...State College How War On Drugs Effects Everyone Gregory Mullen Police Administration 1 Frank Aiello 4/23/13 There have been many issues of drug trafficking and decriminalizing substances like cocaine and marijuana for many years throughout a lot of countries’. There has been a huge timeline of situations that we have experienced and faced with during the 70s through the 21st century. This information about to be given just shows how easy it is to get mixed in with drugs. The 60s led up to the 70s of drug war conflicts between people in the world. But before the 70s the government just thought of drug use was a social disease and would die out soon enough before it became a problem. In 1971 president Nixon said that drugs were too much of an issue to not recognize it throughout the U.S. so he announced the War on Drugs. That was four decades ago and today it still is a major issue in today’s society and does not seem to be taken control of. He also said that it is “public enemy number 1.” Even though in 1972 the prisoner rate had fallen dramatically throughout the U.S. In 1973 Nixon created the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) which was a statement to put an end to drug trafficking and to enforce all of the public safety departments to start cracking down on this particular subject. The budget in 1973 was 74.9 billion dollars (Drug Enforcement Administration). “By 1975 the Columbian police took 600 grams of cocaine, then the drug traffickers took action and...
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...Drug Trafficking Drug trafficking includes trade of illegal drugs. These drugs are produced in one region of the globe and then through a well articulated network get traded to different corners of the world. According to a report published by United Nations Research Institute for Social Development in 1994, most of these illegally drugs are being produced in the lesser developed countries and then are being traded to the more affluent and developed nations. The same report also claimed that every region does not produce all the kinds of major illicit drugs, rather each region produces one or two major illicit drugs and then moves them to other parts through a strong distribution channel. Another report by United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC), confirms the research work and findings by United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. According to UNODC, the major illicit drugs that are being produced and traded are cocaine, opium, cannabis and heroine. UNDOC’s report suggests that the countries that are involved in the production and trafficking of the illicit drugs are Bolivia, Columbia, Morocco, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan. UNODC’s reports in 2010 and 2013 suggest that Columbia and Bolivia and Columbia are the hubs for cocaine production, opium and cannabis are mostly produced in Morocco and Afghanistan, while Iran and Turkey contribute to the heroine production. Pakistan acts as the trafficking hub due to its strategic global position. Drug trafficking...
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...consequence of the U.S. demand for illegal drugs, not the smuggling of illegal migrants (Alden, 2008). Mexico is a major producer and supplier to the U.S. market of heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana, and the major transit country for more than 90% of the cocaine sold in the United States. Mexico has pursued an aggressive anticrime strategy and increased security cooperation with the United States. These efforts have helped Mexico arrest or kill record numbers of drug kingpins, but more than 55,000 people have died as a result of organized crime-related violence since December 2006. The United States has also made significant efforts in the fight against drug trafficking. In 2011, the New York Times reported that the United States began sending unarmed drones to collect intelligence on traffickers. It also reported that the United States had expanded its role in cross-border raids, sending CIA operatives and retired military personnel to a Mexican military base, while training federal agents to assist in wiretaps, interrogations, and running informants. The United States has also improved security on its own side of the border, spending approximately $3 billion annually on patrolling the border. (CFR, 2013). For years, drug trafficking organizations have used the Mexico's political system to create "a system-wide network of corruption that guaranteed distribution rights, market access, and even official government protection for drug traffickers in exchange for well-paid...
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...about is Drug Trafficking. This topic is interesting to me because right now this is a hot topic everywhere you go. Also, drugs are a very big problem in my community. The other reason I chose this topic is this a field I can see myself doing in my career I’m currently in. Drug traffic is also influencing a lot of teenagers because of the easy money the they can earn in a short period. The things that I know about my topic are that this business is very lucrative and destroys peoples mind set. Also, it causes officers to lose the jobs because of what they easy money they can earn. The illegal drug market in the United States is one of the most profitable in the world. As such, it attracts the most ruthless, sophisticated, and aggressive drug traffickers. One of the busiest routes into the United States via a variety of routes, including land routes through Mexico. They are much useful information I can find about my topic. I think that there are many experts I can talk to here in my area for example, Fresno county sheriffs and maybe Fresno police department. Also, one of my classmates is trying to get me an interview with a DEA agent who is involved in the narcotics unit. There are many sources I can find information about my topic. Before coming to this college I would take time and watch a couple of documentaries about the topic I chose. The are many questions I got about this topic. For example, has the creation of Homeland Security helped lessen the amount of drug related...
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...Drug Trafficking Methamphetamine in the United States Jessica Block Eng 122 Paul Wiltz October 15th, 2012 Drug Trafficking Methamphetamine in the United States I decided to do my research paper on drug trafficking methamphetamine in the United States. I chose this topic for two reasons, one because I have had a history of drug trafficking methamphetamines myself and another reason is because I am currently working on my BA in applied behavioral science to further my career in substance abuse counseling. A little bit about methamphetamines being transported from Mexico to the United States is DEA (drug enforcement administration) is trying to put a stop to Americans transporting drugs from Mexico to the United States. And with the DEA doing this Americans think that it would be safer to make methamphetamines in their own homes instead of taking the chance transporting the drugs from one state to another. So I plan on doing my research paper along the lines of the DEA cracking down on Americans transporting methamphetamines and Americans making or “cooking” methamphetamines in their homes, otherwise known as “meth labs”. My hypothesis is that Mexico is the major supplier to the United States for methamphetamines and many Americans are going to Mexico to get methamphetamines and transporting the drugs back to their city to distribute the drug to make money. After doing some research on the topic I found that “DEA has concluded that Mexico has become...
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...Drug trafficking is getting more serious everyday that if we do not make an attempt to stop or slow it down, deadly consequences may occur. There have been so many articles on this issue and the rate of deaths of people using drugs is increasing rapidly. Everything has a start and so do drugs. The drugs come from traffickers who don’t care about the result of people using it; they only care about how much money they gain from it. Drugs destroy you from your health to your job, business, and worse, your relationships. According to Fitzgerald, by 1925 there were at least 30,000 to 100,000 of illegal premises in New York alone (Fitzgerald). This proves that the spreading speed of drug trafficking is increasing fast, and making more people suffer from the effect that is creates. The dealing of illegal drugs has existed for a very long time in Canada. People have been smuggling drugs in many different ways and there have been many popular drug busts that occurred as a result. Some of the most common illegal drugs being dealt are marijuana, cocaine, opium, and etc. Some of these drugs damage your body while others act as medicine and help people to overcome certain types of illnesses and diseases. The big debate these days is whether to legalize some of these illegal drugs, which provide benefits to people. Also, since many people are using them today this causes problems as these people are arrested and thrown in jail causing them to be overcrowded. In addition to that, a drug such...
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...Drug Trafficking In the United States Angela Nicholson English 122: English Composition II William Johnson Date: 08/23/2011 Drug trafficking is an illegal drug trading system to which drugs are brought from other countries into the United States; to list just a few of these drugs; cocaine, heroin, hashish, marijuana, LSD, ecstasy, methamphetamines, and opiates. Terrorists are being funded by many of these drug trafficking operations in America. Another huge issue in The United States is the drug trafficking inside our country. In Florida and Texas, it is epidemic, the pill mills and grow houses are a major concern because they are supplying the entire United States with access to these drugs at a steady rate. As a result, there are many individuals and families that are being affected by addiction, illness, overdose, and death. The United States Government believes they have this under control and are helping to solve the situation, but in reality, drug trafficking in the United States is out of control. “Drug Trafficking is an activity that involves the cultivation, manufacturing, processing, importation and distribution of drugs” (Desroches, 2007). Going down the line of drug trade you have what is similar to an assembly line. You have the manufacturer or grower who grows and makes the actual drug which then is processed and packaged to be smuggled into the country. Eventually, making its way into America’s neighborhoods, by which is called the dealers. This is a process...
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...Page 1 DRUG TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES ENG12; ENGILSH COMPOSTION II RASHAAN FORD August 27, 2012 TINA MILLER Page 2 ABSTRACT This research paper is designed to bring awareness to threat drug trafficking posses on the United States. The backlash of drug trafficking is critical, and has caused a crisis throughout the nation. The drugs that are getting through the borders of U.S are creating an epidemic. The people of the U.S are abusing these drugs and destroying lives and families. Page 3 Introduction Drug trafficking remains an issue due to the corruption in our legal system. The corruption in our legal system poses a threat to our economy, and our communities, which in return affects the lives of the people, especially in the African American youths in urban communities. The writer limits their topics to the four issues in my claim. The four topics are border patrol, corruption in the legal system, dug trafficking in African American youths, and how drugs are affecting lives. By limiting the topics the reader will get the points that are trying to be made in this paper. This research paper it will present the reasons behind the current problems dealing with drug trafficking in the United States. This paper includes the claims involving drug trafficking and the justification by giving the importance of the claim. The reader will see the methods that were used to gather information used in research findings. Page 4 SCOPE/TOPIC ...
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...Drug Trafficking in the United States Lilia Rios ENG 122 Louisa Verhaart June 30, 2012 I plan to limit my research to the borders and the Arellano-Felix drug lord. The borders are the ones that have the most influences in the country. Although this is a narrower topic, I am not sure that this topic is narrow enough because of the controversies associated with the war on drugs and the borders. Most of the illegal drugs consumed in the United States come through or from Mexico, and virtually all the revenue of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations comes from sales to the United States. Kleiman Mark, (Article in the September/October 2011 Issue of Foreign Affairs Magazine), "Surgical Strikes in the Drug Wars: Smarter Policies for Both Sides of the Border". The specific claim about this topic in my final paper would be about the way of how one of the most powerful drug organization leader was capture to at least slow down the problem of drug trafficking that comes through the Mexican boarders. The United States government needs to do something and gain control over the drugs that are being trafficked into their country. The policies that are in place do not seem to be doing very much as far as easing the problem this country has with drugs and drug crimes. Society knows that Drug trafficking, crime, human trafficking and money laundering always come together that’s not news to anybody. Being so close to Tijuana Baja California...
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...The international drug trade from Latin American states is having an impact on a global scale. The trafficking of drugs along with corruptness and murder is an international conflict that is being fought daily. There are many aspects of the drug war from Mexico and other Latin American states which have effects on United States policy as well as policies from other countries that participate in the global suppression of illegal drugs. It can be hard to differentiate between conflict and issue in regards to Latin America’s drug war and International Relations. The Mexican drug war is a global issue because it interferes with the states ability to collaborate and form policy in order to address the issues between international borders. Conflict arises because certain states want to resolve the situation and are willing to do what is necessary to do so. While drug-related violence in Mexico receives considerable attention, the Northern Triangle of Latin America is far worse. Venezuela has emerged as a major departure point for cocaine trafficked to Europe. Between 2006 and 2008 over half of all detected maritime shipments of cocaine to Europe came from Venezuela. (Crime 2010) These ports in Latin America have had an impact on the cities in the Bahamas as well with the drug cartels exporting their drugs quicker to the surrounding countries; they use the ports of the Caribbean to refuel while on the way to America. The waters of the Caribbean islands are patrolled by navies from...
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... This case took place in the Provincial Court of British Columbia, with Mr. Peter Andrew Hodgeson as the accused. Hodgeson is being prosecuted for trafficking cannabis marijuana, for breaching trust in connection with his duties as a member of the Vancouver Police Department, and for breach of trust in connection with his duties by improperly accessing the Police Records Information Management Environment (PRIME) to obtain details of an arrest for purpose contrary to s. 122 of the Criminal Code. This case may have been chosen by the editor because it relates to current issues, such as the legalization of marijuana and the current shut down of many drug houses throughout the lower mainland. This case is similar to many others, in regards to trafficking cannabis marijuana; however, it varies in regards to the trafficker. It is a rare commodity to have a member of a police department involved with the trafficking of cannabis marijuana, let alone any type of drug or illegal substance. This case is intriguing to the public because many want to know the outcome of the accused; whether his prosecution will be just or if there will be lenience because of his position as a member of the Vancouver Police Department. The public’s interest relating to this case tells us that society has become more intrigued in regards to the trafficking of cannabis marijuana, as well as cases that involve members of police departments. The accused, Peter Andrew Hodgeson, has been prosecuted and...
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...DRUG TRAFFICKING 2. This research paper is on Marijuana and Cocaine trafficking in the United States. It is a very interested topic to learn about. There are several people who’s in prison for drug trafficking. This research will define the problems with drug trafficking, it will also explain who it affects and how it affects them. Drug trafficking in the United States can go far and wind. “It is the commercial exchange of drugs and drug paraphernalia. This excludes any equipment used to manufacture illegal drugs or use them,” (Jessica Cook, ehow.com 2011). One of the largest problems that drug trafficking creates is the financial cost on society; for example in 2002 drug related cost society were estimated at $180.9 billion, which is divided between various cost like health care and productivity lose according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Cocaine and Marijuana both brings an increase in violence and criminal activities, even though the level of violence associated with Cocaine trafficking does not compare to the rampant violence of the 1980s when the crack epidemic was at its worst. Drug trafficking can also lead to death both directly and indirectly. In fact between 1991 and 2000, 33 of our officers were killed during drug related operations. In 1993-1997 the F.B.I. details that on an average half of all police corruption is drug related. Colombians control the majority of the Cocaine trade in the major activities; They...
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...The CIA’s 50-year history of smuggling drugs into America is generating hatred for the United States throughout the world. Like Pontius Pilate, CIA washes their hands of the human tragedies and the corruption of government offices. They do this by remaining and by refusing to recognize the evidence, supporting corruption. For the past 50 years, the CIA has abused its power by deliberately drugging and corrupting America; and therefore should be prosecuted. According to the constitution, the people for the people originally created the government to be a group of elect “organizers” (not controllers) employed. One can say the CIA is a mutated part of the US government. The CIA was created when a Wall Street lawyer and banker wrote The National Security Act of 1947. Clark Clifford was the man who brought the CIA backed drug bank BCCI into the United States. CIA heroin trafficking moved in the 1960’s and 1970’s from the Turkey-Marseilles connection to the Asian connection. For decades until the 1950s, Asian government supported the opium trade, because money was flowing in as long as the opium was flowing out. By the early 1960s, the mountain areas of Southeast Asia produced most of the world's opium. In the early 1950’s in Southeast Asia, the CIA organized the Nationalist Chinese army to start a war against Communist China. This Chinese army became the opium distributors of the “Golden Triangle” (parts of Burma, Thailand and Laos). The “Golden Triangle” has the most abundance...
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...of Human Trafficking Cole Bootz Arizona State University Abstract Assessing the crime of Human Trafficking over the Arizona border from Mexico there were a lot of effective methods and non-effective methods used when trying to prevent human trafficking. It was most commonly found in my research, there were more ineffective methods than effective ones. During the assessment I continually focus on the more positive ways to combat human trafficking because of the significant impact the positive results have been outweighing the negative and ineffective results. What was discovered is that the border patrol is an extremely answer to finding and preventing human trafficking over the Mexico/Arizona border and how they are trained and what is planned to make them better at defending the borders. Other ways that have been found most effective are charities and campaigns and charities that bring light to the human trafficking situation that have been shown to be very effective as well, though not as proactive. Throughout there will be provided evidence to give examples and proof of how well the strategies legitimately work, and what can be added to improve the effectiveness of the implemented policies. Human trafficking is a tremendous problem that plagues America, with a growing issue such as this ideal solutions need to be found in order so stop the imminent threat of Human Trafficking. Various ideas and tactics have been implemented to counteract trafficking over the...
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...Drug abuse is being seen as a serious problem in the society that could be defined as the lost controlling of drug people who have used too much. Drug is often used to help people in medical issue but there are some reasons that individuals abuse it. This essay will look at some cause of drug abuse and then examine its effects. Firstly, one of major cause is addictive personality that means a person is more likely to become drug dependent. People are curious, lonely and they try a drug because they want to relax or have pleasure. The pressure of busy life, work frequently lead people be stressful then they might find a solution that is use drug. Other cause of drug abuse is peer pressure that means ours relationship sometimes is cause us join in something or in order to maintain that relationship. Teenage time is the hugest time this situation exist, kid want to be cool or accepted as a part of group so they take a drug as showing off. For example, making new friends, to be a part of a group, someone tries to show off their pressure by drink a lot, smoking and even take a drug. There are two cause of drug abuse. Some its effects will now be examine. The first effect of drug abuse could be seen health problems of users. People become drug addict, they can not stop using drug even they require more. Drug makes people lost their resistant abilities with diseases, illness and cause of some social diseases such as HIV. A common example is that people get HIV from the other...
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