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Track Team-Personal Narrative

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Growing up, I always wanted to be good at something. I always tried to play every sport. I was searching and looking for my niche. Every sport I tried to play I had to work hard at just to be decent at it. Yet, I was not as good as my peers. I was not a naturally talented kid at anything, or so I thought. For the time in my eighth grade school year I tried out for the track team. Starting off my coach put me in the 200m dash. Not knowing what any of us eighth grade kids could run; we all started off with sprints until coach found out. The first track meet arrived and I was extremely nervous. When I was younger I always raced outside, and to my knowledge I was quite fast too. The day was Thursday and the first middle school track meet was …show more content…
When I reached the line I noticed my breathing was heavy, my legs had begun to shake, and my palms were extremely sweaty. The starter gun was held up in the air, and the starter began to say, “On your mark.”, then “Pow!” the gun was fired. I launched from the start with a quick burst, I ran with my head held down and my shoulders and my shoulders up. While running all I heard were footsteps and the whistling of the air as four people passed me to the finish line. The race was over and I came in second to last. I was so distraught and mentally crushed. All I could think was, “Why can’t I be good at anything!?” but my coach thought different. My coach came to me actually excited screaming, “Perfect, Perfect, I know what your event is now!”.” My coach told me that day, “Don’t hang your head down, you are a middle distance sprinter.” Hearing that I was very confused because obviously I was anything but a sprinter. My coach said, “Trust him, next week when you run the 800m and the 400m races you will kill it!”. Then that next week came sure enough and I feel the same as I did last week. Expecting the same outcome as in the 200m run: I went into the race already distraught. I reached the starting line and, all I

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