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Social Service Program Analysis

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Please give a specific example of a time where you worked with a family with multiple issues and/or abuse or neglect.
Working as a Family Advocate with Oregon Child Development Coalition, I worked with low income migrant families that worked in agriculture. Towards the end of the season, there was a family on my caseload whom I had been working closely with throughout the program. However, during a check up on the family I was notified that the husband was in jail for a domestic abuse incident during which he had hit the mother of the children. I assessed the needs of the family, and at the time, the mother was mostly worried about her financial security. After encouraging the mother to get herself checked out at the hospital, I contacted multiple agencies to seek assistance. I encouraged the mom to work closely with her caseworker from self-sufficiency and to broaden her support system. Ultimately I was able to lead her to the Center for Hope and Safety as well as apply for a domestic violence grant.

Describe your experience working for a social service program. Indicate agencies where you acquired experience:
I have …show more content…
I've had families that come from other states, that do not speak English and have a limited Spanish, because they speak tribal dialects. I've had to learn to be patient because communicating with these populations can be very challenging, yet the best way to be effective is to give them a chance to express themselves. I’ve also realized that their unique lifestyle and different background offers a different way of looking at problems and life in general. Due to their different way of looking at problems, they can also find unique solutions to a similar problem. Diversity can not only mean uniqueness, it can also mean unity; unity in the way that we come together to embrace our differences and find common

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