Premium Essay

Engma Machines Research Paper

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Pages 3
When people talk about technology they may think in computers and those advance things we have in this century, but what people used to know about technology and how they communicate in the pass is amaze. With little resources to work, people in the early centuries used their imagination to create amazing machines in order to deliver messages from people to people.
One of the biggest creation during the early- to -mid- 20th century were the enigma machines. A well-design machine used to protect military communication. It was adopted by military and government services during World War II. Different Enigma models were produced, but German military were the most complex.
Basically, the Enigma machine looked like a typewriter from the outside, …show more content…
Turing though that by creating a machine he would be able to fight with another machine, Enigma. As he says in The Imitation Game, the problem was trying to beat a machine that was unbreakable. He said that creating an electrical brain like a digital computer you may have the chance to decoded the message (Figure 2). So, it was an electromechanical machine comprised of the equivalent different Enigma machines, each one containing the exact internal wiring of the German counterpart. When the machine was switched on, each of the Enigmas were allocated a pair of letters from the obtained crib and each of the three rotors moves at a rate mimicking the Enigma itself, checking possible positions until it finds a match. The machine only stops when each of the Enigma machines finds what it believes to be the correct pair of letters at the same time and opens its electrical circuit. So rather than guessing the key, the machine used logic to dismiss possibilities. But this was only part of the key. It was then down to the codebreakers to use the knowledge provided by the machine and figure out the rest of the

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