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Dying To Be Thin Summary

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Watching the video “Dying to be Thin” as well as reading the two articles provided by Dr. Chen opened my eyes to numerous facts and implications regarding the issues raised for the diagnosis of an eating disorder. The majority of the video talked about the disorders of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Learning that eating disorders lead amongst other DSM disorders in most deaths is a huge issue raised in the documentary. Furthemore, the treatment of an eating disorder often takes place in steps, first ensuring the patient’s health and then delving into deeper issues. This treatment process needs further exploration and insight as to the complexities of a specific eating disorder. Seeing how anxiety serves as a key preliminary factor often seen in childhood pinpoints yet another implication seen.
The two articles serve as one of the first qualitative research designs used to measure a DSM diagnosis. By giving the factors studied a specific description, the researchers provided easy interpretation. However, this …show more content…
The articles described symptoms (pro-codes and anti-codes in both studies) that were thought to be hallmarks of an eating disorder as only affecting a certain percentage of the participants. This new information changes the way our field should view an eating disorder. The information can impact the treatment of eating disorders. It seems as though many of the participants showed a wide range of symptoms associated with their disorder, but not all shared the same ones, depicting differences between individuals diagnosed with the same disorder! With such variation it would be interesting to see if eating disorders, such as Anorexia and Bulimia, could fall onto a spectrum. As discussed previously in class, the DSM 5 has begun to place disorders onto a spectrum. I believe a spectrum could potentially work for eating

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