point where he could not continue his fervid* search for Evelyn. There was no hope of an impetuous stranger suddenly thrusting money upon him. There was still less solace* for him in the hope that, after all this time, he might develop the occult power that would give him a mental image of where Evelyn could be found. Sample Sentences Use the new words in these sentences. 1. The guard was so __________ about the danger of escape that he gave the prisoner only a cursory* inspection. 2. We should be prudent* in our play or work during very hot weather, because the sun has the power to enervate* and __________ those that scoff* at its effects. 3. He looked for a propitious* moment to exhibit his __________ abilities. 4. The deleterious* results of his irate* outburst put the previously jocose* audience in a __________ mood. 5. They were so moved by the idyllic* setting, they exchanged surreptitious,* __________ kisses. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. complacent 7. somber 8. debilitate 9. impetuous 10. occult (adj.)

____ a. secret, mysterious, supernatural ____ b. impulsive ____ c. self-satisfied ____ d. weaken ____ e. gloomy, sad

Today's Idiom to hit the nail on the headto state or guess something correctly When Charlie said there were 3,627 beans in that jar, he hit the nail on the head. Answers are on Page 316

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2nd Day

New Words discreet foment glean quarry slovenly

Making Plans Robert had arrived in New York a week earlier. He had begun by asking discreet questions of Evelyn's former landlord. There was no need to foment opposition at the very beginning. The landlord was recondite,* and all Robert had been able to glean from the cryptic* replies was that Evelyn had moved to a residence that catered to single women. Robert was in a hapless* situation; in this immense city his quarry could be hiding in one of dozens of such places. This would obviate* the possibility of his dashing from one place to another in an impetuous* manner. His search, while it had to be concluded with celerity,* could not be carried out in such slovenly fashion. He required a succinct* and meticulous* plan. Sample Sentences Use the new words in these sentences. 1. In order to __________ trouble, they fabricated* a deplorable* and blatant* untruth. 2. She loathed* doing menial* tasks, and she did them in a __________ manner. 3. Although it seemed inane,* they sought their __________ in the midst of rustic* surroundings that were not its natural habitat*. 4. Despite the plethora* of offers to write her life story, the recently divorced movie queen kept a __________ silence. 5. The reporters could not __________ anything from her servants. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. discreet 7. foment 8. glean 9. quarry 10. slovenly

____ a. careful, cautious, prudent* ____ b. gather, collect ____ c. something hunted or pursued ____ d. disorderly, carelessly ____ e. stir up, instigate

Today's Idiom on the dotexactly on time Despite his having taken forty winks,* he got to his appointment on the dot. Answers are on Page 316

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3rd Day

New Words abjure reproach penitent evanescent tantamount

A Newspaper Ad On the premise* that Evelyn knew she was being sought, Robert's first step was to abjure fruitless* searching and place an ad in the leading morning newspaper. He would importune* in a most careful way for her return. The ad read, ''Evelyn. Come out of hiding. I do not reproach you for your actions. I expect no penitent confession. There is nothing ambiguous* about my offer. Please contact. Robert." He added a box number for a reply. When Robert went to the paper the next morning, he felt sanguine* about the chances of locating her. His evanescent concerns disappeared; there was a letter for him, and with tremulous* fingers he tore it open. It contained one sentence, and it was tantamount to a challenge; "If you really care about me, you will find me by midnight, Friday, Evelyn." Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The inveterate* gambler became __________ and contrite* when faced with the results of his reprehensible* behavior. 2. The optimist knows that the vicissitudes* of life are __________, and she always looks on the sanguine* side of things. 3. You should not condone* his sordid* behavior; rather, __________ him for his fractious* manner. 4. At the zenith* of his career, he was __________ to a final arbiter* on matters of economic policy. 5. In vain, the entire family tried to importune* him to __________ gambling. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. abjure 7. reproach 8. penitent 9. evanescent 10. tantamount

____ a. equivalent, identical ____ b. rebuke, reprimand ____ c. renounce, abstain from ____ d. regretful, confessing guilt ____ e. fleeting, passing, momentary

Today's Idiom to take under one's wingto become responsible for As the new term began, the senior took the freshman under her wing. Answers are on Page 316

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4th Day

New Words propensity wary allay deter connoisseur

At the Ballet Evelyn was an anomaly*: she had a propensity for folk music and rock and roll dancing, and, at the same time, she was an avid* fan of classical ballet. At one time she had been a fledgling* ballet dancer. Robert headed for a theater where a venerable* ballet company was performing. He knew he had to be wary so that Evelyn might not see him first. It was Tuesday evening; two days gone with so little to show. Only three more remaining before the deadline set by Evelyn. He tried hard to allay the sudden fear that came over him that he might not locate her. Nothing would deter him from succeeding! And so, although he was far from a connoisseur of the dance, he was standing among the throng* in the lobby, hoping it would be a propitious* evening for him. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The __________ scoffs* at the dilettante,* who has only a veneer* of knowledge. 2. It is difficult to __________ the concern of parents about how susceptible* their children are and how easily they succumb* to drugs. 3. Some girls have a __________ for swarthy* men who wear gaudy* clothes. 4. Her father warned her to be __________ of adding the encumbrance* of a steady boyfriend as this would attenuate* her chances of finishing college. 5. This did not __________ her from getting into a deplorable* situation due to her rash* and perverse* actions. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. propensity 7. wary 8. allay 9. deter 10. connoisseur

____ a. hinder, discourage ____ b. expert ____ c. disposition, inclination, bent ____ d. calm, soothe ____ e. watchful, shrewd

Today's Idiom out of one's depthin a situation that is too difficult to handle We thought he knew the ropes,* but we found him behind the eight ball* because he was out of his depth. Answers are on Page 316

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5th Day Review While each day's story has five new words, there are many others that are repeated from previous weeks. These words are placed within the stories so that you might practice your grasp of their meanings. Repetition will help guarantee that these words will be firmly fixed as part of your ever-expanding vocabulary.

Review Words ____ 1. abjure ____ 2. allay ____ 3. complacent ____ 4. connoisseur ____ 5. debilitate ____ 6. deter ____ 7. discreet ____ 8. evanescent ____ 9. foment ____ 10. glean ____ 11. impetuous ____ 12. occult ____ 13. penitent ____ 14. propensity ____ 15. quarry ____ 16. reproach ____ 17. slovenly ____ 18. somber ____ 19. tantamount ____ 20. wary

Definitions a. stir up, instigate b. disorderly, carelessly c. regretful, confessing guilt d. abstain from, renounce e. weaken f. self-satisfied g. discourage, hinder h. bent, inclination, disposition i. sad, gloomy j. identical, equivalent k. something hunted or pursued l. watchful, shrewd m. supernatural, mysterious, secret n. impulsive o. rebuke, reprimand* p. momentary, passing, fleeting q. prudent,* careful, cautious r. collect, gather s. expert t. soothe, calm

Idioms ____ 21. out of one's depth ____ 22. to hit the nail on the head ____ 23. to take under one's wing ____ 24. on the dot u. exactly on time v. in a situation that is too difficult to handle w. to become responsible for x. to state or guess something correctly

Check your answers on page 316. The routine for checking and study should be well implanted by now. Some weeks you will have no words wrong. At other times, you may have several. Don't be discouraged by the differences from week to week.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 33 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Good Enough to Eat? There seems to be universal agreement that exposure to the ultraviolet light from the sun is deleterious to one's health. Also, except for tobacco industry spokesmen, there is no dispute about the damage done to us from cigarette smoke. What is shocking is the fact that almost everything we once regarded as either beneficial, or harmless, soon gets challenged by scientists. We are urged to __________ foods that have high fat content. There go butter and __________ .

cheese. Even milk has now been added to the list of foods of which we must be Whatever diet we are on, we cannot become

__________ about its nutritional value. We are left, ultimately,

with the __________ thought that, sooner or later, almost everything we eat or drink may be found to jeopardize our health. Given that there are many obstacles to maintaining good health, would it be wise to embrace every new laboratory report in order to __________ information? Let's not discard old, proven, sensible food habits. Also, there is always the possibility that ice cream sundaes will be found to cure baldness, and that chocolate chip cookies will eliminate our cholesterol problems. Clues 3rd Day 4th Day 1st Day 1st Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 316

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34th Week 1st Day

New Words site vigil cumbersome interrogate divulge

Another Plan Robert was far from tranquil* as he waited in the lobby for almost an hour after the performance had begun. Disgruntled,* he quit the site of his vigil. He had to face the fact that he was making no tangible* progress. Tomorrow he would telephone several women's residences. It was a cumbersome way of going about the hunt, but it was all that he could think of at the moment. He would interrogate the desk clerks, and perhaps he might uncover a pertinent* clue to Evelyn's whereabouts. If he could only get someone to divulge her hiding place! Perhaps tomorrow would culminate* in success. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. With rancor* he faced the __________ job of transporting the voluminous* records to his new office. 2. Before they began to __________ the criminal, they had to admonish* him that his testimony might be used to incarcerate* him. 3. The hunter maintained a discreet* and wary* __________ as he waited for the propitious* moment to bag his quarry*. 4. Even under duress,* he was adamant* and would not __________ the secret. 5. The newly married couple selected the __________ for their new home with meticulous* care. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. site 7. vigil 8. cumbersome 9. interrogate 10. divulge

____ a. unwieldy, burdensome ____ b. question ____ c. wakeful watching ____ d. disclose, reveal ____ e. location

Today's Idiom to take a leaf out of someone's bookto imitate or follow the example The chip off the old block* took a leaf from his father's book and never sowed wild oats*. Answers are on Page 316

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2nd Day

New Words fluctuate unmitigated commodious antiquated disheveled

A Hope Dashed The next day, Wednesday, saw Robert become more frustrated.* He would fluctuate between high hopes of finding Evelyn and unmitigated despair when he was almost ready to desist* in his search. The phone calls had elicited* almost nothing. Robert had rushed to one women's residence when the clerk described a girl who might just be Evelyn. The desk clerk phoned to her room on the pretext* that she had a special delivery letter. Robert waited in the commodious lobby, replete* with large, antiquated pieces of furniture. He watched from a discreet* distance as she came down the stairs. One look at her wan* face, slovenly* dress, and disheveled hair was enough to inform Robert that he needed no further scrutiny.* This could not be his impeccable* Evelyn. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He wasn't exactly an __________ liar; he merely embellished* the truth a little. 2. In his sumptuous* house he had a __________ den in which he kept an array* of trophies as incontrovertible* evidence of his skill. 3. Is it banal* to say that good manners are __________ in our milieu?* 4. The current trend* in the stock market is for stocks to __________ in a sporadic* fashion. 5. The nondescript,* indolent* beggar was in a __________ condition. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. fluctuate 7. unmitigated 8. commodious 9. antiquated 10. disheveled

____ a. large, spacious ____ b. shift, alternate ____ c. disorderly clothing or hair ____ d. unrelieved, as bad as can be ____ e. out-of-date, obsolete

Today's Idiom brass tacksthe real problem or situation After some moments of congenial* levity,* they got down to brass tacks. Answers are on Page 316

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3rd Day

New Words tenacious façade asinine grimace calumny

To the Police Thursday was his next-to-last day. He had been tenacious in following up every lead. Now he was behind the eight ball.* He could hardly galvanize* himself to do anything else. The façade of hope he had worn for almost a week was crumbling; there was nothing left to be sanguine* about. In desperation he turned to the police and placed his problem within their jurisdiction.* They asked many questions, and they requested that he not expurgate* anything. Some of the questions seemed asinine. When they inquired about his relationship to the missing girl, he replied, with a grimace, "Fiancee." When they suggested she might be hiding in that part of the city where the "punk" coterie* congregated, he was incredulous* and accused the police of calumny against her good name and reputation. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He held on to his antiquated* beliefs with a __________ obsession.* 2. The woman was noted for her vituperative* __________ against her innocuous,* although senile,* neighbor. 3. She could not abjure* a __________ when she saw the disheveled figure. 4. How __________ of the boy to fabricate* that bizarre* story! 5. His face wore the most doleful* __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. tenacious 7. façade 8. asinine 9. grimace 10. calumny

____ a. false accusation, slander ____ b. silly, stupid ____ c. front, superficial appearance ____ d. tough, stubborn ____ e. facial expression of disgust

Today's Idiom

hook, line, and sinkercompletely, all the way The teacher fell for the practical joke hook, line, and sinker. Answers are on Page 316

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4th Day

New Words pittance au courant fastidious noisome unkempt

pit' ns

un kempt′

Evelyn Discovered Failure was imminent,* and Robert was bereft* of hope. It was now Friday. Despite his abstemious* and parsimonious* way of living, his money had been reduced to a mere pittance. A perverse* impulse brought him to the section where young people in strange clothing and with uncouth* manners made him recoil* in unmitigated* disgust. He had never been au courant with the "hippies" and "punks." He was always fastidious about proper dress and behavior. A moment later he saw her! Evelyn! She was sitting at a table in a coffee shop, surrounded by a coterie* of the most noisome individuals he had ever seen. Evelyn was not incongruous,* for she herself was unkempt. So this was her new habitat! At that instant Robert knew as an incontrovertible* fact that he had lost her. With a grimace,* he turned and walked, a doleful* and melancholy figure, toward the bus depot and home. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Styles are such transient* things that what is __________ today, is archaic* tomorrow. 2. The tip he had been offered was a mere __________, and the taxi driver threw it on the ground in disdain.* 3. Children think mothers are asinine* to get upset about __________ rooms. 4. It was inevitable* that they discover the hidden body by its __________ aroma. 5. He was so __________ about table manners that he lost his equanimity* when his son reached for the bread. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. pittance 7. au courant 8. fastidious 9. noisome 10. unkempt

____ a. untidy, neglected ____ b. foul, unwholesome ____ c. small amount ____ d. particular, choosy ____ e. up-to-date

Today's Idiom

lily-liveredcowardly The lily-livered gangster got cold feet* and spilled the beans.* Answers are on Page 316

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5th Day Review As an "old hand" at vocabulary-building by the context method, you realize that this is the most natural and effective way. However, you also know that there is work and self-discipline too. You should carry these fine qualities right through life. The words you learn are valuable, the method is equally so.

Review Words ____ 1. antiquated ____ 2. asinine ____ 3. au courant ____ 4. calumny ____ 5. commodious ____ 6. cumbersome ____ 7. disheveled ____ 8. divulge ____ 9. façade ____ 10. fastidious ____ 11. fluctuate ____ 12. grimace ____ 13. interrogate ____ 14. noisome ____ 15. pittance ____ 16. site ____ 17. tenacious ____ 18. unkempt ____ 19. unmitigated ____ 20. vigil

Definitions a. stubborn, tough b. slander, false accusation c. small amount d. neglected, untidy e. location f. reveal, disclose g. alternate, shift h. disorderly clothing or hair i. superficial appearance, front j. facial expression of disgust k. up-to-date l. unwholesome, foul m. wakeful watching n. question o. as bad as can be, unrelieved p. out-of-date, obsolete q. stupid, silly r. choosy, particular s. burdensome, unwieldy t. spacious, large

Idioms ____ 21. brass tacks ____ 22. hook, line, and sinker ____ 23. lily-livered ____ 24. to take a leaf out of someone's book u. cowardly v. completely, all the way w. to imitate or follow the example x. the real problem or situation

The answers can be found on page 316. The method of study and learning requires quick review and reuse of difficult words. Start now!

Words forn Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 34 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Women in the Ring What sport requires the timing of tennis, the energy of aerobics, the stamina of cross-country running, and the physical contact of football? The answer is: boxing. And now that seemingly male spectacle is attracting women. What was once viewed as __________ brutality has been transformed in gymnasiums across the country into the latest form of workout, weight reduction, and energy stimulator. To suggest that women should not expose themselves to the sharp jabs and powerful uppercuts of boxing because they are the "weaker" sex is jumping rope, women can be as __________ . Properly trained by experts, in good shape from punching bags and __________ in the ring as men.

With women jockeys, race car drivers, hockey goalies, and basketball players, it would require a man with __________ prejudice, if not sheer ignorance, to argue that boxing is solely a man's sport. Anyone who is __________ with the status of liberated women need not be surprised by their entry into the ring. Clues 2nd Day 3rd Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 316

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35th Week 1st Day

New Words parable whimsical lampoon countenance sanctimonious

lam pün′

A Modern Aesop The telling of a story in simple terms that has an inherently* important message is a venerable* art form. The parable may be found teaching a moral lesson in the Bible. Aesop is an incontrovertible* master of the fable. This story form is far from antiquated* as shown by the whimsical approach to life taken by the modern Aesop, James Thurber. His stories lampoon the strange behavior of his fellow men. Thurber seems unable to countenance the ideas that permeate* our society regarding the rules by which we should live. Least of all is he able to accept the sanctimonious notion that some people promulgate* that good always wins out against evil. Thurber's stories often take an exactly opposite didactic* point of view. Sample Sentences Note that some words do not have a one word definition. Frequently, several words, or an entire sentence, is required. 1. Jonathan Swift was never reticent* to __________ the egotist* in order to bring him down with alacrity.* 2. What one person finds __________, the other may find asinine.* 3. The expression, ''Sour grapes,*" is the gist* of a famous __________ about a fox who couldn't get what he wanted. 4. We should eschew* our __________ façade;* away with pretext!* 5. If we want to live in a salubrious* milieu,* we can not __________ the noisome* fumes that are deleterious* to health. Definitions Note the distinction between countenance as a noun and as a verb.

6. parable 7. whimsical 8. lampoon (v.) 9. countenance (v.) 10. sanctimonious

____ a. humorous, witty ____ b. hypocritically religious ____ c. tolerate,* approve ____ d. a moralistic story ____ e. ridicule

Today's Idiom to pull up stakesto quit a place He could no longer rule the roost* or get the lion's share,* so he pulled up stakes and moved on.

Answers are on Page 316

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2nd Day

New Words equanimity effrontery nonentity flabbergasted debacle

Modernizing a Parable* Thurber punctures in an incisive* way the platitudes* that come from stories handed down through the generations. These old saws are accepted by everyone. One such tale is about a tortoise who had read in an ancient book that a tortoise had beaten a hare in a race. The sage* old tortoise construed* this story to mean that he could outrun a hare. With equanimity he hunted for a hare and soon found one. "Do you have the effrontery to challenge me?" asked the incredulous* hare. "You are a nonentity," he scoffed* at the tortoise. A course of fifty feet was set out. The other animals gathered around the site*. At the sound of the gun they were off. When the hare crossed the finish line, the flabbergasted tortoise had gone approximately eight and three-quarter inches. The moral Thurber draws from this debacle for the tortoise: A new broom may sweep clean, but never trust an old saw. Which of the five "new words" have you seen before? Answer with equanimity. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He was a precocious* youngster, but he soon reached the nadir* of his career, lost all of his prestige*, and became a __________. 2. Do you have the __________ to take that supercilious* and facetious* attitude toward something as sinister* as this? 3. These turbulent* times require a leader who does not go into a capricious* pique,* but rather one who faces acrimonious* criticism with __________. 4. When the judge exonerated* the charlatan,* we were all __________. 5. The fortuitous* appearance of a relief column permitted an adroit* escape from the imminent* __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. equanimity 7. effrontery 8. nonentity 9. flabbergasted 10. debacle

____ a. calmness, self-control ____ b. astounded ____ c. boldness ____ d. ruin, collapse ____ e. one of no importance

Today's Idiom to raise Cainto cause trouble, make a fuss When he found he was left holding the bag,* he decided to raise Cain. Answers are on Page 316

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3rd Day

New Words vivacious gaunt mien hirsute refute


ri fyüt′

Things Have Changed Thurber modernizes an old story that everyone has read or heard. It has to do with a nefarious* wolf who kept a vigil* in an ominous* forest until a little girl came along carrying a basket of food for her grandmother. With alacrity,* this vivacious youngster told the wolf the address to which she was going. Hungry and gaunt the wolf rushed to the house. When the girl arrived and entered, she saw someone in bed wearing a nightcap and a nightgown. While the figure was dressed like her grandmother, the little girl surmised* with only a perfunctory* glance that it didn't have the old lady's mien. She approached and became cognizant* of the hirsute face of the wolf. She drew a revolver from her purse and shot the interloper* dead. Thurber arrives at a moral for this story that anyone would find difficult to refute: It is not so easy to fool little girls nowadays as it used to be. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. She had a __________ of humility,* but it was only a façade.* 2. He did not waste time trying to __________ an irrelevant* and tortuous* argument. 3. You may have discerned* that it is no longer the latest vogue* among boys to permit their faces to become __________. 4. They were struck by the anomaly* of one twin who was phlegmatic* while the other was __________. 5. Women strive for the slender and au courant* __________ look. Definitions Match the new words with their definition.

6. vivacious 7. gaunt 8. mien 9. hirsute 10. refute

____ a. thin, haggard ____ b. lively, gay ____ c. hairy ____ d. appearance, bearing ____ e. prove wrong or false

Today's Idiom to leave no stone unturnedto try one's best, to make every effort Since you're from Missouri,* I'll leave no stone unturned to convince you. Answers are on Page 316

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4th Day

New Words pensive whet stupor wince cliché

pen′ siv



Another Surprise Thurber's stories are written in a jocose* manner, but they contain enough serious matter to make one pensive. He tells of some builders who left a pane of glass standing upright in a field near a house they were constructing. A goldfinch flew across the field, struck the glass and was knocked inert.* He rushed back and divulged* to his friends that the air had crystallized. The other birds derided* him, said he had become irrational,* and gave a number of reasons for the accident. The only bird who believed the goldfinch was the swallow. The goldfinch challenged the large birds to follow the same path he had flown. This challenge served to whet their interest, and they agreed with gusto.* Only the swallow abjured.* The large birds flew together and struck the glass; they were knocked into a stupor. This caused the astute* swallow to wince with pain. Thurber drew a moral that is the antithesis* of the cliché we all accept: He who hesitates is sometimes saved. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He was in such a __________ as a result of the accident that this precluded* his hearing my condolence.* 2. If you juxtapose* one __________ with another, you often get completely opposite lessons about life. 3. The hostile* rebuke* made the usually phlegmatic* boy __________. 4. You cannot __________ his desire for the theater with dubious* histrionics.* 5. The fervid* marriage proposal made the shy girl __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. pensive 7. whet 8. stupor 9. wince 10. cliché

____ a. thoughtful, reflective ____ b. stimulate, stir up ____ c. a commonplace phrase ____ d. draw back, flinch ____ e. daze, insensible condition

Today's Idiom tongue in one's cheeknot to be sincere John's father surely had his tongue in his cheek when he told his son to go sow wild oats* and to kick over the traces* at his kindergarten party. Answers are on Page 316

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5th Day Review To strengthen your word power, keep adding words from all the sources you use during the day. The words learned while reading this book give you a firm basis. School texts, newspapers, magazines, etc., should all give you the opportunity to corroborate* the fact that your vocabulary is growing, and they should also be the source for new words.

Review Words ____ 1. cliché ____ 2. countenance ____ 3. debacle ____ 4. effrontery ____ 5. equanimity ____ 6. flabbergasted ____ 7. gaunt ____ 8. hirsute ____ 9. lampoon ____ 10. mien ____ 11. nonentity ____ 12. parable ____ 13. pensive ____ 14. refute ____ 15. sanctimonious ____ 16. stupor ____ 17. vivacious ____ 18. whet ____ 19. whimsical ____ 20. wince

Definitions a. astounded b. one of no importance c. witty, humorous d. ridicule e. hairy f. prove wrong, disprove g. flinch, draw back h. self-control i. collapse, ruin j. hypocritically religious k. a moralistic story l. gay, lively m. bearing, appearance n. stir up, stimulate o. boldness p. approve, tolerate* q. haggard, thin r. reflective, thoughtful s. a commonplace phrase t. insensible condition, daze

Idioms ____ 21. tongue in one's cheek ____ 22. to leave no stone unturned ____ 23. to pull up stakes ____ 24. to raise Cain u. make a fuss, cause trouble v. to make every effort, to try one's best w. not to be sincere x. to quit a place

Check your answers on page 316. Look back at the story to check the use of each word in its context. This will help fix it in your mind.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 3135) Continue to review these thirty words taken from the past five weeks of vocabulary learning. By this time you should be fully at ease with the use of synonym and antonym analogies. Write the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. ____ 1. WHIMSICAL:SERIOUS::FERVID: a. sick b. old c. lasting d. calm ____ 2. ATTENUATE:STRENGTHEN::PROPAGATE: a. expand b. confine c. broadcast d. worsen ____ 3. HIRSUTE:BALD::PENSIVE: a. thoughtless b. free c. occasional d. considerate ____ 4. LAMPOON:RIDICULE::REPROACH: a. destroy b. allow c. reappear d. reprimand ____ 5. OSTENSIBLE:ACTUAL::SPURIOUS: a. angry b. dedicated c. real d. intense ____ 6. CALUMNY:PRAISE::PITTANCE: a. worry b. plenty c. depth d. freedom ____ 7. DEBILITATE:STRENGTHEN::FOMENT: a. open b. walk away c. calm down d. respect ____ 8. DISCREET:CARELESS::IMPETUOUS: a. thoughtful b. sensitive c. troubling d. irate ____ 9. ANOMALY:RARITY::DEBACLE: a. argument b. danger c. ruin d. hardship ____10. ABJURE:PARTAKE::EVANESCE a. complete b. hide c. remain d. find ____11. AU COURANT:OUT-OF-DATE::TENACIOUS: a. easy going b. wasteful c. slow starting d. handicapped ____12. COMPLACENT:SATISFIED::DELETERIOUS: a. overwhelming b. tasteless c. harmful d. impossible ____13. DIVULGE:HIDE::CONDONE: a. finish b. criticize c. open d. weaken ____14. FACETIOUS:HUMOROUS::TRIVIAL: a. long standing b. well meaning c. customary d. unimportant ____15. SUCCINCT:BRIEF::GAUNT: a. old b. wise c. haggard d. related Answers are on Page 316

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Wordsearch 35 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Beam Me Up, Scotty In 1966 a television program appeared that quickly established itself as the most successful science fiction series, moved on to become six popular films, and continues in reruns to be seen somewhere in this country every night of the year. This original series, Star Trek, became so popular that there are huge fan clubs across the country and the stars of the original series are mobbed when they make personal appearances. What makes this form of science fiction so popular? Some may say that each story of the future is a showing us our own world through a presentation of other worlds. There are those who would analysis and argue that it is the odd characters, the __________

__________ this

__________ aliens, who attract us. We watch with

__________ as worlds battle, knowing it will turn out well in the end. After many years and many TV episodes and movies, "Star Trek" and its successors continue to __________ our appetite and bring excitement to our screens. As long as space remains an almost total mystery, the unexplained will capture our imaginations. Clues 1st Day 3rd Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 316

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36th Week 1st Day

New Words genre candid unsavory degrade venial

kan′ did

A Lady Novelist The nineteenth century saw the woman novelist attain the same prestige* as men. England was prolific* in producing women writers. One of the foremost in this genre was Charlotte Brontë. In Jane Eyre she presented a candid portrait of a woman caught up in a clandestine* affair with a married man. Miss Bronte's readers were engrossed* in this story. She took this unsavory subject and presented it in a way that did not degrade the relationship. She showed that true passion can be healthy. Miss Brontë did not disparage* Jane's feelings or besmirch* her character. The author was generous in her verdict. The affair was considered merely a venial sin because Jane was never false in her feelings or her actions. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Harry held the fallacious* belief that the menial* job would __________ him in the eyes of his friends. 2. Betty's childish fabrications* were judged __________ sins, although they mortified* her mother. 3. Modern abstract painting is a highly lucrative* __________. 4. It is reprehensible,* but it doesn't require much gossip to give a person a(n) __________ reputation. 5. In my __________ opinion he is a sanctimonious* fool. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. genre 7. candid 8. unsavory 9. degrade 10. venial

____ a. make contemptible, lower ____ b. disagreeable, offensive, morally bad ____ c. a certain form or style in painting or literature ____ d. pardonable, forgivable ____ e. frank, open, honest

Today's Idiom keep a stiff upper lipkeep up courage, stand up to trouble When he heard through the grapevine* that the fat was in the fire,* he knew he had to keep a stiff upper lip so as not to spill the beans.*

Answers are on Page 317

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2nd Day

New Words epitome dexterity grotesque compassion repugnant

Victor Hugo The epitome of French romantic writers in the nineteenth century was Victor Hugo. With the utmost dexterity he wrote poetry, novels, and drama. His highly popular novels, Notre Dame de Paris and Les Miserables, are replete* with melodramatic situations and grotesque characters. He had a profound* sense of social justice and a compassion for the poor, hapless,* and downtrodden. He could not work under the aegis* of Napoleon II and fled into exile. When the repugnant rule came to an end, the expatriate* returned from exile. He was received with adulation* and acclaim as the idol of the Third Republic. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He was made up in the most __________ way for his role as a man from outer space. 2. We all felt deep __________ for the innocent progeny,* who were bereft* of their parents who had succumbed* during the conflagration.* 3. The Taj Mahal in India is said to be the __________ of grace as an edifice.* 4. The sight of the corpse was __________ to the squeamish* onlookers. 5. With __________ he thwarted* the pugnacious* and belligerent* adversary.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. epitome 7. dexterity 8. grotesque 9. compassion 10. repugnant

____ a. strange, bizarre,* fantastic ____ b. person or thing that embodies or represents the best ____ c. distasteful, repulsive ____ d. sympathetic feeling, kindness ____ e. mental or physical skill

Today's Idiom to throw the book at someoneto give the maximum punishment The judge got his back up* and threw the book at the criminal. Answers are on Page 317

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3rd Day

New Words acme copious vehemently depict naive

di pikt′

An English Realist The movement toward realism in the English novel of the nineteenth century reached its acme with the works of Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray. Charles Dickens was a prolific* writer. Among his copious works are Oliver Twist, a candid* exposure of the repugnant* poor laws; Nicholas Nickleby, in which the life of boys in a boarding school is vehemently attacked; Hard Times, in which the author wanted to depict the infamous* life in a factory during an early period of the industrial revolution; The Pickwick Papers, about a naive gentleman who has numerous misadventures. The novels, aimed at exposing the sordid* and pernicious* elements of English life, were said to have helped galvanize* people into action leading to improvement in these conditions. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. At the __________ of his power, the dictator was obsessed* with the belief that those who dissented* were trying to usurp* his position. 2. As a perspicacious* newspaper reporter, he felt it incumbent* upon him to __________ the abortive* coup as a reprehensible* act. 3. The urbane* gentleman was flabbergasted* by the fervid* interest in wrestling shown by the __________ young girl. 4. She lost her decorum* and wept __________ tears at the poignant* story. 5. He objected __________ to a vote taking place in the absence of a quorum.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. acme 7. copious 8. vehemently 9. depict 10. naive

____ a. unworldly, unsophisticated ____ b. violently, eagerly, passionately ____ c. peak, pinnacle,* zenith* ____ d. ample, abundant, plentiful ____ e. describe clearly, picture, portray

Today's Idiom terra firmasolid, firm land The rough ocean crossing took the wind out of his sails*, and he was happy to be on terra firma again. Answers are on Page 317

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4th Day

New Words perfidious covet ingratiate penury ignominious

kuv′ it

A Scheming Heroine William Makepeace Thackeray was known for his moralistic study of upper and middle class English life. His best known work, Vanity Fair, has as its central character Becky Sharp. She is a perfidious woman who has an insatiable* desire to get ahead in the world. She covets the wealth of one man, but when marriage is not feasible* she succeeds in a plan to ingratiate herself into the heart of her employer's son. Their marriage is not a salubrious* one and Becky, who lives ostentatiously,* forms a surreptitious* liaison with another man. The affair culminates* in a debacle.* She is exposed, her husband leaves her, and she must live in penury in Europe. This is the ignominious end for a clever, but misguided woman. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Under the aegis* of a zealous* campaign manager, the candidate was able to __________ herself into the hearts of the public. 2. A favorite parable* has to do with teaching the lesson that one should not __________ that which belongs to someone else. 3. His fortune fluctuated* between __________ and wealth. 4. They made an effigy of their __________ enemy. 5. There was bedlam* as the favored team went down to __________ defeat at the hands of the underdog. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. perfidious 7. covet 8. ingratiate 9. penury 10. ignominious

____ a. treacherous, false ____ b. want, envy, wish ____ c. humiliating, disgraceful ____ d. poverty ____ e. win confidence, charm

Today's Idiom in seventh heaventhe highest happiness or delight The oldest child was in seventh heaven when her mother let her rule the roost* for a day. Answers are on Page 317

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5th Day Review Whether you read a classic novel or a modern one, the one thing they have in common is their use of a rather extensive vocabulary. Don't be handicapped in your readingincrease your vocabulary by constant study and review.

Review Words ____ 1. acme ____ 2. candid ____ 3. compassion ____ 4. copious ____ 5. covet ____ 6. degrade ____ 7. depict ____ 8. dexterity ____ 9. epitome ____ 10. genre ____ 11. grotesque ____ 12. ignominious ____ 13. ingratiate ____ 14. naïve ____ 15. penury ____ 16. perfidious ____ 17. repugnant ____ 18. unsavory ____ 19. vehemently ____ 20. venial

Definitions a. open, honest, frank b. kindness, sympathetic feeling c. zenith,* pinnacle,* peak d. wish, envy, want e. false, treacherous f. unsophisticated, unworldly g. fantastic, strange, bizarre* h. lower, make contemptible i. a certain form or style in painting or literature j. repulsive, distasteful k. plentiful, abundant, ample l. poverty m. portray, picture, describe clearly n. person or thing that represents the best o. morally bad, disagreeable, offensive p. physical or mental skill q. passionately, violently, eagerly r. charm, win confidence s. forgivable, pardonable t. disgraceful, humiliating

Idioms ____ 21. to throw the book at someone ____ 22. in seventh heaven ____ 23. terra firma ____ 24. keep a stiff upper lip u. keep up courage, stand up to trouble v. to give maximum punishment w. solid, firm land x. the highest happiness or delight

Check your answers on page 317. Review incorrect words.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Sensible Sentences? (From Weeks 3336) Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below. 1. We tried to (deter, divulge) him but he was determined to submit to open heart surgery. 2. The reporter lost his job when he labeled the senator's remarks as (unmitigated, asinine). 3. Freddie had the (effrontery, propensity) to ask Robin for a date after having criticized her appearance. 4. Ordinarily, Jonathan was especially neat, but he looked quite (disheveled, fastidious) at the end of our camping trip. 5. After hearing the bad news, the students left the auditorium with (venial, somber) faces. 6. My Uncle Robert, who is really conservative about his investments, made money on Wall Street by not being (impetuous, wary). 7. I knew I could confide in Caryl-Sue because she has a reputation for being (discreet, sanctimonious). 8. The traitor's (perfidious, pensive) action resulted in the loss of many lives. 9. Our water commissioner was (complacent, flabbergasted) to learn that his own lawn sprinkler had been turned on during the water emergency. 10. Sophie was accepted by our wide circle of friends because of her (vivacious, tenacious) personality. Answers are on Page 317

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Wordsearch 36 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. 14921992 We are all aware that 1992 was the year during which there were __________ reminders that it marked the 500th anniversary of Columbus' arrival in this part of the hemisphere. Along with the celebrations and historical reenactments, there was controversy regarding the lives of those who had been here for many centuries before that fateful event. __________ to believe that ''civilization" began on this Historical research shows that it would be extremely continent with Columbus' arrival. The Native American tribes had formed nations and had come together in an organization known as the Five Nations. They had regulations for governance that were the rule and that became the models on which our Constitution was partly based. It was to remove the 1992 as the year to Clues 3rd Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 4th Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 317 __________ of self-

__________ portrayal of the Native American as savage and wild that historians adopted __________ them in their true light as members of civilizations worthy of study and respect.

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37th Week 1st Day

New Words confront antipathy servile volition sojourn

A Man of Nature Henry Thoreau attempted to confront the problem and solve the enigma* of how one might earn a living and yet not become an ignominious* slave to the task. He viewed the industrial revolution with antipathy. Man in a servile role to extraneous* possessions was a main target of his writings. He believed that one could attain genuine wealth not by accumulating objects or money, but through enjoyment and perusal* of nature. By his own volition he gave up friends and comforts for a two year sojourn by himself at Walden Pond. What others might judge as penury,* was seen by Thoreau as the epitome* of wealth. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He found his __________ position a degrading* one and could not accept it with equanimity.* 2. The expatriate* decided to make his __________ in France a permanent one in order to give up his nomadic* way of life. 3. Why do we refuse to __________ the unsavory* problems of our times in a candid* and incisive* way? 4. He was a tenacious* competitor, and at his own __________ he placed his title in jeopardy* on many occasions. 5. Her __________ towards men was based on rather nebulous* events that she construed* to prove that they were all perfidious.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. confront 7. antipathy 8. servile 9. volition 10. sojourn (n.)

____ a. temporary stay ____ b. willpower, choice ____ c. dislike, distaste, hate ____ d. come face to face with ____ e. slavish, submissive

Today's Idiom to tighten one's beltto get set for bad times or poverty He knew he would have to draw in his horns* and tighten his belt or he would wind up on skid row*. Answers are on Page 317

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2nd Day

New Words austere felicitous halcyon tenable superfluous

ô stir′

The Good Life Thoreau's book about the austere but happy life at Walden Pond propagated* his fame around the world. He built a small hut and began living an ascetic* existence. He found it to be a felicitous experience. In this idyllic* setting he was able to spend his time reading, studying nature, writing, and thinking. Far from being indolent,* he kept busy in many ways. At the end of the experiment he recalled the halcyon days with pleasure. He believed he had learned the secret of the truly happy life. The only tenable way of life is one in harmony with nature; material possessions are superfluous. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. When he found his sinecure* was no longer __________, he felt it a propitious* time to resign. 2. Far from being ostentatious,* she was considered the acme* of fashion because of her __________ manner of dress. 3. Because he was an itinerant* worker, he had to disdain* carrying __________ equipment. 4. On that __________ occasion the amount of money he spent was irrelevant.* 5. During the turbulent* days of the war, they wished for the __________ days of earlier times. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. austere 7. felicitous 8. halcyon 9. tenable 10. superfluous

____ a. supportable, defendable ____ b. simple, unadorned, hard ____ c. peaceful, calm ____ d. happy ____ e. excessive, surplus

Today's Idiom off the beaten tracknot usual, out of the ordinary Because his ideas were always off the beaten track, he lived under a sword of Damocles* on his job. Answers are on Page 317

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3rd Day

New Words motivate rationalize therapy nascent iconoclast

nas′ nt

The Mind's Secrets The study of the human mind and behavior has had many prominent practitioners, but no one is more revered* than Sigmund Freud. An Austrian physician, he is said to be the father of psychoanalysis. He taught that man has a subconscious mind in which he keeps repugnant* memories that come to the surface surreptitiously* and motivate behavior. Man often tries to rationalize his actions, when, in reality, they are really the result of suppressed memories coming to the surface. Freud's approach to the disturbed person was to attempt therapy by examining the dreams that make cognizant* what the cause of the illness might be. Only with the airing of deleterious, buried emotions can the person move from the nascent stage to that of full health. Freud was considered an iconoclast in the field of psychology when his ideas first appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The __________ was in favor of jettisoning* one of the traditions that had become an intrinsic* part of his life. 2. In order to complete the __________, the doctor said a trip to a warm, dry climate was mandatory.* 3. Complacent* people are difficult to __________ to altruistic* actions. 4. It is pathetic* the way some citizens __________ their apathy* during election years. 5. His beard was in its __________ state; it would soon be a hirsute* masterpiece. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. motivate 7. rationalize 8. therapy 9. nascent 10. iconoclast

____ a. beginning to exist or develop ____ b. use or give a reason other than the real one ____ c. inspire, stimulate, provoke ____ d. image-breaker, attacker of beliefs ____ e. healing or curing process

Today's Idiom a square peg in a round holean able man in the wrong job It was a bitter pill to swallow* when they had to fire him because he was a square peg in a round hole. Answers are on Page 317

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4th Day

New Words erudite phobia germane vertigo conducive

Amateur Psychologists The ideas of Freudian psychology have become part of our everyday life. Our language is replete* with clichés* that have their origin in Freud's writings. There is a surfeit* of amateur psychologists who, with celerity,* analyze an individual's problems from the slightest evidence. Despite their dubious* education and training in this field, they discuss symptoms and cures on a most erudite fashion. Should a person express a fear of height, this phobia is examined; events from childhood are considered germane to the problem. Is it possible he or she was dropped as an infant? Perhaps something in a dream is pertinent* to explain the feelings of vertigo that accompany height. For some reason, non-trained people find the Freudian approach to the workings of the human mind most conducive to their practicing as amateur psychologists. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. She could not countenance* the sight of a lethal* weapon; it was tantamount* to a __________ with her. 2. The __________ man was more than merely bilingual;* he spoke five languages. 3. I would never have the temerity* to walk across the steel girders high up on a new building; an onset of __________ would surely follow. 4. The bedlam* in the study hall was not __________ to good work habits. 5. Epithets* are not __________ when motivating* a child to a task. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. erudite 7. phobia 8. germane 9. vertigo 10. conducive

____ a. very scholarly ____ b. dizziness ____ c. persistent fear, strong dislike ____ d. leading, helpful ____ e. appropriate, in close relationship to

Today's Idiom to upset the apple cartto overturn or disturb a plan or intention It was a bitter pill to swallow* when they upset the apple cart and elected a dark horse.* Answers are on Page 317

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5th Day Review The writings of Thoreau and Freud are replete* with ideas that require deep thought. In order to tackle their ideas, one must understand their vocabulary. Therefore, word mastery is the key to unlocking ideas of some of our greatest thinkers.

Review Words ____ 1. antipathy ____ 2. austere ____ 3. conducive ____ 4. confront ____ 5. erudite ____ 6. felicitous ____ 7. germane ____ 8. halcyon ____ 9. iconoclast ____ 10. motivate ____ 11. nascent ____ 12. phobia ____ 13. rationalize ____ 14. servile ____ 15. sojourn ____ 16. superfluous ____ 17. tenable ____ 18. therapy ____ 19. vertigo ____ 20. volition

Definitions a. choice, willpower b. supportable, defendable c. provoke, stimulate, inspire d. leading, helpful e. unadorned, simple, hard f. hate, distaste, dislike g. attacker of beliefs, image-breaker h. in close relationship to, appropriate i. calm, peaceful j. come face to face with k. curing or healing process l. very scholarly m. happy n. submissive, slavish o. beginning to develop or exist p. dizziness q. surplus, excessive r. temporary stay s. use or give a reason other than the real one t. strong dislike, persistent fear

Idioms ____ 21. to upset the apple cart ____ 22. to tighten one's belt ____ 23. off the beaten track ____ 24. a square peg in a round hole u. not usual, out of the ordinary v. an able man in the wrong job w. to get set for bad times or poverty x. to overturn or disturb a plan or intention

Check your answers on page 317.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 37 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Make My Ostrich Burger Well Done Just about 100 years ago, there arose an industry in the state of Arizona that seems very odd to us today. We know of cattle ranches and sheep ranches, but would you believe . . . ostrich ranches? This became popular as women found ostrich feathers a __________ business

__________ addition to their wardrobes.

Ostriches are easy to raise. They eat and drink less than cattle, and their eggs are large enough to feed ten people! During the __________ days of ostrich ranching, feathers were sold for as much as $300 a pound, so it is easy to see why that business was so attractive. However, women's fashions changed after World War I, and the market for ostrich plumes fell. Growers had to __________ a shrinking market. The price tumbled to about $10 for a bird. As ostrich feathers became __________ in the fashion world, ostrich ranching came to an end. Interestingly enough, ostrich ranchers may be coming back into vogue because nutritionists tell us that ostrich meat is low in cholesterol. We may not go wild over the feathers, but pass the lean meat, please. Hold the mayo, too. Clues 3rd Day 2nd Day 2nd Day 1st Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 317

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38th Week 1st Day

New Words glib homogenous malleable legerdemain trend



The Enigma* of Fashion Of all the pressures young people face, the most pernicious* is that of fashion. By this is meant the current vogue* in dress. The teenagers, who are so glib when they speak of "individuality," are turned into a homogeneous mass by the latest craze in fashion. How can youngsters who vehemently* resist advice from the older generation become so malleable in the hands of those who "make" fashion? Perhaps the sudden shifts in fashion occur fortuitously*. Or is there some group who, through legerdemain, switches styles and customs on us right before our eyes? Today's teenagers seem to be quite gullible* when it comes to embracing the latest trend in fashions. But then, they have their elders as sage* examples to follow. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The charlatan* was able to wheedle* money out of the naïve* audience with a __________ talk on the medicine that would expunge* pain. 2. They could not follow the __________ of his ideas, but his verbal dexterity* galvanized* the gullible* listeners. 3. They were engrossed* as an ill man was "cured" before their eyes; some of the more urbane* said it was __________. 4. He ingratiated* himself into their confidence, and the __________ crowd was shaped into a subjugated* mass. 5. While they started out as individuals, they became a __________ group whom he could motivate as he willed. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. glib 7. homogenous 8. malleable 9. legerdemain 10. trend

____ a. capable of being shaped or formed ____ b. sleight of hand, deceptive adroitness* ____ c. smooth of speech ____ d. same or uniform ____ e. general direction

Today's Idiom by hook or by crookany way at all, at any cost He had bought the white elephant* without rhyme or reason*; now he had to get rid of it by hook or by crook.

Answers are on Page 317

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2nd Day

New Words stagnant fatal passé procrastinate facet

fas′ it

The Economics of Fashion In dress, the fashion appears to be "set" by a few foreign designers and a handful of affluent* individuals who purchase these designs. The fashion industry is cognizant* of the fact that fashions must change rapidly and often or their economy would become stagnant. For this industry it would prove fatal if it were not vigilant* and prepared well in advance for a new fashion trend.* As the old fashion becomes passé and a new fashion seems to be in the making, the garment manufacturers cannot afford to procrastinate. They rush large sums of money into production for a mass market. Having invested heavily, the manufacturers do everything possible to influence and motivate* the purchasers. Through every facet of publicity and advertising the industry exploits* the natural desire for people to be au courant* with the latest fashions. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. To the consternation* of the distraught* parents they learned their son was accused of using the lethal* weapon on that __________ occasion. 2. We wish for halcyon* days when the warlike solutions will have become __________. 3. Edna recalled with nostalgia* many __________ of her school days. 4. We all tend to __________ when faced with an unsavory* task. 5. The iconoclast* has the propensity* for reproaching* those who feel complacent* with leading a __________ existence. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. stagnant 7. fatal 8. passé 9. procrastinate 10. facet

____ a. delay, put off ____ b. motionless, dull, inactive ____ c. deadly, disastrous ____ d. one side or view of person or situation ____ e. outmoded, old-fashioned

Today's Idiom to get up on the wrong side of the bedto be in a bad mood When his mother raised Cain* about his slovenly* room, he accused her of getting up on the wrong side of the bed. Answers are on Page 317

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3rd Day

New Words foist stigmatize capitulate audacity tantalize


What Next? Once the fashion industry has been able to foist a new style on the teenager, the older generation tends to stigmatize it as some form of rebellion. What is often ignored is that the young consumers capitulate to what is originated* by someone outside of their group. The feelings of individuality and audacity that the teenager gets from a new style of dress result from the propensity* of their elders to disparage* them. The actual situation is that the clothing fashions soon become accepted by all; there is nothing upsetting or revolutionary about them. While people are becoming complacent* about the "new," the clothing industry is busy planning how to tantalize the teenager with next year's "fashion." This arbitrary* decision is guaranteed to foment* consternation* among adults once again in the following year. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Despite tenacious* resistance, they were ousted* from the strongpoint and had to __________ to the enemy. 2. It was an asinine* thing to doto __________ his opponent as a bigot* and thus exacerbate* an already bitter campaign. 3. It is common to hear people disparage* those who paint in the modern genre*; they speak about the __________ of the artist who submits a high white canvas with a black border as a serious work. 4. They are dubious* of such an artist and accuse him of trying to __________ as a work of art a rudimentary* exercise. 5. It is reprehensible* to __________ a young child with the promise of a reward for being good when you have no intention of giving it. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. foist 7. stigmatize 8. capitulate 9. audacity 10. tantalize

____ a. surrender, make terms ____ b. to mark with a disgrace ____ c. boldness, daring ____ d. pass off slyly, pass as genuine ____ e. tease or torment by offering something good, but not deliver

Today's Idiom castles in the aira dream about some wonderful future People on Skid Row* often build castles in the air. Answers are on Page 317

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4th Day

New Words retort reticent tacit chicanery docile

ri tôrt′

tas′ it

Something for Everyone To the derogatory* comments from the older generation the teenagers might retort that new fashions and styles are adopted by the elders with alacrity.* Though they complain, women emulate* their daughters by shortening or lengthening their hems. They may appear reticent about the bother and expense of altering their wardrobe, but they give tacit approval to the change by rushing to the department stores where they jostle* each other to buy copies of the more expensive dresses. The conclusion one might reach after observing how women countenance* the arbitrary* changes year after year is that they are naïve* or victims of some chicanery practiced by the clothing industry. Women may appear hapless* before the intimidation* of ''style," but the real truth may lie in the fact that they are so docile because they secretly enjoy the yearly excitement around the latest fashions. There's another familiar word reintroduced today. Did you recognize reticent? Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The reporter divulged* the blatant __________ involved in the awarding of the contract. 2. Even the most __________ person may become fractious* when he gets only a pittance* for his hard labor. 3. His egregious* behavior brought a __________ reproach to his mother's eyes. 4. Most politicians are __________ when asked to divulge* their ambitions. 5. He refused to __________ to the rash* question about his propensity* for imbibing.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. retort (v.) 7. reticent 8. tacit 9. chicanery 10. docile

____ a. understood, implied, not stated ____ b. easy to manage ____ c. to answer, reply ____ d. silent or reserved ____ e. trickery, underhandedness

Today's Idiom to maintain the status quoto keep things as they are You hit the nail on the head* when you said we ought to maintain the status quo and not change horses in midstream.* Answers are on Page 317

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5th Day Review No matter what the fashion in dress, the fashion in education is an extensive vocabulary. Keep up with the fashion; build your vocabulary wardrobe.

Review Words ____ 1. audacity ____ 2. capitulate ____ 3. chicanery ____ 4. docile ____ 5. facet ____ 6. fatal ____ 7. foist ____ 8. glib ____ 9. homogeneous ____ 10. legerdemain ____ 11. malleable ____ 12. passé ____ 13. procrastinate ____ 14. reticent ____ 15. retort ____ 16. stagnant ____ 17. stigmatize ____ 18. tacit ____ 19. tantalize ____ 20. trend

Definitions a. reserved, silent b. pass as genuine, pass off slyly c. disastrous, deadly d. smooth of speech e. one side or view of person or situation f. daring, boldness g. reply, answer h. uniform, same i. capable of being formed or shaped j. put off, delay k. make terms, surrender l. underhandedness, trickery m. not stated, understood, implied n. to mark with a disgrace o. inactive, dull, motionless p. general direction q. old-fashioned, outmoded r. easy to manage s. deceptive adroitness,* sleight of hand

t. tease or torment by offering something good, but fail to deliver

Idioms ____ 21. castles in the air ____ 22. to get up on the wrong side of the bed ____ 23. by hook or by crook ____ 24. to maintain the status quo u. to be in a bad mood v. a dream about a wonderful future w. at any cost, any way at all x. to keep things as they are

Answers on page 317. Take that extra few minutes now to master the few words you made errors with.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 38 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. TV-The Octopus Is there anyone you know who can remember a time when there was no television? Perhaps a grandparent, but no one much younger is able to do so. At the beginning, only a handful of stations existed. Early programs imitated each other and tended to be was available. The developing as well as entertainment. The TV industry, never __________ . Some time later, there was the cable TV expansion and greater variety __________ was for ever-larger numbers of programs dealing with information

__________ when it comes to expanding viewer interests, brought even more channels

to the air, broadcasting 24 hours every day of the week. The objective was to __________ special groups with programs directed to special tastes and interests. Soon channels devoted to games, to how to fix or make things, to __________ of a viewer's interest romance dramas, to cartoons, etc., sprang into existence. It appears that every is being addressed. As more and more channels come on the air, as the result of new technology, the variety is expanding beyond anything imagined by those who can recall the beginnings of this magical medium. Clues 1st Day 1st Day 4th Day 3rd Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 317

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39th Week 1st Day

New Words saga belated decrepit imperturbable vacillate

sä′ ga

di krep′ it

Rule, Brittania An unforgettable saga of World War II has to do with the small French coastal town of Dunkirk. There, in 1940, thousands of British troops made a belated escape from the awesome* power of the German army and air force. They were removed by an array* of private boats, from huge yachts to decrepit fishing boats. At their own volition,* the skippers came close to the shore, while German planes bombed implacably.* They remained imperturbable under heavy fire. When their vessels were loaded, they dashed back to England. Once unloaded, they did not vacillate, but returned with equanimity* to their vigil* in the danger zone. The British proved once again that they are paragons* of comradeship in times of jeopardy.* Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The __________ of a lone man confronting* the turbulent* oceans in a small boat is an exploit* we find laudable.* 2. The speaker remained __________ while his audience shouted caustic* comments about his mendacious* activities. 3. The ingrate* refused to accept Cindy's __________ gift. 4. When released from incarceration,* he was gaunt* and __________. 5. We are all familiar with the cliché* that he who __________ is lost. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. saga 7. belated 8. decrepit 9. imperturbable 10. vacillate

____ a. hesitate, fluctuate ____ b. heroic story ____ c. broken down, worn out ____ d. late, delayed ____ e. calm, steady, serene

Today's Idiom

a sacred cowa person or thing that cannot be criticized (From India, where cows may not be harmed because of religious rules) I decided to throw down the gauntlet* by exposing the boss's son who had been ruling the roost* as the sacred cow of the business. Answers are on Page 318

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2nd Day

New Words staunch opprobrium Machiavellian unconscionable pandemonium


The Good Guys vs. The Bad Guys The international adventure stories prevalent* on television follow meticulously* a plot that is inexorable* in its development. Those on the side of law and justice face perfidious* men and organizations. These are anathema* to those values the staunch heroes would defend. These infamous* men have no capacity for compassion,* and they treat the lovely women with opprobrium. The intrepid* heroes are placed in deleterious* situations as a result of the Machiavellian maneuvers of their opponents. One unconscionable act of duplicity* follows another until the total destruction of the "good guys" seems at hand. At the last moment, usually amidst the pandemonium of a battle, the cause for which the heroes strive triumphs. However, evil is ubiquitous,* and next week another fracas* will erupt. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The coach heaped __________ upon the fledgling* ball player. 2. We are ready to rationalize* __________ activities on the part of our side if they are to the detriment* of our adversary.* 3. It was __________ to Abraham Lincoln to keep a book he had borrowed without making tenacious* efforts to return it. 4. There was __________ as the presidential nominee entered the convention site.* 5. She is such a __________ friend, my reprehensible* actions do not cause a schism* between us. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. staunch 7. opprobrium 8. Machiavellian 9. unconscionable 10. pandemonium

____ a. scorn, insult ____ b. strong, trusty, firm ____ c. without conscience, unreasonable ____ d. governed by opportunity, not principled ____ e. disorder, uproar

Today's Idiom through thick and thinin spite of all sorts of difficulties He decided to stick with his fairweather friends* through thick and thin. Answers are on Page 318

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3rd Day

New Words flay demeanor delineation vindicate heinous

A Famous Mutiny One of the most repugnant* names in popular legend is that of Captain William Bligh. He was the captain of the H.M.S. Bounty in 1789, and the mutiny that erupted* aboard that ship was the basis for a film in which Charles Laughton portrayed Bligh as an awesome* bully and an unmitigated* villain. He would flay both the body and the spirit of anyone who crossed him. The crew developed such an aversion* to Bligh's mortifying actions and demeanor that, led by Fletcher Christian, they set the captain and 17 shipmates off in a lifeboat in the South Pacific. The ship continued to the Pitcairn Islands where the crew remained to live with the islanders. Laughton's delineation of Bligh remains as the image we have of him. Only recently has any attempt been made to vindicate Captain Bligh and to remove the heinous reputation that permeates* history. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The mayor tried to __________ his actions that had been called capricious* and irrational* by critics. 2. He castigated* his opponents and went to great lengths to __________ them with accusations of megalomania.* 3. His __________ was atypical*; usually phlegmatic*, he was belligerent* and garrulous* during the broadcast. 4. "The most __________ thing I have done," he said in a stentorian* voice, "is eradicate* the untruth that my party is not compatible* with progress." 5. Then he gave an incisive* __________ of his fulsome* opponents as an antiquated* group, complacent* about the noisome* conditions in a moribund* city. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. flay 7. demeanor 8. delineation 9. vindicate 10. heinous

____ a. hatefully evil ____ b. absolve, justify ____ c. sketch, description in words ____ d. conduct, bearing ____ e. strip off skin, scold harshly

Today's Idiom to take by stormto make a fast impression The new opera star took the critics by storm and carried the day.* Answers are on Page 318

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4th Day

New Words turpitude infraction callous redress vituperation

ri dres′

Fair Play! Recently, there has been an attempt to improve Captain Bligh's tainted* image. Historians maintain that there was no turpitude in Bligh's actions aboard the H.M.S. Bounty. Perhaps he was imprudent* in failing to keep his temper under control. While an infraction aboard ship was quickly criticized, Bligh never carried out those callous actions the movie dramatized in order to depict* an evil man, say his defenders. After the mutiny, Captain Bligh astutely* navigated the lifeboat with the other 17 men for over 3,000 miles to safety. This prodigious* feat alone, say those who would restore Bligh's good name, should be enough to allow for a full redress of the wrongs that have been blamed on him for over 150 years. While the coterie* defending Captain Bligh do not ask the public to praise him, they do request a more benevolent* attitude toward this traditionally* reprehensible* figure, and an end to the vituperation heaped upon him for these many years. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. We do not condone* or tolerate* an __________ of even the most trivial kind. 2. It takes a __________ person to watch with equanimity* as a gullible,* naive* girl falls for the line of a loathsome* boy. 3. How easy it is to heap __________ upon someone at the nadir* of his career. 4. There seems to be no way to __________ a grievance against at omnipotent* ruler. 5. From any facet* of his life, the acme* of moral __________ was reached by Adolph Hitler. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. turpitude 7. infraction 8. callous 9. redress 10. vituperation

____ a. unfeeling ____ b. vileness, evil wickedness ____ c. to right a wrong, remedy ____ d. violation ____ e. blame, abuse

Today's Idiom to be in fine fettleto be in high spirits, or feeling well He did a lot of woolgathering* and was in fine fettle during the whole of the Indian summer.* Answers are on Page 318

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5th Day Review Our British cousins have a vocabulary that differs from ours in many ways. Isn't it fortunate that we have to be responsible for the American version of this language only?

Review Words ____ 1. belated ____ 2. callous ____ 3. decrepit ____ 4. delineation ____ 5. demeanor ____ 6. flay ____ 7. heinous ____ 8. imperturbable ____ 9. infraction ____ 10. Machiavellian ____ 11. opprobrium ____ 12. pandemonium ____ 13. redress ____ 14. saga ____ 15. staunch ____ 16. turpitude ____ 17. unconscionable ____ 18. vacillate

Definitions a. description in words, sketch b. firm, trusty, strong c. fluctuate, hesitate d. violation e. abuse, blame f. serene, steady, calm g. uproar, disorder h. hatefully evil i. scold harshly, strip off the skin j. bearing, conduct k. not principled, governed by opportunity l. heroic story m. delayed, late n. unfeeling o. evil, wickedness, vileness p. worn out, broken down q. unreasonable, without conscience r. to right a wrong

____ 19. vindicate ____ 20. vituperation

s. justify, absolve t. insult, scorn

Idioms ____ 21. through thick and thin ____ 22. to take by storm ____ 23. a sacred cow ____ 24. to be in fine fettle u. to make a fast impression v. in spite of all sorts of difficulties w. to be in high spirits, feeling well x. a person who cannot be criticized

The answers can be found on page 318.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 39 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Psst . . . Need World Series Tickets? Think about this for a moment. Is there anything wrong in buying something for one dollar and reselling it for two dollars? Naturally, you would be correct if you saw nothing amiss with this transaction; it's the way a capitalist economy works. But, if you bought a ticket to a rock concert or baseball game for ten dollars and sold it for twenty, you would be committing an __________ of the law. You might ask, "What's so __________ about this?" The answer is that you would be guilty of the practice known as "scalping." Does an individual who offers a scarce ticket at a price above the original price deserve the __________ connected with the word ''scalping"?

These hard-working and risk-taking individuals see themselves as go-betweens in a world where people are willing to spend additional money for a popular event. However, law enforcement officials remain __________ in the

__________ believers in punishing face of all reason as they arrest and fine these enterprising salesmen. Those law-breakers find nothing wrong with trying to halt the scalping of tickets. For others, it is a way of doing business that they claim hurts no one and is in keeping with a profit-driven economy. Clues 4th Day 3rd Day 2nd Day 1st Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 318

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40th Week 1st Day

New Words rhetoric clique extol mentor facile

A Political Show There are few forms of entertainment more enjoyable than watching a glib* politician run for office. Most politicians have prepared speeches dealing with the prevalent* topics of the day. They can maintain a fervid* flow of rhetoric for hours at a time. In each locality where he is to appear, the advance work is prepared by a clique of trustworthy aides. In preparation for the show, they have dispersed* leaflets, put up posters, and sent out cars and trucks with loudspeakers to extol the erudite* qualities of their candidate. Soon, the crowd gathers. Loyal party workers come forward to shake the hand of their mentor. Now, with the facile solutions to complex problems carefully memorized, the show is ready to begin. One moment facetious,* the next moment profound,* the candidate works to convince the incredulous* among the voters. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. It is not long before a young star has a __________ around him who sporadically* get their names into the newspapers. 2. At a time that requires tangible* proposals, all he offers is unconscionable* __________. 3. The detective interrogated* the adamant* prisoner in such a __________ way that he confessed after giving incontrovertible* evidence. 4. Youngsters scoff* when their elders __________ the halcyon* days of long ago. 5. Amidst the adulation* of the throng,* the film star, in all humility,* credited her __________ as the one most responsible. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. rhetoric 7. clique 8. extol 9. mentor 10. facile

____ a. counselor, coach, tutor ____ b. use (sometimes exaggerated) of language ____ c. easily accomplished or attained ____ d. praise highly ____ e. small, exclusive group of people

Today's Idiom to live in a fool's paradiseto be happy without a real basis He lived in a fool's paradise while he sowed wild oats*, but he soon had to pay the piper.*

Answers are on Page 318

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2nd Day

New Words cant umbrage magnanimous vilify elucidate


um′ brij

Getting a Good Look The television press interview is conducive* to close scrutiny* of a candidate. His public speeches may contain many cant phrases, but a sharp question by an astute* reporter can destroy a cliché* filled statement. The politician now will procrastinate* in his answer; a new facet* of his personality may be revealed by his demeanor.* Perhaps he will take umbrage at a suggestion that he favors the affluent.* His record is searched for evidence that he has been equally magnanimous to the indigent.* He accuses the reporter of attempting to vilify him. Is he being accused of turpitude* in office? It is time to discreetly* go on to another topic. The candidate wishes to extol* the virtues of his program and record. The press wants to allude* to things that keep him in the midst of controversy. They insist that he elucidate positions that the politician would rather leave in a nebulous* state. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. We feel so sanctimonious* when we __________ the character of a felon*. 2. The diplomat was astute* enough to see through the __________ of the Machiavellian* ambassador. 3. A somber* examination of those indigent* families, bereft* of hope, sunken in apathy,* should motivate* us to be more __________ in our attempts to improve their lot. 4. I was flabbergasted* when he took __________ at my whimsical* remarks. 5. The judge ordered the censor to __________ his reasons for removing passages from the book in such a capricious* manner. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. cant 7. umbrage 8. magnanimous 9. vilify 10. elucidate

____ a. insincere or almost meaningless talk ____ b. to make clear ____ c. resentment, offense ____ d. malign,* slander ____ e. generous, noble

Today's Idiom the sum and substancethe heart or substantial part The sum and substance of our pyrrhic victory* was that our hopes for a stable future had gone up in smoke.* Answers are on Page 318

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3rd Day

New Words vapid unwieldy proximity lassitude vitiate

vap′ id

Seeing Is Learning While we are all cognizant* of the importance of words to create certain impressions, gesture is relegated* to a much lesser role. Gestures are an important concomitant* to even the most vapid speech, enhancing it and giving the hearer something to look at while he listens. The value of seeing at the same time as listening was shown when a class at a university, unwieldy because of its large size, was split up. One group was put into a room in close proximity to good loudspeakers. Every nuance* of the lecturer's voice could be heard clearly. Because they had no person on whom to place their attention, they soon took on the appearance of extreme lassitude; most students became lethargic* and rested their heads on their desks. The separation of visual and aural communication tended to vitiate the learning process. The listening group received grades lower than those received by those who could look at as well as hear the instructor. Once more your keen eye and memory were being tested. Did you recognize lassitude as being from an earlier lesson? Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. As the scion* of an affluent* family, he was often in __________ to opulence.* 2. After playing with his progeny* in the enervating* sun, he staggered back to his room where he was overcome with __________. 3. As a concomitant* to his belligerent* and vituperative* antipathy* toward his government, he became an expatriate,* but he found it a __________ life. 4. Kyra was so disgruntled* about having to move the __________ piano, she procrastinated* for days. 5. The irrelevant* evidence seemed to __________ the prosecutor's case and precluded* a conviction. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. vapid 7. unwieldy 8. proximity 9. lassitude 10. vitiate

____ a. bulky, difficult to handle ____ b. destroy the use or value ____ c. uninteresting, dull ____ d. nearness ____ e. weariness, weakness

Today's Idiom on pins and needlesto be on edge, jumpy He was on pins and needles while he cooled his heels* in the principal's office. Answers are on Page 318

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4th Day

New Words augment fatuous contort repertoire imperceptible

ôg ment′

The Hammy Old Days Actors depend upon their ability to gesticulate* almost as much as upon speech to obtain their desired histrionic* effects. With them, gesture serves much more than merely to augment speech. When their communication is by gesture alone, it is called pantomime. In the early silent motion picture period, gestures were flamboyant.* To show that he was distraught* about the danger in which the heroine had been placed, the hero would go through the most fatuous actions. He would stagger, beat his breast, tear his hair, and contort his face into the most doleful* appearance. There weren't many simple or restrained gestures in his repertoire. The heroine, to indicate her love, would fling her arms wide and ardently* jump into her sweetheart's arms. It was only much later that actors became skilled enough to communicate with the audience through discreet* gestures and almost imperceptible changes in facial expression that could transmit nuances* of emotion. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The new employee wanted to gain favor with his boss, and his obsequious* desires led to the most __________ behavior. 2. Her virtuosity* was demonstrated by the works she performed from her __________. 3. He had always appeared virile,* so that the __________ decline toward senility* went unnoticed until he succumbed* and began to use a cane. 4. The paroxysm* of coughing served to __________ her body until she could gain a respite.* 5. The parsimonious* octogenarian* sought to __________ his wealth by removing it from its cache* and placing it in a bank. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. augment 7. fatuous 8. contort 9. repertoire 10. imperceptible

____ a. extremely slight or gradual ____ b. enlarge, increase ____ c. foolish, silly, inane* ____ d. twist violently ____ e. works that an artist is ready to perform

Today's Idiom to have at one's fingertipsto have thorough knowledge, to have ready He had at his fingertips an extensive repertoire.* Answers are on Page 318

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5th Day Review If there's one thing a politician must know how to do, it is to use words effectively. He must weigh carefully each and every utterance. He must also select the proper word for the audience he is addressing. You may never run for office, but it would be comforting to know you were ready for itvocabulary-wise!

Review Words ____ 1. augment ____ 2. cant ____ 3. clique ____ 4. contort ____ 5. elucidate ____ 6. extol ____ 7. facile ____ 8. fatuous ____ 9. imperceptible ____ 10. lassitude ____ 11. magnanimous ____ 12. mentor ____ 13. proximity ____ 14. repertoire ____ 15. rhetoric ____ 16. umbrage ____ 17. unwieldy ____ 18. vapid ____ 19. vilify ____ 20. vitiate

Definitions a. twist violently b. increase, enlarge c. nearness d. destroy the use or value e. praise highly f. use (sometimes exaggerated) of language g. to make clear h. slander, malign* i. difficult to handle, bulky j. works that an artist is ready to perform k. tutor, counselor, coach l. noble, generous m. insincere or almost meaningless talk n. small, exclusive group of people o. extremely slight or gradual p. dull, uninteresting q. weakness, weariness r. inane,* foolish, silly s. easily accomplished or attained t. offense, resentment

Idioms ____ 21. to live in a fool's paradise ____ 22. the sum and substance ____ 23. on pins and needles ____ 24. to have at one's fingertips u. the heart or substantial part v. to be on edge, jumpy w. to have ready, to have a thorough knowledge x. to be happy without a real basis

Check your answers on page 318. Get to work learning the words that gave you trouble.

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Hapless Headlines (From Weeks 3640) From the list of vocabulary words below choose the best ones to complete each of the newspaper headlines. a. Therapy b. Facile c. Fatal d. Decrepit e. Confront f. Retort g. Vehemently h. Tacit i. Legerdemain j. Vapid k. Phobia l. Clique m. Fatuous n. Repertoire o. Motivate p. Capitulate q. Glib r. Lassitude s. Mentor t. Vertigo 1. U.S. Diplomats __________ Chinese over Alleged A-bomb Tests 2. Psychologist Claims Success in Treating Flying __________ 3. Rebels __________, Throw Down Arms 4. Auto Accident Proves __________ to Family 5. __________ Salesman Arrested in Con Game 6. Witness __________ Denies Allegation

7. Pentagon Asks for Funds to Replace "__________" Aircraft 8. New Company Director Praises Former __________ 9. La Bohème is Mainstay of Opera Star's __________ 10. Speech __________ Urged After Stroke Answers are on Page 318

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 3640) When selecting your answer from among several in a multiple choice review or test, always seek the word that is nearest or most appropriate. In most cases the four choices offered will include one or two that are close in meaning. Your knowledge and command of the words will permit you to ignore the "distracters." Select the one answer that best completes the analogy and write the corresponding letter in the space provided. ____ 1. TURPITUDE:BLAME::OPPROBRIUM: a. wisdom b. insult c. approval d. loss ____ 2. EXTOL:CRITICIZE::COVET: a. ignore b. desire c. forget d. hope ____ 3. COPIOUS:ABUNDANT::STAUNCH: a. firm b. lasting c. dying d. correct ____ 4. MALLEABLE:RIGID::PASSÉ: a. acceptable b. dull c. ancient d. fashionable ____ 5. FLAY:SCOLD::VACILLATE: a. choose b. hesitate c. imitate d. decide ____ 6. PROCRASTINATE:BEGIN::AUGMENT: a. challenge b. decide c. decrease d. build ____ 7. AUDACITY:SHYNESS::RETICENCE: a. reluctance b. depression c. openness d. friendliness ____ 8. COVET:DISLIKE::INGRATIATE: a. repulse b. integrate c. praise d. select ____ 9. VENIAL:UNPARDONABLE::CANDID: a. clear b. daring c. wishful d. secretive ____ 10. STIGMATIZE:DISGRACE::VILIFY: a. reward b. malign c. support d. lie ____ 11. NASCENT:EXPIRING::FELICITOUS: a. humorous b. careless c. sad d. gracious ____ 12. VINDICATE:CONVICT::AUGMENT: a. argue b. trust c. reduce d. lose ____ 13. HEINOUS:VILE::HALCYON: a. ancient b. distant c. sorrowful d. peaceful ____ 14. ERUDITE:SCHOLARLY::GERMANE: a. appropriate b. evil c. foreign d. silly ____ 15. CHICANERY:HONESTY::AUSTERITY: a. poverty b. adornment c. rigidity d. approval Answers are on Page 318

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Wordsearch 40 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. In Thailand, Mum's the Word In this country we take for granted our right to speak out about our elected officials in any way we wish, without fear of arrest or imprisonment. The most disrespectful language is allowed. While some may take at an insult against the president, our Constitution protects that right. __________

Now, consider the country of Thailand. That land in southeastern Asia is ruled by a king. What happens to an individual who fails to __________ this monarch? There is a case of a person who joked that if he were king he

could sleep late every day and drink wine in the afternoon. For this somewhat __________ remark, he was sent to prison for seven years. Or take the story of the woman who was hanging up the king's photograph. When the police asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I'm nailing it up there on my wall." She said "it" instead of ''the king's photograph" and for this While some U.S. citizens may Clues 2nd Day 1st Day 4th Day 4th Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 318 __________ alleged insult, she also was sent away for seven years. __________ our leaders, in Thailand the less said the better.

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41st Week 1st Day

New Words curry pall succulent satiety intrinsic


in trin′ sik

Queen of the Supermarket The American housewife is queen of all she surveys in the supermarket. She decides what items shall be purchased. Grocery manufacturers are well aware of her power to make one product a success and another a failure. They spend huge sums developing new products with which to curry her favor. Fearful that a successful product will soon begin to pall, the manufacturers, without cessation,* come out with "new and improved" versions to whet* her appetite. Sometimes it is only a box or package that has been changedperhaps a colorful photo of a succulent meal on a TV dinner box. In the larger supermarkets the housewife is faced with a satiety of merchandise, particularly in the copiously* stocked laundry detergent section. While there may be almost no intrinsic difference among the many brands, advertising and packaging serves to importune* her to buy one rather than another. Did you spot it? The "new word" you've seen before? It's intrinsic. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The connoisseur* of fine foods declared the restaurant the ultimate* in the preparation of __________ meat dishes. 2. She coveted* the antiquated* locket even though it had only an __________ value. 3. He discreetly* tried to __________ favor with his employer. 4. The host exhorted* his guests to eat to __________. 5. Those conditions were not conducive* to a felicitous* evening as the dance would soon __________ for the lack of feminine companionship. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. curry 7. pall 8. succulent 9. satiety 10. intrinsic

____ a. excess, overly full, surfeit* ____ b. within itself, inherent* ____ c. to seek favor by flattery ____ d. juicy ____ e. cease to please, become dull

Today's Idiom a pretty kettle of fisha mess, troubles

He thought it was an innocent white lie,* but it got him into a pretty kettle of fish. Answers are on Page 318

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2nd Day

New Words potpourri sanction denote allude insidious

It's What's Outside That Counts Packaging of grocery items is a facet* of advertising that is too little appreciated by consumers. Walking up and down the aisles of a supermarket, one seldom stops to analyze the individual package in the potpourri of items on the shelves. The manufacturer had to glean* and test many different designs before he accepted the one you see in the array* before you. Before he will sanction the use of a particular can, box, or bottle, he must know many things about its efficacy.* He wants to know if the colors attract: a white box may denote cleanliness, a red one, strength. There may be a photo or a drawing that will allude to the product's use or special qualities. A lackluster* package may be fatal.* Next, the size and shape are important elements. The housewife may want a small package for easy storing, but a larger package may suggest economy. A round bottle may look attractive, but a square one is easier to stack. These are some of the insidious aspects of packaging, the main purpose of which is to attract your attention as you peruse* the crowded supermarket shelves. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. I cannot __________ your lax* attitude towards the imminent* threat of a conflagration.* 2. In some __________ way the glib* salesman played upon my repressed* desires and sold me a gaudy* sports car. 3. You can be sure the candidate will __________ to the moribund* state of our economy and offer his panacea.* 4. A __________ of today's musical hits sounds more like cacophony* than harmony. 5. His levity* at such a serious moment __________ a lack of feeling. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. potpourri ____ 7. sanction ____ 8. denote ____ 9. allude ____ 10. insidious ____

a. sly, seductive, treacherous b. hint, suggest c. endorse, certify d. medley, mixture e. indicate, show, mean

Today's Idiom the acid testa severe test The new job was an acid test of his ability to bring home the bacon.* Answers are on Page 318

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3rd Day

New Words propriety advent impious proffer spate

ad′ vent

"Tried and True" Few question the propriety of the current haste on the part of manufacturers to bring out "new and improved" products at the prevalent* rate. At one time, in the dim, distant past before the advent of television, it was the vogue* for products to be advertised on the merits of their "tried and true" qualities. Few advertisers were impious enough to jettison* any part of a product that had been accepted by the public. Year after year, the local grocery store owner would proffer the same box of cereal, the same house cleaner. The acceptance was of the time-tested product, and it appeared almost unconscionable* for the manufacturer to change his merchandise. Today's spate of transient* products would have been considered an anomaly* in those days. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. A few years ago there was a __________ of science-fiction films about awesome* monsters causing pandemonium* on our planet, but after a surfeit* of that genre*, their popularity began to wane.* 2. With the __________ of mandatory* safety inspections, some of the more decrepit* automobiles have been eradicated.* 3. We question the __________ of making fun of obese* people. 4. I'd like to __________ my belated* congratulations on your 25 years of married serenity.* 5. In the milieu* of city street life it is not atypical* to hear __________ comments about authority. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. propriety 7. advent 8. impious 9. proffer 10. spate

____ a. suitability, correctness ____ b. offer for acceptance ____ c. the coming of an important event ____ d. lacking respect, irreverent ____ e. rush, flood

Today's Idiom a blind alleya direction that leads nowhere The modus operandi* was leading up a blind alley and they were barking up the wrong tree.* Answers are on Page 318

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4th Day

New Words shibboleth bogus substantiate nutritive raucous

What's in a Name? Supermarkets now carry their own products to compete with the national brands. These "house" brands are not in a felicitous* position because they cannot be advertised widely. Supermarkets overcome this encumbrance* by making these brands less expensive. Many people believe the shibboleth, "You get what you pay for," and they purchase items on the premise* that quality varies as the price does. Are the claims made by nationally advertised brands bogus? How can one bread company substantiate its nutritive superiority over another? As there is no incontrovertible* evidence, the more expensive bread (or coffee, etc.) must compensate* by increased advertising. They make inordinate* claims, using those raucous techniques proven so successful in convincing the frugal* consumer to switch to a more costly brand. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Mothers should be vigilant* that their children's food has the proper __________ value. 2. There were __________ complaints about the inordinate* number of fatal* accidents caused by inebriated* drivers. 3. People often try to compensate* for their deplorable* lack of culture by repeating the __________, "I know what I like." 4. He had the audacity* to try to foist* a __________ dollar on me. 5. The reporter wanted to elicit* the pertinent* facts from the reticent* witness so he could __________ the charge of moral turpitude* against the high city official. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. shibboleth 7. bogus 8. substantiate 9. nutritive 10. raucous

____ a. pet phrase, slogan ____ b. harsh, shrill ____ c. counterfeit, fake ____ d. having nourishing properties ____ e. confirm, ratify

Today's Idiom to twist around one's fingerto control completely He winked at* the little girl's bad behavior; she had him twisted around her finger. Answers are on Page 318

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5th Day Review You can be sure of a balanced language if you are well acquainted with all the products (words) available in your supermarket (vocabulary).

Review Words ____ 1. advent ____ 2. allude ____ 3. bogus ____ 4. curry ____ 5. denote ____ 6. impious ____ 7. insidious ____ 8. intrinsic ____ 9. nutritive ____ 10. pall ____ 11. potpourri ____ 12. proffer ____ 13. propriety ____ 14. raucous ____ 15. sanction ____ 16. satiety ____ 17. shibboleth ____ 18. spate ____ 19. substantiate

Definitions a. suggest, hint b. surfeit,* excess, fullness c. coming of an important event d. having nourishing properties e. slogan, pet phrase f. correctness, suitability g. juicy h. mixture, medley i. mean, show, indicate j. to seek favor by flattery k. irreverent, lacking respect l. fake, counterfeit m. ratify, confirm n. rush, flood o. become dull, cease to please p. treacherous, sly, seductive q. certify, endorse r. inherent,* within itself s. offer for acceptance

____ 20. succulent

t. shrill, harsh

Idioms ____ 21. to twist around one's finger ____ 22. the acid test ____ 23. a pretty kettle of fish ____ 24. a blind alley u. a severe test v. a direction that leads nowhere w. a mess, trouble x. to control completely

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

Answers are on Page 318

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Wordsearch 41 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Age Discrimination One of the most __________ forms of discrimination is that based upon age. We have become aware through publicity and education that bias and discrimination based upon race, color, creed, and sex are not to be accepted. Through laws passed by the Congress of the United States and by individual states, we agree that using these criteria for hiring, promoting, or firing in the workplace is a __________ and undemocratic excuse. Many lawsuits have supported this most basic right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" protected by our Constitution. __________ of preventing those viewed as "too old" from getting Why is it, then, that so few question the positions, or, if already on the job, promotions? Advanced age also leads to the firing of such employees and their replacement with younger applicants. Is there something __________ in youth that suggests that older workers cannot do the job as well? Until age discrimination goes the way of all of the other forms of prejudice, we may continue to Clues 2nd Day 4th Day 3rd Day 1st Day 2nd Day Answers are on Page 318 __________ the reasoning that "younger is better."

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42nd Week 1st Day

New Words quandary callous expedient negligible blasé

You Can't Help But Watch The consumer is in a quandary about making a felicitous* selection among the array* of products. The advertisers must influence the malleable* consumer, and often they do it in the most callous ways. Television offers many tangible* advantages for reaching the consumer. As a result, the consumer is inundated* by commercials. The advertiser knows that a television commercial is the most expedient way to reach large numbers of people. The cost for each commercial film is prodigious,* but because the audience is so large, the cost per viewer is negligible. Each commercial is prepared in the most meticulous* way in order to catch the attention of even the most blasé viewer and hold it until the message is through. The reintroduced "new word" should have stood out immediately. Did it? It's callous, of course. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. It was fortuitous* that the accident occurred when there were __________ numbers of children in the buses. 2. He was in a __________ about which selection from his extensive repertoire* it would be feasible* to perform for the children. 3. Because she had committed only a venial* offense, he thought it __________ to abjure* a severe punishment. 4. Who can be __________ about the presence of many indigent* families in close proximity* to affluence?* 5. People have become so __________ about the once thrilling, now mundane* flights into space. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. quandary 7. callous 8. expedient (adj.) 9. negligible 10. blasé

____ a. indifferent, not responsive to excitement ____ b. hardened, unfeeling ____ c. doubt, dilemma ____ d. advisable, fit ____ e. trifling, inconsiderable

Today's Idiom to do one's heart goodto make one feel happy or better It did my heart good to see that inveterate* egotist* eat humble pie.*

Answers are on Page 319

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2nd Day

New Words ennui comely frenetic artifice diversity

Tricks of the Trade Some television commercials, trying to break through the ennui built up in the viewer by the plethora* of competition, employ humor. Others feature a comely girl as a pretext* for getting the viewer to stay tuned in. At times raucous* music, accompanied by some frenetic activities, is designed to preclude* the viewer's loss of attention. The advertiser will employ every bit of artifice at the film maker's command to make a trenchant* commercial. The diversity of appeals made to the viewer is a concomitant* of the many ways people react to commercials. A great deal of time and money has gone into placing the consumer's psychological make-up under scrutiny.* Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The omnipotent* dictator employed all of his rhetoric* to vilify* those who would be brash* enough to suggest that a __________ of opinions should be expressed. 2. The fledgling* pianist knew that his mentor* would take umbrage* at his yawning during the lesson, but the feeling of __________ was overwhelming. 3. He was reticent* about revealing his clandestine* meetings with a __________ young girl counselor at this camp. 4. They furtively* employed every kind of __________ to be able to meet. 5. They were vigilant* in order that their surreptitious* meetings would not be discovered, and it often required __________ changes of plans to preclude* exposure. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. ennui 7. comely 8. frenetic 9. artifice 10. diversity

____ a. frantic, frenzied ____ b. boredom ____ c. beautiful, handsome ____ d. strategy, trickery ____ e. variety, change

Today's Idiom worth one's weight in goldextremely valuable, very useful The coach said the new star center was worth his weight in gold. Answers are on Page 319

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3rd Day

New Words qualm expurgate begrudge artless gratuity


bi gruj′

art′ lis

Going to the Source The wide diversity* of reasons people have for buying one product rather than another are investigated by the advertising people in order to prepare efficacious* commercials. They do not have the slightest qualm about questioning the consumer about personal things in her own domicile.* The consumer is requested not to expurgate her answers. Generally, people are not reticent* and do not begrudge giving the time and effort. The questions delve rather deeply, and what the artless responses divulge* will help the advertiser decide what to put into his next commercial. After a large number of interviews, the copious* results make it feasible* to prognosticate* how well the commercial will do. The interviewer usually offers no gratuity to the person who has helped, but often a sample of the product is proffered* as thanks. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. A successful television program can be built around the __________ comments of very young children. 2. At times, the producer must __________ some of the things said by these children because they are too candid.* 3. He had a serious __________ about hunting for the nearly extinct* quarry.* 4. He took umbrage* when I offered a __________ to augment* his small salary. 5. She did not __________ paying the pittance* extra for a better coat. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. qualm 7. expurgate 8. begrudge 9. artless 10. gratuity

____ a. remove objectionable parts or passages ____ b. to be resentful or reluctant ____ c. innocent, naive ____ d. tip ____ e. twinge of conscience

Today's Idiom to make the best of a bad bargainto change or go along with a poor situation After he bought the white elephant,* he made the best of a bad bargain and let sleeping dogs lie.* Answers are on Page 319

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4th Day

New Words manifest delve capricious requisite replenish


ri plen′ ish

It Seems to Work Despite the antipathy* toward commercials expressed by the viewers, the remarkable success of television commercials in selling products makes it manifest that the advertiser has gleaned* what the viewer wants to see and hear from his research interview. This has helped the advertiser delve deeply into what motivates* people when they go into the supermarket to purchase products. The advertising agency is never capricious and can vindicate* spending large sums of money on research. Having uncovered what the public wants, the advertiser expedites* putting the requisite words, music, and photographs of the product on film. He will thus replenish the never-ending, ubiquitous* television commercial supply in the hope that the consumer will remember some facet* of the film and buy the product. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. If we __________ below and behind the rhetoric* and invective,* we may discover the profound* reasons for the ferment* in our land. 2. He was reticent* about emulating* those who, after eating almost to satiety,* rushed to __________ the food on their plates. 3. It was __________ that an arbiter* would be needed because neither side would capitulate* to a plan foisted* on them by the other side. 4. When the acrimonious* discussion about his __________ actions had attenuated,* he was able to vindicate* his conduct. 5. One mortifying* __________ for the position was that he would have to work for one year under the aegis* of a fatuous* egotist.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. manifest 7. delve 8. capricious 9. requisite 10. replenish

____ a. requirement ____ b. evident, obvious ____ c. fanciful, whimsical* ____ d. to fill again, to restock ____ e. dig. do research

Today's Idiom to make ends meetto manage on a given income He turned thumbs down* on a new car; he was having enough trouble making ends meet, as it was. Answers are on Page 319

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5th Day Review As you watch your next television commercial try to imagine what questions were asked by the research people as they interviewed the possible consumers. Advertisers have to select their words carefully. You can select words only when you have large numbers at your command.

Review Words ____ 1. artifice ____ 2. artless ____ 3. begrudge ____ 4. blasé ____ 5. callous ____ 6. capricious ____ 7. comely ____ 8. delve ____ 9. diversity ____ 10. ennui ____ 11. expedient ____ 12. expurgate ____ 13. frenetic ____ 14. gratuity ____ 15. manifest ____ 16. negligible ____ 17. qualm ____ 18. quandary ____ 19. replenish ____ 20. requisite

Definitions a. to remove objectionable parts or passages b. twinge of conscience c. handsome, beautiful d. strategy, trickery e. fit, advisable f. indifferent, not responsive to excitement g. fanciful, whimsical* h. to do research, dig i. to be resentful or reluctant j. inconsiderable, trifling k. boredom l. obvious, evident m. to restock, fill again n. change, variety o. dilemma, doubt p. unfeeling, hardened q. frenzied, frantic r. requirement s. tip t. naive, innocent

Idioms ____ 21. to make the best of a bad bargain ____ 22. to do one's heart good ____ 23. worth one's weight in gold ____ 24. to make ends meet u. extremely valuable, very useful v. to make one feel happy or better w. to manage on a given income

x. to change or go along with a poor situation

Check your answers on page 319. Learn those words you missed!

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Wordsearch 42 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. An Historic Date One event that takes place so rarely that almost no one alive when it happens can remember the previous occurrence is the changing of the century number. The passing of the __________ number of years brings about the end of

the 20th century and the advent of the 21st. Is there anyone __________ enough to reach this historic date without experiencing the excitement of this once-in-a-lifetime moment? While we may feel that events in our lifetime happen in a __________ way, the stroke of midnight on

December 31, 2000, ushered in a new century. It served as a time to reflect upon the __________ of events in our lives, both positive and negative, that the 20th century encompassed. It is obvious to all that the past 100 years have altered the world in ways no one could anticipate at the end of the 19th century. There are many who __________ into the past and make predictions for the new century. December 31, 2000, was a time for reflection and promise. Clues 4th Day 1st Day 4th Day 2nd Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 319

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43rd Week 1st Day

New Words roster stunted atrophy maim ameliorate

stunt′ id

It Takes More than Medicine If one were to look at the roster of physical handicaps, one would reach the somber* conclusion that the list is a long one. Included would be stunted development of an arm or leg due to a birth anomaly.* Others would be the result of a crippling disease that has caused muscles to atrophy. The list would go on with illnesses and injuries that maim and debilitate.* Modern medicine has done much to ameliorate the physical problems. However, there are an inordinate* number of problems of the handicapped that have still to be alleviated.* People are not naturally callous,* but in some perverse* way they have the propensity* to repress* any concern with the physically handicapped. The social problems seem to be inherent* in our own attitudes. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. If you heap opprobrium* on an impious* child, it probably will not __________ the conditions that led to the rebelliousness. 2. The coach knew he would have to add experienced players to the __________ to compensate* for the spate* of freshmen on the team. 3. There seems to be voluminous* evidence that the mother's smoking will __________ the baby's growth. 4. The prodigy* allowed his musical talent to __________ as he redirected his career. 5. When it seemed that Reggie would __________ his opponent, we broke up the fight. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. roster 7. stunted 8. atrophy 9. maim 10. ameliorate

____ a. checked in natural growth, held back in growth ____ b. waste away ____ c. a list of names ____ d. improve, relieve ____ e. disable, cripple

Today's Idiom to burn the midnight oilto study or work until very late The radio was such an enigma* that he had to burn the midnight oil* for several nights in order to get it working.

Answers are on Page 319

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2nd Day

New Words cynic unctuous benevolent subservient iniquity

sin′ ik

Doing the Right Thing The obstacles that frustrate* the physically handicapped person who is seeking employment may turn him into a cynic. Too often a prospective employer, with a rather unctuous manner, actually tends to degrade* the handicapped by proffering* employment that is really beneath them and their abilities. The employer appears to be acting in a benevolent manner, but this attitude shows no compassion,* for he really expects the person seeking the job to remain subservient. This iniquity cannot but give the handicapped a feeling that they are being discriminated against. He does not expect a sinecure,* but he has an aversion* to the prevalent* belief that he should consider himself lucky to find any employment. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. We had to wince* as we watched the newcomer try to wheedle* and ingratiate* himself into the teacher's favor in the most __________ manner. 2. It is easy to become a __________ when the same adults who inveigh* most vehemently* against the uncouth* actions that they say permeate* our youth drink to satiety* and behave fatuously.* 3. We all have moments when we vacillate* between selfish and __________ desires. 4. While his demeanor* remained imperturbable,* there was latent* anger at the ignominious* and __________ role he had to play. 5. Those who are complacent* about any __________ in our society should be wary* of the unsavory* consequences for all. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. cynic 7. unctuous 8. benevolent 9. subservient 10. iniquity

____ a. servile, obsequious* ____ b. pessimist, skeptic ____ c. affectedly emotional ____ d. kindly, charitable ____ e. injustice, wickedness

Today's Idiom to lay one's cards on the tableto talk frankly He knew he was out of his depth* so he laid his cards on the table and asked for assistance. Answers are on Page 319

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3rd Day

New Words largess criterion repent mollify mercenary

lär′ jis

ri pent′

A Better Way Why is there any question about the propriety* of hiring the physically handicapped? No one who understands their needs can condone* this attitude. The offering of employment should not be considered a largess. There should be no need to vindicate* the hiring of a handicapped person. The only criterion should be what he is capable of doing. If this is the approach, the handicapped worker will not feel he is an encumbrance* to his boss. The employer, on the other hand, will find it conducive* to good work and will not repent his having tried something new just to mollify his conscience. Even for the most mercenary employer, there should be no reticence* in eliciting* the best that is possible from the handicapped worker. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He felt it would be ignominious* for him to accept any __________ from the charlatan* whose Machiavellian* schemes had made him affluent.* 2. Behind the façade* of ostensible* benevolence* there was a __________ streak. 3. The platitude, ''I know what I like," is often used to rationalize* our lack of a __________ for things about which we are dubious.* 4. When Mother is in a pique* about some infraction* of a rule, it takes all of our dexterity* to __________ her. 5. After every election we __________, in a belated* criticism, the apathy* and complacency* of so many people who failed to vote. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. largess 7. criterion 8. repent 9. mollify 10. mercenary (adj.)

____ a. gift, gratuity*, liberality ____ b. model, standard, test ____ c. motivated* by desire for gain, greedy ____ d. pacify, appease ____ e. regret, desire to make amends

Today's Idiom a bolt from the bluea great surprise The windfall* from his distant cousin came like a bolt from the blue. Answers are on Page 319

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4th Day

New Words pariah aloof pragmatic vestige guise

prag mat′ ik

ves′ tij

Just Be Yourself Socially, the handicapped person is often treated as a pariah. Most people hold themselves aloof from normal contact with those who are "different." This social separation propagates* additional feelings of antipathy*. If "normal" individuals would socialize with the handicapped individual, they would learn in a pragmatic way that these are people who happen to have a physical handicap; the handicap does not make them any less human. The iniquity* of assuming that physical superiority equals moral superiority prevents all of us from direct human relationships. As long as there is a vestige of feeling that handicapped people are inferior, then we are all handicapped in one way or another. Under the guise of physical superiority we demonstrate a moral turpitude* that is harmful to all. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. After therapy*, there remained hardly a __________ of his phobia*. 2. He was stigmatized* as a __________ when he had the audacity* to boast of his nefarious* and sordid* career printing bogus* money. 3. Although many people say this is a propitious* time to invest in the stock market, there is a tenable argument for remaining __________. 4. In the __________ of maintaining national unity under military rule, there was a paucity* of even innocuous* dissent*. 5. "You can't argue with success," was his __________ reply to derogatory* remarks about a movie star who had only superficial* talent as an actor. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. pariah 7. aloof 8. pragmatic 9. vestige 10. guise

____ a. manner, appearance, mien* ____ b. social outcast ____ c. distant, apart, reserved ____ d. trace, evidence ____ e. practical, based on experience

Today's Idiom to tell tales out of schoolto reveal harmful secrets The fat was in the fire* for the politician when his private secretary started telling tales out of school about his secret sources of income. Answers are on Page 319

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5th Day Review There are various kinds of handicaps. One that we can do something about, and you are now doing it, is the language handicap. Our fullest potential can be realized only when there is no barrier between what we want to say or write and our ability to express ourselves.

Review Words ____ 1. aloof ____ 2. ameliorate ____ 3. atrophy ____ 4. benevolent ____ 5. criterion ____ 6. cynic ____ 7. guise ____ 8. iniquity ____ 9. largess ____ 10. maim ____ 11. mercenary ____ 12. mollify ____ 13. pariah ____ 14. pragmatic ____ 15. repent ____ 16. roster ____ 17. stunted ____ 18. subservient ____ 19. unctuous ____ 20. vestige

Definitions a. based on experience, practical b. mien,* appearance, manner c. a list of names d. skeptic, pessimist e. test, model, standard f. desire to make amends, regret g. obsequious,* servile h. held back or checked in natural growth i. social outcast j. evidence, trace k. waste away l. charitable, kindly m. appease, pacify n. wickedness, injustice o. cripple, disable p. reserved, apart, distant q. greedy, motivated* by desire for gain r. liberality, gift, gratuity* s. affectedly emotional t. relieve, improve

Idioms ____ 21. to burn the midnight oil ____ 22. to lay one's cards on the table ____ 23. a bolt from the blue ____ 24. to tell tales out of school u. to reveal harmful secrets v. a great surprise w. to talk frankly x. to study or work until very late

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

Answers are on Page 319

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Wordsearch 43 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Whistle Blowing There appears to be a question of how much loyalty employees owe to their employerswhether private or governmental. Many companies go out of their way to encourage employees to make suggestions that will improve the way they operate. A __________ employer will not criticize or reprimand an employee who points out problems having to do with the way other employees are harming the business. In fact, it should be in the bosses' interest that the person who has become known as a "whistle blower" is encouraged to alert them to a problem. However, many such whistle blowers face harsh punishment for calling attention to illegal or unethical actions. The whistle blower soon becomes a __________ in the workplace. Under the __________ of some minor error,

or other excuse, the informer might be demoted, transferred, or fired. This __________ often goes unreported. As a result, the employees go back to "business as usual" without any change. They become used to whatever they may see around them and to the belief that they should not make waves. Thus, no attempt to situation actually takes place. Clues 2nd Day 4th Day 4th Day 2nd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 319 __________ the

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44th Week 1st Day

New Words nullify deluge futility carnage technology

del′ yüj

kär′ nij

Have We Mastered Our Environment? Natural disasters tend to nullify the best efforts of mankind. It is as though there are forces at work that are contemptuous* of our proud achievements. Who has not read of or seen the waters that deluge our towns and cities, jeopardizing* lives and culminating* in the destruction of the results of endless work in the space of a few moments? We are all vulnerable* to feelings of futility as we view the carnage caused to cattle from the sudden inundation.* Despite the laudable* advances made in technology, it can be seen that we cannot yet say we have mastered our environment. Disasters of this type, leaving only pathetic* vestiges* of homes and shops, are accepted as inevitable,* and all we can do is to attempt to ameliorate* the conditions that result. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. In spite of his efforts to cajole* the girl, she remained aloof,* and the __________ of his efforts made him lugubrious.* 2. To our consternation,* modern __________ has made feasible* a spate* of lethal* devices that could lead to the inadvertent* destruction of the world. 3. In order to __________ the height advantage of his adversary,* he abjured* smoking and did an inordinate amount of exercise until he was the acme of litheness* and dexterity.* 4. We found it impossible to mollify* the irate* owner of three prize cats as he viewed the __________ caused by our large dog. 5. The office was __________ with requests for his autograph as the girls became cognizant* of his identity. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. nullify 7. deluge (v.) 8. futility 9. carnage 10. technology

____ a. slaughter ____ b. to flood ____ c. abolish, cancel ____ d. applied science ____ e. uselessness

Today's Idiom to build upon sandto have a poor base, or not sufficient preparation

Because they were amateurs and without money, the political campaign was built upon sand and the candidate was a flash in the pan. * Answers are on Page 319

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2nd Day

New Words libel defamatory plaintiff canard deprecate

Good News-and Bad One of the latent* dangers indigenous* to our constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press has to do with the protection of the individual against the detriment* that might come from news reports involving him. There are libel laws that protect against false charges. If an individual believes his character or livelihood have been damaged by a defamatory article, he can sue. As the plaintiff he must refute* the story and show how the defendant caused him harm by printing a canard. The defendant attempts to substantiate* the truth of the article. The printing of news may besmirch* an individual's character, but there is no way to alleviate* this problem without changes in the Constitution. This would be tantamount* to destroying the efficacy* of our coveted* right to learn the truth from the press. We all deprecate a situation in which someone suffers because of exposure in the newspapers. Only when the harm is caused by someone with a desire to malign* under the guise* of printing the news can the individual expect to win compensation* through the courts. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The mayor vehemently* denied there was any antipathy* between the governor and himself and blamed this __________ on their political opponents. 2. I resent your __________ remark that depicts* me as a culprit.* 3. The egregious* calumny* of the defendant worked to the advantage of the __________. 4. Publishers of newspapers and magazines augment* their staff with lawyers to represent them when they are sued for __________ 5. The cynic* will __________ the motives of anyone who tries to ameliorate* the iniquities* in our society. Definitions Study these carefully for the fine differences in meaning.

6. libel (n.) 7. defamatory 8. plaintiff 9. canard 10. deprecate

____ a. express disapproval ____ b. the complaining party, in law ____ c. degradation by writing or publishing ____ d. damaging character by false reports ____ e. a made-up sensational story

Today's Idiom a pretty kettle of fisha messy situation, a problem He knew that when he attacked the sacred cow* he would be in a pretty kettle of fish. Answers are on Page 319

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3rd Day

New Words reputed frail potent excoriate devout

ri pyü′ tid

di vout′

A Philosopher for Our Time Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher who is reputed to be the forerunner of the current vogue* of existentialism. In appearance he was a frail and ungainly man. An extremely erudite* thinker and writer, he was a potent force in propagating* the new approach to life. His philosophy would excoriate those who believed that man could stand aside from life. In his philosophy it is a heresy* to take a detached point of view; it is incumbent* upon the individual to get involved. What is germane* is not that we exist, but that our existence is determined by our acts. He was a religiously devout man who fervidly* believed that the individual is always paramount.* Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Even though she was piqued* at his indolent* manner, it was pathetic* to listen to her __________ him in public. 2. His awesome* mental dexterity* compensated* for his __________ physical condition. 3. When Ben's muscles began to atrophy,* the doctor initiated* therapy* with a __________ new drug. 4. The drug is __________ to have a salubrious* effect on nascent* conditions of this type. 5. Although he was a __________ adherent* of the party, he remained aloof* during the vitriolic* primary campaign. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. reputed 7. frail 8. potent 9. excoriate 10. devout

____ a. thought, supposed, believed ____ b. religious, sincere ____ c. delicate, weak ____ d. criticize severely ____ e. powerful, strong, intense

Today's Idiom to toe the markto obey or stick to a rule or policy He wanted to kick over the traces,* but his parents made him toe the mark. Answers are on Page 319

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4th Day

New Words diminutive profuse dulcet impromptu malevolent

dul′ sit

im promp′ tü

The Island of Wild Dogs The saga* of the introduction of that diminutive song bird, the canary, into the homes of the world as tame pets is an interesting one. In the sixteenth century a trading ship going to Italy stopped at an island named "Canis," from the Latin word for wild dog, which could be found there in profuse numbers, off the coast of Africa. The dulcet song of the wild birds whetted* the interest of the captain. In impromptu cages hundreds were taken aboard to be traded. The sailors called these gray-green birds, spotted with yellow, "canaries." As they approached the island of Elba, near Italy, a malevolent storm put the boat in jeopardy* of sinking. A member of the crew released the birds, and the intrepid* canaries instinctively flew towards land. The peasants on Elba took the wild canaries in as pets. Eventually, the birds found their way into homes throughout Europe where they were domesticated and bred for variety of song and shades of colors. The canaries prevalent* today differ greatly from the ones discovered over four hundred years ago. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. As the music reached a frenetic* tempo, the audience lost all decorum* and broke into __________ dancing. 2. He had no qualms* about opposing the clique* who insidiously* exerted a __________ influence on the president. 3. The connoisseur* was able to glean* a worthwhile painting from the __________ variety of poor ones at the exhibit. 4. Europeans drive __________ cars because their narrow roads and high prices for gasoline are not conducive* to or compatible* with our large ones. 5. The blasé devotee* of the opera was awakened from his ennui* by the __________ tones of the new soprano. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. diminutive 7. profuse 8. dulcet 9. impromptu 10. malevolent

____ a. ill-disposed, ill-intentioned ____ b. tiny, small ____ c. spur of the moment, offhand ____ d. sweet or melodious to the ear ____ e. overflowing, abundant

Today's Idiom to be under a cloudto be in temporary disgrace or trouble Until they discovered the real thief, he was under a cloud. Answers are on Page 319

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5th Day Review The history, or derivation, of words is called "etymology." This is a fascinating study and it gives insight to the background of words such as "canary," and thousands of others. Knowing the history of a word helps you remember it.

Review Words ____ 1. canard ____ 2. carnage ____ 3. defamatory ____ 4. deluge ____ 5. deprecate ____ 6. devout ____ 7. diminutive ____ 8. dulcet ____ 9. excoriate ____ 10. frail ____ 11. futility ____ 12. impromptu ____ 13. libel ____ 14. malevolent ____ 15. nullify ____ 16. plaintiff ____ 17. potent ____ 18. profuse ____ 19. reputed ____ 20. technology

Definitions a. flood b. express disapproval c. intense, strong, powerful d. sincere, religious e. sweet or melodious to the ear f. abundant, overflowing g. slaughter h. uselessness i. criticize severely j. damaging character by false reports k. a made-up sensational story l. small, tiny m. cancel, abolish n. ill-disposed, ill-intentioned o. weak, delicate p. the complaining party, in law q. applied science r. believed, thought, supposed s. offhand, spur of the moment t. degradation by writing or publishing

Idioms ____ 21. a pretty kettle of fish ____ 22. to be under a cloud ____ 23. to toe the mark ____ 24. to build upon sand u. to be in temporary disgrace or trouble v. to obey or stick to a rule or policy w. a messy situation, a problem x. to have a poor base, or not sufficient preparation

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

Answers are on Page 319

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Sensible Sentences? (From Weeks 4144) Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below. 1. The station's switchboard was (deluged, deprecated) by phone calls when the popular soap opera was cancelled. 2. The (diminutive, frail) ballplayer proved that size doesn't matter in some sports. 3. Peter was surprised when his normally nervous boss seemed so (blasé, aloof) about the bad financial news. 4. Our mouths began to water when the (dulcet, succulent) dish was set upon the table. 5. Coming from a small city in Costa Rica, Ligia was not used to the (potent, frenetic) pace of life in Boston. 6. With (bogus, insidious) identification papers, the terrorists attempted to board the waiting airplane. 7. When the time came for Lisa to select a subject to major in, she found herself in a (quandry, potpourri). 8. The (malevolent, benevolent) dictator was generally beloved by his people even though he limited their freedoms. 9. Only a (negligible, manifest) amount of gas escaped from the laboratory during the experiment. 10. The president of the School Board intended to (excoriate, nullify) the parents at the opening meeting. Answers are on Page 319

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Wordsearch 44 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Reprieve for Wolves One of the most difficult problems to resolve has to do with the conflicting interests of environmentalists and profitmaking businesses. Examples of this dilemma appear frequently. While the dispute about cutting down a forest to preserve owls has been in the news, there appeared another conflict in the state of Alaska. Hoping to increase the number of tourists who seek to hunt deer and caribou, the State of Alaska ordered the killing of some of the __________ number of wolves who prey on those animals. __________ of letters and articles condemning the __________ that would result from the This resulted in a anti-wolf policy. So, once again, the environmentalists, who maintain that the natural balance should not be interfered with, ran up against the Alaskan tourist industry, which wants to attract hunters who will increase the state's revenue. After much publicity about the wolf hunt and articles that tended to Alaska decided to Clues 4th Day 1st Day 1st Day 3rd Day 1st Day Answers are on Page 319 __________ the proposed action. __________ this policy,

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45th Week 1st Day

New Words wistful raiment brigand corpulent rail

In Days of Yore Current novels are replete* with lurid* crimes, carnage* and death. Do you get wistful when you recall the romantic tales that begin with an innocent maiden travelling through the rustic* countryside? She is dressed in glittering raiment. The scene is idyllic.* Without warning, the group is set upon by a virile* brigand, who, in the most perfunctory* and callous* fashion, carries her off. Pandemonium* results! Her entourage* is in a state of bedlam.* Her corpulent escort is irate*, but unable to do anything to thwart* this debacle.* All he can do is rail against the catastrophe. What to do? What to do? Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The potpourri* of au courant* fashionable __________ includes the fatuous* and the discreet.* 2. While all disgruntled* men may __________ against malevolent* or Machiavellian* leaders, democracy offers a way to ameliorate* iniquities* through the ballot. 3. Is there any veracity* in the platitude* that __________ men are jocose?* 4. To be candid,* there is little to be __________ about in the ''good old days." 5. They captured the __________, and he was incarcerated* for a mandatory* period. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. wistful 7. raiment 8. brigand 9. corpulent 10. rail (v.)

____ a. dress, clothing ____ b. scold, use abusive language ____ c. longing, pensive,* wishful ____ d. robber, bandit ____ e. fleshy, obese,* excessively fat

Today's Idiom to flog a dead horseto continue to make an issue of something that is over He thought he could keep the pot boiling* about his opponent's winking at* crime, but he was flogging a dead horse. Answers are on Page 320

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2nd Day

New Words raconteur sullen rift emissary ruminate


Woe Is Me! The raconteur of our story about idyllic* times gone by goes on to elucidate* how the comely* heroine is taken to the bandits' hideout. There, a sullen crew of cutthroats is gathered. They don't wish to procrastinate;* she must be taken immediately to a foreign land where much treasure will be paid for her. Their cupidity* knows no bounds. The leader wants to hold her for ransom from her wealthy parents. The gang demurs;* they are reticent.* There is a rift among the criminals. Their leader remains truculent,* and they agree to wait for just two days for the ransom money. An emissary from the grief-stricken parents is expected at any moment. The wan* maiden, her spirits at their nadir,* has time to ruminate about her lugubrious* fate. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. He alluded* to the __________ caused in the school by the plethora* of hirsute* boys who ignored the criterion* for appearance. 2. Well known as a(n) __________, he was never chagrined* when asked to tell a story from his large repertoire.* 3. Despite all attempts to mollify* her, she remained __________ about the levity* caused by her slovenly* raiment.* 4. The obscure* country, an aspirant* for membership in the United Nations, sent a(n) __________. 5. An anomaly* of our modern technology* is that the more we need to know, the less time we have to __________. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. raconteur 7. sullen 8. rift 9. emissary 10. ruminate

____ a. ill-humored, grim ____ b. ponder, reflect upon ____ c. a skilled storyteller ____ d. a split, an opening ____ e. an agent

Today's Idiom the die is castan unchangeable decision has been made The fat was in the fire* and the die was cast when he decided to tell the white lie about how he had found the money. Answers are on Page 320

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3rd Day

New Words taut livid martinet yen bagatelle


liv′ id

märt′n et′


To the Rescue Back at the castle, the situation is taut with emotion. The fair maiden's mother is livid with fear and anxiety; she has attacks of vertigo.* She talks about her daughter's audacity* in riding out into the ominous* forests despite many similar kidnappings. The girl's father, a martinet who rules his family with an iron hand, staunchly* refuses to pay the ransom. Iniquity* shall not be rewarded! At this moment of crisis a heroic knight volunteers to rescue our heroine; he has had a secret yen for the young beauty. Avoiding rhetoric,* he pledges his all to castigate* those responsible for this ignominious* deed. He holds his life as a mere bagatelle against the duty he owes his beloved mistress. At the propitious* moment, he rides off to do or die for her. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The rabid* baseball fan lost his equanimity* and became __________ when the star pitcher became pugnacious* and was removed from the game. 2. There was a __________ international situation caused by the proximity* of unidentified submarines to our coasts. 3. When one enlists in the army, one expects to be under the aegis* of a __________. 4. His __________ for imbibing* and romping* with girls worked to his detriment*. 5. The little boy tried to wheedle* a larger allowance from his father by the caustic* observations that it was a mere __________ when compared to the allowances of his friends. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. taut 7. livid 8. martinet 9. yen 10. bagatelle

____ a. strict disciplinarian ____ b. tense, keyed up, on edge ____ c. pale ____ d. a trifle ____ e. strong desire, strong longing

Today's Idiom a cat's pawa person used as a tool or dupe* The spy used the innocent girl as a cat's paw to get military information from the grapevine.* Answers are on Page 320

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4th Day

New Words callow appalled penchant decapitate termagant

Well Done, Sir Knight! Seeking his adversaries,* the knight rides to their hideout. Despite his callow appearance, he is reputed* to disdain* danger and to be a prodigious* horseman. The kidnappers lose their equanimity* at his approach. They are appalled at the prospect, and they are in a quandary* as to which one will meet him on the field of combat. The leader, under duress,* rides out. "Do you have a penchant to die?" derides* the knight. More vituperative* remarks follow. They spur their horses toward each other. It takes but one blow for our hero to decapitate the villain. The others flee to avoid their imminent* destruction. The knight takes the maiden on his horse, and they ride back to the castle. Their wedding soon follows. Little does the knight realize that the fair maiden is a garrulous* termagant who will make his life miserable with caustic* remarks. Still, the cliché,* "And they lived happily ever after," must conclude our fabricated* tale. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. We do not __________ criminals because of our aversion* to such repugnant* punishments. 2. I do not wish to deprecate* your __________ for cowboy music, but I find it banal.* 3. Why do you remain docile* while that __________ besmirches, maligns* and belittles* you? 4. Each long holiday weekend we are __________ at the carnage* on our highways. 5. It was deplorable* the way the capricious* girl led the __________ youth on a merry chase. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. callow 7. appalled 8. penchant 9. decapitate 10. termagant

____ a. youthful, inexperienced ____ b. behead ____ c. a strong leaning in favor ____ d. a scolding woman, a shrew ____ e. dismayed, shocked

Today's Idiom coup de grâcethe finishing stroke When my girlfriend left me, it was a bitter pill to swallow,* but the coup de grâce was that she kept my engagement ring. Answers are on Page 320

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5th Day Review Language grows and changes. In "days of yore" there were not nearly as many words in our language as we have today. Within the next 50 years hundreds of new words will be added. Educated and alert individuals make new words part of their vocabulary as quickly as they come into accepted use.

Review Words ____ 1. appalled ____ 2. bagatelle ____ 3. brigand ____ 4. callow ____ 5. corpulent ____ 6. decapitate ____ 7. emissary ____ 8. livid ____ 9. martinet ____ 10. penchant ____ 11. raconteur ____ 12. rail ____ 13. raiment ____ 14. rift ____ 15. ruminate ____ 16. sullen ____ 17. taut ____ 18. termagant ____ 19. wistful

Definitions a. behead b. shocked, dismayed c. pale d. a trifle e. bandit, robber f. an agent g. grim, ill-humored h. clothing, dress i. on edge, keyed up, tense j. strict disciplinarian k. wishful, pensive,* longing l. a strong leaning in favor m. an opening, a split n. a skilled storyteller o. inexperienced, youthful p. excessively fat, fleshy, obese* q. reflect upon, ponder r. a shrew, a scolding woman s. use abusive language, scold

____ 20. yen

t. strong desire, strong longing

Idioms ____ 21. a cat's paw ____ 22. the die is cast ____ 23. coup de grâce u. the finishing stroke v. an unchangeable decision has been made

w. to continue to make an issue of something that is over x. a person used as a tool or dupe

____ 24. to flog a dead horse

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

Answers are on Page 320

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Wordsearch 45 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Henry VIII and British History Students in the United States should consider themselves lucky when it comes to studying the country's history. The United States has been a nation for approximately 225 years. We would be __________ if we had to learn as much history as students in Great Britain, for their history goes back some 1,000 years! In that time England has had many interesting and unusual rulers. One who has fascinated us is Henry VIII. Ruling some 450 years ago, he became well known because of his many marriages and his displeased him. __________ for doing away with some wives who

__________. When his first wife could not bear him In physical appearance he was unattractivehe was large and a son who would be heir to the throne, he divorced her. This caused a break with the Pope who refused to recognize the divorce. Henry VIII sent an __________ to the Pope and renounced Catholicism. He then married Anne

__________ her after quickly tiring of her. His third wife died in childbirth, and he Boleyn but decided to divorced his fourth. His fifth, Katherine Howard, was also beheaded. Only his sixth wife was able to live on after Henry's death in 1547. From this brief history of only one English ruler, it is easy to imagine how much an English history student must learn in order to prepare for an exam. In Henry VIII's case, one would have to get a "head start." Clues 4th Day 4th Day 1st Day 2nd Day 4th Day Answers are on Page 320

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46th Week 1st Day

New Words ascertain dormant burgeoned potentate disseminate

A Mighty Empire One of the anomalies* of our approach to history is the propensity* to study the venerable* empires of Europe, but we do not feel it incumbent* upon us to ascertain anything about the civilizations in our own hemisphere. We deprecate* the history of this part of the world as though progress lay dormant and that other peoples were irrelevant* until the settlers of North America arrived at Plymouth Rock. In South America, from 2000 B.C. until their empire reached its acme* at the beginning of the 16th century, lived the Incas. The site* of the capital city of the Inca empire, Cusco, lay at a height of 11,000 feet. This civilization is reputed* to have burgeoned until it covered more than 2,500 miles of the western part of the continent. Its population fluctuated* between 4 and 7 million. This empire had a highly efficacious* political and social system. Its potentate ruled with absolute power. As the empire conquered new lands, it would disseminate its language, religion, and social customs. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. While some moribund* economies atrophied* after World War II, others __________ under the salubrious* effects of loans from the U.S. 2. In order to __________ the relationship between his girlfriend and his brother, he kept a wary* and discreet* vigil.* 3. We are quick to __________ calumny,* but reticent* about things that may be construed* as compliments. 4. He was appalled* at the apathy* concerning the important issue that had remained __________ for so long a time. 5. The callous* __________ kept an imperturbable* mien* when requested to alleviate* the unconscionable* conditions existing in his land. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. ascertain 7. dormant 8. burgeoned 9. potentate 10. disseminate

____ a. spread, scatter ____ b. discover, find out about ____ c. resting, asleep ____ d. flourished, grew ____ e. ruler

Today's Idiom straight from the shoulderin a direct, open way

I took the wind out of his sails* by telling him straight from the shoulder that I was not going to wink at* his apple polishing.* Answers are on Page 320

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2nd Day

New Words derived prerogative nepotism dearth internecine

A Battle for Power The Inca emperor derived his prodigious* power and authority from the gods. The paramount* god was the sun god. It was from him the ruler passed on his prerogative to rule to his most astute* son. This nepotism had worked with great efficacy* for centuries. The land holdings were immense;* there were rich farmlands and llamas and alpacas for wool. Precious metals were plentiful: silver, copper, bronze, and the most sacred of all, gold. This metal resembled the sun god whom they extolled.* There was no dearth of idols and ornaments hammered from this gleaming metal. There was always more gold coming from the mines to replenish* the supply. At the acme* of his power, the Inca ruler died without naming the requisite* successor. In 1493 two sons began an internecine struggle for control. For the next 40 years the empire sank into the lassitude* caused by civil war. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. The emissary* from the president tried to allay* the fears that a deleterious* __________ feud was inevitable within the party. 2. A pragmatic* philosopher __________ the theory that we have noses in order to hold up our eyeglasses. 3. Your efforts to ingratiate* yourself into your boss's favor are nullified* by the unmitigated* __________ manifest* in this firm. 4. He gave his adversary* the dubious* __________ of choosing the weapon by which he was to meet his inevitable* end. 5. In the potpourri* of restaurants there is no __________ of succulent* dishes. Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. derived 7. prerogative 8. nepotism 9. dearth 10. internecine

____ a. scarcity, lack ____ b. involving conflict within a group, mutually destructive ____ c. an exclusive right or power ____ d. descended from, received from a source ____ e. favoritism toward relatives

Today's Idiom to rub a person the wrong wayto do something that irritates or annoys The quickest way to rub a person the wrong way is to give him the cold shoulder.* Answers are on Page 320

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3rd Day

New Words tyro sophistry factitious encomium obloquy

A Perfidious* Conqueror The feuding between the rival sons reached its pinnacle* in 1532; at that moment Francisco Pizarro came onto the scene. A native of Spain, he was sojourning* in Panama when he heard of the riches to be found in that far off land. Overwhelmed with cupidity,* but still a tyro when it came to wresting* power and wealth from hapless* people, he joined with an inveterate* adventurer. They gathered a small band of mercenaries.* The first two attempts failed, and Pizarro returned to Spain to request authority and money in order to conquer the West Coast of South America. Whether by sophistry or cajolery,* he was given the requisite* aid. With a force of 180 men, the dregs* of society, he invaded Inca territory. He reached the city where the current ruler, Atahualpa, was holding court. The Incas welcomed Pizarro who, in a factitious display of friendship, heaped encomiums upon Atahualpa. Unknown to the Incas, Pizarro had brought guns that were still beyond the technology* of these people. The obloquy of his next act, ambushing the Incas and taking Atahualpa prisoner, will live in the history books that are replete* with tales of conquest. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Although he was erudite* about a copious* number of things, he was a naive,* callow* __________ when it came to relating to girls. 2. John Wilkes Booth's egregious* act remains an infamous* __________. 3. Her __________ made use of every glib* artifice.* 4. In the office he played the __________ role of a martinet,* while at home he was filled with compassion*. 5. The modest prodigy* treated the fervid* __________ that followed his performance as though they were a mere bagatelle.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. tyro 7. sophistry 8. factitious 9. encomium 10. obloquy

____ a. high praise ____ b. beginner, novice ____ c. false reasoning or argument ____ d. sham, artificial ____ e.disgrace, shame, dishonor

Today's Idiom to draw in one's hornsto become cautious He knew he was out of his depth,* so he drew in his horns and quit the poker game. Answers are on Page 320

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4th Day

New Words hyperbole munificent prevarication charisma genocide

The End of an Empire The Machiavellian* Pizarro held the captured Atahualpa for ransom. He was adamant* about receiving a room filled with gold to the height of a man's shoulder. This was taken as a hyperbole at first, but Pizarro knew the gullible* Incas would be munificent when it came to rescuing their sacred ruler. They did not procrastinate,* and a frenetic* collection of gold took place. Pizarro, to whom prevarication* was natural in dealing with the Incas, had no qualms* about executing their ruler as soon as he had the gold. The Inca empire was moribund,* but the charisma that surrounded Atahualpa was such that, after his death, the Incas fought on tenaciously* in his name for several years. Eventually, superior weapons quelled* all opposition. A policy of genocide was adopted by the Spanish conquerors, and almost two million of these proud people died in the carnage* that followed. The saga* of an ancient civilization thus came to an end. Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences. 1. Even those who were not fans of the movie star candidly* admit the __________ that surrounded him. 2. The United Nations has outlawed __________ as the ultimate* crime, which must be eradicated.* 3. Her constant __________ made her a pariah* to her friends. 4. The rhetoric* soared into flagrant* __________. 5. He was surprised by the __________ gratuity* given by the usually parsimonious* termagant.* Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

6. hyperbole 7. munificent 8. prevarication 9. charisma 10. genocide

____ a. quality of leadership inspiring enthusiasm ____ b. planned destruction of an entire people ____ c. deviation from the truth, lying ____ d. generous ____ e. exaggerated figure of speech

Today's Idiom to throw cold waterto discourage a plan or idea I was going to pull up stakes* and move out lock, stock, and barrel,* but my wife threw cold water on the whole thing. Answers are on Page 320

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5th Day Review This is your last week. At this point you have worked with over 1100 of the most useful words and idioms in our language. The final review test will give you some idea of how well you have mastered them. From time to time you should re-read sections of this book to refresh your memory. Remember, keep learning new words at every opportunity!

Review Words ____ 1. ascertain ____ 2. burgeoned ____ 3. charisma ____ 4. dearth ____ 5. derived ____ 6. disseminate ____ 7. dormant ____ 8. encomium ____ 9. factitious ____ 10. genocide ____ 11. hyperbole ____ 12. internecine ____ 13. munificent ____ 14. nepotism ____ 15. obloquy ____ 16. potentate ____ 17. prerogative ____ 18. prevarication ____ 19. sophistry ____ 20. tyro

Definitions a. lack, scarcity b. favoritism towards relatives c. novice, beginner d. artificial, sham e. lying, deviation from the truth f. ruler g. scatter, spread h. an exclusive power or right i. dishonor, disgrace, shame j. high praise k. quality of leadership inspiring enthusiasm l. asleep, resting m. grew, flourished n. planned destruction of an entire people o. false reasoning or argument p. mutually destructive, involving conflict in a group q. received from a source, descended from r. generous s. exaggerated figure of speech t. find out about, discover

Idioms ____ 21. to draw in one's horns ____ 22. straight from the shoulder ____ 23. to throw cold water ____ 24. to rub a person the wrong way u. in a direct, open way v. to discourage a plan or idea w. to become cautious x. to do something to irritate or annoy

Words for Further Study 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

Meanings _______________ _______________ _______________

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Which Word Comes to Mind? (From Weeks 4546) Write the letter of the vocabulary word in the space adjacent to the sentence or phrase that brings it to mind. a. appalled b. brigand c. yen d. tyro e. corpulent f. prerogative g. genocide h. nepotism i. potentate j. dearth k. livid l. decapitate m. prevarication n. raconteur o. taut p. internecine ____ 1. ''Hiring your nephew, eh?" ____ 2. "All hail the sultan!" ____ 3. "I just looked in the mirror; tomorrow we start our diet." ____ 4. The descent of the guillotine ____ 5. "I have a strong desire to own Japanese currency." ____ 6. George Washington to his father: "I cannot tell a lie." ____ 7. Now showing: The Pirates of Penzance ____ 8. Best storyteller in town ____ 9. The Civil War ____ 10. "He claims to have the right to change his mind."

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Analogy Review (From Weeks 4146) This is the concluding review. It covers the final six weeks of the book. You should be keeping track of those words that have given you trouble as you went through the analogy reviews. From time to time go back to each analogy review to confirm the fact that you have truly mastered these words. ____ 1. EXCORIATE:CRITICIZE::EXPURGATE: a. fear b. add c. remove d. report ____ 2. RUMINATE:PONDER::ALLUDE: a. avoid b. interfere c. hint d. complete ____ 3. OBLOQUY:HONOR::ENCOMIUM: a. insult b. entirety c. reward d. surplus ____ 4. CAPRICIOUS:CONSIDERATE::PRAGMATIC: a. trusting b. lasting c. practical d. fanciful ____ 5. ENNUI:INTEREST::PALL: a. fear b. excitement c. darkness d. bravery ____ 6. UNCTUOUS:SERVILE::CALLOW: a. deep b. inexperienced c. wishful d. formal ____ 7. IMPIOUS:RESPECTFUL::INSIDIOUS: a. dangerous b. above board c. long lasting d. beneficial ____ 8. BURGEON:SPREAD::MANIFESTED: a. began b. triumphed c. explained d. showed up ____ 9. INIQUITY:WICKEDNESS::SHIBBOLETH: a. ghost b. story c. slogan d. password ____ 10. AMELIORATE:WORSEN::ATROPHY: a. increase b. solidify c. attract d. repel ____ 11. HYPERBOLE:TERSENESS::SOPHISTRY: a. trickery b. wisdom c. ignorance d. truthfulness ____ 12. SATIETY:ABSENCE::SPATE: a. hard work b. trickle c. extra d. revenge ____ 13. BEGRUDGE:RESIST::SUBSTANTIATE: a. build b. examine c. confirm d. hoard ____ 14. WISTFUL:CONTENT::COMELY: a. attractive b. aged c. angry d. ugly ____ 15. MOLLIFY:DISTURB::DEPRECATE: a. divide b. praise c. invite d. insult Answers are on Page 320

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Wordsearch 46 Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week. Words, Words, Words You have been strengthening and building a basic vocabulary as you have progressed through this book. The tests, quizzes, and exercises have helped you __________ how far you have advanced. We hope you have come to the __________ from week to week.

end of 1100 Words You Need to Know with a command of vocabulary that has

Your interest and attention have paid off in many ways. You have __________ pleasure and knowledge from reading passages on varied topics. You are better equipped to read, study, converse, and write with confidence. __________. A The objectives that started you working on building your vocabulary should not now become permanent desire to master new words should be an added value obtained from this book. We hope that any __________ you receive for your command of English vocabulary will spur you on to more and greater mastery of words you need to know. Clues 1st Day 1st Day 2nd Day 1st Day 3rd Day Answers are on Page 320

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Buried Words (From Weeks 146) Locate the word being defined from the review words of the week indicated. Then find the embedded word that fits the definition (e.g., the answer to the first example is automaton, which contains the "buried" word tomato).

Review Word 1st Week:

Buried Word

machine that behaves like a person unending 2nd Week:

a common vegetable a fixed limit, definite period of time

to use lively gestures basic, elementary 3rd Week:

a twitching of face muscles a small part of a dollar

expression of sympathy lacking brightness 4th Week:

a small portion, gratuity a strong passion

able to be touched publish 5th Week:

a sharp taste a school dance

exemption shortage 6th Week:

a joke, play on words a large community

contrary dread, dismay 7th Week:

a part of a poem or song rear end of a boat

to end relentless, unappeasable 8th Week:

school semester a heavy rope or chain

forerunner distant

a drunken carousal, spree give expression to feelings

9th Week: a regulation anger

harmful followers 10th Week:

read carefully appropriate 11th Week:

a trick foreign

to pass by confirm

part of a church to enter and steal

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Review Word 12th Week: part of the body mathematical term

Buried Word

bitter criticism perfection 13th Week:

undeniable in an early stage 14th Week:

open to view unit of measurement

soft job to strive for 15th Week:

a function in trigonometry a venomous serpent

debatable an associate in crime 16th Week:

something found, a collection parasitic insects

exact opposite protection 17th Week:

a tax military conflict

perfect, complete spread out in battle formation 18th Week:

total a tactic to frustrate or embarrass an opponent

polished, civilized going from place to place 19th Week:

destructive or ruinous thing prong of a fork

lavish agree to finance 20th Week:

a low place to collect water formal or religious practice

very sad moderate in eating or drinking 21st Week: descendant

drag, move heavily stop, hold back

an electrically charged part of an atom or molecule a vulgar person, a heel

decay 22nd Week:

relieve without curing related to marriage 23rd Week:

cease to please, a cloud the core or point

serving to pay back unusual occurrence

an outlaw, a political conservative a prophetic sign

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Review Word 24th Week:

Buried Word

unwise looking down on someone or something 25th Week:

an overly modest person entice, attract, allure

trembling, shaking with old age hurt, damage, injury 26th Week:

strange reduce by cutting, decorate

foremost, supreme angry, antagonistic 27th Week:

a valley (poetical) steps over a fence

hesitate, waver, stumble inflexible, unyielding 28th Week:

change, vary, transform an obstruction

hinder, interfere, block uproar, confusion 29th Week:

mischievous child false, cheap imitation

lack of interest difficult to describe, undistinguished 30th Week:

walkway style of writing

slander, abuse persuade, coax, cajole 31st Week:

to arrange in line pay attention

rough, harsh, shrill harmful, bad 32nd Week:

three-pronged instrument take out, remove

out-of-date pardon, excuse

a bowlike curve or structure to put on as a garment

33rd Week: thin plate giving wind direction fine thread sewn in patterns

momentary, passing, fleeting self-satisfied 34th Week:

facial expression of disgust spacious, large 35th Week:

a spice, a club carried by an official disgusting, distasteful

a moralistic story haggard, thin

can be cultivated female relative

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Review Word 36th Week:

Buried Word

zenith, pinnacle, peak wish, envy, want 37th Week:

a large book or volume a small bay

temporary stay beginning, to develop or exist 38th Week:

a round vase the act of going up

easy to manage underhandedness, trickery 39th Week:

a shaded walk stylish, elegant

unreasonable, without conscience abuse, blame 40th Week:

child, or descendant to give out in measured amounts

works that an artist is ready to perform weakness, weariness 41st Week:

forward, free, saucy a young woman

slogan, pet phrase rush, flood 42nd Wee:

trunk of a tree the top of the head

requirement change, variety 43rd Week:

locale, position plunge into

waste away desire to make amends, regret 44th Week:

a memento of victory or success closely confined

ill-disposed, ill-intentioned abundant, overflowing

a brewed beverage to blend by melting

45th Week: to delight, fascinate, charm to permit

strong desire, strong longing inexperienced, youthful 46th Week:

artificial, sham mutually destructive, conflict within a group

perform, behave to shut up, confine

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Words in Context Complete the passage by filling in the missing words. Select the correct word from the four given and insert the corresponding letter in the blank. With the 1. __________ of the TV computerized games, many set owners have become 2. __________ in trying to outwit the electronic toys. The 3. __________ finds it almost impossible to react quickly enough. Before he or she can 4. __________ what is going on, the little lights have sped by. Those who have a 5. __________ for thinking and reacting quickly find these games a 6. __________ problem. While the experts' behavior appears 7. __________, they really are 8. __________ and 9. __________. If one is 10. __________ about trying again and again, then the 11. __________ of TV computer games can be mastered.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

(a) rhetoric (a) reticent (a) wary (a) ascertain (a) lassitude (a) perverse (a) conjugal (a) connubial (a) aloof (a) bogus (a) effigy

(b) prelude (b) engrossed (b) tyro (b) obviate (b) pall (b) negligible (b) frenetic (b) brash (b) affluent (b) elusive (b) malady

(c) advent (c) slovenly (c)profuse (c) deem (c) legerdemain (c) lugubrious (c) devout (c) facile (c) overt (c) tenacious (c) paroxysm

(d) retrospect (d) trivial (d) deplorable (d) cajole (d) penchant (d) glib (d) ambiguous (d) blunt (d) imperturbable (d) pecuniary (d) repertoire

It is 12. __________ that women have 13. __________ into fields of work that were, until recently, the 14. __________ of men. It did not happen because of the 15. __________ of the males, but it was largely due to the 16. __________ insistence by women that they occupy their rightful place in our society. While some men still 17. __________ women who seek to fill jobs previously closed to them, others take the 18. __________ view that the only 19. __________ for women should be their ability to do the work, and that 20. __________ obstacles have no place in a democracy.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

(a) unctuous (a) perpetuated (a) acme (a) largess (a) pernicious (a) deprecate

(b) voluble (b) burgeoned (b) taboo (b) ultimate (b) tenacious (b) aspire

(c) manifest (c) advocated (c) antipathy (c) complicity (c) ostensible (c) permeate

(d) wistful (d) spewed (d) prerogative (d) avarice (d) phlegmatic (d) covet

18. 19. 20.

(a) discreet (a) remuneration (a) puissant

(b) pragmatic (b) reproach (b) sporadic

(c) precocious (c) duplicity (c) capricious

(d) rash (d) criterion (d) zealous

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Analogy Review Write the letter of the word that best completes the analogy in the space provided. ____ 1. ABHOR:DETEST::HARASS: a. rub b. gesticulate c. annoy d. criticize ____ 2. ENTREAT:APPEAL::NETTLE: a. peruse b. irritate c. impose d. sabotage ____ 3. IMPRUDENT:UNWISE::IMPERATIVE: a. threatening b. solid c. sudden d. urgent ____ 4. DISPERSED:SCATTERED::NEUTRALIZED: a. counteracted b. lampooned c. deceived d. vacillated ____ 5. PREVALENT:COMMON::INTRINSIC: a. profitable b. brief c. essential d. convincing ____ 6. ENNUI:EXCITEMENT::INVECTIVE: a. age b. praise c. anger d. wisdom ____ 7. HUMILITY:VANITY::LEVITY: a. strength b. amazement c. health d. sadness ____ 8. EXHORT:URGE::ALLUDE: a. refer b. scold c. distribute d. teach ____ 9. SPURIOUS:AUTHENTIC::ARCHAIC: a. foreign b. friendly c. trustworthy d. modern ____ 10. SUCCINCT:LENGTHY::SALUBRIOUS: a. romantic b. wealthy c. unpopular d. unwholesome ____ 11. TURPITUDE:VILENESS::SOJOURN: a. teacher b. announcer c. holiday d. illness ____ 12. CONSTRICT:LIMIT::MALIGN: a. endanger b. hope c. abuse d. resent ____ 13. INNOCUOUS:TERRORIST::PRUDENT: a. speculator b. actor c. dancer d. translator ____ 14. EMULATE:IMITATE::REPROACH: a. rebuke b. tease c. destroy d. insist ____ 15. LABYRINTH:MAZE::CARNAGE: a. airplane b. graveyard c. TV studio d. battlefield ____ 16. GRIMACE:SMILE::CESSATION: a. intelligence b. start c. talent d. judgment ____ 17. INGRATIATE:POLITICIAN::DEXTERITY: a. bus driver b. nurse c. magician d. dieter

____ 18. IMBIBE:ABSTAIN::MOTIVATE: a. accomplish b. hinder c. widen d. forgive ____ 19. RETORT:QUESTION::OUST: a. invite b. promise c. offer d. reject ____ 20. PROPRIETY:BEHAVIOR::DULCET: a. taste b. tone c. feeling d. amount Answers are on Page 321

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Answers 1st Week 1st Day 1. replete 2. eminent 3. steeped 4. voracious 5. indiscriminate 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. e 10. b 2nd Day 1. prognosticate 2. automatons 3. matron 4. abound 5. technology 6. d 7. b 8. e 9. c 10. a 3rd Day 1. compounded 2. annals 3. paradoxes 4. tinge 5. realm 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. c 10. a 4th Day 1. drudgery 2. badgers or badgered 3. perceives or perceived 4. implored 5. interminable 6. e 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. n 2. o 3. r 4. d 5. g 6. 1 7. i 8. h 9. e 10. t 11. j 12. s 13. p 14. b 15. c 16. q 17. a 18. f 19. k 20. m 21. v 22. u 23. w 24. x SENSIBLE SENTENCES? 1. voracious 2. interminable 3. tinge 4. realm 5. eminent 6. abound 7. perceive 8. badgers 9. automatons 10. technology 11. yes 12. yes 13. yes 14. yes WORDSEARCH 1 1. annals 2. replete 3. matron 4. implore 5. interminable

2nd Week 1st Day 1. laconic 2. accost 3. reticent 4. throng 5. intrepid 6. a 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. e 2nd Day 1. hapless 2. irate 3. furtive 4. plethora 5. felon 6. e 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. a 3rd Day 1. vigilant 2. adroit 3. fabricate 4. pretext 5. gesticulate 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. e 10. d 4th Day 1. rudimentary 2. cajoled 3. enhance 4. nuance 5. avid 6. a 7. c 8. e 9. d 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. f 2. l 3. b 4. s 5. t 6. m 7. k 8. r 9. p 10. h 11. e 12. i 13. o 14. q 15. d 16. g 17. a 18. k 19. n 20. c 21. x 22. u 23. v 24. w WORDSEARCH 2 1. felon 2. pretext 3. cajole 4. fabricate 5. vigilant

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3rd Week 1st Day 1. wrest 2. lackluster 3. caustic 4. loathe 5. reprimand 6. b 7. e 8. a 9. c 10. d 2nd Day 1. incipient 2. infamous 3. dupe 4. jostle 5. inadvertent 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. e 3rd Day 1. ominous 2. repudiate 3. bristle 4. tremulous 5. cessation 6. d 7. e 8. b 9. a 10. c 4th Day 1. stipulate 2. euphemism 3. condolence 4. mundane 5. incongruous 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. c

5th Day REVIEW 1. g 2. h 3. d 4. n 5. m 6. t 7. j 8. e 9. q 10. c 11. l 12. s 13. a 14. i 15. b 16. o 17. r 18. k 19. f 20. p 21. v 22. w 23. u 24. x WORDSEARCH 3 1. cessation 2. wrest 3. infamous 4. bristle 5. caustic

4th Week 1st Day 1. intimidate 2. feint 3. alacrity 4. belligerent 5. disdain 6. e 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. b 2nd Day 1. promulgate 2. brash 3. scoff 4. pugnacious 5. belittle 6. a 7. e 8. d 9. c 10. b 3rd Day 1. laceration 2. tangible 3. castigate 4. octogenarian 5. sordid 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. e 4th Day 1. scurrilous 2. aspirant 3. frenzy 4. dregs 5. solace 6. c 7. e 8. a 9. d 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. t 2. i 3. j 4. k 5. m 6. n 7. a 8. t 9. g 10. c 11. b 12. r 13. d 14. f 15. h 16. e 17. l 18. o 19. s 20. q 21. w 22. v 23. x 24. w SENSIBLE SENTENCES? 1. alacrity 2. aspirants 3. dregs 4. sordid 5. tangible 6. belligerent 7. belittled 8. disdain 9. promulgated 10. scoff WORDSEARCH 4 1. aspirant 2. sordid 3. belittle 4. scurrilous 5. frenzy

5th Week 1st Day 1. rampant 2. clandestine 3. ethics 4. inane 5. concur 6. e 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. a 2nd Day 1. culprit 2. inexorable 3. duress 4. admonish 5. flagrant 6. c 7. e 8. b 9. d 10. a 3rd Day 1. egregious 2. acrimonious 3. duplicity 4. paucity 5. distraught 6. d 7. c 8. b 9. e 10. a 4th Day 1. impunity 2. elicit 3. tolerate 4. construe 5. pernicious 6. d 7. e 8. c 9. b 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. t 2. e 3. p 4. o 5. q 6. r 7. f 8. a 9. l 10. j 11. h 12. n 13. k 14. m 15. c 16. b 17. s 18. i 19. d 20. g 21. w 22. v 23. x 24. u 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b ANALOGY REVIEW 6. b 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. b 11. d 12. c 13. a 14. d 15. b WORDSEARCH 5 1. ethics 2. pernicious 3. acrimonious 4. culprit 5. flagrant

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6th Week 1st Day 1. sally 2. affluent 3. consternation 4. feasible 5. discern 6. d 7. b 8. e 9. a 10. c 2nd Day 1. precocious 2. perfunctory 3. deride 4. perverse 5. chagrin 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. e 3rd Day 1. laudable 2. disparaged 3. masticate 4. fiasco 5. eschews 6. a 7. d 8. e 9. c 10. b 4th Day 1. dubious 2. quell 3. confidant 4. obsolescence 5. voluble 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. j 2. p 3. o 4. b 5. h 6. l 7. n 8. q 9. l 10. g 11. d 12. r 13. c 14. t 15. a 16. i 17. e 18. m 19. s 20. f 21. v 22. u 23. w 24. x WORDSEARCH 6 1. quell 2. consternation 3. fiasco 4. discern 5. laudable

7th Week 1st Day 1. implacable 2. jurisdiction 3. paroxysm 4. skirmish 5. reprehensible 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. c 2nd Day 1. fray 2. indigent 3. arbitrary 4. monolithic 5. harass 6. e 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. d 3rd Day 1. effigy 2. stymie 3. cognizant 4. flout 5. turbulent 6. b 7. e 8. c 9. d 10. a 4th Day 1. terminate 2. forthwith 3. oust 4. revert 5. exacerbate 6. c 7. d 8. e 9. b 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. t 2. s 3. m 4. j 5. h 6. e 7. c 8. o 9. d 10. i 11. g 12. a 13. q 14. k 15. f 16. n 17. r 18. b 19. l 20. p 21. x 22. w 23. v 24. u WORDSEARCH 7 1. skirmish 2. turbulent 3. cognizant 4. indigent 5. reprehensible

8th Week 1st Day 1. emaciated 2. tranquil 3. sanctuary 4. surged 5. ascend 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. e 2nd Day 1. sinister 2. besieged 3. afflicted 4. malnutrition 5. privation 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. c 3rd Day 1. ubiquitous 2. remote 3. harbinger 4. thwart 5. malignant 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. c 4th Day 1. excruciating 2. reverberating 3. fretful 4. respite 5. succumb 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. d 2. l 3. p 4. f 5. e 6. s 7. k 8. q 9. b 10. a 11. g 12. o 13. r 14. j 15. h 16. n 17. i 18. m 19. t 20. c 21. x 22. w 23. v 24. u 1. afflicted 2. succumb 3. ubiquitous 4. malnutrition 5. tranquil 6. reverberating SENSIBLE SENTENCES? 7. thwarted 8. ascended 9. privations 10. fretful 11. cool our heels 1. h 2. e 3. b 4. j 5. a 6. c PARTS OF SPEECH 7. d 8. f 9. o 10. k 11. l 12. n 13. i 14. g, m WORDSEARCH 8 1. succumb 2. sanctuary 3. harbinger 4. ascend 5. afflict

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9th Week 1st Day 1. extortion 2. impresario 3. bigot 4. assets 5. adverse 6. c 7. e 8. b 9. d 10. a 2. virulent 3. spew 4. venom 5. blatant 2nd Day 1. entourage 6. b 7. a 8. e 9. c 10. d 1. loath 2. solicit 3. astute 4. advocate 5. ineffectual 3rd Day 6. d 7. e 8. a 9. b 10. c 2. amicable 3. malady 4. nefarious 5. scrutinize 4th Day 1. vexatious 6. c 7. b 8. e 9. a 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. o 2. a 3. p 4. c 5. b 6. n 7. i 8. h 9. t 10. f 11. m 12. q 13. s 14. d 15. k 16. e 17. v 18. k 19. g 20. l 21. x 22. w 23. v 24. u WORDSEARCH 9 1. scrutinize 2. vexatious 3. virulent 4. astute 5. nefarious

10th Week 1st Day 1. peruse 2. premonition 3. desist 4. recoiled 5. inclement 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. e 2. mastiff 3. doleful 4. pertinent 5. wan 2nd Day 1. obsessed 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. c 1. frustrated 2. interjected 3. histrionics 4. elusive 5. symptomatic 3rd Day 6. d 7. b 8. e 9. a 10. c 4th Day 1. imminent 2. squeamish 3. engrossed 4. salient 5. inert 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. e 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. d 2. a 3. q 4. s 5. c 6. t 7. p 8. f 9. i 10. e 11. j 12. m 13. h 14. l 15. o 16. b 17. k 18. n 19. g 20. r 21. x 22. v 23. u 24. w 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. a ANALOGY REVIEW 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. c 11. a 12. d 13. b 14. b 15. d WORDSEARCH 10 1. squeamish 2. recoil 3. engrossed 4. desist 5. interject

11th Week 1st Day 1. poignant 2. garbled 3. fruitless 4. inundated 5. sanguine 6. d 7. a 8. e 9. b 10. c 1. phlegmatic 2. zealous 3. comprehensive 4. coerced 5. corroborate 2nd Day 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. e 1. elapse 2. sporadic 3. domicile 4. lax 5. meticulous 3rd Day 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. c 2. lurid 3. rash 4. obviated 5. quip 4th Day 1. conjecture 6. e 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. r 2. p 3. l 4. f 5. b 6. m 7. d 8. k 9. a 10. n 11. h 12. q 13. k 14. g 15. c 16. t 17. e 18. i 19. o 20. s 21. x 22. w 23. u 24. v WORDSEARCH 11 1. garbled 2. meticulous 3. inundate 4. comprehensive 5. sanguine

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12th Week 1st Day 1. diatribe 2. ilk 3. incoherent 4. fortuitous 5. inhibitions 6. d 7. e 8. c 9. b 10. a 2nd Day 1. placard 2. prestigious 3. remuneration 4. nominal 5. integral 6. e 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. c 3rd Day 1. utopia 2. schism 3. anathema 4. flamboyant 5. expunge 6. d 7. e 8. b 9. a 10. c 4th Day 1. truncated 2. jaunty 3. ostentatious 4. timorous 5. fractious 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. e 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. k 2. l 3. m 4. n 5. g 6. b 7. c 8. e 9. i 10. p 11. f 12. h 13. r 14. d 15. a 16. j 17. s 18. q 19. o 20. t 21. u 22. x 23. w 24. v 1. diatribe 2. utopia 3. ostentatious 4. timorous 5. prestigious 6. jaunty SENSIBLE SENTENCES? 7. expunged 8. fortuitous 9. integral 10. placards 11. wash your dirty linen in public WORDSEARCH 12 1. prestigious 2. flamboyant 3. ilk 4. inhibitions 5. remuneration

13th Week 1st Day 1. importune 2. haven 3. subjugate 4. surreptitious 5. incontrovertible 6. b 7. a 8. e 9. d 10. c 2nd Day 1. eventuated 2. subterranean 3. emit 4. ultimate 5. viable 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. c 3rd Day 1. premise 2. incredulous 3. jeopardize 4. permeated 5. propitious 6. e 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. a 4th Day 1. curtailed 2. cryptic 3. repress 4. surmised 5. inchoate 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. s 2. g 3. t 4. k 5. n 6. a 7. r 8. b 9. q 10. o 11. l 12. p 13. f 14. e 15. m 16. i 17. c 18. d 19. j 20. h 21. x 22. w 23. v 24. u WORDSEARCH 13 1. cryptic 2. importune 3. ultimate 4. viable 5. incredulous

14th Week 1st Day 1. nettle 2. aspire 3. inveigh 4. overt 5. relegate 6. d 7. e 8. a 9. b 10. c 2nd Day 1. supine 2. razed 3. repulse 4. mammoth 5. havoc 6. d 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. e 3rd Day 1. incisive 2. scurry 3. lethal 4. precipitated 5. stereotype 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. e 10. c 4th Day 1. sinecure 2. stentorian 3. valor 4. singular 5. bias 6. e 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. d 2. h 3. s 4. i 5. m 6. f 7. a 8. r 9. b 10. k 11. p 12. e 13. n 14. j 15. g 16. l 17. t 18. q 19. o 20. c 21. x 22. v 23. u 24. w WORDSEARCH 14 1. nettled 2. inveighed 3. stereotype 4. bias 5. scurry

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15th Week 1st Day 1. complicity 2. liquidation 3. culpable 4. recant 5. accomplice 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. e 10. a 2nd Day 1. preclude 2. alleged 3. abrogate 4. invalidate 5. access 6. e 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. d 3rd Day 1. extrinsic 2. persevere 3. landmark 4. declaim 5. fetter 6. d 7. e 8. b 9. c 10. a 4th Day 1. nomadic 2. paragon 3. controversial 4. asperity 5. epithets 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. e 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. j 2. q 3. f 4. c 5. h 6. m 7. t 8. d 9. l 10. a 11. b 12. p 13. n 14. s 15. e 16. r 17. g 18. i 19. k 20. o 21. v 22. w 23. x 24. u 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. d ANALOGY REVIEW 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. c 11. d 12. c 13. b 14. a 15. d WORDSEARCH 15 1. abrogate 2. culpable 3. epithets 4. recant 5. controversial

16th Week 1st Day 1. cursory 2. indigenous 3. interloper 4. habitat 5. gregarious 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. e 2nd Day 1. prolific 2. antithesis 3. sedentary 4. frugal 5. bulwark 6. a 7. c 8. e 9. b 10. d 3rd Day 1. cache 2. cupidity 3. altruistic 4. coterie 5. embellish 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. e 4th Day 1. amorous 2. virtuosity 3. progeny 4. temerity 5. saturated 6. e 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. c

5th Day REVIEW 1. f 2. r 3. d 4. q 5. a 6. g 7. h 8. i 9. e 10. b 11. c 12. n 13. l 14. k 15. j 16. t 17. p 18. m 19. o 20. s 21. u 22. x 23. w 24. v WORDSEARCH 16 1. frugal 2. cache 3. interloper 4. temerity 5. cupidity

17th Week 1st Day 1. fallacious 2. consummate 3. concoct 4. perpetrate 5. subterfuge 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. e 2nd Day 1. manifold 2. fraught 3. impeccable 4. resourceful 5. assiduous 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. e 10. a 3rd Day 1. hoax 2. components 3. labyrinth 4. evaluate 5. murky 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. d 10. e 4th Day 1. gullible 2. deploy 3. attest 4. exult 5. enigma 6. e 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. c 2. d 3. g 4. e 5. i 6. a 7. f 8. p 9. l 10. k 11. j 12. n 13. b 14. m 15. o 16. q 17. t 18. s 19. h 20. b, r 21. u 22. w 23. v 24. x WORDSEARCH 17 1. assiduous 2. resourceful 3. fallacious 4. labyrinth 5. consummate

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18th Week 1st Day 1. innate 2. abortive 3. modify 4. spontaneous 5. accommodate 6. a 7. e 8. b 9. d 10. c 2nd Day 1. crave 2. myriad 3. irrelevant 4. urbane 5. veneer 6. d 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. e 3rd Day 1. deem 2. buff 3. romp 4. latent 5. inherent 6. e 7. c 8. d 9. b 10 a 4th Day 1. tortuous 2. conjugal 3. peregrination 4. itinerant 5. barometer 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. c 2. f 3. j 4. o 5. q 6. i 7. m 8. l, d 9. d, l 10. a 11. n 12. t 13. s 14. r 15. p 16. h 17. g 18. k 19. e 20. b 21. v 22. x 23. w 24. u WORDSEARCH 18 1. barometer 2. itinerant 3. myriad 4. deem 5. accommodate

19th Week 1st Day 1. profligate 2. strife 3. legion 4. coup 5. megalomania 6. e 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. b 2nd Day 1. mendacious 2. exonerate 3. expatriate 4. fiat 5. amnesty 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. b 3rd Day 1. dismantle 2. sumptuous 3. parsimonious 4. pecuniary 5. underwrite 6. d 7. b 8. c 9. e 10. a 4th Day 1. restrictive 2. blunt 3. nostalgia 4. rife 5. balk 6. e 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. r 2. l 3. j 4. a 5. c 6. e 7. h 8. r 9. p 10. g 11. i 12. t 13. s 14. q 15. m 16. k 17. o 18. b 19. d 20. f 21. x 22. u 23. v 24. w WORDSEARCH 19 1. legion 2. underwrite 3. rife 4. balk 5. blunt

20th Week 1st Day 1. nebulous 2. reviled 3. indict 4. pesky 5. derogatory 6. d 7. b 8. e 9. c 10. a 2nd Day 1. repose 2. abstemious 3. redolent 4. omnivorous 5. disparate 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. c 3rd Day 1. extant 2. vicissitudes 3. edifice 4. sultry 5. trenchant 6. d 7. b 8. e 9. c 10. a 4th Day 1. lugubrious 2. puissant 3. unabated 4. maudlin 5. levity 6. e 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. o 2. g 3. a 4. c 5. k 6. i 7. e 8. d 9. b 10. f 11. h 12. m 13. l 14. n 15. j 16. t 17. q 18. p 19. s 20. r 21. v 22. w 23. u 24. x 1. j 2. e 3. d 4. t 5. h HAPLESS HEADLINES 6. q 7. i 8. r 9. f 10. k 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. b ANALOGY REVIEW 6. c 7. d 8. c 9. b 10. a 11. a 12. b 13. c 14. d 15. a WORDSEARCH 20 1. pesky 2. unabated 3. indict 4. redolent 5. reviled

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21st Week 1st Day 1. opulence 2. scion 3. obsequious 4. indoctrinate 5. fulsome 6. b 7. e 8. c 9. a 10. d 2nd Day 1. lush 2. ponder 3. destitution 4. supplication 5. decadence 6. e 7. b 8. c 9. d 10. a 3rd Day 1. disciple 2. metamorphosis 3. penance 4. ascetic 5. desultory 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. e 10. a 4th Day 1. nurture 2. bona fide 3. salvation 4. nirvana 5. materialism 6. d 7. e 8. b 9. a 10. c

5th Day REVIEW 1. a 2. t 3. e 4. h 5. f 6. p 7. j 8. i 9. d 10. c 11. s 12. l 13. k 14. r 15. b 16. q 17. o 18. g 19. m 20. n 21. v 22. u 23. x 24. w WORDSEARCH 21 1. metamorphosis 2. disciple 3. salvation 4. bona fide 5. ponder

22nd Week 1st Day 1. juxtapose 2. incompatibility 3. cope 4. plight 5. covert 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. e 10. a 2nd Day 1. fabricate 2. connubial 3. demur 4. appellation 5. incapacitated 6. e 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. b 3rd Day 1. escalation 2. indifference 3. potential 4. cumulative 5. recondite 6. d 7. e 8. a 9. b 10. c 4th Day 1. acknowledge 2. delude 3. palliate 4. prelude 5. chimerical 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. b 2. f 3. l 4. m 5. j 6. h 7. a 8. e 9. p 10. i 11. d 12. t 13. s 14. r 15. o 16. c 17. g 18. n 19. q 20. k 21. w 22. x 23. u 24. v WORDSEARCH 22 1. indifference 2. plight 3. acknowledge 4. cope 5. prelude

23rd Week 1st Day 1. maladjusted 2. heterogeneous 3. perspicacious 4. analogous 5. gamut 6. e 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. c 2nd Day 1. neurotic 2. decade 3. mortality 4. susceptible 5. phenomenon 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. e 10. b 3rd Day 1. enunciate 2. irascible 3. introspective 4. pedagogue 5. inordinate 6. e 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. d 4th Day 1. perpetuate 2. catastrophic 3. neutralize 4. mandate 5. compensatory 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. f 2. a 3. r 4. s 5. t 6. j 7. i 8. m 9. n 10. b 11. d 12. h 13. p 14. l 15. k 16. c 17. e 18. g 19. o 20. q 21. u 22. v 23. w 24. x WORDSEARCH 23 1. pedagogue 2. decade 3. heterogeneous 4. gamut 5. perspicacious

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24th Week 1st Day 1. inanimate 2. artifact 3. fetish 4. anthropologist 5. bizarre 6. d 7. a 8. e 9. c 10. b 2nd Day 1. tainted 2. prohibition 3. imprudent 4. taboo 5. imperative 6. c 7. e 8. b 9. d 10. a 3rd Day 1. contemptuous 2. absurd 3. bigot 4. abhor 5. universal 6. e 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. b 4th Day 1. originate 2. entreaty 3. inviolable 4. vulnerable 5. tradition 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. n 2. r 3. h 4. a 5. c 6. k 7. m 8. s 9. e 10. q 11. b 12. o 13. d 14. g 15. p 16. i 17. t 18. j 19. f 20. l 21. w 22. u 23. x 24. v 1. m 2. c 3. a 4. o 5. e ADJ. LDRS./NOUN FOL. 6. k 7. b 8. j 9. i 10. g WORDSEARCH 24 1. imprudent 2. inviolable 3. artifact 4. imperative 5. inanimate

25th Week 1st Day 1. eruption 2. puny 3. debris 4. awesome 5. dispersed 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. e 10. b 2nd Day 1. conflagration 2. obliterate 3. rue 4. initiate 5. deplorable 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. e 10. a 3rd Day 1. hoard 2. sage 3. congenial 4. aegis 5. detriment 6. b 7. d 8. e 9. c 10. a 4th Day 1. senile 2. longevity 3. doddering 4. imbibe 5. virile 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. h 2. p 3. n 4. i 5. f 6. k 7. l 8. j 9. a 10. c 11. r 12. m 13. q 14. s 15. t 16. g 17. b 18. e 19. d 20. o 21. v 22. w 23. u 24. x 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. b ANALOGY REVIEW 6. a 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. b 11. b 12. d 13. d 14. b 15. c WORDSEARCH 25 1. deplorable 2. obliterate 3. rue 4. detriment 5. aegis

26th Week 1st Day 1. hostile 2. prevalent 3. lethargic 4. paramount 5. remiss 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. c 2nd Day 1. aversion 2. superficial 3. rebuke 4. evince 5. vogue 6. b 7. c 8. e 9. d 10. a 3rd Day 1. tussle 2. intrinsic 3. jettison 4. inevitable 5. lucrative 6. e 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. b 4th Day 1. acute 2. transient 3. gist 4. terse 5. cogent 6. e 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. l 2. p 3. d 4. a 5. k 6. s 7. o 8. i 9. c 10. t 11. q 12. r 13. h 14. n 15. e 16.m 17. g 18. b 19. f 20. j 21. w 22. x 23. v 24. u WORDSEARCH 26 1. prevalent 2. inevitable 3. superficial 4. cogent 5. jettison

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27th Week 1st Day 1. array 2. culminate 3. pinnacle 4. ardent 5. obscure 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. e 2nd Day 1. bereft 2. exultation 3. constrict 4. prodigy 5. falter 6. d 7. e 8. c 9. b 10. a 3rd Day 1. invective 2. voluminous 3. besmirch 4. retrospect 5. vitriolic 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. e 4th Day 1. inveterate 2. pungent 3. adamant 4. humility 5. egotist 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. c

5th Day REVIEW 1. b 2. r 3. j 4. o 5. m 6. g 7. a 8. f 9. c 10. q 11. k 12. i 13. s 14. t 15. e 16. l 17. n 18. d 19. h 20. p 21. w 22. x 23. v 24. u WORDSEARCH 27 1. retrospect 2. ardent 3. obscure 4. culminate 5. falter

28th Week 1st Day 1. propinquity 2. vulnerable 3. cacophony 4. exploit 5. bedlam 6. b 7. e 8. a 9. c 10. d 2nd Day 1. disgruntled 2. panacea 3. eradicate 4. infallible 5. impede 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. e 3rd Day 1. sedate 2. serenity 3. equanimity 4. compatible 5. revere 6. b 7. c 8. e 9. a 10. d 4th Day 1. avarice 2. insatiable 3. nadir 4. irrational 5. moribund 6. c 7. d 8. e 9. a 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. r 2. h 3. i 4. c 5. m 6. q 7. j 8. p 9. s 10. b 11. o 12. n 13. e 14. d 15. g 16. l 17. t 18. k 19. f 20. a 21. v 22. w 23. x 24. u DOING DOUBLE DUTY 1. hoard 3. transient 6. sedate 7. sage 8. rebuke 10. obscure 11. exploit WORDSEARCH 28 1. impede 2. serenity 3. cacophony 4. irrational 5. infallible

29th Week 1st Day 1. adherent 2. lithe 3. pathetic 4. obese 5. bliss 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. e 10. c 2nd Day 1. apathy 2. exhort 3. inebriated 4. fracas 5. adversary 6. d 7. c 8. e 9. b 10. a 3rd Day 1. gusto 2. banal 3. platitude 4. indolent 5. garrulous 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. b 4th Day 1. dilettante 2. atypical 3. nondescript 4. wane 5. pique 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. e 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. r 2. b 3. i 4. p 5. f 6. l 7. o 8. a 9. q 10. s 11. m 12. e 13. j 14. c 15. h 16. k 17. d 18. g 19. n 20. t 21. x 22. u 23. w 24. v WORDSEARCH 29 1. apathy 2. pathetic 3. indolent 4. platitude 5. adversary

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30th Week 1st Day 1. gaudy 2. encumbrance 3. extinct 4. idyllic 5. galvanize 6. e 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. b 2nd Day 1. condescend 2. malign 3. jocose 4. candor 5. mortify 6. c 7. d 8. e 9. a 10. b 3rd Day 1. zenith 2. omnipotent 3. precedent 4. fledgling 5. peremptory 6. e 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. d 4th Day 1. wheedle 2. charlatan 3. rustic 4. decorum 5. jubilant 6. a 7. e 8. b 9. c 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. f 2. s 3. n 4. k 5. i 6. m 7. c 8. a 9. q 10. e 11. j 12. d 13. r 14. b 15. l 16. p 17. t 18. g 19. o 20. h 21. v 22. u 23. x 24. w 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. c ANALOGY REVIEW 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. b 10. a 11. d 12. c 13. b 14. b 15. c WORDSEARCH 30 1. extinct 2. galvanize 3. peremptory 4. malign 5. candor

31st Week 1st Day 1. fervid 2. heresy 3. prudent 4. ostensible 5. spurious 6. c 7. d 8. e 9. a 10. b 2nd Day 1. propagate 2. milieu 3. anomaly 4. innocuous 5. surfeit 6. d 7. c 8. e 9. a 10. b 3rd Day 1. concomitant 2. strident 3. lassitude 4. deleterious 5. efficacy 6. e 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. a 4th Day 1. incumbent 2. ferment 3. dissent 4. attenuated 5. arbiter 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. e 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. c 2. m 3. q 4. b 5. o 6. e 7. j 8. a 9. p 10. h 11. i 12. r 13. s 14. k 15. t 16. g 17. d 18. l 19. f 20. o 21. x 22. w 23. u 24. v WORDSEARCH 31 1. deleterious 2. spurious 3. ostensible 4. dissent 5. concomitant

32nd Week 1st Day 1. expedite 2. celerity 3. profound 4. alleviate 5. prodigious 6. d 7. c 8. e 9. a 10. b 2nd Day 1. bizarre 2. paltry 3. usurp 4. condone 5. trivial 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. e 3rd Day 1. venerable 2. ambiguous 3. succinct 4. menial 5. extraneous 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. e 4th Day 1. salubrious 2. archaic 3. facetious 4. rabid 5. emulate 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. e 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. p 2. n 3. a 4. h 5. g 6. l 7. r 8. o 9. j 10. i 11. f 12. s 13. k 14. c 15. m 16. e 17. b 18. t 19. d 20. q 21. x 22. w 23. v 24. u 1. partner 2. professional 3. active 4. sober 5. falsehood 6. conservative SELECTING ANTONYMS 7. nadir 8. tiny 9. condemn 10. clear 11. authentic 12. harmful 13. helpful 14. wordy 15. urbane WORDSEARCH 32 1. prodigious 2. usurp 3. celerity 4. venerable 5. salubrious

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33rd Week 1st Day 1. complacent 2. debilitate 3. occult 4. somber 5. impetuous 6. c 7. e 8. d 9. b 10. a 2nd Day 1. foment 2. slovenly 3. quarry 4. discreet 5. glean 6. a 7. e 8. b 9. c 10. d 3rd Day 1. penitent 2. evanescent 3. reproach 4. tantamount 5. abjure 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. e 10. a 4th Day 1. connoisseur 2. allay 3. propensity 4. wary 5. deter 6. c 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. d 2. t 3. f 4. s 5. e 6. g 7. q 8. p 9. a 10. r 11. n 12. m 13. c 14. h 15. k 16. o 17. b 18. i 19. j 20. l 21. v 22. x 23. w 24. u WORDSEARCH 33 1. abjure 2. wary 3. complacent 4. somber 5. glean

34th Week 1st Day 1. cumbersome 2. interrogate 3. vigil 4. divulge 5. site 6. e 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. d 2nd Day 1. unmitigated 2. commodious 3. antiquated 4. fluctuate 5. disheveled 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. e 10. c 3rd Day 1. tenacious 2. calumny 3. grimace 4. asinine 5. façade 6. d 7. c 8. b 9. e 10. a 4th Day 1. au courant 2. pittance 3. unkempt 4. noisome 5. fastidious 6. c 7. e 8. d 9. b 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. p 2. q 3. k 4. b 5. t 6. s 7. h 8. f 9. i 10. r 11. g 12. j 13. n 14. l 15. c 16. e 17. a 18. d 19. o 20. m 21. x 22. v 23. u 24. w WORDSEARCH 34 1. unmitigated 2. asinine 3. tenacious 4. antiquated 5. au courant

35th Week 1st Day 1. lampoon 2. whimsical 3. parable 4. sanctimonious 5. countenance 6. d 7. a 8. e 9. c 10. b 2nd Day 1. nonentity 2. effrontery 3. equanimity 4. flabbergasted 5. debacle 6. a 7. c 8. e 9. b 10. d 3rd Day 1. mien 2. refute 3. hirsute 4. vivacious 5. gaunt 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. e 4th Day 1. stupor 2. cliché 3. wince 4. whet 5. pensive 6. a 7. b 8. e 9. d 10. c

5th Day REVIEW 1. s 2. p 3. i 4. o 5. h 6. a 7. q 8. e 9. d 10. m 11. b 12. k 13. r 14. f 15. j 16. t 17. l 18. n 19. c 20. g 21. w 22. v 23. y 24. u 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c ANALOGY REVIEW 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. a 12. c 13. b 14. d 15. c WORDSEARCH 35 1. parable 2. refute 3. hirsute 4. equanimity 5. whet

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36th Week 1st Day 1. degrade 2. venial 3. genre 4. unsavory 5. candid 6. c 7. e 8. b 9. a 10. d 2nd Day 1. grotesque 2. compassion 3. epitome 4. repugnant 5. dexterity 6. b 7. e 8. a 9. d 10. c 3rd Day 1. acme 2. depict 3. naive 4. copious 5. vehemently 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. e 10. a 4th Day 1. ingratiate 2. covet 3. penury 4. perfidious 5. ignominious 6. a 7. b 8. e 9. d 10. c

5th Day REVIEW 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. k 5. d 6. h 7. m 8. p 9. n 10. i 11. g 12. t 13. r 14. d 15. l 16. e 17. j 18. o 19. q 20. s 21. v 22. x 23. w 24. u 1. deter 2. asinine 3. effrontery 4. disheveled 5. somber SENSIBLE SENTENCES? 6. impetuous 7. discreet 8. perfidious 9. flabbergasted 10. vivacious WORDSEARCH 36 1. copious 2. naive 3. epitome 4. ignominious 5. depict

37th Week 1st Day 1. servile 2. sojourn 3. confront 4. volition 5. antipathy 6. d 7. c 8. e 9. b 10. a 2nd Day 1. tenable 2. austere 3. superfluous 4. felicitous 5. halcyon 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. e 3rd Day 1. iconoclast 2. therapy 3. motivate 4. rationalize 5. nascent 6. c 7. b 8. e 9. a 10. d 4th Day 1. phobia 2. erudite 3. vertigo 4. conducive 5. germane 6. a 7. c 8. e 9. b 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. e 2. f 3. d 4. j 5. l 6. m 7. h 8. i 9. g 10. c 11. o 12. t 13. s 14. n 15. r 16. q 17. a 18. k 19. p 20. b 21. x 22. w 23. u 24. v WORDSEARCH 37 1. nascent 2. felicitous 3. halcyon 4. confront 5. superfluous

38th Week 1st Day 1. glib 2. trend 3. legerdemain 4. malleable 5. homogeneous 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. b 10. e 2nd Day 1. fatal 2. passé 3. facets 4. procrastinate 5. stagnant 6. b 7. c 8. e 9. a 10. d 3rd Day 1. capitulate 2. stigmatize 3. audacity 4. foist 5. tantalize 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. e 4th Day 1. chicanery 2. docile 3. tacit 4. reticent 5. retort 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. e 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. f 2. k 3. l 4. r 5. e 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. h 10. s 11. i 12. q 13. j 14. a 15. g 16. o 17. n 18. m 19. t 20. p 21. v 22. u 23. w 24. x WORDSEARCH 38 1. homogeneous 2. trend 3. reticent 4. tantalize 5. facet

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39th Week 1st Day 1. saga 2. imperturbable 3. belated 4. decrepit 5. vacillates 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. e 10. a 2nd Day 1. opprobrium 2. Machiavellian 3. unconscionable 4. pandemonium 5. staunch 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. e 3rd Day 1. vindicate 2. flay 3. demeanor 4. heinous 5. delineation 6. e 7. d 8. c 9. b 10. a 4th Day 1. infraction 2. callous 3. vituperation 4. redress 5. turpitude 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. e

5th Day REVIEW 1. m 2. n 3. p 4. a 5. j 6. i 7. h 8. f 9. d 10. k 11. t 12. g 13. r 14. l 15. b 16. o 17. q 18. c 19. s 20. e 21. v 22. u 23. x 24. w WORDSEARCH 39 1. infraction 2. heinous 3. opprobrium 4. imperturbable 5. staunch

40th Week 1st Day 1. clique 2. rhetoric 3. facile 4. extol 5. mentor 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. c 2nd Day 1. vilify 2. cant 3. magnanimous 4. umbrage 5. elucidate 6. a 7. c 8. e 9. d 10. b 3rd Day 1. proximity 2. lassitude 3. vapid 4. unwieldy 5. vitiate 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. b 4th Day 1. fatuous 2. repertoire 3. imperceptible 4. contort 5. augment 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. e 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. b 2. m 3. n 4. a 5. g 6. e 7. s 8. r 9. o 10. q 11. l 12. k 13. c 14. j 15. f 16. t 17. i 18. p 19. h 20. d 21. x 22. u 23. v 24. w 1. e 2. k 3. p 4. c 5. q HAPLESS HEADLINES 6. g 7. d 8. s 9. n 10. a 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. b ANALOGY REVIEW 6. c 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. b 11. c 12. c 13. d 14. a 15. b WORDSEARCH 40 1. umbrage 2. extol 3. fatuous 4. imperceptible 5. vilify

41st Week 1st Day 1. succulent 2. intrinsic 3. curry 4. satiety 5. pall 6. c 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. b 2nd Day 1. sanction 2. insidious 3. allude 4. potpourri 5. denotes 6. d 7. c 8. e 9. b 10. a 3rd Day 1. spate 2. advent 3. propriety 4. proffer 5. impious 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. e 4th Day 1. nutritive 2. raucous 3. shibboleth 4. bogus 5. substantiate 6. a 7. c 8. e 9. d 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. c 2. a 3. l 4. j 5. i 6. k 7. p 8. r 9. d 10. o 11. h 12. s 13. f 14. t 15. q 16. b 17. e 18. n 19. m 20. g 21. x 22. u 23. w 24. v WORDSEARCH 41 1. insidious 2. bogus 3. propriety 4. intrinsic 5. sanction

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42nd Week 1st Day 1. negligible 2. quandary 3. expedient 4. callous 5. blasé 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. e 10. a 2nd Day 1. diversity 2. ennui 3. comely 4. artifice 5. frenetic 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. e 3rd Day 1. artless 2. expurgate 3. qualm 4. gratuity 5. begrudge 6. e 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. d 4th Day 1. delve 2. replenish 3. manifest 4. capricious 5. requisite 6. b 7. e 8. c 9. a 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. d 2. t 3. i 4. f 5. p 6. g 7. c 8. h 9. n 10. k 11. e 12. a 13. q 14. s 15. l 16. j 17. b 18. o 19. m 20. r 21. x 22. v 23. u 24. w WORDSEARCH 42 1. requisite 2. blasé 3. capricious 4. diversity 5. delve

43rd Week 1st Day 1. ameliorate 2. roster 3. stunt 4. atrophy 5. maim 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. e 10. d 2nd Day 1. unctuous 2. cynic 3. benevolent 4. subservient 5. iniquity 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. e 3rd Day 1. largess 2. mercenary 3. criterion 4. mollify 5. repent 6. a 7. b 8. e 9. d 10. c 4th Day 1. vestige 2. pariah 3. aloof 4. guise 5. pragmatic 6. b 7. c 8. e 9. d 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. p 2. t 3. k 4. l 5. e 6. d 7. b 8. n 9. r 10. o 11. q 12. m 13. i 14. a 15. f 16. c 17. h 18. g 19. s 20. j 21. x 22. w 23. v 24. u WORDSEARCH 43 1. benevolent 2. pariah 3. guise 4. iniquity 5. ameliorate

44th Week 1st Day 1. futility 2. technology 3. nullify 4. carnage 5. deluged 6. c 7. b 8. e 9. a 10. d 2nd Day 1. canard 2. defamatory 3. plaintiff 4. libel 5. deprecate 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. e 10. a 3rd Day 1. excoriate 2. frail 3. potent 4. reputed 5. devout 6. a 7. c 8. e 9. d 10. b 4th Day 1. impromptu 2. malevolent 3. profuse 4. diminutive 5. dulcet 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. c 10. a

5th Day REVIEW 1. k 2. g 3. j 4. a 5. b 6. d 7. l 8. e 9. i 10. o 11. h 12. s 13. t 14. n 15. m 16. p 17. c 18. f 19. r 20. q 21. w 22. u 23. v 24. x SENSIBLE SENTENCES? 1. deluged 2. diminutive 3. blasé 4. succulent 5. frenetic 6. bogus 7. quandary 8. benevolent 9. negligible 10. excoriate WORDSEARCH 44 1. profuse 2. deluge 3. carnage 4. excoriate 5. nullify

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45th Week 1st Day 1. raiment 2. rail 3. corpulent 4. wistful 5. brigand 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. b 2nd Day 1. rift 2. raconteur 3. sullen 4. emissary 5. ruminate 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. b 3rd Day 1. livid 2. taut 3. martinet 4. yen 5. bagatelle 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. e 10. d 4th Day 1. decapitate 2. penchant 3. termagant 4. appalled 5. callow 6. a 7. e 8. c 9. b 10. d

5th Day REVIEW 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. o 5. p 6. a 7. f 8. c 9. j 10. l 11. n 12. s 13. h 14. m 15. q 16. g 17. i 18. r 19. k 20. t 21. x 22. v 23. u 24. w WORDSEARCH 45 1. appalled 2. penchant 3. corpulent 4. emissary 5. decapitate

46th Week 1st Day 1. burgeoned 2. ascertain 3. disseminate 4. dormant 5. potentate 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. e 10. a 2nd Day 1. internecine 2. derived 3. nepotism 4. prerogative 5. dearth 6. d 7. c 8. e 9. a 10. b 3rd Day 1. tyro 2. obloquy 3. sophistry 4. factitious 5. encomiums 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. e 4th Day 1. charisma 2. genocide 3. prevarication 4. hyperbole 5. munificent 6. e 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. b

5th Day REVIEW 1. t 2. m 3. k 4. a 5. q 6. g 7. l 8. j 9. d 10. n 11. s 12. p 13. r 14. b 15. i 16. f 17. h 18. e 19. o 20. c 21. w 22. u 23. v 24. x 1. h 2. i 3. e 4. l 5. c WHICH WORD? 6. m 7. b 8. n 9. p 10. f 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b ANALOGY REVIEW 6. b 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. a 11. d 12. b 13. c 14. a 15. b WORDSEARCH 46 1. ascertain 2. burgeoned 3. derived 4. dormant 5. encomium

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Buried Words 1st Week: automaton interminable gesticulate rudimentary condolence lackluster tangible promulgate impunity paucity perverse consternation terminate implacable harbinger remote virulent entourage peruse salient elapse corroborate diatribe utopia incontrovertible inchoate sinecure aspire controversial accomplice antithesis bulwark 17th Week: consummate deploy urbane itinerant sumptuous underwrite lugubrious abstemious scion decadence palliate connubial compensatory phenomenon imprudent contemptuous doddering detriment prevalent hostile falter adamant impede cacophony apathy nondescript malign wheedle strident deleterious archaic condone 33rd Week: evanescent complacent grimace commodious parable gaunt epitome covet sojourn nascent malleable chicanery unconscionable vituperation repertoire lassitude shibboleth spate requisite diversity atrophy repent malevolent profuse penchant callow factitious internecine

2nd Week:

18th Week:

34th Week:

3rd Week:

19th Week:

35th Week:

4th Week:

20th Week:

36th Week:

5th Week:

21st Week:

37th Week:

6th Week:

22nd Week:

38th Week:

7th Week:

23rd Week:

39th Week:

8th Week:

24th Week:

40th Week:

9th Week:

25th Week:

41st Week:

10th Week:

26th Week:

42nd Week:

11th Week:

27th Week:

43rd Week:

12th Week:

28th Week:

44th Week:

13th Week:

29th Week:

45th Week:

14th Week:

30th Week:

46th Week:

15th Week:

31st Week:

16th Week:

32nd Week:

Words in Context 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. b 7. b 8. c 9. d 10. c 11. d 12. c 13. b 14. d 15. a 16. b 17. a 18. b 19. d 20. c

Analogy Review 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. d 10. d 11. c 12. c 13. a 14. a 15. d 16. b 17. c 18. b 19. a 20. b

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Final Review Test Below are 150 of the words that you have been studying, each followed by four possible definitions. Write the letter of the correct answer in the appropriate space. To attain a mark of 60%, you would have to get 90 correct answers; 105 correct answers are worth a mark of 70%, 120 for 80%, 135 for 90%. After you have completed the test, check your answers on page 328.

____ 1. implore

(a) reject (b) beg for assistance (c) summon (d) scold (a) greedy (b) vicious (c) dull (d) careless (a) to pester (b) to cheat (c) remind (d) to insult (a) tense (b) bashful (c) troublesome (d) brief in expression (a) overabundance (b) helpless fit (c) a weakness (d) angry reaction (a) force (b) demand (c) coax (d) promise (a) unappetizing (b) unintentional (c) unaware (d) unknown (a) forgetful (b) friendly (c) doubtful (d) worldly (a) joke with (b) interrupt (c) to push (d) leap quickly (a) impudent (b) stubborn (c) angry (d) upset

____ 11. sordid

(a) varied (b) guilty (c) unable to speak (d) dirty (a) pity (b) comfort (c) forgetfulness (d) great happiness (a) bitter (b) brilliant (c) tender (d) out of tune (a) important (b) infected (c) remarkably bad (d) swollen (a) overweight (b) deafness (c) shortage (d) doubt (a) keep away from (b) sneeze repeatedly (c) invite (d) deny (a) priceless (b) talkative (c) sinful (d) whining (a) careless (b) hopeful (c) without end (d) evil (a) loneliness (b) dismay (c) opportunity (d) suspicion (a) present arguments (b) plead with (c) question closely (d) irritate

____ 2. voracious

____ 12. solace

____ 3. badger

____ 13. acrimonious

____ 4. laconic

____ 14. egregious

____ 5. plethora

____ 15. paucity

____ 6. cajole

____ 16. eschew

____ 7. inadvertent

____ 17. voluble

____ 8. mundane

____ 18. perfunctory

____ 9. jostle

____ 19. chagrin

____ 10. brash

____ 20. exacerbate

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____ 21. indigent

(a) unreasonable (b) watchful (c) angry (d) poor (a) hinder (b) invent (c) confiscate (d) cancel (a) lacking ambition (b) dark (c) worrisome (d) mischievous (a) smooth-talker (b) leader (c) forerunner (d) bit of advice (a) cemetery (b) agreement (c) place of protection (d) approval (a) keen (b) reliable (c) cheap (d) able (a) boastful (b) disagreeably loud (c) blossoming (d) rigid (a) hungry (b) watchful (c) footsore (d) villainous (a) harmful (b) sloppy (c) sickly (d) revolutionary (a) unreasonable acts (b) nervousness (c) display of emotions (d) studies of the past (a) traveling (b) resentful (c) sober (d) outstanding (a) pale (b) sleepy (c) jealous (d) unlucky

____ 33. corroborate

(a) represent (b) confirm (c) search (d) produce (a) outraged (b) sensational (c) capable (d) guilty (a) hopeful (b) objectionable (c) rugged (d) hard to discover (a) occasional (b) special (c) to the point (d) blotchy (a) treatment (b) violence (c) apparatus (d) a curse (a) lucky (b) significant (c) accidental (d) huge (a) courageous (b) ambitious (c) fearful (d) tense (a) to result finally (b) pay your respects (c) borrow (d) interrupt (a) vague (b) in an early stage (c) uneasy (d) ingenious (a) suspicious (b) hasty (c) frank (d) favorable (a) workable (b) sensitive (c) tasty (d) quiet (a) acute (b) sluggish (c) massive (d) jittery

____ 22. stymie

____ 34. lurid

____ 23. fretful

____ 35. sanguine

____ 24. harbinger

____ 36. sporadic

____ 25. sanctuary

____ 37. anathema

____ 26. astute

____ 38. fortuitous

____ 27. blatant

____ 40. timorous

____ 28. nefarious

____ 41. eventuate

____ 29. virulent

____ 42. inchoate

____ 30. histrionics

____ 43. propitious

____ 31. salient

____ 44. viable

____ 32. wan

____ 45. incisive

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____ 46. inveigh

(a) compose (b) react to (c) attack verbally (d) penetrate (a) urgent message (b) silly response (c) big responsibility (d) soft job (a) mix (b) suggest (c) irritate (d) suspend (a) publish (b) portray (c) permit (d) cancel (a) loaded (b) containing wisdom (c) coming from outside (d) uncertain (a) artful handling (b) bitterness of temper (c) foolishness (d) concern (a) unselfish (b) troublesome (c) dangerous (d) dignified (a) hypnotic (b) largely inactive (c) scornful (d) musical (a) vigor (b) descendants (c) minority opinion (d) disease (a) affection (b) fate (c) greed (d) harmony (a) faultless (b) bold (c) open to criticism (d) slow to respond (a) plant (b) consume in haste (c) slice (d) commit

____ 58. assiduous

(a) sly (b) thrifty (c) busy (d) educated (a) failing (b) outside the law (c) drowsy (d) unprepared (a) spiteful (b) inflicting pain (c) frank (d) winding (a) form of address (b) travel (c) insistence (d) hospitality (a) geometric figure (b) voter's choice (c) countless number (d) minority decision (a) police squad (b) official order (c) carriage (d) council (a) lying (b) abusive (c) healing (d) merciful (a) soothing (b) obvious (c) distinct (d) wasteful (a) different (b) critical (c) religious (d) uneven (a) well-oiled (b) warlike (c) very sad (d) beyond dispute (a) ordinary (b) studious (c) powerful (d) dictatorial (a) disconnected (b) incomplete (c) polished (d) dry

____ 47. sinecure

____ 59. abortive

____ 48. nettle

____ 60. tortuous

____ 49. abrogate

____ 61. peregrination

____ 50. extrinsic

____ 62. myriad

____ 51. asperity

____ 63. fiat

____ 52. altruistic

____ 64. mendacious

____ 53. sedentary

____ 65. profligate

____ 54. progeny

____ 66. disparate

____ 55. cupidity

____ 67. lugubrious

____ 56. impeccable

____ 68. puissant

____ 57. perpetrate

____ 69. desultory

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____ 70. fulsome

(a) gratified (b) superior (c) sensitive (d) excessive (a) accurate (b) imaginary (c) regional (d) rigid (a) observant (b) sincere (c) secret (d) willing to bargain (a) range (b) sleeve (c) intestine (d) bridge (a) conceited (b) patriotic (c) bumbling (d) irritable (a) vicious (b) shrewd (c) sweaty (d) light on one's feet (a) weaken (b) widen (c) contaminate (d) cause (a) fear (b) hope (c) kinship (d) protection (a) prove (b) throw away (c) exhibit (d) wonder (a) shrew (b) insect (c) ruler (d) coward (a) appearance (b) hostile (c) cheerful (d) important (a) hide (b) make clear (c) paint (d) sharpen

____ 82. germane

(a) sickly (b) foreign (c) charming (d) appropriate (a) turn against (b) appease (c) hope for (d) shorten (a) lazy (b) badly behaved (c) owing money (d) timely (a) dangerous (b) not understood (c) wisely planned (d) spur of the moment (a) dark color (b) offense (c) waste (d) generosity (a) trickery (b) historic finding (c) newness (d) gradual change (a) follow closely (b) fluctuate (c) aggravate (d) dominate (a) trace (b) cloak (c) entrance (d) hope (a) ambitious (b) timely (c) wasteful (d) inflexible (a) without religion (b) favoritism (c) patriotism (d) deception (a) reserved (b) in pain (c) cooperative (d) without example (a) ruler (b) beginner (c) fire-setter (d) warmer

____ 71. chimerical

____ 83. mollify

____ 72. recondite

____ 84. indolent

____ 73. gamut

____ 85. impromptu

____ 74. irascible

____ 86. umbrage

____ 75. perspicacious

____ 87. artifice

____ 76. taint

____ 88. vacillate

____ 77. aegis

____ 89. vestige

____ 78. evince

____ 90. adamant

____ 79. termagent

____ 91. nepotism

____ 80. mien

____ 92. reticent

____ 81. elucidate

____ 93. tyro

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____ 94. staunch

(a) evil smelling (b) tight fitting (c) whiten (d) strong (a) sharing (b) self-control (c) hostility (d) lively (a) tense (b) make fun of (c) pale (d) gradual (a) calm down (b) embarrass (c) strengthen (d) pretend (a) wet (b) quick (c) remarkable (d) foolish (a) disguise (b) wish for (c) bury (d) change (a) repeat (b) punish (c) forbid (d) pardon (a) heavy (b) interesting (c) silly (d) important (a) drink (b) enter (c) clear away (d) change (a) fashionable (b) boredom (c) together (d) hopeless (a) sad (b) dangerous (c) painful (d) healthful (a) slaughter (b) carrying away (c) marriage (d) anger

____ 106. aloof

(a) painful (b) reserved (c) interested (d) dishonest (a) dizziness (b) color blindness (c) ambition (d) extreme height (a) become alcoholic (b) investigate (c) stir up (d) calm down (a) anxious (b) unknown (c) questionable (d) habitual (a) fame (b) waste (c) disobey (d) disprove (a) stardom (b) speed (c) clearness (d) sourness (a) interference (b) talkative (c) evilly wicked (d) powerful (a) dilemma (b) quiet place (c) hopeful sign (d) crowd (a) cheapness (b) ease (c) mystery (d) effectiveness (a) wild (b) feverish (c) unadorned (d) wishful (a) marvelous (b) ambitious (c) gradual (d) dying (a) unwholesome (b) challenging (c) loud (d) newly arrived

____ 95. equanimity

____ 107. vertigo

____ 96. taut

____ 108. foment

____ 97. mortify

____ 109. inveterate

____ 98. vapid

____ 110. refute

____ 99. covet

____ 111. celerity

____ 100. condone

____ 112. heinous

____ 101. fatuous

____ 113. quandary

____ 102. imbibe

____ 114. efficacy

____ 103. ennui

____ 115. austere

____ 104. salubrious

____ 116. moribund

____ 105. carnage

____ 117. noisome

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____ 118. spate

(a) rush (b) excess (c) insult (d) shortage (a) climax (b) secret place (c) lowest point (d) happiest moment (a) peaceful (b) ancient (c) innermost (d) careful (a) repeating (b) fat (c) practical (d) imaginative (a) prize (b) begin again (c) change direction (d) waste away (a) patient (b) colorful (c) cautious (d) generous (a) cowardly (b) unfeeling (c) inexperienced (d) private (a) reflect upon (b) move away (c) reclassify (d) start anew (a) clever (b) agreeable (c) masterful (d) selective (a) behavior (b) attractiveness (c) liveliness (d) meeting place (a) not allowed (b) nearly finished (c) trivial (d) highly respected (a) highest prize (b) secret plan (c) new idea (d) high praise

____ 130. avarice

(a) clear path (b) wealth (c) greed (d) positive statement (a) slander (b) exterminate (c) join with (d) dismiss (a) hopeless (b) unseen (c) pardonable (d) deadly (a) hard to hear (b) sweet to the ear (c) soft to the touch (d) easy to see (a) plea (b) agreement (c) capture (d) sudden end (a) limited (b) thoughtful (c) aged (d) retired (a) busy (b) in a hurry (c) timely (d) fantastic (a) forgotten thought (b) requirement (c) added problem (d) lovely object (a) disappointed (b) enraged (c) bored (d) pale (a) resentment (b) condition (c) hidden from light (d) wishful thinking (a) prepare to eat (b) arouse to activity (c) store away (d) experiment

____ 119. nadir

____ 131. malign

____ 120. halcyon

____ 132. venial

____ 121. pragmatic

____ 133. dulcet

____ 122. atrophy

____ 134. entreaty

____ 123. discreet

____ 135. pensive

____ 124. callow

____ 136. bizarre

____ 125. ruminate

____ 137. requisite

____ 126. congenial

____ 138. livid

____ 127. decorum

____ 139. pique

____ 128. banal

____ 140. galvanize

____ 129. encomium

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____ 141. extol

(a) explain (b) apologize for (c) praise highly (d) describe honestly (a) avoid (b) cover up (c) yearn for (d) suggest (a) slowly (b) wisely (c) dangerously (d) carelessly (a) ask again (b) exclusive right (c) divided power (d) first born (a) clothing (b) arrest (c) left over (d) bright color

____ 146. abhor

(a) yearn for (b) hate (c) distrust (d) join together (a) dizzy (b) merry (c) sticky (d) talkative (a) coach (b) enemy (c) stranger (d) writer (a) overly dressed (b) out-of-date (c) hairy (d) bald (a) complete (b) win easily (c) criticize severely (d) clean thoroughly

____ 142. allude

____ 147. jocose

____ 143. slovenly

____ 148. mentor

____ 144. prerogative

____ 149. hirsute

____ 145. raiment

____ 150. excoriate

Answers to Final Review Test

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. a 11. d 12. b 13. a 14. c 15. c 16. a

26. a 27. b 28. d 29. a 30. c 31. d 32. a 33. b 34. b 35. a 36. a 37. d 38. c 39. b 40. c 41. a

51. b 52. a 53. b 54. b 55. c 56. a 57. d 58. c 59. a 60. d 61. b 62. c 63. b 64. a 65. d 66. a

76. c 77. d 78. c 79. a 80. a 81. b 82. d 83. b 84. a 85. d 86. b 87. a 88. b 89. a 90. d 91. b

101. c 102. a 103. b 104. d 105. a 106. b 107. a 108. c 109. d 110. d 111. b 112. c 113. a 114. d 115. c 116. d

126. b 127. a 128. c 129. d 130. c 131. a 132. c 133. b 134. a 135. b 136. d 137. b 138. d 139. a 140. b 141. c

17. b 18. a 19. b 20. d 21. d 22. a 23. c 24. c 25. c

42. b 43. d 44. a 45. a 46. c 47. d 48. c 49. d 50. c

67. c 68. c 69. a 70. d 71. b 72. c 73. a 74. d 75. b

92. a 93. b 94. d 95. b 96. a 97. b 98. d 99. b 100. d

117. a 118. a 119. c 120. a 121. c 122. d 123. c 124. c 125. a

142. d 143. d 114. b 145. a 146. b 147. b 148. a 149. c 150. c

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The Panorama of Words Prepared especially for the Fourth Edition, this new section, in which you will find the 1100 words in sources as strikingly disparate as the Toronto Globe & Mail, Truman Capote, William Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, Thomas Mann, TIME, Machiavelli, and Tom Clancy, validates the contention that this selected group of vocabulary words has been widely used by educated writers. Most issues of your local newspaper, for example, will contain at least a dozen of the words you have encountered in these pages. But they also appear in advertisements, obituary notices, weather forecasts, cartoons, and brochures of all sorts. Wherever else you come in contact with adult vocabularyradio and TV shows, news broadcasts, college entrance exams, movie scripts, booksyou are likely to find more than a few of the words in 1100 Words You Need to Know. Now, for a useful summary of what you have learned in the forty-six lessons, read through ''The Panorama of Words," noting the varied sources of their usage. Be aware that some of the following quotations have been adapted or edited for brevity.

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A abhor "I abhor the process of hiring public servants." Senator Wayne Morse, speech, 4/17/61 abjure "Galileo was summoned before the inquisition where he was ordered to abjure his theory." S. F. Mason, Science Digest, 5/98 abortive "His company made an abortive attempt to circle the enemy position but they fell back under fire." Captain Ron Herbert, Keep Your Medals abounds "A smart thriller that abounds with suspense and excitement!" Newspaper ad for film The General's Daughter abrogate "I decided to abrogate the agreement since General Motors was not living up to its part of the bargain." Paul Sawyer, Seeking Justice abstemious "Be more abstemious Or else, good night your vow." William Shakespeare, The Tempest absurd "Many rules in the English language are absurd because they are based on Latin rules." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue access "Everything was simplified, and we were gaining access to infinity: soon the moon, SOON THE MOON!" Editorial, Le Figaro (Paris), 8/14/61 accommodate "The awards will be given out at a place that will accommodate C-Span." James Barron, "Public Lives," New York Times, 6/10/99 accomplice "His chief accomplice was Democratic boss John Dingell, who sold out his party in the dark of night." Maureen Dowd, "The God Squad," New York Times, 6/20/99 accost Sir Toby: "You mistake, knight: accost is front her, board her, woo her, assail her." William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night acknowledged "They used the Swiss routes and camp siteswhich they later acknowledgedand by the end of April were established in full strength at their fifth camp." James Ramsey Ullman, "Victory on Everest" acme "He was the acme of a political figure." John Gunther, Inside U.S.A. acrimonious "We quickly learn of the acrimonious relationship between the Montagues and the Capulets." Playbill, Summary of Romeo & Juliet acute "The candidate presented an acute problem for his party because of his independent views." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics

adamant "The candidate was adamant in his refusal to answer an embarrassing question about his early use of drugs." TIME, 8/12/99 adherents "The state employs a flag as a symbol for adherents to the government as presently organized." U.S. Supreme Court decision, 1943 admonished "A little drummer boy grinned in me face whin I had admonished him wid the buckle av my belt for riotin' all over the place." Rudyard Kipling, "The Courting of Dinah Shadd" adroit "Amazingly adroit in building model airplanes while he was in junior high, Eric moved on to an aeronautic career in his twenties." Val Bakker, "Early Decision" [adapted] advent "Industrial canning and the advent of freezing have reduced home canning to a curiosity." Molly O'Neill, New York Times, 7/18/99

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adversaries "Both fighters had nothing but kind words to say about their adversaries." Hal Butler, "The Battle in the Rain" adverse "Illogical as it may seem, adverse criticism can be very rewarding." S. Andhil Fineberg, "Deflating the Professional Bigot" advocates "Advocates of marriage classes contend that giving teens these tools could eventually curb the divorce rate." Jodie Morse, "Hitched in Home Room," TIME, 6/21/99 aegis "The Federal Reserve will remain under the aegis of the veteran head who was reappointed by the President yesterday." New York Times, 1/5/00 afflicted "It afflicted the neighborhood with the stench of slime that was now laid bare." Edmund Wilson, "The Man Who Shot Snapping Turtles" affluent "You are affluent when you buy what you want, do what you wish and don't give a thought to what it costs." J. P. Morgan, quoted in Crown Treasury of Relevant Quotations alacrity "When the price of A.T.&T. dropped significantly, fund managers moved with alacrity to accumulate more shares." Ted David, CNBC Financial News allay "The President's message was an attempt to allay the fears of senior citizens." "The Future of Medicare," Washington Post, 3/16/98 alleged "I harvested the intelligence that Ricks was alleged to have laid off all that portion of the State of Florida that has been under water into town lots and sold them to innocent investors." O'Henry, "The Man Higher Up" alleviate "The report of the transportation division pointed out that the overcrowded highways required immediate attention in order to alleviate the long delays." The Queens Courier, 1/11/00 alludes "Gertrude Stein's phrase, 'A rose, is a rose, is a rose' alludes to nothing more or less than what she writes." Alice B. Toklas, Time Capsule, 1933 aloof "Greta Garbo held herself so aloof from her co-stars, they felt they had not been introduced." Alistair Cooke, The Great Movie Stars altruism "The conflict is between selfishness and altruism." Former Senator Estes Kefauver, campaign speech ambiguous "If you disagree with a friend, be firm, not ambiguous." Samuel Ornage, The Golden Book ameliorate "Our aim should be to ameliorate human affairs." John Stuart Mill amicable "Their parting is effective Friday, and was described in their joint statement as 'amicable'." Bill Carter, "Lou Dobbs Quits CNN," New York Times, 6/9/99

amnesty "No one is advocating wholesale amnesty for inmates solely because of advancing age." Tamerlin Drummond, "Cellblock Seniors," TIME, 6/21/99 amorous "A complete gentleman ought to dress well, dance well, have a genius for love letters, be very amorous but not overconstant." Sir George Etherege, The Man of Mode analogous "Not with the brightness natural to cheerful youth, but with uncertain, eager, doubtful flashes, analogous to the changes on a blind face groping its way." Charles Dickens, Hard Times anathema "The founding document of the American Reform movement depicted ritual

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as anachronistic, even anathema in an enlightened age." Samuel G. Freedman, "The Un-Reformation," New York, 6/21/99 annals "He would begin these annals with Columbus, and he would keep on with them until his hand was too palsied to hold a pen." Catherine Drinker Bowen, Yankee from Olympus anomaly "My mother was American, my ancestors were officers in Washington's army, and I am an anomaly." Winston Churchill, speech, 1953 anthropologist "Burning tobacco, anthropologists have found, was a religious practice over 2000 years ago in the Mayan culture." Journal of Urban Health, 9/99 antipathy "There is no need to anticipate any antipathy from your future in-laws when you plan a wedding." "Wedding Guide," Courier-Life Publications, 7/99 antiquated "The custom of throwing rice at a newly married couple is an antiquated one, originally meaning a wish for many children." "Wedding Guide," Courier-Life Publications, 7/99 antithesis "Drunkenness is the antithesis of dignity." Bergen Evans, "Now Everyone is Hip About Slang" apathy "The younger generation exhibits apathy toward the issue of freedom of the press." Herbert Brucker, Journalist appalled "A calm and steady temperament deserted him while he stared, appalled, at the contents." John Cheever, The Wapshot Chronicle appellation "He went under the appellation of 'Pretty Boy' but to his victims he was anything but that." Dexter Holcomb, Did the Roaring Twenties Really Roar? [adapted] arbiter "Sonja Henie became the supreme arbiter of skating fashions." Maribel Y. Vinson, "Ice Maiden" arbitrary "My arbitrary decision not to run puts Massachusetts at a disadvantage and probably was a mistake." Representative Martin Meehan in Newsday, 6/1/99 archaic "Many procedures of the law have long seemed archaic to laymen." Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, quoted in San Francisco Examiner, 1/4/71 ardent "There is no more ardent performer than Judy Garland as she allows her emotions to shine through." Penelope Houston, Sight and Sound, 1954 arrayed "She arrayed herself in what seemed unbelievably beautiful clothes." Sherwood Anderson, Winesburg, Ohio artifact "In caves in Chile, remains of horses have been found along with human artifacts." A. Hyatt Verrill, The Strange Story of Our Earth

artifice "The successful advertiser will use any artifice to get his message seen." E. S. Turner, The Shocking History of Advertising artless "Behind the naive, artless manner, there was a woman scheming for success." John Simon, Reverse Angle ascended "As he set himself to fan the fire again, his crouching shadow ascended the opposite wall." James Joyce, "Ivy Day in the Committee Room" ascertain "Scientists have been trying to ascertain why dinosaurs became extinct so suddenly." A. Hyatt Verrill, The Strange Story of Our Earth ascetic "You don't have to be an ascetic to wonder if there isn't something a bit manic about the pace of getting and spending in

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today's America." Paul Krugman, "Money Can't Buy Happiness. Er, Can It?," New York Times, 6/1/99 asinine "We have developed what I believe is an asinine rating system for motion pictures." Harold Owen, Jr., The Motion Picture asperity "The path of beauty is not soft and smooth, but full of harshness and asperity." Havelock Ellis, The Dance of Life aspirants "A number of playwrights, small aspirants to the big screen, must already be pricing beach houses in Malibu." Ross Wetzsteon, Introduction to New Plays USA aspire "To humility indeed it does not even aspire." John Henry Newman, The Idea of a University assets "Berkshire Hathaway is a diversified holding company with assets in manufacturing, insurance, aircraft safety training, etc." "Warren's Buffet's Fabulous Fund," Mutual Funds Magazine, 6/99 assiduously "Richard Greenberg is aiming here for big laughs at the expense of the generation he so assiduously chronicled in the past." Peter Marks, "Making Mincemeat of Boomer Values" astute From an astute standpoint, that's exactly what the ballplayers should do instead of running out to mob the other guy." Tim McCarver, Baseball for Brain Surgeons atrophy "Some people thought that too much reading would atrophy a girl's brain forever." Ann McGovern, The Secret Soldier attenuated "The players' strike resulted in an attenuated and boring season." Sports Illustrated, 10/96 attest "Thousands of satisfied users can attest to the great features such as Voicemail and Caller ID that work the same way wherever you go on our network." Newspaper ad for Internet company, New York Times, 6/12/99 atypical "He is an atypical candidate, without glamour, fame or wealth." New York Post, 8/15/99 aú courant "He seemed to be aú courant with everything." Arnold Bennett, Lord Raingo audacity "Boldness be my friend! Arm me, audacity, from head to foot!" William Shakespeare, Cymbeline augmented "The Russian army was augmented by helicopters and rocket-launching tanks in its attack on the defenders." Newsday, 11/27/99 austere "New York City was founded by austere puritan colonists who could never imagine the city as it is today." Moses Riechin, The Promised City automaton "She's an automaton; she has every quality in the world, and I've often wondered why it is with all that I'm so completely indifferent to her." W. Somerset Maugham, The Treasure

avarice "He could not disguise his avarice under a cloak of religion." Ambrose Bierce aversion "During the last years of his administration the mayor showed an aversion to taking political risks." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics avid "CUNY will have no more avid and fierce supporter for its mission than himself." Karen Arenson, "New ViceChairman of CUNY," New York Times, 6/10/99 awesome "Africa has some of the most awesome jungles in the world." John Hersey, Into the Valley

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B badger "There are other do's and don'ts: don't threaten your children, don't badger them." Newspaper ad for Partnership for a Drug-Free America, New York Times, 11/4/99 bagatelle "He saw the benefits to his people as a mere bagatelle." Winston Churchill, Great Contemporaries balk "She rested on the staira young woman of a beauty that should balk even the justice of a poet's imagination." O. Henry, "Roads of Destiny" banal "Mansfield Park is a bore! What might have been attractive on a TV screen proved to be uninteresting and banal on the big screen." "Koch Goes To The Movies," Queens Courier, 1/12/00 barometer "We watched carefully to see the ties that Mr. Smythe would wear as they were a sure barometer of the mood he would be in." Loring Brewster, "Vermont's Mr. Chips" bedlam "There was bedlam as the crowd awoke to the relief of victory." Dick Thatcher, Against All Odds begrudge "Taxpayers never seem to begrudge the use of their money when spent on local projects important to them." Newsday, 8/22/99 belated "When he made his belated entrance into the political campaign, he was told he had no chance." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics belittle "To say this is not to belittle subject matter, which is clearly essential to any proper education." William H. Kilpatrick, "Progressive Education" belligerence "North Korea's belligerence in planning to test a long-range missile has led to a dramatic change of course for Japan and South Korea." Howard French, "Two Wary Neighbors Unite," New York Times, 8/4/99 benevolence "My relationship to this land is purely spiritual: It's a place of absolute silence, absolute benevolence." Stephen Trimble, Wilderness bereft "The pictures of the bereft survivors searching for their loved ones are painful to see." Newsday, 9/19/99 besiege "He felt unable to carry the Confederate lines and settled down to besiege their fortifications." David Herbert Donald, Lincoln besmirch "A primary attack on any witness against your client is an attempt to besmirch his or her character." Quoted in New York Times Magazine, 9/20/70 bias "U.S. SUIT CHARGES BIAS IN NASSAU COUNTY PROPERTY TAXES" Headline, New York Times, 6/15/99

bigot "For only by claiming the limelight can the bigot draw followers and an income." S. Andhil Fineberg, "Deflating the Professional Bigot" bizarre "The police claim they were responding to the bizarre behavior of the man when they were forced to shoot him." New York Post, 9/27/99 blasé "When he hit the home run that broke the record, he could no longer maintain his previously blasé attitude." Newsday, 9/8/98 blatant "It's a classic blatant pyramid scheme." Robert Hanley, "Gifting Club," New York Times, 6/23/99 bliss "Is there anything to match the bliss on a teenager's face the day she obtains her license to drive?" Car and Driver, 9/99

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bluntly "Managers will put it bluntly: 'You've got to catch the ball.'" Tim McCarver, Baseball for Brain Surgeons bogus "The mayor denied his proposed change in the election law was a bogus attempt to seize more power." New York Times, 9/25/99 bona fide "Milosevic, a bona fide villain, will pay for his war crimeswe can be sure of that." Editorial, Washington Post, 5/28/99 brash "Baker's brash manner quickly antagonized the other warehouse workers." Seymour Broock, Labor Meets Its Match brigands "The history of motion pictures shows that, from the earliest silent films, stories about western brigands would capture a large audience." John Simon, Reverse Angle bristle "No sooner had the dog caught sight of him, however, than it began to bristle and growl savagely." H. G. Wells, The Invisible Man buff "Grandpa was a stock market buff, hanging around the Dreyfus office most every weekday and following the yo-yo Dow Jones averages." Eloise Ryan Abernethy, One Family's Finances [adapted] bulwark "That England, hedged in with the main, That water-walled bulwark, still secure And confidant from foreign purposes." William Shakespeare, King John burgeoned "In recent years programs on AM, FM, shortwave and low-powered stations have burgeoned." Carlos Johnston, "Intelligence Report" Summer 1998 C cache "Fagin drew from his cache the box which he had unintentionally disclosed to Oliver." Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist cacophony "At his side he had a battery run radio blasting forth a sickening cacophony of noise." Freeman Tilden, The National Parks cajole "We had to cajole tonight's guest to come on the program because he's something of a hermit." Larry King on his CNN TV program, 8/25/99 callous "The movie industry was callous in the way it treated writers who came from New York." Alex Ross, New Yorker, 2/23/98 callow "A group of newly arrived callow students followed nervously at the director's heels." Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow calumny "Overwhelmed by the calumny heaped upon him for his prejudice, he quickly resigned." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics

canard "It's a canard to say I want to be a millionaire: I just want to live like one." Toots Shor, quoted in Life Magazine, 10/12/69 candid "Sweepstakes companies must be more candid about the chances of winning a prize." AARP Bulletin, 9/99 candor "He was struck by the candor and self-reliance of the women in these islands." "Pacific Paradise," New York Times, 8/9/99 cant "Although we hear much cant about loving one's neighbor, life provides endless examples of just the opposite." Paula Love, The Will Rogers Book capitulate "The embattled leader refused to capitulate to demands for his resignation." Newsweek, 8/19/99 capricious "The snow removal equipment is always ready to face the capricious weather changes during the winter." Newsday, 12/24/98

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carnage "Amid the carnage resulting from the earthquake, many acts of courage can be seen." New York Times, 9/20/99 castigates "Here is Holofernes commenting upon Armando, a mad wordman who castigates another while himself vocalizes into a fine frenzy." Harold Bloom, Shakespeare catastrophic "Romeo changes enormously under Juliet's influence, remains subject to anger and despair, and is as responsible as Mercutio and Tybalt for the catastrophic event." Harold Bloom, Shakespeare caustic "His habitual sullenness, stern disposition and caustic tongue produced a deep impression upon our young minds." Aleksandr Pushkin, "The Shot" celerity "The human mind acts at times with amazing celerity." Benjamin Cardozo, The Growth of the Law cessation "The evolutions of the waltzers were quieted, there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before." Edgar Allan Poe, "The Masque of the Red Death" chagrin "He spent great energy and achieved, to our chagrin, no small amount of success in keeping us away from the people who surrounded us." James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son charisma "Yali radiated charisma and energy as he led his people." Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel charlatan "Many of my friends believe in fortune tellers; I think they are charlatans." Letter to "Dear Abby," New York Daily News, 5/16/99 chicanery "As a profession, lawyers have become associated with chicanery and confusion." People, 2/4/99 chimerical "His utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practicable improvement on what already exists." George Santayana, The Sense of Beauty clandestine "Mr. DeLay's plan for another 'independent' group is nothing less than a proposal to create a clandestine and corrupt slush fund." Editorial, New York Times, 6/1/99 cliché "The cliché 'Politics makes strange bedfellows' certainly applies in this situation." Newsweek, 9/20/99 cliques "The tragic event points out the danger of forming cliques in school that shut out many." Newsday, 5/15/99 coerce "The loan sharks sometimes have to coerce people in order to collect the debt." Peter Kilborn, "Lenders Thrive on Workers in Need," New York Times, 6/18/99 cogent "This article paints a clear and cogent picture of how to handle blowouts." Car and Travel, 9/99

cognizant "I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states." Martin Luther King, Jr., "Letter From Birmingham Jail" comely "An island peopled by the most comely women to be seen anywhere, Bora Bora is a must." Travel, 11/99 commodious "The new baseball stadium offered a more commodious arena for the fans and players." Sports Illustrated, 5/11/99 compassionate "In addition to professional skills, patients want a physician who is compassionate." Advertisement for Maimonides Medical Center, 9/25/95 compatible "The policies of the party are not compatible with his conservative

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compensatory "The compensatory factor was a new arrival; Anukul had a son born to him." Rabindramath Tagore, "My Lord, the Baby" complacent "Weather experts warn not to be complacent about the possibility of a dangerous hurricane." New York, 9/18/95 complicity "After 1945, Hitler's Germans replaced complicity with denial." Lance Morrow, "Done in the Name of Evil," TIME, 6/14/99 component "The F.B.I. did, in fact, develop a racial component, the profile of serial killers as predominantly white, male loners." Jeffrey Goldberg, "The Color of Suspicion," New York Times, 6/20/99 compounded "The match between England and Argentina, always a blood feud, was compounded by the memory of the Falklands crisis." Henry Kissinger, "Pele," TIME, 6/14/99 comprehensive "Lecter was built up as a superman, embodying absolute yet comprehensive evil." Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, "Hannibal Lecter Returns," New York Times Book Review, 6/10/99 concocting "I am concocting a seduction; I do not require a pastry chef." Ben Brantley, New York Times, 6/15/99 concomitant "The doses of the drug were increased with the concomitant result that he quickly became an addict." Otto Friedrich, Before the Deluge concur "Dr. Fishbein did not concur with his colleague's diagnosis and urged the Harper family to seek an opinion from the head of the Urology Department at Columbia Presbyterian." "Prostate Update," Prostate Digest, 9/99 condescending "The reviewer treated this important book in the most condescending and dismissing manner." Letter to New York Times Book Review, 7/25/99 condolence "Words of condolence seem very poor things and yet they are all one can use to tell of one's sympathy." Maisie Ward, Father Maturin condone "He does not condone the actions of any of the participants in the impeachment hearings." New York Times Book Review, 9/26/99 conducive "The quiet calm of this garden is conducive to romance or repose." "The Sophisticated Traveler," 9/26/99 confidant "Lecter rents a lavish house not terribly far from the modest duplex of FBI agent Starling, his antagonist/confidant during the period seven years earlier." Paul Gray, "Dessert Anyone?," TIME, 6/21/99 conflagration "Did the firing of incendiary tear gas canisters cause or contribute to the conflagration?" New York Times, 9/3/99

confronts "When we gaze into a seeming infinity of tomorrows, we face the challenge that any generation confronts when it looks ahead." Editorial, "2000 and Beyond," New York Times, 1/1/00 congenial "Susan's congenial manner made her a favorite in the rodeo." Lacey Fosburgh, "All-Girls Rodeos," New York Times, 8/17/99 conjecture "We read to understand how to take care of ourselves, to prepare for the unexpected, to conjecture what we would do in similar situations." Annie Proulx, "They Lived to Tell the Tale"

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conjugal Hillary is Our Lady of Perpetual Conjugal Suffering; the patron saint of every woman who's every been wronged." Maureen Dowd, "Rudy in Reverse," New York Times, 6/6/99 connoisseur "This is the car for the connoisseur who doesn't have to think about cost." Car and Driver, 10/99 connubial "I never could imagine connubial bliss until after tea." W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale consternation "Father and son stared at each other in consternation and neither knew what to do." Pearl Buck, The Good Earth constricted "He grew up in slightly less constricted circumstances than his teammates." Darcy Frey, The Last Shot construed "Hemingway's simple approach was construed as mysticism." Robert Ruark, "Ernest Was Very Simple" consummate "Arnold Zweig, a writer of consummate artistry, presents a picture of delicacy and charm that hovers on the brink of disaster." Roger Goodman, World-Wide Stories contemptuous "It is not difficult to feel contemptuous when studying the ugly behavior of some of the powerful figures of motion pictures." Pauline Kael, I Lost It at the Movies contort "He is an actor who can contort his face into any number of shapes." People, 4/15/99 controversial "His three-year tenure was controversial and contained charges of racism." Monte Williams, "Roosevelt Island Chief," New York Times, 6/10/99 cope "Every single muscle in the body was strained to the uttermost throughout the watch to cope with the steering." Thor Heyerdahl, Kon Tiki copious "The wedding reception featured copious amounts of food, drink, and music." New York Times, 9/26/99 corpulent "When he squeezed his corpulent body into a chair he seemed to be stuck there forever." Charles W. Thompson, Presidents I Have Known corroborated "Bill corroborated the captain's statement, hurried back down the glistening ladders to his duty." Hanson W. Baldwin, "R.M.S. Titanic" coterie "The aristocratic coterie finally got the upper hand." Edith Hamilton, The Greek Way countenance "Behind a most pleasant countenance, this dictator has maintained a most brutal regime." Newsweek, 2/21/98 coup "Newt Gingrich was nearly toppled in a coup attempt in the House." Michael Duffy, "Who Chose George?," TIME, 6/21/99

covert "In a covert manner, Knute traveled abroad that night." Sinclair Lewis, "Young Man Axelbrod" coveted "The moment has arrived for our annual coveted 'Bloopie' Awards." William Safire, New York Times, 7/18/99 crave "It's the perfect way for the Clintons to hang on to the power, glamour and excitement they both crave." Bob Herbert, "It Could Happen," New York Times, 6/6/99 criterion "This new product is useful, but the major criterion is its safety." Car and Travel, 10/99

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cryptic ''Ms. Bogart, an iconoclastic director known for her cryptic reworkings of everything, turns out to be an ideal interpreter for Gertrude Stein." Ben Brantley, "Gertrude and Alice," New York Times, 6/14/99 culminated "The years of physical and mental training culminated in the fulfillment of a lifelong dream." Vim & Vigor, Summer 1998 culpable "When the jury found Stacy culpable, she collapsed in a state of shock." Eloise R. Baxter, "Judgment Day" culprit "We pointed out the tender age and physical slightness of the little culprit." Thomas Mann, "Mario and the Magician" cumbersome "Grizzly bears may look cumbersome and awkward, but don't be deceived." Nature, 2/97 cumulative "There can be an extraordinary cumulative strength in Mr. Foote's plays." Ben Brantley, New York Times, 6/18/99 cupidity "There is little real humor in this picture of cunning and cupidity as revealed by a petty contest for a paltry sum." Liam O'Flaherty, "A Shilling" curry "The candidates are visiting many senior centers in an attempt to curry support among the elderly." AARP Bulletin, 9/99 cursory "Even a cursory glance at the text of the peace agreement shows that the Yugoslav leader has accepted NATO's demands in full." Tim Judah, "What Do We Do With Serbia Now?," New York Times, 6/4/99 curtail "A court decision to a freeze on regulations to curtail cross-state pollution was unpopular." "EPA's Reduced Standards," Newsday, 6/15/99 cynical "A cynical view of phone calls or mail offering free merchandise or membership is the safest approach." Newsweek, 6/7/98 D dearth "There was no dearth of criticism of his work." H. L. Mencken, "The Case of Dreiser" debacle "After leading the league for most of the season, September brought the debacle that ruined their hopes." Roger Kahn, The Boys of Summer debilitating "Exercise can help people overcome debilitating illnesses." Vim & Vigor, Summer 1998 debris "They continued their support for earthquake victims in the debris of collapsed houses." New York Daily News, 8/7/99

decade "Clearly, the first decade of the 21st century will be the 'e-decade,' as all forms of e-commerce and e-ways of life continue to grow." Letter to the editor, New York Times, 1/1/00 decadence "I said earlier that the decadence of our language is probably curable." George Orwell, Politics and the English Language decapitate "The FBI hoped that the arrest of the drug lord would decapitate the illegal organization." David Denby, Beyond Rangoon declaimed "Some of the province's most illustrious men visited the courthouse and declaimed within its four walls." Hazel Grinnell, Travel Journal decorum "My father's sense of decorum was shattered by his son's bad behavior in the restaurant." Peter Balakian, Black Dog of Fate

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decrepit "Some schools are in such decrepit condition that students will be transferred to safer schools until repairs can be made." NYC Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew, Newsday, 7/6/99 deem "You shall stay here as long as the proper authorities deem necessary." Bernard Malamud, The Fixer defamatory "His defamatory remarks about minorities are transmitted on the Internet." TIME, 8/30/99 degraded "The world is weary of statesmen who have become degraded into politicians." Benjamin Disraeli deleterious "These statutes will have a deleterious effect on the public interest." Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark, speech, 1960 delineation "There is no need for an exact delineation of a standard for a permit to hold a street meeting." Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, decision, 1951 deluded "Mrs. Barrows had deluded herself that you visited her last evening and behaved in an unseemly manner." James Thurber, "The Catbird Seat" deluge "The art exhibit brought a deluge of criticism because of its subject matter." New York Daily News, 9/28/99 delve "We can help you delve deeper into your destination and take you places most travel companies miss." Grand Circle Travel Booklet demeanor "You could tell by her demeanor that she was more than a bit upset by the unexpected news." New York Times, 9/7/99 demur "At first the Crown Prince would demur, but after being prodded, he would generally choose dictation, which he liked least." Elizabeth Gray Vining, Windows for the Crown Prince denote "The origins of the letters 'O.K.' to denote 'all right' are not clear." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue depict "How can one depict the beauty and impact of Grand Canyon in words or pictures?" Freeman Tilden, The National Parks deplorable "The troops were amazed at the deplorable conditions in the refugee camp." Newsweek, 5/12/97 deploy "Eisenhower expressed the hope that the United States would not be the first to deploy a weapon so horrible." David McCullough, Truman deprecate "Why do they always deprecate the efforts of a woman press secretary, but rarely a man doing the same job?" New York, 9/25/95

derided "He made his living in a vocation so derided it has become a gag phrase: wedding singer." Joyce Wadler, "Public Lives," New York Times, 6/15/99 derived "His political success is derived mainly from the public awareness of his prominent family." TIME, 2/16/98 derogatory "When a communist father noticed a religious program on TV, he uttered a derogatory statement and turned off the program." J. Edgar Hoover, "Why Do People Become Communists?" desist "My husband kicked me under the table and warned me to desist." Phyllis Krasilovsky, "Pumpernickel in My Purse," New York Times, 6/12/99 destitute "Our Supreme Court has said that any citizen has a Constitutional right to have counsel, and that the court must appoint a lawyer to defend the destitute."

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Joseph Welch, "Should a Lawyer Defend a Guilty Man?" desultory "Mortimer enters and, distracted by what his aunts are doing, plants a desultory kiss upon Elaine's cheek." Joseph Kesselring, Arsenic and Old Lace deter "Concern for his job did not deter him from making public the dangers of smoking." "Brave Politician," New York Times, 4/12/99 detriment "The New York City Board of Education voted not to renew the chancellor's contract as the majority viewed him as a detriment to improvements in education." New York Newsday, 1/4/00 devout "This author has a devout following among young readers." New York Times Book Review, 7/25/98 dexterity "Ali built his career based on his dexterity, both in the ring and in the use of colorful language." Boxing, 3/95 diatribe "Rebecca Gilman's new play could easily have been an easy diatribe against racism." TIME, 6/7/99 dilettante "This art exhibit is not for the dilettante; the subject matter is too shocking." New York Daily News, 10/3/99 diminutive "A giant of a chef, he is a diminutive, modest man." New York Post, 10/10/99 discern "He could not see that the Justice's face was kindly nor discern that his voice was troubled." William Faulkner, "Barn Burning" disciples "Rick and his disciples dominated the entire summer scene, making it unpleasant for those who were not part of the inner circle." Ellis R. Sloane, Catskill Idyll [adapted] discreet "When questioned about her husband's illegal activities, she kept a discreet silence." Newsday, 5/16/99 disdain "Hillary shows disdain for the idea that matters other than policy are anyone's business." Margaret Carlson, "Uh-Oh, the Real First Lady Shows Up," TIME, 6/7/99 disgruntled "The police believe the damage was done by a disgruntled ex-employee." Newsday, 5/16/99 disheveled "The wind tugged at and disheveled her hair." William Cowper, The Task dismantle "Wayne Huizenga's move to dismantle the World Series Marlin squad has hurt the Florida team at the box office." Ralph Kiner, baseball announcer, Fox Sports [adapted] disparage "It (government control) has been called crackpot, but that doesn't disparage it for me." E. B. White, One Man's Meat

disparate "At the moment standardized tests have a disparate racial and ethnic impact." Abigail Thernstrom, "Testing, the Easy Target," New York Times, 6/10/99 dispersed "The police waded in and dispersed the protesting crowd." New York Post, 10/23/99 disseminate "In the history of the world, no other tool has allowed us to disseminate more information than the Internet." Computer World, 5/99 dissent "In the totalitarian state that utopianism produced, dissent could not be tolerated." Anthony Lewis, "Abroad at Home," New York Times, 12/31/99 distraught "On the veranda of Banker White's house Helen was restless and

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diversity "Mr. Oates said this rare document belonged in Queens because it is the center of ethnic diversity for this country." New York Times, 1/5/00 divulged "The DNA tests divulged enough evidence to free him from death row." Newsweek, 2/17/98 docile "How long can they remain docile, living under such terrible oppression?" Business Week, 6/16/98 doddering "The image of the aged as suffering from memory loss and doddering mobility is far from accurate." AARP Magazine, 9/99 doleful "The patients were left in doleful plight, as the whole country resounded with the consequent cry of 'hard times'." Washington Irving, "The Devil and Tom Walker" domicile "At night he returned peaceably enough to his lonesome domicile." Theodore Dreiser, "The Lost Phoebe" dormant "The disease may lie dormant for years before becoming active and dangerous." Johns Hopkins Health Letter, 5/97 dregs "Some certain dregs of conscience are yet within me." William Shakespeare, Richard III drudgery "And then she came to find the paralytic aunthouseworkjanitor's drudgery." Anzia Yezierska, "Hunger" dubious "Many scientists say its experimental merits are dubious." Margaret Wente, "Fifth Column," Globe and Mail, Toronto, 5/27/99 dulcet "Her dulcet tones and intelligent reading of the story captivated the hearers." "Our Town," New York Times, 10/7/99 duped "Barnum knew the American public loved to be duped." W. L. Phelps, American Entrepreneurs duplicity "The duplicity of which he had been guilty weighed on his spirit." H. C. Bunner, "Our Aromatic Uncle" duress "Under duress she was forced to admit having lied during a 1994 deposition in her breach of contract law suit." Associated Press report, Newsday, 6/24/99 E edifice "My love was like a fair house built on another man's ground so that I have lost my edifice by mistaking the place where I erected it." William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor efficacy "He runs his office with the greatest efficacy." Sally Quinn, Chicago Sun Times, 12/9/79

effigy "ANGRY SERBS HANG UNCLE SAM IN EFFIGY" Headline over Associated Press photo, New York Times, 8/23/99 effrontery "In view of his personal background, we were astonished at his effrontery in attacking the morals of the candidate." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics egotist "It takes an egotist to believe that nature has provided these beauties as a special act on his behalf." Freeman Tilden, The National Parks egregious "It is mystifying why some women still stick with Bill through so many egregious episodes." Maureen Dowd, New York Times, 6/2/99 elapsed "True, a decent time had elapsed, and it was not even suggested that Waythorn

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had supplanted his predecessor." Edith Wharton, The Descent of Man [adapted] elicit "The experimental animal obviously hoped to elicit a reproduction of the pleasurable sensations he had experienced under laboratory conditions." Loren Eiseley, "Man and Porpoise" elucidate "The Secretary of State tried to elucidate the government's policies in the troubled Middle East." New York Times, 5/7/98 elusive "In his appearance there was something attractive and elusive which allured women and disposed them in his favour." Anton Chekhov, "The Lady with the Dog" emaciated "Twiggy, whose fame was related to her emaciated look, is now better known for her singing and dramatic talent." Play review, New Jersey Star Ledger, 5/12/99 embellished "The prioress may not have told the correct story in all its details and she may even have embellished the story a little bit to make it more attractive." Lin Yutang, "The Jade Goddess" eminent "It was unbelievable that a man so eminent would actually sit in our dining room and eat our food." V.S. Pritchett, "The Saint" emissary "The mayor sent an emissary to the striking teachers in the hope of starting negotiations." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics emitted "The smoke that was emitted when the bomb went off made some think it was a firecracker but I thought it was a revolver shot." Journal of Andre Gide, Vol. I emulate "Her companions she loved and admired but could not emulate for they knew things she did not." Rose Macaulay, The World My Wilderness encomiums "Isn't it sad that we receive our highest encomiums after we are gone and unable to enjoy them?" James Farley, quoted in Ruffles and Flourishes encumbrance "Maxim decided to dispose of the encumbrance of a whining wife and three disrespectful teenagers by leaving silently in the dead of the night." Everett Dodds, Greener Pastures [adapted] engrossed "The wasp was engrossed utterly in her task." Alan Devoe, "The Mad Dauber" enhance "Her breadth of experience and determination to enhance her knowledge have increased her value to Con Edison." Con Edison Report, Producing Excellence, 1998 enigma "He was an enigmaby this I mean that he did not look soldierly nor financial nor artistic nor anything definite at all." Max Beerbohm, "A.V. Laider"

ennui "The ennui and utter emptiness of a life of pleasure is fast urging fashionable women to something better." Elizabeth Cady Stanton, The Newport Convention entourage "Sinatra was the greatest but I was never a part of his entourage, his rat pack." Comedian Buddy Hackett to New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, New York Daily News, 7/14/99 entreaty "The police captain made one more entreaty for the unruly crowd to leave." New York Post, 10/23/99 enunciated "At his press conference, Jerry Springer enunciated his qualifications for a Senate seat in Ohio." Francis X. Clines, "Springer Considers Race for Senate," New York Times, 8/4/99 epithets "Four scowling men sat in the dinghy and surpassed records in the inven-

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epitome "My community considers a man in uniform to be the living epitome of heroism." Lucius Garvin, Collected Essays equanimity "We have to call upon our whole people to stand up with equanimity to the fire of the enemy." Winston Churchill, speech, 1942 eradicate "The urologist said that prostate cancer patients shouldn't hang their hopes on having the vaccine eradicate the disease in the near future." Associated Press, "Vaccine Fights Prostate Cancer," Newsday, 10/21/99 erudite "The erudite historian, Prof. Garrett Clark, will speak on 'Evaluating Democracy' at our April meeting." Lancaster Library Bulletin, Spring 2000 eruption "We have learned about this ancient city, frozen in time by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D." Grand Circle Travel Booklet, 1999 escalation "There is a dangerous escalation in Kashmir as India and Pakistan are engaged in the worst fighting in decades." Editorial, New York Times, 6/22/99 eschew "When in Rome, we decided to eschew Arithmetic." Ruth McKinney, "Proof in Nine" ethics "The vast majority of employees perform in a highly satisfactory manner because good work ethics exist in their kitchens." Manual for School Food Service Managers in N.Y.C. Public Schools [adapted] euphemism "But now he was merely an elder statesman, the euphemism for a politician who no longer has any influence." Robert Wallace, "Not Him" evaluate "Mr. Gooding hopes to find the answer if his mentor gives him the chance to evaluate the prisoner." Lawrence Van Gelder, New York Times, 6/4/99 evanescent "The incidents which give excellence to biography are of a volatile and evanescent kind." Samuel Johnson, "The Rambler" No. 30 eventuated "Her illness following the chemotherapy eventuated in death." Terrence Foy, St. Louis Blues evince "The vote on Roe vs. Wade will show whether enough senators evince an interest in overturning the 1973 Supreme Court decision." Elaine Povich, "Abortion Politics," Newsday, 10/22/99 exacerbated "Jason Isringhausen's injuries were exacerbated by his immaturity." Howie Rose, Mets Baseball Announcer, Fox Sports, 6/8/99 [adapted] excoriate "Senator Bradley refused to excoriate his opponent, preferring to take the high road in the campaign." ABC Eyewitness T.V. News, 10/21/99

excruciating "An almost excruciating agitation results when a leaf falls into still water." Jack London, "To Build a Fire" exhort "There was no reason for me to exhort the guys to play hard because they were already giving me 110%." Mets Baseball Manager Bobby Valentine on Radio Talk Show WFAN, 10/21/99 exonerate "There is no reason to exonerate him from the ordinary duties of a citizen." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Collected Legal Papers expatriate "For months she lived the nocturnal life of an expatriate American tango bum." Jimmy Scott, "Flirting with the Tango," New York Times, 6/11/99

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expedient "There exists the age old choice between a moral action and an expedient one." Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon expedite "There was a pressing need to expedite assistance to those suffering after the earthquake." Newsday, 8/15/99 exploit "He has not wanted to exploit his fame as a basketball star for political advantage." Boston Globe, 7/27/99 expunge "If the offender made it to adulthood without further problems, everything would be expunged." James Kilpatrick, "Boy Learns Constitutionthe Hard Way," Burlington Vermont Free Press, 6/12/99 expurgate "Lenny resisted any attempt by the law to expurgate his language dealing with personal and private behavior." "Lenny Bruce, Voice of Shock," Atlantic Monthly, 5/86 extant "Rumors are extant that the Federal Reserve members are greatly concerned about the irrational exuberance of investors." Bloomberg Financial News, 4/12/98 extinct "There are many warnings that loss of habitat will make many species extinct in the near future." "The Rotunda," Publication of the American Museum of Natural History, 5/5/98 extol "They extol the largely nonexistent virtues of bygone eras." Artemus Abruzzi, Commonsense extortion "To the prince who goes forth with his army, supporting it by pillage and extortion, this open-handedness is necessary." Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince extraneous "The ballet struck me as extraneous and out of keeping with the rest of the play." Wolcott Gibbs, More in Sorrow extrinsic "Disdaining contributions from extrinsic lobbying groups, the candidate won my admiration and my vote." Lawrence Burton, "Inside the Polls" exult "YANKEES EXULT OVER PETTITTE'S PERFORMANCE" Headline, Sports Section, Newsday, 6/19/99 exultation "We face the year 2000 with a combination of concern and exultation." Newsweek, 12/15/99 F fabricate "Perhaps the dialogues that you fabricate are nothing more than monologues." Miguel Unamuno, "Mist" façade "He hid behind the façade of public servant to work at a private agenda." H. L. Woods facet "As soon as one becomes computer-literate, a new technical facet is introduced that challenges us once again." New York Times, 10/25/99

facetious "Politicians must be careful about any facetious comment that can be turned into an opponent's advantage." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics facile "We are usually more facile with words we read than with words we use to write or speak." Charlton Laird, The Miracle of Language factitious "The opposition was challenged by a factitious outpouring of what appeared to be popular support for the government." Robert Kaplan, Balkan Tragedy fallacious "The demand was plausible, but the more I thought about it, the more fallacious it seemed." A. D. White, Scams and Schemes [adapted] falter "Should we falter in our determination to pursue an honorable solution to the problems of the Middle-East, and face

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unthinkable consequences?" I. F. Stone, "The Weekly Reader" fastidious "A single small elephant tusk took no less than two months of fastidious work to excavate." Brian Fagan, Time Detectives fatal "What caused him to lose the election was his fatal mistake of not raising sufficient funds to publicize himself." Jewell Bellush and Dick Netzer, Urban Politics fatuous "After only a few seconds of silence, speakers of English seem obligated to say something, even making a fatuous comment about the weather." Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue feasible "Everyone who has looked at the smart guns said there is no quick, feasible way of doing this." Leslie Wayne, "Smart Guns," New York Times, 6/15/99 feint "Young as Oliver was, he had sense enough to make a feint of feeling great regret at going away." Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist felicitous "The evening of hypnotism was not a felicitous one; we were frightened that we would lose our will or enter into unpleasant acts." Diary of Anais Nin felon "I was surprised to see this notorious felon become a regular at our bible discussion classes." Rabbi Myron David, A Chaplain's Jail Tales [adapted] ferment "She herself yearned for calm, but lived in a neighborhood of ferment and daily chaos." Alan Lelchuk, American Mischief fervid "I'm a mixture of my mother's determination and my father's fervid optimism." Gwen Robyns, Light of A Star fetish "Today the automobile has become a fetish for one's standing and accomplishments." Mark Twain, Autobiography fetters "The cruel fetters of the galley slaves were wet with blood." Alex Haley, Roots fiasco "Your $25 contribution to our fund will bring you an hilarious tape of the fiasco of an elementary school's production of 'Peter Pan.'" Public Broadcasting Announcement, 12/25/98 fiat "Pitching Coach Bob Apodaca's fiat to Met hurlers was simple: pitch fast, change speeds, throw strikes." Howie Rose, baseball announcer, Fox Sports, 7/8/99 flabbergasted "The President was flabbergasted when his private office recorded conversations were made public." Herbert Brucker, Journalist flagrant "Gene Savoy's flagrant name dropping doesn't seem to bother any of the visitors on board." Brad Wetzler, "Crazy for Adventure," New York Times, 6/6/99

flamboyant "Dame Judi Dench is not as flamboyant as the other British theatrical Dames such as Vanessa Redgrave or Maggie Smith." Playbill, Vol. 9, No. 55 flay "There is no shortage of critics who flay the journalists for being sensation seekers rather than news gatherers." Herbert Brucker, Journalist fledgling "Women's professional basketball, recently a fledgling sport, has taken root and grown into a major spectator event." Sports, 9/14/99 flout "His ideas frightened the farmers, for he would flout and ridicule their traditional beliefs with a mocking logic that they could not answer." S. Raja Ratnam, "Drought"

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fluctuated "He fluctuated between mindless talk and endless silence." Alix Shulman, "Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen" foist "Eventually, advertisements began to foist off the use of perfume as a way to snare a man." E. S. Turner, The Shocking History of Advertising [adapted] foment "The petitioners were not attempting to foment violence by their peaceful actions." Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, decision, 1960 forthwith "Get down to your Toyota dealer forthwith and take advantage of our holiday saleabration." Toyota advertisement, CBS TV fortuitous "Representative Foley resumed a corridor interview, making a point about the fortuitous beauty of bipartisanship." Francis X. Clines, "Gun Control Debate," New York Times, 6/18/99 fracas "Once the will was read, there followed a fracas that involved numerous law suits and lasted years." Fortune, 2/16/91 fractious "The fractious couple received a tongue lashing from Judge Judy." Arnold Feigenbaum, "Television Justice?" frail "This frail woman has the strength to work where the strong turn away." "Mother Teresa," New Republic, 10/16/97 fraught "Ev'ry sigh comes forth so fraught with sweets, 'Tis incense to be offered to a god." Nathaniel Lee, The Rival Queens fray "To the latter end of a fray and the beginning of a feast, Fits a dull fighter and a keen guest." William Shakespeare, Henry IV frenetic "There is no place more frenetic than a newspaper office when a major story is breaking." Herbert Brucker, Journalist frenzy "They had a sense of the wildest adventure, which mounted to frenzy, when some men rose on the shore and shouted to them, 'Hello, there! What are you doing with that boat?' " William Dean Howells, A Boy's Town fretful "When Mike Nichols directed 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' Warner Bros. was fretful, worrying about the Legion of Decency." Liz Smith, "Century's Choice," New York Post, 6/23/99 frugal "He was famously frugal'so tight he damn near squeaked' says a colleague." Eric Pooley, "How George Got His Groove," TIME, 6/21/99 fruitless "Since launching a diplomatic shuttle, the Russian envoy had spent dozens of fruitless hours with the Yugoslav dictator." Johanna McGeary, "Why He Blinked," TIME, 6/14/99 frustrated "I will not be frustrated by reality." Ray Bradbury, Forever and the Earth

fulsome "I was appreciative of his sincere and fulsome praise." Ruth McKinney, "A Loud Sneer for Our Feathered Friends" furtive "Hogan directed a furtive glance up and down the alley." John Steinbeck, "How Mr. Hogan Robbed a Bank" futility "Resistance to changes in English language rules often ends in futility." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue G galvanize "While he could not galvanize an audience, he could make them think." George Jean Nathan, House of Satan gamut "At one end of the gamut of slang's humor is what Oliver Wendell Holmes called 'the blank checks of a bankrupt mind.'" Bergen Evans, "Now Everyone is Hip About Slang"

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garbled "A garbled account of the matter that had reached his colleagues led to some gentle ribbing." H. G. Wells, "The Man Who Could Work Miracles" garrulous "The more he drank, the more garrulous he became, until he suddenly seemed to fade out." Lawrence O'Brien, W. C. Fields gaudy "This computer drawing program permits children to express themselves in the most gaudy art they can imagine." Working Mother, 5/96 gaunt "Her gaunt expression was mistaken for weakness of spirit, whereas it told the sad story of her life." George Eliot, Middle March genocide "Accounts of the destruction of masses of people recall that genocide is an ancient practice." Otto Friedrich, Before the Deluge genre "There is a certain difference between a work called a romance and the genre known as the novel." Nathaniel Hawthorne germane "In assigning ratings to films, is it not germane to consider the nature and extent of violence shown?" The Hollywood Reporter, 5/19/97 gesticulating " 'Three times' was still all he could say, in his thick, angry voice, gesticulating at the commissaire and glaring at me." Francis Steegmuller, "The Foreigner" gist "The gist of it is . . . love is a great beautifier." Louisa May Alcott, Little Women gleaned "I gleaned what I could from college, but independent reading soon broadened my horizons." I. F. Stone, Weekly Reader glib "It is not glib to maintain that truth can never be contained in one creed." Mary Augusta Ward, Robert Elsmere gratuity "What form of gratuity would compensate his informer's key bit of information?" Dashiell Hammett, Red Harvest gregariousness "We will take with us one thing alone that exists among porpoises as among men; an ingrained gregariousness." Loren Eiseley, "Man and Porpoise" grimace "When informed of the death of his best friend, he was unemotional, not a grimace marred his face." James Jones, The Thin Red Line grotesque "Nowadays, men have to work, and women to marry for money; it's a dreadfully grotesque world." Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

guise "Freedom is not worth fighting for, if, under its guise, one tries to get as much as he can for himself." Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Seasoned Timber gullible "'Charles the horse was wonderful!' cried a gullible goose." James Thurber, "What Happened to Charles" gusto "Ali faced each fight with supreme confidence and challenged his opponents with wit and gusto." "His Greatest Challenge," Sports Illustrated, 5/5/97 H habitat "Billy begins to be happy about life only in an artificial but cozy habitat on another planet." William Bly, Barron's Book Notes, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut halcyon "The halcyon days we recall with pleasure had many clouded moments." Wolcott Gibbs, New Yorker, 4/8/49 hapless "Parents, too, have an almost irresistible impulse to mold their children in

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their own image or at least graft a few of their own ambitions onto their hapless off-spring.'' Arthur Gordon, "The Neglected Art of Being Different" harassing "Over the next weeks came more amendments and harassing tactics including a motion to postpone selection of a new capital." Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years harbingers "It is easy enough to find harbingers of the episode in the early coverage of Mrs. Dole's candidacy." TIME, 5/24/99 haven "The desire to escape the city has filtered down into every other economic group, and as a result of the suburb's popularity, that haven of refuge is itself filling up." Lewis Mumford, "The Roaring Traffic's Boom" havoc "Excessive sensitiveness plays havoc with children's nerves." Guy De Maupassant, "Looking Back" heinous "All crimes against a whole people are measured by the heinous ones carried out by Hitler." Civilization, 12/99 heresy "Calvin had written that heresy was not an evil, deserving death." Herbert Brucker, Journalist heterogeneous "The family is heterogeneous enough to make quite a good party in itself." Rose Macauley, The World My Wilderness hirsute "The difference between this rock concert and one 10 years earlier is the marked decrease in hirsute young men." TIME, 8/8/99 histrionics "Bobby Valentine's histrionics will be irrelevant, because Rule 51 states that any manager who is ejected must remain in the clubhouse until the game is over." Jack Curry, "Valentine is Suspended and Fined," New York Times, 6/11/99 hoard "Many people give freely of their affections while you hoard yours." Joseph Conrad, Victory hoax "Frank Spencer, an anthropologist who rummaged through the bones of controversy to theorize about the identity of the mastermind behind the Piltdown Man hoax of 1912, died on Sunday." Obituary notice, New York Times, 6/12/99 homogeneous "Archaeologists have unearthed evidence showing that the people of ancient Egypt were far from a homogeneous civilization." Brian Fagan, Time Detective hostile "He might commit some hostile act, attempt to strike me or choke me." Jack London, White Fang humility "Early in life I had to choose between arrogance and humility; I chose arrogance." Frank Lloyd Wright hyperbole "It is not hyperbole to state that, most terribly, justice and judgment lie often a world apart." Emmeline Pankhurst, My Own Story I

iconoclast "He was an iconoclast about everything, except his love of money." Garry Wills, syndicated newspaper column, 3/8/79 idyllic "The brilliant Hawaiian sunrise beckons you to a great breakfast as your tour of the idyllic islands begins." Brochure for Perillo Tours ignominious "Henry Clay had ambition to become president, but he faced an ignominious series of setbacks." H. Foner, Failed Candidates ilk "'That's the standard line,' Ron said, 'as promoted by some Japanese businessmen and American spokesmen of their ilk.'" Michael Crichton, Rising Sun

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imbibe "I got up and went downstairs and into the kitchen to imbibe my first cup of coffee before going to the barn." Glenway Wescott, The Breath of Bulls imminent "I admired the easy confidence with which my chief loped from side to side of his wheel and trimmed the ship so closely that disaster seemed ceaselessly imminent." Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi impeccable "That is why the so-called 'better' juvenile books, skillfully constructed, morally sanitary, psychologically impeccabledon't really make much of a dent on the child's consciousness." Clifton Fadiman, "My Life is an Open Book" impede "Judge Jones has become known for her anger at defense lawyers who try to impede executions through legal maneuvers." David Firestone, "Death Penalty Conference," New York Times, 8/19/99 imperative "But unlike the others, Mrs. Hassan had yet another imperative: her son Huseyin has leukemia and needs blood." Edmund L. Andrews, "I Cannot Die," New York Times, 8/19/99 imperceptibly "In the two decades since W. Ugams had come to Boston, his status had imperceptibly shifted." John Updike, New Yorker, 10/22/60 imperturbable "The Prince de Ligne had given the Empress Catherine the name of imperturbable, or immoveable." Walter Tooke, The Life of Catherine impetuous "He displayed the impetuous vivacity of youth." Samuel Johnson, "The Rambler" No. 27 impious "The Sunis regard the Shias as impious heretics." Matthew Arnold, Essays in Criticism implacable "It seemed folly for this young man to hope to create a self-supporting farm in such an implacable environment." Leland Stowe, Crusoe of Lonesome Lake implored "No beggars implored Scrooge to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it was o'clock." Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol importuned "Many businessmen were importuned to come to Washington." John McDonald, On Capitol Hill impresario "He was an egregious impresario of letters who kept a squad of writers churning out copy marketed under his signature." C. J. Rolo, No Business Like Show Business [adapted] impromptu "At an impromptu airport news conference, Gov. Bush declined to respond directly to questions about his experience with drugs." Associated Press Report, "Next Question, Please," 6/5/99 imprudent "We are not so imprudent as to destroy the bees that work for us." Robert Tanner, Principles of Agriculture

impunity "Swaraj means that not a single Hindu or Mussulman shall for a moment crush with impunity meek Hindus or Mussulmans." Mohandas K. Gandhi, "The Untouchables" inadvertently "In our report on NASCAR RACING, we inadvertently attributed a quote to Doris O'Bryant." Correction made by TIME editors, 6/21/99 inane "When left with nothing to talk about, people resort to inane remarks about the weather." Lawrence Kaminer, "A World of Strangers" inanimate "We assumed that the inanimate body in the rubble was dead but the dog, trained to distinguish between live and dead

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bodies, knew better." Stephen Kinzer, "Turkish Earthquake Relief," New York Times, 8/21/99 incapacitated "His searing empathy for the parents of incapacitated clients is a product of the still-raw pain over the 1980 suicide of his younger brother." Jan Hoffman, "Public Lives," New York Times, 6/18/99 inchoate "The general plan is inchoate and incoherent and the particular treatments disconnected." Hillary Corke, Global Economy incipient "As columnist Jack Anderson was about to write about the Secretary of State's incipient departure, Al Haig panicked." William Safire, "On Language," New York Times, 6/20/99 incisive "Your hands are keen, your mind incisive, your sensitivity deep, your vision well honed." Thomas A. Dooley, "To a Young Doctor" inclement "The inclement weather that has given us fits recently is over, and I'm looking for blue skies for all of next week." Weather forecast from ABC's Sam Champion, Eyewitness News, 6/23/99 incoherent "So seldom do editors get what they think they want that they tend to become incoherent in their insistent repetition of their needs." Jerome Weidman, "Back Talk" incompatible "Once men tried to reach heaven by building a tower, and I made their formats incompatible." Garrison Keillor, "Faith at the Speed of Light," TIME, 6/14/99 incongruous "He was clothed with tatters of old ship's canvas: and this extraordinary patchwork was held together by a system of various and incongruous fastenings." Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island incontrovertible "The Wilsons lived in a universe of words linked into an incontrovertible firmament by two centuries of Calvinist divines." John Dos Passos, U.S.A. incredulous "The Nazi war on cancer?other readers may be as incredulous as I was when this book came to my attention." Michael Sherry, New York Times, 5/23/99 incumbent "As a Muslim, the Director of Interfaith Affairs for the Islamic Center said that it is incumbent on him to actively engage others in the service of Allah." Jioni Palmer, "Vigil to Address Growing Violence," Newsday, 10/10/99 indict "You can't indict a whole nation, particularly on such vague grounds as these were." Robert M. Coates, "The Law" indifference "David sees Ham who, although now shows indifference to life, swims out to save people from a shipwreck." Holly Hughes, Barron's Book Notes, David Copperfield by Charles Dickens indigenous "A MacArthur Foundation grant was given to Dennis A. Moore for helping to preserve the language and culture of indigenous groups in Brazil." Announcement of MacArthur Grants, 6/23/99

indigent "The bill would make modest improvements in the way that counsel is provided for indigent defendants." Bob Herbert, "Defending the Status Quo," New York Times, 6/17/99 indiscriminate "The indiscriminate spraying of pesticides add a new chapter, a new kind of havoc." Rachel Carson, Silent Spring indoctrinated "Teachers have indoctrinated students in practical subjects like home ec." Jodie Morse, "Hitched in Home Room," TIME, 6/21/99

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indolent "This indolent weather turns a student's thoughts toward last-minute truancy." Darcy Frey, "The Last Shot" inebriated "Red Skelton's inebriated clown who was guzzling Smuggler's Gin is one of the all-time great comedy sketches." Paul De Simone, "They Made Us Laugh" [adapted] ineffectual "Medicare officials told the White House that the proposed drug plan is unrealistic and would be ineffectual." Robert Pear, "Drug Plan Worries Democrats," New York Times, 6/25/99 inert "The Japanese drifted inert in his life jacket watching 449 approach until the bow crossed in front of him." Robert J. Donovan, PT 109 inevitable "The 'High Occupancy Vehicle' lanes were an attempt to avoid the otherwise inevitable traffic delays on the Expressway." Newsday, 9/23/99 inexorably "Note that it is all in one long sentence, developing inexorably like the slow decay of our lives." Clifton Fadiman, "They Have Their Exits and Their Entrances" infallible "He had an infallible ear for the way people spoke, and he imitated them in his writing." Reader's Encyclopedia infamous "The unsubstantiated computer rumors for which the Internet is infamous began flowing within hours of the arrival of Jan. 1 in Asia." Barnaby Feder, "Internet's Cheering Squad Nervously Watches Clock," New York Times, 1/1/00 infraction "Order cannot be secured through fear of punishment for an infraction against a political entity." Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, decision, 10/64 ingratiate "This tax was abolished by Richard III to ingratiate himself with the people." Sir Francis Bacon, Henry VII inherent "Harvey lacked graduate degrees but his inherent knowledge of human nature enabled him to be successful as a personnel manager." "Rungs on the Corporate Ladder," American Management Association brochure inhibition "With all this 'inhibition' stuff and Freudian approach and 'group play,' you get the distinct impression that people are actually afraid of their kids." William Michelfelder, The Fun of Doing Nothing iniquity "I lack iniquity Sometime to do me service." William Shakespeare, Othello initiate "The Russian army seems ready to initiate a new offensive against the defenders of the capital of Chechnya." New York Post, 1/10/00 innate "Nothing makes the weak strong or the fearful brave as much as our bodies' innate drive to stay alive." William Safire, "Why Die?," New York Times, 1/1/00 innocuous "Howell's seemingly innocuous remark about Tanya's footware led to a torrent of curses from the petite brunette." George Sokolsky, "Very Thin Ice"

inordinate "Was it, perhaps, because his back had broken under his inordinate burden?" I. L. Peretz, "Buntcheh the Silent" insatiable "One needs an insatiable curiosity to succeed in the new technical worldwide spread of information." Jared Diamond, "Guns, Germs, and Steel" insidious "For them, civilization is an insidious but no less sure and deadly poison." Hernando Bates, Central America

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integral "Let Office 2000 be an integral part of your productivity tools." Newspaper ad for Microsoft Office 2000 interjected "The accountant interjected, saying that you can buy a better house in New Jersey than on Long Island for the same money." Ken Moritsugu, "Nowhere to Build," Newsday, 6/25/99 interlopers "Indeed, the magazine managers are treated as foreign interlopers." Michael Woolf, "Tribune and Tribulation," New York, 7/5/99 interminably "In his clean white shirt and blue jeans, with one hand resting carelessly on the black box, he seemed very proper and important as he talked interminably to Mr. Graves and the Martins." Shirley Jackson, "The Lottery" internecine "Eight thousand zealots stabbed each other in internecine massacre." L. H. Farrar, Early Christians interrogate "The District Attorney of Nassau County is set to interrogate a Malverne police officer who was arrested on shoplifting charges." Associated Press report, New York Times, 8/20/99 intimidate "New language could target loiterers with no apparent purpose other than to intimidate others from entering those areas." Margaret Hornblower, "Ending the Roundups," TIME, 6/21/99 intrepid "Scientists and support staff began celebrating the new year along with a planeload of tourists and seven intrepid skiers." Malcolm Browne, "Absence of Midnight Doesn't Darken Spirits," New York Times, 1/1/00 intrinsic "We appear to have lost the belief that honesty is an intrinsic aspect of political leadership." Editorial, Christian Science Monitor, 5/17/98 introspective "All had the thin, narrow faces and large, wide-open eyesintrospective eyes." Ivan Cankar, "Children and Old Folk" inundated "We do know that the moon's surface has not been eroded by wind or rain or ice or snow and has not been inundated by oceans, lakes or rivers." Lee A. DuBridge, "Sense and Nonsense About Space" invalidate "Some Reagan and Bush appointees have proved far too willing to invalidate decisions made by Congress and the Executive branch." Cass R. Sunstein, New York Times, 6/2/99 invective "I watched him walk into the clubhouse, kick a bench and break a toe, never once stopping the flow of invective." Jack Altshul, "Why Should the Other Guy Beat Me?" inveighed "The County Executive inveighed against scofflaws who owe a total of $60 million." Television news broadcast, CBS, 6/23/99 inveterate "The inveterate Boston Red Sox fan faces seemingly endless disappointment." Peter Balakian, "Black Dogs of Fate" inviolable "The coach broke an inviolable rule by striking one of his players." Don DeLillo, End Zone

irascible "He became so irascible that within six months he lost his wife and half of his office staff." Herman Wouk, Don't Stop the Carnival irate "I got irate because people have been yelling at me my whole life." Olivia Winslow, "Cop Tells of a Confession," Newsday, 6/23/99 irrational "He became irrational and threatened to commit suicide." Darcy Frey, "The Last Shot"

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irrelevant "What has existed in the past seems to him not only not authoritative, but irrelevant, inferior, and outworn." George Santayana, Character and Opinion in the United States itinerant "Hamlet greeted the group of itinerant actors and made them part of a plan to trap Claudius." Barron's Educational Series, Book Notes J jaunty "The cadet was very trim in his red breeches and blue tunic, his white gloves spotless, his white cockade jaunty, his heart in his mouth." Alexander Woolcott, "Entrance Fee" jeopardized "Cancellation of the event would have jeopardized the financial survival of the organization." Nat Hentoff, "Picket Lines are Labor's Free Speech," Village Voice, 6/15/99 jettison "He refused to jettison any of the manners and behavior that made him seem so odd." William Connor, Daily Mirror, London, 1956 jocose "He caught the sound of jocose talk and ringing laughter from behind the hedges." George Eliot, Adam Bede jostled "When the squeege man jostled him, the police officer said that he feared for his life." Kit Roane, "Squeege Man Scared Him," New York Times, 6/25/99 jubilant "When he finally reached Boston, he received a jubilant welcome." Keith Ayling, "Race Around the World" jurisdiction "Lee's jurisdiction included the monitoring of boxing within New Jersey." Timothy Smith, "A Sport's Credibility," New York Times, 6/20/99 juxtaposed "Theatrical vignettes are juxtaposed through alternating verses in clever boy-girl counterpoint." "Hot 'N Cole," Newsday, 6/4/99 L labyrinth "He himself was so lost in the labyrinth of his own unquiet thoughts that I did not exist." Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca lacerations "He pressed only the already tired horse at such speed that his spurs made lacerations in its sides, and at last the poor animal died." Honore De Balzac, A Passion in the Desert lackluster "The major reason for the lackluster look in their eyes was their discovery it is now possible to drive across the face of the nation without feeling you've been anywhere or that you've done anything." John Keats, "The Call of the Open Road" laconic "The dialogue is clipped, laconic, understated to convey simmering underneath." John Simon, "The Worst Noël," New York, 6/21/99

lampoon "Many new TV shows succeed because they lampoon the behavior of teenagers." John Leonard, New York, 10/15/97 landmarks "The remarkable trees formed good landmarks by which the place might easily be found again." Washington Irving, "The Devil and Tom Walker" largess "A largess universal like the sun, His liberal eye doth give to every one." William Shakespeare, Henry IV lassitude "To poets it's vernal lassitude but to us it's simply spring fever." Brochure, Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce latent "All our latent strength was now alive." Winston Churchill, Their Finest Hour laudable "American historians, in their eagerness to present facts and their laudable anxiety to tell the truth, have neglected

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the literary aspects of their craft." Samuel Eliot Morrison, By Land and by Sea lax "The fact that his employer was lax on this score was one of many things that he had to condone." Henry James, "Brooksmith" legerdemain "Federal investigators pursuing money-laundering schemes are concerned with alleged acts of legerdemain by Russian banks." Tim L. O'Brien, "Bank in Laundering Inquiry," New York Times, 8/20/99 legion "Though not Hollywood handsome, Tommy's success with the fair sex was legion." Janet Murphy, "Babylon on the Hudson" lethal "By evening we couldn't even get any more people indoors where they would have had some protection from the lethal fallout." Florence Moog, "The Bombing of St. Louis" lethargic "Ricky Henderson's lethargic stroll toward second base led the sports reporters to blast him in yesterday's papers." Ralph Kiner, baseball announcer, Fox Sports News, 10/4/99 levity "There was something about the company's president that made levity seem out of place." Lloyd Sperling, A Boiler Room Operation libel "Issues such as freedom of speech and libel are going to have to be rethought as the Internet makes everyone a potential publisher in cyberspace." Thomas L. Friedman, "Boston E-Party," New York Times, 1/1/00 liquidation "Hiding the forty-six comrades who were scheduled for liquidation became much easier." David Hackett, The Buchenwald Report lithe "Tasteless headlines screamed 'Newtie's Cutie' to describe the lithe hymn-singing young staff member who inexplicably fell for her portly Newt." Robert Reno, "Political Garbage," Newsday, 8/19/99 livid "Livid with anger, the poster boy for road rage jumped out of his red convertible and came running toward us." Letter to the Editor, "Big Road Hazard," Newsday, 8/19/99 loath "Still I am loath simply to join the conspiracy." "The Happy-Parents Conspiracy," New York Times, 5/23/99 loathing "He had braced himself not to become entangled in her loathing for him." Phillip Roth, American Pastoral longevity "The longevity of metal parts is increased by this new process." Report, General Motors Corporation lucrative "Very quickly it became a surprisingly lucrative property." David McCullough, The Great Bridge lugubrious "Lugubrious notices on the passing of old friends were a feature of the local paper." TIME, 8/20/99

lurid "We thought the rookie's tale was too lurid to be believed, but it turned out to be true." Chuck Cavanna, Life in the Minors lush "Can one run for political office without the promise of lush campaign contributions from many sources?" "Steve Forbes; In His Own Debt," Parade, 9/15/99 M Machiavellian "Is there any clearer example of Machiavellian plotting than that of Iago in 'Othello'?" John Simon, Reverse Angle magnanimous "There was no way he was going to be magnanimous and share this prized baseball with anyone who claimed a share of the glory." Don DeLillo, Underworld

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maimed "Films in which characters are maimed or destroyed seem to be most popular with today's youngsters." Harold Owen, Jr., "The Motion Picture" maladjusted "The natural assumption is that the teenage killers at Columbine H.S. were maladjusted youngsters but some neighbors denied that." Letters to the Editor, Washington Post, 7/14/99 malady "Homesickness can be a disease as trivial as a slight cold or it can be a deadly malady." Z. Libin, "A Sign of Summer" malevolent "Our military action against the malevolent head of the Serbian government has finally ended." Newsweek, 4/8/99 malign "His chosen weapon is the verbal hand grenade by which he can outrage and malign." Kenneth Tynan, "On Don Rickles," New Yorker, 2/20/78 malignant "The wailing chorus turned into a malignant clamor that swirled into my ears like an icy breeze." Kenneth Roberts, Oliver Wiswell malleable "Is the mayor able to change from an apparently rigid personality to one more malleable to differences?" Alec Kuczynski, "The Mayor's Makeover," New York Times Magazine, 8/1/99 malnutrition "The children of the Albanian refugees are suffering from malnutrition, and they need our help." Red Cross Appeal for Funds mammoth "She began to repair the ravages made by generosity added to lovea tremendous task, dear friendsa mammoth task." O. Henry, "The Gift of the Magi" mandate "With a federal mandate to convert to digital broadcasting by 2003, public TV stations are facing large capital expenditures," Ellis Bromberg, "Federal Money Vital to Progress of PBS," The News Gazette, Champaign-Urbana, 10/21/99 manifest "English is one of the great borrowing languages, more manifest in the origin of so many of our words." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue manifold "China's Xinhua News Agency treated manifold claims of procedural error with disbelief." "Trying to Build Bridges in China," TIME, 6/28/99 martinet "The prospect of having to talk to Sheila's principal, a real martinet, made him nervous, but he steeled himself to do it." John Yount, "The Trapper's Last Shot" masticate "Trying to masticate a huge hamburger with an open mouth is a no-no." Advice from Ms. Manners, syndicated columnist, 6/4/98 mastiffs "That island of England breeds very valiant creatures; their mastiffs are of unmatchable courage." William Shakespeare, Henry V

materialism "Democracy always makes for materialism, because the only kind of equality that you can guarantee to a whole people is physical." Katherine F. Gerould, Modes and Morals matrons "For ladies they had the family of the American consul and a nice bevy of English girls and matrons, perhaps Lady Hamilton herself." Edward Everett Hale, The Man Without a Country maudlin "Uncle Billy passed rapidly into a state of stupor, the Duchess became maudlin, and Mother Shipton snored." Bret Harte, "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" megalomania "Charlie desperately wanted Armaxco to lease space in what so far was the worst mistake of his career, the soaring monster that his megalomania led him to

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call Croker Concourse." Tom Wolfe, A Man in Full mendacious "Hillary joined in efforts to dismiss as mendacious tarts all the women who claimed to have been involved with her husband." Maureen Dowd, "The Boy Can't Help It," New York Times, 8/4/99 menial "It is difficult to visualize the numbers of menial laborers required to build the famous Egyptian pyramids." E. A. Wallis Budge, The Mummy mentor "To break into the political life of South Africa, one needed a highly placed mentor." Nadine Gordimer, Face to Face mercenary "We all like money . . . but Dickens surpassed most in a mercenary approach to his writings." G. K. Chesterton, Charles Dickens metamorphosis "For nearly a year, the dauber, undergoing metamorphosis, inhabits its silken dung-stoppered cocoon inside the mud cell." Alan Devoe, "The Mad Dauber" meticulous "Even later, in 1992, Barnstead's meticulous records allowed researchers to put names on six previously unidentified Titanic survivors." "Titanic and Halifax," The Nova Scotia Museum mien "He had the mien of a man who has been everywhere and through everything." Arnold Bennett, The Old Wives Tale milieu "In the milieu of a heated baseball championship contest, tickets are being sold at highly inflated prices." New York Post, 10/10/99 modified "Some schools claimed that the standard test was a lot harder than a modified version." Ching-Cheng Ni, "Fewer Rumbles on Earth Test," Newsday, 6/23/99 mollify "The mayor attempted to mollify his critics by pointing to the increased safety in the city." New York Daily News, 8/15/99 monolithic "Gertrude Stein was a stolid, heavy presence, monolithic, unladylike." Liz Smith, "When Love Was the Adventure," TIME, 6/14/99 moribund "After being moribund for years, interest in electric automobiles has revived." Car and Driver, 6/97 mortality "Socrates loves talk of fundamental things, of justice and virtue and wisdom and love and mortality." Hermann Hagedorn, SocratesHis Life mortify "The comparisons between her sister's beauty and her own no longer would mortify her." Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice motivate "The loss of our star quarterback seemed to motivate the team to play even harder." Bill Parcells quoted in Sports Illustrated, 9/12/98

mundane "Why bother with mundane musings when you can sit on the lawn and build cities out of grass clippings?" Enid Nemy, "The World is Her Cloister," New York Times, 6/20/99 munificent "His munificent gift will enable us to place computers in all the elementary schools." Newsday, 6/20/98 murky "Mud dumping from the bottom of Long Island has created a murky picture." "Fishermen's Woes," Newsday, 6/22/99 myriad "Genius is not born with sight, but blind: it is influenced by a myriad of stimulating exterior circumstances." Mark Twain, "Saint Joan of Arc" N nadir "He knew he had reached the nadir of his baseball career when they sent him to a

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minor league team." Roger Kahn, The Boys of Summer naïve "Woodrow Wilson was naïve to believe Yugoslavia could be formed after World War I." Letter to the Editor, New Yorker, 6/26/99 nascent "The once nascent Women's National Basketball Association has arrived and is healthy and prosperous." New York Times, 7/17/99 nebulous "There is a nebulous line between confidence and over-confidence." Editorial, Wall Street Journal, 4/8/99 nefarious "A nefarious employee can still download secret weapons information to a tape, put it in his pocket and walk out the door." William Safire, "Culture of Arrogance," New York Times, 6/17/99 negligible "These politicians have voted themselves a big pay raise for the negligible amount of work they do." The Queens Tribune, 8/6/98 nepotism "Political allies and family members filled government jobs as nepotism flourished." Paul Alter, This Windy City nettled "He was pretty well nettled by this time, and he stood in front of a bureau mirror, brushing his hair with a pair of military brushes." James Thurber, "More Alarms at Night" neurotic "We shall lose all our power to cope with our problem if we allow ourselves to become a stagnant, neurotic, frightened and suspicious people." Walter Lippmann, "The Nuclear Age" neutralize "The quinine that can neutralize his venom is called courage." Elmer Davis, But We Were Born Free nirvana "Nirvana is in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem." Kahlil Gilbran, Sand and Foam noisome "The noisome conditions in the refugee camps were a disgrace and a danger." Newsday, 8/7/99 nomadic After buying the big trailer, they spent a nomadic year visiting national parks out west." "On the Road Again," Travel Ideas International nominal "As the nominal head of his party, the governor was courted by all the Sunday morning talk shows." Archer Karnes, "Politics and Poker" nondescript "Jane Austen can picture ordinary, commonplace and nondescript characters in ways denied to me." Walter Scott, Journal, 1826 nonentity "With sufficient financial backing, almost any political nonentity could become a national contender." Washington Post, 6/15/98

nostalgia "The various objects one picks up just before leaving a foreign country are apt to acquire an extraordinary souvenirvalue, giving one a foretaste of distance and nostalgia." Corrado Alvaro, "The Ruby" nuance "With Minnie Driver adroitly mining each nuance of social primness, Jane is the first Disney cartoon heroine to provide her own comic relief." Richard Corliss, "Him Tarzan, Him Great," TIME, 6/14/99 nullify "Allowing our parks to decay is a sure way to nullify the beauty given to us by nature." Freeman Tilden, The National Parks nurtured "The Telecommunications Act of 1996 introduced competition that has nurtured demand for communications generally and for Internet service specifically." Seth

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Schessel, ''A Chance to Become Really Big," New York Times, 6/15/99 nutritive "They searched for anything that had nutritive value, but often found nothing." "The Irish Famine," Harpers, 5/73 O obese "The rush to lose weight by unproven methods often leads to complications for obese people." Johns Hopkins Health Letter, Summer 1997 obliterate "They went out to survey the land for a possible railroad, but met with Indians on the warpath and were obliterated." Freeman Tilden, The National Parks [adapted] obloquy "Hitler and his Nazis showed how evil a conspiracy could be which was aimed at destroying a race by exposing it to contempt, derision, and obloquy." Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, decision, 10/52 obscure "This book has serious purpose even if many will find that purpose obscure." Decision of Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 11/62 obsequious "and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some term To do obsequious sorrow." William Shakespeare, Hamlet obsess "To obsess over acquisitions is especially damaging to human felicity." Llewelyn Powys, Earth Memories obsolescence "After five centuries of obsolescence, Roman numerals still exert a peculiar fascination over the inquiring mind." Isaac Asimov, "Nothing Counts" obviate "Modest pre-emptive acting can obviate the need for more drastic actions at a later date that could destabilize the economy." Alan Greenspan, quoted in New Jersey Star Ledger, 5/6/99 occult "Somehow, horror films have changed from one main figure who threatens a town or young women, to occult spirits that take over a normal human for unknown reasons." Pauline Kael, I Lost It at the Movies octogenarian "Octogenarian film and stage director Elia Kazan received a mixed reception when he came up to collect his Lifetime Achievement Award." Associated Press report, 4/7/98 ominous "There was a Sabbath lull in the air, which, in a settlement unused to Sabbath influences, looked ominous." Bret Harte, "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" omnipotent "In those comic strips there was always a cruel and omnipotent villain." Letter, New York Times, 9/13/99 omnivorous "He became an omnivorous reader of the classics." T. S. Lovering, Child Prodigies opprobrium "General Sherman is still viewed with opprobrium in these parts of the South he once destroyed." Edmund Wilson, Patriotic Gore

opulent "Poirot followed him, looking with appreciation at such works of art as were of an opulent and florid nature." Agatha Christie, "The Dream" originated "The early Egyptian rulers, in order to stop the practice of cannibalism, originated the method that protected the deadmummification." E. A. Wallis Budge, The Mummy ostensibly "The race was ostensibly to test the reliability of the automobiles." Keith Ayling, The Race Around the World ostentatious "He affected simplicity, partly because he was ugly, but more because being ostentatious might have irritated

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those of whom he always spoke of as 'my fellow citizens.'" Emil Ludwig, Michelangelo oust "Politics will still exist as in the Republican campaign to oust Bill Clinton." James Pinkerton, "Mediocre Pols," Newsday, 6/17/99 overt "It is peculiarly shocking that Brutus practices overt self-deception." Harold Bloom, Shakespeare P pall "A pall had descended upon Mr. Timberlake, and I understood why he did not talk to me about the origin of evil." V. S. Pritchett, "The Saint" palliate "Reducing the testosterone would palliate the cancer, the oncologist believed, but it wouldn't be a cure." Dr. Mervyn Elliot, "Medicine in the News" paltry "Marvin was baffled by the paltry amount of money the widow was asking for her husband's elegant Rolls Royce." Barnett Lesser, "One Man's Will" panaceas "Mrs. Clinton said that she was in Rochester to listen and learn not to offer panaceas for all civic problems." Associated Press report, "Pre-Campaign Strategy," 9/9/99 pandemonium "Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, in pandemonium, a throng of revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment." Edgar Allan Poe, "The Masque of the Red Death" parable "When I had trouble keeping the kindergarten class quiet, I found that telling them a parable (the tortoise and the hare, for example) would get their undivided attention." Lana L. Grossberg, A Teacher's True Confessions paradox "Here was a paradox like the stellar universe that fitted one's mental faults." Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams paragon "An angel! or, if not An earthly paragon!" William Shakespeare, Cymbeline paramount "For him, winning was paramount; coming in second meant he had swum a poor race." Len Sussman, "Born to Swim" pariahs "Apart from the other castes were the outcasts: India's untouchables, or pariahs." Barbara Walker, Women's Encyclopedia paroxysms "The coughing did not even come out in paroxysms, but was just a feeble, dreadful welling up of the juices of organic dissolution." Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain parsimonious "His parsimonious thrift was relieved by a few generous impulses." V. L. Parrington, Main Currents in American Thought

passé "Everything old is new again is the theme for the designer's adoption of passé styles and making them fashionable again." Sophia Leguizamo, "New From Milan" pathetic "He is the latest loser trying to solve his pathetic life behind a gun." Editorial, New York Post, 7/30/99 paucity "In the dictator's best-case scenario, he can hope for continuing control, thanks to a paucity of opponents." Massimo Calabresi, "Is This the End for Milosevic?," TIME, 6/21/99 pecuniary "The most unpleasant thing of all was that his pecuniary interests should enter into the question of his reconciliation with his wife." Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina pedagogue "He is neither bandit nor pedagogue, but, like myself a broken soldier,

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retired on half pay for some years." Stephen Vincent Benet, "The Curfew Tolls" penance "I have done penance for condemning Love, Whose high imperious thoughts have punished me With bitter fasts, with penitential groans." William Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona penchant "Annabel had a penchant for silver fox coats but Midge said they were common." Dorothy Parker, "The Standard of Living" penitent "When father strode into the coal and ice office, he came out, the penitent clerk with him, promising to deliver a block of ice in time for dinner." Clarence Day, Life with Father pensive "It was only when he found himself alone in his bedroom in a pensive mood that he was able to grapple seriously with his memories of the occurrence." H. G. Wells, The Man Who Could Work Miracles penury "Afflicted by penury, it appeared that Putois had joined a gang of thieves who were prowling the countryside." Anatole France, "Putois" perceive "The subjects, as you perceive, were alarming but very agreeable." Anton Chekhov, "A Slander" peregrination "Each step he took represented an inward peregrination." Gretel Ehrlich, "On the Road With God's Fool" peremptory "Mr. Greenspan encouraged his fellow Federal Reserve Board members today to undertake a peremptory attack against inflation." Reuters, "Financial News Letter," 3/99 perfidious "Alfred E. Ricks was the perfidious toad's designation who sold worthless shares in the Blue Gopher Mine." O. Henry, "The Man Higher Up" perfunctory "Doc Martindale made a perfunctory examination and told Eli there was nothing to worry about." MacKinlay Kantor, "The Grave Grass Quivers" permeated "The play is permeated with scriptural imagery, notably a Last Supper." Robert Brustein, New Republic, 6/7/99 pernicious "This chapter exposes a pernicious obstacle to students and teachers engaging in serious work together." Robert L. Fried, The Passionate Teacher perpetrated "Thanks to Mr. DeLay, we learn that violence perpetrated by gun owners is really the product of larger forces." Editorial, "Mr. DeLay's Power Play," New York Times, 6/20/99 perpetuate "The laws would often do no more than perpetuate a legislator's acts of injustice." Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract persevered "The Knicks persevered as first Patrick Ewing and then Johnson went down with injuries." George Vecsey, "Sports of the Times," New York Times, 6/22/99

perspicacious "Nobody deserves the Lifetime Achievement Award more than Army Archerd, who is not only perspicacious, but a gentleman as well." Liz Smith, Newsday, 6/2/99 pertinent "What seems pertinent is to observe that jazz gravitated toward a particular kind of environment in which its existence was probable." Arnold Sungaard, Jazz, Hot and Cold peruse "Stopping to peruse her mail, Raven didn't notice that the front door was ajar." Dolores Kent, Instant Gratification perverse "There is something contemptible in the prospect of a number of petty states with the appearance only of union, jarring,

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jealous, and perverse." Alexander Hamilton, speech, 1782 pesky "Oranges down there is like a young man's whiskers; you enjoy them at first, but they get to be a pesky nuisance." Ring W. Lardner, "The Golden Honeymoon" phenomenon "This phenomenon is characterized by a temporary reversal of the normal atmospheric conditions, in which the air near the earth is warmer than the air higher up." Berton Roueché, "The Fog" phlegmatic "Duncan had a phlegmatic fourth quarter, dooming the Spurs' opportunity to humble the New York Knicks." TV announcer, NBA Finals, 6/22/99 phobia "My phobia was such that the slightest touch produced twinges of pain." Guy De Maupassant, "Looking Back" pinnacle "Their little barber-shop quartet reached the pinnacle of their career with a first-place finish on Major Bowes' 'Amateur Hour.'" David and Marge Buchanan, "No Business Like You Know What" pique "In a fit of pique he raised his pistol to take aim at me but Masha threw herself at his feet." Aleksandr Pushkin, "The Shot" pittance "To be paid a mere pittance and yet to be suspected of theft; never in her life had she been subjected to such an outrage." Anton Chekhov, "An Upheaval" placards "Yet a mile away at the ultra-orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood, wall placards now warn residents not to have Internet-linked computers in their homes." Thomas Friedman, "All in the Family," New York Times, 6/22/99 plaintiff "When the attorney for the palsied plaintiff finished, there wasn't a dry eye in the courtroom." Rose Axelsohn, "The Defense Rests" [adapted] platitudes "The topic was, 'What Is Life?' and the students labored at it busily with their platitudes." Philip Roth, American Pastoral plethora "SUFFERERS CONFRONT A PLETHORA OF POLLEN" Headline, New York Times, 6/5/99 plight "I had the sense that his loneliness was not merely the result of his personal plight." Edith Wharton, Ethan Frome poignant "Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward through every fiber of his body and limbs." Ambrose Bierce, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" pondered "As I made my way back, I pondered the significance of what I'd seen." Nicholas Kristof, "1492: The Prequel" potent "Those huge differences in income found in our society must have potent causes." Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel

potentates "The racing season at Saratoga invited all manner of societyfrom potentates to paupers." Lanny Richards, "They're Off!" potential "We realized that this system had worked because the potential targets were so many that the Germans could not get a definite idea of where we would strike." Ewen Montagu, The Man Who Never Was potpourri "A potpourri of fresh fruits and cool cottage cheese make for a delicious lunch treat when the temperatures rise into the high 90s." Martha Stewart, CBS News, 5/23/98 pragmatic "His conservative approach to investing has made millions of dollars for those who share Warren Buffet's pragmatic philosophy." "Master of Berkshire-

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Hathaway," Profile of Warren Buffet, New York Times precedent "One can imagine a time when the voters ignore precedent and elect a woman to the office of President of the United States." Barbara Walker, The Women's Encyclopedia precipitate "The weight of a finger might precipitate the tragedy, hurl him at once into the dim, gray unknown." Stephen Crane, "An Episode of War" precluded "I would be avenged; this was a point definitely settledbut the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk." Edgar Allan Poe, "The Cask of Amontillado" precocious "Pediatricians interviewed this week were somewhat divided on the value of TV viewing by precocious children." Lawrie Miflin, "Tough Rules for TV," New York Times, 8/4/99 prelude "Bounderby's prelude to his main point was very well received by Mrs. Sparsit who said, 'Very sagacious indeed, sir.'" Charles Dickens, Hard Times premise "That train of reasoning has all the various parts and termsits major premise and its conclusion." T. H. Huxley, "We Are All Scientists" premonition "There seemed to be a gentle stir arising over everythinga very premonition of rest and hush and night." Mary Wilkens Freeman, "The New England Nun" prerogative "Governor Pataki exercised his prerogative as titular head of the party to endorse Mayor Rudolph Giuliani." Editorial, "Truce Among New York Republicans," New York Times, 8/7/99 prestigious "He had finally reached his present prestigious position of wealth and security, and he felt he was entitled to sit back and enjoy his happiness." Ronald Byron, "Happy Days for Harrison Gumedi" pretext "Our mother had been expressly enjoined by her husband to give Madame Cornouiller some plausible pretext for refusing." Anatole France, "Putois" prevalent "On the all-news channels the most prevalent images were from a helicopter pursuing the police chase." New York Post, 7/30/99 prevarication "They must honestly swear to this oath without prevarication or reservation." Supreme Court Justice Byron White, speech, 12/1/64 privations "It aroused a strong response in our hearts when he told about their sufferings and privations." Selma Lagerlöf, Harvest procrastinated "Mr. Brooksmith procrastinated for several days before accepting my offer." Henry James, "Brooksmith"

prodigious "He knew from the moment he left the ground that it was a prodigious jump." Joseph N. Bell, "The Olympics Biggest Winner" prodigy "I grant you CliveClive was a prodigy, a genius and met the fate of geniuses." Stephen Vincent Benet, "The Curfew Tolls" proffer "Orin came to proffer his condolences when, wonder of wonder, he fell in love with the grieving widow." Terence Cavanaugh, "An Ill Wind" profligate "Her innocent appearance had a peculiar attraction for a vicious profligate, who had hitherto admired only the coarser types of feminine beauty." Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Käramazov

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profound "So why no profound works on the need for $660 million in tax credits for companies that burn chicken droppings?" Editorial, "Tax-Cut Favors," New York Times, 8/7/99 profuse "He offered profuse apologies for his show of exasperation, and he volunteered to read to her, something in French." Aldous Huxley, "The Giaconda Smile" progeny "First, let me tell you whom you have condemn'd: Not me begotten of a shepherd swain, But issued from the progeny of kings." William Shakespeare, Henry IV prognostication "Nay, if an oily palm be not a fruitful prognostication I cannot scratch my ear." William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra prohibition "The U.S. public is slowly coming around to accepting the idea that a prohibition against the easy access to hand guns is inevitable." Roger Rosenblatt, "Get Rid of the Damned Things," TIME, 8/9/99 prolific "Isaac Asimov was a truly prolific writer, seemingly able to complete a book every two weeks." Art Nichols, Selling Your Manuscript promulgated "The rules and regulations are promulgated for the guidance of administrative employees, bureau heads, and supervisors." "Rules and Regulations for Administrative Employees," NYC Board of Education propagate "The Republican leadership planned to propagate their philosophy for a huge tax cut during the summer recess." Wolf Blitzer, CNN Nightly News, 7/14/99 propensity "You had a propensity for telling simple and professional tales before the war." Joseph Conrad, "The Tale" propinquity "It occurred to him that Varick might be talking at random to relieve the strain of their propinquity." Edith Wharton, The Desert of Man propitious "Sometime later, I will find a propitious ground and bury you there in the same grave." Shen Chunlieh, "In Memory of a Child," 1619 propriety "There is a propriety and necessity of preventing interference with the course of justice." Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, decision, 10/28 proximity "Stryker had built a small cannery in close proximity to the house where the turtles were raised in shallow tanks." Edmund Wilson, "The Man Who Shot Snapping Turtles" prudent "Those who thought the prudent thing to do at the end of 1999 was to stay away from flying resulted in the slowest day of the year for every airline." TIME, 1/12/00 pugnacious "Two pugnacious guard dogs in the railyard eliminated the nightly vandalism in a hurry." Lewis Tumulty, "Civic Pride"

puissant "The combination of the drugs has become a puissant cocktail in the fight against AIDS." Medical report, CBS News, 9/20/98 pungent "The pungent aroma of the cream puffs told Sadie that the man from Goobers had arrived." Katherine Mansfield, "The Garden Party" puny "I have said that I am a weak and puny man, and you will have proof of that directly." Max Beerbohm, "A. V. Laidler" Q qualms "The manager had qualms about allowing him to continue playing with an injured hand." Sports Illustrated, 6/16/98

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quandary "New Year's Eve presented a quandary for people in China, a country where the observance of non-political Western celebrations is a relatively recent phenomenon." Elizabeth Rosenthal, "Party? What Party?," New York Times, 1/1/00 quarry "The state troopers had tracked their quarry to the thickly wooded area near the crime scene." Newsday, 4/10/98 quell "He also did not quell the speculation surrounding Van Gundy's status as coach." Mike Wise, New York Times, 5/25/99 quip "The audience screamed and applauded hysterically at every musical number, every quip, every little movement on the stage." Liz Smith, Newsday, 6/2/99 R rabid "Politicians avoid the appearance of being rabid on issues that seem to be evenly viewed by the voters." Arthur Willner, "Taking Sides" raconteur "As a popular raconteur, George Jessel was prized as a speaker at award ceremonies." The Hollywood Reporter, 7/18/96 railed "He cursed and railed, and finally declared he was going to trail the raiders." Zane Grey, Raiders of the Purple Sage raiment "No matter what her raiment, Marilyn Monroe looked absolutely fabulous on the screen." Billy Wilder quoted by Earl Wilson, Chicago Tribune, 2/28/76 rampant "What's more curious about the determination to end social promotions is that the practice is far from rampant." Romesh Ratnesar, "Held Back," TIME, 6/14/99 rash "Thou art as rash as fire to say That she was false." William Shakespeare, Othello rationalize "It is the task of the scientist to rationalize the remains of extinct civilizations to discover their histories." Brian Fagan, Time Detective raucous "The 1968 Democratic nominating convention in Chicago was the scene of raucous confrontations." I. F. Stone, Weekly Reader razed "In the gorge, continually razed by the clawing wind, he would probably find his other dog." Francisco Coloane, "Cururo . . . Sheep Dog" realm "In all the churches of the realm the Blessed Sacrament is exposed night and day, and tall candles are burning for the recovery of the royal child." Alphonse Daudet, "The Death of the Dauphin" rebuke "The defeat of the charter revision was viewed as a rebuke of his policies." Editorial, New York Times, 11/7/99

recanted "The government's key witness in the case recanted her testimony, claiming she had been intimidated by prosecutors." Rob Polner, "Set Back for Prosecutors," New York Post, 6/23/99 recoil "It is a gesture of response to my remarks, and it always makes me recoil with a laugh." Thomas Mann, "A Man and His Dog" recondite "If it seems too recondite for anyone but dwellers in the groves of Academe, one must consider rhyming slang which originated in the underworld." Bergen Evans, "Now Everyone Is Hip About Slang" redolent "The scenea decrepit classroom, redolent of moldy books, and the pencil shavings of generations of boys being ground into the hardwood floor." Jon Robin Baitz, The Film Society redress "There has been much discussion about the fairest way to redress centuries of

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discrimination." "A Time to Begin," Readers Digest, 5/92 refute "The tobacco industry has stopped trying to refute the charge that smoking is both dangerous and addictive." U.S. News and World Report, 2/3/98 relegated "They were to be relegated to the outer circle of my life." Van Wyck Brooks, Helen Keller remiss "If the mayor thought that one of his commissioners had been remiss in following instructions, he would fly into a rage and throw his glasses at him." David Rockefeller on Mayor LaGuardia, New York Times, 10/10/99 remote "The pull of the remote stars is so slight as to be obliterated in the vaster moments by which the ocean yields to the moon and sun." Rachel Carson, The Sea Around Us remuneration "Please mail your resume along with your expected remuneration to our Director of Personnel." Want ad, New York Times, 7/7/99 repented "At his court martial, the officer admitted to the charges and repented." "General Demoted," Washington Post, 9/2/99 repertoire "He led a secret life as a forger of paintings, with the most famous as part of his repertoire." Peter Landesman, New York Times, 7/18/99 replenish "We'll dip down into our farm system to replenish our stock of left-handed pitchers." Bobby Valentine, ABC-TV Sports Interview replete "When a composition is so replete with errors, I call attention to only a few, the most important ones." Fran Weinberg, English teacher, NYC High Schools repose "Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast." William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet reprehensible "She thought that the prisoners, no matter how morally reprehensible their crimes, still should have the benefit of pretrial representation." Jimmy Breslin's syndicated column, Newsday, 6/15/99 repressed "General McClellan repressed his feelings about President Lincoln but he expressed his private anger in letters to his wife." David Herbert Donald, Lincoln reprimand "The difficulty lay in the fact the man had previously received a reprimand from his employer regarding his easygoing ways with the men under him in his department." James Thurber, "Let Your Mind Alone" reproached "When reminded that he knew little history, Henry Ford reproached his critics by reminding them that history would know him." Quoted in The Will Rogers Book, Paula Love, editor, 1961 repudiate "If upheld, the decision would repudiate one of the Administration's environmental achievements." Editorial, New York Times, 5/19/99

repugnant "The behavior of the few rioters at the rock concert was repugnant to the huge, peaceful crowd." "Woodstock Revisited," TIME, 6/7/99 repulse "The cannons were set up to repulse a possible invasion but none was ever attempted." Col. F. X. Prescott, "History as Our Teacher" reputed "The language of Iceland has changed so little that modern Icelanders are reputed to be able to read sagas written thousands of years ago." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue

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requisite "Secrecy is more requisite than ever during the sensitive negotiations over the release of our prisoners." I. F. Stone, Weekly Reader resourceful "The crew of the $20 million independent film had to be very resourceful to hold down costs." Beth L. Kiel, "Allen in Hollywood," New York, 6/21/99 respite "The plan enabled the oiler and the correspondent to set respite together." Stephen Crane, "The Open Boat" restrictive "Mr. el Hage said that the law was too restrictive, claiming that he had nothing to do with violent acts." Benjamin Weiser, "Terrorism Suspect," New York Times, 6/23/99 reticent "He was as inquisitive about the country as he was reticent about his business there." Frances Gilchrist Woods, "Turkey Red" retort "There is no need to retort to an employee who has written a critique of your original warning letter." NYC Board of Education's Food Service Division, Guide for Managers retrospect "I shivered in retrospect when I thought of that afternoon meeting in the freezing hall." Anna L. Strong, The Chinese Conquer China reverberated "When that putt plunked into the hole yesterday, the 40,000 people exploded in a roar that reverberated through more than a century of U.S. Open history." Dave Anderson, "Longest Final Putt," New York Times, 6/21/99 revere "Paul McCartney and other celebrities who yet revere the name of rock-and-roll great Buddy Holly will host a tribute to him at the Roseland Ballroom." Letta Taylor, "Tribute to Buddy," Newsday, 9/3/99 reverts "She dreamily reverts to the hour when old age will throw down his frosts upon her head." Walt Whitman, "Dreams" reviled "Former Haitian President Aristede was reviled by orphanage graduates who claimed that he had lied to them about the promise of jobs." Associated Press story, "Haiti Gunmen Confront Police," New York Times, 6/25/99 rhetoric "Nothing good can come out of the rhetoric of hatred that will be heard at the rally." New York Congressman Charles Rangel, ABC TV News, 9/2/99 rife "Cyberspace is rife with sweatshops but very few people realize it." Karl Taro Greenfield, "Living the Late Shift," TIME, 6/28/99 rift "The 1993 tear gas assault on the Branch Dividian cult has created a rift between the FBI and the Attorney General's office." Associated Press report, "FBI Video Released," Newsday, 9/3/99 romp "She was expected to win the governor's race in a romp." Wolf Blitzer, CNN News, 2/2/98 roster "The roster of stars for our gala celebration includes Cher, Meatloaf, and Lyle Lovett." Las Vegas hotel ad

rudimentary "Some of them were singing, some talking, some engaged in gardening, hay-making, or other rudimentary industries." "The Other Side of the Hedge," E. M. Forster rue "When they make a mistake they will rue it." Randi Feigenbaum, "Realtors' Deal Irks Lawyers," Newsday, 9/3/99 ruminated "Lou Gehrig, the great N.Y. Yankee star, ruminated on his career as he left because of an incurable illness: 'I con-

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sider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.'" Speech, 7/4/39 rustic "This week a rustic setting in the Berkshire Hills was a gathering place for a group that is dedicated to preserving the Yiddish language." Tina Rosenberg, "Living an American Life in Yiddish," New York Times, 9/3/99 S saga "The saga of the Kennedy family has enthralled and saddened us." Barbara Walters, quoted in New York Times, 7/10/99 sage "I am not a visionary, nor am I a sageI claim to be a practical idealist." Mohandas Gandhi quoted by John Gunther, Procession, 1965 salient "The salient feature of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 is that it prohibits discrimination against the disabled." Robert McFadden, "Court Ruling on Disabled Teacher Is Annulled," New York Times, 6/25/99 sally "The next morning we decided to sally forth to try to find a site for our new home." Stephen Leacock, "How My Wife and I Built Our Home for $4.90" salubrious "For my later years there remains the salubrious effects of work: stimulation and satisfaction." Kathe Kollwitz, Diaries and Letters, 1955 salvation "Maybe it is connected with some terrible sin, with the loss of eternal salvation, with some bargain with the devil." Aleksandr Pushkin, "The Queen of Spades" sanctimonious "There has never been a shortage of sanctimonious arguments for starting a war." Peter Finley Dunne, Mr. Dooley Remembers sanction "He received his father's sanction and authority." George Meredith, Diana of the Crossways sanctuary "The identity of Rinehart may be a temporary sanctuary for the narrator, but it is another identity he must reject if he is to find himself as a person." Anthony Abbott, Invisible Man sanguine "I'm not sanguine about the Knicks' chances to upset the San Antonio Spurs." Telephone caller to WFAN Sports Radio Program, 6/8/99 satiety "One of the soldiers was given leave to be drunk six weeks, in hopes of curing him by satiety." William Cowper, Selected Letters saturate "Vanilla sweetens the air, ginger spices it; melting nose-tingling odors saturate the kitchen." Truman Capote, "A Christmas Memory" schism "The schism between the manager and his best pitcher spilled over from the locker room onto the field." Bob Klapisch, The Worst Team That Money Could Buy

scion "Al Gore is the Good Son, the early achieving scion from Harvard and Tennessee who always thought he would be President." Maureen Dowd, "Freudian Face-Off," New York Times, 6/15/99 scoffed "No one was injured except the woman who had scoffed at the belief." Leonard Fineberg, "Fire Walking in Ceylon" scrutinized "The jockey waited with his back to the wall and scrutinized the room with pinched, creepy eyes." Carson McCullers, "The Jockey" scurrilous "They were infuriated by the scurrilous articles about them that started to crop up in the tabloids." Charles Blauvelt, Edward and Wally

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scurry ''Some small night-bird, flitting noiselessly near the ground on its soft wings, almost flapped against me, only to scurry away in alarm." Ivan Turgenev, "Bezhin Meadows" sedate "Few public places maintain a sedate atmosphere equal to the majestic chambers of the Supreme Court." Milton Konvitz, editor, Bill of Rights Reader sedentary "Seeger had seen him relapsing gradually into the small-town hardware merchant he had been before the war, sedentary and a little shy." Irwin Shaw, "Act of Faith" senile "Being on golf's Senior Tour doesn't mean that we're senile." Leon Jaroff, "Those Rich Old Pros," TIME, 9/27/99 serenity "At the top, they planted the crucifix and gathered round, moved by the serenity." Sontag Orme, "Solemnity and Flash in the Land of Jesus," New York Times, 1/1/00 servile "Uriah Heep, so physically repulsive and hypocritically servile, fascinated David at first but later revolted him." Holly Hughes, Barron's Book Notes, David Copperfield by Charles Dickens shibboleths Dialects are sometimes used as shibboleths to signal the ethnic or social status of the speaker." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue sinecure "Matthew Arnold's job was a sinecure, allowing him plenty of time to travel and write lyrics." Nicholas Jenkins, "A Gift Improvised," New York Times, 6/20/99 singular "The fate that rules in matters of love is often singular, and its ways are inscrutable, as this story will show." Meyer Goldschmidt, "Henrik and Rosalie" sinister "The man had a cordially sinister air." Hernando Tellez, "Ashes for the Wind" site "The site of the bison herd's destruction was a tall cliff over which they were driven." Brian Fagan, Time Detectives skirmish "They never meet but there's a skirmish of wit between them." William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing slovenly "The twenty-six year old's slovenly appearance belied the fact that he was one of the Silicon Valley's brightest stars." Reuben Cowan, "Today Dot-Com" sojourn "He returned from a long sojourn in Europe." Alan McCulloch, Encyclopedia of Australian Art solace "He read in a Bible that he had neglected for years, but he could gain little solace from it." Theodore Dreiser, "The Lost Phoebe" solicited "The police chief said that Commissioner Safir had not yet solicited his opinion on the question." "Police Chief Says Officers Deserve Raise," New York Times, 6/15/99

somber "There was a somber and moving tribute for his last game at Yankee Stadium." John Updike, New Yorker, 10/22/94 sophistry "No amount of sophistry could disguise the obvious fact that the legislation was biased against one particular office holder." New York Times, 9/2/99 sordid "The workmen used revolting language; it was disgusting and sordid." Katherine Mansfield, "The Garden Party" spate "There has been a spate of tell-all memoirs, destroying the organization's special status." Jewish Monthly, 9/99 spew "It was obvious as the miles of electronic tape began to spew out the new patterns of American life that the census was to

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be of historic dimension." Theodore H. White, The Making of the President spontaneous "Professor Einstein burst out in spontaneous candidness." Thomas Lee Bucky, "Einstein: An Intimate Memoir" sporadic "TROOPS ENCOUNTER SPORADIC VIOLENCE" Headline, Newsday, 6/14/99 spurious "The only known picture, albeit a spurious one, had been printed some years earlier." James Monaghan, Diplomat in Carpet Slippers squeamish "My brother, who voted for Mr. Mbeki and who has faith in his leadership, is not squeamish." Mark Mathabane, "South Africa's Lost Generation" stagnant "The place was small and close, and the long disuse had made the air stagnant and foul." T. E. Lawrence, The Desert of the Stars staunch "Known as a staunch supporter of the Republican agenda, the young politician astounded us all by his defection." Monte Halperin, "Party Turncoat?" steeped "Edward Francis had steeped himself in the internal mystery of the guinea pig." Paul De Kruif, Hunger Fighters stentorian "He proclaimed the fact in stentorian tones that were easily heard throughout the auditorium." A. A. Berle, The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution stereotypes "Treating the most respected leader in the land that way confirms the worst stereotypes and that really hurts us." Alessandra Stanley, "Asking a Favor of the Pope," New York Times, 6/12/99 stigmatized "People who so much as whisper during a performance are stigmatized as barbarians." Joseph Wechsberg, The Best Things in Life stipulated "I shall come out from here five minutes before the stipulated term, and thus shall violate the agreement." Anton Chekhov, "The Bet" strident "No matter how strident or insulting he became, he was not interrupted by the police." New York Daily News, 9/5/99 strife "Either there is a civil strife, Or else the world, too saucy with the gods, Incenses them to send destruction." William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar stunted "Their physical and mental development became stunted during childhood." Roger Pineles, Shame of the Cities stupor "If your child watches late night television and comes home from school in a stupor, she's not getting enough sleep." "Getting Enough Sleep," Working Mother, 5/98

stymied "The family has been stymied in its attempt to remove a dead relative from the juror rolls." Associated Press story, "Jury Duty Summonses Don't Stop Despite Death," New York Times, 6/25/99 subjugated "The country had been bitterly divided, so ruthless in its determination to keep the black majority subjugated." Sheryl McCarthy, "Mandela Was South Africa's Perfect Choice," Newsday, 6/17/99 subservient "From the earliest times, including the Bible, women have been counseled to be subservient to men." Barbara G. Walker, The Women's Encyclopedia substantiate "The Queens District Attorney said that there were not enough facts to substantiate the charges against the tour

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operator so no prosecution would take place." Queens Courier, 1/18/00 subterfuge "He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work, and if he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge." Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, "A Mother in Mannville" subterranean "Another celebrity expected during the three games at Madison Square Garden is Ed Nortonthe actor, not the subterranean sanitation professional." Richard Sandomir, "N.B.A. Finals," New York Times, 6/21/99 succinct "In clear and succinct tones, our division head proceeded to tear me to shreds in front of the entire staff." Elleyn Falk, "They Promised Me a Rose Garden" succulent "Use this coupon to get $1 off on a succulent holiday turkey." Advertisement, Waldbaum's Supermarket, 11/99 succumbed "This young gentleman was of an excellent family but had been reduced to such poverty that the energy of his character succumbed beneath it." Edgar Allan Poe, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" sullen "My decision to leave put her into a sullen silence, broken only by a mumble under her breath." Alan Lelchuk, "American Mischief" sultry "The sun would shine up there in the lengthening spring day and pleasant breezes blow in sultry summer." Maurice Walsh, The Quiet Man sumptuous "In the summer the table was set, and the sumptuous mealswell, it makes me cry to think of them." Mark Twain, Autobiography superficial "His teachings had only a superficial relationship to the orthodox religion he advocated." Carl Dreyer, "The Roots of Anti-Semitism" superfluous "He drove through the beautiful countryside in silence; conversation would have been superfluous." Travel and Leisure, 10/94 supine "The clergy as a whole were therefore obedient and supine." G. M. Trevelyan, Carlyle supplication "The last supplication I make of you is that you will believe this of me." Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities surfeit "A surfeit of the sweetest things The deepest loathing to the stomach brings." William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream surge "In one wild surge they stormed into a police station, where the bewildered officers tried to maintain order." James Michener, "The Bridge at Andau" surmised "The commanding officer surmised that the other ship in the cove was a coaster." Joseph Conrad, Tales of Hearsay

surreptitiously "He was surreptitiously negotiating to have 70 percent of the payments turned over to himself." David C. Johnson, "Tax Evasion Scheme," New York Times, 1/1/00 susceptible "Wrestling matches are susceptible to being heavily scripted, as ardent fans know." Edward Wyatt, "Pinning Down a Share Value," New York Times, 8/4/99 symptomatic "The widespread dislocation and downsizing in hospitals is symptomatic of relentless cost pressures." Carol Eisenberg, "Nurses Contend With System's Ills," Newsday, 6/22/99 T taboo "The modern motion pictures have shown so much that once was considered

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tacit "There is a tacit agreement in a civil conversation that each avoid making of it a monologue." Rebecca West, "There Is No Conversation" tainted "The defense argued that poor police procedures had tainted the evidence." Newsday, 6/19/98 tangible "I hated it, not because of our one overcrowded closet, but because of intrusions and discomforts of a far less tangible nature." Mary Ellen Chase, "A Room of My Own" tantalized "We were tantalized by a glimpse of a brown bear and her cubs in the wood." Travel and Leisure, 10/97 tantamount "Opponents of the proposed agreement claim it is tantamount to a surrender of holy land." USA. Today, 1/13/00 taut "His face grew taut as he was questioned about his use of illegal drugs in his youth." New York Post, 8/19/99 technology "Mr. Greenspan noted that 'history is strewn' with miscalculations about technology developments." Richard Stevenson, "Fed Chief on New-Age Economy," New York Times, 6/15/99 temerity "In the first month of his service in the House, the young Congressman had the temerity to challenge his party's Speaker; it was a mistake." Blanche Kassell, Up on the Hill tenable "He took the tenable position that lawyers should never cross examine a witness without knowing the answer before asking the question." Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird tenacious "Their talent and tenacious actions on the court will at last reward them." Darcy Frey, The Last Shot termagant "This book deals with the matrimonial adventures of an extremely rich and bullying termagant." Saturday Review, 11/99 terminate "A continuation of such chronic lateness may lead us to terminate your employment." Regulations of the NYC Board of Education's Office of School Food & Nutrition Services terse "The mayor sent a terse letter to the school's chancellor over his cancellation of a meeting." New York Times, 8/5/99 therapy "He will have to undergo long-term therapy before considering playing baseball again." The Washington Post, 7/9/99 throng "When the throng had mostly streamed into the porch, the sexton began to toll the bell." Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Minister's Black Veil" thwarted "The man who made up the name for flies must have been thwarted in a life-long desire to have children, and at last found that outlet for his suppressed baby-talk." Robert Benchley, "The Lure of the Road"

timorous "He was a timorous incompetent who was lucky to have good men under him." W. A. Swanberg, Citizen Hearst tinged "The sermon was tinged, rather more darkly than usual, with the gentle gloom of Mr. Hooper's temperament." Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Minister's Black Veil" tolerated "They despise anyone who hasn't had the luck to be born Masai, but for one reason and another, they tolerated me." Robert W. Krepps, "Pride of Seven"

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tortuous "The tortuous descent down the mountain resulted in one additional fatality, this time a sure-footed Sherpa guide." Winston Adair, "Everest Takes Its Toll" tradition "The town had a century-old traditionan eight-hour canoe race." Brenda Flock, "The Race" tranquil "Over this house, most tranquil and complete, Where no storm ever beat, She was sole mistress." Phyllis McGinley, "The Doll House" transient "City championships and national tournaments, however thrilling, are transient moments." Darcy Frey, The Last Shot tremulous "'Will Pa get hurt?' asked Jane in a tremulous voice." Jessamyn West, "Yes, We'll Gather at the River" trenchant "Mr. Salinger's views on celebrity are often funny and trenchant." Clyde Haberman, "A Recluse Meets His Match," New York Times, 6/18/99 trend "We should make every effort to reverse the trend in popular music towards violent lyrics." Portland Oregonian, 8/12/99 trivial "In the study of past civilizations, nothing is considered as a trivial discovery." Brian Fagan, Time Detectives truncated "It will be much harder if their state (Palestine) is so truncated, so cut up, that it is not viable." Anthony Lewis, "The Irrelevance of a Palestinian State," New York Times, 6/20/99 turbulent "Up to the turbulent surface came a peculiar-looking craft, risen from the calm but dangerous depth of the ocean." Lt. Don Walsh, "Our Seven-Mile Dive to the Bottom" turpitude "The government must be held responsible for these acts of moral turpitude resulting in so many civilian casualties." TIME, 8/25/98 tussle "It often doesn't pay to tussle with your child to take music lessons." Working Mother, 5/96 tyro "The computer training center will soon turn a tyro into a successful user." Senior News, 9/99 U ubiquitous "Che Guevera has become ubiquitous; his figure stares out at us from coffee mugs and posters, pops up in rock songs and operas." Ariel Dorfman, "Che," TIME, 6/14/99 ultimate "The ultimate possibility for hero and chorus alike is stated in Father Mapple's sermon, and it is to become a saint." W. H. Auden, "The Christian Tragic Hero"

umbrage "I do not take umbrage when I'm looked over, I do when I'm overlooked." Mae West, The Wit and Wisdom of Mae West, Joseph Weintraub, Editor unabated "The summer list of auto fatalities continues unabated as three more Southampton teens are killed in a Sunday crash." W. Mariano, "A Final Farewell," Newsday, 6/25/99 unconscionable "Viewers of TV's coverage of disasters find it unconscionable for mourning family members to be shown and interviewed so close up we can see the tears." John Stephens, New York, 4/16/98 unctuous "Today's car salesmen are a far cry from the high-pressured and unctuous ones of the past." Car and Travel, 9/99 underwrite "We are pleased to feature those local businesses who help to underwrite our programs." Patterns, monthly magazine of WILL, Champaign, Illinois

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universal "With the approach of the new millennium we see an almost universal fear of major disruptions." TIME, 9/19/99 unkempt "Budget cuts have resulted in overcrowded and unkempt camping sites in our parks." Freeman Tilden, The National Parks unmitigated "The crossword puzzle is the unmitigated sedentary hobby of Americans." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue unsavory "Punishing students by assigning them more work, has made education unsavory and unappealing to the average student." H. C. McKown, "The Three R's Today" unwieldy "Today's light weight, compact cameras are a far cry from the unwieldy ones used by early photographers." Popular Photography, 9/96 urbane "Their prose is less ornate, their urbane satire more muted." Book review, New York Times usurp "There is a constant struggle as one branch of government attempts to usurp some of the powers of the other." Milton Konvitz, editor, Bill of Rights Reader utopia "I was held spellbound by the middle-class utopia, without a blot, without a tear." William James, "What Makes Life Significant" V vacillated "In planning for the book I vacillated between a selective, but deeper approach or a general, more limited approach." Milton Konvitz, editor, Bill of Rights Reader valor "Thrice have the Mexicans before us fled, Their armies broken, their prince in triumph led; Both to thy valor, brave young man, we owe." Sir Robert Howard & John Dryden, The Indian Queen vapid "The new James Bond movie lacks the excitement of the many before and is a vapid copy." Newsday, 10/25/98 vehemently "The President spoke vehemently against any large tax cut." New York Times, 9/16/99 veneer "Since then, she has frequently tried to crack the veneer of role, surface, and pose." Mark Stevens, "Spice Girls," New York, 6/21/99 venerable "Despite their huge popularity the most venerable papers refused to accept crossword puzzles as more than a passing fad." Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue venial "The coach tried to overlook the venial errors of his players and concentrated on the serious ones." Sports Illustrated, 5/12/99

venom "The point envenom'd too! Then, venom, do thy work." William Shakespeare, Hamlet vertigo "Iron workers on beams, hundreds of feet above Broadway, were immune to periods of vertigo." Architectural Digest, 1/93 vestige "They kept at the rescue efforts as long as there was a vestige of hope for the earthquake victims." TIME, 8/30/99 vexatious "This vexatious law suit dragged on interminably, becoming a legend in the process." Charles Dickens, Bleak House viable "The organism remains viable in the soil for years." Rachel Carson, Silent Spring vicissitudes "Her husband was not only faithful but patient in the face of remarkable vicissitudes." Eliza Jane Berman, Noble Minds

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vigil "The U.N. peacekeeping troops are keeping a vigil over the disputed area." New York Times, 9/21/99 vigilant "I deny not but that it is of great concernment in the church and commonwealth to have a vigilant eye how looks demean themselves." John Milton, "Aereopagitica" vilified "One who belongs to the most vilified minority in history is not likely to be unaware of the freedoms guaranteed by our constitutions." Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, decision, October 1943 vindicated "His family was certain that his actions would be vindicated when all of the facts became available." "Pilot Blamed in Crash," New York Post, 11/26/99 virile "The danger to our virile economy from weaknesses in the Far East should not be overlooked." Wall Street Journal, 5/16/98 virtuosity "Employing his virtuosity as an orchestrator of suspense, the author puts Lector in Florence, Italy, speaking impeccable Italian." Paul Grey, "Dessert, Anyone?," TIME, 6/21/99 virulently "Another part of my hope was for communities of people of colour that, for the most part, have been virulently homophobic." Mark Haslam, "When Bigotry Kills," Globe and Mail, Toronto, 3/5/99 vitiate "This act is an attempt to vitiate the separation of powers upon which our democracy is founded." Justice Earl Warren, Bill of Rights Reader, 1957 vitriolic "The speaker's vitriolic comments about ethnic and religious groups brought condemnation from the mayor." New York Daily News, 9/5/98 vituperation "To justify his action he used vituperation, calling his enemies 'detestable pests.'" Barbara G. Walker, The Women's Encyclopedia vivacious "The performance of this vivacious leading lady made the play a delight." New York Post, 10/15/98 vogue "Examining the private lives of our political leaders is in vogue this election period." New York, 9/4/99 volition "To prove her innocence, she took a lie detector test of her own volition." New York Times, 9/21/99 voluble "He came to hate Ray Gribble and his voluble companions of the submerged tenth of the class." Sinclair Lewis, "Young Man Axelbrod" voluminous "The testimony in the case relating to the President's actions has become voluminous." Washington Post, 5/15/99 voracious "We spent a good number of our waking hours feeding voracious stoves." Jean Stafford, "New England Winter"

vulnerable "Any vulnerable area in an otherwise strong person or structure is known as an Achilles heel." Barbara G. Walker, The Women's Encyclopedia W wan "Why so pale and wan, fond lover? Prithee, why so pale?" John Suckling, "Encouragement to a Lover" wane "Japan, once an economic power, has seen its influence wane." New York Times, 8/1/99 wary "These figures were wary in their movements and perfectly silent afoot." Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

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wheedle "The first step of a politician is to wheedle the editorial backing of a newspaper." Frederick Nebel, A Free Press whet "The accepted purpose of coming attractions in movie theatres is to whet the viewers' desire to see the film." John Simon, Reverse Angle whimsical "This is not a whimsical ideait is a serious plan." Calvin Klein, New York Magazine, 9/15/95 wince "He took the cruel blow without a wince or a cry." A. Conan Doyle, The Last Book of Sherlock Holmes wistful "I am sad when I see those wistful ads placed by the lovelorn in the classified columns." E. B. White, The Essays of E. B. White wrest "Their attempt to wrest control of the company was thwarted by the Colonel and his three supporters on the board." Edmund Ward, Jr., "Bulls and Bears" [adapted] Y yen "She could not resist the yen to see how her classmates had progressed so she agreed to attend the class reunion." Woman's Home Companion, 9/94 Z zealous "James I was zealous in prosecuting Scottish sorcerers." George Lyman Kittredge, Witchcraft in Old and New England zenith "At the zenith of her fame as a musical star, she was assassinated by a crazed fan." H. Hudson, People, 7/21/97

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Index A abhor, 151, 330 abjure, 210, 330 abortive, 111, 330 abound, 2, 330 abrogate, 93, 330 abstemious, 124, 330 absurd, 151, 330 access, 93, 330 accommodate, 111, 330 accomplice, 92, 330 accost, 8, 330 acknowledged, 140, 330 acme, 229, 330 acrimonious, 29, 330 acute, 166, 330 adamant, 172, 330 adherent, 182, 330 admonish, 28, 330 adroit, 10, 330 advent, 262, 330 adversary, 183, 331 adverse, 54, 331 advocate, 56, 331 aegis, 158, 331 afflict, 47, 331

affluent, 34, 331 alacrity, 20, 331 allay, 211, 331 alleged, 93, 331 alleviate, 201, 331 allude, 261, 331 aloof, 275, 331 altruistic, 101, 331 ambiguous, 203, 331 ameliorate, 272, 331 amicable, 57, 331 amnesty, 118, 331 amorous, 102, 331 analogous, 143, 331 anathema, 75, 331332 annals, 3, 332 anomaly, 196, 332 anthropologist, 149, 332 antipathy, 234, 332 antiquated, 215, 332 antithesis, 100, 332 apathy, 183, 332 appalled, 288, 332 appellation, 138, 332 arbiter, 198, 332 arbitrary, 41, 332 archaic, 204, 332 ardent, 169, 332 array, 169, 332 artifact, 149, 332 artifice, 267, 332

artless, 268, 332 ascend, 46, 332 ascertain, 291, 332 ascetic, 133, 332333 asinine, 216, 333 asperity, 95, 333 aspirant, 23, 333 aspire, 86, 333 asset, 54, 333 assiduous, 106, 333 astute, 56, 333 atrophy, 272, 333 attenuated, 198, 333 attest, 108, 333 atypical, 185, 333 au courant, 217, 333 audacity, 242, 333 augment, 255, 333 austere, 235, 333 automaton, 2, 333 avarice, 178, 333 aversion, 164, 333 avid, 11, 333 awesome, 156, 333 B badger, 4, 334 bagatelle, 287, 334 balk, 120, 334 banal, 184, 334 barometer, 114, 334 bedlam, 175, 334

begrudge, 268, 334 belated, 246, 334 belittle, 21, 334 belligerent, 20, 334 benevolent, 273, 334 bereft, 170, 334 besiege, 47, 334 besmirch, 171, 334 bias, 89, 334 bigot, 54, 151, 334 bizarre, 149, 202, 334 blasé, 266, 334 blatant, 55, 334 bliss, 182, 334 blunt, 120, 335 bogus, 263, 335 bona fide, 134, 335 brash, 21, 335 brigand, 285, 335 bristle, 16, 335 buff, 113, 335 bulwark, 100, 335 burgeoned, 291, 335 C cache, 101, 335 cacophony, 175, 335 cajole, 11, 335 callous, 249, 266, 335 callow, 288, 335 calumny, 216, 335 canard, 279, 335

candid, 227, 335 candor, 189, 335 cant, 253, 335 capitulate, 242, 335 capricious, 269, 335 carnage, 278, 336 castigate, 22, 336 catastrophic, 146, 336 caustic, 14, 336 celerity, 201, 336 cessation, 16, 336 chagrin, 35, 336 charisma, 294, 336 charlatan, 191, 336 chicanery, 243, 336 chimerical, 140, 336 clandestine, 27, 336 cliché, 223, 336 clique, 252, 336 coerce, 68, 336 cogent, 166, 336 cognizant, 42, 336 comely, 267, 336 commodious, 215, 336 compassion, 228, 336 compatible, 177, 336337 compensatory, 146, 337 complacent, 208, 337 complicity, 92, 337 component, 107, 337 compound, 3, 337

comprehensive, 68, 337 concoct, 105, 337 concomitant, 197, 337 concur, 27, 337 condolence, 17, 337 condone, 202, 337 conducive, 236, 337 confidant(e), 37, 337 conflagration, 157, 337 confront, 234, 337 congenial, 158, 337 conjecture, 70, 337 conjugal, 114, 338 connoisseur, 211, 338 connubial, 138, 338 consternation, 34, 338 constrict, 170, 338 construe, 30, 338 consummate, 105, 338 contemptuous, 151, 338 contort, 255, 338 controversial, 95, 338 cope, 137, 338 copious, 229, 338 corpulent, 285, 338 corroborate, 68, 338 coterie, 101, 338 countenance, 220, 338 coup, 117, 338 covert, 137, 338 covet, 230, 338

crave, 112, 338 criterion, 274, 338 cryptic, 83, 339 culminate, 169, 339 culpable, 92, 339 culprit, 28, 339 cumbersome, 214, 339 cumulative, 139, 339 cupidity, 101, 339 curry, 260, 339 cursory, 99, 339 curtail, 83, 339 cynic, 273, 339 D dearth, 292, 339 debacle, 221, 339 debilitate, 208, 339 debris, 156, 339 decade, 144, 339 decadence, 132, 339 decapitate, 288, 339 declaim, 94, 339 decorum, 191, 339 decrepit, 246, 340 deem, 113 defamatory, 279, 340 degrade, 227, 340 deleterious, 197, 340 delineation, 248, 340 delude, 140, 340 deluge, 278, 340

delve, 269, 340 demeanor, 248, 340 demur, 138, 340 denote, 261, 340 depict, 229, 340 deplorable, 157, 340 deploy, 108, 340 deprecate, 279, 340 deride, 35, 340 derived, 292, 340 derogatory, 123, 340 desist, 60, 340 destitution, 132, 340341 desultory, 133, 341 deter, 211, 341 detriment, 158, 341 devout, 280, 341 dexterity, 228, 341 diatribe, 73, 341 dilettante, 185, 341 diminutive, 281, 341 discern, 34, 341 disciple, 133, 341 discreet, 209, 341 disdain, 20, 341 disgruntled, 176, 341 disheveled, 215, 341 dismantle, 119, 341 disparage, 36, 341 disparate, 124, 341 dispersed, 156, 341

disseminate, 291, 341 dissent, 198, 341

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distraught, 29, 341342 diversity, 267, 342 divulge, 214, 342 docile, 243, 342 doddering, 159, 342 doleful, 61, 342 domicile, 69, 342 dormant, 291, 342 dregs, 23, 342 drudgery, 4, 342 dubious, 37, 342 dulcet, 281, 342 dupe, 15, 342 duplicity, 29, 342 duress, 28, 342 E edifice, 125, 342 efficacy, 197, 342 effigy, 42, 342 effrontery, 221, 342 egotist, 172, 342 egregious, 29, 342 elapse, 69, 342343 elicit, 30, 343 elucidate, 253, 343 elusive, 62, 343 emaciated, 46, 343 embellish, 101, 343

eminent, 1, 343 emissary, 286, 343 emit, 81, 343 emulate, 204, 343 encomium, 293, 343 encumbrance, 188, 343 engrossed, 63, 343 enhance, 11, 343 enigma, 108, 343 ennui, 267, 343 entourage, 55, 343 entreaty, 152, 343 enunciate, 145, 343 epithet, 95, 343344 epitome, 228, 344 equanimity, 177, 221, 344 eradicate, 176, 344 erudite, 236, 344 eruption, 156, 344 escalation, 139, 344 eschew, 36, 344 ethics, 27, 344 euphemism, 17, 344 evaluate, 107, 344 evanescent, 210, 344 eventuate, 81, 344 evince, 164, 344 exacerbate, 43, 344 excoriate, 280, 344 excruciating, 49, 344 exhort, 183, 344

exonerate, 118, 344 expatriate, 118, 344 expedient, 266, 345 expedite, 201, 345 exploit, 175, 345 expunge, 75, 345 expurgate, 268, 345 extant, 125, 345 extinct, 188, 345 extol, 252, 345 extortion, 54, 345 extraneous, 203, 345 extrinsic, 94, 345 exult, 108, 345 exultation, 170, 345 F fabricate, 10, 138, 345 façade, 216, 345 facet, 241, 345 facetious, 204, 345 facile, 252, 345 factitious, 293, 345 fallacious, 105, 345 falter, 170, 345346 fastidious, 217, 346 fatal, 241, 346 fatuous, 255, 346 feasible, 34, 346 feint, 20, 346 felicitous, 235, 346 felon, 9, 346

ferment, 198, 346 fervid, 195, 346 fetish, 149, 346 fetter, 94, 346 fiasco, 36, 346 fiat, 118, 346 flabbergasted, 221, 346 flagrant, 28, 346 flamboyant, 75, 346 flay, 248, 346 fledgling, 190, 346 flout, 42, 346 fluctuate, 215, 347 foist, 242, 347 foment, 209, 347 forthwith, 43, 347 fortuitous, 73, 347 fracas, 183, 347 fractious, 76, 347 frail, 280, 347 fraught, 106, 347 fray, 41, 347 frenetic, 267, 347 frenzy, 23, 347 fretful, 49, 347 frugal, 100, 347 fruitless, 67, 347 frustrate, 62, 347 fulsome, 131, 347 furtive, 9, 347 futility, 278, 347

G galvanize, 188, 347 gamut, 143, 347 garbled, 67, 348 garrulous, 184, 348 gaudy, 188, 348 gaunt, 222, 348 genocide, 294, 348 genre, 227, 348 germane, 236, 348 gesticulate, 10, 348 gist, 166, 348 glean, 209, 348 glib, 240, 348 gratuity, 268, 348 gregarious, 99, 348 grimace, 216, 348 grotesque, 228, 348 guise, 275, 348 gullible, 108, 348 gusto, 184, 348 H habitat, 99, 348 halcyon, 235, 348 hapless, 9, 348349 harass, 41, 349 harbinger, 48, 349 haven, 80, 349 havoc, 87, 349 heinous, 248, 349 heresy, 195, 349

heterogeneous, 143, 349 hirsute, 222, 349 histrionics, 62, 349 hoard, 158, 349 hoax, 107, 349 homogeneous, 240, 349 hostile, 163, 349 humility, 172, 349 hyperbole, 294, 349 I iconoclast, 236, 349 idyllic, 188, 349 ignominious, 230, 349 ilk, 73, 349 imbibe, 159, 350 imminent, 63, 350 impeccable, 106, 350 impede, 176, 350 imperative, 150, 350 imperceptible, 255, 350 imperturbable, 246, 350 impetuous, 208, 350 impious, 262, 350 implacable, 40, 350 implore, 4, 350 importune, 80, 350 impresario, 54, 350 impromptu, 281, 350 imprudent, 150, 350 impunity, 30, 350 inadvertent, 15, 350

inane, 27, 350 inanimate, 149, 350351 incapacitated, 138, 351 inchoate, 83, 351 incipient, 15, 351 incisive, 88, 351 inclement, 60, 351 incoherent, 73, 351 incompatibility, 137, 351 incongruous, 17, 351 incontrovertible, 80, 351 incredulous, 82, 351 incumbent, 198, 351 indict, 123, 351 indifference, 139, 351 indigenous, 99, 351 indigent, 41, 351 indiscriminate, 1, 351 indoctrinate, 131, 351 indolent, 184, 352 inebriated, 183, 352 ineffectual, 56, 352 inert, 63, 352 inevitable, 165, 352 inexorable, 28, 352 infallible, 176, 352 infamous, 15, 352 infraction, 249, 352 ingratiate, 230, 352 inherent, 113, 352 inhibition, 73, 352

iniquity, 273, 352 initiate, 157, 352 innate, 111, 352 innocuous, 196, 352 inordinate, 145, 352 insatiable, 178, 352 insidious, 261, 352 integral, 74, 353 interject, 62, 353 interloper, 99, 353 interminable, 4, 353 internecine, 292, 353 interrogate, 214, 353 intimidate, 20, 353 intrepid, 8, 353 intrinsic, 165, 260, 353 introspective, 145, 353 inundate, 67, 353 invalidate, 93, 353 invective, 171, 353 inveigh, 86, 353 inveterate, 172, 353 inviolable, 152, 353 irascible, 145, 353

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irate, 9, 353 irrational, 178, 353 irrelevant, 112, 354 itinerant, 114, 354 J jaunty, 76, 354 jeopardize, 82, 354 jettison, 165, 354 jostle, 15, 354 jubilant, 191, 354 jurisdiction, 40, 354 juxtapose, 137, 354 L labyrinth, 107, 354 laceration, 22, 354 lackluster, 14, 354 laconic, 8, 354 lampoon, 220, 354 landmark, 94, 354 largess, 274, 354 lassitude, 197, 254, 354 latent, 113, 354 laudable, 36, 354355 lax, 69, 355 legerdemain, 240, 355 legion, 117, 355 lethal, 88, 355 lethargic, 163, 355

levity, 126, 355 libel, 279, 355 liquidation, 92, 355 lithe, 182, 355 livid, 287, 355 loath, 56, 355 loathe, 14, 355 longevity, 159, 355 lucrative, 165, 355 lugubrious, 126, 355 lurid, 70, 355 lush, 132, 355 M Machiavellian, 247, 355 magnanimous, 253, 355 maim, 272, 356 maladjusted, 143, 356 malady, 57, 356 malevolent, 281, 356 malignant, 48, 356 malleable, 240, 356 malnutrition, 47, 356 mammoth, 87, 356 mandate, 146, 356 manifest, 269, 356 manifold, 106, 356 martinet, 287, 356 masticate, 36, 356 mastiff, 61, 356 materialism, 134, 356 matron, 2, 356

maudlin, 126, 356 megalomania, 117, 356357 mendacious, 118, 357 menial, 203, 357 mentor, 252, 357 mercenary, 274, 357 metamorphosis, 133, 357 meticulous, 69, 357 mien, 222, 357 milieu, 196, 357 modify, 111, 357 mollify, 274, 357 monolithic, 41, 357 moribund, 178, 357 mortality, 144, 357 motivate, 236, 357 mundane, 17, 357 munificent, 294, 357 murky, 107, 357 myriad, 112, 357 N nadir, 178, 357358 naive, 229, 358 nascent, 236, 358 nebulous, 123, 358 nefarious, 57, 358 negligible, 266, 358 nepotism, 292, 358 nettle, 86, 358 neurotic, 144, 358 neutralize, 146, 358

nirvana, 134, 358 noisome, 217, 358 nomadic, 95, 358 nominal, 74, 358 nondescript, 185, 358 nonentity, 221, 358 nostalgia, 120, 358 nuance, 11, 358 nullify, 278, 358 nurture, 134, 358359 nutritive, 263, 359 O obese, 182, 359 obliterate, 157, 359 obloquy, 293, 359 obscure, 169, 359 obsequious, 131, 359 obsess, 61, 359 obsolescence, 37, 359 obviate, 70, 359 occult, 208, 359 octogenarian, 22, 359 ominous, 16, 359 omnipotent, 190, 359 omnivorous, 124, 359 opprobrium, 247, 359 opulence, 131, 359 originate, 152, 359 ostensible, 195, 359 ostentatious, 76, 359360 oust, 43, 360

overt, 86, 360 P pall, 260, 360 palliate, 140, 360 paltry, 202, 360 panacea, 176, 360 pandemonium, 247, 360 parable, 220, 360 paradox, 3, 360 paragon, 95, 360 paramount, 163, 360 pariah, 275, 360 paroxysm, 40, 360 parsimonious, 119, 360 passé, 241, 360 pathetic, 182, 360 paucity, 29, 360 pecuniary, 119, 360 pedagogue, 145, 360361 penance, 133, 361 penchant, 288, 361 penitent, 210, 361 pensive, 223, 361 penury, 230, 361 perceive, 4, 361 peregrination, 114, 361 peremptory, 190, 361 perfidious, 230, 361 perfunctory, 35, 361 permeate, 82, 361 pernicious, 30, 361

perpetrate, 105, 361 perpetuate, 146, 361 persevere, 94, 361 perspicacious, 143, 361 pertinent, 61, 361 peruse, 60, 361 perverse, 35, 361362 pesky, 123, 362 phenomenon, 144, 362 phlegmatic, 68, 362 phobia, 236, 362 pinnacle, 169, 362 pique, 185, 362 pittance, 217, 362 placard, 74, 362 plaintiff, 279, 362 platitude, 184, 362 plethora, 9, 362 plight, 137, 362 poignant, 67, 362 ponder, 132, 362 potent, 280, 362 potentate, 291, 362 potential, 139, 362 potpourri, 261, 362 pragmatic, 275, 362363 precedent, 190, 363 precipitate, 88, 363 preclude, 93, 363 precocious, 35, 363 prelude, 140, 363

premise, 82, 363 premonition, 60, 363 prerogative, 292, 363 prestigious, 74, 363 pretext, 10, 363 prevalent, 163, 363 prevarication, 294, 363 privation, 47, 363 procrastinate, 241, 363 prodigious, 201, 363 prodigy, 170, 363 proffer, 262, 363 profligate, 117, 363 profound, 201, 364 profuse, 281, 364 progeny, 102, 364 prognosticate, 2, 364 prohibition, 150, 364 prolific, 100, 364 promulgate, 21, 364 propagate, 196, 364 propensity, 211, 364 propinquity, 175, 364 propitious, 82, 364 propriety, 262, 364 proximity, 254, 364 prudent, 195, 364 pugnacious, 21, 364 puissant, 126, 364 pungent, 172, 364 puny, 156, 364

Q qualm, 268, 364 quandary, 266, 365 quarry, 209, 365 quell, 37, 365 quip, 70, 365 R rabid, 204, 365 raconteur, 286, 365 rail, 285, 365 raiment, 285, 365 rampant, 27, 365

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rash, 70, 365 rationalize, 236, 365 raucous, 263, 365 raze, 87, 365 realm, 3, 365 rebuke, 164, 365 recant, 92, 365 recoil, 60, 365 recondite, 139, 365 redolent, 124, 365 redress, 249, 365366 refute, 222, 366 relegate, 86, 366 remiss, 163, 366 remote, 48, 366 remuneration, 74, 366 repent, 274, 366 repertoire, 255, 366 replenish, 269, 366 replete, 1, 366 repose, 124, 366 reprehensible, 40, 366 repress, 83, 366 reprimand, 14, 366 reproach, 210, 366 repudiate, 16, 366 repugnant, 228, 366 repulse, 87, 366 reputed, 280, 366367

requisite, 269, 367 resourceful, 106, 367 respite, 49, 367 restrictive, 120, 367 reticent, 8, 243, 367 retort, 243, 367 retrospect, 171, 367 reverberating, 49, 367 revere, 177, 367 revert, 43, 367 reviled, 123, 367 rhetoric, 252, 367 rife, 120, 367 rift, 286, 367 romp, 113, 367 roster, 272, 367 rudimentary, 11, 367 rue, 157, 367 ruminate, 286, 367 rustic, 191, 368 S saga, 246, 368 sage, 158, 368 salient, 63, 368 sally, 34, 368 salubrious, 204, 368 salvation, 134, 368 sanctimonious, 220, 368 sanction, 261, 368 sanctuary, 46, 368 sanguine, 67, 368

satiety, 260, 368 saturate, 102, 368 schism, 75, 368 scion, 131, 368 scoff, 21, 368 scrutinize, 57, 368 scurrilous, 23, 368 scurry, 88, 369 sedate, 177, 369 sedentary, 100, 369 senile, 159, 369 serenity, 177, 369 servile, 234, 369 shibboleth, 263, 369 sinecure, 89, 369 singular, 89, 369 sinister, 47, 369 site, 214, 369 skirmish, 40, 369 slovenly, 209, 369 sojourn, 234, 369 solace, 23, 369 solicit, 56, 369 somber, 208, 369 sophistry, 293, 369 sordid, 22, 369 spate, 262, 369 spew, 55, 369 spontaneous, 111, 370 sporadic, 69, 370 spurious, 195, 370

squeamish, 63, 370 stagnant, 241, 370 staunch, 247, 370 steeped, 1, 370 stentorian, 89, 370 stereotype, 88, 370 stigmatize, 242, 370 stipulate, 17, 370 strident, 197, 370 strife, 117, 370 stunted, 272, 370 stupor, 223, 370 stymie, 42, 370 subjugate, 80, 370 subservient, 273, 370371 substantiate, 263, 370 subterfuge, 105, 371 subterranean, 81, 371 succinct, 203, 371 succulent, 260, 371 succumb, 49, 371 sullen, 286, 371 sultry, 125, 371 sumptuous, 119, 371 superficial, 164, 371 superfluous, 235, 371 supine, 87, 371 supplication, 132, 371 surfeit, 196, 371 surge, 46, 371 surmise, 83, 371

surreptitious, 80, 371 susceptible, 144, 371 symptomatic, 62, 371372 T taboo, 150, 371 tacit, 243, 372 taint, 150, 372 tangible, 22, 372 tantalize, 242, 372 tantamount, 210, 372 taut, 287, 372 technology, 2, 278, 372 temerity, 102, 372 tenable, 235, 372 tenacious, 216, 372 termagant, 288, 372 terminate, 43, 372 terse, 166, 372 therapy, 236, 372 throng, 8, 372 thwart, 48, 372 timorous, 76, 372 tinge, 3, 372 tolerate, 30, 372 tortuous, 114, 373 tradition, 152, 373 tranquil, 46, 373 transient, 166, 373 tremulous, 16, 373 trenchant, 125, 373 trend, 240, 373

trivial, 202, 373 truncated, 76, 373 turbulent, 42, 373 turpitude, 249, 373 tussle, 165, 373 tyro, 293, 373 U ubiquitous, 48, 373 ultimate, 81, 373 umbrage, 253, 373 unabated, 126, 373 unconscionable, 247, 373 unctuous, 273, 373 underwrite, 119, 373 universal, 151, 374 unkempt, 217, 374 unmitigated, 215, 374 unsavory, 227, 374 unwieldy, 254, 374 urbane, 112, 374 usurp, 202, 374 utopia, 75, 374 V vacillate, 246, 374 valor, 89, 374 vapid, 254, 374 vehemently, 229, 374 veneer, 112, 374 venerable, 203, 374 venial, 227, 374

venom, 55, 374 vertigo, 236, 374 vestige, 275, 374 vexatious, 57, 374 viable, 81, 374 vicissitudes, 125, 374 vigil, 214, 375 vigilant, 10, 375 vilify, 253, 375 vindicate, 248, 375 virile, 159, 375 virtuosity, 102, 375 virulent, 55, 375 vitiate, 254, 375 vitriolic, 171, 375 vituperation, 249, 375 vivacious, 222, 375 vogue, 164, 375 volition, 234, 375 voluble, 37, 375 voluminous, 171, 375 voracious, 1, 375 vulnerable, 152, 175, 375 W wan, 61, 375 wane, 185, 375 wary, 211, 375 wheedle, 191, 376 whet, 223, 376 whimsical, 220, 376 wince, 223, 376

wistful, 285, 376 wrest, 14, 376 Y yen, 287, 376 Z zealous, 68, 376 zenith, 190, 376

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