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Personal Narrative: What Has Changed In Leadership

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I have always had the capability to work well with others and figure out how to accomplish the mission. I am willing to take criticism and also to accept others input. I think this is a very important trait as a leader no matter what type of leader you believe you are. When a task is at hand and you aren’t sure how to accomplish it, the best thing is to go to those that know what to do. As a contingent leader, I have had to learn and be able to adjust. As a leader, I find that I am more successful when there are strong links between myself and the other members within the organization; this is through trusting and respecting the members that I have been given and because I have influenced them in some way. A leader in a task structure …show more content…
This book forced me to ask myself “how I am as a leader and if I am being a good leader?” I found that there were numerous strengths they talked about and there were also some areas that I needed to work on. The authors talk about when they have leadership seminars, they are always asked the question “What has changed in leadership?” Their response is “The context of leadership has changed, but the content of leadership has not changed. Fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices have remained essentially the same since they first began researching and writing about leadership more than 30 years ago” (Kouzes & Posner 2010) There are ten fundamentals that were discussed about leadership: 1) You Make a Difference, 2) Credibility is the Foundation of Leadership, 3) Values Drive Commitment, 4) Focusing on the Futures Sets Leaders Apart, 5) You Can’t Do it Alone, 6) Trust Rules, 7) Challenge is the Crucible for Greatness, 8) You Either Lead by Example or You Don’t Lead at All, 9) The Best Leaders are the Best Learners, and 10) Leadership is an affair of the heart. I really liked how the fundamentals were briefly addressed regarding what being a great leader and what real leadership is all

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