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Post Traumatic Stress Research Paper

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A General Examination Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
By Sharonn Smith
Jun 8, 2013
Following being exposed to a tragic event an individual will probably be vulnerable to developing emotional distress and anxiety which if left unchecked can lead to the dreaded post traumatic stress disorder. Post traumatic stress disorder is classed as an intense anxiety disorder triggered by traumatic encounters and its signs and symptoms tend to last longer than 4 weeks. Even though trauma stressors are the underlying cause, post traumatic stress disorder can develop immediately after exposure or in some cases, a long time after the traumatic experience.

Some people may suffer from complex post traumatic stress disorder, occasionally …show more content…
The intensity and coping mechanisms can vary greatly depending on a sufferer's mental strength and immediate help and support system. Knowing the reason(s) as well as being keeping an eye out for indications of distress is significant so as to incorporate intervention measures and ptsd therapy plan where …show more content…
Despite the fact that individual reactions to trauma differ, the bottom line is that feelings aroused right after a trauma can pose a crippling risk to normal everyday life plus a potential development of post traumatic stress disorder.

Are your thoughts continuously overloaded by accounts of the traumatic event?

If you are repeatedly encountering intrusive thoughts that vividly recount what actually happened during a trauma inducing incident, you are a great deal in the red zone and at the risk of suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Many individuals may also attest to the fact that they could practically form a mental image of the tragedy which can bring back the fear and pain, causing more stress.

Are you currently re-living the traumatic event severally?

Recurrence of unpleasant thoughts and emotions linked to trauma stressors may result in the patient often feeling as if they're re-living that scary encounter once again. Any time these types of episodes strike, they may leave a victim feeling insecure and helplessly fearful. These are classic signs that ptsd is creeping steadily into your life. Due to this fact, depression and anxiety are

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