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Dwn Jones


Submitted By Rusul0
Words 293
Pages 2
Rusul Meften,
Dec- 2-2015

The Dow Jones Average

1. On May 26, 1896 for the first time an average consisting entirely of 12 industrial stocks is published. To see the list of these 12 companies (as well as all such lists from 1896 to the present),. On October 4, 1916 it was calculated on the stock prices of 20 companies and finally on October 1, 1928 it was increased to 30 companies, the same number as it is today.

2. A stock exchange based in New York City, which is considered the largest equities-based exchange in the world based on total market capitalization of its listed securities. A market index tracks the performance of a specific "basket" of stocks considered to represent a particular market or sector of the U.S. stock market or the economy. There are indices for almost every conceivable sector of the economy and stock market. Many investors are familiar with these indices through index funds and exchange-traded funds whose investment objectives are to track the performance of a particular index.

3. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is important to investors because it is a model for investment products. The Dow Jones Company licenses its index for the creation of mutual funds, exchange traded funds and futures investments. These products trade not only on the U.S. exchanges, but also on international exchanges in Tokyo, London and Toronto. This gives the DJIA added significance for investors worldwide. Also The Dow Jones is important to investors because it tracks the price of 30 stocks of large, familiar and well-managed companies in the United States. It excludes utility and transportation stocks, but its component sectors include industrials, technology, consumer services and oil and gas, among others.

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