...minimum legal drinking age of twenty one is almost a perfect example of a policy with unrealistic expectations and serious unintended consequences. Although many people are not so popular with the drinking age being eighteen, I think why shouldn’t it be? One reason I think it should be lowered to eighteen is because even before eighteen or twenty one people still drink. So if people are still going to decide to drink although they are not of age, why shouldn’t they be allowed? Secondly, there would be a lot less arrests to be made because of under age drinking, the reason i say this is because they wouldn’t have to be rebellious about it. Another great reason is there would be less problems in general, statistics show that in the countries that lowered it there were less problems with drinking. Lastly, I personally feel as though less laws would be broken, because again they wouldn’t have to be rebellious about sneaking around to drink. For kids nowadays it’s really not that hard for us to get alcohol. The reason I say this is because if we have the money and older friends, that older friend can just buy it for us. The second reason is we can have parents that thinks drinking is ok and basically say it’s ok to drink just as long as your home....
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...Brendan Michael ENGL 1104: Written English I Professor Beighley 09-23-14 Minor Essay #2 When it comes to the subject of lowering the drinking age, many speculations have been made, both positive and negative. Ohio legislature should take into account both view points. A positive being a drastic reduction in binge drinking among the American population. A negative is the fear of higher death rates due to alcohol poisoning. The drinking age should be lowered and Americans should take charge and know their limit. The drinking age in America has been under speculation for many years now and even though the law is set for 21, there are still minors abusing their availability to the stimulant. One can argue that the law shouldn’t be 21 and should be reduced for many reasons. On the contrary others believe that it just might be the right age if not too low already. Many people disagree with lowering it because of the lack of maturity in young adults, the number of increasing injuries, deaths related to drinking alcohol, and also that effects of long time drinking on the body. Citizens of the United States tend to be rather opinionated on this particular issue for some of the above reasons. These lobbyers for the lowering of drinking age and the ones who think the age of consumption should stay the same are very passionate about their side of this issue as well. Many Americans agree that young students right out of high school are not to full maturity even though many of the students...
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...Lowering the American Drinking Age April 18, 2011 Table of Contents I. Introduction- Speculation on the drinking age II. Maturity Level III. Cons against lowering the drinking age a. Students and Drinking b. Party Habits IV. Pros for lowering the drinking age c. Binge Drinking d. The Limit V. Risk VI. The American View e. Legal Responsibilities f. Government Statistics g. Capital VII. Conclusion \Abstract/Executive Summary The drinking age should be lowered and Americans should take charge and know their limit. When it comes to the subject of lowering the drinking age, many speculations have been made, both positive and negative. Ohio legislature should take into account both view points. A positive being a drastic reduction in binge drinking among the American population. A negative is the fear of higher death rates due to alcohol poisoning. Lowering the American Drinking Age The drinking age in America has been under speculation for many years now and even though the law is set for 21, there are still minors abusing their availability to the stimulant. One can argue that the law shouldn’t be 21 and should be reduced for many reasons. On the contrary others believe that it just might be the right age if not too low already. Many people disagree with lowering it because of the lack of maturity in young adults, the number of increasing injuries, deaths related to drinking alcohol, and also...
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...place that you could be eighteen and not get a ticket for just having a beer in your hand? A place where younger adults could drink without getting caught. This place should be America but in places in other parts of the world the age is lowered and it hasn’t had bad results. America should lower the drinking age to eighteen. The charge you would receive if you were under 21 and in possession of alcohol might consist of being charged with criminal offenses, and if convicted, face jail sentences, fines, diversion programs and could also have to face some community service hours. There is a lot of things that are allowed at eighteen that seem to be far more important that drinking at age twenty one legally. For one, you can sign up to defend our country and put your life on the line with a chance of dying every day at eighteen but you can't go to the gas station a grab a six pack to hang out at the house? I think it's safe to say that signing up for the army is far more risky than legally drinking at eighteen. Another very important thing you can do at eighteen is vote for the person who runs our country. Being president is one of the biggest jobs in our country and if you can help determine something as important as that then it shouldn't be much different the being responsible enough to drink at age eighteen. Being eighteen In our society means you are technically a adult and with that status comes decisions that you can make but couldn’t before. At that age you naturally start becoming...
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...If by the age of eighteen young adults can buy tobacco products, but not be able to buy alcohol. What's the difference? They are both beast that can drag you into an addiction. The government expects eighteen year olds to be treated as adults, they might as well be able to buy alcohol. Legal drinking age is twenty one. What is the difference between twenty one and eighteen? Three years difference but lets have in mind that not all twenty one year olds drink responsibly. Eighteen or twenty one Same thing! there is a fifty, fifty chance that whether you're twenty one or eighteen you can be as irresponsible or as responsible when you drink. At the age of eighteen there shouldn't be any restrictions to any alcoholic beverages if supposedly eighteen is “adulthood”. People should be able to buy alcohol at age of eighteen....
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...the drinking age should be lowered to the age of eighteen. The Minimum Legal Drinking Age has changed from each state setting their own to the government passing the National Drinking Age Act of 1984 making the drinking age twenty-one. The drinking age should be lowered because eighteen is the age of maturity, helps for better control, and helps stop binge drinking and sneaking around. The drinking age should stay at twenty-one because it is medically irresponsible and helps prevent addiction. The bible neither condones nor encourages the usage of alcohol but does warn and gives rules about it. The drinking age should be lowered because it benefits the teaching and control of alcohol. The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to...
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...Higher Drinking Age Almost anyone can agree that alcohol should not be allowed to children or young adults under a certain age. Alcohol is a substance that is very dangerous and if used incorrectly or immaturely the consequences can be great danger to the users or the ones around them. The topic of lowering the drinking age has been in discussion for many decades. Although the age has been lowered and raised again, this topic has not been resolved through the decades. Underage drinking, specifically under the age of 21, should not be allowed in any country because it can be very dangerous, when it comes to substance abuse, traffic accidents and the health risks involving alcohol. The...
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...the Legal Drinking Age to 18 Danielle Gonzales The government can trust those between the age of 18 and 20 to do many things, but they cannot treat them like full adults and allow them to drink alcohol. You will find that many Colleges and Universities disagree with the legal drinking age. In fact, they believe that rising the drinking age has increased the amount of ‘binge’ drinkers and only made our countries drinking problems worse. Eighty-five percent of twenty year old Americans reported that they had used alcohol. (Johnson) Two out of five said they had binged within the previous month. To ‘binge,’ is to consume five or more drinks at one time. (Engs) “The period since the twenty-one minimum drinking age took affect has been marked by a shift from beer to hard liquor,” Seaman wrote in Time “consumed not in large social settings, since that is now illegal, but furtively and dangerously in students residences. In my reporting at colleges around the country, I did not meet any presidents or deans who felt the twenty-one year age minimum helps their efforts to curb the abuse of alcohol on their campuses.” (Balk) A kid is going to drink if he or she wants to regardless whether the law says eighteen or twenty-one. In an alcohol related situation you are more likely going to hear “I don’t drink, thank you,” than “I better not, I’m not 21 yet.” When colleges and University presidents disagree with the drinking age, something has got to be done. If the drinking age were changed...
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...the drinking age has been in the process for quite some time now. Many people argue that it should be lowered to the age of eighteen, and some people have argued that it shouldn’t be lowered and stay at twenty-one. Though there are many reasons that prove both arguments correct, the law still remains where it was set at. Most say the drinking age should not be lowered because it would increase the danger and deaths to underage drinkers, but that all has to do with the main argument for lowering the age, maturity. In the United States, at the age of 18, people are not able to buy alcohol but are able to join the military, vote, be considered adults, and buy cigarettes which can be as harmful if not more so than alcohol. I propose that we also add being able to legally buy alcohol at the age of 18. Prior to 1984, states were allowed to choose their own legal drinking ages. The legal age limit varied from state to state anywhere between 18 and 21 years of age. “One of the more compelling arguments for setting the age to 21was that the prohibition had only exacerbated drinking, particularly among the young”(Seaman 242). In 1984, the United States congress passed the national minimum drinking age act. Ronal Reagan instigated this act when he set up a study to look at the drunken driving problem in the United States. Scientists recommended that there should be a national uniform drinking age of 21. Since then, there have been many that oppose and want to reform the drinking age. ...
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...Race and Ethnicity Should racial profiling be a legitimate law-enforcement policy in some areas? Should Affirmative Action for state university enrollment be continued? Should the primary method of public school funding--property taxes in individual school districts--be amended to create more fairness in schools? Should high-school history classes and social-studies curriculum be changed to reflect diversity and multicultural perspectives? Should Christmas, Easter, and other religious observances be considered national holidays? If a university offers "African-American Studies" or "Black Studies" as courses, should it also offer "European-American Studies" or "White Studies"? How do certain television programs perpetuate racial or ethnic stereotypes? Should Columbus Day be discontinued in favor of a new post-colonial perspective? Should schools only purchase textbooks that offer revised or alternative histories of historical events? What should be done about racial disparities in the sentencing of criminals? Should the American government pay reparations and return land to Native Americans? Should hate groups have the right to distribute literature on university campuses? If research shows that certain racial or ethnic groups receive poorer medical care on average, how should this problem be corrected? Should governmental organizations have staffs that accurately reflect the racial, ethnic, and gender balance in society? Gender and Sexuality What should be...
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...Class D & E Driver’s Guide LOUISIANA OFFICE OF MOTOR VEHICLES DPSMV2052 (R042013) Message from the Commissioner “Welcome to driving in Louisiana.” I am pleased to present the Louisiana Driver’s Guide to our new and current drivers. This guide is designed to provide you with the rules of the road, knowledge to assist you in making better driving decisions, and valuable information on safety and sharing the road with others. It is incumbent upon you, the driver, to respect all traffic laws and other drivers as well. Driving is a vital part of life. It provides you with a means of attaining the necessities of daily living as well as providing you with the added convenience to move about at leisure. The driving experience, however, is a privilege and comes with great responsibilities. Please strive to become a safe and dependable driver to ensure that this privilege is not lost. Driving, the same as life, is a constant learning experience. The information contained in this guide, along with your experience and responsive actions while driving, will assist in protecting you, your family, and other drivers. This guide is not intended to be an official legal reference to the Louisiana traffic laws. It only highlights those laws, driving practices and procedures that you will use most often. It should be noted that the material in this guide is subject to change to comply with amended State and Federal legislations. Remember to buckle up. Safety belts save lives. Let’s work...
Words: 59152 - Pages: 237
...Class D & E Driver’s Guide DPSMV2052 (R062013) LOUISIANA OFFICE OF MOTOR VEHICLES Message from the Commissioner “Welcome to driving in Louisiana.” I am pleased to present the Louisiana Driver’s Guide to our new and current drivers. This guide is designed to provide you with the rules of the road, knowledge to assist you in making better driving decisions, and valuable information on safety and sharing the road with others. It is incumbent upon you, the driver, to respect all traffic laws and other drivers as well. Driving is a vital part of life. It provides you with a means of attaining the necessities of daily living as well as providing you with the added convenience to move about at leisure. The driving experience, however, is a privilege and comes with great responsibilities. Please strive to become a safe and dependable driver to ensure that this privilege is not lost. Driving, the same as life, is a constant learning experience. The information contained in this guide, along with your experience and responsive actions while driving, will assist in protecting you, your family, and other drivers. This guide is not intended to be an official legal reference to the Louisiana traffic laws. It only highlights those laws, driving practices and procedures that you will use most often. It should be noted that the material in this guide is subject to change to comply with amended State and Federal legislations. Remember to buckle up. Safety belts save lives. Let’s work...
Words: 59099 - Pages: 237
...REASONING SKILLS SUCCESS IN 20 MINUTES A DAY REASONING SKILLS SUCCESS IN 20 MINUTES A DAY 2nd Edition ® NEW YORK Copyright © 2005 LearningExpress, LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Reasoning skills success in 20 minutes a day.—2nd ed. p. cm. ISBN 1-57685-493-0 1. Reasoning (Psychology) I. Title: Reasoning skills success in twenty minutes a day. II. Title. BF442.C48 2005 153.4'3—dc22 2005047185 Printed in the United States of America 987654321 Second Edition ISBN 1-57685-493-0 For information on LearningExpress, other LearningExpress products, or bulk sales, please write to us at: LearningExpress 55 Broadway 8th Floor New York, NY 10006 Or visit us at: www.learnatest.com Contents HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ix PRETEST 1 LESSON 1 Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills The importance of critical thinking and reasoning skills, justifying your decisions, the difference between reason and emotion 15 LESSON 2 Problem-Solving Strategies Identifying the main issue of a problem and its parts, prioritizing issues 21 LESSON 3 Thinking vs. Knowing Distinguishing between fact and opinion, determining whether facts are true or tentative truths 27 LESSON 4 Who Makes the Claim? Evaluating credibility: recognizing bias, determining level...
Words: 57195 - Pages: 229
...MATILDA BOOKS FOR CHILDREN BY THE SAME AUTHOR James and the Giant Peach Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fantastic Mr Fox The Magic Finger Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Danny, the Champion of the World The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More The Enormous Crocodile The Twits George's Marvellous Medicine Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes The BFG Dirty Beasts The Witches Boy The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me Going Solo Roald Dahl MATILDA Illustrations by Quentin Blake VIKING KESTREL For Michael and Lucy VIKING KESTREL Published by the Penguin Group Viking Penguin Inc., 40 West 23rd Street, New York, New York 10010, U.S.A. Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 2801 John Street, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 1B4 Penguin Books |N.Z.) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New Zealand Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1988 First American edition published 1988 3 5 7 9 10 6 4 Text copyright © Roald Dahl, 1988 Illustrations copyright © Quentin Blake, 1988 All rights reserved Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint an excerpt from "In Country Sleep" from The Poems of Dylan Thomas. Copyright 1947,1952 Dylan Thomas. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. Library of Congress catalog card number: 88-40312 ISBN 0-670-82439-9 Printed...
Words: 40723 - Pages: 163
...Memoirs Of A Geisha Arthur Golden Chapter one Suppose that you and I were sitting in a quiet room overlooking a gar -1 den, chatting and sipping at our cups of green tea while we talked J about something that had happened a long while ago, and I said to you, "That afternoon when I met so-and-so . . . was the very best afternoon of my life, and also the very worst afternoon." I expect you might put down your teacup and say, "Well, now, which was it? Was it the best or the worst? Because it can't possibly have been both!" Ordinarily I'd have to laugh at myself and agree with you. But the truth is that the afternoon when I met Mr. Tanaka Ichiro really was the best and the worst of my life. He seemed so fascinating to me, even the fish smell on his hands was a kind of perfume. If I had never known him, I'm sure I would not have become a geisha. I wasn't born and raised to be a Kyoto geisha. I wasn't even born in Kyoto. I'm a fisherman's daughter from a little town called Yoroido on the Sea of Japan. In all my life I've never told more than a handful of people anything at all about Yoroido, or about the house in which I grew up, or about my mother and father, or my older sister -and certainly not about how I became a geisha, or what it was like to be one. Most people would much rather carry on with their fantasies that my mother and grandmother were geisha, and that I began my training in dance when I was weaned from the breast, and so on. As a matter of fact, one day many years...
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