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Drive: A Short Story

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“Grandma” “Papa” Wake up “today is the day” My parents said “What’s today?” I said “Bandimere Speedway” They said “get ready so we are not late because it is far away”I got dressed did my hair and brushed my teeth.We are on our way and my parents said “We are about 15 minutes away from the place”I YELLED “YAY!” We were on the highway and we saw really nice cars, that we think we're driving to the place that we are going to. Finally we arrived “that felt like a 2 hour drive” I exclaimed “that’s because it was yah doof” My parents said. We went and bought our tickets at the booth “I can not wait” Me and my parents exclaimed. We signed in and we went and got our seat we got the top row we saw cars ROAR past us I yelled “It is so loud” My parents

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