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Micro Finance in the Development


Submitted By saanjidan
Words 15459
Pages 62
Table of Contents

Chapter one: Introduction 5 1.1 Background of the study 5 1.2 Necessity of Microfinance to people 6 1.3 Statement of the Problem 7 1.4 Rationale of the Study 7 1.5 Objectives 8 1.6 Methodology 8 1.7 Limitation of the study 9 chapter two: Literature Review 10 2.1 Micro-Finance 10 2.2 Microfinance and microcredit 10 2.3 The History of Microfinance 11 2.4 Providers and models of microfinance interventions 11 2.5 Microfinance and its impact in development 14 2.6 The impact of microfinance on poverty 16 2.7 Current debates on the impact of microfinance in development 18 2.8 Empowering Women 23 2.9 Impacts beyond the household 26 2.10 The use of the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework in impact measurement 27 2.11 Current debates about MFIs and their role in development 29
Chapter Three: A Glimpse of The Microfinance Sector in Bangladesh 33 3.1 Micro-Finance’s History and Development 33 3.2 Evolution of MFIs financing sources 34
Chapter four: Data Analysis and Interpretation 37 4.1 Hypothesis & Model 37 4.2 Respondents Information (Frequencies & Cross-Tabs) 38 4.3 Results of the Regression Analysis for Hypothesis One 43 4.4 Results of the Regression Analysis for Hypothesis Two 45

Chapter five: Findings And Conclusions 47 5.1 Findings 47 5.2 Scope for Further Research 48 5.3 Conclusion 48
References 50
Appendix - A 52
Appendix - B 55

List of Figures Figure 1:Conceptual Model of the Study 37 Figure 2: Loan reserve of NGO-MFIs in the Micro-finance sector based on the size of the firms 55 Figure 3: Savings of NGO-MFIs in the Micro-finance sector based on the size of the firms 56

List of Tables Table 1: Broad picture of Micro-credit Program in the financial year 2013-2014 34 Table 2 :Cumulative loan disbursement of some NGOs & MFIs 35

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