Premium Essay



Submitted By shangguan
Words 12977
Pages 52

1.1 Research Background
The auditor’s roles are to provide an opinion on financial statement and to ensure that the statements are based on true and fair image of company performance to the stakeholders. They are authorized in checking the accuracy of business records. Opinions given by the auditor gives an added credibility to the financial statements (Maqableh, 2014). Commonly, investors often rely on financial statements provided by auditor in making investment judgement and increase the productivity of financial markets. Financial statements provided by the auditors are often reviewed as credible, unbiased opinion that truly reflects the company financial positions.
There’s no doubt that auditor independence is the core of auditing profession when establishing its objectivity and integrity. Auditor independence, in particular, indicates the ability of an auditor to disregard any influence or control when conducting an opinion (AAA, 1973). Therefore, auditor must be, and must be seen to be independent of company management. Lack of independence causes audits to be considered to have little value (Johnstone, Sutton, & Warfield, 2001). This is further supported by Elliott and Jacobson (1998) that a particular interest may trigger a risk that could weaken the outcome of the audit which in turn impairs the auditor independence. Hence, independence is fundamental to the purpose served by auditors (Moore et al., 2002).
This study is limited to only four variables as to keep the task manageable. Prior years, various studies are being carried out by scholars in examining the effect and significance of the concerns. For instance, Abu Bakar, Abdul Rahman, and Abdul Rashid (2005) studied the factors that influence auditor independence in Malaysian-owned commercial banks loan officer’s perceptions. Furthermore, Abu Bakar and Ahmad (2009)

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