...|项目编号 |201310271047 | [pic] 大学生创新创业训练计划项目 总结报告 项目名称 城镇居民及大学生过期药品回收模式的创新研究 项目类别 1 (1-创新训练、2-创业训练、3-创业实践) 项目负责人 俞戈沁 所在院系 国际金融贸易学院 其他成员 李彤、邓芳菲、邱依恬、曹悦 指导教师 罗雪梅 职称 教授 项目执行时间__2013_年__4 _月 至 2014_年_4 _月 原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的项目总结报告以及所完成的作品实物等相关成果,是本人和其他成员独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果,不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权或其他权利。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 负责人签名: 日期: 年 月 日 项目指导教师审核签名: 日期: 年 月 日 城镇居民及大学生过期药品回收模式的创新研究 项目成员:俞戈沁 邱依恬 邓芳菲 李彤 指导老师:罗雪梅 【摘要】几年来,过期药品流向成为一个公众日益关注的问题。若对过期药品不管不问、放任自流,很可能会引发用药安全、环境污染等社会问题。因此,对待过期药品也应该像回收废旧电池一样,将其交由专门机构回收处理。那么,如何防止过期药品流入利欲熏心的药贩手中?如何才能鼓励居民按时将过期药品交由专门机构?专门机构回收后又会采取哪些措施来处理过期药品,又有哪些建议呢?这些都是食品药品监管部门和我们必须面对和解决的重大课题。 【关键词】 过期药品回收 不足 国内外 模式 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景 1.1.1 项目背景 随着我国社会经济的快速发展,人民的健康观念和意识不断加强,我国非处方管理制度的实施,使得消费者无需医生开处方即可自行判断、购买以及使用非处方药品,这也使得家中储存的药品品种增多、数量加大、储备过剩。与此同时,过期的药品也给消费者带来了潜在的安全隐患。据2006年一项社会调查表明,我国各大城市平均每个家庭有过期药215粒,其中30%~40%的药品超过有效期3年以上。我国约有78.6%的家庭存有备用药品,其中高达82.8%的家庭没有定期清理储存过期药品的习惯,90.1%的被调查者有将过期药品随意丢弃的经历。我国百分之三十的家庭备用药品超过有效期,能正确处理过期药品的居民比例更是不到百分之二十。过期药品流向成为一个公众日益关注的问题。以上数据表明,如果忽视对过期药品的处理将会给社会带来新的危害。 1.1.2 过期药品主要危害 对人体的危害 我国《药典》明确规定,一旦过了有效期,药品就成为劣药,不仅意味着药性失效,有些还可能发生霉变。若大剂量地服用,不但达不到预期的疗效,还有可能加大药品的毒副作用,服用后会直接危害人体健康。 具体来说,过期药品对人体的危害主要有以下几点: 1.药品过期后其有效成分含量降低,甚至还会导致药品化学成分的改变,对人体产生损害。比如,维生素C在空气中放置时间过长,容易被氧化,而氧化后的VC对人体有害。磺胺类、青霉素类药品过期,则容易引发过敏和休克。...
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...safe drug administration, the nurse should practice the “rights” of drug administration. They are: 1. The right client 2. The right drug 3. The right dose 4. The right time 5. The right route Experience indicates that five additional rights are essential to professional nursing practice; 1. The right assessment 2. The right documentation 3. The client’s right to education 4. The right evaluation 5. The client’s right to refuse The right client needs to be ensured by checking the wrist band, and by checking a second piece of identification. This could be a picture on the chart, or a case number that is both on his chart and wristband. This must be done before any medication is administrated. The right drug means that the client receives the drug that was prescribed by a physician (MD), dentist (DDS), podiatrist (DPM), or an advanced practice nurse with the license to write prescriptions (APRN). The use of computerized systems to record medications has helped to decrease medication errors, because nurses are not trying to read written forms of the prescriptions. Dr.’s can electronically add a new medication order to a pt. chart from any location. If there is a phone order or verbal order it must be cosigned by the prescribing physician within 24 hours. The components of a drug order are as follows: · Date and time the order is written · Drug name...
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...Hunter Viles™ Mrs. Lesky Eng III 6th hour 19 September 2012 Whistle Blower Drugs are around. No matter where you go. It’s a fact of life. Many people try not to believe it, but it’s true. Cops do their job to make sure these “drugies” and “druge dealers” get caught and justice is served, right? Well, for the most part, they do. However, there is a right way and there is a crooked way to do things. Cops in Charlevoix have been proved to misuse drug dogs. Who knows who else have been using drug dogs to their advantage. They’re animals that can easily be trained and controlled by humans. Drug dogs should not be used because they aren’t always accurate, they cost too much, and some cops don’t use them in the correct way. “Send the K9 unit!” Sounds pretty promising if a cop yells that, but not as much as you may think. Drug dogs have been known to be easily thrown off. Bacon, beef, and common dog treats have been known to throw off the scent of a professionally trained drug dog. If a drug dealer knows this simple trick, an easy getaway could be in his future. Something that is so easily thrown off should not be dependable. A nose of a dog shouldn’t be the last resort to try to find something or someone. For one of the best drug dogs you can possible get, the lowest price is $5,000, not including shipping. Most K9 units come from Germany which can ride shipping costs up to $3,000 a dog. This reason goes hand and hand with the first reason previously stated. If we pay up to...
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...of Illinois and Douglas Ganslar (D) of Maryland, allege that Caremark "engaged in deceptive business practices" by informing physicians that patients or health plans could save money if patients were switched to certain brand-name prescription drugs (Miller, Chicago Tribune, 2/14).[29] However, the switch often saved patients and health plans only small amounts or increased their costs, while increasing Caremark's profits, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (D) said (Levick, Hartford Courant, 2/15).[30] Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett (R) said the PBM [31] kept discounts and rebates that should have been passed on to employers and patients (Levy, AP/San Francisco Chronicle, 2/14).[32] In addition, Caremark did not "adequately inform doctors" of the full financial effect of the switch and did not disclose that the switch would increase Caremark's profits, the lawsuit alleges (Chicago Tribune, 2/14).[29] ...The settlement prohibits CVS from requesting prescription drug switches in certain cases, such as when the cost to the patient would be higher with the new prescription drug; when the original prescription drug's patent will expire within six months; and when patients were switched from a similar prescription drug within the previous two years (Hartford Courant, 2/15).[30] Patients also have the ability to decline a switch from the prescribed treatment to the prescription offered by the pharmacy under the settlement, Madigan said...
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...11, 2014 Dr. Jane Manson Can Medication Generate a False PTSD Event? During the past few decades, many soldiers have returned from war (Dessert Storm, Dessert Shield, Iraq, and Afghanistan) with having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), traumatic experience and sleep disorders. Traumatic experiences have a different effect on each person. Each person that went to war had a different mission. Each of these soldiers has experienced different variations of the war from their contributions. Some of the soldiers have been medicated during the wars, and some are being treated after the wars. Many have been on medication prior to the war and sent with these medications. This doctrine is going to depict if medications and drugs, whether legal or illicit, have caused a kind of PTSD event within this special group of people. The people that make up the military force and veterans are approximately one percent of the population of the United States. This is a much-diversified group of people. They comprise of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. These are further broken down to reserves and national guards. They also come from different ethnic backgrounds, race, male and female alike. Many reports have been made in the media about the soldiers that have returned about the various treatments they have experienced and care that has been provided them. The purpose of this proposal is to find out if medications have generated a false...
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... This kind of needless torture happens hundreds of times every day as scientists don’t even care if the animal is suffering. Animal testing should be banned because we don’t need the next eyeliner and we have a different body system than animals. Claim: My claim is that we should not do animal testing. First Argument: The first reason why is that they kill animals just to have the next medicine,soap, and food ingredient. My first piece of evidence: Right now there are millions of animals such as dogs, cats, rats, mice, and primates getting tortured just to get the next product of eyeliner. In a recent article by PETA they said that “More than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests”(PETA), just to see if the products work. There are some countries such as Europe are getting away from buying products that were animal tested. China is different, they are continuing to sell animal cosmetics. What are cosmetics? A product applied to the body, especially the face, to improve its appearance. In 2014 “China spent 26.3 billion dollars, just on cosmetics”(Jeanne Kim). This proves that people should not kill animals just to get the next resource. The second piece of evidence: Animals are suffering mentally and physically in the facilities where they are getting treated. In the “United States there are over 1,100 facilities” where dogs, cats, rats, mice, and primates are suffering from all of...
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...Delirium is marked by disorientation without drowsiness, hallucinations, delusions; difficulty in focusing attention; inability to rest and physical and autonomic over activity. Common causes of delirium are drug and alcohol withdrawal; medication side effects, infections, pain surgery or trauma, hypoxia, and acid-base electrolyte imbalances. Treatment of delirium includes determining the cause of the delirium. Antipsychotic drugs and benzodiazepines may be used cautiously when other non-pharmacological interventions have failed. (Tabors 2009) Dementia is a progressive irreversible decline in mental function marked by memory impairment and often deficits in reasoning, judgment, abstract thought registration, comprehension, learning, and use of language. Symptoms may take months to years to progress and they include poor judgment, clouding of consciousness and orientation, depression, agitation sleeplessness, Patient may become dependent of activities of daily living. Dementia may result from AIDS, chronic alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, vitamin B12 deficiency, carbon monoxide poising, hypothyroidism and subdural hematomas. 4.5 million People in the U.S are affected by dementia. 20-40% of patients with dementia are over the age of 85. (Tabor’s 2009) Some of the most common drugs used to treat dementia are Tacrine (Cognex), Donepezil (Aricept), Rivastigmine (Exelon), and Galantamine (Razadyne). When administering these medications to a patient it is important to remember that each...
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...its criminal and civil liability arising from the company’s unlawful promotion of certain prescription drugs. GlaxoSmithKline committed unethical behavior by neglecting to turn in all research on their pharmaceuticals. By them not turning in all the research it hid some information that was critical to rather or not the drug was legal and healthy for the prescribed patients. GlaxoSmithKline failed to report certain safety data that could have caused major harm to anybody that used their product. Blinded by the greed and wanting to produce a well profitable product, GlaxoSmithKline withheld the information and released their drugs. With the safety data withheld and the health care representatives still passing out drud samples to hospitals and clinics throughout the United States, this could have caused a significant medical problem. The possibility of the drug medically injuring a patient would be the worst situation imaginable. The patient is not the only one that could have been injured due to the lack of research GlaxoSmithKline announced about the product. The doctors and clinics who the patients received the drugs from would also be hurt. Granted the doctors and clinics would not be hurt physically, their reputation and image could be significantly damaged if they were the ones who prescribed the drugs to the patient that ended up dead, do to a side effect that the drug caused. Doctors and clinics could lose some previous patients and creditability, but one group of individuals...
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...Study drugs in the USA How much pressure is too much pressure? Family, friends, social events, hobbies, a job and outstanding grades – how much is too much for the average teenager? Nevertheless, does the enormous pressure justify the use of ‘’smart pills’’? What about ethics and standards? To the head of the class, but at what price? The non-fiction text ‘’Do ‘study’ Drugs’ Breed a Nation of Winners or – Cheaters?’’ written by David Sack and published in 2012 shows a great example of this increasing issue. That guides me to the genre and sender of the text, which is a non-fiction article written by David Sack. The article was published on Huffington Post website on July 19, 2012. The article is probably intended for young people/students to read, to show them the many consequences of ‘’study drugs/smart pills’’. The article is relevant due to the lack of knowledge on the topic ‘’study drugs’’, which is teenage students consuming prescription drugs to gain higher grades in school. The topic is conveyed negatively because it mostly focuses on the consequences instead of the good things. That leads me to the structure of the non-fiction text. In the beginning of the article, the author describes the current situation in USA by writing: ‘’ Is this obsession with achievement equipping our children for real life? Or are they simply getting the message that it’s no longer about how they play the game, but about winning at all costs? ‘’. Sack then explains the term ‘’study drugs’’/‘’smart...
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...Pill by Ken Blanchard and Marc Muchnick. They relay a parable of a pill that one can take that encompasses all of the attributes of a highly successful manager. Although many peoples’ stories warrant justifiable consideration, it is questionable to me as to whether the explanations of others are the truth. This is a difficult topic for me, and I believe that it would be difficult for most people. I did not realize that this book entailed actually taking a drug. This totally weirded me out. According to this book, it seems as though middle management is a bit ignored as long as they do their job acceptably. The Leadership Pill was a good book and not only made me think, it made me learn. These people wonder whether or not such a pill would be a miracle or a hindrance. It made me smile a bit when it spoke of its various hypothetical drug interactions. How nice it would be to simply be able to take a Leaderhip Pill, and then have everything work well. However, some people like me have a weird fear of drugs and would be afraid to take anything, well, at all. ( I would hate to see myself as a resistant old person. I hate taking my vitamins as it is. ) I really am glad that I was able to take this class. There are so many that I am required to take that just take the joy out of my life and make me question my sanity. I do not understand how anyone could have any sort of passion about finance. I often wonder if there is anyone else who wanted a marketing masters but...
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...tactics to motivate his audience to take such actions. A reformed drug addict can inspire teenagers to prevent drug abuse, for example, or a former managing director, the company can now talk to the vendors to boost morale. The ultimate goal of an effective motivational speaker is to convince his audience to do some kind of personal or professional change in themselves. A former New York detective named David Toma is perhaps one of the most recognized motivational speakers in the United States. Toma personally witnessed the devastating effects...
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... Anali Khalil Case Analysis 2 November 1, 2015 I. Client Psycho-Social Brandy is a 32-year-old Mexican mother of two, who is currently seeking treatment for heroine and alcohol use. Brandy was recently arrested for possession and distribution of heroin, and was court ordered to comply with substance-abuse classes. During intake, Brandy states that she has been using heroin for the last four years. Brandy states that after she had her twins, she felt very alone and overwhelmed. Although Brandy is still with the father of her children, she states that her significant other works 13 hour days, which gives her plenty of time to use. Aside from her regular heroine use, Brandy also states that she regularly drinks bottles of wine on a weekly basis. Brandy states that as a child, she remembers her mother regularly drinking wine, at times even sending her to the refrigerator to pour her another cup. Although Brandy has never been in trouble previously, she states she has considered treatment often. Brandy states that the longest time she has been sober from alcohol was for about 3 to 4 days. She states the longest she has not used heroin was 2 days. At this time, Brandy states that she wishes to get treatment for her heroin use. Brandy insists that her alcohol use does not negatively affect her, however not only did she lose her job due to an alcohol binge 3 years ago, but she also has had several marital issues that have put her on the brink of divorce. In addition, Brandy...
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...that’s what it’s all about. The idea of becoming a top athlete is a dream many athletes hope to achieve regardless of the means of achieving this dream. Many athletes resort to the use of performing enhancing drugs, steroids as such, to reach the top and become the best. The film, “Bigger, Faster, Stronger,” by Christopher Bell, released January 19, 2008, shares the struggle he and his brothers faced with the use of steroids while trying to become more like their idolized characters, such as Hulk Hogan, Rocky, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film is a sport documentary that shows the win at all cost lifestyle, that many athletes have taken in, from the viewpoint of bodybuilding and performance enhancing drugs. It also examines the inconsistency of the views on...
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...Secondly, the results of professional athletes using steroids is harmful to the fans. Albert Schweitzer, once quoted “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” In the article “Let steroids Into the Hall of Fame” written by Zev Chafets, he writes a major key point about “People thinking that steroids can set a bad example to the young athletes”. Younger fans hearing of their heroes using enhancement drugs can be harmful to their health and to their life. Children and the way they think are very persuasive. Players should think about the impact they have on the lives of children. Some children may believe that the only way that they are ever going to carry out anything in sports, is by using performance enhancement...
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...1. Mr Green is a 52-year-old male that has a chief complaint of a red rash that has been present for five days. He notes only occasional itching from the rash. Name five questions from 3 different systems to assess a cause of this patient’s rash. 1) Are you experiencing any pain, fever, chills, or malaise with this rash? 2) Is there any tenderness or enlargement of your lymph nodes? 3) Do you have any shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and or cough? 4) Have you noticed any pigmentation or texture changes to your skin? 5) Have you made changes in your diet and or have food restrictions due to an allergy? 2. A 67-year-old Caucasian female presents to you with a chief complaint of severe fatigue and weight loss. She notes that she has some a few dark spots on her neck and chest that she is worried about. Proceed by beginning the interview with obtaining a history of present illness (HPI) with this patient. Include OLDCARTS and ROS for at least 2 different systems 1) When did you start to have severe fatigue and weight loss? Did the dark spots appear at the same time or after? 2) Would you describe your weight loss and fatigue as generalized? 3) Has the fatigue and weight loss been consistent? Do the spots on your skin disappear? 4) How would you describe the fatigue and weight loss? Is there any pain, swelling, redness, drainage to these spots? 5) Does anything make you feel more fatigued? 6) What has helped you combat the weight loss and fatigue...
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