...Sustainable Microentrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries GUY VINCENT CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE RELATIONASHIPS BETWEEN MICROFINANCE, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY IN REDUCING POVERTY IN LDCS 2.1. THE ROLE OF MICROFINANCE IN REDUCING POVERTY IN LDCS 2.2. THE ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN REDUCING POVERTY IN LDCS 2.3. THE ROLE OF SUSTAINABILITY IN REDUCING POVERTY IN LDCS 3. SUCCESSFUL CASE STUDIES OF MICROFINANCE, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MICROFINANCE IN REDUCING POVERTY IN LDCS 4. EFFECTS OF SUSTAINABLE MICROENTREPRENUERSHIP ON LDCS 5. CONCLUSION 6. REFERENCES 1. INTRODUCTION About 90 percent of the people in developing countries lack access to financial services from institutions, either for credit or savings1, which further fuels the “Vicious Cycle of Poverty” (refer to Fig. 1). If the people of LDCs have a limited capacity to invest in capital, productivity is restricted, incomes are inhibited, domestic savings remain low, and again, any increases in productivity are prevented. A lack of access to financial institutions also hinders the ability for entrepreneurs in LDCs to engage in new business ventures, inhibiting economic growth, and often, the sources and consequences of entrepreneurial activities are neither financially nor environmentally sustainable (existing for continuing future use). Microfinance serves as a means to empower the poor, and provides a...
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...MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH OF SMALL & MICRO-ENTERPRISES (SMES) ACASE STUDY OF (UWMFO) MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTION BY HENRY EGYEYU DEDICATION To the memory of my grand father Daniel Egeyu Whose love & enthusiasm for academia first kindled mine? ABSTRACT This research study investigates the impact of microfinance institutions on entrepreneurial development of Small & Micro-enterprises (SMEs) that are craving for growth and development in a war revived district called Gulu. The researcher used questionnaire as an instrument of primary data collection. Tables and simple percentages were used in data presentation. For clear analysis, the study centers on two broad variables; the dependent variable which is entrepreneurial development and the independent variable which is microfinance institutions. Three different hypotheses were formulated and tested using various statistical tools such as chi-square test, analysis of variance and simple regression analysis. The study reveals that (i) there is a significant difference in the number of entrepreneurs who used microfinance institutions and those who do not use them; (ii) there is a significant effect of microfinance institutions activities in predicting entrepreneurial productivity; and (iii) that there is no significant effect of microfinance institutions activities in predicting entrepreneurial development. The researcher concludes...
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...DEVELOPMENT OF MICROFINANCE IN THE GHANAIAN ECONOMY NAME: BELINDA AKU ATEPOR INDEX NUMBER: 10224399 SUPERVISOR: DR. CHARLES ANDOH TABLE OF CONTENT Background of the Study ………………………………………….......................................3 Problem Statement ……………………………………………….........................................4 Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………………………………..5 Research Problems ………………………………………………………………………….5 Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………………...5 Literature Review …………………………………………………………………………..6 Methodology …………………………………………………………………………………. Scope and Limitations ……………………………………………………………………...7 Chapter Outline …………………………………………………………………………….8 References…... DEFINITION What Is Microfinance? Microfinance, according to Otero (1999, p.8) is “the provision of financial services to low-income poor and very poor self-employed people”. These financial services according to Ledgerwood (1999) generally include savings and credit but can also include other financial services such as insurance and payment services. Schreiner and Colombet (2001, p.339) define microfinance as “the attempt to improve access to small deposits and small loans for poor households neglected by banks.” Therefore, microfinance involves the provision of financial services such as savings, loans and insurance to poor people living in both urban and rural settings who are unable to obtain such services from the formal financial sector. Microfinance encompasses...
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...A SIMPLE REPRESENTATION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS Annesha Zeheen Introduction This paper attempts to graphically present a simplified version of the activities of a microfinance institution (MFI) with a view to facilitating our understanding of its activities and role in economic development, creating an enabling environment for MFIs to work, promoting and fostering sustainable development of microfinance institutions and comprehending the need and ways to regulate them. The main function of a microfinance institution is to provide sustainable financial services mainly to the small borrowers and clients. Intially 5 to 6 like-minded persons mostly women organize a Group, several groups make a Center. Usually memebrs have to attend the weekly meetings and deposit weekly savings. The loans are mostly provided against little or no collateral, but repayment rate is generally commendable because of the peer pressure originated from members of groups. MFIs’ services are not limited to credit, but include savings, insurance, money transfers and others. The credit-deposit methods include group-lending and -liability, short repayment period with frequent installments, pre-loan savings requirements, gradually increasing loan sizes, and an implicit guarantee of ready access to future loans if present loans are repaid fully and promptly[1]. (Microfinance Gateway 2009). Borrowers take micro-loans for starting or expanding small busenesses, fro the profit of...
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...Sustainability of Microfinance Self Help Groups in India: Would Federating Help? Ajai Nair, Graduate Student Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Princeton University Abstract Self Help Group (SHG) banking is the primary mode of microfinance in India today, reaching over six million families. In spite of its considerable outreach, successful savings mobilization and high repayment rates, as with most other microfinance models, the financial viability of SHG banking has not been clear. SHG federations attempt to provide financial viability and sustainability to SHG banking. This study explores the merits of federating and finds that SHG federations create economies of scale, reduce promotional and transaction costs, enable provision of value added services and increase empowerment of the poor. Acknowledgements This study was done for the South Asia Region Finance and Private Sector Development Unit of the World Bank. The support of Sophie Sirtaine at the World Bank, who helped design the study and took time to read through the different drafts, is gratefully acknowledged. I thank all the organizations visited and individuals interviewed for their cooperation, and participants of the various fora at which the initial drafts were presented for their valuable comments. I also thank Marilou, Director, South Asia Region Finance and Private Sector Development Unit and other members of the unit for...
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...General Background on Global Microfinance Trends 0 Contents 1.0 OVER VIEW OF MICROFINANCE IN GHANA...................................................... 3 1.1 DEFINITION .....................................................................................................................3 1.2 EVOLUTION OF MICROFINANCE IN GHANA ..............................................................3 1.3 THE NEED FOR MICROFINANCE IN GHANA................................................................4 1.4 MICROFINANCE CLIENTS IN GHANA...........................................................................5 2.0 PROFILES OF MICROFINANCE APEX BODIES IN GHANA................................... 5 2.1 Ghana Co-operative Credit Unions Association (GCCUA).....................................5 2.1.1 Some Current Performance of GCCUA.............................................................. 6 2.1.2 Outstanding Challenges and Future Resource Requirements of CUA ........ 6 2.1.3 Summary of Credit Unions Annual Performance ............................................. 6 2.2 GHANA CO-OPERATIVE SUSU COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (GCSCA)..................7 2.2.1 Some Current Performance of GCSCA .............................................................. 7 2.2.2 Outstanding Challenges and Future Resource Requirements for GCSCA .. 7 2.2.3 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF GCSCA TO CUA AS AT OCTOBER 2007.. 8 2.3 ASSOCIATION OF FINANCIAL NGOs (ASSFIN) .....................................................
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...IMICRO-FINANCE OF MOBILE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN NIGERIA: AN ANALYSIS OF SELECTED CASE STUDIES IN BENIN CITY BY DADA ADEYINKA PSC0709051 DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF management SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF BENIN BENIN CITY. DECEMBER, 2015. MICRO-FINANCE OF MOBILE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN NIGERIA: AN ANALYSIS OF SELECTED CASE STUDIES IN BENIN CITY BY GLORY PSC0709051 IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.SC) DEGREE IN POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BENIN DECEMBER, 2015. CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the exercise here by described in the research work was carried out behind the Faculty of Physical Science, University of Benin, under my supervisor. ____________________ ____________________ Dr. B.E. Iyorzor Date Project Supervisor ____________________ ____________________ Dr. E.O Aiyohuyin Date Head of Department DEDICATION I dedicate this project to Almighty God who has always giving me the grace and privilege financially and otherwise to do this project and to my lovely family, who gave me moral courage in the cost of writing this project. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This completion of this work would not have been possible if not for the support which I received from many people. My thanks...
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...CHAPTER 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The concept of micro finance is not new in the world, sub-Sahara Africa and in Kenya. Savings and credit groups have operated for centuries all over the world. They include the Chit Funds of India, Tandas in Mexico, and Arisan in Indonesia. In Africa such groups consist the “Susu” of Ghana, BOSCA of Botswana, ADESSI of Burkina Faso, ACCORD of Uganda, Zusa of Zambia among others. In Kenya on the other hand Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) include Faulu Kenya, Kenya Women Finance Trust (KWFT), KUSCCO (Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives), Economical Locus Fund (ECLOF), Small and Medium Enterprise Programme (SMEP), Kenya Small Traders and Entrepreneurs Society (KSTES), the Kenya Post Savings Bank (KPSOB) and Vintage Management (Jitegemee Trust). Microfinance is the provision of financial services to low income households and micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). The sector provides an enormous support to the economic activities of the poor thus contributing to poverty alleviation. Micro finance is usually understood to entail the provision of financial services to micro entrepreneurs and small businesses, which lack access to banking and related services due to the high transaction costs associated with serving these clients’ categories. The two main mechanisms for the delivery of financial services to such clients are relationship based banking for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses; and group based models, where...
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...Success of Microfinance in Bangladesh: Its Determinants, Impacts & Challenges Chapter- One Introduction 1.1 Introduction: In recent years, microcredit, in its wider dimension known as microfinance, has become a much favored intervention for poverty alleviation in the developing countries and least development countries. There is scarcely a poor country and development oriented donor agency (multilateral, bilateral and private) not involved in the promotion (in one form or other) of a microfinance program. Microfinance programs claim many achievements as its impact and an outside observer cannot but wonder at the range of diversity of the benefits claimed. Although Bangladesh has huge potential for development, it is, for various socio-economic reasons, among the poorest countries in the world. About half of the country's population lives below the poverty line with 80% in the rural areas. The burden of poverty falls disproportionately on women, who constitute half of the total population. Logically, therefore, poverty alleviation and creation of rural employment are top priorities in the development agenda of the government of Bangladesh (GOB) which has adopted a broad based approach to poverty alleviation, emphasizing macroeconomic stability, economic liberalization, and support for a number of government agencies and non-government organizations (NGOs). Substantial progress has been made in implementing the microcredit program (MCP), and the scope for its efficient...
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...Assessing the Effectiveness of Microfinance Loans from NBC in Reduction of Poverty in Kinondoni District – Dar es Salaam. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. ACB - Akiba Commercial Bank CGAP - Consultative Group to Assist the poor CRDB - Cooperative and Development Bank FFI - Formal Financial Institution FINCA - Foundation for International Community Assiatance GDP - Gross Domestic Product NBC - National Bank of Commerce NGO - Non Governmental Organisation NMB - National Microfinance Bank NMFP - National Microfinance policy PFSs - Private Financial Sectors PRIDE - Promotion of Rural Initiatives and Development Enterprise SACCOS - Saving and Credit Cooperative Society SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Science URT - United Republic of Tanzania ABSTRACT The Ojective of the research was to assess the eeffectiveness/contribution of PFSs in reduction of poverty in Kinondoni District Dar es Salaam Tanzania. The research was conducted at NBC branches. The Branches to which the Reseacrh was conducted were Kinondoni Branch, Ubungo Branch, Mlimani City Branch, UDSM Branch and Tegeta Branche. Data were collected through interview and research questionnaires and were analyzed by using quantitative approach. The research study revealed that Tanzania...
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...nanceGender and rural microfinance: Reaching and empowering women Guide for practitioners Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty This paper was prepared by Linda Mayoux and Maria Hartl. Linda Mayoux is an international consultant on gender issues in economic development including microfinance. She is currently global consultant for Oxfam Novib’s Women’s Empowerment, Mainstreaming and Networking (WEMAN) programme. Mayoux prepared this paper in collaboration with Maria Hartl, Technical Adviser for Gender and Social Equity in IFAD’s Technical Advisory Division. Annina Lubbock, Senior Technical Adviser for Gender and Poverty Targeting, Michael Hamp, Senior Technical Adviser for Rural Finance. Ambra Gallina, Gender and Poverty Targeting Consultant, also contributed. The following people reviewed the content: Maria Pagura (Rural Finance Officer, Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Carola Saba (Development Manager, Women’s World Banking) and Margaret Miller (Senior Microfinance Specialist, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor – CGAP). The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IFAD concerning the legal status of any...
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...neither have their own bank accounts nor are they able to take out loans, transfer money or insure their families against risks such as illness, accident or death. In most cases, access to these financial services that are so central to sustainable development are either denied or made very difficult. Consequently, people frequently have no choice but to resort to local moneylenders who charge usurious rates of interest or use informal and, therefore, insecure ways of performing transactions such as payments and money transfer. The above is reflected in the quotation by the past Secretary-General of the United Nations: ‘‘The stark reality is that most people in the world still lack access to sustainable financial services, whether it is savings, credit or insurance. The great challenge before us is to address the constraints that exclude people from full participation in the financial sector. Together, we can and must build inclusive financial sectors that help people improve their lives (United Nations, 1997).’’ With almost thirty per cent of the country's population living in poverty, the Government of Ghana clearly faces an enormous challenge to reduce poverty especially in the three northern savannah regions where there is the greatest concentration of poor people. To achieve rapid and sustainable reduction in poverty, it is necessary to have an integrated policy with the various elements of the strategy reinforcing each other. The World Development Report for 1990 (World...
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...EFFECTS OF MICROFINANCE CREDIT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTEPRISES IN UASIN GISHU COUNTY, KENYA RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO CUEA, GABA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELORS DEGREE EFFECTS OF MICRO FINANCE CREDIT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRISE IN UASIN GISHU COUNTY, KENYA BY KIBET K DENNIS BCOM/GC/543/11/12 RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO CUEA, GABA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELORS DEGREE DECLARATION Declaration by the Student I, the undersigned, declare that this project is my original work and that it has not been presented in any other university or institution for academic credit. KIBET K DENNIS BCOM/ GC/543/11/12 Signature.................................................... Date.................................... Declaration by the Supervisors This research project has been submitted for examination with our approval as university supervisors. Dr. Gedion Omwono Catholic University of Eastern Africa, GABA Campus Signature.................................................... Date.................................... ABSTRACT This study discusses...
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...China Microfinance Industry Assessment Report By He Guangwen, Du Xiaoshan, Bai Chengyu, and Li Zhanwu China Association of Microfinance Feb. 17, 2009 This report has been jointly accomplished by Prof. He Guangwen, Director of Rural Finance and Investment Research Center of China Agricultural University (CAU), Prof. Du Xiaoshan, Deputy Director of Rural Development Institute of China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Chairman of Board of Directors of China Association of Microfinance (CAM), Mr. Bai Chengyu, Director of Division III of China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchange (CICETE) and Secretary General of CAM with the support of the Network Strengthening Program (NSP) of CAM. Mr. Li Zhanwu, Division Director of Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security, Dr. Li Lili of Henan University of Finance and Economics, Dr. Zhang Zhengping, Associate Professor of Beijing Technology and Business University, Dr. Yang Jing of Beijing Material College, and Li Yaning, Yang Lu and Wang Dan from CAU have also joined the research work. Besides, this report has obtained the guidance and assistance from Ms. Wang Dan, Managing Deputy Secretary General of CAM, and the experts of SEEP. Mrs. Wang Li, President of Social Responsibility Department of Citi China has provided strong administrative and professional support. Hereby, special thanks should be given to the above fellows. For more information, pls contact Prof. He Guangwen at heguangwen@sina.com 1 ...
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...EVIDENCE 8 Supply Side Indicators of Access to Finance 8 Access to Rural Finance: Evidence from the Demand Side 12 Access to savings/deposit accounts 14 Payments Services – Limited use, high cash economy 15 Access to Credit 15 Access to Insurance 17 The Importance of Informal Finance 17 III. WHAT CONSTRAINS ACCESS TO FINANCE FOR INDIA’S RURAL POOR? 19 Why Banks Are Reluctant To Lend to Rural Clients 19 Lack of credit information. 20 The tyranny of collateral 20 Weak legal framework and enforcement issues. 21 Government policy 21 Why Do Small, Rural Borrowers Find Rural Banks Unattractive? 26 Absence of flexible products and services 26 Transactions costs 26 Collateral 27 IV. RECENT EFFORTS IN INDIA TO IMPROVE RURAL ACCESS TO FINANCE: THE ROLE OF FORMAL—INFORMAL LINKAGES AND NEW PRODUCTS 28 SHG-bank Linkage Approach: Linking Commercial Banks to Grassroots Borrowers 28 How Effective Has SHG Bank Linkage Been in Targeting the Poor? 30 Impact on vulnerability of poor households 32 Some Lessons from SHG Bank Linkage 33 Key concerns: Limited outreach and scale of lending and issues in financial sustainability 34 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 35 What has constrained the outreach and scale of MFIs? 36 The “Service Provider” Model of Microfinance Piloted by Private Banks 37 The Kisan Credit Card 39 Recent Innovations in Micro- and...
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