FBI Special Agents have worked with the Bureau for a long time of years. They investigate and have are rank higher than field agents.When being a Special Agent one must show the natural ability to do something for their crime solving and law enforcement abilities.They investigate numerous forms of criminal activities such as kidnapping,bank robbery,drug trafficking and etc..FBI Special Agents handle undercover assignments;by pulling evidence through observation and wiretapping allowed by court.They interview witnesses or suspects to get as much information they need.They give arrest warrants and remove a person into custody as demanded by the court.FBI Special Agents testify in court to show to all data and evidence collection and associated…show more content… They are trainees nhabit on-campus and partake in the intensive training activities.In the class you are studying many wide academic nd investigative subjects.During the FBI academy program you can partake in: demanding training in physical fitness,defensive tactics,practical application excercises,and the use of firearms through the course of their profession.You also have to pass an FBI Background check and meet the FBI Special Agents physical requirements.
advancement means making more money and leading into the senior executive service positions. It all depends on your define scale; with 15 being the highest job garde.Each job grade has 10 steps..Your job grade is determined by the quantity of responsibility and difficulty.The steps are set on by the length of time holding an office and job performance.Each grade and step has a blend that verifies how much more money you will make.Your salary is determined by the U.S. government's office of personnel management.Furthering in your scale are granted to employees who have shown the knowledge,skills,and abilities needed to promoted to the next grade level.That will lead to advancement into Senior Executive Service