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Duke Lacrosse Scandal Analysis

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“In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In North Carolina, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories” (Law and Order Special Victims Unit). Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, March 13, 2006. March 13, 2016 was a night that will go down in history not only for the victims but for people all around the world. A scandal, that shocked millions of people. The scandal that involved three Duke Lacrosse players from the University of Duke, in Durham, North Carolina. This case keeps you on your toes, and makes you question everything that happened. What happened? Is the evidence true? Are the Duke Lacrosse players …show more content…
The media plays a huge role in how news travels. If it’s by newspaper, online newspapers, social media, news travels fast all around the world and this scandal was no exception. Media plays a major role in Public Relations as a whole. Public Relations is a field that is dedicated to making sure that the stories going out to the public are true and real. With a case like this one, many people had strong opinions that they wanted people to see, even if they didn't know all the evidence. Many were quick to judge, and many were sympathetic in the situation. Does the media persuade others opinions on how they feel about a topic? Going behind the scenes of this story, and figuring out how the media played a role in this epic situation, and how many people could share their views to influence what other people thought is a big topic. Not only is the evidence found and the twist and turns that come along with the findings an interesting part of this story, but it’s what was being talked about all across the country that was even

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