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Dymorphism In America

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Pages 5
America, the land of the free and the home of the brave; the place where many dream of coming to give their families a better life, better opportunity , and a different life style than what they are used to . America is a place of opportunity, were dreams can come true with hard work and dedication. Everyone has a different outlook on America the dream for every man and woman will be different. Men and women always are put against each other. Even though we live in the land of opportunity and dreams come true everyday there is still and issue; America is the home of the double standard. Sexual dimorphism is a known term as a physical difference between males and females of species. Only in this case female and males are very similar when it comes to physical appearances. Only differences that are there are that sex roles that are given to help reproduction, while others are just there to tell us apart from each other to add attraction to the opposite sex. This makes us different from the animals that are created, like the peacocks far outclass peahens, for example, while the female anglerfish outsize and outwit their not so smart counterparts. One example is women have breasts while mean have chest. The women …show more content…
Throughout all of their life men usually grow a lot more hair than women do on the count of sex hormones. The hormone known as androgens stimulates hair growth and men just have more than females do. Evolutionary psychologist believes beards came in to play when women found men with the hair there more attractive. This cause arises because beards not only show high testosterone levels but show sexual maturity. As in a way that women breast can do the same for a male. Again it helps establish certain dominance among others giving them the upper hand. Although this seems all good and dandy that same testosterone can cause a man to go bald

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