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Process Essay: How To Rent Your Home

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Being a landlord can be challenging. You have to make sure the house you are renting meets local building codes, and you have also have to thoroughly investigate your tenants. Renting your home to irresponsible tenants can have disastrous results. In the end, you could be suing your renters for damages. You also might lose out on rent income while you go through process of evicting tenants.

Screening Potential Tenants
The screening process will eliminate most people who will not be quality tenants. In addition to avoiding troublesome tenants, you will also learn more about the person renting your home. When you properly screen tenants, you will have peace of mind knowing you are renting your home to a responsible individual. Before starting …show more content…
You should also ask for references. After getting permission to check their credit report, you should look for accounts in collections and evictions.

Choose Your Rental Standards
You need to decide if you want to rent to someone with a criminal record. If you are renting a house in a low income neighborhood, you might be considering renting to people with a criminal record. If you are willing to rent to applicants with a criminal record, you should make sure the crime did not occur within the last few years.

Speak With the Applicant's References
If the person have a good credit history, you should interview their references. You want to make sure the potential tenant has credibility with their references. You should ask their references how the references to rate the reliability of the potential tenant.

Review the Applicant's Financial History
When you complete the reference check, you should make sure the potential tenant can afford to pay the rent. The tenant's monthly salary should be at least twice the amount of the rent. Thoroughly read all documents the potential offers you, and treat all potential tenants fairly.

Property Management Companies

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