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Dual Enrollment Analysis

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Dual Enrollment English 112 is a pre-college composition course provided to the students at Brooke Point High School. Students must have completed Dual Enrollment English 111 to move on to this course. Similar to English 111, English 112 continues to develop college writing while putting emphasis on critical essays, argumentive styles, and research. The second semester of Dual Enrollment will have taught me how to accurately embed research into my papers by locating, evaluating, and documenting APA format, while effectively editing for style and usage.
In this last semester of English 112, our class has written four different types of papers to improve our writing skills and show the importance of research.
The first paper written in Dual Enrollment …show more content…
The synonym for the word ‘crimes’ used in the book is ‘sin’.
Spirituality is exampled in the play by King Hamlet stating that sins have been committed against him. King Hamlet could either be talking about the person who murdered him, or
King Claudius, his brother, marrying Gertrude after Hamlet has passed.”
I analyzed the text by putting emphasis on certain words and what they mean while explaining the play into simple terms for the reader. Many weaknesses could have been prevented in my paper. The main weakness in the text was the scarce amount of research. I used Shakespeare’s play as one of only two references. I did not utilize my time wisely researching for databases that described and support my topics. Another weakness of my literary analysis was word choice and structure. The revising process did not go as thoroughly as it should have which cost me the grade I received. I know now that researching and revising are the most important aspects of a paper. The last paper I had for Dual Enrollment English 112 was the multi-genre project piece.
This assignment gave students the choice to research and write on anything we were passionate about. I am not very passionate about one specific item so I decided to write about education

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